This is to be the repository of my past "notes". Can't imagine why someone might want to read them...but I hate throwing ANYTHING out.
May 2002 Notes
June 2002 Notes
July 2002 Notes
August 2002 Notes
September 2002 Notes
October 2002 Notes
November 2002 Notes
December Notes
January/February 2003 Notes
March 2003 Notes
April 2003
July 2003
August 2003

Pine Trees has been reviewed by Tainted Lime:).
Stood Up has been reviewed by Tainted Lime:) You might want to see what she had to say:)

Thank you everyone who emailed me! As with everyone else, these comments are the only thing I get in payment for these stories, so I appreciate each and every one:). I have been busy though. Finished my new story "Sanctuary" die hard fans may not like it, as the coding is MUCH different than my usual; And whether he knows it or not, Bonfils is the inspiration for it. Also, I would love to hear if anyone likes/hates the layout change I've made to this page--Thanks!
The Rom Fest has started! Hence, you will now find 2 new stories..."The Storm", and "The Price of Seduction". I'm also working on one tentatively titled "Sanctuary" not quite my usual style.
Wrote a little piece (very very short). Its a bit different from my normal romance, but I think it says alot. Its called " The Reluctant Sadist ". " Snapshots " has been nominated for the June Silver Clitoride! Also wrote another story, called "The Storm" which will come out in the Rom Festival. (so see boys and girls, I haven't totally neglected you!)
New Story out, Snapshots . Also, keep an eye out. I have a story, The Price of Seduction coming out in the Rom Festival. I'll post it once the festival is over. (from all beta readings, I've been told its my best yet.)

Happy Belated 4th! I have been busy on two new stories. The first, " Gone " was done partially as a nod to Desdmona's " Til Death Do Us Part. " If you were that lost without someone, what could jerk you back to reality? Well, Des asked if I would be interested in sending it into the Fishtank ; (silly! Of course!) So that is where it has been for the last week, and is now posted here. Thanks for all the great comments, guys! The second story, "Return", is "Gone" from the woman's point of view. Not entirely done yet, but will answer some questions that pop up from "Gone".

Thank you everyone who responded to "Return" in the FishTank.  I think the finished product is much better. Des especially, pointed out a comment about the female protagonist that I hadn't considered...found myself doing a bit of soul searching because of it, which is always a good thing! Also, I've recently found out that "Gone" is a finalist for July's Silver Clitoride. If you've voted for it, THANK YOU! I can't tell you what it has meant to me.  If you haven't voted, and like it, please, click on the link next to the story. Its very simple, and takes only a few moments of your time.  If you don't vote for me, vote for someone else!
I promised you new stories, haven't I? Well. You will find new links to the new stories I've written. Email me what you think! A lot of what I've been writing lately hasn't been in my personal comfort zone, so I really would like to know! I'm also considering posting a story I wrote quite a while back, my first real story, but its not really erotic fiction. The jury is still out on that one though:)
Well, July was a crazy month! I had some real time things going on, and kept me from my passion. But I have been working!
Hopefully, in the next few days, I'll have a few new stories up (their visiting my muses right now). First, I picked "Panic Attack" back up (though I think I will be renaming it). I also wrote a round robin writers club story with some girls from the SEWG. A new branch for me, but why write if I can't grow? I may be saving that for the Sapphic Festival; I don't know yet. Then lastly, (as far as I know) my story "Return" is (about to be) in the FishTank. Its the mirror to "Gone." Also, you can check out my "BackBurner", as I've added bits and pieces to it.

Okay, I didn't forget about you all. I got a new contract, so i've been working pretty hard; My muse (the ethereal one, not real life ones:) ) basically told me to bugger off (layman's terms, i have a pretty bad case of writers block...plenty of ideas, but words just ain't flowing from the pencil if you follow me).
Anyway.  Don't forget the Song Story Festival (November 10th! Send them to [email protected] ) Read the announcement if you don't know what i'm talking about. I posted a few things in the sapphic festival.  The session, and a few poems.  there is one story I posted on the Sapphic Website, that wasn't posted in ASSM (i had been having trouble submitting stuff...) and i'll post it here soon (when i get the gumption) but in the meantime, you can see it here: The Diner . Not really smut. (okay, not at all) but, it was probably the first REAL decent piece of writing i'd done. Crimson Dragon reviewed the poetry i posted into the sapphic festival (sorry, not heavy FF stuff, more ambigious stuff) but its not up on her review site yet.  Panic Attack, however made her August top ten (thanks, CD!)
I'm off to begin designing the SSfest to you all, and i'll try to get something up for you soon!

