FeTishDoLL - The story of Paula

Part 28 - Trouble With Cops

Is it just me or is there some reason that when you think things can't get worse, they do? There I am almost completely naked and standing in the middle of the highway and suddenly I hear the unmistakable "bleep, bleep" of a cop car! But sometimes when you think that something is the most horrible thing that could ever happen to you, it is actually a blessing in disguise.

I was taken in the cop car back to the station or whatever you call it. I mean I was expecting something like you see in all those cop shows, or maybe something more like the Andy Griffith show, but what I got was something like an office building. Cops kept coming by and shaking their fucking heads at me like I was some pathetic child that they all felt they needed to chastise. Only thing is, I think I probably sat there like a child, pouting, angry, and still nothing to get cleaned up with.
The cop that picked me up was a woman, officer Karen Muschin. When she picked me up I was so angry and so out of sorts that I hadn't even noticed that she was really very cute. But the uniform made her look like she was maybe 150-160 lbs. Yuck! I wasn't even gonna half be attracted to that! Plus I couldn't seem to get Karen or any of the other cops to understand why I needed to go to the bathroom and clean off.
"Can I go wash off now?!" I spat the words out like venom.
"I need you to explain it all to me one more time." She said very matter of fact.
"God damn it people! I have some rapist's cum drying on my chest and all you fucking care about is your fucking paper work?!"
"Rape? Someone raped you? Who raped you?" Karen looked at me like I was lying.
"Ahhhhgghhhhh!" I was fuming mad. I was beyond mad, I was ready to go for a gun and start shooting these Barny fucks! I think it was either the way I was looking or the way I was starting to tear up, but Karen suddenly took me to a bathroom.
Thank GOD!

Finally I gave them the statement, talked with the shrink-o on duty and they called my Mom.
Not home, of course.
They had picked up Skeet's skanky ass in a gas station near the border and after getting a statement from him, Karen's superiors weren't at all listening to me. In fact they were ready to try to throw something at me, anything they could think up to charge me with. Of course the most obvious was indecent exposure. They started telling me about jail time and my record and my tough bitch exterior melted. I just started crying. It was probably the best thing I could have done. But I cried and I told them that I was raped. It was like talking to stone. They didn't care. The social worker, shrink chic stepped in and I was all like, "Don't I get a phone call?"
"Right now you aren't under arrest." Karen said sympathetically, "the phones are over there and you can call anyone you like. Do you have family near by?"
I ignored her and ran to the phones. But no money! No GOD DAMN MONEY!
"Here, use my calling card." Karen said. She looked at me very sweetly. Something said she believed me, but the nature of her job and everything, she wasn't going to be able to do much more. I dialed Tina, prayed and got the answering machine. I left a panicked message that Tina still gives me shit about to this day. Then it hit me! Someone to call! Desire! If only Mom hadn't deleted the messages off the machine, I knew there was one on there before I split that had Desire's phone number and she was telling me to call her.
Please, please, please.
"You have 3 new messages and 8 saved messages....blah, blah, blah."
After going through all the options (cause I never do this shit) I found it! Called it! And...
"I..is Du..Desire there?" I hadn't really realized how absolutely pathetic and scared I could sound until that moment. I must have sounded pretty bad because Desire didn't recognize my voice at all.
"Who is this?"
"Paula! How is it girl! What's going on? Finally come to your senses?"
"Well, actually I'm at a police station, I think I'm going to be arrested."
Now there is a reason that Desire is a professional Dominatrix and a reason that she gets respect from everyone around her. Desire makes things happen!
Within minutes my "cousin" was there to pick me up. I don't know who this woman was, I didn't know where she came from, but she went in and talked with the police and within about 10 minutes there wasn't a single person who was looking at me. Soon papers were being signed and stamped and things were being done and I didn't quite realize how much my life had changed at that moment, but I was out the door and free of the cops! That was all I cared about.

"So how old are you?" My "cousin" looked at me as we sat in her living room and ate popcorn and drank 7-up.
"I'm 18." I said shyly. Somehow all that had happened had taken the spunk right out of me and I felt like I was 12.
"Yeah, ok. But you know that when Desire gets here you better tell the truth.
"I am telling the truth!" I said defensively.
"Sure, sure" My "cousin" was blond from a bottle, she had a tan that doesn't exist in nature and she had nails that looked too long for her to do much of anything besides flash them around. She was one of these women that I honestly had no idea what she was about, what she was into and what the hell she was going to do next.
"Well, listen..." My blond cousin said suddenly, "...I don't know about you, but I'm tired and nasty and I think you and I need a bath. Does that sound good?"
"Oh, don't look like a stray dog just bit you! I know you've taken a bath with women before haven't you?"
"Ok then. Let's go and take a bath, talk some girl talk and then go to bed. It'll be fun!"
Yeah, it'll be fun! I wasn't sure how much fun it was going to be, but I was far from caring at this point. This woman was taking advantage of me and she was taking advantage of this situation, but I didn't care what happened, as long as I got a proper bath and a proper nights sleep...I would be in heaven.

On to Part 29: Desire's Game