Author: Pescador del Valle Title: Afterlife Part: Chapter 6 of 6 Universe: Vixen Circle Summary: A traffic accident gives a man a chance to put matters to right. Keywords: MF, MFF, FF, rom, oral, exhib Language: English Copyright: 2010 ********************************************* * WARNING! * * This text file contains sexually explicit * * material. If you do not wish to read this * * type of literature, or you are under age, * * PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!! * ********************************************* Comments appreciated : see Pescador del Valle on ********************************************************* Gavin and Jack were at the breakfast table when I wandered out. I put my hand on Gavin's shoulder and kissed the side of his head. Jack looked surprised. "Well! That's a change," said Gavin. "You haven't done that for a while." "What? We kissed last night when I arrived." "Yes - because I initiated it. You haven't kissed me first for ages." "I'm sorry, and I'm sorry if that seemed hurtful. I can't explain it." I was truly surprised. I thought from what Sue had told me that I hadn't been totally different over the years. Certainly not enough to have driven her away at least. My memories were coming back but the most recent at first and without a useful emotional colouration. I knew that I did certain things and sometimes in enough detail to recall snatches of conversation but I couldn't tell if the actor in the scene was genuinely involved of whether the feelings I observed were a fa‡ade. "At least I didn't have to worry you might steal him away from me," chipped in Jack. "I don't think Sue would look favourably on that either. I can remember being friends with Gavin since he first brought me some comics in Hospital when we were seven but though I love him I can't be his lover." "I know," Gavin put his hand on mine. "I worked that out long ago even if I didn't stop hoping. I could kiss the girls and fool around but that was all it was, fooling around. You related to them far more closely even if you could fool around with us guys as well. What I couldn't understand was how you knew about me even before I did and put up with me when others would have beaten me up. "That is how I realised you were the best friend I could hope for. Setting us up here has only proven that. A little kiss here or there wasn't important. Please don't worry about it." "Obviously it is important and to me as well as you. When the others get up I'll try to explain." --- "As you know I seem to have a weakness for getting myself into trouble from time to time. Occasionally this has had a surprising effect on my life. "A month ago I slipped and fell heavily, knocking myself out. When I came to it was as though I'd gone from the party where I had my head kicked in to today - without any time between. I'd spent almost five years with you and others and I couldn't recall a thing." I waved down the expressions of sympathy. "My memories are drifting back. I can remember your wedding Sam and Gavin and the interesting reception. You changed your vows subtly but enough that those of use who knew could read the promises were directed to someone else. With much of what happened before that still a blur I have to say that for me today it was probably one of the most precious memories I could have recovered. "I do have the odd one or two earlier memories - mainly due to Sue telling me things which trigger a cascade of memories. As for the others, I'll have to ask you to be patient. This isn't the first time I have had this problem and my memory settled that time so I expect I'll be okay." "Sounds rather scary. When has it happened before?" I looked at Gavin. "When you and Sam and I first linked up. The day Harry Powell ended up in the dirt the first time." "What? Did he injure you then? You never said anything about it." "Things were easier. I was showing you how to defend yourselves and we were too busy for a while. By the time it mattered I could remember what I needed to." "You know, if you'd asked me I would have said it was when Harry's big brother hit the dirt. You were more out of things after that than anything I can recall earlier." "I had lost some memories then, it's true, but those were memories of my future not my past - or rather a different past that lay in the future." "You're not a pot head, are you Albert? 'Cause it sure sounds like you've been tripping on something though you've always seemed clean." "No Jack. I only tried pot once and that was in 1981 I think. I didn't..." "*WHEN* did you say!?" "1981," Sam answered, waving Jack to be quiet. "Let him explain." "You go along with this crazy talk?" "I have reasons to. Please continue Albert." "Well I was just going to say I didn't really find it all that big a deal. Might just have been my mood at the time, I don't know, but I never bothered again. Alcohol was cheaper and didn't get you busted. Well not for just having it normally." "So what's the story then? You invent a time machine or something?" I considered Gavin's question and answered seriously. "Or something." There was some conversational mayhem for a second until Gavin, Jack and Julieanne realised Sue and Sam were sitting quietly, waiting for the turmoil to die down. "Are you to in on this?" Gavin asked. "Not in the sense you probably mean. We have had