Author: Pescador del Valle Title: Afterlife Part: Chapter 1 of 6 Universe: Vixen Circle Summary: A traffic accident gives a man a chance to put matters to right. Keywords: mf, no-sex Language: English Copyright: 2010 ********************************************* * WARNING! * * This text file contains sexually explicit * * material. If you do not wish to read this * * type of literature, or you are under age, * * PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!! * ********************************************* Comments appreciated : see Pescador del Valle on ********************************************************* They say that, just before you die, your life flashes before your eyes. I have to say I don't know if that is true but I do know when I was rushed from the ambulance into the Emergency Room that I was watching from overhead as the machines reported I was flat-lining and then the world went into reverse, sped up and blurred out. --- I opened my eyes and immediately felt I was a Hobbit or worse. Everything around me was oversize. I was stunned when faces bent over me. Outrageously large, they were still familiar though odd at the same time. It was Nan and Pop, looking more like their old photos than how I remembered them. "He's got his father's mouth and chin." "Your eyes and nose though dear. Did you have too hard a time?" I could understand them! "What the fuck!?" Except it came out as a soft whimper. "I'm sore, and looking forward to a nap." "Oh sorry dear. We'll go." "No. I didn't mean that Mom. I've got to feed my darling little Albert first and I'm glad you're both here. Trev's all worked up and maybe you can help calm him down if you don't mind. I think he's just as exhausted after fourteen hours but I can't get him to go home to sleep. Nine months of growing, fourteen hours arriving and doesn't he look just darling?" "Skun rabbits every one of them," my Pop muttered quietly so only I heard him. I was unable to assume I was dreaming - none of my dreams had ever been this real. Well except for a couple of early wet dreams during puberty. Perhaps it was drug- induced hallucinations as the nursing staff took over from the ambos and tried to keep me alive. If so, I hoped they kept pumping the drugs into me. I must have drifted off. I had my mind but also my then body - or should that be my then mind and my now body? When I registered things again the most obvious was because my skin seemed on fire. "Arrgh" - or rather an infantile cry. Was my crotch going to feel like this until I learned to use the toilet? If so I was going to be potty trained before I could walk! Had I gotten nappy rash so soon or was it going to get even worse before it got better? A new face. A very familiar face yet one who had been dead for quite a while. "Hello Mom. I've missed you. Oh, and could you please change my nappy?" It wasn't as embarrassing being changed as finding I no longer had control over those bodily functions. I'd expected to have to go through that again but not for twenty or thirty years. Having Nan and Pop looking over Mom's shoulders to check out my equipment was all it should be didn't help though. Just getting the urine-soaked cloth away from my delicate skin was definitely a help, though the wash cloth could have been warmer and I found the lotion Mom slathered over me to be bloody cold. "Time to see if you'll feed then Bertie Boy." "I'll go if you want," offered Pop. "No. I'm sure you saw me being fed often enough and one tit looks much like another." "Not that much is visible when you're feeding but if you think one tit is the same as another you haven't been looking at the same women as I have when I'm walking down by the beach." "Dad, you are a dirty old man and I don't know how Mom puts up with you." "Because he still shows an interest in this old girl when I'm beside him down at the beach." It was apparent that having her own child put my mom on a more equal footing with my grandparents. It certainly wasn't how I remembered them talking around me. I was carried over to my mother's hospital bed where she laid me carefully across her lap as she released the front of her nightie. She wore no bra - I wasn't sure if she'd worn a maternity bra but assumed she must have. Perhaps she hadn't had a chance to don it yet. I was surprised at how large and round her aureoles were - I couldn't recall if I'd ever seen them. "He knows what that's for," laughed Pop. "Look at him staring at it." I turned to face him. "Ooh, he doesn't like you making fun of him," Nan teased her husband. "He's too young to even turn to the sound of my voice yet. Probably just his head lolling over." I wished I could have spoken to him just to see the expression on his face. I didn't even have a chance to turn back around by myself as Mom guided my face back to her thick nipple. My lips reacted on contact - I didn't have much control and instincts played more of a role than my wishes. As I tasted the sweet warm milk that filled my mouth I concentrated and found I was able to bend my fingers to make the Churchillian insult that was more common than the middle digit bird of later years. Pop guffawed but declined to explain to either his wife or daughter. I was