[NiS, naked, teen, hs, exhib, voy, pett, oral, mf, inc, anal, mff, mfff, mmff]

Day: Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Weekend

Chapter: The Thirteenth | The Fourteenth | The Fifteenth


I'd read about some of our American predecessors in The Program preaching about the joys of waking up to a blow up, yet I didn't expect to find out how right they were. I could feel a mouth at work on me and decided to relax and just enjoy it. Then I realised something. The two sisters were still curled up on either side of me. So who the fuck was this?

The 'I still want to be asleep' part of me was telling me to keep my eyes closed and enjoy it, but the 'I don't know if this week can get any more bizarre' part of me overruled it and I opened my eyes to see the thirteen year old, third sister, blowing me.


My exclamation woke up Lois who sleepily looked down at my crotch and giggled.

"Jill, you know it's rude to do that. Plus you know we don't want Grace walking in on us, you might have woken her."

"Its okay," Jill moved off my cock for a second, "I locked you door behind me."

"Huurgh." Ahh, the sounds of Amy coming to life. "What's she doing in here?"

"You know our little sister can still out an erection from 200 meters! Horny little devil!"

Jill looked up at me and winked!

Lois was more awake by now. "Jill, please don't just sit there and suck it, either put it to good use or share it about."

Personally, I thought she was putting it to good use!

Jill moved off my cock and shimmied her way up my body and pecked me good morning. Her big sister was wasting no time and started fucking my morning glory, leaning over and cleaning up her little sisters wet cunt with her tongue. Amy smiled contently as she watched the seen and fingered herself. Being a gentleman, I moved my down, cupping her pussy and taking over.

A few cums later and Lois's alarm went off. Jill and Amy had first go in the shower. Then me and Lois, me fingering her to another orgasm as we washed each other. Finally clean, we crossed back to her room in matching towels.

"Jim, don't put on your uniform yet, I've got other plans, just wear your jeans and T for breakfast. Or of course, you could outreach! I chose the familiar feel of the Asda George denim, the sisters all wore dressing gowns for breakfast. Grace was already down there as was Joyce. Nigel had already gone to work.

Joyce was standing by the cooker, trying not to react to three of her daughters came down stairs with me and all four of us were glowing.

"Jim, is a fry up okay with you?"

"Thanks, Mrs Green, but I'd prefer just some dry cereal if you have some?"

"Call me Joyce please, we're out of cereal, sorry."

"Then a fry-up will be great, thanks, but no egg please."

"Okay then, be with you in a bit."

We all tucked in and chatted a bit before it was time to head to school. Joyce walked Grace to school, but primary didn't start till 9. We had to be there for 8.30, so got ready to leave just after 8.

However, none of us were in uniform. I registered this fact. One of the school's solicy, punishable by detention is that you have to wear full uniform (including tie) all the way too and from school. It was a rule I normally ignored in the afternoons, after all I was the only kid from my school (excluding my sister) to use my train, so it would never get back to the school if my tie was off!

However, I assumed that even though we weren't going to wear uniform during the day, the school would want us to wear it there and back. I don't think they'd appreciate me turning up in an old motorbike racing T-shirt (my dad had got it signed by the late great Steve Hislop when I was a lot younger) and some tatty jeans. Mr Tame certainly wouldn't approve of Lois turning up in a dressing gown. Hang on, why were her other sisters still in theirs?



Naked walk to school time?

Yep. It looked like the sisters wanted to join Lois on her last day naked (though I'm pretty sure Lois wasn't going to keep her clothes on for the rest of the term, but hey I'm too young to bet and I doubt I'd get good odds). As her partner, I guess I had to join in with the mad cow!

I folded my uniform up into a carrier bag. Ironing crumpled uniforms, that's something a drawback of The Program I bet they didn't find in America, but hey, Mum entered me for The Program, she can iron the blazer and trousers back to life!

I joined the girls at the door, Grace had been sent upstairs. I figure that living with her three sisters, she'd caught enough glimpses of naked men, but I wasn't that comfortable with her being there. Joyce understood where I was coming from and had sent the junior to get ready for her day. We all stripped off and set foot into the surprisingly balmy spring morning.

It wasn't a long walk, down a couple of empty residential streets then cutting through the woods and common and cross the road into school.

I had remembered that we were likely to have to talk about The Program again in Citizenship. Luckily, Joyce had got a few copies of yesterday's papers so Lois picked up some of the more interesting of them. We passed a newsagent on the corner of Lois's road so I decided to stop in for today's views on how I was corrupting the nation's youth.

The shop owner was pretty surprised when me and the sisters walked in. I grabbed a bunch of papers:, the local rag, the Essex Chronicle, all the 'red top' tabloids (I was disappointed that none of us made the front of the Sport), the Guardian (for the woolly minded liberal view), the Times (for the pompus view) and the Daily 'Hate' Mail (just incase the school ran out of bog-roll). Then I went for my wallet. Crap, bottom of my bag.

"Mate, err, I've got to get to school, and my wallet is right at the bottom of my bag and it'll take ages, so I was kinda thinking, that err, it would be nice if you could give us these for free cause we are both naked and on the front of these!"

"Shit, it is you. Cool, well good on you gov, I wouldn't be brave enough to do that, you know, national press and all."

"Didn't have much of a choice really mate, still, got to do what the man says and all. It's a brave new world!" Jeez, where was I coming up with these phrases, I hate it when I try and blag something then suddenly turn cockney!

"That it is gov, now I can't really give you a discount, then it'd just start a precedent."

"Yeah, I know what you mean mate, everybody who is snapped naked and on the front page of ten national newspapers will be lining up outside for their free-bees. Hang on, hows abouts, you got a digi-camera lurking about. Hows about you get a snap with me, with Lois and you, you clothed of course, and a few of the papers, and you could use it for you know, publity. You know, All the news uncovered. All the stories with nothing hidden. You get the idea. Hey, I'm would not be surprised if at the very moment I don't have a couple of agents on the phone to me mum and she's negotiating public appearance rights. Two more days of this and I'm on chat shows, then you've got a photo of two national celebs at the start of their fame shopping here. You can't buy that kinda publicity, I tell you, its gold, trust me on this one!"

He agreed and went to fetch a camera. We posed with him and Amy took the pictures, then we got a couple of pics with Amy and Jill in, god bless the self-timer! And another couple of us outside the shop. I made sure that in at least one set we had the local Burntfield Gazzette on show on its own. I bet they'd print the photo in their next issue.

We waved goodbye, the girls insisted on giving him pecks on the cheek and then resumed our journey.

"You know, I did have my purse just at the top of my bag." Lois laughed when we were out of earshot.

"Yeah, but I thought I'd try and take advantage of being a celebrity."

"But you're not though, I mean we're not. Are we?"

"I don't know, but I wouldn't bet against it. I mean, we've seen people become media icons for going crap all, so why can't we? Okay, ignoring the whole thing about be being on the Burger King side of obese, but you, you've got star written all over you. Intelligent, outgoing, whitty, beautiful and I'm sure that once you were allowed onto the party circuit, you could keep every gossip columnist busy on your own!"

"If that's what I want."

"Of course, but what is it that you want?"

"Aside from cock 24-7? I dunno, uni, simple job, kids, long life, happy family, lots of sex, that old fashioned fairy tale."

"Sounds like a good plan to me. So, where does your current social schedule fit into this plan. You trying to meet that special man, or woman?"

"Maybe, you know, I'm young and pretty I guess, might as well get it while I can… I suppose."

She was holding something back on me, there was something there, a regret in her eyes, maybe a fleeting hope that still clung on against reason. I stopped and looked straight into her eyes. I was right, I must be.

"You've found that man haven't you? It's.."

"Stop it, stop your silly little tricks." She resumed walking again.

"What tricks?"

"Oh, fuck off with your what tricks. I've seen you do it for years, you know, you are all shut off, like you don't get people then suddenly you just dissect them. You know, when people are having a go at you and you just take it, then suddenly you make one simple comment and rip into the heart of their insecurities, don't think I haven't seen you do it. I don't want you doing it on me; it will only end badly for all of us."

"But surly Jeff deserves a chance?"

"Yes, Jeff deserves a chance, but I can't be what I want to be for him. I mean, Year 7 I was into boys and wanted sex and emotional attachment and all that stuff and he just wanted to, ooh, I don't know what he wanted, but we didn't want the same thing, so I started well, lets say meeting more people, lots of people. And look at me now, I've been with, well I wish I knew, I really do, and he's just one shag off a virgin. And yes, I've always wanted to be the one who does it to him, to take it from him. I just wish he could have taken mine, all those years ago. But it won't work between us."


"Chasing Amy."

Amy turned around. I looked confuzzeled at the pair of them.

"No, not her, you know, that Kevin Smith film?"

"Nah, I can't say I've seen it."

"Dammit, right, homework for next week, I lend you all the Jay and Silent Bob films and you will watch them."

"I though you said his name was Kevin?"

"He's the director and plays Silent Bob. Anyway, in this film, Silent Bob offers advice to a friend, Ben Affleck, who was trying to come to terms with his girlfriend's past. He knew she was a dyke before they'd been together and could deal with the whole rug-munching issue, but he couldn't get past the life she had in high school where she experimented with loads of guys and slept around. He couldn't deal with the whole more experienced thing, you know, he wanted to be the Kirk, where no man had gone before and all that. Silent Bob had gone through the same thing, and left his girl and had ever since been looking for that perfect girl he had got rid off, he'd been Chasing Amy ever since."

