Hanna’s Embarrassing Accident Parts 13 to 17

By Hooked6

[email protected]

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Copyright 2013 by Hooked6 ([email protected]) all rights reserved. Reproduction, redistribution, reposting on another Internet site whether or not a charge or profit is made is forbidden without the expressed written consent of the author. Copyright ownership does not transfer by the posting of this material on this site by the author. The following story is for ADULTS only. By accessing this story, the reader hereby certifies that he/she is of an appropriate age to access adult material and that such material is permitted in the locality or country where the reader resides. The following is a creative work of fiction, and the characters or incidents described do not resemble any persons or events in the real world. Comments are always welcome and serve to inspire my work.
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Hanna’s Embarrassing Accident – Chapter 13
By: Hooked6

Copyright April 2013 by Hooked6 ([email protected]) all rights reserved. Reproduction, redistribution, reposting on another Internet site whether or not a charge or profit is made is forbidden without the expressed written consent of the author. Copyright ownership does not transfer by the posting of this material on this site by the author. The following story is for ADULTS only. By accessing this story, the reader hereby certifies that he/she is of an appropriate age to access adult material and that such material is permitted in the locality or country where the reader resides. The following is a creative work of fiction, and the characters or incidents described do not resemble any persons or events in the real world. Comments are always welcome and serve to inspire my work.

Hanna’s Embarrassing Accident! (reluctant exhibitionism, self-discovery.)
By Hooked6 ([email protected])

