[NiS, naked, teen, hs, exhib, voy, pett, oral, mf]

Day: Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Weekend

Chapter: The First | The Second | The Third

This is my first attempt at a Naked in School story. It is set in south-east England at the same time as the Heather collection, with both schools being part of a limited trial at re-introducing The Program to Britain after a disaster the first time around. I apologise that it is slightly out of canon with the Heather collection, which was written as it being the only school on the trial at the time. The fault was entirely mine, I'd written a good deal of this before I'd been directed to the Heather collection. A lot of the events in my story revolve around it being in the first wave of schools, so I couldn't alter my story too much. As a bit of background to those not familiar with my little corner of the country, it has, even in the liberated world of the Naked In School Universe, a deserved reputation for teenage promiscuity and recreational drug taking. It is set in the fictional town of Burntfield, which is a lightly disguised commuter town just outside the boundaries of the Great Cesspool that we call London.


I love late Easters. This year Easter was towards the end of April, so only two short half terms till summer holidays. Sunny days on the field, teachers concentrating more on their two weeks camping holiday in the Loire than on forcing us to churn out work. Oh yes, and those bastard Year 11s are taking their exams so will be too stressed to notice.

I'm Jim, 15, in Year 10 of Burntfield County High School in Essex, England. I wouldn't say I'm your average student, but then again, I hate being seen as just average. Let's start with the physical, I'm just under 5ft 10 tall, stocky and with the kinda of stomach that comes from having a slow metabolism and a Jewish mother! I'm not actually unfit, I just maintain the body fat. Honest!!

I actually play rugby for my school and town and if it wasn't for injuries, I could have made the county squad. Or at least I like to think so! Still, with a sub 12-second 100 metres and over 13 stones (180 pounds) in weight, it takes a brave person to want to try and stop me. I also like cycling, 10 or 15 mile rides in the country are great for getting my mind away from problems at home and school. My favourite sport is football (soccer to you from over the pond); however my strength and speed don't compensate for my lack of coordination. True, I've come up with bizarre tricks and stuff on occasion, but I've never moved past the last pick in the lunchtime kick-abouts. Anything that needs something more than brute force and ignorance, and I'm pretty much stumped. But hell, I'm not gonna let that spoil my fun!

As a student, well, this is where I should blow my own trumpet. Well, I've never got anybody else to. I'm one of the best students in school. Well, if you look past the unreadable writing (my brain is too fast for my hand), my laziness and my lack of organisation, I've got most things going for me. I can't really draw, and am pretty poor in technology, but most other subjects, I have nailed. It can only help that until last year my mum taught here, so all the teachers know me.

So that's the CV (or resumé if you prefer) done, but what about me? I'm pretty sure somewhere there is a signed piece of paper saying that I am a comic genius. And I didn't even sign it. Yep, I'm one of those annoying kids who thinks that he knows more than the teacher so will try and line them up for awkward questions and silly jokes. Most of my mates expect me to be always smiling and joking, I think they are glad that I've worked off most of my temper that I had lower down the school. Smiling, joking with the guys is great. Flushing red anytime a girl comes near me isn't. I can invent many reasons for it, but just put simply, I was an absolute failure with the girls. Sure, girls liked me, as a friend and as somebody to torture with a barrage of flirting. Once or twice, girls have asked me out, and even though I wanted to say yes, my mouth had other ideas.

Now I know that many of the people reading this will be in America, so I might as well explain about my school. It's in a posh part of the county of Essex, near London. Search the web for Essex girls jokes, they are mostly true (not that I would have personal experience). Essex girls have a reputation for knickers down first, asking names (note use of the plural) later. We are a normal high school taking in kids from 11 (Year 7) to 16 (Year 11) and we have a 6th form for kids up to 18. There are just over a thousand of us in all. We have a uniform, smart shirt and trousers and a blue blazer. Yes it is uncomfortable, but it's better than the green, brown or other bizarre uniforms I see around from other schools. The 6th form don't have a uniform.

Still, no complaints. I'd done all my work. I had remembered to get the report of the trial and conviction of Mel Gibson on hate crimes charges and I'd done my Presentation for Citizenship classes. I had to write about how the advances in contraception, abolition of all STDs and the effect of various events around the world had led to a much more relaxed attitude towards teenage-sex over the last decade. Hell, the amount of naked women and sex stories sold in mags aimed at kids younger than me, it would have given people heart attacks a decade or two ago. Two years ago they lowered the age of consent down to 11, providing the partner was less than five years older than them. At least now they don't have to label Romeo and Juliet as kiddie porn!

I finished walking up the path from the station. I was the only kid from my town to go to the school, I started going here cause my mum worked here, and I stayed on after she left. I think I burnt too many bridges with the kids from my old school when I didn't go to the local secondary. It was a surprisingly enjoyable trip. I sat, as I normally did, with two girls from the Catholic school next to mine. We normally had kids from another school with us, but they don't come back for another week. I can just about talk to the two girls. Just.

I hung around the front of the school with a few mates. As usual, catching up on holidays, sci-fi, etc. The bell went so we trekked up to the science department where our form room was. Our tutor arrived with a mug of steaming coffee. I was sitting up on a workbench, chatting. Since I'd been awake for hours, I was ready and chatting; my friends who lived nearby were still half asleep.

"You will be pleased to hear that there is not going to be a whole school assembly today," the announcement by Mr. George was greeted by cheers. Not least by me, I seem to lose all feeling in my legs as we are crunched into the sports hall. "Could Jim Morton please head down to the library at once? Lois Green, could you report to the school nurse then join Mr. Morton in the library? Take your bags with you, this may last a little while."

I waited for Lois then we walked down together. I liked her. Okay, if I could convince my mouth to ask them, there were a lot of girls in my year I would like to get to know better. She was born in January, on the same day as me. She was cute, rather too thin for my ideal, but cute. She gets teased about having the chest of an ironing board but she seems to laugh it off. She was a dedicated Christian, something that tended to spark off conversations between us, but rumours have it that her group of Christians were into sharing the love. We pondered on what it could be about, but aside from a belated birthday party, could come up with nothing.

There was a small queue of girls at the nurse's office, nobody else from my year in there. I wandered into the library, which contained three other boys from the years below me and a boy from the lower sixth, a very confused girl from the lower sixth, the head teacher, various heads of year and some woman, must be in her twenty somethings, I don't think I recognise her, but something about her seems familiar.

We waited for the girls to join us. It seemed like there was a pair of kids from various years.

The headmaster, Mr. Tame cleared his throat.

"Good morning and welcome back to Burntfield High. I hope you all had a productive Easter."

"Dammit, I knew I forgot something!"

"It wouldn't be the first time, Jim! Looking at the faces in front of me, I guess you are all wondering what you are doing here."

The sixth former, Amanda spoke up, "I'm more concerned with why the nurse just jabbed me in the arse with a needle!" All the girls giggled at that.

"Perhaps they were trying to unfreeze it!" Mike, the other sixth former shot at her, he received a playful slap for his efforts.

I'm sure at least half the boys in the school had fantasies about Amanda. To put it nicely, I doubt she'd ever be a supermodel; she was barely 5ft tall and nicely rounded with huge tits. Last summer there was a stampede when somebody poured water down her front! She had a cute face and a really bubbly personality, a shoe in, I thought, for Head-Girl which was going to be voted on this week by the 6th form.