similar conversations before so we aren't surprised." "Just for a second, assume I believe you. Why didn't you tell me before this?" Sam wiggled her fingers. It was like the kid in class, eager to be picked on when they actually knew one of the answers. "Albert only told me a little while before he got his head kicked in and I hadn't gotten around to believing him." "You seemed to last night." "Sue told me he was back." "And that's all it took! I'm sorry Albert, I've heard of these gurus or Maha-what-sits who come over and gather all their disciples together and make a fortune. This sounds so much like the Cult of Albert." "Does that make you my Doubting Gavin? Sorry, no holes to stick your hands in - well one but we won't go there." "Gay jokes?" "You wouldn't believe how many I've heard in my life and most of them told by gay comedians. Don't get defensive on those grounds Gavin. I can tease but I'll never be intentionally hurtful, I hope." "So you're not the Messiah but I'm still your Thomas?" "I'm not the Messiah, I'm just a very naughty boy. Sorry, my Python got the better of me." "Your what?" "A quote, or rather a misquote. It doesn't matter. What I want to say is that I am, to the best of my knowledge and despite the facts, nothing special. At least I don't feel special. Okay! Cutting through the bullshit! I lived a life of regret after doing some hateful things and on what I think was my deathbed I was given a chance to go back and put things right. Surely there's been one or two corny movies made? Has 'Heaven can wait' come out yet?" "So an angel sent you back in time!?" "No. I just arrived. I don't have any answers, just more questions. I didn't have a why or a what so I worked out one of my own." "Which is?" "To avoid the mistakes I made the first time around by caring for my friends instead of abandoning them. *I'M* not the Messiah. I'm Peter denying his love three times. I'm Judas selling his soul. I'm Pilate washing my hands of any involvement in the injustices of others. "In my past life I hurt you Gavin, you who was my closest friend. I hurt Sam by my encouragement of those who attacked her. I couldn't apologise and ask your forgiveness; that was another life away. All I could do was return the love you'd shown me then - and again - and try to change the world you lived in just enough to keep you both save this time. I hope that I succeeded." "You did pretty good love." Sue moved behind me and slipped her arms around my neck. "You've got my vote too." Sam sat on my lap and slipped her arms around my body. "Is there any loco-weed on this property?" asked Jack. "And does it work on people?" Gavin had been thinking. "I'm not sure. I think I might have been chewing on some myself." "What! You believe him?" "N-o-o, but there are things, odd things, unexplained things that you weren't there to experience. I was Albert's nearly constant companion from, what did you say we were, seven? We grew up together maybe fifty weeks of every year. When we weren't together we told each other what we'd been doing the rest of the time." "And, so?" "When we were fifteen, Albert ran self-defence classes disguised as a Judo interest group at school. He not only knew enough Judo to get us started, he knew enough ways to deal with bullies and perverts that Sam here managed to take care of one particular bully after only a couple of weeks." "Three if I recall correctly," agreed Samantha. "But not only that; when a proper Judo instructor - sorry Albert, you know what I mean." "Phillip is my Sensei now," I acknowledged. "Anyway this sensei came to visit and put Albert through his paces. Albert wasn't as skilled as this guy but we'd expected that. He impressed the sensei though; enough that, after Albert lost most of his ability to train us, he helped find a good coach who worked with us voluntarily." "Tell him about Sam and the Sensei," I gloated. She had been a marvel. "Let's see. One of the other girls - oh that's right, it was Carole - Carole flipped this sensei with an advanced throw he totally wasn't expecting and then when Sam came up to show how she would defend herself against a knife attack she stripped down to her underwear and whomped him good while he was distracted by her - charms." "Exaggeration!" muttered Sam. "That was all very interesting and certainly unusual but what was the point? Sorry, I might have missed it." "Jack, in the seven or eight years that I'd known Albert he had made no mention of Judo. No interest, no 'Hey my uncle showed me something neat'." Gavin looked directly at me. "I might have kept quiet but I wasn't stupid. *I* was learning to keep my secrets - you think I was going to blab about you?" "Thank you Gavin. You always were a better friend than I deserved." "And then the Vixen Circle!" he continued. "Albert could make girls go weak at the knees just talking to them. I saw it happen. He made them come just with his kisses. If you want to start a cult, *THAT'S* how you should do it. Hell he made me weak at the knees watching him make the girls come. "What fifteen year old knows not the physical things to do to a girl but the *PSYCHOLOGICAL* things to get them to want to let him do them. And not only that, to want to have other girls do it to them and to do it to other girls? You ladies can answer this. Didn't he make you feel special, that he cared for you