theGreatxIam . . . stories

The Fish Tank

1 | Intro
Larry King is interviewing former players of several reality TV shows when reality gets hot and heavy. This leads into an introduction to "The Fish Tank," a show that's only slightly more contrived than what's on TV now. (MF)
Text: 18k . Scout's Honor page


Home page
2 | Pete's plot
We join the fifth season of "The Fish Tank," already in progress.
Text: 17k
3 | Bashing the producers
Des the Destroyer becomes Des the distraught.
Text: 17k
4 | Close, but ...
Pete continues to lead Des on a merry chase. (MF)
Text: 17k
5 | Happily ever after
In which all is resolved. (MF)
Text: 17k
"The Fish Tank" was written in honor of the one-year anniversary of the ASSD institution of the same name. It's a way for writers to get polite feedback and improve their work. Find all the anniversary entries and lots more in Usenet's or at the Web site.