Chapter 13
This couldn’t be happening!  The six classmates of mine that I had spotted earlier at a table across the Food Court had finished their meals. As they were picking up their trash to head out, I saw one of the guys pointing right at me with a surprised look on his face!  Soon all the others were mesmerized by the site of a poor invalid girl sitting in a wheelbarrow covered with two paper napkins! “Please don’t come over, PLEASE!” I begged under my breath. “There’s nothing to see here. Just go about your business. PLEASE, just go on about your business . . . DAMN IT . . . They’re coming this way!”
In a matter of seconds the group was scurrying over to my table. “Hanna? Is that you?!” Becky called out giggling. “What on earth . . .?”
“You look like  . . . oh Hell, I don’t know WHAT you look like,” Jimmy mocked. “What are you trying to pull anyway?”
Susan whispered something to Becky and then said giggling, “You DO realize you’re like almost naked in the mall, right? Aren’t you afraid of what people might think or that you’re going to get into trouble? ”
There’s nothing more humiliating than being laughed at by your peers. A person can stand tall and deal with a lot of adverse things in life but being laughed at is the absolute pits.
“Oh this is too rich? I’ve GOT to get a picture.” Carl quipped as he pulled out his smart phone.
“Don’t you even THINK about it, buster!” I yelled menacingly. “I’m hurt, Okay? Isn’t that obvious? I fractured several bones and got hurt really bad and to top it all off I just had a little accident here in the mall. It’s not funny. It’s not funny at all. Can’t you cut me some slack for once?” I kept looking around for Donna but my classmates were blocking my view. Where in the hell is she? Why is she taking so long? I wondered. I needed her to come to my rescue. Donna may be a lot of things but one thing she is good at is thinking on her feet. If she were here she certainly would protect me.
“Yeah, I can see that you’re hurt,” Becky said still giggling, “But you’re . . . like Susan said . . . pretty much NAKED, well almost naked! And what’s up with the stupid wheelbarrow, anyway?”
“It’s a long story. Some friends brought me here to cheer me up and, well I can’t walk so this is what they came up with so I could get around. If any of you has a better idea I’d like to hear it.”
“You mean, like, you should have stayed at home?” Jimmy suggested sarcastically.
“You were brought here by some friends, huh? Where are these ‘friends’ anyway? I don’t see anybody. You know what I think? I think you’re just a slutty showoff, that’s what I think. I’ll bet your getting off on all this, aren’t you?” Becky said laughing snidely.
I was about to really tear into Becky when a man hurried by my table as if he was late for something important and the breeze he created as he walked by blew the napkin that covered my chest clean off my body and onto the floor. I watched in shock as it tumbled along the tiles behind the man as he scurried away.
“OH MY GAWD,” Becky squealed. “She has no tits! They’re just puffy-looking bumps with nipples!”  EVERYONE laughed at her comment, even some strangers that were still eating at a nearby table.
My heart was practically pounding out of my chest. I was topless and everyone in the group was laughing hysterically! I wanted to just curl up into a ball and die. My chest was now exposed to SIX people that I went to school with. My secret was no longer a secret. Yes, I often used a padded bra and YES I wasn’t proud of it, but up to now I didn’t think anyone else knew about it or knew how self-conscious I was about my body.  “Would one of you PLEASE get me another napkin?” I snapped angrily.
“You don’t need to feel embarrassed, Hanna. I think you’re rather cute,” Mike said sincerely. “I really do. It was an accident that your napkin flew off. There’s no reason for them to laugh at you. You have a beautiful body. Not everyone can have a body like a movie star you know. Be happy with what you’ve got.”
Though he may have been trying to make me feel better, his comment only made me all the angrier knowing that he was studying my body, realized that it was less than perfect and was trying to get me to accept that fact. “GET ME SOMETHING TO COVER WITH!” I snapped growing impatient as these classmates seemed intent on just letting me stay uncovered as they made fun of my body.
“All right, all right, keep your shirt on,” Mike said as he went over to the dispenser to pull another napkin out for me. “I was only trying to help.”
“I think we should leave her like this.” Becky teased. “It’s less conspicuous than those silly napkins. After all, she looks like a little kid so I doubt that anyone will complain.”
“STOP IT!” I screamed. “You’ve had your fun. Just leave me alone!”
“Fine . . . if that’s what you want, we’ll be glad to oblige. You don’t have to get all high and mighty about it.” With that they all left, giggling as they departed as if it was all one big joke to them. They appeared to be all of one mind knowing that I was helpless and exposed and thought it would be funny if they left me that way. 
“NO wait!” I exclaimed in a panic, “Don’t leave!”
Becky turned around and I felt relieved as I thought she was coming back to cover me but instead I saw her raise her phone and take a picture of me. “See you in school,” she snickered and walked off with the others.
After they had disappeared, I saw Donna making her way towards me. “What was that all about? Who were those people?” she asked with a smile as she grabbed another napkin to toss over my chest. I didn’t answer her as I was pissed. I just wanted to sulk. Besides I was convinced she wasn’t really concerned at all but rather only wanted to hear all the salacious details of my embarrassing encounter with our peers so she could relish them in her twisted mind.
“I wonder what’s keeping that woman?” she finally asked as she looked around. “She had plenty of time to dry that gown.”
I began to get a bad feeling shooting up my spine. She was right. Where WAS that woman? She seemed so nice. She certainly didn’t seem the type to just run off with my gown. Still, Donna had a point. She had plenty of time to dry it off and return it to me. Something must have happened. I just couldn’t be stranded at the mall without any clothes. I just couldn’t! The thought was too unbearable to think about. The worried look on Donna’s face wasn’t helping matters either. The all-confident Donna didn’t seem so confident now and that scared the crap out of me.  I needed my rock to cling to. If SHE was getting worried I was in real trouble!
“Maybe . . .”
“Maybe what?” I asked nervously.
“Maybe I should go and try to find her. Perhaps it’s just taking her longer to dry that thing with the hand drier in the ladies room than she thought.”
“Oh no, you’re not leaving me alone like this again. I’m going with you.”
Without arguing, Donna picked up the handles of my wheelbarrow and began to push it towards the corridor off the Food Court where the restrooms were located. No sooner had she started walking my napkin blew off again just like it had before leaving me topless once again. Donna immediately set the wheelbarrow down and ran off to pick up my napkin and replaced it. As soon as I was covered she resumed walking only this time at a much slower pace. Unfortunately the same thing happened once          more despite all of her caution. “This isn’t going to work.” She sighed in exasperation.
She let out a deep sigh as she earnestly looked around the Food Court trying to find that woman, but it was of no use. She wasn’t anywhere to be seen. I thought of a dozen reasons that this person could have been delayed but none of them were good. I felt another panic attack brewing deep within my being. I was frightfully close to losing it when Donna snapped her fingers, “I’ve got it!” she said with an air of that old confidence that was her trademark. She had me lift my butt up a few inches as she grabbed the pillow out from under me that I had been sitting on. “This will keep your top covered at least,” she said as she placed the small couch pillow on my chest. The pillow was heavier than the paper napkin so it stayed in place as she lifted the wheelbarrow once more and began walking. The small square plush pillow did indeed cover my boobs and the napkin that I desperately clutched between my legs hid the essentials down below. It wasn’t the perfect fix but it worked and I was grateful. I only hoped it wasn’t a permanent solution and that we would soon find that lady and my gown. I never would have thought that I would miss something that only moments before I had thought was hideous and juvenile. Now I would have given anything just to get it back.
To make matters worse, as we made our way towards the restroom corridor, I became aware that my frantic and forceful clutching of the napkin between my tightly closed legs to keep it in place resulted in it scrunching up into a tube-like wad so that it hardly covered any of my lower pelvic area. True, my vagina was adequately hidden by the paper napkin, but my pubic area, which once had boasted my proud little bush, was now basically completely uncovered. Instead a small, thin tube of paper, much like a cigarette would look if it was shoved into the cleft of my vulva, was pointing skyward as if it were a little erect penis. It looked really stupid! I dared not move my thighs however as I was afraid I’d lose even this little piece of covering. As stupid as it looked it made me feel at least a little more secure.
Donna parked me in the corridor next to the “women’s” restroom. “Wait here, I’ll be right back . . . and try not to get into any trouble while I’m gone, will you?” I just gave her a dirty look which only made her laugh as she disappeared into the ladies room.
People were passing me by, both men and women, as they made their way into their respective lavatories. The looks I got ranged from pity to confusion to downright playful. Mercifully no one said a word. I wouldn’t have known how to respond if they had. I just sat there in my stupid wheelbarrow and tried to make myself invisible – which is a hard thing to do when people are gawking at you.
A few moments later I saw Donna emerge from the Ladies room with a faraway look in her eyes. “She’s not there,” she finally confessed as if she was having a hard time believing it herself. “She’s really not there.”
“Maybe she went into another restroom someplace else,” I suggested hopefully.
“No, this is the one I saw her go into. I watched her myself. I KNOW this is where she went. Oh Hanna, I’m so sorry.”
“What the hell am I going to do now?”
Hanna’s Embarrassing Accident! (reluctant exhibitionism, self-discovery.)
By Hooked6 ([email protected])