"Who here has heard of The Program?" I gulped as the headmaster uttered the last two words. Surly he could not be serious. Not here, not this side of the pond, not now, not us. NOT ME!!!

I gingerly put my hand up. He pointed at me.

"I hope I'm wrong sir, but if it was the same Program that I saw when I was researching my Citizenship assignment, it is a scheme run in America where they force kids in school to go naked for a week. I saw a few sites about it on the Net, the pictures were very interesting. So were the stories. But obviously I'm mistaken. You want us to take part in a TV program where Noel Edmonds gives random kids presents for not being criminals or something, right? "

The word naked caught everybody's attention. Their gaze shifted from me to the head who was smirking one of his special smirks that makes me sorry for not packing a brick in my bag. The guy was serious. Insane, but serious.

"Well done, Jim, got it in one!"

"Cool, I'm gonna be on TV!" I said, clinging onto desperate hope, but I was fooling nobody.

"You never know what is going to happen during the week, Jim, so you may well be, but don't go buying yourself a new suit for the interview! Okay, for those of you not as up to date with the exploits of naked American school kids, I will give a brief intro to The Program, then we will see a video about it, then we have a special guest from America to answer any questions you have. Firstly I'd like to say that it was an honour to be allowed to run this scheme, we are one of the first four schools in the country, and we got the chance because we are an outstanding school!"

Ten minutes into term and he's already hit his catchphrase. I started thinking, if I'd ballsed up my exams last year, would we still have to do this. I knew I should have not revised, but done something constructive like gotten laid or started drinking!

"For the next week, you will not be allowed to wear any clothes in school, or in school-related activities. This runs until Sunday. You can wear shoes and socks and any of you involved in sports teams, you can still wear the kits. Lab coats can be worn in science and tech. Aprons in food tech. You will remove clothes as you enter the school grounds, and place them in the boxes that will be there for you, collect them at the end of school. You will not use bags, books, folders or hair to cover up.

"This is not just a visual project, it is fully hands on. Teachers can choose to use you and your naked selves in their lessons. Any of your fellow pupils who has a reasonable request for you to pose for them or for them to feel you, you have to go along with it. In the end, you judge what is reasonable, but previous experience is that people feeling your genitals is perfectly fine.

"As we speak, this is being explained to the rest of the school. Just remember this, no means no. If you feel that a request is not reasonable, and by that I mean acts of penetrative or oral sex that you are not willing to take part in, you say no and walk away. Anybody using force to coerce you into anything will be dealt with the utmost seriousness. This is not to say that you can't get involved in these acts if you want to, but please do not feel you have to.

"The Program is designed to make you feel more comfortable with you own bodies and heighten your and your fellow students' sexual awareness. Now walking around naked all day and having your various parts played with may lead to a build up of, err, let's say tension. You have the opportunity to ask for relief during the first ten minutes of each lesson. I hope in this school that there will always be somebody willing to provide it. If not, then there is the option for self service, which I guess most of you are familiar with."

There were a few nervous giggles at this. The poor Year 7 boy looked confused. He said he didn't understand what was meant by tension and relief. The girl next to him whispered in his ear. He blushed a shade of red I did not think was possible. I remember being that boy, being teased about my sexual naivety by the more worldly wise girls in my class. He seemed shocked at the last thing she said.

"But my Aunt said if I do that, God kills a kitten."

Even the headmaster lost control at this point. If this doesn't appear on Livejournal's quote of the day, I don't know what will!

"I bet Jim is a kitten mass murderer!" I shot a nasty look at Lois before joining in the laughter. Well, if she hadn't said it, I'd like to think I would've!

"Okay, settle down. I promise no animals will be harmed by your actions during The Program. During PE, you will use the changing rooms of the opposite sex, and yes, that means the showers too! You will also use the opposite toilet facilities.

"Next week, unless we feel you would benefit from a second week of The Program, you will be free to go back to school uniform. However we have slightly changed the uniform regulations saying that from this term onwards, any student who wants to be naked in school is allowed to be so. So if any of your friends want to keep you company this week, or if you feel to urge for a Naked Wednesday once in a while, go ahead.

"Now, you probably have two questions burning away in you. Why were you chosen? And what was with the injections? Well, the reason you were chosen first. We are running The Program for years 7 to 10 and also year 12. We think that Year 11 and the upper sixth will be too busy with exams and on study leave so we won't be getting them to do it this year. Next year The Program will run for all years through the whole year. So be glad you are not doing this next January! We've got about eight weeks till the end of term, and there are eight classes in each year, sixth form excepted. Which means we can go though a pair from each class before summer, and two from the lower sixth.

"The pairings were worked out between your form tutors, class teachers, Heads of Year and myself. We were looking for three things. We wanted pairings who will be comfortable with each other. We think that there are some outgoing personalities amongst you who will help their partners. We think that some of you are in need of coming out of your shells and being more open. Some of you are more comfortable with your bodies than others..."

"A lot of people have become comfortable with Lois' body already this year!" Hah! My turn. Ouch, considering her size, she hits hard! Well, to be honest, of all the girls I'm not comfortable with, I'm the least uncomfortable with Lois. I'd hate to be stuck with the shallow horse riders set.

"Some of you are seen as respected students, so we are looking to all of you as pioneers and to make the best of this opportunity. The way you react to your circumstances will not only inspire your fellow students but will be a model for the rest of the country.

"Girls, that needle, it was a birth control injection. I don't know how many of the girls had to have it, as far as I know, most girls in school already have monthly shots. It takes an hour or so to take effect, so no sex please until break time. Three years ago, I don't think I'd have ever said that!"

"So you're saying that you don't trust us to be naked and not have sex, don't you think we can control ourselves? Who do you think we are, animals in heat?" Amanda had a bee in her bonnet. It did seem like the rumours about her being a prick-tease were true, she had many 'admirers' but hadn't popped her cherry. Hang on, I'm going to get to see her naked!! Score!

"I think you are teenagers, and more importantly, teenagers from Essex!" He got a laugh out of that. "Now, some of the older students may have heard rumours about an old gym near the Religious Studies department. Well it exists and we have reopened it. If you feel the need, students on the Program and their friends can use it for whatever purposes you think are fitting. There are cubicles, mattresses, towels and various toys in there. I advise you to check it out when you are not busy.

"Your parents were all informed and they all gave their consent for you to take part. You can't appeal to them. You are now in this for the week, there is no way out.

"Now, everybody, in five minutes time your clothes will be in the boxes around the side, one for each pair."

Fuck. Now this is bad. Lois looked at me and smiled, licked her lips and took off her blazer, twirling it around and throwing it at the box. It missed, but it was almost very impressive. She started walking over to me and slowly unbuttoning her blouse. Two buttons and I was hard. FUCK FUCK. Not only have I got to undress in front of her, but now sporting wood. Okay, come-on Jim, you think that you could be in a room with four naked girls and not be hard?

"If you don't start undressing, then I'll undress you, and I won't be gentle!" Lois said wrapping her tie around the back of my neck. I can't believe this, she was enjoying herself. "I tell you what, you remove one thing, I remove one."