fed, burped and settled into my cot. Contented, I drifted off to sleep. --------- I felt lousy. My head ached, my throat was sore and I felt something jab my arm as I moved. I opened my eyes and saw a drip hanging beside my bed. There was another tube under the covers and my penis itched. I was in the hospital, well *A* hospital, but things were different. The room was smaller. No, it wasn't, the fixtures were. I turned my head and saw it was a ward - four beds that side and, when I turned (fighting back tears as my head exploded) another three the other way. Half had young kids in or by them, the other half were empty. I tried to gauge my situation. Obviously I wasn't an infant and I recalled I had once had an illness that had necessitated hospitalisation but the only real memory I had of the occasion was riding down the corridor on the laundry trolley - I must have been well enough to go home and was bored. A nurse poked her head into the ward to check her charges and saw I was awake. "Hello Albert. It's nice to finally meet you. You've been out of things for a day or so. I'm Beth. Is there anything you need?" "Do you think I could have some paracetamol for my headache please?" "Paracetamol?" Damn! "Aspirin." "I'll have to see. Now your Mommy and Daddy will be in shortly. I can get you a drink." "Yes please. At least with the catheter I don't have to worry about being too weak to get to the bathroom." I did recall that it was some years before parents were encouraged to stay with their kids in hospital. I certainly wasn't stressed by their absence. I accepted the glass of cordial and the surprised praise. "Well you're very knowledgeable for your age." I considered the young woman standing over me. My high pitched voice gave me pause; I would need to be more careful about what I said. Looking at her figure I was also grateful that my current body was not yet able to respond - I didn't know whether boners and catheters mixed comfortably. As she tidied up I decided to try to get a better idea of my age and situation. "Miss Beth, do you have a newspaper I could have a look at please?" "A newspaper!? I've got some comic books if you'd prefer them?" "Thank you but I wanted to see the funny pages. If you leave them in the rest of the paper I can give it back without messing it up." Was my proposal too ridiculous for, what, a six year old? "I'll see." She checked my vitals and looked to see the catheter wasn't causing me any problems. I couldn't help myself. "Be gentle with me Beth." She looked up in surprise. "Are you sure you're only seven?" Was I that old? Apparently. At the moment she was more likely to be right than me. Beth left me to check over the other kids. I watched for a while; she had a nice butt though the uniforms of the time did nothing to enhance the viewing experience. "Hi. I'm Gavin." A sandy-haired kid from a couple of beds over had brought me some comics. I recognised him. I should, he had been my friend for almost tem years - then I'd proven myself unworthy of that friendship. I'd fallen prey to the prejudices of the times, prejudices I'd outgrown and was now ashamed of. "Hi Gavin. I'm Bert, Albert really. Sit down for a minute." Gavin sat and, over the next half hour or so, refreshed my memory of much of his early history. I found myself relating to him more as father and son rather than his peer and had to control my responses. I also had to avoid purging my guilt with apologies he would not understand. I guess I must have appeared thoughtful and perhaps constrained and I frequently had to think back to contemporary reference that the seven year old Bert should have known while the fifty seven year old version had barely a clue. Gavin's enthusiasm proved infectious though and, if I couldn't always remember the shows he spoke of, Wyle E. Coyote and the Road Runner or Bugs and Elmer and Daffy were repeated often enough in the future that I had solid memories of them. --- My parents came in to find me intrigued with the news of the day. It was 1963 and Kennedy was heading into the primaries with Khrushchev, Cuba and Dallas still ahead of him. I felt I couldn't tell any of this. What good would it serve? If I wasn't ignored, whoever I told likely would be - or else locked up for believing a seven year old was from the future. And if I *DID* tell of events I knew would happen and *COULD* get believed what would be the consequences? Take Kennedy as a prime example. How would the world differ if he wasn't shot? Would Vietnam end sooner or escalate so more died? Would the South win this time and preserve the corrupt puppet rulers? How would policy changes affect Communist China and the Middle East? Would there be any? Would the arms race with the Soviet Union slacken so that their economy was not under the pressures that saw the fall of the Berlin Wall and the restoration of sovereign states instead of soviet republics? I was happy to be taken from my musings by my parents arrival. I appreciated the love shown me more than I might have the first time I'd been here and learned how much Mom and Dad had worried over me. I faced his humorous taunts over my reading the paper and then the quite different experience of being crushed to my