logo: Mud Slingers '99
| Stories | | The Decision |

In 1999, Shon Richards (then known as Lord Shon) issued a challenge:

Hmm, is it possible to do a mud-wrestling sex story that was somewhat serious? Would a mud-wrestling story be any good without the visuals? If someone did a mud-wrestling story, could they post it without feeling shame?

I am officially declaring a Mud-Wrestling Story Contest open to anyone who wants to try. Post your story to a newsgroup, and send a copy to me. With my years of lusting after women covered in some sort of messy stuff as my qualifications, I'll declare a winner. Actaul intercourse is not required in your story. Blatant kissing up where Shon gets laid in a story will be favored. <Hey, I'm being honest.> Why should reviewers be the only ones to have contests?

The winner gets a heap of praise and ten percent if I ever win a lottery. The deadline will be ummm May 30? Besides, when was the last time you ignored a contest and didn't participate? :) Isn't it time to do that again?


This, then, is the website devoted to that challenge and to the six authors who fearlessly answered the call.

| Stories | | The Decision |