personally? I know that's how I felt and I might have only got a couple of kisses and a hug from him." "Yes," answered Sam. "He still does," added Sue amidst the other Vixen's agreements. I was surprised when Julieanne nodded her own assent. "We...?" "You're the only boy who has screwed me. You don't remember? That's sad. You were *VERY* good and you promised when I was ready you'd be the father of my first baby - au natural!" I looked at Sam and then Jack - he was Julieanne's husband after all. He shrugged. "It's only on paper - I'm a one man guy." Belatedly I looked at Sue. How was she taking this? "Oh I know Honey. I was there when you promised. If you get your memory of Julieanne back you'll see. Sam and I were both there at the time and we expect to be when you fulfil your promise." It was time for the surprises to come my way so I couldn't complain. "Listening to you talk so matter-of-factly about the whole thing makes me almost believe. Sam, you said you didn't believe Albert when he told you. What made you change your mind?" Sam shifted in her place before answering Gavin. "Things he told me before he was injured started coming true. I met Julieanne and fell in love. His warning over the problems we might face in an unloving world meant we were more careful and Julieanne joined the Vixens and made a lot of friends. We didn't need to come out before the school and, as you know, you and later Jack provided us with the social cover away from the Vixens. "Albert and I had had a fight as well - I'd gotten cross with him. I though at first he was less my friend and more interested in appeasing his guilt from his first life. That made me realise I did believe him. Julieanne had provided the proof." "Religion, then science," I complained quietly. "After Albert was attacked he was less than he had been but still more than many of the other boys we knew. He retained his achievements but couldn't add to them any more than any other guy of his age. Fortunately he'd started the ball rolling and we girls knew how to keep the momentum up so that even the boys who weren't actually Vixens gained from our heightened expectations and the casual suggestions of the boys who were." She was explaining more to Jack than to Gavin who had been there. "When one guy is getting successful with one girl after another he becomes a font of knowledge. Before the jocks had been fond of telling how they had gotten some cheerleader to suck their cock; now they were hearing about the joys of eating pussy and how to treat a clitoris gently without any actual names being mentioned. They pussy-whipped themselves because being attentive to our needs paid dividends and a guy who wasn't, or who blabbed of his success - or worse lied about his failure - found our little network froze him out. "Albert's introduction to kissing grew into the most sexually liberated campus around and the only one to have no teenage pregnancies amongst its student body in our class and in the classes that have followed us. That's seven years of girls and boys more active and more responsible. There has also been a growth in the Judo class such that the school is the mentor for other schools wanting to add to their 'Excellence in Sport' programs. "Every school could use an Albert, but it was the old Albert, the one who became my close friend, who was responsible. His successor was good at doing as Julieanne indicated but he wasn't the driving force he had been. "When I talk to the Albert here and now he *IS* that person." Sam turned to address me. "You know, you and Gavin are the only two men I've made love to. I think it's time that this you becomes the third if you're willing." "I do love you Sam but I'm with Sue now..." Sue's look told me I didn't know everything. "I think I can lend you this once. Perhaps it's not me who needs to give you permission though." "Now *I'M* inclined to believe his story!" The others found Jack humorous. I looked at Julieanne. "Oh, I've already said she can go for it. It's not as if you are going to knock her up anyway." Gavin added his permission. "And don't worry about me, I'm only the bloody husband." I hadn't even thought to approach Gavin. No-one was in any rush to get away from the breakfast table though I did get Sam to shift off of my lap and breakfast had turned into morning tea by the time when Sue suggested she show me round my own property. "Don't go too far. You know we've got plans for the afternoon." "Plans?" I asked. Sue led me away. "It's a surprise." --- Cowboy movies often portray the West as desert or marginal grazing land but that suits their scripts. We looked out from a rise at some beautiful greenery - admittedly irrigated in the dryness of summer - and an area of productive grazing and cropping farmland. We share-cropped with a neighbour then took the hay and fed the animals on the stubble and on specially sewn feed crops. Gavin and Jack had found an interest in animal husbandry while Sam and Julieanne managed the business as well as acting as housekeepers and cooks for their husbands and my parents. I returned to the ranch house remembering more than I'd set out knowing and I was able to tell Sue about some of the features we passed on the way back. --- Sam collected me from Sue and asked if I would accompany her to the guest houses. These were four semi-detached units; each