Hi Guys! I am really sorry I've neglected you, but you know how it goes, you have to take care of yourself first.  I've played the musical medications, and I'm doing much better.  thanks to those who sent me notes.  I don't know if i'll be able to get a story out for my own festival (i know, isn't it embarrassing?) but at least i'm able to work on it now. I'm posting my new story, "Insanity" about the only thing i wrote while i was ill. Its short, a bit strange, but then, what would you expect? Once i get my RL stuff back in order, i should have the time to write again. Thanks, and love to ya all!

Hiya all! Hope you all enjoyed the Songfest.  I hope to get to work on the site after Thanksgiving. My new addition to the Songfest (The Lighthouse's Tale) is now posted.  I hope you all enjoy it.   I'm just happy i'm finally writing again.   I'm considering writing a little something for Thanksgiving...but the holiday is at my house this year (translation to those who don't celebrate, i'm going to be VERY busy); but i'll add one little note of thanks.  Thanks to my friends, my fans and my readers here at ASSTR.  You've made the last year bearable, and in some cases a joy.

Like most the rest of the East Coast, i got hammered by Daniel. (i once had a friend named Daniel...*sigh* now if the hammering had been done by him???) *shakes back to reality* anyway, i've been working...working and writing. The story i have with Souvie is now in with the editor...i expect alot of you are going to be laughing. I'm working on another flash.
A while ago, i was talking with another writer about how many of our colleagues create teenage girls. I'm all into fantasy guys, but the best fantasy has a dose of reality.  So,  i talked about posting my old diaries. Thought about editting them, cleaning them up for easier reading, explaining parts and so on. Screw it. *laugh* The whole point of the exercise is to read from a 14+ year old's point of view. I kept a diary from the time i had my first boyfriend at 15, until about a month prior to my wedding. I decided not to touch anything except for changing names. I guess it will be a series, since i have 3 diaries full. Take a look at the posting... i'll decide whether to continue as i get comments.
Speaking of comments. Guys. you disappoint me...I know the stuff i've posted has been short, but do you realize out of the last 3 things i've posted, i have not gotten ONE SINGLE note except those who read the stories pre posting? (I take that back, Thanks Poison Ivan for your comment on "Chasing the Light"  I know i had over 2200 people check Showers out last week alone and that was just on here, and not on ASSM!  I'm not asking for a mailbox flood guys...but you'd think out of 2200 at least one or two people could drop a line.
okay, enough whining. KatieMcN wrote a reprise to Chasing the Light...a blackmail piece...hmmm...wonder what she's thinking? I know its in ASSM titled "I know what you did".

Hey guys, quick note: "Showers" is now up. Very short, but valentiney sweet:)
*valentine smooches to all and sundry*!

Shit. Feast or famine.  Well, i'm still working on that story with Souvie, and its gonna be a riot:). Got some (read very few) comments on "Chasing the Light" but the ones i got were glowing...thanks guys:). Wrote two new flashes; one, "showers" ...The other, "Mrs. Steven Rudy" is posted below.  Yes, another song based story. I have *thinks* 2 more shorts/flashes in my immediate hopper,  so who knows what you might end up seeing:)

Happy ummm Groundhog's day...or early Valentine's...your call.  Been writing a bit more lately; mostly flash, but working.  I have a short piece called "the Night After" which should be showing up at Ruthie's Club. And as you can see below, i have another flash, called "Chasing the Light".  Souvie and I are cooking up another Trudy Tolliver story together, and i've been doing some community service. As to real life; well, lets not go there...nothing miserable...but if you have children, just imagine what 2 months indoors would do to them.  Are there gypsies anywhere???? Since i'm not likely to post anything before valentine's day...hope you have an imaginative and romantic evening.

Happy New Year!
Thanks to everyone who sent me well wishes, and prodded me back to writing. I know, i haven't done a whole lot of work lately, but i have been writing. I wrote a children's story, which seems to be going over well; we'll see about publication. I DID get a story done for the Song Story Fest. And a HUGE thanks to Gary, who took my graphics, and set the site up for me. I haven't done a huge amount of writing lately, but i'm working into it. I did do a piece for Mat Twassel's In Thoughts of You challenge. I really hope to get back in the swing of things, but i'll be away for a week; have to go to my sister-law's wedding, which will require a week away from home. I also dug up a story i did for Desdmona in , what, october? that i never posted to my own site.  Another flash, but hey, at least i'm posting again!

