theGreatxIam . . . stories

Incest-O-Matic (TM)

NOTE: I hereby grant permission for all archiving and other uses of this work, public or private, free or paid, in any format whether existing now or to be invented in the future, so long as a copy of this note and credit to "theGreatxIam" is given and no alteration is made to the body of the work. Copyright 2002, theGreatxIam

WARNING TO READERS: This is humor. It is not a solicitation for story ideas. Please don't send me your answers. Make up your own stories. Really. It's easy. Just add verbs!

The Incest-O-Matic (TM) or How _____ Fucked _____
By theGreatxIam

The appetite for incest stories far outstrips the capacity of a.s.s.m. authors. As a public service, this do-it-yourself Incest-o-matic (TM) may be used by writers attempting to meet the demand or readers too impatient to wait.

For best results with the Incest-o-matic (TM), first flip a coin -- heads is a man, tails is ... OK, stop giggling ... tails is a woman. If it lands on the edge, use your imagination.

Then randomly pick five numbers, each between one and 15 inclusive, applying each number in succession as you go through the categories.

Names, details and batteries not included. Use of the Incest-o-matic (TM) is void where prohibited by law and in Alabama, where it's redundant.

STEP ONE: Select a gender for Character A.

STEP TWO: Select a description for Character A.

STEP THREE: Select Character B.

STEP FOUR: Select description for Character B.

STEP FIVE: Select plot.
1. A sees B masturbating in bedroom and feels guilty but aroused.
2. A sees B screwing someone else and feels angry but aroused.
3. A and B take a trip together. They check into a motel that only has a one-bed room left, and they feel awkward but aroused.
4. A volunteers to be B's "date." Dancing draws them close and they feel drunk but aroused.
5. Weather pushes B into A's bed. They feel sleepy but aroused.
6. A or B is injured. B or A acts as nurse and feels sympathetic but aroused.
7. B catches A looking at porno and asks naive questions. A feels
embarrassed but aroused.
8. B discovers A asleep or passed out and feels sneaky but aroused.
9. A and B have anonymous cybersex. One figures out what's going on and feels shocked, slightly carpal-tunnelish, but aroused.
10. B is rejected by someone else. A hears about it and feels empathetic but aroused.
11. A finds incest porn in B's room and feels puzzled but aroused.
12. Someone else forces A and B together. They feel afraid but aroused.
13. B offers self as gift to disconsolate A, who feels unworthy but aroused.
14. B overhears A admitting interest in incest and engineers it using one of plots 1 through 13. B feels manipulated but aroused.
15. Who needs a plot? A, B, heck, the whole alphabet -- they're aroused.

STEP SIX: Select resolution of plot.



Names, details and batteries not included.



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