Other Random Scribblings

If you frequent the alt.sex.stories.d newsgroup on Usenet, you'll encounter an interesting bunch of people. Sometimes, unfortunately, the discussions veers away from the discussion of sex stories. Here are a few attempts of mine to steer the conversation back on topic.

There is also a secret poem hidden in here somewhere.

Warning! Many of these stories contain descriptions of sexual situations. Although I do not believe any of my stories to be obscene or offensive, readers who wish to avoid such subjects would be wise to read something else. !para:no

Someone posted a question in the alt.sex.stories.d newsgroup asking what people would do when faced with ten particular dilemmas. This was my response.

Gun Control
Bah. Somehow a gun control debate sprung up in the alt.sex.stories.d newsgroup. In a doomed attempt at nipping a flamewar in the bud, I posted my response to the gun control issue.

thinking of you thinking of you thinking of you
Just a weird little stream of consciousness prose poem about what it's like at the instant when you first begin to make love.

The Bedspread
A very fast little jab at one of the semi-regular posters to alt.sex.stories.d. If you're going to criticize somebody, for God's sake, at least find something that's worth being critical about.

Lurid Love
A feeble attempt at poetry, originally posted under a different name. OK, I admit it now! I wrote this thing.

The Pussy List
A list of several hundred synonyms for my favorite part of a woman's anatomy, ranging from the vulgar to the nonsensical to the poetic.

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Story copyright by Poison Ivan.

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