"And, how does that?"

"Because I've done stuff that he can't understand, that I've been with more people, and he won't get that even though I'd give up other men for him, he'd feel inadequate because he doesn't have the same knowledge of girls as I had with guys, well, as I've had with girls as well come to think of it."

"I can see your point, but surly that's his decision to make, to be given a chance to see if he can accept."

"And he'll say no, and that's how it will stay, as a turned down girl and I can't beg, even for him, I won't beg."

If we were going to play pop cultures running our love lives with her, I'd had to have my own reference.

"You ever heard of a guy who called himself The Master Bluesman?"

"Nah, don't listen to blues, what was he, some brash Yank moaned about how he couldn't trust his cheating wife?"

"No, he actually came from down my way, about a decade ago. Plays acoustic guitar and growls a lot. Kind of cult fan-base over the Internet. One of his songs is about how virgins should never fall in love."

"Interesting philosophy, not one that you seem to be sticking to though!"

"Au Contrair. His song was of two kids at high school, shy and whatever, they were each others first time. Years later they broke up big style. He'd fallen out of love with her years before, but didn't tell her, partly because of loyalty, partly because he was afraid he'd never have another chance with anybody. She began to wonder if sex was different with other people, with guys and girls and wanted to play the field, she did, he got mad, heartache and shit like that. I hope me and Carly are different because we were virgins, and shared our first time which was great, but it was the sex with other people that made us realise who the right person for us was. Or so I hope."

"You have worked out your feelings now, you do love her?"

"Yes. Who'd have thought it!."

"Well, I'm glad, you can concentrate on her and not trying to fix my fuck ups."

"Fair enough, but you can fix your own fuck ups if you want."

"Oh, great, a plan."

"Its not a good plan, but it's a plan, abet a bit risky, or not."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the plan might mean you lose Jeff, on the other hand not doing anything will mean you lose him, if you follow your logic on his feelings."

"See, this is what I was afraid of, you have a plan that makes it seem that I have to follow it and it will all fuck up."

"Yeah, well, even my tricks can't save this with just a few words. So do you want to know what I think you should do?"

"Go on?"

"Fuck his brains out. Get him back to your house with Kelli, Amy, Jill, whoever, give him a massive night of debauchery, whole works. Then set him up with somebody."


"Oh, you know, somebody who gives out, this is Essex, so that's a lot of girls to choose from. As long as they don't want commitment, just looking for sex. Just as long as he doesn't know that he's been set up, that's the hard part. Now, he has a bit of confidence in his libido, he might start asking out more girls, getting more pussy, as long as the girls who come his way aren't looking for more than a few nights of fuckery, its all fine. Two years from now, he's tired of vacant relationships and feels that he's made up for lost time, and on an almost equal footing with you (hell, throw Paul Rider in to the mix for even more fun) and you can see if he still carries the flame. Then you've got a year before you both head off to university."

"Right, so the plan you just came up with, on the spot is to make Jeff a gigolo for two years then let me at the remains?"

"Look, you know him, he wants that big money future, he ain't gonna let those girls get in his way, they'll be a diversion. I think that after two years of that, he'll be ready for you!"

"You enjoy planning well in advance don't you?"

"I enjoy planning other people well in advance, me, no clue whats gonna happen next. Like that!!"

The legendary Ginger Perve had been spotted around the common for years, a decade even, but was never caught, he just appeared occasionally, once or twice a term if that, flashed a girl or two and vanished. Hiding behind a tree, he'd heard Amy and Jill talking as they walked ahead of us and leaped out, exposing himself. Poor guy. They were the wrong two girls to do it two. They, along with their big sister just pointed and laughed at his shrivelled member, surrounded by ginger curls. Amy and Jill both had their phones out and were taking pictures, the guy ran back into the wood.

I herded the sisters, who may well have pissed themselves in hysterics, and got them quickly walking the last minute to school. Carly was there, naked and enjoying the attention at the gate. She broke off from her admirers and joined me with a kiss on the lips. I wanted to stop, but she saw the urgency on our faces and joined us as we marched though to the main entrance. I asked to see the Head ASAP and within a minute we were in his office. I told him what happened and the girls showed him their pictures. He was straight on the phone to the staff room and a possy of male staff and a few interested sixth formers were soon off to the woods. He made a call to the police and then came back to us.

"You know, I now The Program rules, but you should have come straight in and told us about the flasher before stripping."

"Err, we didn't strip, we walked here like this, well, I did and Lois, Amy and Jill. I stayed at theirs last night It seems these two little devils want to enjoy The Program as well today."

"Well, very good, very good indeed. I commend all of you. It does give me somewhat of a problem though, two in fact. One you may find out about later on, the other, well, let me put it this way. Nobody ever designed The Program with Essex in mind. You see, when The Program was trailed in America, and when it was rolled out, sure lots of kids got into it, you've seen the stories, but even those American teens have nothing on this little corner of England. American schools are a bit larger than this and they only tended to have two participants in each of their four years at max. We've got more years and a good few students are seeing how well you, Jim, Lois and Carly, are taking this in your stride. They've seen you overcome the difficulties and enjoying the benefits and they want in. As well as the twn of the original participants, or nine that we have left, there are probably a dozen today doing this by choice. I haven't seen your friend Kelli, but I guess she is, as are you two today. I commend your efforts, however, it doesn't half distract everybody."

"I've told the staff today, am I would like to remind you two that volunteers to The Program are not entitled to get relief at the start of lessons. That would be too disruptive across the school."

The phone on his desk rang, it was the police, they'd caught the legendary Ginger Perve. And no, he wasn't old Mr. Grimshaw from the abandoned amusement park, but he would have got away with it if it weren't for these damm meddling kids!

We headed off to form rooms, my little bit of Scooby-dooing just got rude looks from the younger two Greens. I stopped Carly as she was about to turn down the corridor to her room.

"If you're about at break, can we have a chat?"

"Sure, I'm not going to object to spending time with my boy!"

"That thing you said last night, did you mean it?"

"What, that I loved you?" I thought about it last night, and I guess, err, yes, I think I am in love with you."

And there she had gone and laid her heart on the line, a nervous look in her beautiful eyes. Eyes that I want to see every morning for ever. Her lips waited to respond to what ever I was about to say. They quivered as she ran through her mind what I was about to say.

I just said my piece, quickly and quietly.

"I love you too."

I gave her another kiss on the cheek and moved as quickly as I could so I didn't start blubbering.

I got to registration and perched up on my corner. Jeff was giving me evils. I just smiled back.

"So, you enjoyed yesterday's biology lesson?"

"You planned it did you?"

What is it with people thinking I'm a control freak?

"No, whatever happened was down to Lois and Miss Sharpe, nowt to do with me. So, I guess it wasn't how you thought you'd lose it, but was it to who?"

"Fuck off!"


"I've just had to strip and then shag a girl in front of a class of people."

"So have I!"

"Yeah, but you've had some experience and its not as if, well you have a girlfriend, you don't need to try and impress Jenny."

"And you wanted to impress Lois, well, I think she was, well at least until I got to her last night!"

"I thought you didn't tell!"

"Hay, she said what she was planning to do, I can just build up my part in the fun! Anyway, back to you, you enjoyed it?"

"It wasn't fair, forcing me."

"Bollocks Jeff, bollocks. I know you, I know just what you were thinking on Monday when you saw me and you heard about The Program. You knew that if my parents had done this then your parents, who will react like mine, would likely do the same. You'd think that our mothers will have talked it over. You and your legal mind will have combed over that whole pamphlet, looked up previous details and whatever, you would have known exactly what The Program would have entailed. You would have known that you could have turned that down. You knew that where it was going was not a reasonable request, you could easily have turned it down."

"If you had turned Lois down, you know that she wouldn't have pressed you, well too much, but she could have picked any of the guys in the room. Well except Ian, I guess he'd just cream himself as soon as she said his name. Except we know that there is no way you would have turned Lois down. You lost your virginity to Lois and you fucking enjoyed it."

"I am so never playing poker against you."

"Shame, I could have used the money."

Mr. George sloped in, the smell of coffee preceding his entry as per usual.

"Right, notices. There will be no lesson fourth period today." Cheers. "Instead we will be having a smelly foot assembly." Boos.

"Bet its about The Program."

"Mr. Morton, I think by now you would have realised that the world does not revolve around you."

"Sir, I'd have thought, as a physicist, by now you would have worked out the proof that it does!"

"Okay, and Mr. Morton, can you head over to the Head of Year 7's office right away."

"See Sir, my point proved."

I wandered off to Mrs. Steel's office which was on the other side of the science block. I knocked on the door and went in.

Mrs. Steel was one of the school's favourite teachers. A large, round caring and happy woman, she was the unthreatening face of the school, the first face that the new blood saw when they joined and as much as mother figure for most of the students.

"Good Morning Jim, how's the Program going?"

"Its interesting, I have to say that I'm enjoying more than I thought I would."

"Yes, I heard. I hoped you would. I also heard you are going out with Lois Green. That I didn't see coming."

"We're not going out, I'm going out with Carly Brockley."

"But last night I heard you went to…"

"Yes Miss, it's a brave new world isn't it."

"Yes one I'm not too sure I'm up to speed with. I always thought that Lois and Jeff would up together, I was upset when they broke up."

