From Will's
Happy Kids Site

Notes on Stories

by Will Somers

Just a place to comment on these stories when so motivated.

Will Somers Index

These comments are added chronologically with the most recent appearing first. I usually post them along with, or shortly after, the stories themselves. The date in US format (month/day/year) follow most entries.

My Winter Contribution

I'm posting a large batch of new items and I'm going to comment on all of them at once. Some stories have been "almost finished" for a while; a couple had been waiting years for finishing touches. 1/3/08.

The Real Brady Bunch: Fragments of unfinished Real Brady Bunch stories have been wasting bits on my hard drive for years. This one was almost finished, so I did the deed.

The Twisted Primer: This contribution brings a whole batch of new material to the Twisted Primer. For now I'm not inspired to write my naughty 'health text' for grade school children.

Commentary: I doubt my commentaries are interesting to many people, but I enjoy writing them. I suppose The Teller is the model of what I like to write: something with some facts and/or experience wrapped around personal interpretation, opinion, and venting.

Story Codes: I have also gone through and updated story codes on older files to include 'parody' where appropriate (i.e. on most of them). I've also gone through to ensure that 'cons' is in the right place. I've used '1st' whenever there's a first time genital contact, especially if an orgasm takes place - that seems appropriate, though it may cover more ground than other uses of the code.

The Chapel Helper

This one basically wrote itself. Mary was given the job of helping Kevin in the childrens' chapel, and everything fell right into place. The time seems to be the 1960s, based on Mary's underfashions.

I seem to have fallen into writing a sort of burlesque of the didactic childrens' story - tales intended to show children how to behave in polite society, with a twist, of course. I've been looking at some '70s writings on child sexuality and they almost inspire me to rewrite the whole series. The revised series would introduce simple sex play among younger children in the first story, and progress to increasingly intimate - and sophisticated - play by older children in subsequent stories. Each story would introduce the reader to some new activity ("to try with their friends" I guess).

For some reason I find myself most comfortable writing in a voice that involves children of the mid-20th century. I'd kind of like to write something contemporary, but that's more an intellectual urge than anything else. I'm not inspired to write something contemporary, and I only like to write when I'm inspired, so I'll probably stick to stories about the 'good old days.' 5/1/07

Invisible Changes

No, this isn't a story whose title doesn't appear on the index page. It's just that I've been fixing nits in the story files.

One of the challenges of posting a story to ASSTR is to make it as visitor-friendly as possible. I try to do that with an entertaining home page, matching text files in a comfortable format, and by making judicious use of ASSTR standard headers and story codes. The down side is that I have to look out for errors and inconsistencies. Here is what I try to do:

When you run your mouse over the list of recently posted stories on the ASSTR home page, standard header contents will pop up for the story you're pointing to. As I was doing that on some recently posted stories, I noticed that the header contents didn't match my expectations. So I had to go through and check them all. Today I've posted revised files. 2/28/07.

A Warm Night at Green Gables

I've been a fan of Lucy Maud Montgomery and her 'red headed snippet' Anne Shirley for years.

In a perfect universe, a girl like Anne couldn't possibly delay erotic pleasures, or necking for that matter, until she gets married at 25. Her eternally open and cheerful outlook would have to extend to her sexuality, despite any unhappy incidents from her younger days.

If Montgomery had been writing fiction a hundred years later, her characters would be as sexed up as anyone else in a modern novel. There's often a sexual, or at least sensual, undercurrent in her work. Take a look at Kilmeny of the Orchard where music neatly substitutes for sex. I'm not sure how this would appear in her childrens' books, but it's interesting to think about.

I'm hoping that I'll be inspired to write more about Anne. Maybe something comic, building on an incident like the one with the leaky boat ("Why, it's so romantic!"). 2/12/07.

The Movie Producer, 1938

This was inspired by the kids showing Jimmy Stewart how to dance "the Big Apple" in Frank Capra's You Can't Take It with You. Talk about kicky skirts! The kids are uncredited, but said to be Patty Thomas, Gloria Browne, and Dorothy Babb, the last of which turned twelve a couple of months before the movie was released. 1/4/07.

The Lost Shoes

In general, I write stories only as the spirit moves me. Once in a while I've tried to finish a story by sheer willpower before it was really ready. The results have been pretty depressing.

Becky, the main character of The Lost Shoes, is rather too young for my taste, but this story seemed to write itself. I don't argue with the muse. 10/6/06.

The "Real Brady Bunch" Series

I had written several of stories for my own entertainment by the time I got around to actually sharing some with others. The stories After Hours and Skipping Homework were posted to some time in 1992. Back then, the only Brady Bunch sex stories I'd seen were generic orgies that just plugged in the characters' names. I thought it would be more fun to include a few elements of the (admittedly cardboard) personae from the actual series.

For those who are obsessed with continuity, I acknowledge that there are bits (in addition to the provocative clothing and sex play) that just couldn't have happened in the real series. In particular, VCRs and home video play a role in some stories, even though the technology didn't really appear until a decade after the TV series. Hey, this is fiction after all.

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