"Letter Home" is done. While i may put Tales of Home stories on their own  area/site, i'm just linking here for now. Desdmona has one up; titled Hurry (though not officially with the series). Good read. Thanks for the continued support on "Escape"; it means a lot to me.
Okay, just a few quick notes; fixed the weirdo link under vignettes; sorry bout that guys! and I posted the 3rd (last) of Dating Diaries 1988. That isn't to say its done...but...its not in 1988 anymore; so we'll have a new one; 1989. I have no clue how many parts to that one (since that one is a full year; but as i got older, i got lazier and didn't write EVERY day.)
I got a reasonable amount of feedback on "Escape" which i GREATLY appreciate! Some of you might have noticed that it was nominated for a silver Clitoride (WOOHOO!) don't know what it is? It's like the People's Choice awards of Erotic Writing. Want to vote for it (please?) check out this link !
Also! I am going to start a series of unrelated stories (if i can keep up) "Tales of  Home" for our troops. I would not be surprised if there's more than a few of them checking out ASSTR for a taste of home, and a dose of pleasure in what has got to be a very difficult situation. I for one thank you guys for being out there giving me the freedom to write what many might consider trash. God bless you guys!

There. Its done...after 3 edits by me, two by one of my muses, a coupla passes by Gary and one by Nick Scipio (ie, a big obvious thank you guys!) The story is done. Helping hands (which i may have to give its own stroke story to another time) has been retitled "Escape" and is now up. I would really love to hear from you guys on this one.  In either case, enjoy.

Well, i'm on the final revisions of "Helping Hands" though i'm still looking for a new title. I have posted though, part 2 of dating diaries. Sorry, sex...but then, at least in MY world; most 15 year olds weren't having there's something to be said for realism. Speaking of realism; It's scary melodramatic...makes me afriad for when my own girls hit the teens...*shudder*. Anyway; it is what it is. If you haven't noticed;  this has 88 after it; therefore, there will only be one more part to this; but don't worry folks; i promised up to my marriage; so the next "book" will be Dating Diaries, 89. (part 1-whatever).

Okay, by now, most of you should know why i was quiet for a time; i was busy planning/writing for Gary's surprise Chocolate birthday.  He was properly amazed, flabbergasted and awed. Good...about time some of us had some well loved feelings (Hey, whose pressing that against my ass? no not THAT kinda love guys *chuckle*)
So; there is now 3 new stories to peruse; Death by Chocolate; a Trudy Tolliver story; written with my partner in crime, Souvie. (thanks for letting me borrow your characters and having so much fun!) freudian Fudgicle (sorry, i had to...i couldn't help myself!) and a new poem, "ode to a Chocoholic" all properly amusing:). I'm also still typing in the second installment to Dating Diary (god i sounded so pathetic...and there won't be any sex in this section...sorry!:( ) But, i'm working on another story tentatively titled "Helping Hands" thought i was gonna go for stroke, but something deeper started coming out...all to the good, but that means it will be a bit longer.

Consider me browbeaten. I've had this story for ages; it's literally the first real short story i wrote, when i was 17. Its been edited, re-edited (and then some). Its not EROTIC perse...but i think many of you will appreciate it.  It's a flash called " The Diner ." Add to that, Crimson Dragon reviewed "Afraid". Thanks Crimsie!!!

Wow, did I get a surprise. I was wandering the sacred halls of ASSTR, when I found that my story, "Gone" had been nominated in 3 categories for a Golden Clitoride. Whoever you are, thank you! Obviously, in order to win, i need my reader's support...and Dryad's mantel is AWFULLY bare.  But dont worry, there's plenty of time; the Golden's are the yearly award, so you have until August to remember me.:)
In other news; i'm working on two new stories; one, hopefully, for sexual abuse month; many of my regular readers know this is a subject very close to my heart. I'm also working on a little piece of fluff (but good fluff!) And yes, i'm still typing in my diary.
I would also like to congratulate Oosh and Smilodon for their winning Silver Clit stories.  If i had to lose, i'm glad it was to such deserving writers. Thanks to all of you who voted!

Hi everyone! I got a new assignment IRL, so I may be a bit scarce for a while. In the meantime, i've posted the next installment of Dating Diaries. Another nosex one...but  the next installment will have at least SOMETHING. Two more notes: "Escape" has made it to the March Clitoride Finals. Vote !!! Also, "Afraid" has been nominated for the April clits. Woohoo! (thanks to all my readers! Its small, but it means something!)