"Yeah, I think there may be a long term plan being worked out at the moment to get them together."

"Tut-tut Jim, you know that meddling in the love-lives of students here is my job."

"You've enough on your plate Miss, I'll take this one for you."

"Talking of which, I have a job for you."

"Does it pay on commission? Cause I've been warned about those!"

"No, not really, its CV fodder, make you look good in terms of helping out the school and I think you'll enjoy it."


"The Year 7 Dance & Disco."

"No, there is no way I'm going to get stuck on chaperone duty, after this week, nobody is gonna pay attention to me!"

"No, nothing like that. I'ts just this year, we've got staff busy elsewhere, the upper 6th are busy with their exams so we don't have enough of them so we are a few down on numbers, so I need you to take over the floor management.

"I need you to make sure that the bands and the DJ have all their stuff sorted, get them what they need, make sure that everything is ready for the night and make sure that it all runs smoothly. It think that's a job that is right up your alley."

"I could do it, but, I'm not sure on getting home. Err, can I bring a date?"


"Carly lives much nearer than I do, I might be able to stay over with her."

"I've leave you to sort out all the details. This is a list of all the stuff that the DJ needs to be around. I'd chat with the music dept, drama dept and the caretaker on Monday, they should have all the stuff ready for you then. For bands, I'd check with Paul Rider, you know him, his band are headlining."

"Paul Rider, the devil worshiper?"

"Satanist, yes, his band."

"I didn't think it was the kind of thing he'd do."

"I take it you don't know him that well."

"Well, we had an encounter the other break which he tried to get to know me very well, but he doesn't seem the kind of person I'd get on with."

"Ohh, I don't know, I think you have a lot of interests in common. Get to know him better, no, not like that, and I think you'll realize that. He said that he'd be in the English department's computer labs at lunch. He did say for you to bring your girlfriend along as well. Perhaps he thinks she could help out on Tuesday after all."

The bell went and I left the office and headed to English. The teacher wasn't in and the supply teacher obviously had not been told about The Program and was taken aback when Lois and I arrived naked. He was more taken aback when Lois exercised her right for relief.

I was surprised when she decided to choose Jeff to give her the relief. That was not in the plan. Why does nobody stick to the damn plan?

I don't know if enticing if the right word to use, but it good enough for now. Lois was whispering instructions, quietly as Jeff went to work with his fingers, taking his time, not going in side her, just working her pussy lips and then onto her clit before diving inside, leaning in to kiss her tits, sucking on them, then he ducked down, going down on her. She clamped her legs around his head and kept pumping him into her. Exclaiming with a loud scream she came, sinking into her seat for a bit.

Jeff returned to his seat on my table. "No, I didn't plan that either.".

The good thing was that thanks to the teacher not knowing the rules and Jeff's technique we started the lesson 20 minutes in, not the lousy five mins that the Program is meant to give. The rest of the lesson was spent doing an essay on one of our set texts.

Next lesson was PE, which meant swimming. Or it did mean swimming, apparently there was a problem with the pool (possibly they found a trace of water in the chlorine), so a change of plans. It was orienteering. Which, aside from the running, I didn't actually mind.

I can do maps, easy enough; I should have this finished in no time.

Mr Kay came striding into the changing rooms. A couple of girls shrieked. Fine, they can accept a naked teen in their presence, but not a fully dressed bloke. Mr Kay didn't speak, he growls.

"Top two groups, business as usual, wait here, bottom two groups, in the other changing rooms. You have one minute. We passed the top group in the corridor. Lois was there smiling as she was being goosed. I found a place near Jeff and Kelli (that's where she'd been, guess she really was trying to take part in the program).

"Listen up people, these are the rules."

"There are 25 signs at various locations in the school grounds, across the common and in the woods. These signs will have two letters on them. These letters are entirely random, they complete no phrase, you can't guess them. You have until the end of break to bring back your maps with the letters on."

"There are no letters in the school buildings, nobody is allowed to enter any school building except this block until the lesson is over."

"The Police arrested the suspected flasher today, so girls you have no excuse not to enter the woods."

"You will be working in pairs, it will be boy-girl and you will not choose these pairs, these pairs are entirely at random." He liked that, entirely at random, I could argue that nothing really is entirely random, but it would confuse him, he's only a PE Grunt after all.

"You are going to stay in pairs, and since we don't trust most of you, we have these arm links. They have about a meters give in them. There is one key for all these cuffs. I have it. You will be released when, and only when I get all the letters."

"We have a member of The Program with us today. And we also have a voluntary participant with us. You may or may not be aware that it is harder to run when naked. Because this school believes in fair play and because it is such as nice day, you will all be naked. So clothes off before you leave the door. Under the rules of The Program I can do that and I can also say that anybody who refuses to obey will be made to be a 'reluctant participant' in The Program next week. If you do not know, this is a participant who has to follow the rules of The Program but is not allowed any of the benefits such as time for relief or access to The Room."

This got a gasp. There were a few movements, but not many.

Mr. Kay started calling out names. I was in the third pair called and was teamed with Eileen O'Reilly. True to form, she was already naked when called and we grabbed our stuff, were cuffed and darted out.

Everybody liked Eileen. She was the kind of bubbly person, a free sprit, daft, silly and always the first to get involved. She stood about 5'6, with long rich red hair that betrayed her Irish roots. She had, what I'd call a stunning body, pert C tub tits, full set of curves, not long, but graceful legs, and, since you will probably want to know, a red bush, trimmed right down.

Then I realised another problem I was going to have, running naked, inconvenient, running with a hard on, complete pain. I did my best anyway, and since neither of us are exactly athletes, we figured that a slow jog would be okay, especially as we had a head start on everybody else.

I had a plan.

"Okay, how about we start from the furthest marker first, and work back. I write down the first set, you the next and I take the next and so on. We made quick work of the woods without seeing anybody. While we worked we chatted about The Program, my exploits, her hopes. We reckoned that her form would be next in line. She was hoping to be picked. Then again, she hopes to be picked for everything."

"Jim, can I suggest how we can make this a lot quicker?"

"I'll all ears, go ahead."

She didn't answer; she was straight on her knees and blowing me. Wetting her fingers she grabbed my arse and slowly started working her finger up my arse as if she was looking for something, then she found it and in seconds I came. Damm, how the fuck did she do that? She swallowed my cum and smiled.

"My mum works in the sperm bank, she knows a few tricks!". She said, licking off her fingers.

From now on, I'm keeping that girl's fingers where I can see them!

Out on the common there were a few teams working around the cards. We spotted one card near the pond and made our way over to it. We met up with Not-Quite-So-Big Dave and his partner who arrived from the other direction.

"Want to swap maps?"

I answered that we would and I showed him my map, and we both marked on the other's points. They'd started at the far side of the common and had done that and were working their way across to the woods. We let them go and I showed my map to Eileen and she copied up onto her map. Then she saw my plan. We'd only given them half our letters and we'd got all of theirs.

We got the bit of the common hear the school was nice and flat and simple, just some letters around the pond and near the bench. We almost ignored the small crowd of passers-by watching the naked orienteering. About to cross the road we saw Kelli and her partner coming out of school. They were looking slightly guilty and rather smug. Eileen swapped her map letters with Kelli who had actually found some time to get the points from the front of the school, so copying up, we just had the back of the school to go. Jogging through the school, we picked off the letters at the back of the swimming pool and the back pitches. By now the other players had left he school and headed over the road, so it was pretty empty. We got the last two sets, and then copied up all our letters, arriving in the PE block to confront Mr. Kay half an hour after we set out.

He checked his watch, noted the time on his mark sheet and congratulated us for being the first. We had another 15 minutes to wait before Eileen could get her clothes and I could get a shower.

"I'm surprised that you were first, but you left first, got a jump on everybody I suppose." With that he unlocked us.

"Well Sir, they say that top level sport is 10% physical, 90% mental." I smiled and we walked off laughing. Eileen then started to drag me off onto the field and into the bushes. I figured that I'd have to pay her back for earlier, but I'm not complaining. I went to feel her but she stopped me.

"No silly, if I wanted fingers, I'd do it myself. And no lickies either. We've got 10 minutes and Eileen doesn't want foreplay from a cheat. She wants cock. She wants to punish cock for being a cheat."

"Ahh, but Eileen cheated too, I think that means she needs punishment!"

"Good goodies."

Ahh, when confronted with a large pink bottom, one can't resist the urge to smack it, especially when asked to. I spanked her a few times, before getting up behind her and fucking her.

I think that is the down side of the program. I'm having sex with a hot red-head in public, in school, during a lesson, and after a week of exploits, it is just fucking. It was actually a damm good fucking and we both managed to come at almost the same time. But it was still a fucking. We helped each other back to the PE block, by that time a trickle of people were arriving and we both headed straight to the girls showers.

Eileen helped me clean up and I helped her clean herself off and out. Some mutual towelling later and we were fresh and dry. She dancing into the other room and grabbed her clothes and put them back on.

"Ohh, I like running around naked, I hope I can do it next week too!"

If it's not in the water, I guess it's in the air around here as well.

I met up with Jeff and Ian outside the hall and we were soon joined by Carly. I don't think either of them minded her tagging along, considering they kept sneakily dropping back to check her out! She agreed to meet me at lunch to go and talk with the infamous Paul Rider. We rounded a corner of the technology block and found six East London kids waiting for us, all Year 10s and 11s. Not good

"Morton, my little brother is suspended cause of you, now I'm here to get even for the family."

