Red Fannie Annie Part 2

By Hooked6

[email protected]

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Copyright 2013 by Hooked6 ([email protected]) all rights reserved. Reproduction, redistribution, reposting on another Internet site whether or not a charge or profit is made is forbidden without the expressed written consent of the author. Copyright ownership does not transfer by the posting of this material on this site by the author. The following story is for ADULTS only. By accessing this story, the reader hereby certifies that he/she is of an appropriate age to access adult material and that such material is permitted in the locality or country where the reader resides. The following is a creative work of fiction, and the characters or incidents described do not resemble any persons or events in the real world. Comments are always welcome and serve to inspire my work.
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Red Fanny Annie
By: Hooked6

Copyright September 2013 by Hooked6 ([email protected]) all rights reserved. Reproduction, redistribution, reposting on another Internet site whether or not a charge or profit is made is forbidden without the expressed written consent of the author. Copyright ownership does not transfer by the posting of this material on this site by the author. The following story is for ADULTS only. By accessing this story, the reader hereby certifies that he/she is of an appropriate age to access adult material and that such material is permitted in the locality or country where the reader resides. The following is a creative work of fiction, and the characters or incidents described do not resemble any persons or events in the real world. Comments are always welcome and serve to inspire my work.

Red Fannie Annie (Spanking, Forced Stripping, Public Humiliation, ENF)
By Hooked6 ([email protected])

Chapter 5
My step-sister’s face was full of delight as she realized the opportunity that just presented itself. “Oh this is rich!” she said as she got up and came over to me. She playfully reached up and pinched me on the cheek. “Now remember little sister, don’t move a muscle! Your time isn’t up yet.” All the others let out a nervous giggle as they watched my step-sister skip towards the front door.
She no sooner opened it when three boys from school, more eleventh graders, burst into the room, “Hey Karl, we saw your car and . . . HOLY CRAP!! She’s NAKED! “
Everyone laughed at the boy’s comment. “You’re having a party and you didn’t invite your best buds?! What’s up with that?”
Katie grinned from ear to ear and beckoned the boys in for a closer look. “My step-sister, Annie, just got a whippin’ for stealing. Check it out. See how red her ass is?”
The boys all gathered around my backside and began ogling my stripes. “Man! That must have hurt!” one boy said as he pulled out his phone and raised it up to take a picture of my butt.”
“No pictures, boys. No touching either,” My mom said as she suddenly came into the room, “But you can look all you want.”
“Good morning, Mrs. Swanson,” one of the boys said in an overly polite tone. “We’re sorry. We didn’t mean to intrude. We just stopped by because we saw Karl’s car out front and wondered if . . .”
“That’s alright, boys. You don’t have to apologize. The world doesn’t stop revolving because Annie made a bad decision and had to suffer the consequences.”
My mom then continued with her usual morning routine of straightening up the room as everyone looked at me in silence. Finally my mom spoke up, “It’s okay, guys. You can talk. Say what’s on your mind. Don’t mind me.”
Of course everyone was too wary of my mom to actually say anything so they just sat there quietly on their best behavior as my mom finished her work. But as soon as she left the room, everyone started all talking at once.
“You should have been here earlier . . .” Katie said excitedly.
“Yeah we got to watch get a blistering! It was so cool!”
The comments then came in rapid fire succession: “That’s awesome, DUDE. Were you here the whole time? SWEET!” and “How long has she been like this” to repeated remarks like, “Damn! I can’t believe she’s actually NAKED and your mom is making her stand here in front of us like that. This is way better than television!”
Katie of course just HAD to explain everything and I had no choice but to stand there as she went into every little detail of what had happened that morning. It was like I had to relive my humiliation all over again!
“Just look at how cute her butt is!”
This went on for about ten minutes when the doorbell rang yet again!!
Katie’s eyes grew wide with anticipation,” Who on earth . . .?”
“Oh,” one of the newcomers said, “I hope you don’t mind. I texted a few friends of mine and told them to get over here right away if they wanted to see Annie naked!”
YOU DID WHAT?!” I exclaimed angrily.
“ANNIE MARIE,” my mother’s voice bellowed from behind me. “You know darned well you’re not supposed to talk during corner time! That’s another 15 minutes, young lady for talking.”