Chapter 14
Donna bent down and ran her fingers softly through my hair. “Maybe we passed her making our way over here and she just didn’t see us. I think maybe we should have stayed where we were. Let’s go back to our table and wait a little longer,” she said trying to sound encouraging. “I’m sure we will find her eventually. She was such a nice woman. Things will work out, you’ll see.”
I wanted so badly to believe her. I looked at the clock in the corridor. We still had almost 2 hours before we had to meet the bus back to our village. We certainly had time to wait for this lady and if it meant getting my silly teddy bear gown back I was all for it. “Okay,” I said meekly. “Sounds like a good idea to me.” I lied of course, but what else could we do?
The Food Court had emptied out even more and most of the tables were now empty.  That was a good thing if this lady was indeed trying to spot us as we could easily see each other if that were the case. But that was also a bad thing too. With the place no longer crowded with people, I stuck out like a sore thumb – no longer screened from view by all those diners eating their meals as I had been before. Make no mistake the MALL was still crowded and the halls lined with stores were bustling with people. It was just the seating area that was practically empty so all those people passing by in the main part of the mall going to and from the various stores had a clear shot of me if they looked my way - the silly girl with casts covered by a pillow with a cigarette-looking piece of paper sticking out between her legs.
Time passed and I began to lose heart as there was no sign of this lady. My mind could only think about the bus ride home. I couldn’t go back with only a pillow for cover. I just COULDN’T! It was bad enough just sitting here like I was. The thought of having the bus driver pick me up completely naked in front of all those passengers was more than I could bear.
Watching the people pass by in their summer clothes and beautiful dresses I felt really vulnerable and at risk. They all seemed so much loftier and superior to little ole me, naked and cringing in a wheelbarrow in the middle of a crowded mall.  What was most bewildering to me was the fact that deep down, however, all I could think about was how wet I was and how much I really wanted to finger myself! What was wrong with me? I could feel my little scrunched up napkin getting totally soaked by my own arousal. I was so mortified that someone might notice, yet that very thought made me all the more excited. I know that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense but that’s how I felt.
“Hanna . . .”
My immediate thought was, “Oh crap, she noticed!” I swallowed hard and expected the worst. I meekly replied, “Yes . . .?”
“We have to try and get you some clothes.” I really hate to say this but I think we are going to have to go through the mall and find someplace to get something you can wear.”
“GO OUT THERE . . . among all those people . . . LIKE THIS?!”
“Well, I COULD go try and find something for you myself but I’d have to leave you alone.”
The thought of being left alone in this strange place was totally out of the question and I told her so. “Let’s just get this over with,” I finally said resigning myself to my fate.
Donna picked up the handles of my wheelbarrow and started towards the main hall of the mall. The noise level rose exponentially the closer we got the hordes of people shopping and milling about. As the noise increased so did my anxiety level! I closed my eyes and grit my teeth telling myself that if I couldn’t see them it might be easier.
WRONG! As soon as we hit the main interior corridor I almost panicked again. Conversations were all a jumble and I couldn’t make out if people were talking about me or not. I HAD to open my eyes. To my surprise there were so many people that Donna had to constantly ask the shoppers to excuse us and make room for the “handicapped girl,” which people gladly did.
“Injured girl here, please excuse us. Make way, please for the injured girl,” she repeated over and over again. And people heeded her call. I think I got more sympathy with her saying that than I would have gotten if we had just strolled along in silence. Comments like, “Oh the poor dear,” and “I’ll bet that must have hurt,” were commonplace.   The fact that there were so many shoppers actually helped minimize the number of people that actually saw me – well ALL of me.
Donna abruptly stopped and entered a store. “This is the place I was looking for.” she announced with pride. “They’re bound to have something you can wear here.”
The business was a trendy women’s fashion store that seemed to cater to the younger set. Summer apparel was prominently displayed in the windows as we entered the store.
“Donna,” I said quietly. “You DO remember that back home I couldn’t even get into my own clothes let alone any of these things. What in the world can we find in here that I could wear?”
“I know that silly. The reason I chose this place was that it wasn’t only close to the Food Court but they sell swimsuits too. I thought that maybe we could get you something like that. What do you think?”
“Well . . . it could work. I mean I’ve seen people getting off the bus back home in their swimwear for a day at the beach. I guess that would be okay. It sure beats riding the bus naked,” I said with a nervous laugh.
As we were talking, a young, college aged, very attractive girl came up and looked us over. “Can I HELP you?” she asked incredulously.
Donna cleared her throat and started doing what she did best – lying. “Oh yes, please!” she replied excitedly. “As you can see my friend here has suffered several injuries and I was taking her out for a day of shopping when she had another little accident and, well, it’s a long story, but the bottom line is that she ruined the hospital gown she was wearing – the ONLY the thing she had.”
“Is she . . . NAKED under that pillow?!”
Yes, ma’am” I interrupted. “I’m terribly sorry but if you could help us out of the entrance here and get something for me that I can wear I’d be VERY grateful.”
The girl just shook her head. “This is some kind of college initiation thing, isn’t it?”
“No ma’am,” Donna replied trying her best to sound sincere.  