No, I don't get their logic either, but when your last three schools have burnt down, I don't suppose reasoning was high on the curriculum. I sent Jeff to look for any nearby rugby players and Carly for a teacher. Ian was hardly intimidating, but I figured that he being near on 6 ft was a better bet than Jeff, the eight stone weakling. Obviously with Carly's history with the boy's brother, I didn't want him anywhere near her.

"Your brother was suspended cause he was a dirty perve with no respect for women. If I hadn't stopped him, he'd be in jail."

"And you're going to be in hospital!"

Oh, seriously, he knew help was on the way, what did he expect he could do to me? I couldn't help smiling at this. I felt an old, familiar feeling coming back to me, the temper I used to let drive me on, that I now only let out on the rugby pitch.

They closed in around me and Ian, well mostly me; Ian had backed off a bit, trying to work out if he should run. Well, either they are all going to take me down or I'm gonna have to do something, so I did. I charged straight at the guy on my right, driving straight into his ribs then smacking him against the wall of the building. It wasn't quite unstoppable force meets immoveable object, but he was in the middle of it and he crumpled, I bounced off him and behind the gang.

I made another charge, but this time aimed for the leader, the Y11 whose brother I'd apparently wronged, except they were ready for me, stepping aside, him and his made grabbed me and I felt punches rain in on me. Well, only for a matter of seconds as five of my team mates arrived and separated the scuffle. Teachers arrived a few seconds later and rounded them up. Carly took me to the toilets, reasoning that I'd been 'injured' she decided I could use the boys for once this week. I looked at myself in the mirror, a small bruise on my chest and a bit of blood from where the cut on my lip had split. Got out of that fairly cleanly, considering. I smiled at my girlfriend who was trying to clean the blood off my face.

"Do you enjoy nursing me?"

"I don't mind helping my man out on occasion, but don't make this a regular thing. Do you enjoy getting yourself beaten up?" She looked hard at my reflection. "You do, don't you?"

"Look, before you knew me, back when I first started here, back in primary, I was angry at everything, I used it to spur me on, to achieve, and yes, to fight, they were my outlets. Now, I'm not that person, I'm much calmer, but I still get angry, I tend to let it go sometimes in rugby matches, where I need it, in controlled bursts, but sometimes, I think I want to let it go at once. Besides, it was the only way I could see of getting out of it."

"Turn and run, nobody would have thought less of you."

"I couldn't."

"There were six of them, one of you, two if you include Ian, that's no odds to stand there."

"There were four of us. And I don't know about you, but I certainly can outrun Ian and Jeff, and that group would possibly have taken it out on them or you and left me for another day. I'm guessing that I can take it, and certainly give it, better than them."

She hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"You know that part of the reason we hang together is protection? We were all targets in the first couple of years. Jeff cause he's not able to fight back, me because of my mum teaching here and Ian, well, because he's Ian."

"We normally kept to the library, but on the occasions we were banned, be had to face the playground, so safety in numbers. Last few years especially when I'd got confidence from the rugby and get a slight reputation from it, nobody has bothered us. No lone bully is going to take on three people and few kids in school are going to try and take on me except in numbers. And most of the bullies here aren't that popular."

"Just be careful, I don't want my lover hurt, especially if he has to perform for me tonight."

We turned to kiss, and just as her hand was about to reach my cock, Jeff burst through the door.

"Jim, an ambulance has been called, I think you went and broke that kids ribs, and maybe an arm."

I winced.

"Tame wants you in his office ASAP, that means no 'you know'."

I kissed Carly on the lips and told her to meet me outside the dinning room at the start of lunch. I dawdled slowly to the head's office. The door was open and I walked in, closing the door behind me.

"Mr. Morton, come in and sit down. I'd have hoped that with your body on display, you'd try to avoid damaging it again."

I explained my side of the story to him.

"That seems to tally with other witnesses. Now, do you think they were attacking you because of you being in The Program?"

"Not directly, Sir"

"Okay, then I don't think we'll have them in The Program next time then. Look, the three guys we know who punched you are all on a week's suspension. The two others are in detention. The guy who you 'defended yourself' against isn't going to be punished. I think he'll be off school for a few days to recover. Look, I know you think you had no other option, but you could have done him even more damage than you did. I do not approve of your behaviour in this encounter."

"Neither do I Sir, but at the time, I felt that it was the only way I could avoid me or Ian getting into serious trouble."

"I understand, and in light of this, there will be no official punishment. However, I have to have your written view of events, so instead of going to your lesson, I want you to write it up. I also would like a letter of apology to the boy, it may avoid charges."

"Sorry Sir. That is not going to happen."


"Look, he chose to try and beat me up because his friend too exception to me stopping his brother sexually assaulting my girlfriend, well, she wasn't then, but err.."

"Suit yourself, I won't force you to do it, but if you change your mind. But I want your statement on the events.

"It'll be in your tray by lunch."

"Good, now, off to the library. And don't forget to catch up what you missed from err, yes, Geography."

He wrote me a note to use the library.

It wasn't that long a piece of work, just naming names that I can't face naming here. Then I found a copy of The Book Of Lists and filled my head up with useless trivia.


Lunch bell went and I headed out the library and in the corridor. Ian was waiting for me near the dinning room.

"Just wanted to say thanks. I know you could of run but didn't. I would if I were you."

"I'm glad I've got your permission for next time!"

He laughed it off. He went to the lunch queue where I met Carly. Apparently, because we are in The Program and can't keep out money on us, we get priority and don't have to pay. And I only find this out on Friday! We got our Jamie Oliver approved health slop. It's the same as before: tasteless, colourless lumpy stuff, however we don't have the satisfaction that it is gradually killing us from the inside out. And we don't have cake to finish.

We managed to avoid any reasonable requests when eating, but as soon as we were out we got asked to pose, then a couple of girls from one of the lower years took turns in playing with my cock. I decided to be helpful and show them how I liked it. However that left me more worked up than ever.

Carly was laughing my discomfort when a Year 7 boy asked if he could lick her pussy. She pointed out that this was not a reasonable request but because the boy looked so disappointed, he could try anyway. He bent down and nervously stuck his tongue between my girlfriend's legs. She spread wider so that he could have better access and he began lapping away. And that was all he was doing, lapping away, just getting her turned on and not likely to ever bring her off. Following my example, she started giving little instructions and I could tell he was paying attention. Just as she was really getting into it, I let the boy know that his time was up and we were late for a meeting. Carly gave me a look of 'I bring death upon you' as the boy went off with the largest grin he's ever worn.

Paul and his girlfriend (?) Lisa Cregg were running a club for kids to work on their web design and e-commercy type things. Its looked pretty interesting, I wonder what experience they had in it. Paul saw me and introduced me to Lisa and I introduced him to Carly and then, well you get the idea, we were all introduced. He told one of the older kids to look after the room while he took us into the corridor. Aside from the kids going to clubs and teachers, the top corridors were normally empty at lunch.

"Okay you two, lets go somewhere quiet to talk about this gig thing."

For whatever reason, he's definition of quiet was The Room. We swiped him in. It wasn't exactly quiet as Desiree had lured two Year 9 boys into one of the cubicles and hadn't bothered closing the curtain, but they were too distracted to be concerned with us.

Paul produced a list of stuff he needed for the two bands, and where it was coming from. Most of the stuff he was bringing, the rest I had to sort out with school. He went though what he though the plan of action was to be regarding DJs, bands and sound checks, which seemed to tie with the plan I was given. All seemed good. Right, now we had that sorted, if he could piss off. We had over half an hour left and me and my girlfriend had not made use of The Room together!

Paul though had other ideas. He was quite intent on all of us staying. Him and Lisa seemed to work telepathically. As soon as I saw he was moving towards Carly, Lisa was moving to me, arriving at the same time, they planted kisses on both of us and shepherded us into a cubicle.

Lisa was pretty hot in a dyed black hair, eyeliner rock chick way. Standing about 5'6, 5'7, she was dressed mainly in black and white. I say was dressed because she managed to shed most of her clothes very quickly. Paul had shed his clothes and it was obvious that they'd made up their mind where this was going.

I'm not sure what the sequence of events that occurred next were. I remember going down on Lisa. I remember her producing a small dildo and some lube. I remember her playing with it. Then I remember her trying to put it in me. Then I found myself sandwiched.

I don't know how, was standing behind Lisa, who was bending over eating out my girlfriend. I was fucking Lisa, hard and deep into her delightfully tight pussy. And Paul? He was fucking me. I don't know how or when, just that I had his cock rammed up to my intestines and it felt sooo good. I was screaming, he was screaming, the girls were screaming and when he came it was as if his spunk passed through all of us. I came into Lisa who came just before Carly orgasmed out of this world.

Carly was the first person to recover the power of speech, though she only managed three syllables: "I need cock".

Those words seemed to breathe life into my just fucked member and the reaction drew a smile from my beloved. Kissing me, she impaled herself on my cock as I pumped my hips to met her rhythm. Paul had the taste for arse, and well, my girlfriend has an incredible one (I have to say that since I think she will read this at one time or another! Oh, and its true!) . He had lube on his fingers and was working it into her rectum. Carly was squeeling with every touch of his fingers. Paul lined up behind her but she had other ideas.