“But MOM! That’s not fair! That moron called people to come over! He can’t DO that!!”
“Who says? Are YOU making the rules now? I don’t think so.” She said sarcastically. She then came around in front of me and looked me in the eyes for a moment as the doorbell rang a second time making me jump a bit.
As she looked at me as I stood there with my hands on top of my head literally trembling now, her expression softened and almost appeared warm or compassionate, “You’re scared aren’t you?” she asked in a soft, sympathetic tone, almost as if she could sense my fear.
Since I wasn’t supposed to talk I just nodded my head.
“This really bothers you, doesn’t it - people seeing you naked and punished like this?”
I nodded again; almost relieved that she was finally beginning to understand what she was doing to me.
“I imagine it’s especially hard when it involves people you may know from school.”
Once more I nodded vigorously in agreement as the doorbell rang several more times in quick succession, as if the person at the door was growing impatient.
My mom gave a little knowing smile as she stepped back away from me. “Good, maybe this will teach you to use better judgment so that this won’t be necessary again. Let whoever it is in, boys.” And then speaking to my step-sister, “Add 15 more minutes to her time, Katie and make sure the newcomers know the rules.”
“Yes mom!” she answered eagerly.
When Karl opened the front door, two girls and another boy came in that I also recognized from the junior class of eleventh graders. They too were ecstatic to see that what they were told in the text they had received was correct.
“My Gosh . . .” one girl said as she came over looking at me with a smirk on her face, “Guys, she goes to our school! I know you. You’re Annie Swanson!” I’ve seen you around campus a lot.” Her wicked grin sent a chill up my spine that spelled trouble for me!”
I knew that girl quite well. Her name was Lisa, a senior, and she had the reputation of being a real bitch at school always picking on the underclassmen whenever she felt like it. Of all people to see me this way!
Once again I had to endure a round of teasing from these new arrivals and how they couldn’t wait to tell everybody about it on Monday.
“It sounds like you’re going to be pretty popular at school, little sister,” Katie teased.
“LITTLE sister is right,” the other new girl said. “Are you SURE she’s in high school?”
Listening to their comments all the while standing naked in front of the window watching the occasional neighbor pass by hoping like heck that they wouldn’t look in or that the moron who liked to text wasn’t busy with his fingers again on his phone’s keyboard made that extra fifteen minutes seemed like it lasted for hours! Though I couldn’t see a clock from where I was standing, I kept looking at my step-sister trying to let her know that I thought my time was up. She just smiled back at me. Though I had no proof, I was certain that she was prolonging my time well past the appropriate length just to humiliate me.
Finally my mom came back into the room and announced that I finished and that I could go to my room. Of course she had to lecture me in front of the all the people from school for another five minutes like I was a little girl making me feel like I was only 5 years old. As I started for the stairs I had one consoling thought – at least these newcomers didn’t see me in those horrid kiddie panties!
“Oh Annie . . .” my mom called out almost singing my name. “Don’t forget your underwear.” I turned around and there she was dangling those idiotic teddy bear panties in front of the whole room! Everyone laughed hysterically. I wanted to die!
Those few steps towards my mother to retrieve those ridiculous panties were some of the hardest steps I ever had to take. I could just see the smiles on everyone’s faces as I marched myself silently back into the room to take them from her to choruses of “Awww, look at the little girl underwear. Aren’t they CUTE? Some day when you grow up you can wear real big girl panties.”
The following Monday I arrived at school and I no sooner entered the building where my locker was when I heard Lisa shout out at the top of her lungs – “LOOK, It’s RED FANNIE ANNIE!” Everyone laughed and it became clear that the story of my punishment was all over campus! I blushed terribly and tried my best to ignore the comments, but that wasn’t always possible.
“Hello, RED,” a guy said teasingly as I changed classes later that morning. It sounded like an innocent comment – IF I had red hair which I didn’t. I knew what he meant so I snapped back, “SHUT THE HELL UP!” That was a mistake as my comment was overheard by a teacher and I was reprimanded on the spot and made to apologize, much to the delight of the boy.
I soon learned that it was best just to keep my big mouth shut and pretend that it didn’t bother me. That was easier said than done, however, especially for me with my hot temper. Whenever I heard someone calling out, “Hey, there’s RED FANNIE ANNIE,” All I wanted to do was punch the bastard in the mouth.

