Shadow Cleric's Stories
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Boo! Did I scare you? I've finally gotten a little time to write, so stay tuned.
Sorry, this is so long in coming. Real-life work takes precidence and I've had little to no spare time of late. Part of the delay is that I don't want to release multipart stories any more. Yes, I'll finish up Darcy, but piece-by-piece publishing is a bit of a headache.
Updates? We don't need no stinking updates! Slowly plodding through stories when my schedule permits. Sorry for the delay gang!
Back from the (near) dead. Nasty bug going around the office decided to make me its host. Yuck. Back to my old tricks again. Shut down my games; too big a time commitment. Time better spent writing, huh? There's been a suggestion for a mailing list/newsletter. Anyone else find this sort of thing helpful?

I've also updated the On Deck list.
Any roleplayers out there? Good. Check out the online game I'm administrating. I'd love to see my readers take part. The first game, Isle Voluptas, revolves around an easy-going resort. The second (and brand-new at that) is Lock-Down High, centered in a closed down school. What will the students and teachers do in the dark? Keep your eyes peeled for cameos from my characters! Enjoy!
OK kids. I'm back. Needed a vacay. Some new stories are on the way, so check back soon. If anyone emailed me last week and got a bounce, don't worry, the address still works. It seems every moron that wanted to open the SoBig virus, had me in their address book. I got slammed with huge bulk emails that filled my inbox. Everything seems to have settled down now.
Sorry about being an ass last month. I need to instigate a cooling off period before I post. Sounds like something everyone needs. A "Brady Law" for the 'Net. Hmmm. Well, I want to have some stuff ready for the site now that work's slowing back down.
Wow. I took a month off and one person noticed. Talk about a blow to one's ego. Some new stuff is on the way, just depends on when I can get some free time...
Work, work, work (and a little porn). New poll and (hopefully) a new story soon.
Everyone have a good holiday weekend (at least in the U.S.)? I'm working on several stories right now, no idea what will be done first. I want to fast-track Darcy, since it's the last installment of that series. Thanks for the feedback regarding French Class Part VII. Part VIII is still rattling around in my head. Look for more from Sally and Janney in that one. The Experiment is nearly finished. Not sure if everyone's going to buy a sci-fi type story. Who knows. The overall goal is to finish off the multipart epics and concentrate on longer single-issue stories that have better stories and a little more drama.
Rejoice and be glad. French Class now has a seventh chapter. Read and comment. On a side note, there's a new poll.
Whiling away at the next part of French Class. In the meantime, check out the latest poll.

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Quick Story List
Cousin Catey*
The Dance
Deflowering Blair
French Class*
Prom Night
Thy Neighbor's Wife
Waiting out the Storm

* Multipart Story

On Deck

Title Summary Status
The Experiment A teen scientist gets more than she bargained for. (Fantasy/Sci-Fi) 90% - The premise is bordering on silly, and I can't decide where to end it or if I should publish it. Maybe soon.
Maid to Order Different cultures, different languages, one night of passion. (Interracial) 60% - Nearly there. I changed the premise midway so it's taking some rewrites to make it make sense.
Gothic Princess Teenagers, former friends and lovers, reconnect for a week of sex and fun. 50% - This a long story, but I think it'll be worth it.
Maiden & Mistress A young priestess comes of age. (Fantasy) 40% - This one's heavy on kink and light on plot sense.
Defying Fate A story about a regular man who falls in with a dark crowd. (Fantasy) 30% - Another fantasy-themed piece. It's going to be a multi-part story, but I want to finish some of my other threads before really digging into this one.
Sisters Double your pleasure, double your odds. 30% - This one's turning out to be a harder write than expected.
Country Girl A kinky story in the vein of "Same Time Next Year" 25% - This one's so light, I should have finished it long ago. The outline's finished, just need to fill in the details.
Office Mate Fucking your way to the top will only get you so far. (Office) 15% - Another office romance story, but this one will have a little twist. It even has a planned sequel.
Learning Experience A chance hook-up at a high school reunion finds two people, eager to discover themselves. 15% - Inspired by true events?
Darcy - Part 8 Lance and Linda take a holiday. 10% - Planning on this one being the final chapter in this story. I know where I need to get to, just not sure of the path.
A Man Around the House Three horny blondes and one busy man. 10% - Just a fun fluff story. It should fit most of my readers' fancies nicely.
French Class - Part 8 Sally indoctinates Janney, while Jean-Marc develops a plan. 10% - A reader favorite, this one's taking longer than it should. Sorry.
Get It On Film, Inc. Lights, camera, action! 10% - This one's so fucking naughty...
Bad Girls Locked away in an oppressive all-girls school, one trouble-maker seeks an escape. 10% - A reader requested a rape-fantasy story, so this is my first attempt.

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