

  • 1). No Feedback? Don't asked about updates
    Meaning: You read every story on this site and never once bother to provide feedback to the authors. BUT you do feel the need to use this form to ask when the next update is coming.
    Reaction: Emails no longer answered. waste of MY time cause you can't take a moment and give me a part of your time.

  • 2). Useless Feedback so you can ask for an update
    Meaning: "grt storties. luv dem all When will the next episode of "insert favorite series here" be out? This is typical. Note the spelling.
    Reaction: If I have time you MIGHT get a reply. Again, you can't take the time to let me know what you think of the stories you love. So I can't take a moment to update you on when you get more FREE porn.

  • 3). Great feedback gets a quick response and makes for a happy webmaster
    Meaning: You take the time to...tell me: what your favorite storyline is, what you think I should change, who your favorite character is, why you like the series (the hot sex; well developed characters; cause you adore me!). Or you just wanna drop a storyline idea on me, offer to edit a series, or numerous other things that are helpful in many ways.
    Reaction: You take the time to brighten my day and you'll be very surprised at what you get in return

    Other Notes!
  • Friggin annoying ass email problems
  • (CJ Ames speaking) ALL feedback flows into the same mailbox, meaning both I and (The Not-So-Famous) Mr. TVM read it and reply to it. So you may very well get a reply from either of us at any time. And thanks to an idiotic glitch in our hosts email program I may sometimes reply and it come from his address (and vice versa). ARGH. Hoping most of you will be understanding of this until we work through this glitch. We are working on a solution to this annoying problem.


    Choose someone to scream at!:        What ya wanna yack about? (Subject):

    Email Address:         Your Name:

    Favorite Series:

    Comment or Question:
