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Meant To Be

* * * Starring * * *

Stacey Andrews
"The Best Friend"

Megan Holland

Amy Andrews
"The Little Sister"

*Series Summary*
Megan Holland and Stacey Andrews had been best friends until Megan unexpectedly cut the relationship off without a word as to why. Flash forward four months in time and Stacey is on a ill-fated date (with slimeball Tommy) which goes horribly wrong and leads her in-directly to a run-in with her now "former" best friend, Megan. What follows is a heartfelt expression of feelings between two former best friends that are now reconnecting. The reasoning behind Megan's sudden 'cutting of the cord', so to speak, are revealed and before either girls knows it their lives have literally been changed (for better or worse), forever.

**Episode Guide*

Episode One
Meant To Be: My Best Friends Back (And I'm Gonna Get It)
In ALL NEW premiere episode of 'Meant To Be', Megan Andrews had stopped talking to her best friend, Stacey Holland, and after 4 months Stacey pretty much given up on ever hearing from her "former" best friend again. The reasons behind the sudden breaking off of the friendship had never been explained to Stacey and she had resigned herself to the fact that she would most likely never find out. That is until a terrible night and the date with a low life named Tommy. Which leads to Stacey accidently running into Megan and before anyone knows it, the secret comes tumbling out...and in the end, it's not so shocking after all.

Episode Two
Meant To Be: Third Time Could Be The Charm
In ALL NEW 2nd episode of 'Meant To Be', following the life changing events that occured with Stacey's unexpected meeting with her then "former" best friend, Megan, and not to mention the even more heart stopping events that occured just a few hours later. Stacey begins to realize her feelings for Megan are more than simple friendship and that their relationship has changed forever. Later, with Megan's constant presence, Stacey notices that her best friend may also have the hots for another member of the Andrews clan, Stacey's eager and seemingly very curious, but not at all little sister, Amy.

NEW! Episode Three (added on: 10/14/08)
Meant To Be: Picking Up A Girl For My Sister
In ALL NEW 3rd episode of 'Meant To Be', Stacey runs across the path of her former date, Tommy and his 'friend' Andy, a confrontation that involves some rude, crude commentary from both sides of the aisle. Later, Stacey and Megan help out a new friend that, as it turns out, is a secret admirer of Amy's. A secret that won't last much longer.

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