mother's bosom. I *felt* old enough to have sired *HER* and my thoughts were definitely not filial. --- Two days later I said goodbye temporarily to my new friend. Gavin didn't know it yet but his parents would move in about six weeks and he would then transfer to my school where we would become even closer friends. I wasn't there though. I didn't move on as quickly as before but I'd barely gotten re-acquainted with my other friends when I woke up from a peaceful sleep in quite different circumstances. --------- The ground was hard beneath me and gritty. Asphalt, a basketball court, mesh netting surrounding me. "Leave him alone!" A hand touched my shoulder; very carefully. "Are you alright Albert?" I shook my head to indicate no and found I wasn't quite as bad as I had imagined. "I think so." "I'd stay down if I were you. You're only going to end up there again." Not a friendly warning. The memory returned. Harry Powell! Nemesis of Gavin and myself and any other "studious" child. I'd been what? Eleven? Twelve? Thirteen? He'd been giving Gavin and myself shit all day and we'd had to take it knowing he was only trying to goad someone into giving him an excuse to take matters to a physical level. He'd also been messing with Sam - Samantha. Girls weren't immune from his interest and Sam was, well not exactly weird, but uncertain. Four or five years later she'd faced social isolation when she'd declared herself a lesbian - even a decade later she would have suffered but at that time no-one was sympathetic. Well Gavin was an exception because he suffered a similar problem and it was my attitude to Sam that brought him out of the closet to me. I guess he felt we were better friends than I proved to be but instead of changing my mind about Sam I outed him instead and destroyed his life. Well my attitudes were different, more tolerant, this time around and I also held less fear of bully Harry Powell! "Last time" I'd followed Harry's advice and taken a dive. This time I rose a little shakily to my feet. "You are a bully Harry. A thug with no future but making people scared. Well I'm not afraid of you any more. Enough is enough." I didn't make any grandiose promises that he'd be the one on the ground. I couldn't guarantee that; I was in my early teen body and he still outweighed me. Harry intended to use that weight advantage and rushed me. He could hit pretty hard but figured I might be able to punch back with similar force. Sitting on me though, he could pummel me while my arms were trapped. I waited the second it took for him to cover the ground and then reached up and seized the collar of his jumper. I half fell, half rolled backwards, adding my weight to the tug downwards while raising my foot to his stomach. I had taken a martial arts evening class while at college and at that time martial arts meant Judo or perhaps Karate. I could barely remember the title of the throw and had only used it once in competition but the stomach throw was simple elegance. Harry found himself flipped over due solely to his own momentum. My effort simply inverted his direction and gave him a point to pivot around. His scream of surprised abruptly turned into a forced exhalation and I used the brief period of disorientation to slip a strangle hold onto Harry. One foot under his armpit - not gently placed there I admit; a leg over his throat; and my hand pressing his wrist backwards so his straightened arm was stretched against my thigh. Harry clawed at my leg but I braced myself and added a little more tension to his arm. "Arggh. Stop it you shit. I'm going to kill you when I get up." A real possibility but I wasn't going to admit that. "I don't think so Harry. You went down pretty fast and that's not the only move I know. In fact, I could just tighten my grip... (which I did temporarily) and *YOU* might be the one to die. So I guess you have to ask yourself - do you feel lucky? Well? Do you?... punk!" I wasn't sure if I'd preceded Dirty Harry but I felt like getting dirty with this Harry. "No. Okay. I'll leave you alone." "You'll leave us all alone Harry. Understand!" I wasn't asking. He glared and nodded anyway. It was risky but I did have to let him up sometime and delaying would only make me look weaker and give him time to plot. Knocking him out was attractive but likely to involve me in more trouble than I might be now. I rolled out the way quickly and crouched, ready to launch myself away from any immediate attack but Harry turned away from me and rose to the cheers of the spectators. It was clear the cheers were not for him and he wasn't happy about it. "You got all your things Sam?" I saw some of the items Harry had knocked out of her arms and bag and bent to pick them up. It was the sudden horror in her face that warned me. Harry wasn't finished but then neither was I. He was about to grab me and I was bent over. No time to throw him so I spun in place and cold cocked him in the balls. It was as sweet a punch as I can ever recall even if Sam and Gavin and a couple of others had to drag me out from under a writhing Harry. "The only thing stopping me from kicking you in the balls now is I'd probably break my toes on your hands." I swung my foot at his face