with a lounge, a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchenette - much like a motel room. She ushered me into one and closed the door behind me. There was no, "Are you okay with this?" Sam knew I was her friend and that I loved her. And that I had apparently been her lover at least on one occasion previously - damn my memory! Those who mattered had given their blessings and if for some reason I felt I couldn't go through with it, Sam knew I would explain sincerely and sensitively. I hadn't expected any approach before tonight and had really thought she had some small job for me. Was I getting senile? Certainly not senile enough to say "No" when she put her arms around my neck and kissed me. Was this the real reason I hadn't proposed to Sue? That I liked the chance of sex with someone else too much to tie myself to one woman? Without *MY* influence, was my "younger" self more like I had been at his age? I certainly hoped not. The indications I had been given was that I'd continued much as I had been but with only a shadow of the possibility I had presented. I loved Sue and I, knowing what a future without a soul- mate would be like, wanted her beside me but was that just the fear of being alone? I loved Samantha too but had never seen her sharing my house and my bed over the years though I had looked forward to hearing her voice regularly and holding her to me occasionally as we aged. Holding her to me now was far different than ever before though. "Sam, I know you want me to make love to you, but is this safe?" She laughed. "I thought you were the man with *ALL* the answers!" "I got lazy. In twenty years there is this thing called the Internet. Think of it like a library and a movie theatre and a post office all in your TV set. You can get almost any question answered and the answer is often correct, but you don't bother remembering it because you can always look it up again. Anyway, pregnancy isn't something I had to deal with personally and I don't recall having researched it." "Well I'm only seven months along so I'm in no immediate danger. Of course, you might be - I could fall on you." "I'd just have to wait until you got comfortable on top of me then." "I'd be more comfortable if you get rid of some of these clothes." I was taught to respect my mother, and by extension any mother which, to my mind, includes mothers-to-be. If Sam wanted bare flesh then bare flesh it would be. "Leave that please. They are so big now my back aches if I let them hang free - especially if I'm likely to make them sway around." Okay, leave the bra! At first I thought Sam had been wearing pantyhose with a seam running up the centre of her belly but found her body had developed a creative streak as the life inside her had grown. Her belly button looked more like a buzzer by a door and what looked like a cellulite line run from the middle of her pubes up over the swollen curve to her sternum. Naked except for the plain beige maternity bra, I found her one of the most beautiful sights I had witnessed. Sam proceeded to strip me off next while I ran my hands over her belly. I felt the lumps and bumps beneath her skin and marvelled at the wonder of a life that would not have existed except for my actions. How many lived *DIDN'T* because of the changes I had introduced? Had Sue lost well-loved children? "What's up?" I had an almost naked woman waiting for me to kick my pants off and all I could do was stand there in a daydream. "If you don't want..." "Oh no Samantha. I want. Yes, I do want you. I was just thinking about babies that are here and those that aren't." My pants went sideways, landing on top of my shoes and socks. With Sam in her bra and me in my underpants I was aware that I'd been driving and climbing around in the Arizona summer. "I think I should freshen up." Sam pointed to the bathroom and I jumped in the shower for a hasty wash. The shower door opened after I had the water running for less than a minute and Sam joined me. She'd shucked her bra and, bare, her breasts looked unusual but inviting. The blue veins were prominent beneath sun-starved alabaster skin. Her nipples were thicker, more like my fingertip and her areoles were wide and darker than I recalled. "I can't believe how beautiful you are." "You don't mean that. You've got Sue." "Sue who? No, seriously, why can't you both be beautiful?" "But why the sudden realisation?" "You have to understand. Before, you were a girl; now you are a woman - and in all her glory. People change as they leave their teens and I got to see it suddenly rather than gradually." I'd washed the sweat and grime away and enjoyed the wet embrace without any overt sexual contact. Oh, I was aware of her breasts pressing against me and Sam must have been as conscious of my erect penis but neither of us made any move - it simply felt so good for us to be there together. "We don't have a water shortage but we should probably save some for later. I think we might need to freshen up again." Sam had always had slight streak of impatience but she had obviously learned to be more subtle about how she dealt with delay. "Perhaps we can see if we need to freshen up a third time?" "We got permission for one fuck - are you trying to get us both in trouble?" I was stunned. "We get fuck by fuck permission?" "Oh, if I ever need proof you were back! We didn't