Aunt Stella - Part 4 BY: Hooked6 Copyright July 14, 2001 by Hooked 6. All rights reserved. No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN consent of the author ( The following story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were true may be considered illegal or abusive in some localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such conduct but believes in the right of free creative expression. The author understands the difference between fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome. Aunt Stella - Part 4 By: Hooked6 I almost fainted! I didn't know what to say. Here I was standing alone, naked in a dressing room, my little almost hairless penis pointing straight toward the ceiling!! The older lady must have been at a loss for words as she just stood there too looking at me. She must have thought I was some kind of perverted creep standing there like that. I just knew I was in REALLY big trouble!! What was I going to say? How was I going to explain this? The smartly dressed lady, cleared her throat finally and said, "Do you need help young man?" I swallowed hard. My heart was beating even faster than before. I used to be proud of my body but after these last 2 days I was so ashamed of it. "I'm . . . ah . . . waiting for my niece," I said nervously, my voice cracking with each word. "She's . . .helping . . .I mean, ah, getting something for me." The lady smiled at me. I am not sure but somehow I think she thought that it was cute that I was so nervous. She didn't seem mad. She started to say something when I saw her look into the store and say, "Oh Hi, Martha! I didn't know you were here." The lady held up her hand as if to signal them to stop and said, "The dressing room is occupied girls." Martha continued walking with Kelli and said laughing, "Yeah, that's Eddie. He's a relative of mine and is staying with us for a while." "Oh I see," the lady said. Then she pointed at me and said in a serious tone, "And just WHY is he standing in my dressing room like that?" I began to get nervous again yet was secretly hoping that Martha was going to get in trouble. Martha and kelli joined the lady at the dressing room opening. Martha held up a couple of items and said, "He's trying on swimsuits. My mom said he needs a new one." And Kelli quickly added, "We were having trouble finding one that was just right." The lady looked at the suits my niece had and said, "Oh, I see,. . ." Martha then continued, "Eddie has a painful sunburn so he prefers not to wear much right now and it seemed best not to make matters worse for him by making him dress and undress, you know. . ." The lady looked at me, came over, then turned me around and studied my back. "I'll bet that does smart a bit. It makes sense to me." After a turning me around to face them again, the lady fixed her gaze on my pelvis. "You girls need any help?" she then said thoughtfully. Martha was quick to accept her offer. "Actually, we do. Mom wants him to have one of those nylon bikini type suits - you know the ones that dry fast and are so popular right now. The problem is that we are having trouble finding something like that. Any suggestions?" The lady looked over the articles the girls picked out and then stood there in thought for a minute. "These are nice but DEFINITELY not his size. I don't think I have what you are looking for out in the store. I might have something in the back. You mind coming with me?" The girls nodded in agreement. Then the lady reached for my hand and said, "Come with me Eddie." My eyes got huge as she led me naked out of the protection of the cubicle and through the door in the back of the store. My breathing became rapid and I struggled to try and hide myself by standing closer to this matronly lady. In the back room there were tall shelves and boxes and boxes of things piled everywhere. As I was looking around I stopped dead in my tracks, almost pulling the lady ahead of me off her feet! There were TWO MORE young girls unpacking some of the boxes up ahead. They looked up at us as we approached. The two new employees smiled and seemed amazed at the sight before them. "Girls, where that new shipment that just came in?" The red haired girl pointed behind her and said, "Down at the end there." To my horror the lady let go of my hand leaving me exposed to a new audience as she walked down the aisle to check things out. I was about to use my hands to cover my semi- erect penis when Kelli and Martha came up beside me each taking a hold of one of my hands. "You wait here with us, Eddie. She might not want us wandering around," said my niece justifying to these new onlookers why they were holding my hands. I believed it was jus a way to add to my embarrassment. The clerks approached Kelli and one of them said, "What's going on?" When both of them got within a foot or two they stopped. Kelli said, "Little Eddie here needs a swimsuit and we were having trouble finding one. He has a sunburn so the owner didn't want him to keep changing over and over again. She thought she might have something better back here." The red-haired girl looked down at me and giggled. "It's a good thing he didn't get burnt ALL OVER," she said as she eyed my privates. The girls were in no hurry to leave and seemed to take a certain pleasure in my discomfort. They must have felt giddy about their good fortune. The other clerk, the dark haired one, came over and gave me a hug and said with pity, "You poor dear! It must be awful having to stand like this in front if a bunch of girls." I was grateful for her empathy. Then as she backed away she continued. "Don't you worry son, I have seen MANY boys' penises in my day and I still enjoy looking at them - even if they are a bit smaller than I'm used to." That caused ALL the girls to laugh out loud. I wasn't being pitied I was being mocked!! Kelli said to her sarcastically, "Yeah, right! Like hell you've seen lots of penises! I bet you've never even seen your brother naked, you little liar!" There was more laughter. The owner returned and held up a white suit and said, "This is the only thing I have that might be what you are looking for. Try it on Eddie and see if it fits." I thankfully took the suit and quickly stepped into it. It was snug - VERY snug. It clung to my body like a second skin. It looked like bikini underwear I thought but at least I was covered. My niece told the lady, "It's perfect. We'll take it." The owner held out her hand wanting the suit back and said, "OK, Give it to me and I'll get a price for it. It just came in so I don't even know how much it is yet. It will be a minute while I look it up in the catalog." I nervously stepped out of my new-found cover and handed the suit back to the lady who immediately left and headed back into the store. "Are you having a good time shopping with your niece, Eddie?" asked the red-haired clerk breaking the silence. The dark haired clerk just laughed and said, "Well I should think THAT is OBVIOUS!" She nodded her head down in the direction of my pelvis as she was speaking drawing everyone's attention to my penis, which had resumed sticking straight up. I wanted to just die. I got real red in the face and felt hot all over. Kelli stood next to me and put her arm around my shoulder and said defensively, "Well I think he's a NICE boy and you should quit picking on him. Come along Eddie. If you ever get tired of your niece you can always come and visit me." I thought that was nice of her and started to feel a bit better as we took a few steps toward the door that led to the store when Kelli ruined it all by saying, "But you'll have to leave your clothes at home!" The girls all snickered as they followed me into the store. Mercifully I was allowed to change into my gym shorts and soon my niece and I left that store and rejoined my aunt."Did you get a suit?" she asked her daughter. "I got just the right one." She answered and we all headed for home. I played with my nephews all afternoon staying out of the sun and avoiding my niece. Later that night my aunt was busy gathering things up and getting ready for the big "to-do" at Jane's house. We she was ready to leave she called us all together and announced, I'm going now and I'll be back pretty late I think. Martha is in charge and I want you all to do as she says. She's in charge." Then turning to Martha she said, "You know Jane's number. It's not that far away. I'm not sure how long I'll be but if you need me just call." Martha assured her everything would be fine. My aunt gave us all a hug and left. As soon as her mom had left, Martha was on the phone again! That girl must live on the phone. She stopped long enough to feed us dinner and then got on the phone again. Later as I was watching TV with the boys I heard the doorbell ring. Martha RAN out of the back room shouting, "I'll get it!" When she opened the door there stood Kelli and that red-haired girl from the store! Martha invited them in and no sooner had she showed them where to sit than the doorbell rang again. This time it was two teenage BOYS standing at the door!! Martha apparently knew Kelli and ONE of the boys but the red-haired girl and the other boy were knew to her. After a few minutes the doorbell rang again. It was another guy and girl that apparently Kelli had invited as Martha didn't know them either and wasn't expecting them. So now there were 6 teenage guests in the house - 3 girls, 3 guys and Martha. They were obviously planning on hanging out as Martha seemed to be taking advantage of her mom's absence. Music was turned on and they all began talking and having a good time. My nephews and I retreated to the garage to play. After quite awhile later it had gotten dark. The three of us came inside. One of the guests tapped my niece on the shoulder and asked,"Hey! Who are those guys?" Martha called us over an introduced us as everyone stopped what they were doing and paid attention. "These are my brothers Billy and Freddie and THIS," she said with some extra emphasis, "is EDDIE." Everyone said hello and then got real quiet. Martha then continued with a certain pride in her voice. "These are the BEST behaved boys in the whole city. I fact they HAVE to do EVERYTHING I tell them to do. Don't you boys?" Little Billy innocently answered, "That's right. That's what mom told us to do." My niece patted her little brother on the head obviously pleased with his answer. "Actually, they have to do everything ANY ONE of you ask them to do as they have all been instructed mind their elders. Isn't that right Eddie?" she said staring me right in the eye. I quietly said, "yes." "YES WHAT?" my niece persisted. I looked at my feet and said, "that we have to do everything any older person tells us to do." The room was silent and no one said a word. Then Martha said, "Follow me boys, It's time for you bath." As the boys obediently followed there sister, I stayed behind. Martha noticed my hesitance and remarked, "You too Eddie unless you want to wash up in the kitchen sink. I'm sure I can get someone to help you." The guests snickered and I got the message. Once in the bathroom the boys stripped off their clothes and hopped in the tub when it was full. I was shaking a bit as I knew what was going to happen next, but she surprised me. "Eddie, you wait here until they are through and then you can bathe by yourself." I was soooo relieved. Maybe she wasn't such a heartless bitch after all. She picked up the Boy's dirty clothes and left! Later she returned handing the boys a towel and watched as they dried themselves off. "Ok you two," she said after finishing, "Your nightshirts are on the kitchen table. Put them on and get to bed. . . and don't forget to say goodnight to everyone!" The boys dashed out of the room and I could hear them yelling "Goodnight," over and over to each guest. "I trust you know how to give yourself a bath," she said to me sarcastically. I eagerly nodded. "Well then get those clothes off and toss them outside the door. . . and you had better do a good job." With that she closed the door and left me alone - in PRIVATE! Maybe I had drawn the wrong impression about her. I did as she instructed and carefully tossed my shorts outside the door. I was pleasantly surprised that no one was waiting on the other side of the door. I eased myself into the tub and collapsed a bit in relief! Then the door opened. It was one of the new girls I hadn't seen before. She entered so fast that I didn't have time to react. She stood there eyeing my body for a second and then, seemed genuinely embarrassed as she said, "Gosh I'm sorry. I needed to use the toilet. I thought you bathed with the boys." She stood there looking at me covering my privates for a second and then slowly started to leave saying, "I'll come back after you're done." I hurriedly finished my washing and started to get out of the tub before anyone else came in accidentally when I realized that there were no towels! Just then Martha came in as if on cue and held out a towel for me to use. I reluctantly took it started drying off as she watched me. I dried myself over and over until I could stall no longer. My niece then held out her hand and took hold of the towel. I let go of my end trying not to piss her off as she had been rather nice so far and I didn't want to spoil it. "Eddie," she finally said, "Your nightshirt is one the kitchen table . . . don't forget to say goodnight to everyone." My mouth dropped wide open! You want me to go out there NAKED??!!" "Why not? The boys did?" she asked rather amused. I didn't move a muscle. "If you don't, you're going to get a beating from me AND my mom. Now get to it!" she barked. I decided to make a run for it and get it over with. I ran out down the hall and as soon as I got to the front room I saw my shirt - in the hands of one of the boys. "Hey dude, is THIS what you're looking for?" she asked tauntingly. The girls all laughed. I covered myself with one hand and reached for the shirt yelling, "Give me that!" the boy quickly jerked it out of my reach and tossed it to one of the girls on the couch. I carefully went over to the girl still covering myself and pleaded softly, "Please give me my shirt." She playfully held it out and the as I reached for it tossed it to another guy! I played this stupid keep away game for several minutes getting angrier and angrier. Finally one of the boys called for my shirt and when it was tossed to him he produce as pair of scissors from his back and proceeded to cut it up into pieces. I just froze not knowing what to do now. Then I heard the girl that walked in on my say, "hey kid?" I turned and faced her still trying to hide myself with my hands. I must have looked really stupid. She continued, "Is it true that you have to do ANYTHING one of us tells you to?" My knees almost failed me and my breathing got very rapid. Martha answered for me, "Say YES, Eddie." I looked at the floor like a doomed man and shook my head affirmatively. "Then I want you to come over to me and put your hands on your head. I've never really seen a naked boy before and I kind of would like to. You wouldn't mind doing that for me would you?" The room which was rather noisy, suddenly got very quiet. I looked at my niece who sternly pointed in the girl's direction as if ordering me to march. I slowly went over to her as she was seated on the couch and after looking her in the eyes, removed my hands from my crotch and put them on my head. She just giggled while the guys really went crazy. "Whoa dude!" one said and others made very crude suggestions. The other girls wanted me to turn around so they could see to. All this attention got me aroused in no time. The original girl that made me do this humiliating thing called me over and stand in front of her again. She looked at my pitiful erect penis and then nudged her boyfriend and said, "I hope you're bigger than he is!" Everyone laughed. The boyfriend not to be put to shame this way stood up and reached for his belt buckle, "Oh yeah, wanna see a REAL man?" He started to undo his pants to the hoots and hollers of everyone there when suddenly - IN WALKED AUNT STELLA!!! "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE??!!" she demanded to know. Everyone got REAL quiet! No one dared answer her. My aunt looked at me standing naked in front of this girl with my obviously recently erect penis shrinking fast. "EDDIE!" she yelled and pulled me to the center of the room by my arm. "GO . . .GET. . . BLACKIE . . . for me" she said slowly and deliberately. I knew I was going to get whipped for something I had nothing to do with. I tried to explain, "but I didn't. . ." My aunt covered my mouth and said angrily. "I know all I need to know." She let go of me and waited for me t bring her blackie. Tears welled up in my eyes as I returned and handed her the belt - one even rolled down my face. The guests were deathly quiet. No one dared to move or say a word. My aunt held up blackie menacingly and yelled, "MARTHA! Get over here NOW!" I was confused. Martha got up and started to say something but her aunt stopped her. "SHUT UP! YOU know what you did was wrong. Having a party while I was away. I trusted you! Now it's YOUR turn to feel blackie. AND YOU! - " she said pointing the rest of the group, "you all will watch and learn. If I catch ANY of you over here again you'll get much worse. And if anyone tries to leave I'll call your parents." She ordered me to sit on the chair and pulled Martha close to her. "You know what to do, now get those clothes off." Martha was opening crying now and her mom hadn't even hit her yet. She was pleading, "PLEASE, Not in front of these people, PLEASE MOM!" It was of no use and eventually Martha removed her blouse and shorts and was standing in the room in just her bra and panties. She leaned against the wall ready for her whipping but her mom straightened her up and snapped at the waistband of her underwear and said, "EVERYTHING, MISSY!" My heart was really pounding now. My niece turned away from us and unsnapped her bra but as she did so my aunt ordered her to turn around and called me to stand next to my niece. "Hand those things to Eddie here." I saw a girl's breasts for the first time as she lowered her bra and then handed it to me. I was amazed at her nipples! I was erect in no time just looking. "NOW THE PANTIES," my aunt instructed. Martha slowly took them off and I couldn't believe all the dark hair she had down there!! My aunt saw her staring and said to me. "Go ahead and look all you want, Eddie. I have a feeling she's looked at you enough tonight. In fact EVERYBODY TAKE A GOOD LOOK. I want my daughter here to know how Eddie must have felt tonight." She made Martha parade around showing everyone her charms and afterward slapped her silly with Blackie. I counted at least 40 whacks before I stopped counting. My niece was made to stand in the corner - naked - with her arms above her head. "NOBODY HAD BETTER MOVE A MUSCLE UNTIL I SAY THEY CAN OR ELSE," she told the group. And then turning to me, "Eddie. I'm not sure what all she made you do but I want you to know that I intend on making HER do the same things tomorrow. I thought that maybe I was going to LIKE the rest of my time at Aunt Stella's.