Red Fannie Annie (Spanking, Forced Stripping, Public Humiliation, ENF)
By Hooked6 ([email protected])

Chapter 6
The next morning I felt horrible. I was so depressed I didn’t want to go to school and face the crowd again. I told my mom that I was sick and felt like I had the flu or something. Naturally she felt my head, took my temperature and gave me the once over. The thermometer said my temp was normal so I told her that I was really nauseated and felt bad. I knew that I didn’t have a fever.
“She’s just trying to get out of school, mom,” Katie offered as she passed by my room.
“That’s what I thought too,” my step-mom answered back.
“No mom, I’m really sick, honest. Do you think I’d risk another spanking so soon?”
“Well . . .”
“I just need some sleep. I won’t be able to concentrate on anything feeling this way and besides, the school nurse will probably call you to come from work and take me home anyway.”
My step-mom looked me over carefully. “Fine; if you’re really sick you need to go and see Dr. Henderson. I’ll call him and make an appointment for you before I go to work, but if he says your normal – watch out sister, that’s all I can say.” She then stormed out of the room telling Katie to get ready for school as they had to leave shortly.
I collapsed back on the bed. I knew Doc would probably not find anything wrong with me but I really couldn’t face that crowd of bullies again today. I needed time for all this to blow over. At least I was going to get that. I’d have to deal with whatever the doc says later.
Just before my step-mom left to take Katie to school she came back upstairs. “I’ll be home at lunch to take you to the doctor’s office. You’d best be here ready to go when I get here, understand?”
“Yes ma’am.”
I slept for several hours and just did happen to get up in time to take a shower and get dressed. Mom came home just as I was coming down the stairs. Seeing her I immediately put on my sickly look and dragged myself into the front room and collapsed on the chair just for show in order to sell her on the fact that I was sick. I could have been an actress I thought as I figured my performance was pretty convincing if I had to say so myself.
When we got to the car I saw Katie sitting there in the front seat. “What’s SHE doing here?” I asked flippantly.
“I went and got her from school and gave excuses at the office for both of you. I have to make up this time that I’m missing at work because of you so I won’t be able to pick her up when school is out. I’ll save time this way by taking you both home after your appointment rather than making another trip to school later just to get Katie.”
Great . . . that’s all I needed was to have my step-sister messing about at home later on while mom was back at work.
Doc Henderson’s office was in an old house off a residential street rather than in one of those professional buildings. The waiting room was in really what used to be the home’s living room before Doc moved in and remodeled a bit. He was an old man who never said much – just grunted a lot when he examined you, but I liked him. I think he was gruff on the outside but deep down he was really an old softy.
When we got there at 12:30pm, the waiting room was completely empty. “Good,” mom said seeing that no one was ahead of me. “You should be able to get in and out right away and I can get back to work.”
Just then a fairly young-looking college-aged girl in medical scrubs appeared at the counter, “Hello Mrs. Swanson. Just sign in. As I’m sure you know the office is closed now for lunch. As we are working your daughter in without an appointment, I can do the preliminaries while we wait for Doc to get back, which is usually around 1:30 or 2:00 depending on his moods. He’s already left me instructions of what he wants based on your phone call this morning so we can save some time by doing those before he gets back.”
“TWO O’CLOCK!” my step-mom exclaimed. “I can’t be out of work that long! I thought her appointment was for 12:30pm. Heck, if the doctor doesn’t get here until 2 and then takes his usual time examining her I might as well miss the rest of the day’s work and I just can’t DO that.”
“Well . . .” The girl at the counter said politely. “I can understand your position. Listen, I have an idea. My sister is helping us out today and will be leaving early. Why don’t you sign the forms and go back to work and I’ll arrange for her to take your daughter home when she leaves. Would that work for you?”
My mom looked thrilled at the idea. “That would be WONDERFUL! Are you sure she wouldn’t mind?”
“Oh no, In fact she doesn’t live that far from you anyway. I’m sure it would be just fine with her.”
“You’re a life saver, thanks!” She then signed all the permission to treat forms and left, leaving Katie and I into the waiting room.
I just barely sat down when I saw Lisa, the senior high bitch that witnessed my shame the other day shuffling papers behind the counter.
“What’s SHE doing here,” I asked the medical girl who was still at the counter.
“Who, that girl?” she asked pointing towards Lisa. “That’s my sister, Lisa. She helps out with the paperwork during her Health Career’s class for school. Do you know her?”
Before I could answer, that bitch spotted me. “Well, if it isn’t RED FANNIE ANNIE!” she said quite loudly.
The medical assistant began laughing, “So you’re Red Fannie, Annie? I’ve heard all about you.” She then came around the counter and still giggling over her discovery of my identity said, “Come on - let’s get you started before my sister picks on you some more.” She started leading me to an exam room leaving Katie and Lisa to keep each other company in the waiting room, which was fine by me.
Now I must explain the way Doc’s office is set up. The exam rooms are to the right of the waiting room – one is located just off the waiting room and two more are down a short hallway ending with the scale and eye charts. To the left of the waiting room are rooms for a lab area, an x-ray machine and some kind of treatment room of some sort. It’s an efficient use of space for a small house but the design leaves much to be desired from a patient’s point of view.
Clarissa, the medical assistant’s name, led me to the first room – the one right off the waiting room. Once inside she said, “Like I told your mom, Doc left a list of things he wanted done before he got back so let’s get started. Go ahead and take off all your clothes and I’ll be back to get started.
“ALL my clothes, what for?”
“That’s just the way we do things for someone with an unknown ailment. It makes it easier for Doc. I’ll be back in a minute or two.”
I started to undress and once I was naked I looked around for one of those silly paper gowns Doc always used but I didn’t see one. I was about to call out when Clarissa walked back in the room carrying my chart.
“Um, there are no paper gowns in here.”
“Really?” she said as she began looking through the drawers. “That’s odd. I’ll have to get you one in a minute. Let me go ahead and get your temperature and blood pressure first.”
I sat on the exam table as Clarissa put the thermometer in my mouth and began wrapping the BP cuff around my arm. It felt silly sitting there naked in front of her but she was a professional and this probably wasn’t a big deal for someone who cares for sick people all the time. Besides, after all that her sister Lisa probably told her, I didn’t want to look foolish by acting like a little kid by complaining.
When she was through taking my vitals she began asking me all sorts of health questions about my symptoms – some of which were rather embarrassing and then jotted my answers down in my chart. Finally she said, “Come on; let’s get your height and weight. She then opened the door and started walking out down the hallway towards the scales. I managed to stop her before she got too far. “I’m naked here. Can I get a . . .”
“Oh it’s just us girls here. The waiting room is completely empty and this will only take a minute. Besides, from what I understand both Lisa and your step-sister saw plenty of your naked the other day.” Her smile made me blush as she obviously really did know the whole story. She then grabbed my hand and started pulling me out of the room. Lisa and Katie saw me walking down the hall completely bare and began to giggle.
This was so embarrassing. Still I didn’t want to appear as though it bothered me lest they tease me all the more so I tried to act nonchalant as Clarissa marched me off down towards the scale at the end of the open hallway. She dutifully recorded my height and weight then checked my chart.
“Oh yes, Doc wants an abdomen X-ray too. Follow me.”
“An X-ray?”
“Yes. It’s no big deal and it will show up any problems with your bowel or whether you’re constipated or even if you have a kidney stone, things like that. Don’t worry, it’s painless.”
It wasn’t the pain I was worried about. Once again I had to come into the still empty waiting room and make my way all the way across to the opposite side and enter the X-ray room.
Once in the room I asked her about my gown but she informed me that she’d get it in a moment and the X-ray would look better without one anyway. Since I had never had an X-ray before I figured I’d better do as she said. It took her quite a while to set up and take the exposure then she went outside somewhere to check the image, leaving me naked and on the table. I didn’t know how long things like this normally took but it seemed like quite a while before she came back. When she did she told me that I could go back to my exam room. I opened the X-ray room door and noticed that the waiting room was now almost full of people!!