need permission the first time. If there was one thing the Vixen Circle taught us, and there were *MANY*, it was that we needn't be jealous about seeing someone we love sharing pleasure with another friend. Oh we could be upset if relationships ended but that was less likely to happen simply over sex. Would you have split up with Sue in your younger days if she had made love to one of the other Vixens - male or female?" "Not if she still loved me." "Which she does - and she obviously knows we can have sex without it impinging on how you feel for her." I dried Sam, caressing her with the towel so thoroughly that I had didn't need a towel myself by the time I had finished. That was probably because as I dried each part of her body I also caressed it with my lips. As I lifted her leg to dry between each toe I kissed her now horizontal thigh and followed it to a heavenly aromatic patch of fluff. I buried my nose in it and rejoiced in how a woman's pubic hair intensified the scent, how it cushioned the friction between our parts when we made love and how it readily identified a mature female. Sam and I returned to the bed and lay together, our hands and our mouths playing over our bodies in a slow and sensuous interaction. I was probably more curious than aroused by Sam's state but the arousal was there. When we turned to each other with a mutual need for penetration, it was without haste. With the knowledge of how she could best participate, Sam lay back with me at an angle, our legs interlocking so I penetrated her more like a plus sign than two spoons in a drawer or something either more mundane or energetic. I slid deep into her, her baby-belly resting against my leg. With my gentle stroking came a response - a threesome with a difference. We laughed and held hands over the movement. It subsided and a different movement began. Our hands remained together, gripping tighter as we came. --- Sam and I walked back to the main house. Sex had proven relaxing, satisfying a need for relationship rather than release. It was a building of bonds, liens of love, of a friendship between us that had withstood the ties she had with Julieanne and I with Sue. Could I have behaved this way in my prior life? Never. It was solely a result of the Vixen Circle. In much the same way I could cuddle and kiss Gavin which, while far less than Sam and I had just shared, was still far closer than I had been with any man before my death. I could and had given Gavin a blowjob; that would have left me in therapy when I was first twenty let alone fifteen. I expected our return to be a matter of mirthful congratulations and a need for me to reassure Sue of my ongoing love for her - even if only to meet my own need for absolution. Instead I found that Sam had set me up - though that was mere opportunity than the reason for our coupling. While I had been busy out on the ranch as well as in the guest house, other guests had been arriving and been duly secreted away. I just had a chance to tell Sue, "Thank you for that. I love you." when a heavily perfumed woman covered my eyes from behind with a "Guess who?" "Give me a clue," I temporised. My clue was to be swung about and have my hips severely bruised. "Carole!" "Well dur! Of course it's me. Is there anyone else who asks you that?" "Not like you do." It seemed a safe answer and I wasn't getting any help from an amused Sue. "And they'd better not. I heard you had a bump. You all right?" "Yes. I think it may have been a fortunate accident." "Well I'm not sure. Perhaps we can go to your room and check you out." Again no help from my increasingly amused girlfriend. What was my status with Carole? Was I expected to cheat on Sue with her too, regardless of the fact that Sue might not consider it cheating? "I think I'll survive." "Perhaps I should check you aren't suffering any lingering effects. I am almost qualified now." "Qualified?" "Well as a Midwife but I do know a little about male anatomy too - if you remember." I certainly remembered Carole's interest in both male and female anatomy but nothing about midwifery - yet. "Er, no thanks. I think I'll be okay." "Are you sure Honey?" Sue argued too. "You look a little tired." What did Sue expect? She knew I'd been with a lusty Sam. And why was she encouraging Carole? It appeared my fears about having to bed her as well might not have been groundless. "Come and have a lie down at least." She took one hand and Carole linked her arm though mine. Why did I feel like I had a burly security guard there instead of an admittedly sexy young woman? In the bedroom they pointed out I shouldn't have my shoes on the bedspread and, then, when I'd shucked those, that my wallet and keys wouldn't be comfortable to lie on. "No, don't take them out of your pockets - you'll never find them. Here..." I doubted I'd have any more difficulty finding them than finding my pants. I wasn't stripped naked but I was pushed on the bed by both young women who decided the contents of their own pockets would be a problem and stripped to a similar state. They lay beside me, resting their heads on my chest and beginning to chat. I was relieved that we weren't to have an immediate romp though I doubted I would escape without satisfying both of them. The idea was attractive and both women watched my underpants develop a sudden lump - though they made no