April Fools! Nature played one on me this SNOWING. *Ugh* Like i haven't had enough of the white stuff!
Cleared out March's notes; they're in "past notes" now. But, i have posted a new story to the cause. A new "Tales of Home" story, titled "Afraid".  About a couple of teenagers; so if that's your thing, you might like to take a peek.  "Escape" is still holding out in the March Silver Clitorides, and i would REALLY appreciate people voting if they liked it. (the link is next to the story in the contents) Check out March's notes if you aren't sure what  they are.

Thinking of starting a few new games, but they are still in the talking stages; so we'll see. Hopefully, April will be just as good a writing month as March.
Thanks to all!
Okay. So real life has dragged me back kicking and screaming...but i'm still here! I promise!
I should be posting some of the stuff that never made it to ASSM over the next few weeks. I'm working on two new stories; one for the Pirate Festival (which, those in the know say i have a unique idea) and after 2 years of thinking about, i'm going to at least give the first in what should end up being a series, entitled, "Fisherman's Widow". So there are new stories in sight. If you don't follow what i say in ASSD, you must read the new writer i'm totally in lust with Vulgar Argot . He's witty, sexy, twisted, and a great mind for plot.
I've also been seriously considering redesigning my asstr home. Any comments positive or negative would be more than welcome. After all, i rarely re-read my own work...tell me what works for you (however, i do rather despise white backgrounds...) I'm also thinking how to better organize. When i started, there were just a handful of stories...whereas now there are nearly 40. (wow).
Thanks for waiting, and i'll be working soon! School's end is just around the corner:)

Free at last, Free at last. Thank God almighty, I'm free at last!

School is over, and I can focus on my writing again! (well, that, and a huge backlog of housework).

Well, what do you think!!??
hey, now be nice!
I'm still working on my Pirate Story...which, btw, will be a Fisherman's Widow tale. Started typing in more of my diary, and i'm working on two new stories beyond the Pirate story. With the end of school nearing, i can hopefully get some more writing done!
Hey ! Do i know how to pick them or what? Great big Sloppy Smoochies to Vulgar Argot for winning May's Silver Clitoride; If you haven't read his story, Marigold...READ IT. Its way longer than things i tend to read, but i got sucked into it, and spend many late late nights finishing it. It couldn't have gone to a better story!


After many complaints, harrassing, and all around good humored nudging...i'm changing the design...AGAIN.
However, i think i like this even better...Birches being my familiar, nice subtle, etc. And, over the next week or so, all the pages should be changed over to CSS...too many of you *AHEM* have dragged me kicking and screaming back into geekdom.

Thanks guys!

After all the writing I've done lately i figured it was time for something a bit lighter. I don't consider myself to be a very strong writer of humor, which is why you won't see the code....but i hope it makes you chuckle. It's called "Rice Crispie Treats" . These days my hopper has been getting stuffed with new ideas...hopefully i can get most of them out before it explodes!
Well, it's Pirate Day! My Pirate story is out... "A Pirate's Party" and already people are mentioning it on ASSD (thanks guys!) I am working on a few other stories. And thanks to those who commented on "Too Late". I appreciate them!

My God! My muse came back with a vengeance! New story, " Too Late" , is now up, and it is NOT my usual fare. It scared me to write it, but it's one of the better things i've written lately. Hopefully, this means i can get some work done once again. I did finish my "Pirate" story, so look for that in the upcoming festival. and i'm working on 2 or 3 other should be done reasonably soon.
Have a great 4th to my American readers!

Congratulations to all my friends and colleagues who've moved into the finalists category for the Golden Clitorides.  Thank you everyone for voting, but "Gone" has not moved into the finals for any of the categories it was nominated for.
In the meantime, I too, have been indulging in the flash flood. Of course, I had started to write for Des's Contest .  This new one, " The Toll House Dance " was going to go there, but frankly, it needed too much editing, and as most my editors were either entering or were judges, it would be disqualified. So now you all get to see it, and i'd really like to hear what you think.

Glad to hear how many of you went over to Desdmona's Fishtank!
Have a new story up...Another "fisherman's widow" story. It's entitled " Eddies " (thanks to  some help...i was at a loss for a title!)  Congratulations to Deana John for winning the July clitoride. More power to him:). Not much else going on. A few new story ideas have been perculating.  I  did write a  flash for Des's contest ( check out her site for details) but that means i can't post it until at the very earliest october...perhaps i'll finally learn patience!

Well, everyone...It's been a busy time:).  I had a new story out in Desdmona's Fishtank. She's moved it to its own home now, off of ASSD. Check out the digs . The story is called, what else, "Fish Tank". Not a sexual story...but it got a good reaction from the reviewers. Also found out in my wanderings that "A Pirate's Party" is a finalist for July's Silver Clitoride ! Thank you to whomever nominated me!

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