PAPAS and AWSOME Present:
AWESOME Girls in the Workplace
by Persephone
(A motivational poster for the employee break room)
teenie sex2

At PAPAS* we value the beauty and innate sexuality of each and every blossoming young girl; and we encourage parents, teachers, counselors and employers to foster their growth and development.

PAPAS, working in collaboration with the AWSOME** program, want to make every sexy teenage girl's work experience one to remember. All girls between the ages of 15 and 18 are encouraged to participate.

Here are a few simple guidelines to remember:

To the employee:
If this is your first job, congratulations! We know you are excited about earning a paycheck and becoming more independent, as well as being able to express your sexuality at the workplace.

  1. Unless you are very lucky, your boss hired you to do a job, and your work-related responsibilities should come first.
  2. If you are very lucky, you were hired for sex! Welcome to the wonderful world of teenage prostitution!
  3. Complete your work-related tasks in as professional a manner as possible. Be on time. You want your boss to know that you are more than just a pretty piece.
  4. Be polite, courteous and professional to your customers, even when you are flashing your pussy or sucking a lucky customer's cock.
  5. Be sexy! Wear sexy, revealing clothes, flash for your coworkers or customers, practice promiscuity. Sex? Yes please!

  1. If your job requires a uniform, talk to your employer about how you can improve it. If you are supposed to wear pants, ask if you can wear a skirt. Then make it a very short skirt. Without panties. If your employer insists on pants, wear them open and unzipped to show off your mons and clit. Shave or style your pussy hair. Or, ask if you can cut the pants to allow sufficient ventilation (and viewing).
  2. If you have a T shirt top, crop it to a micro top or cut slits so your boobies and nipples will poke through.
  3. If your boss is obliging, see if he'll let you come to work naked. Naked always wins!
  4. But remember that some places of employment have to observe state health codes. If bare is forbidden, try see-thru instead!
  5. If your uniform allows groping or touching, let everyone do it! Letting customers feel your boobs or finger your pussy will make everyone admire you, and your tips will skyrocket!

Sex At Work:
  1. Do it!
  2. It will make you a popular employee. Your boss and coworkers will always be eager to work with you, and will find ways to express their appreciation.
  3. Be courteous and respectful. Always say 'please' and 'thank you' when sucking cocks or fucking coworkers and happy customers, and call them sir or ma'am.

To the Employer:
Always be a good manager

  1. If you employ teenagers in a business such as a mall store, retail outlet, or fast food restaurant, this may be the first chance a girl gets to display her budding sexuality outside the home or classroom. This can be a unique opportunity for her, you, and your business.
  2. If this is her first job, when she clocks in you become her teacher, parental figure, and coach. You will be responsible for her professional training and sexual development.
  3. If you require your employees to wear a uniform, help your AWSOME employee improve hers. Work with her to create sexy, revealing clothes. Be encouraging and accommodating.

Understanding an AWSOME employee
  1. As an AWSOME girl, she has decided to share her developing sexuality, which will certainly be enhanced by her innocence and young age. She will dress provocatively and express her sexuality in a way that is sure to bring more customers into your store. This is a win-win for you and your business - you have an employee whose natural charms will provide free word-of-mouth advertising, a compelling visual invitation to enter your store, and even a beautiful slut who will sometimes need or offer sexual relief at work. (If you think of the back office with the door closed as a good place to express your appreciation for her charms, you are living in the past. This is the 21st century! Use this opportunity to show gratitude out in the open, on the sales floor or on a dining table. She'll thank you for it, and so will your customers!)
  2. If you have a dress code, you should modify it to accommodate AWSOME program standards and her own sexual desires and expression. Encourage her to expose herself frequently, to her coworkers and to her customers.
  3. Groping is encouraged - fingering your sexy young employee while she is serving a customer is a great ice-breaker!
  4. Use her charm and sexuality to your company's advantage. Let her be as visible as possible, and let her entice customers with her sexiness.
  5. Remember that she is an employee first, and a sex object second. Make sure she performs her professional duties, even if neither of you can think of anything but sex. We don't blame you, but remember, you have to stay in business to keep promoting teen sex!

* Parents Association for the Promotion of Adolescent Sex
The Adolescent Waiver for Sexual Observation and Mutual Experimentation program

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