mention of the change. "Have you seen any of the old crowd at all lately?" Carole tip-toed her fingers across my bare belly just above my waistband. "One or two of them. Rosemary is engaged. She's waiting to finish her degree and then they'll both try to get jobs programming computers together." Getting in just as the revolution was about to start. "Gina's still with Colin *AND* Bruce though her parents think they are all just housemates. I don't know exactly what they get up to but I'd like to be a fly on their wall. From what little she's let slip - well boasted about really - all three are more or less interchangeable." Sue did her tip-toeing below my waistband but over the cloth. "I heard from Mary Kate myself - quite recently." "Oh?" asked Carole. "What is she doing?" "You, you tease!" The ensuite door opened and Mary Kate launched herself on top of Carole. Carole was seriously kissed then Mary Kate leaned over and did the same to me while Nancy, Deborah and Louise emerged as well. With so many Vixens present I was kept busy and didn't have time to attend to my state of undress. Carole wasn't surprised to see Mary Kate or the others - she'd known exactly where they were although she didn't have a chance to see them before I did. Sue of course had already welcomed them but that didn't stop her getting as many kisses and cuddles as I did. I was stripped before I knew it and led out between them. Sue paused to discard her own clothes then followed behind, not at all self-conscious among equal-minded friends. She caught up while Sam and Julieanne were being added to our group; Sam's belly being as warmly embraced as my well-handled erection. The newcomers drifted off in ones or twos, returning to whatever rooms they had been allocated without a stitch on. I was pleased when Gavin and Jack turned up because they too sported boners - for whatever reason they might have found. I suspected there was a gleam of moisture on each one. (Jack had been trimmed of his foreskin and smiled at me when I looked up. I must have blushed at being caught looking since he smiled even harder. I think he'd said he was only interested in one man but it looked like he could stir as many up as he felt like.) When we were all there together they suddenly took off, dragging me willingly with them. Through a door I suddenly recognised without knowing why and then down a ramp. Down, and around a corner that reversed our direction, and then down again. People were laughing and I was held between Mary Kate and Nancy while Sue and Louis held onto Deborah in front of us. I didn't mind being there or being naked but I found it disturbing that everything was familiar while being so mysteriously conspiratorial. Before, Sue had understood my ignorance and had shown me around with explanations designed to help me cope. Now she was one of those deliberately, or unwittingly, preying on the failure of my memories to mesh. We must have been some distance out behind the ranch house and well below the surface of the ground. There was a breeze in my face, refreshingly cool, and the changing echoes of cheerful voices up ahead of me suggested the corridor opened up into a larger room. I stood in shock. We were in a cave. Not extremely large but adequate. Our path continued past stalactites and stalagmites with forms of amazing beauty. Through to a new chamber and there was a charming grotto; a pool lit from below while the cave itself only had little starry lights around the tops of the walls. "This is beautiful!" "I know. It gets me every time I see it too." I wondered how many times Nancy had seen its charm. How many times had I? How had this combination of the natural and the man made come about? Surely there was some law covering the ownership of caves. We bathed together. The water wasn't as chill as I expected but still we didn't stay long. There was no splashing but more a refreshing recovery from the desert heat and a cleansing of its effects. As we all moved around in the pool I took the opportunity to find a place by Sue's side and stayed there as we dried ourselves and each other. "What's going on Dear?" Sue edged me away. I think only Sam really noticed. "We all love you Albert - I won you if you don't mind that term. They join us for Summer Break and sometimes as individuals or pairs and we show each other that our love is still strong." "They don't have anyone else?" "Of course they do Honey. You heard Carole about Rosemary; Janine found someone very nice too - we met him a couple of years ago. They've both decided to be monogamous. A few of the others have done similarly, some with each other. Others have paired up and still come back - Mary Kate and Louise for example. Deborah and Penelope too but Pen can't get away this year as her father is poorly. She sent Deborah because they haven't come out to her parents yet. You know most of this. Nothing?" "I recognised the doorway as familiar." "This is our third year here. We were all still in High School when you and your parents bought the ranch and flew the Vixen's out for a holiday." "Sorry. Odd bits of memory but nothing conclusive. Give it time. So, you surprise me, we swim, and what?" "The surprise was only because I could make it a surprise. The swim was to refresh us - and as for the what, come on." I noticed the air was warmer where the others had