Red Fannie Annie (Spanking, Forced Stripping, Public Humiliation, ENF)
By Hooked6 ([email protected])

Chapter 7
I immediately closed the door so that it was almost shut and then peeked through the crack and saw Lisa manning the front desk dealing with checking people in. “Clarissa, I can’t go out there. There are PEOPLE in the waiting room! Where did they come from?”
She looked out the door. “Well, that happens sometimes. People come early even though the office is still officially closed so they can get a jump on the paperwork. Now let’s get on with the rest of the things we need to do. Besides, there aren’t THAT many people yet. Just wait a little while and you’ll really see the room fill up.”
“Yes, but . . . I’m naked!”
“Well, that’s all the more reason to hurry up and finish before the place really heats up. It’s unfortunate but it can’t be helped. Who knew that this would turn into a busy day? You can’t hide in here forever, you know.” She then grabbed my hand and literally pulled me out of the X-ray room and walked me across the open waiting area as the patients watched. No one said a word but they ALL looked! I was scared to death! I tried to cover myself as best I could without looking ridiculous. I was naked in front of all these strangers!!! It wouldn’t have been so bad if I was proud of my body, but I wasn’t! I looked like a little kid and I sure as heck didn’t want people seeing what I had or didn’t have!
She was just about to put me back in my original exam room when she suddenly stopped. “Hold on a moment. I think you’re supposed to have some lab work too.” She then left me standing there right in the middle of room as she went up to the desk and began fumbling through some paperwork. “Clarissa!” I protested in a panicked whisper! But she ignored me and went about her work. I anxiously looked around at the people in the room. As soon as they saw me looking at them they averted their eyes and pretended to read or found something else to occupy their attention. But the moment I looked back at the main desk I could tell they resumed their staring. “How could she do that to me?” I thought silently to myself.
Lisa looked up at me with a wicked grin. She was up to something. I just KNEW it. I could feel it in my bones! That was the same grin she had when I was being punished at home. She obviously loved this and that was really getting to me.
People were watching me and whispering amongst themselves.  It was all so embarrassing yet this was all so seemingly innocent in an odd sort of way. That is until I heard a little boy say, “Mommy that girl has no clothes on.” I looked over in the direction of the voice and saw him pointing at me.
“Hush, now,” the mom told him and forced him to look at the kid’s book he had been reading before I had entered the room. “She’s waiting to see the doctor.”
“Oh . . .” the little boy said innocently and went back to his book.
Clarissa continued shuffling papers as I awkwardly stood there totally bare. I could have sworn that she was doing that on purpose just to prolong my embarrassment. “Oh yes, here it is,” she finally announced to the room as she held up a piece of paper presumably indicating what I was supposed to have. “Follow me, Annie.” She said motioning me to follow her back across the waiting room to the lab area. I could almost feel the stares of all those eyes looking at my butt as I left the room. Gawd, I hoped there were no remnants of the stripes I had received over the weekend. That would be horrible! Imagine all those people seeing that I had received a whipping! It was almost too much for me to cope with. I hadn’t looked at my backside since that day it happened and then it looked awful! I could feel my face flushing the more I thought about it.
Clarissa sat me down in a chair and proceeded to draw my blood into one of those vials. She was surprisingly good at it and it didn’t even hurt. She then gave me a small plastic jar with a lid and said, “I need a specimen.”
“A specimen of what,” I asked totally confused.
She laughed at my naiveté. “Just pee a little in this cup and then give it back to me.”
“What here . . . in front of you?”
“No silly. I’ll leave you for a moment so you can have some privacy.” She then left. I had never given a specimen before so I stood there awkwardly in the lab area wondering how I was going to do that without peeing on the floor. Since she had said she only needed a little I decided to just bend forward a little, spread my legs and hold the cup up against my vulva and try to squirt just a little into the cup without making a mess. Of course once I started I discovered that stopping was harder than I thought it would be. The cup was half full when I tried to stop the first time but all I managed to do was slow it down a little.
As I was looking between my legs holding that cup watching it fill higher and higher, Clarissa brought a teenage boy back to the lab area. I was so shocked seeing him standing there looking at me that I clenched my muscles tight which resulted in one big squirt splashing into the cup spilling a good bit onto the floor before I managed to stop. I was so embarrassed I didn’t know what to do!
“What are you doing, Annie? You’re supposed to use the restroom behind you not give a sample in the middle of the room!”
I looked around and sure enough there was indeed a restroom door right behind me. I felt so stupid! All I could do was sheepishly say, “Oh . . . sorry.” I was so humiliated at my own ineptitude.
Clarissa sighed as though she was a bit put out and took the cup from me, labeled it and set it on the counter. “Why don’t you go back to the exam room while I finish up here drawing this boy’s blood?”
“By myself?” I realized just how childish my question was as soon as it left my mouth. “Oh, okay.”
With more than a little apprehension I left the room and made my way back across the waiting area. It was hard to do with an escort. It was darn near impossible to do on my own! When I entered the exam room I was in before, there was a middle aged man sitting on the table. My exam room was occupied! “Oh, excuse me,” I said instinctively and backed out of the room not knowing what else to do.
Lisa was behind me giggling. “What’s the matter little girl, did you get lost?”
“No,” I snapped back in a firm whisper. “There’s someone in my room!”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot about you. I filled up all three rooms with other patients.” She said plainly. “You can wait out in the waiting room if you like.”
“Are you out of your mind?!”
“I guess you COULD wait up here at the desk with me, I suppose.”
“Fat chance,” I said trying desperately to cover myself with my arms as I was still in full view of the people in the waiting area. I decided to see for myself if all the rooms were indeed occupied and to my horror, they all had patients in them!! Not wanting to prolong my exposure I spotted a small staff kitchen area at the back of the hall and I dashed right into it.
I was there for about two minutes before old Doc Henderson came in the back door of the office and saw me. “Young lady, just what do you think you are doing?”
I was at a loss for words. All I could do was mutter ridiculous half-words that made no sense. Just then Lisa came around the corner and explained that I was supposed to be getting ready for an exam and there was a mix-up and all the exam rooms were filled so she chose to wait here.
“Well, get someone OUT of one of the rooms so I can examine her. She looks cold!” He barked impatiently. He was obviously in no mood for such foolishness and his usual gruff manner came shining through.
“Right away,” Lisa said and left. Finally she came back and took me back to the original exam room off the waiting area leaving me naked with no gown for cover. Doc came in and looked me over. “What’s the matter with you? Wait, don’t tell me. You’re allergic to clothes.” I just looked at the floor totally humiliated. “Well never mind. Let’s get on with it.” He then did his usual exam, listening to my chest, looking in my throat and asking me dozens of questions. Most of the time I had to make things up as I wanted to at least try and appear as though I might be sick so I wouldn’t get punished at home for faking an illness just to stay out of school.
“I can’t find anything wrong with you. Are you sure you are really sick?”
“Are you sure I’m not?”
“Listen, Missy, see that diploma hanging on the wall behind you? It says that I know what the hell I’m doing. I can find nothing wrong with you. Get dressed and you can go. I’ll have my assistant telephone your mom and give her the good news . . . Damn teenagers.”
I hoped off the table as he started to leave the room. He suddenly turned around and looked me square in the face. “I sure hope this doesn’t mean you’re in for another rump roasting like your last one!” He chuckled a little and left the room.
Holy Crap! Did he know about my last one? Who told him? Then I saw my backside in the mirror hanging on the wall. “Oh . . .” I said aloud. He could see for himself as my butt still bore the marks from the other day. That meant that all those people in the waiting room also knew about my whipping as well!
That reminded me that when my step-mom finally found out that I was faking it, I was going to be in for it again! This day couldn’t get any worse.
I then realized that I didn’t have my clothes! They were missing from the room! I looked around everywhere but they were nowhere to be found.  “That damn Lisa,” I thought. I was going to kill her!

