William F. DeVault
The Romantic Poet of the Internet

I was named the Romantic Poet of the Internet in 1996 by Yahoo
(yes, they had the internet that long ago) and have authored over 7,500 poems and have a few books out
(buy them, please).
Despite my reputation, I'm never too blatant.
I have included icons for a little guidance.
The chili pepper means some direct sexual reference, the heart means more of a romantic sense.
These are a small fraction of my catalog, if you want to see more, my official website,
which I also share with a few proteges and friends, is at www.cityoflegends.com.

If you have any comments, questions or really inspiring pictures, you can reach me at
[email protected].
And I am available for readings. And private parties. ;-)
a touch of Heather
This piece was written in response to a group of nuns in a Dundalk, Ireland Convent School who banned my works. A few weeks later, my publisher called to let me know he had an order from Ireland of my new book. I wrote this piece to a fictional Catholic school girl, exploring the very feelings the nuns were afraid my works would invoke.
pink jade/thin skin
for Jade, a vision of some very sensuous touching.
the pale of your breasts
Written to my uber-muse, Brigit. They were glorious, sigh, and well worth the ode.
Again, to Brigit. I think the poem explains itself. The metaphor may go over the heads of some, but it is pretty direct.
pink jade/warm breath stirs soft flesh
If you need to have it explained to you, please have your girlfriend/wife/lover break it down, then do what she asks. You will both thank me. for Jade, who always makes me hungry.
I will wake you, tonight
To Ann, sometimes you cannot sleep next to someone for long without wanting more than to sleep, to express the warmth, the heat, passing between you.
I am embarrassed to admit I do not recall who I wrote this for (hey, you keep track of a few thousand individual pieces sometime) but it is very tasty.
pink jade/a summoned fire
For Jade. An early entreaty, a seduction.
Written for an abstraction. The word is French and means a young woman, usually one that you are involved with or at least attracted to. I had the vision of a mistress.
sex cookies
I wrote this online for my friend Anastacia. We met on a blind date and there was immediately no attraction, but we became good friends and helped each other through rough times. She suggested the title, and I ran with it.
pink jade/acolyte of the flesh
Another of the Pink Jade works.
the ancient brain
An abstraction, musing on the workings of the erotic mind.
I remember who I wrote this for. But I will not admit it, as even she does not know.
pink jade/touch
One of her favourites. Jade, you inspire great things.
aurora flytrap
Not to my muse Aurora, but to a friend who was an aerobics instructor and very proud of her (sigh) long, lean perfect legs.
the taste of remembrance
The familiarity of certain moments when one should be lost in the moment, not memory.
pink jade/nectar
Again with the feeding metaphors with Jade, tasty, indeed.
About all those wonderful mixed feelings and joys that accompany making love with a lover.
penetralia, a cycle
For those unfamiliar with my works, I do a lot of cycles of poetry This one is about a popular topic.
pink jade/base sacraments
What is making love if not a religious experience? For Jade.
The Mad Gypsy rears her lovely head. It may have only been a single weekend together, but the events and impressions inspired some of my more intensely erotic works.
For Swallow, remembering one rather magical image from a night so far away now.
pink jade/tracery
A vision of letting hands glide across Jade and feeling the very life within her.
blossoming into the night
For Alisha, a vision of what might have been if I had seized the opportunity while you were in my arms that night. Dammit.
Again for the Mad Gypsy. This one neverfails to get some attention at readings. One time I performed it while she was in the room, ready to do her own reading. She had a response poem...I think we both were blushing by the end of the evening.
pink jade/ seduction
Sometimes you know what (and who) you want and what it will be like, even before the moment.
Another Mad Gypsy piece. sigh.
soft repast
Comparing love making to a gentle and delicious meal. As it should be, in many ways.
pink jade/the hunger
I performed this work about Jade recently at a reading. Well received. Very well received. Hey, you in the back row, put your pants on.
the penetrating rose
from the panther cycles, .some credit this as my first erotic work. and yes, it was a real rose, not a metaphor.

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William F. DeVault

Special thanks to Jade, Ann, Robin, Mari, Elizabeth, Dar, Nancy, Amy, Karla, Lauri, Alisha, Aurora, Jan, Anastacia and Heather.