"Sorry, but you've had Jim's back passage virginity already today. I think you can cope without mine. Jim can take it, you think you can cope with some pussy instead?" Its amazing how she can say that and still keep a shy, 'mummy, can you buy me a lollipop' smile on her face at the same time.

Carly flipped herself around so she was now facing away from me and her arse slipped slowly around my cock. She had a big smile on her face, especially when Paul penetrated her from the front. I lay back and thought of England. Well, no, I laid back and though of my girlfriend fucking her arse on my cock when the guy who had just fucked me was pounding her pussy. With my eyes closed I didn't notice Lisa coming in to sit on my face. I tasted my cum in her pussy and sucked it up.

I'm guessing the girls were in double figures for cummings by the time we were finished, and Paul and I were pretty damm satisfied.

The Room was near a set of girls toilets, lucky they were empty as I used the cold water and toilet roll to sooth my arse. I'd regained my composure by now and headed for my form room. Registration was brief and we were told to head down to assembly. On the way down to assembly, Mr. George had quick chat with me and Lois about The Program. He was proud about the way the two of us had tried to make The Program work for us. The rest of the class lined up at the back of the hall while The Program students with a few kids from various classes. Being in the sports hall, we had to remove our shoes before we entered, and there I was, naked in front of the whole school.

We perched on some chairs (ooh, padded, at last!) at the front as Mr. Tame arrived.

"Okay, settle down."

"As you might have worked out, I was busy sorting out other matters on Monday morning, so we have delayed the assembly till today. Those other matters are something I will deal with later on. Firstly, the Upper Sixth and Year 11 will soon be off on study leave and then exams. For all of Year 13, baring retakes, and some of Year 11, this will be their last whole school assembly. We would all congratulate them on their contributions to the school and wish them luck for their exams and whatever the future brings them. Believe me, the grounding that you have gotten from an outstanding school like this will do you well in the future."

Tick one on the outstanding count.

"Now I'd like to invite up some of the members of the sports teams from these years to receive their school colours from the chairman of the governors. After that I will invite some members of our sports teams from other years to receive their colours."

This was the standard dull bit of the assembly, people walking up and getting a little badge pinned on their blazer then sitting back down. Expect this to take ten minutes at least.

"Jim Morton receives half colours in rugby."

Err, what? Oh, me, bonus. I got up, shook the hand of the head then went over to the governor and shook his hand.

"So where do you want me to pin this?"

I looked over at our esteemed headmaster and laughed, "don't tempt me."

A few of the other year 10s got half colours, Rugby-Dave had picked up full colours. Some of the Year 9s and one Year 8 girl also got half colours.

Then we had the report of the sports results and other competitions. Normally by now, if I was stuck at the back, my feet would have fallen asleep by now and I'd be in pain with various circulation problems. Strike one for The Program.

"We could not let this assembly pass without talk of The Program. Now, you have all seen these brave boys and girls around the school and have seen more of them than you would have imagined on Monday. I want to say that the nine people here have been a credit to the school. And I also want to say that the way that the vast majority of you have treated these people was made me proud.

"When The Program was run in America, there was successes, there were failures, there were some schools where it took years for the Program to work properly. I have to say that in all those successful cases, it was the pupils, taking advantage of this unique opportunity they were presented with, that made it work. After one week here, I hope that this school is well on the way to being another of those success stories.

"However, it is not all a success. When The Program was first trialled in England it was in a small rural secondary school. There were protests, sit-ins and a pupil revolt. I hoped that this would not happen here, and I am pleased that it did not. I do regret to inform you that there was an extremely unpleasant event involving a participant in The Program at one of the other trial schools, just this morning. I have not got all the full details, but I am sure that The Program and this school will be under the spotlight even more. You may get reactions from members of the public that you do not expect or do not like, remember, if you have any problems, tell somebody responsible, be it me, a teacher or a policeman. Nobody has the right to hassle you for coming to this school.

"Now, some of you may have supposed this already, but I will tell you why Burntfield has been chosen as a trail school. We are an outstanding school," two times, "and situated close to London. The people in charge of the nationwide scheme had banked on you making it the success that it is just incase it doesn't work as well as it is here in other schools. They would hope that the national media would focus on our school. While today's events may have derailed that plan, I can assure you that you have done this school proud. The governors, the staff and I wish to thank you all for that.

"Now, I am going to tell you about some changes I will be making to how The Program is being run here, and some clarifications of various aspects of the rules. This is still a trial and part of our school's remit is to test how some ways to improve The Program for all of us.

"I wish to underline that a reasonable request is just that, a request. You have to ask and they have to agree. If they do not agree to something that you believe is reasonable, then refer the request onto a member of staff, or a member of the Program Committee, something I will get to later on. No means no. This is not a petting zoo, this is an attempt for you to become for familiar with the workings of the human body and human emotions. Remember that there is a person underneath that skin when you make your requests. Anybody, I mean anybody, making unwanted moves on anybody, be they in The Program or not, will be dealt with to the full extend of the school code of conduct and if we feel there is a case for bringing in the police, we will. I will never treat sexual assault lightly.

"I will be issuing whistles to all participants of the Program next week. They will come in three colours, which I will explain to you in a moment. If you are naked and you feel unsafe, threatened, then blow on the whistle and people will come to help you. If you hear a whistle, please come to assist the person in trouble.

"The first whistle is the gold coloured whistle. This identifies people chosen each week to be on the Naked in School Program, just like these nine up here.

"Then we come to the silver whistle. This identifies you as a volunteer. Now I can see that a number of you have come to school naked, or have taken your clothes off at some time today. In future I ask that when you do so, you come to the office, sign your name and collect a whistle. I am going to say this right now so nobody is under any false impressions. You are not entitled to any relief in class nor are you under a duty to accept a reasonable request. I assume that many of you have chosen to do this because you like the idea of the requests. You can say yes or no to whatever requests you want, reasonable or not so. I only ask that you judge the request, not the person asking for it, except in circumstances you feel uncomfortable with. You also do not have to use the opposite toilets or changing rooms if you don't want to.

"Finally, we have the red whistle. This is for people who have been put into The Program by me or another member of staff at some point during the week because we think it will do them good. The main reason for this will be disrespecting a participant of The Program. You are not entitled to relief in lessons but you are bound by 'rule three', the reasonable request. Like the official participants, you can't turn down a reasonable request.

"I think that you are worried that this is a dictat from some adults in London and enforced by the staff here. As part of the Pupil Voice initiative, I have decided that a pupil committee with oversee the running of The Program. They will help me address any concerns that you have, not only the people who are in an undressed state, but anybody else. And no, they won't be choosing the people in The Program!

"For the remainder of this term, the committee will be made up of these nine pioneers you see in front of you. They will be joining me at the end of school today to sort out the details of this.

"I've received a lot of complaints about the fact that Program participants have to use the changing rooms and more importantly, the toilets, of the opposite gender. There are reasons for this, as I have explained to anybody who has come to ask me, but I have decided that from next term, we will not have that as a requirement in The Program. I have been talking to the council and builders and we will be converting all toilets and the changing rooms into uni-sex environments. The changing rooms will be joined together, as will any toilet blocks that are adjacent. Yes, I will also be doing this for the staff facilities.

"Another change is that from next week, one member of the senior management team and two members of the teaching staff will be required to teach the week without clothes, within the safety guidelines of The Program."

This got a cheer from the pupils. Paul had the sixth form boys in a chant of strip aimed at Mr. Tame. Lisa responded by getting the girls to chant "No, Don't!"

"Now, finally, rewards. One of the conditions I made of having The Program here was that the participants this term would be rewarded. The national council for The Program agreed. Now, normally these will be a few nights in Bath or Manchester or a day trip to France. Maybe a short weekend break. These will be awarded to the two people who the staff and the program council believe have made the best of their time in The Program. Maybe the people who have developed personally the most, I don't know. It is an incentive to make the best out of your week.

"This week is special. And I think that from the ten people we started with, the nine we have sitting here have all grown as human beings and I don't think that any of them deserve the prize over any other. So we have nine prizes. And no, this isn't a day trip to Bognor, this is two week trip to America at the end of summer. You will visit a number of schools that have run The Program, including Central, which was the first, and the so called Naked School in Westpoint. There will also be enough time to visit Washington and New York. Well done, you all deserve it!"

FUCKING YES! I would put it more eloquently, but I can't. Many hugs swapped between me and the other Programmees.

"Now, I want to say thank you to the people who added to the whole experience by stripping off of their own accord. Yes, you have caused a lot of disruption, but hopefully this will be minimised as we all get used to it. I ask that you let a member of the office staff know if you are going though with it, just for your own protection, so we know that you are naked on site. I'd also like to thank those people who volunteered in classes to do something in the name of The Program. I have heard of some interesting happenings in Y10 biology and also a naked invasion of The Common. I wish that I could send you to America with the others, but the money is only available for Program Participants. Besides, I don't want you to strip just for holidays; I want it to be for educational reasons.

"However, I have spent much of the morning on the phone to various people: the national committee, the American Program committee, the government and Essex LEA and have come up with the money for tickets for another twenty people. I have got names and recommendations from staff and these are the people who will be coming along."

In the list were Jeff, Jenny, Kelli, Jill and Amy. America is not going to know what hit it.

Ending on a happy note, the assembly was dismissed. People shuffled out as the nine of us at the front embraced in a group hug. Jill, who was near the front of the hall bounced up and joined in.

I walked over to the head with my hand outstretched. "On behalf of my friends, I think we would like to say a massive thank you. And I have to say that Anglo-American relations may never recover!"

"You're welcome Jim, now, get back to class."

I put my shoes on with Lois and Carly. Carly had to head off in the opposite direction, so me and Lois walked out of the sports block arm in arm, over the moon about our American trip. Kelli came bounding over and almost knocked as both over. Yep, she was happy too! Lois shut her up after a bit of over exciting blabbering, she wanted to know about my lunch time. I have an ominous feeling that that whole thing was planned again via Lois.

I recounted the story as best I could remember it, which, as you know, isn't that much, and the girls were laughing all the way though. Time to deflect the attention.

"So, Lois, you and Jeff, New York New York, hotel rooms all to yourself, looking forward to it?"

At least that shut her up till we got to Citizenship.

We got into class and declined relief, we were still 'the other kind' of excited. We had to remain standing at the front while Mr. Lymer stalked around the classroom. He lapped the class once and was about to set off on another go when he wheeled round, facing Lois with a fierce look in his eyes.

"You, Lois Green are a slut, a cheap little whore! Nothing but a cum-chasing slut."

The class were shocked, Lois had suddenly lost her good temper, and was on the verge of tears. Kelli was holding herself back from launching Mr. Lymer out the window. Faye was grinning. I moved over to comfort Lois, wrapping my arms around her.

"And as for you Mr. Morton, you are a stud, well done and good on you."


Then he moved over to Lois, who backed away from him, and offered her a tissue and with a flourish produced a bunch of magician's flowers from up his sleeve. (I miss sleeves).

"I owe you an apology. I also owe you some chocolates. He couldn't fit them up his shirt; instead he produced a box of Belgian chocolates from his desk. You are not a slut, you are a young woman who is in touch with her sexuality. And I am a man who shamefully resorted to age old stereotypes to make a point. Our views on sex have not changed for centuries.

"Yes, we have moved on a bit, but those views, that a man can sleep around, but a woman can't have remained, why?"

"Because women are bitches and men make up half their stories to impress their mates?"

"Not bad Karl, lets go back in time a few millennia. What the only reason for having sex?"

"Something to do before they invented soap operas?"

"No, it was for…"


"Yes, procreation. They needed lots of babies, why?"

"Claim benefits."

"Oh dear God, what did I do to deserve teaching Citizenship on a Friday afternoon to these morons? No, why do they need lots of babies?"

"Because most of them would die?"

"Great, that's one reason; they needed to 'make' lots of babies because most would not survive till adult hood. But there is another reason. Look at a farm, who collects the crops in?"

"A farmer."

"Yes, a farmer, driving a harvester or something, now back years ago, they would need a large family to keep a small farm running. They had no machines."

"Now how has life changed over the past few centuries?"

"The Internet?"
"Cliff Richard."

"No, all wrong, especially the last one, he's been around since the Iron Age. No, two major progressions are in machines and medicine. Now you need less labour to run a farm or make goods and you are going to last another 30 odd years so you don't need as many kids to replace you, and you don't need to make as many because they are not going to die off.

"So sex was not needed. Women still had the role of homemaker, but once they had produced, they had little purpose in the bed room. But then, a saviour!"


"No, birth control. Birth control, along with better healthcare, has meant that sex is almost without consequences. Now, done correctly it is and enjoyable experience, as I know that our two naked classmates will testify to. So why the stigma attached to girls who enjoy it?"

"Sir, more importantly, why do men get to boast?"

"Simple, watch a chimp family, a bear family, most mammals, sex is about spreading the seed. In fact, many male animals kill the young of their mates if they are fathered by a different father. It is not just spreading the Lion seed, it is his Lion seed.

"The alpha male gets every female to himself. He mates and they are out of action for months while he can move on and mount another in a matter of minutes. Now, I don't know if a Lion boasts, but certainly in human terms, boasting about conquests to other men demonstrates his manhood, it's almost like a battle to be an alpha male. And there are some females to whom him establishing that he has in fact slept with more women is stating that he is the strongest male and therefore the most likely to make my child strong.

"Of course, this is where it comes back to sex. Sexy in a man is what will make my child better than the rest, how can he…"

"Or she!"

"Or she, thank you, or she can survive against the terrors outside the cave. How can he, or she, pass on my DNA. In a man this could be charm, it could be physique, or intelligence. It could be that sporting prowess could show how good he is, and his son, or daughter, would be as a hunter or fighter defending the family.

"As for women, hell, something went wrong here. Now, you head to Fiji, before TV, most women and girls had nice big arses. Now, ten years after the populous had access to TV, 10% of the young girls had eating disorders. Here we have a conflict.

"On one hand, you have the big, beautiful woman, the BBW as you may. The big breasts are a sign telling the man that they can bring up kids. Big, wide hips are baby making hips, they are designed for babies to pop right through. And the rest of her BBW self, shows that she is healthy, that she can cook and look after her family.

"Now, the average figure on the front of your weekly mags, with bikinis hanging off them and dress sizes in minus numbers and decimals, they are the new role models. Maybe it's a co-incidence that much of the fashion and media world is run by gay men, but class, you can decide.

"I feel again I owe Miss Green an apology, because, you may, at first glance seem to conform to that latter, thin, the opposite of fertility view. But, looking at you more closely, something that I'm afraid has produced a rather painful side effect," Hmm, Mr. Lymer's got a boner! "I'm guessing that you eat a lot but have a lot of exercise."

"Yes sir, running."

"Don't forget bedroom gymnastics."

"Thank you Jim, having lots of exercise has given Lois a well toned physique that shows a potential mate that she is fit and healthy, again with the sexy."

He set the homework to write an essay on the evolution of the slut.

"Ohh, My life story."

"Thank you, Miss Green! I apologise again for the start of the lesson."

"Its okay, I would offer you a chocolate, but apparently I need to eat them to attract a man!" With that she turned and started snogging me, pretending to lift her leg to allow me access! She backed off and sat down at the front.

"So, you are two of the first pupils in the country to go through The Program. What are your views?"


"Okay, what did you find the most surprising thing?"

Lois got in first. "I surprised myself that I could take off my clothes the first day."

"You were nervous about that, it looked like you enjoyed it?"

"Oh yeah, I did once I started, but it was because you were there to tease and keep my off it. Besides, I thought that I'd have to do it to coax you out of those clothes."

"Okay Lois, and what about you Jim?"

"That nobody was ill when they looked at me!"

"Obviously a few people liked it. I heard the noises coming from The Room this lunch time."

"Ohh, god no!"

"So, how many new things did you try?"

"I think those noises were one of Jim's new things. I belive it was called Paul Rider's cock!"

Okay, now readers, now I know that the sound of 28 dropping jaws sounds like.

"So, it was a new experience, it was fun, it was consensual, I think, it was safe. Look, when I arrived at school on Monday, I didn't think that within an hour Lois would have wanked me off, I wouldn't have thought that I'd have eaten out Kelli, gone home with the girl of my dreams and find out we were in love with each other, threesome with Amanda Eastwood, spent the night with a pregnant girl, sex in a train toilet, spent the night with two sisters, and whatever other stuff I have done. I certainly didn't think I'd be the Daily Mail's hate figure, and frankly, being buggered by a devil worshipper…"


"What, err, okay, whatever, Satanist, is just one in a long list of good memories I have from this week."

"Lois, new experiences?"

"Having guys stand up for me. I think you know by now that Jim has made a point of coming out of the shadows and standing up for some of the girls going through The Program and we are all immensely grateful for it, and I know he has been rewarded for it. But I know there is at least one other guy here you given his chance would do the same for me. He has already stepped up to the plate for me twice, and I hope that Jeff is free for a nice old fashioned date of a dinner and a movie tonight."

An embarrassed Jeff just nodded. Good on you both, though minus several million points for NOT STICKING TO THE PLAN! Though this may keep her out of my girlfriend's knickers for a bit!

"So, well done to Lois, and well done to both you guys for completing the week." Don't you hate teachers who use the word 'guys' to address you? "The rest of you, you've got a lot to live up to. Go get them. Now, you two, to all the doubters, would you recommend The Program?"

"Yes!" Both of us in unison.

We don't know how Mr. Lyman does it, but he times his lessons to the bell.

"No, you leave when I say. Alright, go, have a good weekend."

Lois stayed behind to make arrangements with Jeff. I walked down to Mr. Tame's office and then following instructions on his note, to the library, catching up with Lois who was coming the from other direction.


"The circle is now complete! Now I am the master."

We sat down at the front and Mr Tame addressed us.

"Welcome back here. I have said it before and I will again, you have been a credit to the school. First things first. I mentioned in assembly about an occurrence in one of the other schools. That school was running just one girl and this morning she was gang raped on the way to school."

Shocked silence.

"Now, she is fine, the police caught them all and they are behind bars. They attacked her on the way to school, she wasn't naked. The Program may have singled her out as a target, but it was just as likely they would have gone for another girl if The Program wasn't running. Now, there is going to be a lot of fuss made over this, and I don't blame them. Some of the press will use this as an excuse to try and close down The Program and will likely ask for views. You can give them, you can hold them to yourself. Just be warned. I have been talking to various security firms and the police. We are installing extra cameras and there will be increased police presence at the start and end of school around the more wooded approaches to the school."