“I don’t know what you two are up to but I’m game. Follow me,” she said giggling as she led the way to the back of the store.
Donna dropped the wheelbarrow in front of the dressing area and helped me to the bench in front of the mirrors located outside the changing area. “I thought we could get her a swimsuit- a bikini works best,” she said plainly. “With her casts and bad leg she has trouble getting into anything else. “
As I sat there right in plain view in the back of the store desperately hugging my pillow for cover, the salesgirl led Donna off into the racks of clothing. Mercifully the store wasn’t THAT busy. In a few moments they came back with what looked like a two piece blue bikini.
“If you would help her stand and hold her steady,” Donna asked, “I’ll get her dressed.” The girl readily agreed and before I knew what was happening the girl pulled me from the chair and stood me up against the wall, my pillow falling unceremoniously to the ground  along with my VERY wet paper napkin, leaving me stark naked in a store full of people!  Donna took her time fumbling with the bikini bottom trying to get it aligned right before attempting to put it on. She wasn’t fooling me. I knew darn well she was only using that as an excuse to keep me exposed as long as possible. Finally she felt satisfied that she had the garment the right way round and pulled it up my legs and adjusting it into place. She then put on my top and stepped back to admire her handiwork. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” she asked me with a certain pride.
I simply nodded my head. At least I was finally covered!
“You know as nice as this looks,” the sales girl interrupted, “if you are riding the bus back to your village. I think I have something that might work out a little better for your friend here if you are willing to wait a minute.”
“SURE! We’ll wait,” I answered immediately before Donna could say something to jeopardize my chance at decency.
The girl returned with what looked like a long T-shirt. “This is a swimwear cover-up. It has very narrow shoulder straps and wide arm holes so I think she could get into it just fine. Besides it’s opaque and long enough to be decent to wear on the bus. Would you like to try that instead?”
“YES, please!” I said quickly.
Donna stripped me of my bikini leaving me once more completely naked only THIS time I had an audience of several teens that had noticed me as I entered the store and had made their way back to the dressing areas to check me out. As embarrassing as that was having them gawk at me I could see light at the end of the tunnel so I just did my best to ignore them. The pretty salesgirl put the cover-up over my head and she was indeed correct. It fit perfectly!
“We’ll take it!” I said excitedly.
“That will be $49.95 plus tax,” the salesgirl said. I can ring you up from the tag without you having to take the garment off again.”
Donna got a flushed look and all the color ran out of her face. “Umm . . . $49.95?”
Yes, that’s a bargain too. It’s one of the cheapest things we have in the store.”
“Umm . . . I don’t suppose . . . that is . . . do you think that you could lend us this garment until we get her home? I promise I’ll bring it back tomorrow.”
“Just what are you trying to pull, young lady? What do you take me for, anyway? If I let you leave this store without paying I’ll never see that cover-up again and I’ll be out over FIFTY dollars and that will come out of my pay! Hell no, you can’t borrow this garment.”
“I’m not trying to rip you off, honest. I just wasn’t thinking. I don’t really have that much money on me.”
“Well, how much DO you have?”
Donna rummaged through her pocket and held out her hand and sounding rather pathetic admitted, “One dollar and sixty-five cents.” She then turned to me and practically begged me to forgive her. “I really didn’t think. Hanna. I was just trying to get you something to wear. I forgot all about having to PAY for things. I just wasn’t thinking. I’m really sorry.” I could tell Donna was serious because I could actually see tears welling up in her eyes. I wasn’t the only one who noticed either. The sales girl spotted them too.
“I have an idea here. I’m not really supposed to do this but I have a way you can help your friend out and help me at the same time.” The salesgirl put her arm around Donna’s shoulder and continued, “If you would be willing to work for me for an hour doing a little marketing work, I’ll let your friend here have the garment. “
“CERTAINLY,” Donna replied without hesitation. I can do that.”
The salesgirl left the area and came back with a small box and a stack of paper fliers that looked to be 5 inches by 7 inches in size advertising a summer swimwear clearance sale. “I’ll need you to walk around in here and in the mall in front of the store handing out these sales advertisements. Can you do that for me?”
“Sure that will be easy,” Donna said. “We have plenty of time for me to do that and catch our bus!”
“Oh and this is for you too,” the salesgirl said as she handed the decorative box to my friend.
“What’s this? More fliers?”
“No, silly, that’s your outfit. You’ll need to wear that as you hand out the fliers.”
Donna swallowed hard and reluctantly opened the box. What she pulled out surprised even me!
“I can’t wear this!” Donna protested. “That’s insane!”
“You don’t HAVE to wear that. I can always just take back the cover-up your friend here is wearing and then call security because I THINK YOU ARE TRYING TO RIP ME OFF by bringing a naked girl into my respectable store and making up some cock and bull story about her being injured!
“But it’s all TRUE,” I said in a panic.
“Well if that’s so then I’m sure your friend here won’t mind helping you out. Now what’s it going to be. Are you going to work to pay for that garment or do you want me to strip your friend here and call security for public indecency and possible attempted theft? Hurry up and make up your mind. I haven’t got all day.”
I looked at Donna practically pleading for her to do this for me.  I could tell Donna was wrestling with this and deep down I really did think she felt bad for me. I just hoped that she actually had a conscience somewhere deep down inside and would do the right thing.
“Okay, I’ll do it.”
Something didn’t seem quite right, but I couldn’t put my finger on it exactly.

