2002 Summer Solstice Rom Festival
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The Rules: «This is almost a complete author discretion game. Stories can be of any length and use any POV. The game is to write a story based on the theme, "Romance through the eyes of ... " The author determines what '...' means. It is hoped authors will come up with some novel twists and turns for '...' and create wonderful stories.

It is possible to say that '...' is the author and so any story the author wrote would qualify. I suspect no one will do this because it's really not all that creative. Instead we might see something like:

"Romance through the eyes of Souvie" as written by Pred.

"Romance through the eyes of celia" who writes as a person who is squicked by romance.

"Romance through the eyes of my special other" as an author explores what she feels her special other thinks about their love.

The above are merely examples and there are so many other possibilities.

Creativity is what will make this a fun game.

At the end of the story, the author will explain whose eyes he or she is seeing romance through.»

The Stories

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