arranged themselves over an ample supply of pool lounges. As I thought of warm air in the caves I suddenly visualised a ventilator filtering out the sand or dust and then pumping the air into some distant extension of the cave so that much of the heat was dissipated by the time it got to us, leaving us with a year round indoor swimming pool. We could have pumped the water up to be heated by the sun and returned but the brisk dip seemed far more refreshing for the few opportunities we had to use the pool. Mary Kate was waiting on one lounge with Louise next to her and they had Sue and myself lay back between their spread legs. The others were spaced around in a similar manner; Sam reclining on Julieanne, Jack on Gavin, and Nancy, Carole and Deborah each with a lounge to themselves. "I remember being like this with Penelope, last year I think. I hope her father is doing well." It was my first real glimpse of both near and distant past. Sam's discussion with Carole *HADN'T* been the first I'd known of her absence this year. "I'm hoping he doesn't linger but that's partly my own self-interest talking. I don't want him suffering, and I don't want Penny or her family to see him suffering, but most of all I keep thinking how her mother would probably be willing to accept a discrete acknowledgment of our relationship." Deborah could benefit by being able to jump twenty years forward to where two women living together wasn't considered as socially unacceptable by quite as large a segment of the population. As she spoke I recalled further aspects of Penelope's home life she had revealed previously. I had to believe it was a memory rather than my imagination creating a false one. I hoped the last five years came back soon and in a large chunk so I could be reassured that was the case. Louise had her arms around me and her fingers gently stroked my chest and belly. Sue was getting a similar treatment from Mary Kate and we both smiled at each other as our own hands slid over the smooth skin of their thighs. We were up very close and personal and matters only became more personal after Mary Kate leaned forward and Sue met her kiss. Sue and I were obviously in an open relationship - or semi-open if it only extended to the Vixen Circle or perhaps just some of their members. Though technically *I* didn't need permission from Sue to do anything since it was my other self who had made whatever promises that had been made, *I* was in love with Sue to the extent that I would have happily proposed to her provided my other self stayed submerged or agreed with my actions should I disappear. She had been happy with my time with Sam and I felt confident that Louise and I could share pleasure but, even with Sue's comments about the strength of our mutual love, I still didn't know if that meant I could do everything with Louise that I could and had done with Sam. I had to let Louise direct this show, for the time being at least. When Sue scuttled around and buried her face between Mary Kate's thighs I smiled at Louise and asked if she would like me to do the same. Louise didn't have to do more than smile back. There was no glance over at Sue either to get permission or to look for outrage. "You are still the only man I've found who takes as much interest in eating as in being eaten." Well that seemed to prove we'd been down this path before. Louise might find this a repeat of old experiences but I was highly aroused by the difference in appearance and taste of yet another woman who *I* had never been with. Perhaps my memories should stay submerged for a little longer - until I'd dealt with the other women here, if that was fated. Louise was musky sweet and produced a thick, almost jelly-like slime that felt like it filled my mouth. As I swallowed it was as though I'd ingested our earlier experiences. I remembered the first time that I'd had a chance to eat Louise. That was back in *MY* teen years with the Vixens. From there I found myself fast forwarding through other times. New experiences - just the highlights, but enough of them to know Louise was an old lover and one who liked what I could do and what she could do for me. I returned to her pussy and lapped like a kitten as I now recalled she preferred. The noises she made were closer to a dove than any feline but I knew she was enjoying herself - one of several around us now who were participating in shared or solo activities. Memories of Louise blended into the annual get togethers - here and elsewhere. I recalled some outrageous antics Carole had gotten up to one year and that led to a review of all I'd done with Carole, or witnessed her do. Making love to her in public - well on a balcony in New Orleans, above the crowd and generally hidden from their eyes as she leaned over a balcony and caught cheap necklaces thrown by those admiring her otherwise unadorned charms. I was lying on some old wooden boxes and Carole would sit on my prick - sideways, squirming for a while until she leapt up to catch and don the offering and then taking hold of me as she positioned herself to slip back down over my hardness. Where was Sue in the memory? Or any of the others? The thought opened memories and I recalled I hadn't always been the gentleman *I* wished I might. I recalled the make up sex - which included Carole; appropriate since it was she who had insisted I