"I wish to put your mind at rest, that town had, well has, a huge rape problem, we don't here. We are in one of the safest areas of the country, especially now the flasher has been caught this morning. No harm will come to you or any other participant, I promise."

"Second on the agenda is the school's Program Committee. Now I hope that this format will be acceptable. We start with the nine of you, and three staff. We will have a deputy head, My Lyman to represent Citizenship and the social side of the scheme and Miss Sharpe to represent the biology side of it. Now it will be chaired by one of you. Miss Eastwood?"

"No thank you, I'm taking over as head-girl in a week, too much work."

"Thank you. How about one of the Year 10s?"

Lois spoke first. "I don't think it would suit me, I think it would do Jim more benefit than me."

"Thank you, I suppose you have your man, until you find anybody better!"

"By the end of the year, we will hold elections for all the people who have completed their week. We will get a girl and boy from each year. I'm afraid Miss Eastwood that until we can get a boy from your year, you're on your own."

"Any news on Mike?"

"I'm afraid I can't say. If he does come back, he's still got to do this all again. Many of you will now have seen that the participants in America have made diaries of their experiences. The Program Committee have decided that you all need to come up with your own journals. I'll send out a letter with details of what we want next week."

"Now, moving on, who has any suggestions on how to improve The Program?"

Beccy had some ideas about dealing with the morning strips. I put my hand up.

"Two things. First, can we have softer toilet paper in the loos. I don't know how the girls manage it, but the school's stuff is not nice on a sore bum." That got a laugh! "And the other, can't we have some warning, you know, considering the effects it may have on our marks and stuff, we might have to get work out the way we would normally leave?"

"Good point. Now tell me. 3.40 last Friday, imagine that you were here, called in to see me along with the nine others. And I told you that you'd spend the next week naked, what would be your thoughts?"


"You would have panicked, cried, ran around like a head-less chicken and got yourself all worked up. You came into this without preconceptions, nothing bad to live down to and so you didn't drag the program down. You understand?"

"Yeah, got you. Short shock rather than the pain of anticipation?"

"Exactly, and another thing…"

That was as far as Mr. Tame got, there was a massive explosion from outside. We all got up and dashed out the main entrance. The clothes boxes were in pieces, scattered across the car-park. Some windows were blown in. Scraps of clothing were everywhere. We looked on in shock. Carly turned around to me and started crying. I held her close and stroked her hair, trying to reassure her.

"Its okay, you brought a spare set of clothes didn't you, for tonight?"

"But… but…. I left them in the box too."

"I don't think any of mine will fit you, will they? No, I kept mine in my pack since I had them folded down from walking here naked. Tell you what, we'll both go back to my place naked and I'll we'll let you claim some of my sister's stuff for a bit."

"But you have clothes."

"So, I'll keep you company in the train's naked class seats."

Mr. Tame arrived back from a quick trip to the office.

"Okay, I have looked over the tapes and I know who the culprits were. The school with pay for new uniforms for everybody, or clothes in your case, Amanda. We'll reclaim the money from insurance or the arsonists. I know that a lot of you have things planned for the weekend, so I will give you all dispensation to not have to wear uniform next week. You can wear your own clothes. Right, it's been a long week and I don't think I can take much more of it. Go."

Naked, Carly and Lois and I walked up to the pub to have a drink before me and Carly had to catch the train. We got quiet a lot of strange looks from passers by, but I tired to act like I was enjoying it as Carly was having a hard time being naked out in public. A clothed Kelli was waiting for us in the pub. We explained the situation of the blown up box, and Kelli stripped off to join us.

A few other customers had caught on to our cheap deals and were also naked. After a pint and a gossip, we all headed back to the station, where Kelli and Lois headed back up to Lois' house to get her ready for her date.

Carol was waiting on the platform, and was rather surprised (Jim Morton's entry to the Annual Understatement Awards - 15-18 category) to see us in our undressed state. The train arrived shortly after we got to the station. Perhaps I should go naked more often, the trains have run on time all week!

We managed to get a nice empty set of seats, well, once Carol had shooed off the younger kids from her school. We all tried to pretend that two of us weren't naked. We chatted about school, a bit about our day and quite a lot about how Carol's school friends had reacted when they heard about her toilet session. It turned out that she had PE in the morning and they saw she wasn't wearing any underwear. Her explanation was around the school and she had spent most of day today being called a slut. Carol was in tears, so I tried my best to comfort her.

"You're a beautiful loving person, and they are just jealous that people can see that in you."

I hugged her and she hugged me back. Carly slipped onto the floor, crouching in front of the Catholic school girl.

"He's right, if I was a man, I wouldn't be able to turn you down. If fact…"

Carly continues to amaze me. She just bundled up Carol's skirt and dived in. I guess that my class-mates had been giving her pussy-eating lessons because Carol was purring and panting within a minute. Well, Carol wasn't crying anymore, I had to kiss her hard on the lips to avoid the whole carriage hearing her orgasm. Carly popped her head back up with the biggest grin on her pretty face.

"You taste nice, here Jim, you want to try?"

As we kissed I could taste Carol all over her lips.

We sat back down next to Carol, stroking her hair and hugging her.

"You want to fuck him again, don't you?"

Carol just nodded.

"I'm sorry Carol, now that our Program week is over, I don't want him fucking anybody but me. At least if I'm not there! I think for a girl as tasty as you, I could arrange for you to come over to mine and for Jim to be there too. What do you think?"

That got a smile from both of us!

"Carly, we need to get off the train soon. Carol, see you next week, you are wonderful, just remember that."

We got off the train and walked naked down the platform and onto the branch line train. Finding a seat near the front we sat down. As soon as my bare arse hit the rough seat fabric, I burst out crying. At this point I think I should apologise to the readership, as this is not the first time this week. Monday and Wednesday, when I found myself here, I cried. I was finally out the way of everybody, I could turn my front off and just let my emotions out.

"Jim, not you as well, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, honest."

"No it's not, come on, what is it, you've been so upbeat this week, don't let yourself down now."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, it's just this is what I've been wanting to do all week, and I can't. I can't let them see me cry. I don't know why I can let you, but I can. I've had to pretend for a week that I'm enjoying everything and I forced myself to enjoy it, but it's killing me, I don't want to be the centre of attention all the time, I want to sit in a corner and watch people. For the last few years, there has only been one person I had wanted to see me when I was in the shadows, and that was you."

Carly was crying too. She told me that she was just like me, putting on a front and getting more and more involved in the week and forgetting who she was.

And there we were, two teenagers, naked physically, naked emotionally, in each others arms and crying on each other. I looked out the window and saw the familiar shape of the white manor house on the bank of the river.

"Carly Brockley, I wish to welcome you to Crouchford, and believe me, you are welcome to it! Let's face the music and dance!"

We got off the train and to Carly's surprise there was a naked girl on the other side of the level crossing. I waved at Emma.

Apparently The Unofficial Program at the local school was going well, they were up to 50 people and the Headteacher had promised to look into running The Official Program next term. Emma was entertained by my stories from the last few days in school. As we went our separate ways, she reminded us about meeting up later on, then waved us goodbye.

When I got back, mum was in the kitchen.

"Good grief, has somebody stolen your clothes?"

"No, blown them up. Actually they only blew hers up, but I felt it would be more supportive for me to be naked. Mother, I'd like to introduce you to Carly, my girlfriend, Carly, this is my mother."

"Ohh, Carly, Jim has told me so much about you."

"He has, what did he say?"

"Well, nothing, cause he hasn't been back since Monday! Well, no, he popped in on Wednesday a bit, and I think he was around for an hour on Thursday morning, but no, my son has been out on the prowl, hopefully with you."

"No, Mrs. Morton, it wasn't with me, but don't worry, I know where he's been and I'm comfortable with it, well for this week at least."

"Okay, well, I can't say I approve, but then again, I did volunteer you for this, so I guess it's my fault. Anyway, tea is in an hour or so. I doubt your father will join us."

"Mum, can Carly borrow some of sister's clothes? I think we both would prefer to be dressed for a bit."

"Yep, fine, I doubt she'd mind. Ohh, we got a postcard today. At least one of my children actually sends them before they get back!"

I showed Carly upstairs, braved my sisters room to show her the wardrobe. We actually found something respectable in there, and then crossed the hall to my room.

"I think I need to lie down in my own bed for once. Care to join me?"

Just cuddling my beautiful girlfriend, holding her in my arms and feeling her breath and her heartbeat next to my body, this is the best experience of my week. We both snoozed off, happy and in love.

Mum woke us up at about seven and we went downstairs to the dining room for my favourite, Spaghetti Bolognese. My mum tried to keep the inquisition light, asking Carly about how she did at school and how her hobbies. As we got the ice-cream out, mum decided to spring a surprise on me.

"I hope you haven't got any plans for Sunday. How'd you fancy having a look around some TV studios?"

"That'd be cool. Why on Sunday though?"

"Cause that's when you're booked."


"There's been a lot of coverage of the Naked in School kids, and after your TV appearance on the news, somebody contacted the school and they contacted me. You're appearing on the BBC breakfast program. Don't worry, you can wear clothes, in fact they'd prefer it."

"Don't I get a say?"

"Why, don't you want to?"

"Well, yes I do, but it would be nice if I had a say before you accepted."

"Ahh, so you don't want to know about the MTV appearance in the afternoon, and next Thursday you're booked on Question Time."

