White Ink

Erotic Fiction by Pleasure Boy 1




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About the Author

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Ken Randall, popularly known as Pleasure Boy 1, is a thirty-something Canadian guy who has been writing since he was 11 years old. He began writing erotic fiction in 1999 at home on his old 486 computer, using Windows Notepad. These stories were lost in a computer crash however. This is probably a good thing though, as his writing was probably not very good back then.

His more serious erotic fiction writing began with a posting of the true story of his first sex on a website called MyFirstTime.com (story 8115 under the name "Kevin"). After spending multiple hours writing, re-writing, and editing the thing, he was dismayed to see it lost in the archives, buried under thousands of other stories. So he copied the text from the site and posted it to an erotic fiction archive on ASSTR.org known as The Kristen Archives. His original posting is still there, along with several other of his earlier works including Mystery Woman, Sherrie Baby, and Contact (see directories 18 & 19).

In 2002, he found a link from the Kristen Archive to storiesonline.net, one of the best erotic fiction websites on the internet. He began writing and posting like mad, spurred on by the feedback and critiques of thousands of readers. In 2003, "Sex God" was nominated for a Golden Clitoride in the Best Serial category. "Charlotte's Movie" was nominated for the same category in 2004. Pleasure Boy 1 was nominated for Author of the Year for 2006.

In 2005 he was accepted into a rather prestigious creative writing course and his work has shown notable improvement. His current opus, Charlotte's Movie, is read by an average of 3000 people a week and is nearly complete. He's also working on an anthology of his coming-of-age stories which is tentatively titled "Wings of Innocence". Wings of Innocence and Charlotte's Movie should be available for sale on Lulu.com by summer or 2007.

Ken's writing influences include, among other things, The Romance of Lust, a novel he found in a box of old books in a neighborhood garage when he was around nine years old or so. It messed him up for many years with its graphic depictions of sex of all types and varieties. Around the age of 14, he got into Piers Anthony's Xanth books and had his first taste of Stephen King with Cujo and Pet Semetary. Around 1999 or so, he read a story called Young Cherry Cheerleader by Tomcat7. It's subject matter was compelling enough, and the writing was decent, but the characters were so atrociously one-dimensional that it drove Ken to write some erotica of his own. Thus Pleasure Boy 1 was born. Thanks, Tom.

Pleasure Boy 1, is currently a starving artist, however, barely able to make ends meet. He copes with the stress through writing and continues to fight the wolves from his door with whatever freelance work he can get. If you've enjoyed his stories and wish to make a donation to his cause, please email him for details. Your kindness is greatly appreciated.