Hanna’s Embarrassing Accident! (reluctant exhibitionism, self-discovery.)
By Hooked6 ([email protected])

Chapter 15
Donna helped me back into my chair and put the fliers on the floor next to me. Taking one long last look at the little box, she reluctantly went into the dressing room. She was in there quite a while and I was beginning to think she was chickening out and was going to change her mind. I began to formulate my options for the bus ride back home if that happened when suddenly I saw her peeking out her head around the corner.
“I can’t believe I’m actually going to do this! You OWE me BIG time, girl.”
The sales girl came back and seeing Donna took her by the hand and pulled her out into the store. Doing her best to imitate that Hollywood actor she exclaimed in a schmaltzy voice, “You look MARVELOUS . . . simply MARVELOUS.”
The swimsuit was even more daring than it had looked in the box. The top consisted of two small light tan triangles that barely covered Donna’s nipples. Since my friend’s breasts were much more ample than mine most of her boobs were exposed – especially when viewed from the side. The strings that held the top in place around her neck were so ultra-thin that it was hard to see them as the color of the fabric so closely matched Donna’s skin tone. The bottom was similarly revealing. It was a thong-type design with a small triangle covering her pubic area – and I mean BARELY covering her pubic area and another thin, nearly transparent string ran up between her butt cheeks. When Donna stepped back so the salesgirl could admire the view, it looked like my friend was naked – except that she wasn’t.  Like I said, the color of the fabric so closely matched the color of Donna’s skin that it blended in so well it was downright eerie!  If one looked closely enough in the right light one could tell she was wearing a suit but at a distance . . . well . . . she was for all intents and purposes . . . nude.
“Here are your fliers,” the salesgirl said handing them to my friend. “If you need more there’s a box at the front counter. Just help yourself. It’s almost two o’clock now, so just keep working until three o’clock and then you can call it a day. Any problems just come and get me.”
Donna looked at me for a moment then back at the store employee, gave her a tentative nod then shuffled the papers in her hand as if she was getting ready to go. Much to my surprise she actually started doing the job by walking around the back of the store near the dressing rooms handing out the fliers! I felt bad for her walking around like that. Her outfit was so inappropriate for the business setting we were in. What was really bad was that the suit gave her very little support where she needed it the most. Her breasts bounced wildly as she walked the aisles. I just knew that at any moment one of her nipples was going to pop out into view from underneath those little triangles of material. From behind, her butt cheeks jiggled so indecently that people couldn’t help but have their attention drawn to her backside which, because of the thin strap of the thong that was buried between her cheeks, looked like she wasn’t wearing a thing! People in the store didn’t quite seem to know what to make of her.  It was clear to me that she was scared to death as she approached each customer. I’m sure she must have been apprehensive about the reactions she might get each time she handed out the advertisement to a potential customer.
It didn’t take long before she had approached the few customers inside the store. She then attempted to look busy walking among the racks of clothing - ostensibly looking for people to give the fliers to but in reality she was just using the clothing racks to conceal her exposure whenever possible.
“Don’t just hang about in here,” the salesgirl called out from the checkout counter at the front of the store. “That doesn’t help draw people into my shop, does it? Be sure and work the area in the mall just outside our entrance, that way people might be tempted to come inside and look around. They can’t buy anything if they aren’t IN the store, right?”
Donna shook her head ever so slightly, obviously trying to decide if she could do such a thing. She had way more courage than I would have had if I were in her shoes as she eventually marched right out into the open mall and silently handed out the fliers to the shoppers passing by. From where I was sitting I could still see everything.
In the fluorescent lights of the main corridors of the mall it really DID look like she was completely naked! Many, many passersby gave her double takes, especially the ones that were too far away to take a pamphlet. 
Suddenly, I realized that I was giggling ever so quietly to myself. I realized that I was actually enjoying her humiliation. Before she had actually gone through with it, I was feeling sorry for her. Now, actually SEEING her among the throngs of people dressed in that skimpy swimming costume, I was relishing her embarrassment. I found that I was beginning to understand why Donna had put me through all my trials – she enjoyed it! Now that the situations were reversed I was enjoying it to! Deep down my conscience was trying to tell me that it was wrong to feel this way as she only put herself into this horrible predicament to help me. She didn’t have to do that. It was an act of pure friendship after all. Yet despite that sentiment, a little voice from somewhere in my brain was telling me to ignore that Polly Anna-like sentiment and Carpe Deum! 
I found myself getting even more aroused than I already had been when I saw those six classmates of ours, the ones that had tortured me in the food court earlier, walking up the mall corridor heading right for Donna!!  When one of the boys snuck up on her and pinched her on the right butt cheek causing her to squeal I almost had an orgasm right then and there! Damn, I was having fun watching her public disgrace!  I was practically giddy watching the huge smiles on their faces as they stood there talking with Donna. Though I couldn’t hear what was being said, I imagined what wicked things they might have been taunting her with.
Having just experienced some of the same sort of embarrassment in front of my peers myself I had a pretty good idea of the mixture of emotions that Donna must have been feeling. Even though I was now safely clothed in this modest beach cover-up garment, I was vicariously reliving my experiences watching Donna. Again, I know I should have been feeling bad for her but I wasn’t.  I found myself wishing other horrible and shameful things might happen to her like some lady giving her the “what-for” because she was teasing her husband dressed like she was, or something equally as degrading.
I was now laughing out loud at her predicament when suddenly I heard Eddie saying, “What are you laughing about?”
“Oh, Eddie, you startled me! I didn’t know you were in the store.”
“Sorry about that. So . . . what’s so funny?”
“Donna! Didn’t you see her out there? The store manager is forcing her to walk around practically naked in that silly swimming outfit so she can earn enough money to pay for this cover-up for me. Isn’t that a gas? She embarrassed the hell out of me all day and now she’s paying the price by having some bitch forcing her to do practically the same thing she did to me! Pay backs are hell, aren’t they? ”
“Store manager? You mean that girl over there?” Eddie asked pointing to the salesgirl.
“Yeah, that’s her. She must have felt sorry for me or something to make Donna do that.”
Eddie just shook his head in disbelief. “You dope, that’s Donna’s older sister.”
“Yeah, they’re always doing stuff like this, though I’ll admit I’ve never seen her do it at her job though.”
“I don’t understand. They’re always doing . . .  what?”
“You really have no idea do you? Donna gets off on this kinky stuff. She always has. Her sister likes making her do things to embarrass her younger sibling and Donna likes having her do it. Where have you been all this time, hiding under a rock or something?”
“You’re just putting me on. Donna doesn’t have an older sister.”
“Sure she does. She was away at college for some time and has lived in Rockford for years, maybe that’s why you’ve never met her but trust me, that’s Donna’s sister.”
I couldn’t believe it. “Did you know that Donna’s sister worked here? Is THAT why we came to the mall today?”
“I really had no idea until just this moment. Still, when those two get together there’s no telling what they’ll come up with. “
“And they do this sort of thing all the time? Seriously?”
Eddie looked at the floor and stalled for a moment before answering, “Well, to be honest I’ve never personally seen her do anything this drastic but the rumors are rampant around school. Some of the guys though have seen her being made to skinny-dip at the beach after her sister took her suit. Oh yeah, there was that towel incident in the gym a few months ago too.”
I was stunned. I couldn’t get my little brain to wrap itself around what I had just been told.  I KNEW something didn’t seem quite right back when Donna agreed to work for that girl but I just couldn’t put my finger on what it was. Still, this was all too weird. Surely he was just making this all up, wasn’t he? Perhaps my mind was still in that pill-induced fog and I wasn’t thinking clearly.
The idea though of maybe finding another friend to share my secret fantasies with was very appealing. I wondered if she liked horses. Perhaps we could go riding topless sometime after I got better.  Deep down I guess I was hoping that Eddie was telling the truth. There was no denying that Donna was indeed outside in the mall embarrassing herself in front of all those strangers. There had to be SOME explanation.
After staying with me and watching the show Donna was putting on, Eddie eventually left to find the others as it was getting late.
All too soon Donna’s time had expired and the salesgirl called her back inside the store and complimented her on doing such a fine job. She said that her afternoon sales receipts were way up thanks to the extra publicity that my friend had provided.  Donna’s face was blushing yet there was a twinkle in her eyes and it wasn’t because of the praise she had just received! There was no denying what she was feeling. I knew exactly.
My thoughts were interrupted when the salesgirl said “I guess you’ve earned that cover-up for your friend here. Thanks again.” Donna wasted no time and scurried into the dressing room to change.
I wanted to confront them both telling them that they could stop the charade as I KNEW what was going on but part of me wanted find the right words first and I needed them both to be together in case what Eddie had told me wasn’t a lie. I needed to see their reactions simultaneously when I spilled the beans.
I never got the chance. Donna came running out of the dressing room angry as all get out shouting, “WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES?”
“Right in the dressing room where you left them.” The salesgirl said matter-of-factly.
“THEY’RE NOT THERE! What did you do with them?”
“I didn’t DO anything with them,” the girl answered flippantly.” Are you sure you’re looking in the right dressing room. There are 6 of them you know. Perhaps you just forgot which one you used.”
“I’m POSITIVE! There not there!”

