Frequently Asked Questions

Who Are You?

On the outside, I look like a fairly normal young male in my early-mid 20's. On the inside... well, I'll let my stories speak for themselves.

Why Don't You Write More Non-Consensual Stories?

I like to write stories that fit my own tastes, and I just can't get into non-consensual stuff. The thought of anyone being hurt isn't only something that doesn't turn me on at all, but makes me upset too.

I Don't Like X Kink / Fetish / Age / Aspect Of Your Story

Again, I write for myself first, I hope you'll understand. :) However, I also try to tag my stories as accurately as possible so you can get a good idea right away on what it contains.

Do you have children? Does your partner know about this?

I'm actually single right now. The goal is to find a woman I don't have to hide my stories from. Of course, you could imagine how hard that's been. ;)

Why Are Old Stories Being Reposted?

Every time I make any edit to a story, it shows up on the new stories list. This is just part of Asstr's functionality. Sorry!

Where Did You Get Your Name?

I have lived out a lot of my fantasies inside of lucid dreams, so I felt it was fitting for posting here.

My Question Isn't Listed Here

Reach out to me! Seriously, getting emails from like minded people is one of my favorite things about publishing here on Asstr. I respond to every email I receive when I see them and love to chat, so don't hesitate to reach out.