I gulped, sod it, if she wants to see my stomach, I'll show it to her. Stand up. Off went the blazer, Twirled, hit the box and in, not before spraying pens and pencils across the floor. We both laughed. She unbuttoned the rest of her blouse and folded it along with her tie. I stared at her chest and bra. She leaned forward and started on my shirt, startling me into action, I quickly undid it, off and crumpled on the table. Her shoes were next, then mine. Then she grabbed my hand, making me unzip her skirt, slowly, letting it fall and running my hand around the top of her tights. Dammmitt, I don't know if I need to undress the rest of my clothes, I think my dick will rip through soon enough. So, I guess, my trousers are next. I unzipped and took them off before she could do it for me.

She was staring at the tent in my pants. "Pour moi?" She was loving this far too much.

"Okay, now you are not getting any free gifts here. I am going to turn around and take off my bra. When I see your pants fly past me, I will take off my knickers and turn around so we can both confront each other equally."

"You seem to have done this too often!"

"Jim, maybe if you weren't so chicken, you'd have seen me do this before!" Hang on, did this girl say that she would have shagged me if I'd asked. "And the underwear would have been much sexier than this."

She turned around and reached behind, unhooking the bra, taking it off and tossing it at the box. I looked around, all the rest of them were still almost fully clothed, but none of them were looking at me. Well, it's now or never. Shit, if I'm aiming for Head-Boy, then a pair of pants (which at least are washed) isn't going to stop me. Off they came, into a ball, them flying past Lois into the box. With that she slid her knickers down, wiggling her, very fine, behind as she did so. Into the box. She turned around.

This was the first time I'd had a naked girl in front of me, and wow, they were better in real life. I looked her all over. Free of her normal loose blouse, she had a decent, if small, pair of tits, a nice, flat stomach. Her slightly olive skin was nearly flawless. Her pubes were neatly trimmed into a Brazilian. Look, I know the theory, I just don't do practical!

"Well, I can't think of a sexier girl from the class for them to pair me with." I can't believe I just said that. Well, at least I got a blush from her.

"That's cute," she looked genuinely flattered, "and you have all the cuddly boy boxes ticked." She brushed her hand across my penis, which jolted in surprise. "All the boxes!"

I shuffled away and bundled up the rest of my clothes, stuffed them in the box and put my shoes on. Lois did the same then called over to point out that we were finished. Then everybody was staring at me. FUCK.

Mr. Tame came over to us with a couple of wrapped-up parcels. Prizes, apparently for being the first pair finished. Books. Great. Just what I needed right now. I unwrapped my book. The Karma Sutra. I caught a glimpse of that smile from him and tried to move my mind away from sex and only places where I could find a brick. Lois had the same book, and was already looking though it.

"You want a pen to mark off the ones you've done? Or would it be quicker to mark the ones you still haven't done?"

"Oh, I don't know, I think there are positions I've tried that aren't in here!"

I was looking around the front of the room. Amanda was undressed and well worth a drool, she was stunning. Shit, how come I didn't see her there. There was Carly, she was a girl I met on a French Exchange last year. She's in Year 9. I have a massive crush on her, huge. She once borrowed my teddy bear (yes I know) to go to sleep with on the coach back and I was jealous of the bear for months. She had a little bit more of a figure than Lois, I'm guessing B cups, and wasn't shaved, but that is hardly a surprise, she was rather shy.

This is great, I have a cute girl from my class, the girl I most want to sleep with and the school's dream date, and they are all naked and in a room with me! The other two girls weren't bad either, given their age. In fact the Year 8 kid had at least C cups. Well, at least things are looking up a bit.

We moved to the front to watch the DVD, it explained more about The Program. It featured explanations from various academics and child psychologists, one, Ellie, who had a son in The Program. They waxed lyrical about it. There was no need for the adult sales pitch, we are already here.

Then they cut to various participants. I recognised names and faces from the Net. I could now put voices to names like Lily, Carl, Mike, Amanda and Cassie. Well, I was paying attention, then something else came along. Lois's hand wandered over my lap and onto my dick and started jacking me off. Slowly at first then quicker and quicker. I was so wound up that I spurted in less than two minutes, mostly on the back of Mike's chair, but some on Carly's hair. She turned round, to see Lois licking my cum off her hand, then waving at Carly.

"You needed that!" I could not disagree with Lois there. I'd just had my first handjob, just a few metres away from the fucking headmaster. This day was getting better. "Now I need this."

She took my hand, straightened my index finger, then started rubbing my finger around her tits then down. Shit this girl was wet. I'd not like to explain the puddle on the seat to the next class in here. Before I knew it, my finger was inside her, in and out. The Net had taught me what to do from here, or so I thought, and I overcame my fear and tried to get her off, my finger was going in and out, then two fingers. She was playing with herself as well. Suddenly she exploded with a massive FUCK and sank back in her seat. Everybody turned to look. This time they saw me licking my fingers and waving back. It was a strange taste, but err, hang on, have I just finger-fucked a girl? An hour or so ago, I never thought I'd be doing that. And I never thought I'd be showing off about it. Still, I could get used to the taste!

"Right, for those of you who were actually paying attention to the video, you know what to expect. Jim, I gather you know from your research and your recent activity. Lois, I don't think anything needs explaining to you!"

Lois giggled a bit and looked rather dazed, but happy.

"So without further ado, as we are running low on time, I'd like to introduce Karen Wagner who will explain her experiences and also answer any questions better then I can."

That name rang a bell. She stepped forward, unbuttoned her coat, which fell to the floor revealing, well, everything. Dammit, there was another fit naked chick in the school.

"Now I have your attention, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Karen Wagner, I was one of the first students ever to enter The Program," that's were I knew her from, "I'll just say I wasn't keen on it when I started, but it was the best thing I've ever done. I now work as an ambassador for The Program and am lucky to be at your..."

"Outstanding!" Well, I had to say it or the Head would have. He glared at me, well he tried to, his eyes settled on the ladies all around me!

"...School. So any questions you want to know ask away."

She spoke for about fifteen minutes, answering questions mainly from the girls and Mike. Mike even tried to get her hotel phone number! Then the bell went.

I remembered an old episode of Batman, you know, the Adam West camp as tents series? Up against the Bookworm, it was the gravest threat that he'd ever received. 'Do not ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for you!'

Lois got up, she was in my science class, and luckily it was physics, so no awkward biology moments, well not just yet.

A small core had gathered by the Library entrance to greet us. With Karen and all the naked kids, I had forgotten the fact that outside the doors there were a thousand clothed students. 500 girls with 1000 hands. Have you ever seen Labyrinth? You know the Henson film with David Bowie and Jennifer Connerly. She falls down that shaft with all the 'helping hands'. It felt like that. Me and Lois were last out and we saw all the other program kids being touched up, hands were everywhere from the kids lining up for their Languages classes. I heard a squeal and saw two boys had cornered the Year 7 girl and their fingers were in her pussy. She was loving it. Her joy was short lived as they filed into class and she toddled off.

I wasn't concentrating on the faces of the hands that were touching me, I just tried to stumble though the corridors, following Lois who was trying to make the most of the attention.

"We are going to be late," she said, grabbing my dick and walking quicker, "come on!"

So I was literally, a teenage boy being led around by his dick. Given that it has seen more action in the last five minutes than in the rest of its life, I can't complain. I followed her up the stairs, trying not to trip up as I got a fantastic view of her wet and dripping pussy.

Naked Science time. We arrived just after class had started, so there was no way we could sneak in. This was a top set, with kids from four forms in it. Obviously, the people from my class knew that me and Lois were on The Program, but the rest didn't. There was a muffled laugh as we trotted in and went to sit in our places. Mrs. Whatt looked at us and smiled. She was a nice teacher and genuinely enthusiastic about her subject, one of the few physics teachers left that were.

"Mr. Morton, I'm required to ask if you need any relief?" The class cracked up and I just wanted to vanish. I didn't even have a blazer to shrink into, so I just shook my head.

"Miss Green?"

"Err, no, I just got some a few minutes ago," she looked over in my direction, "but thanks for asking." The class looked over at me, surprised; I just shrugged and tried to look cool about it. Not easy when you have just invented a new shade of magenta.

Mrs. Whatt set us some work from the books and I set to work. Ian and Jeff, my two mates, were sitting either side of me. We normally worked together in science. Or rather I did the work in physics and most of chemistry and they copied. We copied Jeff's biology work and as for Ian, well, nobody had yet come up with a good explanation for Ian!

One thing was that they were both virgins, this really was the asexual end of the science class. Jeff had dated Lois back in Year 7, but only a couple of snogs down the cinema. Ian, as far as I knew, hadn't been dating. When I say 'as far as I know' it can generally be taken as gospel. In my half of the year, all rumours got back to me, and were generally spread from me. So what if I was a gossip? As long as it kept me out of the limelight and kept my crushes secret, I was happy. We had a place right at the end of the classroom, near the windows over the tennis court; it was a nice place to watch the girls doing PE. I wondered if anybody was out there this term?

"So, hang on, Jim, did you just fuck Lois?" Ian asked.

"No," I was still blushing, "it was something a bit more manual than that."

"Fingers? Why?" Jeff whispered.

"Well, she kinda grabbed me and made me do it. Besides, it seemed only fair after what she did for me." I smiled as I said that. They looked even more interested now. "I'm not saying more than that, I have to keep some secrets!"

I avoided all other questions as we worked through the exercise. It was about radiation and was rather tricky mathematically. About twenty mins in we stopped so we could go through the answers.

Mrs. Whatt called out Jenny to work through one of the questions on the board. Jenny was one of my torturers in chief. She was one of the most popular girls in the year, incredibly cute, great body, easy going. She was one of the best Netballers in the school and loved acting. She had been on a couple of French exchanges with me and had taken it upon herself to flirt with me incessantly. I was never too sure if it was to make me feel uncomfortable or to try and get me out of my shell. To tell the truth, I kinda enjoyed it.

Whatever her skills, using maths in science wasn't one of them and she fouled up her question. I called out where I thought she'd made a mistake. Jenny noted it and corrected her work.

"Miss Whatt," Jenny giggled, "can I sit with the clever naked boy this lesson? I think his brains might rub off on me!"

"That's not what you hope will rub off!" One of the boys at the other side of the class called out.

"Okay, Jenny, take your stool and move over there."

Okay, thank you for that, Miss. I wish I'd paid more attention in biology, I might find out if this much blushing will do me permanent damage.

"It's okay, Miss, I won't need my stool, there's somewhere to sit over there anyway." With that she picked up her stuff, plonked it on the desk next to me, lifted up the back of her skirt and sat down. On my lap. And wiggled.

Lord kill me now. It looked like little Jim had woken up and was rubbing up Jenny's lace knickers, along the crack of her arse. Half an hour left of this.

In fact it wasn't so bad. We started working on another exercise. Jenny was acting as if there was nothing unusual about studying radioactive decay sat on the lap of a naked guy. Ian and Jeff had probably tripped their bizarreometers and so had reverted to normal science conversational practice. We chatted over how to do the exercise. Or rather I told them, and the three of them worked through the questions while chatting about the weekend's TV. It turned out that Jenny was also a Doctor Who fan and she and Jeff started comparing episodes.

I don't know if she knew that she was doing it, but she was rather animated when she talked, rocking back and forth. She was talking about how her agent had lined up an audition for her to read for the next Doctor's Assistant. She was saying that the talk was that this would be the first Assistant to go topless. We agreed that she would be perfect for the role. The more she enthused, the more she wriggled.

"Jenny," I whispered, "could you stay still or ... err ...you may .... cause an accident!"

She giggled but kept on going. This was going to get sticky very soon. Far too soon. She carried on dry-humping me and I was about to burst. Then she got up. Oh that is just not fair. Work me up to the edge and then walk off, how cruel can you get. But she didn't walk off, she looked down at my aching hard-on, then adjusted herself slightly and sat back down again.

This time I couldn't feel any lace, just damp skin. She was running her pussy up and down my cock. Inch by inch, centimetre by centimetre, I couldn't hold on. So I didn't. I felt myself releasing a stream of cum all over her pussy and thighs. She didn't register any response except for stopping moving. I hadn't even said anything so I hoped that nobody had actually noticed what we were doing.

End of the lesson came. Jenny turned round and kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks for today, you really make science understandable, and fun! And now I've got a little something to snack on at break!"

She smiled and left, joining up with her mates who were all in fits of giggles. I gathered up my stuff and set off with my mates for break.

My normal break time routine was just walking in circles around the science block. Now this would mean that I would have to walk through all the main playgrounds of the school. I wasn't allowed to find a classroom and hide; it was against the rules apparently. I was betting on there being guards posted at the toilets. Out of sympathy for me, we sat on a bench by the side of the science block, near some of the storage huts and the field.

I heard a muffled squeak coming from behind the huts. Ever the voyeurs, we wandered over. I moved pretty stealthily around the hut and prepared to see a couple of horny kids at it. Hey, since everybody was looking at me today, I wanted to watch other people. I poked my head around the corner.

Carly was there as were two boys from Year 8. I recognised them, they got the train in from East London. Both had their cocks out. She was struggling against the two of them.

"Suck it!"

"No, I'll wank you both, but I'm not sucking anything."

I motioned for Jeff, who was the smallest of us to get a teacher, quickly. Then, gulping, I walked out onto the scene.

"I believe the lady said no," I growled as I made a grab for one of the kids, he ducked me and tried to run, tripping up and ending up at Ian's feet. I left Ian take care of him. The other boy, Mark Sibley, let her go. I'd helped out with coaching his rugby team a few months ago. He plays the same position as I do. He's a right cocky little shit and tried to take me 1 v 1 in a scrum practice. I pushed him half way across the field, his stubs ploughing the turf as we went. The caretaker was not pleased with me after that episode. It did mean that I was one of the Year 10s that he had a little respect for.

It was obvious Carly was in a fair bit of distress, I guess she had been hiding out here and they'd followed her. I said before that I had worked out my temper, but seeing this girl who I'd watched from a distance being taken advantage of like this made my blood boil.

Holding him by the scruff of his collar, I reached out and wrapped my other hand around his shrinking package. I tried to clench my fist, watching him wriggle in pain.

"No means no, remember that."

I wanted to prolong the torture, but I don't ever want to unleash the dark side of my nature. I let go of his dick and strengthened my grip on his shirt. A teacher arrived and I explained what I saw.

Me and Carly had to go to the headmaster's office after break. She was in tears. I tried to comfort her, but I doubted she wanted to feel any naked male flesh at the moment. Well, that and I just couldn't find the words to say anything. I just held onto her hand and tried to reassure her.