apologise to Sue. I also recalled the private make up - including more sex - between Sue and myself when I realised what a jerk I was. Things had stayed good from there but it explained why Sue spent a large portion of her time living with her parents. I'd have to tell her I'd remembered and curse the other me for a butt wipe. The only really good thing I got from that memory was that I did want to marry Sue and she'd asked for a little more time. I made Louise come, and repeated the feat, and exhausted her approaching a third happy. Sue had managed one with Mary Kate and had her going full speed ahead for a second when I bid Louise a short farewell. I draped an arm over Sue's back and leaned down by her ear. "I've remembered quite a few things and though I'd like to punch myself in the nose over a couple of memories I find we are in complete agreement over one important matter." I apologised to Mary Kate for interrupting and then settled myself on the sandy ground beside her lounge. "I believe I've done this before though not on bended knees - and yes I understand it should just be the one. "Dearest darling Sue. Do you think that you might say yes this time? Would you like to marry me, and let me marry you?" Mary Kate mischievously closed her thighs on Sue's head so she couldn't easily respond. Sue's attempts to escape then turned into an attempt to make Mary Kate come a second time so she would relax her hold. When Sue's face collided with mine all I could smell and taste was Mary Kate. And yet another bout of memories surfaced to distract me as Sue answered. "Sorry. What?" "You mean you weren't listening!? I've a good mind to reconsider." "If you don't want Albert I'll have him," joked Mary Kate. "Nah. I'm just getting him trained right." Sue turned back to me. "You said you remembered. Do you remember what we discussed about what we would vow?" I stretched my brain cells. We'd discussed what fidelity would mean. Sue had loved me for ages. Both mes without knowing why there was a difference. She'd found the me I'd left behind was different enough that she'd wanted me to be absolutely certain that I could commit to one woman for the rest of my life - if I had to. Fortunately we both treated the Vixens as a special case where openly acknowledged sex was not a breach of our vows. Other third parties were a problem but my current me had no interest and I was pretty sure that my other me wouldn't have considered cheating on Sue. I summarised and Sue nodded. "Looks like we have a wedding to plan." Mary Kate and Louise were the first to congratulate us - only because of their proximity. As peace slowly returned Sue took hold of me. "You have to promise me one thing though." "Yes?" "Don't *EVER* disappear on me again. I love you but I really want *YOU* if you understand." "I will do all I can to stay with you," I promised. --- The years had passed on as quickly as they had the first time but, through a careful avoidance of any further trauma, I got to see them without any sudden intervals. Sue and I loved, and aged, together. We saw our children grow and then saw the evidence another generation had been started. Life was good for both of us; for all the Vixens who had remained close and most of those who only showed up each decade for another reunion. Our kids grew up with more "Uncles", "Aunts" and "Cousins" than most and witnessed such a wide range of relationships that made them more tolerant. We kept the ranch and as the kids grew they held their own sexuality training without more than some guidance and a little reminder of which "cousin" was actually a half-sibling. We oldies found enough quiet spots of our own while the kids were occupied. I didn't make the same friends this time around since I didn't have the same job nor frequent the same places. I had however missed a particular couple's anniversary the first time and when I found they had successfully negotiated their relationship despite my absence I made plans to be at the restaurant if not to crash the actual party. Sue waited beside me for the lights to change. I'd organised things well ahead of time to be at the restaurant ready for the couple to arrive but hadn't allowed for a traffic snarl as a minor gas explosion took out several sets of lights while the attending fire truck blocked both lanes travelling in the direction we needed to go. We'd left the cab and walked and now needed to wait for the lights to change. I was getting impatient then suddenly surprised Sue by laughing out loudly. She wasn't the only one to stare my way. "What on Earth?" "Don't you see Sue, love? This is here and now. Everything from this point on is new. There was no guarantee I'd get here but now...!" We stood there letting the other pedestrians part around us and now the lights were against us. A man was waiting impatiently to cross and I lifted my arm as a barrier as he prepared to jump the change. I reconsidered and turned instead, leading Sue back the way we had come. "You know, we don't really need to see some strangers' party." There was a screech of tyres and a thud behind us. I didn't look back as I spoke to the woman I loved more than anything including my life. "Perhaps *HE* has some matters he'd always wished he could have fixed. If so, I hope he is as lucky as I was." *********************************************************