instead, grounding it just before I made contact. "You don't get another chance Harry. Think about it." Gavin helped me with Sam's things. "Thank you. Both of you." We headed off together. "Why did you stand up for me Albert. I'm grateful, don't think I'm not, and it was wonderful to see someone give Harry what for but why?" "I guess in some ways and at times I've been as nasty to people as Harry. I'd rather be friends." "I don't know you've ever been nasty to me but I'm happy to be your friend." --- My first stay lasted a couple of hours if that. My second a couple of days. This third one saw me watching the months tick over on the calendar. Sam and Gavin hung around me as much for my protection as their own. While they didn't think they would be much use against Harry they had taken heart from his beating and were prepared to risk injury in adding their two cents worth if needed. At the very least six eyes were likely to spot trouble more easily than two. It wasn't merely self-protection though, we did enjoy each other's company. As I spent more time as a thirteen year old I became more influenced by my thirteen year old feelings and interests. I wasn't a fifty-seven year old man in a thirteen year old body but more and more a thirteen year old with the experiences of fifty-seven years of life. More and more of my memories of the recent past became clearer as well. At first I needed to concentrate but after a few days I found my selves melding well. One of the things my friends wanted to know was where I'd learned Judo. I knew it was a featured sport in the '64 Olympics in Tokyo but would they remember that? "I have an uncle who learned it in the Army," I lied. "I can teach you a little if you like." I had to be careful not to make Gavin and Sam over- confident. If Harry or anyone similarly inclined was to get in close to them they wouldn't be likely to escape a wrestling hold. "The first thing you need to learn about fighting is to avoid it." Not the sort of advice they might have expected. "You didn't," Sam pointed out. "Sometimes the only way to avoid it in the future is to fight today. Regardless of that there is nothing wrong with running away if that's what it takes to be safe." "And be called a chicken," Gavin protested. The lesson in "Back to the Future" was still some years into the self-same future. "Better than a dead duck." Because of me, Gavin had received more than his share of beatings. Could I save him that? "Then if you have to fight, fight smart and fight dirty. Use surprise. Use fists, fingernails and fangs. There is *NO* below the belt rule." "As Harry knows. You certainly showed him that he was vulnerable there." "Yeah, well you don't have to punch. Grab and crush or twist or pull. You might get thumped if you do but if you can hang on long enough you'll eventually cause so much pain that they'll let up. Likewise, if it's a girl attacking you make sure if you pull her hair to grab enough that it won't cut through your skin but not so much you can't rip it out of her scalp. Or you can punch her tits or over her ovaries." "Where's that?" Sex education was still pretty basic with the girls being separated to have a health lecture on menstruation with instructions not to discuss it with the boys. We remained ignorant of even that much. Anything else required your parents slipping a "family life" book where you would pick it up - if you were lucky. Depending on the quality of that you still may not discover the necessary information. "Let's see. About here and here, on a girl of course." "Then why didn't you show me on Sam?" I guess I had a fifty-seven year old's aversion to getting with a thirteen or fourteen year old girl. "It didn't seem right without asking first." "*YOU* I would have let. You two don't try to paw me." "I try to be a gentleman." "Doesn't stop you farting!" "But I don't mention it when you fluff too." "I don't!" "Oh? Must have been a toxic waste dump up wind of us yesterday then Gavin." Sam was embarrassed. "Sorry." "Why? For being human and having a human digestive system? Okay, apology accepted for gassing us - but that's only what we should do too." "Yeah. I guess. Erm, look, I don't want you to read anything into this but I don't have anyone else to ask." "I promise I'll try to be sensible then." "You said to grab and twist. What exactly?" "His balls." Sam looked flustered. "Shit! Look forget it. It doesn't matter." I wasn't sure how I'd gotten myself into this situation but I took a deep breath. "Sam - I don't want you to read anything more into this, but if you want you can feel me." Gavin snorted. It was the sort of activity that got whispered about but never actually happened. "You'd better not say anything Gavin Edwards!" "He won't," I assured her. "Gavin has his own secrets." "I didn't know if Gavin even felt any attraction for other boys yet but I didn't doubt he had *SOMETHING* he wouldn't want spread around and I could tease him for a while before revealing my actual ignorance. "What secrets?" "You want Sam to hear them? Leave it for now. Where is a good spot then?" "My house I guess," offered Gavin. "No-one is likely to be home." "Then I can show you some moves in your yard." "Only Judo moves?" "Maybe