This was probably the only time I didn't feel intimidated heading to Mr. Tame's office after trying to beat up two Year 8s. Under different circumstances, I really could have done with missing third lesson. It was technology, moreover it was GCSE woodwork revision. I don't think I would have survived a lesson of Mr. Kaplin talking about different types of wood!

Mr. Tame arrived, presumably after sorting out punishment for the two little shits, thanked me for what I had done. Carly also thanked me, quietly, still coming to terms with the events of the past few hours. Then he did something that neither of us was expecting, he rounded on Carly.

He told her that The Program required her to remain in public view, walking around the playgrounds, accepting reasonable requests, becoming more comfortable with her body. By hiding away like she had done, she made herself vulnerable. He suggested that breaching the rules like this was punishable by a further week in The Program, but that given the circumstances he did not feel it was appropriate for the current situation.

"Current Situation! You do not have a clue what you are doing to us!" I guess my temper had not gone away. My reaction surprised everybody, but I was about to get onto a roll and he deserved an earful.

"You have no idea what the situation you have created out there is. You take people like me, like Carly, who you know are uncomfortable with themselves, who are shy and then what do you do, you stick them on display with an invitation to come and check out the merchandise." I was impressed by my mouth's ability to filter out the word fuck at least five times a sentence. "Then you have 500 horny boys let on the loose with the basic instructions of there are naked girls out there, go feel.

"Sir, I read the stories, the diaries from people in America. That DVD we saw, the countless diatribes by leading child quacks saying how great the program is for people is all very well, but they are not telling the full story. You seem to have skimmed over the whole thing that it scares the FUCK out of us. We might enjoy this by next Friday, and true, I might have enjoyed it a number of times already today, but you do not have any idea what it is like to be the object of lust, disgust, hatred, pity and admiration at the same time. You know what half of those kids from East London are like, and what do you expect will happen when you take one of the most beautiful creatures in this school and force her into the playground alone, naked and scared, they pounced. This is not her fault, I have fancied this girl for over a year, I have longed to just have some time with her, and there I was, I had the opportunity to shag her there, to have her suck me off, but I didn't because I am a respectable human being. If somebody who is sex-staved like me can hold off at that opportunity then it is not Carly's fault, it is those two little monsters' fault. There is only one person in this school who knows what we are going through. I've read what Karen had to go though at the start of her week. Now, instead of trying to blame Carly for being incredibly attractive, I suggest that you go get Karen, and let her talk to me and Carly in private with a few hot cups of coffee."

I don't know when the last person ever laid into the head like that, but he only flinched for a few seconds before his smirk was back.

"Fine, I'll fetch her, Mr. Morton."

Mr. Tame left the room and Carly burst into tears. She started crying on my shoulder.

"Thank you, thank you for what you said. But you didn't, didn't, have to say that I was pretty, look at me, I'm boring."

"I've looked at you at every opportunity for fourteen months, there is nothing on display that makes me re-evaluate my description of you as one of the most beautiful girls in the school. Look, tidy your face up, you don't want Tame thinking you were crying because of what he said."

"I wasn't, I was crying because you stood up for me." She kissed me on the cheek as I burst out laughing. I'm a fourth Dan in the ancient oriental art of the innuendo, so what she said cracked me up. She cottoned on and we were both laughing when the Head came back.

I might be an old romantic, but I think the peck from Carly was better than the efforts of Jenny or Lois.

Karen talked with me and Carly, well mainly Carly about her first days on The Program. How she had started off shy and ended up being banged by a bunch of guys before school. She told us how she watched her friend Beth mature from a bookworm to a girl who offered herself to the 'football' team to motivate them to win a game. More importantly, she talked about her feelings though the whole process. Carly was feeling much better, she was smiling and joking about some of the situations. She even kept smiling when the bell went.


We both went to lunch. I brought sandwiches so wandered off to find somewhere quiet to eat them. I perched on a wall which was rather cold and went through my lunch. I'd given up trying to work out where my mates were. I generally either stay in my form room or play football. Both of these were out of the question, so I thought I'd have a wander around the school. I was fielding the questions and occasional gropes from the girls with my best blushes.

A group of girls from Year 11 stopped me and I had to let each one of them feel me up. Fingers were running up and down the underside of my shaft, a couple of hands rubbing my chest. Sometimes you have to endure the torture in the name of social science! I felt myself heating up inside, aroused by these girls who before today would have not even given me a second glance. SHIIIIT! What the Fuck??? One of the girls had stuck her finger up my arsehole. I let out a stream of expletives and they all ran off giggling. I was left standing in the middle of the playground, confused, violated, in pain and very very horny!

I decided to wander up to the old gym to see what it looked like. I swiped my student card on the door and went in. Inside it was just like Mr. Tame had said: cubicles with curtains, mattresses and little plastic storage boxes full of odds and ends. I was about to go over to look in one of the boxes when I saw a head pop around one of the partition walls.

"Hi, I'm Beccy," it was the Year 8 girl with the impressive cleavage, "I was just having a look over the room, I couldn't persuade anybody to come in here with me!"

"Don't worry, I'm sure by the end of the week you'll have made use of the facilities, I don't think there are many boys in your year who'll say no once they've got used to this naked parade. I'm Jim by the way."

"I know, I heard what you did at break, those two jerks are in my form. I'm glad that I was in a different class to them second period, otherwise they'd have got me. I don't want to be forced into anything. Not yet."

She wandered up to me and kissed me on the cheek. "I want to thank you for what you did for Carly." I looked at her puzzled. Then I caught on what the little minx had in mind. My mouth decided that it was a good time to go on strike as I tried to object.

She sank to her knees and looked at my cock, checking it out up close, and around the sides, running her fingers lightly along the veins and softly over the tip, spreading the pre-cum over the sides. She leaned forward and gingerly put out her tongue, it met my tip and I jolted in delight, she leaned forward more and started to engulf my shaft, her tongue exploring the texture, teasing me. She started to bob up and down, the feeling of her warm, wet mouth all around me was ecstasy. I stroked her short blonde hair as she carried on working on me. Her hands were wrapped around my waist, gripping and clawing on my buttocks, then reaching around she started to feel around my rectum. What is the fascination with that hole? She poked a finger in and I shuddered in pain and pleasure.

"No.... more.... I'm .... Gonna ...."

And that was her cue for pushing deeper in, I felt her knuckle go in, causing me to spurt out my seed all over the back of her throat. My knees collapsed and I thudded to the ground, dragging her on top of me. She crawled on top of my naked body, I could feel her hot flesh so close to me. Moving forward she kissed me, full on the lips, opening my mouth, exchanging tongues, I could taste myself on her. She sucked on my tongue.

We stayed wrapped up in each others' arms, kissing, exploring our bodies for, well, I don't know how long. She got up, straddling my chest and smiling, a drip of cum on her chin.

She got up and stood over me, her sparse blond pubic hair did little to hide a soaking pussy. Holding out a hand she helped me up. At least my legs had regained their usefulness.

"My turn now, Mr. Hero." She dragged me over to the nearest cubicle and told me to lie down. She rummaged in the box and brought out what I guess was a vibrator and got down next to me.

