This site is for the entertainment of
interested adults.

Mr. Somers writes about children indulging in sexual activities. In most stories a preteen girl, usually wearing a short skirt or silky nightgown, has a happy or even joyful sexual experience. Her partner is usually an older boy, cousin, neighbor, or perhaps an uncle. In the Brady Bunch series, the kids are the focus of the story.

There is rarely any violence or coercion.

One set of stories is set in a Catholic school where all the girls wear those short little pleated uniform skirts. Another set of stories is written in the style of a primer for grade school children. There is also a description of computer software Mr. Somers once tried to write to generate random stories involving sex play.

Click here if you want to read Mr. Somers' stories now that you know more about them.

These stories are not a threat to children

Mr. Somers has read a lot studies on the implications of pornography.

One thing is obvious if you really look at the statistics: porn does not cause sex crimes.

If anything, the statistics suggest that porn reduces sex crimes. Several studies have reported that sex crimes are less common in places where porn is tolerated (Italy, Scandanavia, Japan), and that sex crimes are more common in places that restrict porn (the Middle East, China). It's rude to subject people to porn who don't want it, but otherwise such stories are irrelevant and harmless.

Mr. Somers has not created this site on the assumption that he will reduce the incidence of sex crimes or child abuse, but he firmly believes that this site does not put children at risk.

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Do such stories make you mad? Do you really care about children?

Mr. Somers believes it is far better to use imagination to indulge in child sexuality, and to do so in print, than to have such things happen for-real to real children.

If you wish to protect children from abuse, or to otherwise better their welfare, then you should get off the Internet and volunteer with a local youth group. There is nothing more valuable to a growing child than time spent with a caring adult. And there are never enough grownups willing to donate their time. If you are visiting this site to "assess the threat of pornography to today's youth," or as part of a similar, pointless crusade, then please stop wasting your time. Do something that really helps kids and you'll do a true service for all of us. This site isn't important enough to merit your attention.

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