Red Fannie Annie (Spanking, Forced Stripping, Public Humiliation, ENF)
By Hooked6 ([email protected])

Chapter 8
Lisa and my step-sister came into the exam room. “Are you ready to go?” Lisa asked. “They need the room.”
“Where are my clothes?”
“Clothes . . . I don’t know. What did you do with them?”
“Very funny; now hand them over!”
“I honestly don’t know what you are talking about. Now let’s go. If you want a ride home with me we have to leave now.”
“I can’t go like this!”
“Well you shouldn’t have been so irresponsible.”
“That did it,” I said angrily and charged right for her. I wasn’t about to take that from anyone. If I was going to get my butt blistered anyway, I might as well teach that bitch a lesson. Then I saw her waving a paper with Doc’s letterhead at the top.
“I wouldn’t do anything rash if I were you.”
I froze in place. “What’s that?”
“Katie told me about you faking it to get off from school so you wouldn’t get teased and how if your mom found out that you weren’t really sick you’d be in for it when you got home.”
“Yeah . . . so, what’s the paper?”
“It says that you are suffering from a stomach virus and it excuses you from school for the next two days, that’s what it says.”
“How on earth . . . Did Doc write that? He didn’t think I . . .”
“No, I wrote it on his stationary and used his signature stamp. So what’s this worth to you?”
I was dumbfounded. “What do you mean?”
“I mean I went out on a limb for you here by typing this. I could get into big trouble so I want to know what I get out of this if I give it to you.”
“I don’t have any money. Ask Katie, she’ll tell you. I’m broke.”
“Oh I don’t want any money.”
I swallowed hard as I looked at the pair of them. They were both grinning from ear to ear and that wasn’t a good omen. It’s hard to negotiate when you’re naked. Just then Clarissa knocked on the door telling us to hurry up as she really needed this room. “What . . . um . . . what DO you want?”
“How about I take you home just like my sister told your mom that I would . . .”
“Okay deal!” I said quickly.
“Not so fast, sister. I wasn’t finished. How about I take you home but we are going to do it MY way and I don’t want any arguments from you. I want your complete cooperation. Work with me and I’ll give you this paper.”
I was devastated. I knew darn well that if I agreed there was no telling what Lisa had in mind. I did know one thing however, without that paper my hinny was going to really get it along with some almost certain naked corner time.
Lisa must have seen that I was struggling with this so she spoke up, “And . . .”
“And I’ll promise NOT to tease you at school and I’ll even throw in that I’ll tell anyone I catch doing that to leave you alone. How’s that sound?”
Wow, that was really something to consider. I certainly could use a free pass for a couple of days off from school and with Lisa promising not to tease me and to get after those that did it was very appealing. The letter would also get me off the hook with my mom too. Still, I just didn’t trust Lisa. Everything I knew about her spelled trouble.
“But I must point out that if you don’t agree you’ll find your own way home and I’ll make your life a living hell – starting with calling your mother to tell her you’re a phony.”
“Agreed. I let you take me home. Now can we please get me something to wear so I can get out of here before Doc gets really upset with me?”
“Ahem . . . we’re doing this my way, remember? You’re going as you are.”
“We can leave by the back door as my car is parked out back. Now let’s go. I’m on a schedule here.”
“You’ve GOT to be kidding.”
“No, I’m not and if you give me one more outburst like that or argue with me trying to get me to change my mind the deal is off. Now let’s go.”
She then opened the door and Katie ushered me out holding one of my hands and Lisa held the other in full view of a now VERY packed waiting room. Down the hall we went and exited the back door. It was a frightening feeling being outside without any clothes at the mercy of those two girls. Lisa had Katie and I sit in the back seat while she drove. The first thing I did was to check to see if there was anything in the car that I could use to cover myself in case of an emergency, but Lisa kept her car meticulously clean. There wasn’t anything, anything at all.
I sat quietly in the back covering myself with my hands as best I could. All those cars, I thought. A driver in any one of them on the road could look over and see me. It WAS broad daylight after all.
As we drove along Lisa suddenly broke the silence. “Annie, do you know what a Chinese Fire Drill is?”
“Um . . . no . . .”
Katie interrupted to explain, “It’s where the driver of a car suddenly stops the vehicle and yells CHINESE FIRE DRILL and the passengers all get out and run around the back of the car exchanging seats with the person that sat next to them. You have to do it very fast before the driver pulls off and leaves you.”
 “Ah . . . why are you asking me this?”
Lisa laughed out loud, “Because we are going to do one.” For no apparent reason she suddenly stopped the car in the middle of the road as the cars behind her were forced to do the same and yelled, “CHINESE FIRE DRILL.”
Katie was laughing her head off as she quickly opened her door and jumped out.
“GO, GO, GO, GO!” Katie yelled as she exited the car. My adrenalin was pumping furiously throughout my body as I suddenly found myself opening my door and getting out of the vehicle! I couldn’t believe what I was doing. I was naked in the middle of a public street with like maybe 10 cars stopped behind ours all looking at me as I ran around the back of Lisa’s automobile. As I rounded the trunk I saw a really cute guy vigorously waving at me which made me almost panic out of fear. Seeing Katie hop in her side of the car and slam her door brought me back to reality and I started to move again but it was too late. Lisa started driving off!
I screamed bloody murder and began running after her car to the now very audible hoots and hollers of the other drivers! “STOP . . . DON’T LEAVE ME,” I shouted as she crawled forward.
The people behind me got a great view of my bruised rear end jiggling as I ran and the drivers in the oncoming traffic lane saw my less than impressive chest not jiggling much at all!! I was mortified!!
After traveling maybe 150 feet Lisa stopped and waited for me to catch up! I wasted no time in hopping inside and screamed at her to get the hell out of there, which only made the two of them laugh hysterically. She eventually started driving again to the sounds of a multitude of honking horns! I was gasping to catch my breath I was so overcome with fear, shock and embarrassment.
“That was wicked,” Lisa exclaimed excitedly. “We’ll have to do that again sometime.”
I was scrunched down in the backseat for several minutes before Lisa insisted that I sit up. When I did the honking had all died down and things seemed pretty normal again – except for the fact that Lisa and Katie were still laughing their darned fool heads off.
Then I saw it. My high school!! Lisa was headed right for our school with me naked in the back seat!