"Now, I know that you know how to do the next bit!" Beccy took my hand and placed it at the top of her thigh. I took my cue and started rubbing it up and down gently, the skin on her labia, spreading the wetness along her slit and all over my fingers. Still nervous, I extended one finger into her nice warm inviting slit. I started working it in and out and she turned on the vibrator, placing it against her clit. She was moaning and groaning like an old blues singer. Leaning over, I took one of her tits in my mouth and started to lick, working my tongue and teeth around the nipple, licking and sucking as my finger pumped furiously in her sex.

"More, give me more!"

I plunged another finger in, pumping as she bucked her young hips, trying to get me further inside her vagina. Her back in the air, I reached under with my spare hand and caressed her buttocks, feeling how firm and tight they were. Now, payback time, I licked my finger and forced her rear entrance.

"Yeooooowwwwwwwwwwwww," she screamed, her face flushed and radiant, she came back down to Earth. Taking each hand she licked them clean before turning to kiss me. Now, instead of my cum on her lips, I could taste hers, and it was much more satisfying.

The warning bell went, shit, five minutes to get to form. I grabbed some tissues and cleaned myself down a bit. My hopes that Beccy's orgasm hadn't been heard were dashed as I poked my head out of the door; a crowd of students had congregated in the corridor and cheered our little assignation.

I said goodbye and thanks to Beccy and darted off back to the science department. I got into the room and tried to shrink into my corner on the unfamiliarly cold workbench. My attempt to blend into the bench and the walls was a singular failure. Most of the class were pointing and talking about me. A few of my form were in my science class, but for the rest, it was the first time they'd seen me in the altogether. A couple of the guys congratulated me on getting this far through the day without running away. I tried to block out the bitchy comments from the horse-riding set.

There were three of them: Faye, Jane and Sarah and for all intents and purposes, they were the same person in three bodies. They all lived in posh houses in some of the villages. Their lives revolved around clothes, boys and horses. They were the girls who were considered popular, which was odd since they didn't like anybody and nobody actually liked them.

It would be unfair to say they were unattractive. I'm sure if you liked flat-chested snobs, you could come up with an excuse for finding them arousing.

Lois wandered in smiling to herself, I guess she'd seen some action over lunchtime.

"Well, I guess that skank doesn't at least have to bother about trying to afford a bra." Faye's bitchiness had the other two in hysterics. Lois changed from being a proud feminine icon to looking on the verge of tears.

"Coming from the Flat Pack itself." Why can't I just keep my mouth shut and hide in this corner? "Faye, do you come from Ikea, you know, your parents assembled you from dodgy picture instruction sheets only to find there were a few screws missing at the end?"

Mr. George decided that sipping his coffee was the best way to handle the ensuing row. Faye was obviously shocked that the rest of the class started to laugh at her.

"Well, at least I'm not a fat shit!" See, ladies and gentlemen, that is what a wealthy upbringing and ten years of the best of English education will bring you!

"Faye, take a good look at me," I started clutching one of my breasts, "cause girl, these tits are bigger than anything you are ever gonna have!"

I had the class now; everybody was cracking up, including Mr. George. Faye, more flustered racked her brain and came up with the one thing that she shouldn't have said.

"Well, at least I'm not a virgin."

Now, as we've previously established, I take a keen interest in other people's private lives.

"Yep, everybody want to laugh at the 15-year-old virgin? Tell me Faye, how old were you when you lost it?"


"To a guy from your village, am I right? How old was he?"

"Twenty-two," she boasted proudly.

"Okay, so you'd been dating a few weeks then, where'd you meet him?"

"We'd been going out for three weeks, I met him at the youth club on a Friday night."

"So, let's picture the scene, a 22-year-old guy, I guess he had his own tractor, so was mobile, had the choice of anywhere to go in Essex. He could have gone out with his mates, well if he had any, cause obviously, they knew he was a bit dubious, but no. He chooses to hang around the local youth club, looking for jailbait to pick up. And he picks you, probably the girl with the figure most like a little boy in the joint. So not only have you lost your virginity to a kiddy fiddler, you lost it to one who was pretending you were a boy anyway. And I know that the same story goes for your other two Flat Packers. So don't flaunt your miss-placed sexual adventures at us and keep your bitchy comments to yourself.

"Remember that at some point next year, you will have to do this, and you better hope that people have forgotten what you have said here and now because I guess when we see you naked and exposed in front of us, we will have far more to say than you could imagine in your nightmares. You have no idea how hard this is for me to have survived so far, and who knows, it will likely get worse before it gets better, but I know that I have enough friends around me to help me so I will not go through it alone. I doubt you'll have the same support, and then it may hit home just how lonely your little narrow-minded life is.

"Now, I am going to try and enjoy this grotesque circus our Headmaster has entered me for and perhaps I might find time in the next two lessons to actually learn something."

With that I got up and left the classroom to applause. Twice in a day, I have ranted off at people. I'm not normally like this. I guess being naked has a certain effect on me.

Having cum three times already today, I was not in need of 'relief' in my next class, History. My teacher, Miss McCadich, was one of my favourites and was, no doubts, the fittest teacher in school. 5ft 8ish, long brunette hair, round face, figure that just filled out the curves nicely. I couldn't help wondering if teachers would get picked for The Program?

The lesson passed off easily enough, no major bothers. Bell went and I trudged my way though the adoring crowds (!!) to get to French. I think I'd sort of gotten used to being felt up. Walking quickly does mean that I don't get that much contact with each hand, I suppose that helps!

I got to French and plonked myself on a seat in the back corner, still under the impression that if I try hard enough, nobody will notice me! Karl, another of my mates from my form wandered in and sat next to me. Lois arrived soon after and headed to the other side of the classroom to sit with her mates. Mrs. Kintyre arrived, last as usual.

"Okay, now, hmm, you two are on The Program, I think we may have a use for you later on. Right, first things first, dictionaries out and get in the mood to translate. We've got a piece of a French play that is a love scene between un homme et une femme." Mrs. Kintyre didn't tend to stick to the supposedly required 'jabber at the kids in French until they catch on' style of teaching.

French isn't exactly a subject I find easy. I'm getting decent marks and in the top set but I almost have to work on this more than all the rest put together. Lucky I sit next to Karl, who is a skilled linguist. Perhaps even a cunning one! Ahh, so what, you knew the joke was coming.

Half an hour passed without incident. Me and Karl had got on with the translation pretty quickly, taking a line each and collating. We sat there talking football, and then planning the tactics for tomorrow's rugby match, the season finale.

"M. Morton et Mlle Green se lèvent s'il vous plaît."

Gulp, well, so much for a quiet life.

"Imagine the scene, it is France in the reign of the sun king, everything is decadent, life among the nobles is grand. You, Mr. Morton, are le Duc de Coux-fleur or Something or other and you are trying to woo the fair maiden (that's you, Miss Green). So get close, you are one step away from ravishing each other. Now wait, because we need to add something to the scene. We need some translators." Lois had pulled herself up close to me, so close that my cock was rubbing up and down her side. Mrs. Kintyre had got Karl and Lois's friend Josie to stand up and take similar positions on the opposite side of the classroom. Both were blushing a bit when Paul, one of our form group spoke up.

"Miss, isn't this a bit wrong? The translators are in the same position as the courting couple yes, but they are not in the same state of dress, how can they convey to us the emotion of le rendez-vous?" Nice use of the French there!