"Are you trying to cash in on my fifteen mins of fame in one go here?"

"Well, why not, you keep going on about going into politics. It's your chance to show yourself as an opinionated, informed, articulate young man."

"Fair enough, what about MTV then?"

"Oh, they just want a bunch of kids from The Programs together so they can ask inane questions to you and you can pretend to like the videos."

"Not that I watch it, but hey, it's something to do. Carly, what do you think?"

"Can I come and watch you then?"

"I'd love you to be there. I bet when MTV see your pretty face, they'd want you on, if you haven't already been invited."

Carly went off to phone her mum, and came back with news that her mum had agreed for Carly to do the MTV thing as well. Bonus.

We went back upstairs to watch a bit of TV. Okay, so the big TV was in the lounge, but I don't like watching that anymore. My dad tends to sleep on the sofa bed and keeps strange hours, so I don't like going in there. Besides, my TV has a digital hook-up and I, make that we, can watch it from my bed.

"Jim, how long have you known Carol?"

"About two years now, her mates decided I was a nice target to annoy sometime at the end of her 1st year. Why?"

"And you didn't realise that she loved you for all that time?"

"What are you talking about?"

"She has been in love with you for ages, you're one of the only people in her life that treats her with respect, as an equal."

"She told you this?"

"Of course not, I saw it in her eyes. Its something that I can do, sometimes, I can just read people totally."

"No shit. Lois had a go at me this morning because I can do that to people, but I've never seen it in Carol."

"I think that was because she was afraid. She had feelings for you that she wanted to hide from you and so you couldn't see it. I think you did the same when I was around you, I could never tell if you felt the same about me as I did about you."

"And let me guess, you hid these feelings, so I couldn't tell about you. We're idiots aren't we?"

"Yes, but I think we have made ourselves a problem with Carol, well you've made it, sleeping with her, she finally got what she wanted, only you now have a girlfriend, so are even further from her."

"Where are you coming up with this physco babble?"

"Just-17 magazine, where else?"

"Figures. So why did you invite her to your place for a shag-fest then?"

"Simple empowerment Jim, to do what The Program has done for us, made us confident in our sexuality and not afraid to use it. Then hopefully she can find somebody else rather than my boy!"

"Why does it seem that the answer to every problem at the moment is sex?"

"It's a brave new world, darling! Now, I think we need to try something, we should have no feelings to hide from each other anymore. I love you and I trust you, now look into my eyes and tell me what you see."

It may have been seconds, it may have been minutes, but for those shared moments there were just two of us in the whole universe. We're shared sex and love, been wrapped around each other physically and emotionally, but now it was more, we were one mind, I knew her and she knew me. There were no doubts, no temptations, there was just us.

"Carly, I can tell you only one thing that I have found out. I don't ever want to leave you, and I never will."

"Jim, you know I saw the same, you are mine forever."

There was no need to kiss or undress each other, this was beyond sex. We just held each other close and we were in bliss. It was getting on to eight when we decided to make a move. Deciding that there was no way I was going to drink any of my dad's Special Brew (and forgetting where my sister's booze stash was), we made a trip to the local offie before heading to the playing fields. Cutting through the industrial estate, and over the main road, we saw the little flicker of flame at the far side of the field.

"Guess its time to strip off again, you up for it?"

"Yeah, why not?"

We stripped off out of sight of my friends around the fire. Shoes back on we trotted over to the flickering flames. It was the same crowd as last time, and yes, they were all naked. I introduced everybody to Carly then sat down, the cold grass was feeling nice on my bare buttocks. In the camp fire, you couldn't see much of the details of my friends bodies, though the ever moving shadows from the flames seemed to show up curves more than the daylight would.

Again, it was nudity was not an issue, we sat talking and slowly drinking the booze. A spliff came out and was passed around. Somebody decided we needed to get the blood moving again. Naked touch rugby in the pitch black was fun. It was more silly-fun, than good-sport-fun. We had no idea where anybody was so most of the passes went 'amiss' and the scrums were just a joke. Tom against me wasn't exactly fair, he played fly-half for the town team so was rather overpowered.

After about a quarter hour, we decided it was just silly and changed to play naked pitch black football. Carly was in her element here, and from what I could see was outstanding, scoring a couple of goals.

That game lasted another fifteen or so minutes before we headed back to Emma and the fire. It was getting a load colder now and so Carly was snuggled up close to me.

Lilly decided to turn the conversation onto The Program.

"You know Jim, there are quiet a few parents down here who are pissed off with you to say the least!"


"They assume that you are one sort of subversive cult leader who has gotten their kids to strip off for school."

"Cool, I've always wanted to start my own religion! Nakedolosism."

"And we all must worship the leader orally!"

"Well, if you insist, and if Carly would move over, then go ahead!"

Carly laughed and sat up, gesturing towards Lilly that my crotch was now free! Keith just stared at us in shock.

"What the fuck, I'm sorry, but how could you let him just do that. If my girlfriend just asked another guy to eat her out I'd be shitting pigeons."

"Keith." Emma interrupted as she could sense he was about to have a rant. "The chances of you having a girlfriend are so limited that I doubt that situation would ever occur!"

We laughed at this. Then Carly spoke up. "This week is special, Tuesday night we were both virgins, now, well I've fucked a fair few people and so has Jim. We kind of agreed that whatever happens to us this week with other people will stay in this week. From next Monday, then we are gonna be that annoying inseparable kind of couple, well that kind of couple who will occasionally go to bed with their friends as well."

"And friend's sisters." I laughed

"Oh, how could I forget them! So while we're here and naked, I guess I'm okay with him getting a blow-job or even a shag from somebody because, well, there is enough pussy and cock around here for me. Also, I know that I'm going home, alone, with Jim tonight."

"So, you are quite happy fucking around with whoever the fuck you like as and him fucking the fuck out of whoever he fucking wants?"

"Yes Keith, we are only young once, and we might as well get all this out the way. Besides, I know that every girl he's shagged just makes him want me more!"

Damm, this girl really does know me.

"So, if this what your school is like, everybody dashing off for McLarens."

I looked at him blankly. "Keith, what is a McLaren?"

"You know, McLaren, as in Formula 1, quick pit-stop, a splash and dash mate, a splash and dash. In, squirt, out and back into the field, not even time for boots on and off."

"Perhaps if you stopped thinking of names for sex and instead used for linguistic ability on members off the opposite sex, you might not be so uptight!"

"Ahh, Jim, you know, its just his way of trying to overcome him lack of confidence from being a bit inexperienced." I turned round to see Joey, a Japanese girl who I vaguely knew; she used to go out with one of the guys from the rugby club, reprimanding me. She got to her feet and sat down next to Keith, took his cock in her hand and started rubbing. "There is only one way I know of dealing with inexperience, and that is to fuck it away!"

With that she dragged him on top of her. I decided that, however cute Joey was, I really didn't want to watch Keith's bum pounding away on her. I turned away, straight into the eyes of Lilly who mouthed something along the lines of 'that looks like fun'.

You don't need to be some sort of mystic to know what happened next. I had Lilly's athletic frame under me and in no time my cock was slipping through he pussy lips. I'd heard that Lilly had been having sex since we were in primary school, but wow, she was tight, and controlled. He mussels were massaging my dick as se moved her hips to meet mine.

I could see Carly, Emma and another guy were engaged in some sort of threeway, but I didn't care, This was Lilly, a girl who was one of the first to try and coax a sentence out of this wall flower, who'd been there for me in primary school, always looking out for me, and when she grew into a sexual being, had flown from my grasp, just when I realised what I wanted. And now I was one with her, pumping into her. We came almost together, her keeping control of my pending cumming until she was ready, then letting herself go when I spurted my seed into her. I lay down and she rolled on top of me.

"So, was I worth waiting for?" She laughed with a pixie smile.

"More than worth it, was I?"

"Ahh, it was okay, for a beginner!" She laughed again, kissed me on the lips then stretched her arms around me to hug me close.

I like hugs.

"Still, Emma liked it. She liked feeling human again. I think boys have been avoiding her since she joined the club."

"How'd you know?"

"Oh, come-on, we've been best friends for years. Besides, you went off together the other night. I went to call round in the morning and saw you slipping off back to your place. So I got her to tell me all about it. By the looks of it, you girlfriend is into her as well, literally in fact!"

"Yeah, my Program partner got her in touch with her inner-dyke."

"You never know, you might have an inner-fairy!!"

"Yep, she put me in touch with that as well!" I explained to her about my run-ins with Paul!

"Ahh, bless, my Jim, is this the boy who'd run away from a girl as soon as speak to them? Now he's a bi-sexual slut."

"And I'm loving it!"

"Well, don't go broadcasting it, you've already pissed off enough people!"

"Funny you should say that, it seems that my mother, in her wisdom, has booked me on the BBC and on MTV on Sunday, plus Question Time on Thursday."

"Oh dear god. Well, text us the details and we'll record it."

It was getting past midnight when we gathered up our clothes and said our goodbyes. We decided that it was getting a bit too cold for naked walking so we dressed out of sight of the fire and walked home, arm in arm.

I let Carly have first use of the shower, then I took my turn. I got back to find my beloved (I don't think I've ever used that word to describe anybody before. I like it.) curled up, naked and asleep in my bed. Not wanting to disturb her, I pulled out the second bed from underneath mine and set it up, making a king-sized and found some bedding. Tired out, I fell asleep almost straight away.