Red Fannie Annie (Spanking, Forced Stripping, Public Humiliation, ENF)
By Hooked6 ([email protected])

Chapter 9
“What are you doing?!” I exclaimed.
Lisa laughed, “I have to check-in at school. I am only allowed at the doctor’s office during lunch and my regular Health Careers class. I can’t just leave the office and go home after I’m done. I have to turn in my signed attendance card each day after work otherwise the school will think I skipped class or something.”
“But . . . I’m . . .”
“Yeah, naked . . . sorry about that but that’s not my fault. It had nothing to do with me.”
I immediately scrunched up into a ball as Lisa pulled into the parking lot and began driving around in circles. “Look at all these cars. I’ll NEVER find a parking space. I HATE it when I leave and some idiot takes my parking place while I’m gone.”
Being ever so careful I peeked over the door ledge to see how many students were about but mercifully they were all in class and the lot seemed deserted as far as classmates were concerned. Lisa finally found a spot 4 rows back from the school building sandwiched between two cars. At least she didn’t just pull up next to the sidewalk and run inside leaving me practically out in the open.
“You two try and stay out of trouble while I’m gone. I’m late for class as it is.”
“Late for class . . . you mean you aren’t just going to run in and drop off your attendance card?”
“Heavens no, I still have my last class to attend before school is out, silly. I told you at the Doctor’s office that I was on a tight schedule. You’ll be fine here. I’ll be back as soon as I can and then we can leave.” With that she got out of the car and began heading towards the school buildings.
Katie was all smiles. “You sure do like to show off that body of yours, don’t you? Do you realize that the entire freshman class is sitting in various rooms not 200 feet from where we are and here you sit totally naked? What’s it feel like knowing that you might just be seen totally bare by the entire school?”
“SHUT UP! Just shut up.”
“Is that any way for you to talk to your BIG sister? Why if I didn’t think you were just kidding around I could start yelling out the car window.”
Katie rolled down her window and stuck her head outside. “Tell me that I’m prettier than you and that you wish you could be like me.”
“Drop dead, you retard. I’m not saying any such thing.”
“HEY EVERYBODY, ANNIE SWANSON IS OUT HERE NAKED!! COME AND LOOK!” she screamed at the top of her lungs out the window.
As she took another deep breath to yell again I quickly said, “You’re prettier than me and I wish I could be like you.” It was a good thing our school was made out of concrete block and double insulated windows. I was pretty certain that nobody had heard her, but I couldn’t be sure.
“I couldn’t hear you very well. Did you mumble something?”
“I said you’re prettier than me and I wish I could be just like you.”
Katie giggled with satisfaction and pulled her head back into the window. She persisted in making crude comments about my body and about how awkward I was around boys. She could easily carry on a conversation with any boy about any subject. I, on the other hand, seemed to choke on my words if I ever had to talk a guy. I seemed to get all self-conscious and unable to get the words out.
“Hey, isn’t that Billy Thompson walking to the office?” she asked pointing to a boy carrying a folder of papers. “Don’t you like him?”
“That’s not funny, Katie. Don’t you DARE . . .”
“What . . . here’s your chance to get to know him better. The school Sadie Hawkins dance is coming up and I know for a fact that you don’t have a date. Should I call him over so you can ask him? I wonder what he’d think if he saw what you really look like without clothes. Do you think he’d like what he saw?”
 “Oh god no, Katie, please.”
“I think I should. After all it’s an older sister’s prerogative to look after her younger sibling. The way I look at it I’d be doing you a favor.”
“How about I do you a favor instead and do your homework tomorrow?”
“You’d really do my homework for me . . . all of it?”
“Yeah, maybe for the rest of the week . . . please don’t call Billy over here.”
“Okay that’s it? No tricks?”
“No,” she said playfully, “would I do that to you?”
I just sat there as she stared at me. “Still, wouldn’t it be fun to let him see what you look like? The way you seem to like running around naked all the time I thought you’d jump at the chance. It might improve your popularity around campus you know.”
“No thanks. I’m fine just as I am.”
After listening to my step-sister’s taunts for what seemed like forever, I finally saw Lisa coming out of one of the buildings and heading towards the car. “Thank goodness,” I said under my breath. “At least we can get out of here now before the final bell rings.”
“RIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG,” the final bell sounded ending the regular school day. Kids began exiting all the buildings and scattering all over the campus and here I was sitting in the parking lot without a stitch to cover myself. I wanted to scream for Lisa to hurry the hell up before I was seen but I was too afraid that somebody I knew would hear me and come over to say hi.
Lisa got within 5 feet of her vehicle when somebody called out to her and she stopped to talk. It was some boy she knew and there they stood chatting – close enough that if the boy looked over he’d see me for sure! I don’t think my heart beat once during the entire time they were gabbing. He finally went about his business and Lisa climbed in the car and put her keys in the ignition!
Students were EVERYWHERE meandering among all the parked cars! It was only a matter of time before someone came to get into one of the vehicles next to ours and spot me! The news would be all over school – “Annie Swanson streaks school!” I was beginning to panic. My gut told me to run but my body was frozen with fear.
“Did you miss me?” Lisa teased as she began backing the car up out of her spot.
We were finally out of the parking lot and stuck at the traffic light about a block from the school. So far so good, I thought. I had done the impossible and managed to be naked on campus for more than an hour without being seen. It was kind of thrilling in a way, but not something I’d ever want to do again! EVER!
Then Lisa screwed the whole thing by yelling,” CHINESE FIRE DRILL!”
“GO,GO,GO,GO!” Katie said as she opened her door excitedly.
Survival instinct took over along with the fight or flight of the adrenalin rush I just experienced because of all the yelling and I got out of my side of the car, ran around back totally naked but hiding my face as much as I could as several cars honked their horns indicating that I was indeed seen. I jumped in the opposite side of Lisa’s car before she had the chance to drive off! What a RUSH!!
As we sped away from the school, Lisa kept complimenting me on how much she admired my courage and that she thought I was much more fun than my step-sister. Hearing what she said made me swell up with pride. The popular bitch actually liked me! Who would have thought?
When we pulled into our driveway Lisa thanked me for a fun day. I nervously looked around to make sure that mom wasn’t home yet but there was no sign of her. Still I had to make that long trek to our front door naked during which any one of my neighbors could spot me and they would be only too happy to report me to my step-mother.
“Don’t forget these,” Katie said reaching under the back seat and pulling out my clothes.
“What the . . . YOU stole my clothes??”
Katie just laughed and said, “Yeah, I couldn’t resist.”
“Told ya I was innocent,” Lisa said smugly. :”You owe me an apology.”
I apologized, reluctantly, but I did do the right thing and admit to her that I was wrong as I slipped into my outfit before going inside.
What a day!