"Indeed, a good point. And a point we can do something about. Now, you all got the brochure for the program, and I assume you haven't yet looked at it carefully?" Only Paul nodded to say he had. "Well, there is a great little section just here that says that at the teacher's discretion, they can ask any student to remove their clothes for the duration of the lesson or until the end of the day. So Karl and Josie, you can thank Paul for this next bit. Strip."

They didn't move. Me and Lois were in danger of splitting our sides and leaning on each other for support. Most of the rest of the class were laughing at the deflated couple. Mrs. Kintyre tapped a couple of buttons on the computer on her desk and the classroom's sound system burst into life with stripper music. Still they didn't move.

Lois, playing the minx, made a suggestion, "Perhaps Paul and a girl could, kinda, help them along?"

It took them another five minutes but at last there were two more naked students in the room. Josie was pretty sexy. She was tall, going onto six foot, and generously built, nice long legs and at least a D-cup bust. Blonde hair roof and basement. Karl was obviously not comfortable with the situation.

"Mr. Rumlet, try and look more enthused about being so close to a beautiful lady, look at Mr. Morton, he is obviously showing attraction to the fair maiden."

Well, obviously, Mr. Morton had been standing too near Lois and her wandering fingers. Mrs. Kintyre had to get Josie to help out Karl; and little Karl.

At last we could get on with the scene. In my finest Gerard Depardieu impression, I read my first line. Karl mumbled the translation.

"Again, with feeling, Mr. Rumlet, again."

It took us ten minutes to get though the scene, with well-deserved applause at the end.


"Jim, meet me after school, outside the gates." I nodded to Lois.

We packed up and left before the bell. I got to my locker and swiped my card, getting access to my precious clothes. There was a note inside reminding me not to wear any of it until I'm off the school grounds. I just got outside and over the boundary, giving a few mums a treat, as the bell went. Shoes off, pants, err, no time, trousers on, shirt on, blazer. I was normal again. I waited as the school streamed past. I saw Beccy come out with three guys, who all tried their best to not let her back into her uniform. Lois arrived next to me and slipped on her blouse and skirt, getting goosed a few times in the process.

"How long before your train?"

"Half an hour, but I can miss that and get the one in fifty minutes if you want?"

"Great, let's grab a drink."

We wandered up to the High Street. It felt strange, not being stared at, not being felt up. I don't mean I miss being the centre of attention, I'd just got used to it. We crossed over the High Street and into the Castle Pub. One of the government's ways of combating binge drinking, allowing 14-year-olds into special 'Baby Boozer' pubs where the customers are strictly monitored for how much they drink, with the info being shared with other pubs. Not that it bothered me, I don't drink.

"A pint of Snakebite & Black and err, what do you want, Jim?"

"Just a lemonade please."

"Okay, make that two pints of Snakebike and Black? How much? £5? Jeez, okay, can I have 'em for £2.50 if I take my top off? No. Ask your manager, I'm sure he'll agree. Dammit."

"Jim, you deserve the drink for today, it was very brave of you lasting the day. Besides, I heard what you did for Carly and for that you really deserve it!"

"I've got a reward for that already!"

"Oh yes, Beccy, cool, well done on that. So a blowjob, a handjob, a rescue mission, getting two girls off and well, cumming up Jenny's skirt, you've had a good day of it, you shy little virgin."

"How the fuck did you know all of that?"

"I have my sources. One of my sisters overheard you shouting at Tame. Good on you. Another is in Beccy's class and got the full S.P. As for Jenny, well, I was keeping a watch on you. Both of you are good actors, you hid it pretty well, but I can tell."

"How did you get on then?"

"I got felt up for a few good cums, one from you obviously. I gave a friend of my sister a blowjob and I let some Y 13 guy fuck me at lunch while his girlfriend, or rather close friend who is a girl, ate me out. Nice couple, I'm gonna have to introduce you to them sometime this week. Oh, and a knight in shining armour slew a dragon for me!"

With that she leaned forward and kissed me full on the lips, opening her mouth, forcing her tongue through and into mine, intertwining for what seemed like minutes before she broke the kiss.

"Faye was in tears when you stormed out the room. Nobody bothered to try and comfort her. Look, I don't know if I should tell you, but she really hurt me. I don't like my body, I want more flesh and her comments really hurt me. I guess I'm like you; we are both uncomfortable with our bodies. You deal with it by hiding behind jokes or lurking in dark corners, don't deny it, I know you better than you think. I deal with it by flirting and finding people who will fuck the life out of my body, I try to exude sex so nobody will look hard."

"Let them look, you have a fucking sexy body."

"Thanks for saying so, but you don't have to be so nice, I will most likely fuck you sometime this week anyway."

"You what? No, I wasn't trying to get you into bed, I was telling the truth, I think there is nobody in our class I'd rather spend a week staring at."

"Ahh, that's cute. And I mean what I say, you will end up in my bed this week, and boy you will not every forget that night. However, I'm not taking your virginity; that is somebody else's job. Go out and find that girl and I'll have a treat for you afterwards!"

"Well, I guess that's something to look forward to! By the way, do you fancy coming down to watch the rugby match tomorrow, playing Chemwells, last game of the season?"

"I might, hang on, it's a school match? Right. I might be a bit distracting, I've gotta go naked, remember?"

"Yeah, but we've all seen it now, they haven't!"

"I'll do my best to distract them. Now haven't you got a train to catch?"

I finished my drink and feeling a little light-headed, wandered to the door. Lois tagged along; we walked down to the station pondering on how other people would react to the program. It was cruel, but we both hoped that one of the Flat Pack got chosen next time around. We got down to the station, I gave Lois a peck on the cheek and toddled down to the platform.

Carol, one of my friends from the Catholic school was there, waiting for the train. I waved hi and wandered over. I was happy from finally being clothed, and also slightly drunk, so I wasn't my normal stumbling self. I liked Carol, whereas most of her friends were slightly stuck up and serious, she was always fun and kidding. Being an all-girls school, whenever one of them was missing, there was normally a massive amount of bitching. I knew that her mates were not keen on her overly childish personality, but I enjoyed her company.

She's about average height, average build, long mousy hair and a face that called out innocent girl-next-door. Her uniform: a multicoloured striped blazer (the girls were known as deckchairs), candy-striped white and yellow blouse and long brown skirt, did not do much to enhance any curves that she might have had. Like all Catholic Schoolgirls, the straight ones at least, she was always talking about men, but as far as I know she was a virgin who barely dated and didn't drink.

"I heard there was some fun at your school today."

"What did you hear?"

"Some of the girls in the English rooms, they overlook the end of your playgrounds, were looking out the windows and they claim to have seen a guy and a girl shagging a naked girl!"

We got on the train and found ourselves a set of empty facing seats. It was before rush hour so the trains were still quite empty, nobody was sitting in the set of seats over the aisle either. I went to my bag and removed my copy of The Program pamphlet and handed it to Carol.

"I guess it might have something to do with this!"

Her eyes widened on the picture of two naked 15-year-olds on the front. Eagerly she opened it and read through, not quiet sure if she was meant to believe it or if it was a late April Fool's joke.

"I can't imagine that they could get people to volunteer for that!"

"They don't. It's strip off or they strip you and make you do another week!"

"Shit! So, what's it like having naked people in your classroom?"

"Strange, especially because I'm one of them."

"You're kidding! How've you been coping?"