Hanna’s Embarrassing Accident! (reluctant exhibitionism, self-discovery.)
By Hooked6 ([email protected])

Chapter 16
“Calm down. They must be around here somewhere. Perhaps your friend here took them,” she said nonchalantly pointing at me.
“ME?! I can’t even walk by myself. How could I have taken them?”
The two girls searched everywhere – the dressing areas, the front desk, and even checked the clothing racks in case some customers might have mistaken them for store merchandise and returned them to the racks - but the search came up empty handed.
“What could have happened to them?” Donna asked with her voice cracking with fright. “I can’t wear this bikini on the bus!”
The salesgirl’s expression turned serious. “You’re right, you can’t. You haven’t paid for that yet. You’ve only earned enough to pay for that cover-up ole cripple girl here is wearing.”
Donna’s jaw dropped almost to the floor. If that was really Donna’s sister they BOTH were doing an incredible acting job – academy award winning in fact. I began to doubt Eddie’s story completely. Then a thought flashed into my head.
“EDDIE!” I exclaimed loudly.
“HUH? Eddie? Where? I don’t see him anywhere,” Donna said looking around the store.
“Eddie! HE must have taken your clothes!”
“What are you talking about?”
“Eddie . . . he was here not more than 15 minutes ago. He stood next to me and kept me company as we both watched you through the store window. HE must have taken them,” I explained.
“I’ll kill him,” Donna said angrily as her eyes got small and beady-looking.
“He also said the two of you were sisters,” I added carefully.
The salesgirl looked at Donna, laughed and said sarcastically, “Ah, that would be a big fat NO!”
“She’s not my sister,” Donna added. “I don’t even know the girl and besides I don’t have a sister. Oh, he’s like so dead. When I get my hands on him, he’ll regret the day he was born.”
Walking with determination Donna started for the door. “Hey, where do you think you’re going?” the salesgirl called out.
“To find that bastard and throttle the hell out of him and get my clothes back.”
“Not with my merchandise, you don’t. Not unless you want to get arrested for shoplifting.”
“What the hell am I supposed to do? We’re running out of time here and our bus will be here soon. If we miss that bus we’ll be stuck here!”
The salesgirl, hurrying to the front counter to take care of a customer, called out over her shoulder, “Not my problem,” she said indifferently. “You guys work it out. I’ve got a company to run and in case you haven’t noticed we’re rather busy at the moment.”
Donna plopped her butt down on the bench next to me and sighed. “Now what are we going to do? There isn’t time for me to earn enough money to buy anything else.” She then put her head into her hands and lowered her head to her lap in frustration.
I just looked at her for several moments. I knew what I had to do. It was the only logical solution. “Donna, why don’t you take this gown and go and look for Eddie? You can come back and give it to me after you get your own stuff back.”
“What are YOU going to do while I’m gone?”
“I’ll be fine. Just help me into one of these dressing cubicles and I’ll give you the cover-up and then I’ll hide in there until you return.” Donna got a blank stare on her face as if she wasn’t sure this was a good idea so I added, “What other choice do we have? And I darn sure don’t want to miss that bus so stop stalling and help me up!”
“Okay,” she said as she reached out to help me to my feet. It took a little doing but she managed to get me inside an empty room and reluctantly took my gown and put it on leaving me naked once again.
“I promise I’ll be back as quick as I can. Don’t you worry one little bit; I’ll find Eddie and get my stuff back in no time at all. You’ll see.”
I wasn’t sure if she was trying to convince me or herself with her reassuring words. In any case she left leaving me sitting on the changing room bench.
Time passed slowly. I didn’t have a watch nor could I see a clock so I really had no idea of how much time we had before the last bus to my village was set to arrive. The longer Donna took the more concerned I got.
Suddenly there was a jiggling of the door handle. “It’s occupied,” I said trying to sound calm. Whoever it was apparently had moved on to another cubicle. After a few more moments someone else was trying to turn the door knob. “It’s occupied” I said again to the sound of a disgusted sigh from whoever it was outside the room.
More time passed and my panic level had increased exponentially. I was about to lose it when there was a forceful knock on the door. “It’s occupied” I said repeating my now proven routine.
“What’s going on in there? You’ve been in there an awfully long time,” said a familiar voice from outside the door. It was that saleslady! 
“I’ll be out in a minute.” I replied with my voice trembling.
“Are you okay or are you up to something no good?”
“I’m fine,” I replied with my voice cracking even more than before. “I’ll be out in a minute.”
“I know that voice,” the saleslady said. Just then I heard what sounded like a key being inserted into the lock of the door handle. In a jiffy the door flew open and there I was sitting naked on the bench staring into the faces of a mother, her teenage daughter and the short-tempered sales person.
“Oh my,” the mother said. “I’m sorry. I can see you’re hurt.”
Taking a page out of Donna’s survival book I quickly added, “It takes me much longer than normal to change because I’m a bit handicapped.”
“No problem,” the lady said, “we’ll do some more shopping and come back a little later.” With that the mother and daughter left with their garments.
The manager looked at me with a sly grin. “Nicely played, I’ll grant you that. So what in the hell are you doing in here? You do realize I’ve got a business to run. You can’t stay in here all night you know.”
“My friend went to find her clothes wearing my cover-up,” I said then quickly added before she could say anything, “She didn’t steal it – you said she earned it so it’s hers to take, right?”
“Fine . . . But I want you out of here in FIVE minutes or I’m dragging you out so my customers can try on their selections and I don’t care if you’re naked or not, in FIVE minutes you’re out of here. Got IT?”

“Yes ma’am.”

Hanna’s Embarrassing Accident! (reluctant exhibitionism, self-discovery.)
By Hooked6 ([email protected])

Chapter 17
As I sat there a feeling of doom came over me. What if she never comes back? What if we missed the bus? How will we get home? The more I thought the more anxious I became.
Suddenly I heard Donna calling out my name. “I’m in here,” I replied. Thank goodness she’s back, I thought to myself. Now I can get my cover-up back and we can get the heck out of Dodge City as they say in those old Western’s.
Donna opened the door and the look on her face said it all. Well that and the fact that she was still wearing my beach cover-up garment. “What happened?” I asked almost too afraid to hear what she had to say. “Couldn’t you find Eddie?”
Donna shook her head. “It’s worse than that. The others said they saw him leaving the mall with Fred Nicholson from school. He apparently drove to the mall today and Eddie told the guys that he was going home with Fred. They didn’t see him carrying anything but they couldn’t be sure. One thing is certain, though, Eddie is gone and the others have no idea where my clothes are.”
“Well . . . maybe we could explain things to the Dragon-lady and maybe she’ll have a change of heart and give us something else to wear. After all her sales shot up because of what you did so I think she owes you something, right?”
“No dice, “Donna said with a sigh. “I already tried that. All she said was that it wasn’t her problem and . . .”
“And what?”

“And . . . she wants you out of the dressing room now or she’s going to have security drag you out.”
“What are we going to do?!” I asked in a panic.
“I’m so sorry, Hanna. I never should have agreed to us taking you to the mall. I thought it would be fun. I had no idea things would work out this way. Sure, things got a little risqué but it was all in fun.” Donna then began taking off the gown. “Here, take this if anyone has to go out there naked it will be me. You’ve gone through enough today.”
“I may live to regret this,” I said waving off the gown with my arms, “But I think I stand better chance than you do. After all, I’m the crippled one. People will have more sympathy for me than they would for you. If things go bad just say I’m a little out of my head because of the pain pills I’m taking. At least that sounds plausible. Now get me in my wheelbarrow before we miss the bus or the Dragon-lady calls security.”
Donna didn’t argue. In fact I was sure she sighed in relief! She tossed on the gown and ran to get the Wheelbarrow. In no time I was sitting in that stupid contraption covering my chest as best as possible with that small pillow, holding my legs together as tightly as I could. 
Donna bolted through the store yelling, “Bye!” to the Dragon-lady. We literally flew through the mall corridor and out the main entrance to the mall. I could see the bus cue still waiting at the bus stop sign. At least it hasn’t left yet, I thought.
Even though she was half out of breath from trying to push me across the parking lot asphalt she managed to ask, “You do realize that you’ll probably end up exposing more than your butt trying to get on the bus don’t you?”
I didn’t answer her. I didn’t want to think about it. That very thought was overwhelming in my present state.  When we were about 40 yards from the bus stop I saw the bus pull up to the sign and open its doors. People were getting on. “HURRY, DONNA!” I yelled, “BEFORE IT LEAVES US!”
Everyone had boarded the bus by the time we got there. The same bus driver looked out and saw us coming and got off the bus. At least he wasn’t going to leave us stranded!
“Well,” he said looking me over. “You seemed to have lost something, haven’t you?”
“It’s a long story,” Donna said. “It’s her pain pills. She’s a little loopy. I’ll watch out for her. Please just don’t leave us, mister. We have to get back.”

The driver smiled a knowing smile. “I understand. I was the same way after my surgery. People told me I said and did the craziest things that I don’t even remember. Come on, I’ll help you get her on board.”
With that he moved my pillow and was clearly shocked to see that I was now completely naked. He didn’t say anything but got the wheelbarrow directly to the door of the bus. He grabbed one arm and Donna grabbed the other and stood me up in preparation for getting me up the steps and onto the bus. I knew that now my naked body was clearly visible to the passengers nearest the door so I dared not look up.
“Hanna?” I heard a familiar voice say. “HANNA? WHAT ON EARTH?”
I looked up and saw my math teacher, Mr. Jenkins – the one I have such a crush on! He was sitting in the very first seat looking right at my naked body!!
“Hanna,” I heard again and felt my body shaking. “HANNA, get up!”
“What . . . HUH? What the . . .”
“Hanna, get up” I heard my mother saying. “You have a visitor.”
My mother? What? I opened my eyes to see that I was in my room. I had no idea how had gotten home. My first thought was that I had fainted. “I’m so sorry mom . . . I . . .”
It was then I realized that the casts on my wrists and legs were gone! I could move my fingers. I was  . . . normal!  How long had I been out I wondered.
“That must have been some dream you were having,” my mother said as she wiped the hair away from my face. You were thrashing about and crying ‘NO PLEASE!’ over and over again.”
As I looked around the room I saw that everything was just as it should be. The whole thing was a dream?!  It couldn’t have been!  It was so real!
“Mom . . . I dreamt that I had two broken wrists and a broken leg and . . .”
“It was just a nightmare, sweetheart, that’s all, just a nightmare. Now get up. Your friend Donna is here to see you.”
I looked at the door to my room and there stood Donna standing there in a white beach cover-up outfit just like the one in my dream! She was smiling at me with such a weird smile!

If you liked this story please let me know. Your feedback keeps me writing other stories as it’s the only motivation that I have.  I thank everyone for their support.  



(The End)