Red Fannie Annie (Spanking, Forced Stripping, Public Humiliation, ENF)
By Hooked6 ([email protected])

Chapter 10 END
When my step-mom finally came home she bellowed for me to come downstairs. She wanted to know what Doc had said. I could tell by the expression on her face that she was ready to dish it out – so sure was she that I was faking it. I handed her the note and her demeanor changed instantly and she began comforting me and apologizing for doubting me. She even made me a special dinner in the hopes that I’d feel better. Like I said she really was a nice person and I knew that deep down she had my best interest at heart most of the time.
The next morning as I was lying in bed I realized that I had two days of excused absences from school. I should have been overjoyed but I wasn’t. My conscience was rearing its ugly head and I felt terrible. My mom was clearly concerned for me and was being so nice that my guilt was getting to me. It was all a lie! The more I thought about it the more I hated myself for trying to pull this off. I really felt bad, almost sick, in fact.
I got up and got dressed. Something inside of me was demanding that I do the right thing. I had just finished putting on my shoes when my step-mom came into the room.
“What are you doing, Annie, Dr. Henderson said you needed to stay home from school for two days. Now get back in bed.”
Tears began welling up in my eyes. “Oh mom, I’m so sorry.” She looked at me with a confused expression and I could tell she was about to say something comforting. “Mom, it’s all a lie. I can’t do this, I’m so sorry. I really am. I lied to you yesterday.”
Then it all came pouring out. The more I talked the better I felt – almost like vomiting when you are sick to your stomach – it’s horrible as it is happening, but you feel better after it’s over. I told her everything – about how I wasn’t really sick and was just afraid to go to school because of the teasing and about how Lisa forged the note using Doc’s signature stamp, about the Chinese Fire Drills I had to do – everything. I told her that even though I knew the note was a fake, I still tried to make her believe it was true last night anyway and that I felt really bad about deceiving her.
As I talked I could see her face getting redder by the minute. She was angry and I could tell she was doing her best to keep it all in. She let me finish and then started to storm out of the room but stopped. “I’m SO disappointed, Annie. You have no idea. There’s definitely going to be a punishment tonight the likes of which this house has never seen before!” She then stormed out of the room.
Even though I dreaded the punishment, I really deserved it after all. Maybe it was a sign that I was indeed growing up that I actually owned up to my mistake rather than hide it.
The day passed slowly as all I could think about was how I was going to be punished. It seemed that each time I was punished it got worse and much more humiliating for me. I had really screwed up this time – worse than I had ever done before so like my step-mother said that morning, the punishment will be so bad the likes of which had never been seen in our house before. I shuddered every time I thought about it.
When school was over I told my mom when she came to pick me up that I wanted to walk home. She pursed her lips and I could tell she wasn’t thrilled with my request but she gave me permission but cautioned me that I had better not be late.
On the walk home I felt like a condemned prisoner. My life would surely be over after this. I just knew it. Still, something inside of me let me know that this was the right thing to do. I made a bad decision so I had to take the consequences. Maybe I was finally learning from my mistakes!
As I rounded the corner of my street and my house came into view, I almost passed out. There were cars lining both sides of the street and many of them were even parked on our front lawn!! My step-mother invited all these people to witness my punishment?! How could she?!
As I got closer I recognized several members of the high school football team getting out of a car and going into my house! Then I saw old Doc Henderson going up to our front door as well. Oh my Gawd! Half the town must be here. They were all going to see me naked and watch me get my butt roasted! It was all too humiliating to even think about! As I stood in front of my house I saw several of my classmates waving at me through the front window. My legs began shaking and my mouth got severely dry. I knew my punishment was going to be bad but I never imagined it like this!
I swallowed hard and using all my courage I went up to the door and entered the house. Everyone was either sitting or standing all around the front room and they all seemed pleased and excited that I was finally home.
My step-mother finally saw me and just said firmly, “SIT!” as she pointed to an empty chair along the wall.
Sit?? I thought to myself. That was different. I meekly sat down as instructed and awaited for the bomb to go off. My mom signaled for everyone to be quiet. When the room was eerily silent I got the shock of my life!!
“Katie . . . Lisa, it’s time.” My step-mother called upstairs in that now all too familiar sickeningly sweet voice.
Katie? Lisa? What the hell was going on? I didn’t have to wait long to find out. Ever so slowly down the stairs came my step-sister and her friend wearing see through tops like the one I used to wear and both girls were sporting kiddie panties as well!