I explained how nervous I was, all the fumbling and stuff, and also gave a few details of the 'favours' that Beccy, Lois and Jenny had given me. "So, can I see it?"


"You know what, look, you've been naked all day, another girl isn't going to matter that much. I'm 14 years old and haven't had the chance to see one this close before, please??"

I looked out of the window; we were at least fifteen minutes away from a station. Everybody in the carriage was busy doing their own thing. My brain had given up for the day; my penis decided it was going to do the thinking for both of us. It instructed my hands to undo the flies on my trousers, reach in and pull out a semi-hard woody.

Carol's eyes were wide, and she was smiling in a way that you only do when you are battling temptation. Her hand wanted to reach forward, her dignity was holding it back.

"You can touch it if you want, it's perfectly harmless, it's hardly gonna have your eye out."

Her fingertips touched it so gently it was like a faint breeze over my head. It jerked slightly and she withdrew her hand. I took her hand in mine and gently laid it on my cock, letting her get familiar with the feel. I was now really hard. I motioned her to sit next to me, making it harder for people to see what we were doing. She was starting to gently move her hand up and down, slowly but relentlessly masturbating me. Her strokes grew longer and longer, faster and faster as she grew more confident.

I touched her on the cheek, turning her to kiss her full on the lips, rubbing her tits through her bra and blouse before diverting my fingers lower down, I wiggled my way through her skirt's waist band and into her knickers. She gasped as my fingers slowly traced down her bush, finding her clit. Rubbing down, I found her wet and waiting, spreading the juice over my fingers as I drew up and down on her virgin slit. I was rubbing her clit with my palm as she carried on trying to pull me off. We kissed again, as my tongue plunged into her mouth; my finger plunged into her juicy snatch, going where no man had gone before. She was bucking wildly, but keeping her hands firmly on my cock which was ready to burst. Another two strokes and I went, panting and in ecstasy I forced another soaked finger down her pussy, sending her into her own silent orgasm.

Opening my eyes, I saw the car park of the station. Perfect timing. I zipped up and wiped off, a quick adjustment or two and I was back to the regular scruffy schoolkid that had joined the train fifteen miles and two cums ago. Carol was in a daze, smiling to herself. I kissed her on the forehead and got up, saying thanks. Okay, it wasn't the best line to have after giving a girl her first sexual experience with a guy, but I'd used up all my good lines in rants earlier in the day. I grabbed my bag and trudged off the train.

I waited for the local branch train to arrive. Living in a town that took ages to get to and was stuck far out towards the coast gave me the ideal excuse for not having a social life. It was difficult to get back to see my mates, or I couldn't invite a girl back because it was too far. From my occasional trips to the cinema with mates from rugby, I expanded the story so that to my mates in school I had a social life that none of them could ever check up on. Hiding behind tall stories because I was too afraid to actually have a life.

I got on the branch line train. The last ten miles were uneventful. Getting off the train in my home town, I saw an old classmate from primary, Emma. Short and round, Emma had the kind of figure you'd want to keep you warm on a winter night. Her figure was further added to by a large lump. Just fifteen and already pregnant. Have I told you that my little town was full of girls who were looser and hornier than the rest of Essex? How I had stayed a virgin in this place, I do not know!

I waited for Emma to cross the level crossing after the train had left. We chatted a bit about life and school. She was still in school. Her boyfriend had just been put away for dealing in school. Single teen, three months pregnant with a baby who would likely never know its father (she made it clear their relationship was over). I guess my nudity problems are not so great after all. I cheered her up by telling her about the Program and all the indignities that I was suffering. She pointed out that I was obviously looking at it the wrong way, I'd had four different women bring me off and was standing up for my friends at school. Clearly the program was having a good impact on me.

She admitted that she wished that The Program was running in her school. She hoped that seeing her full pregnant body naked for a week would mean that she wouldn't get all the disgusted looks from boys when she asked them out. She was having a rather horny pregnancy and was without a cock to please her. I told her that I thought she looked pretty sexy at the moment.

No, I didn't go home with her. I think I was juiced out and my cock would be getting wear marks pretty soon! As I headed off home by one of my town's inordinate number of footpaths, we waved goodbye.

Nobody was in when I got home. My sister was away in Germany for the week, Mum wasn't back from work and Dad, well, I didn't really know where he was. My mum and dad hadn't spoken for months. Which is almost a relief, since what was an argument about my mum's cooking blew into two weeks of shouting, something I am glad is over.

Now, here was the problem, whose idea was it sticking me on The Program? Mum was normally the one who kept on top of my education, being a teacher and all. I didn't think it was her style to do this, at least not without telling me. She didn't really mind me being a shy scholar, girls will just distract me and where was my glowing future going once I had succumbed to the temptations of the flesh?

Dad on the other hand used to tell me that I was too shy, I should go out more, I should have more friends around. I should be going out with girls. It would be more of his thing to do this, but I can't imagine him having got wind of The Program. School sent all the stuff about me to Mum.

Now, the even trickier part of this was asking them about it. If I asked the wrong one, would they go ballistic at the other for having their first-born displaying his birthday suit for five days?

I went upstairs, undressed and turned on the TV. I lay back under the covers, naked, the cotton comforting me as I listened to the news. I drifted off after the Simpsons and was woken up by Mum about 8pm.

I dressed in some tracky bottoms and a T-shirt and trotted down the stairs. Sod the 'outreach' activities. I just wanted clothes in front of my, already fucked-up, family. The surprises of the day were not over; my dad and mum were sitting in the lounge waiting for me. They were not shouting. Mum started talking first.

"You had an interesting day at school?"

"It was different, why?"

"I got a phone call from the school office saying how you had sworn at the head and reduced a girl to tears, both times you were standing up for people. Ohh, and we were aware that it was your first day in The Program."

"Whose i...."

"It was both our ideas. I got the leaflet in the post, it was too much of a decision to make on my own, and so I left it with your dad to look over. We talked it over and both agreed that it would do you good to be more confident about your body. In fact it was the first time we've agreed in six months!"

"Like your mum says, we are both aware that you don't go out much with people from school or around here. Only you could have survived living here for fifteen years and still be a virgin, unless we have missed something?"

"No," I blushed, "still am."

"This project means that you can't hide away here, in a bed twenty miles away from where you should be having fun. You need to get out there, sure, you are uncomfortable with your body, but so is everybody else. I bet you that if you make the best of this, you, and everybody else will see a different side to you."

"I think people have seen enough sides of me today."

"Look, I've seen the stuff from America, if you play things right, there could be a girl and a long relationship just out there for you. It is girls you like, isn't it?"

This would have been the perfect time to tell my parents I was gay, or into animals or something, but no, straight as a die.

"We've both read up on the outreach thingy, we don't mind you being naked here, or even in town. I tell you what, go out to the park naked tonight and I bet half a dozen girls will be all over you."

"Not tonight, Dad, it's a bit sore."

I didn't go into details, but basically told them that I had had a bit of interest from the opposite sex. I don't think I'd have ever dreamed that my mum would have told me that if I had the offer of another bed to 'sleep' in for the night, then I should take it, and just let them know I was staying out for the evening.

It is a brave new world we are living in!

It seemed that with my parents finally agreeing on something, it was a good time to leave them alone. I think that will be another tick in the pro column for The Program. I headed upstairs for a shower then worked on my homework. I got a good night's sleep for the first time in ages.