As I looked around the room it dawned on me that most of these people were either friends or parents of students that were in Lisa’s class or friends and students in my class that were also classmates of my step-sister, Katie as well. They were all people that were important to Katie and Lisa!
My mom went on to explain what Katie had done to me, how they humiliated me by taking me to school naked and doing absurd things like hiding my clothes and making me do Chinese Fire Drills on public streets. As if that wasn’t bad enough she had old Doc Henderson get up and explain how Lisa had forged a doctor’s excuse using his stationery and signature stamp – a very serious offense indeed. He explained that under normal circumstances he would have reported the matter to the police and to the school and almost assuredly she would have been expelled, but, that he agreed to forgo that action as Lisa’s mother had agreed to having her punished the same way Katie was about to be dealt with.
Lisa looked scared to death – her face was ashen and her legs trembling even worse than mine had been. It was clear that she had no idea what was in store for her but after seeing what had happened to me she wanted no part of it. But that wasn’t for her to decide.
My step-mom then said, “Since these girls obviously take great delight in stripping and forcing others to be naked in public I think they have forfeited the right to wear anything for their punishment this evening. Once again she then produced a pair of scissors and began cutting on the bottom of Lisa’s top. Lisa was mortified as she realized that at any minute her chest was going to be on display for the entire room! Before I could even get that thought clear in my head my step-mother had it off and forced Lisa to stand there in just her Sponge-Bob cartoon panties that said, “It’s fun to be wet!”
Katie was next and she buried her head in her hands as her mother destroyed her top as well. The panties were next to go and I took great delight in making no secret that I was loving every minute of this!!
The students in the room were totally shocked. Like those seeing my punishments, they had no idea what was going to happen. I suspected that they just thought they’d get to see a spanking or some good old-fashioned yelling. THIS was a surprise to all of them!!
As bad as it was being forced to be stripped in front of everyone - that was nothing to what my mother said next.
“After talking with Lisa’s parents and Dr. Henderson I’ve decided that each girl will receive FIVE slaps with the bare hand.”
That’s all?! Five slaps! That’s ridiculous. I ALWAYS received way more than that. Why that would hardly even leave a mark!
I saw both Katie and Lisa simultaneously let out a huge sigh of relief. But they didn’t know my step-mom as well as I did. “That’s FIVE slaps with the bare hand FROM EACH AND EVERY PERSON IN THIS ROOM”
“WHAT . . . YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS!” Katie protested loudly.
“Oh but I am. And what’s more, these will be given over-the-knee by each person here.”
There were over 30 people in the room - that was over 150 slaps each!! I almost squealed with delight I was so elated, but I was stopped when I heard my mother calling my name. “Annie . . .”
“Yes ma’am?” I replied with my voice quivering – worried that I was about to receive the same punishment for lying to her.
“Since YOU were the one they tormented, YOU get to give the first whacks, followed by Doc Henderson.”
“YES MA’AM!” I exclaimed excitedly!
Katie was made to lie over my lap and I purposely used my foot to brace her in place by placing it between each of her legs – the result was a pelvis that was spread wide-open leaving no secrets as to her intimate place! EVERYONE was looking and laughing. I gave Katie 5 of the hardest slaps I could muster and did the same with Lisa. IT FELT GREAT!!
When old Doc Henderson was through, mom directed Katie to bend over the lap of one of the football players!! She turned red as a tomato!! The player gently used his hand to rub her butt playfully and said, “It feels warm already!” His comment made everyone in the room laugh hysterically.
Person after person, young, old, male, female all took their turns paddling the hind ends of the two shamed girls. Each person giving the licks seemed to enjoy it more than the person before them often resulting in cheers and hollering from the observers.
When each girl had received the required number of licks my step-mom made them both turn around so everyone could see how red their butts were and then made them apologize to each person in the room – one at a time!
“Annie . . .” my step-mom said finally. “I want you to keep track of the time for me.” She then stood each girl in the center of the room facing the large open window and said, “TWO HOURS REFLECTION TIME.” She made them put their hands on their heads and reminded not to move or say a word.
“Oh, and Annie . . . if anyone rings the doorbell, please let them in.” then turning to the group said, “ABSOLUTELY no pictures but . . . if any of you feel the need to call your friends and invite them over, I know of two girls who would be happy to see them!”

(If you enjoyed this tale, I would love to hear about it. Thanks for reading!)



(The End)