some others but only serious stuff - no fooling around." Did Sam look upset? What happened to the almost militant feminist who was the first at our high school to declare her lesbian love? I touched her arm as Gavin temporarily took the lead. "Sue," I whispered, "Don't think I'm not interested. I just wanted to reassure you that I *DO* think it's important to be a gentleman and if we decide fooling around is appropriate it will be with your approval beforehand." "What makes you think I want to fool around?" She turned away from me but her reply had been as soft as my comment and she had a Mona Lisa smile when I caught her looking at me later. We didn't have a lot of time just then but in the sixties kids weren't subjected to parental paranoia. Parents knew their kids were basically wholesome (it was always some other kids who led them astray) and weren't, as a general principle, likely to be abducted or murdered. Alcohol and tobacco were the only drugs outside hippie communes in most people's minds and free sex hadn't filtered down to the thirteen year olds yet. "I'm home," Gavin called out unnecessarily. Still, it was always better to be sure. "Where do you want to do it?" he asked. "If we're in the lounge we'll know if anyone comes to the house. No-one can see in the curtains during the day." Sam was happier with that suggestion. She wasn't about to find herself trapped in Gavin's room with two boys. If we *DID* do anything she remained the innocent party by being in the public part of the house. She might trust us but we had only been friends a matter of days and some doubts still remained. "Okay then, ready when you are." "What do you want me to do?" "Most importantly - be careful! Guys aren't joking when they treat their balls like the family jewels. They can hurt if treated roughly - which *IS* the point I was trying to make earlier." I stood beside Mr Edward's lounge chair where I had a clear view of the path. We were across the room where I knew we would be invisible to anyone not actually pressing their forehead to the glass. "Reach up underneath my crotch like you're picking an apple off a tree. Just rest your hand like that, don't worry, you're not hurting." In the sixties where we lived the kids at least knew what an apple tree looked like! "It's moving." "At the moment that's just one ball nudging the other." "Yeah - 'at the moment' that might be all." Gavin smirked. "What do you mean?" Sam asked. "I'm likely to get an erection, to get hard; a boner." "What, here?" Sam jiggled lightly. It was, depending on how you looked at it, the first time a girl had fondled me, a couple of years before the first girl had fondled me or forty-five years since the first woman had fondled me. Regardless, I had no choice but to react. "No, here!" I moved Sam's hand. "Oh wow. Can I see? Please?" I hadn't really intended matters to go that far. "Scientific interest only?" Sam nodded. "Of course." "You want me to put my bag in my room?" "Nah. You've seen it all before." "Not with a boner." "If not mine, your own." Gavin shrugged. Four years into my old future I would see him bashed because of a similar conversation though reversed. Now I didn't fear the feelings he had had for me and might again. I couldn't return them as Gavin wanted but I could remain his friend this time. Sam watched with interest as I dropped my trousers and briefs. I wasn't big as a thirteen year old (almost fourteen!) but I certainly didn't have a little boy's willie. Sam tentatively reached out and touched it with her finger tip. "You *CAN* hold it." "But doesn't it mean you have to have sex when it gets like that?" "Anyone who tells you that just wants to get into your pants. It's ready for sex but that doesn't make it compulsory - and the boy won't suffer from blue balls, an ache, if he's left uncomforted. Before things get that bad he will probably have taken care of it himself" Sam took a firmer grip. "Okay now that's about as tight as is comfortable but you're not going to hurt my prick unless you get violent or try to tie it into a pretzel. There's no bones; it's more like a couple of balloons inside. If you *HAVE* to attack some guy's penis, hope it's hard cause you can cause him more pain by bending it in half or further - pop his balloons and he'll be as crooked as Clinton." "Who?" "How do you know all this?" Gavin wasn't sure if I was telling the truth or bull-shitting. There was no internet and public libraries tended to watch which books fell into junior hands. "Medical encyclopaedia my uncle had." Those resources and National Geographic tended to be a teenage boys sole educational reading - until they got hold of Playboy or one of the cheaper rags. "Are you the same Gavin?" "Mostly. I've been circumcised though." "What's that?" "See this bit of skin?" I pinched it and then slid it down so my knob was visible. "For various reasons some boys have that snipped off soon after they are born." "What sort of reasons?" "Hygiene, though that isn't so much a factor; family preference, religion, cultural habits." Sam moved my foreskin back and forth and I didn't point out that this actually constituted fooling around since she *WASN'T* doing it for titillation purposes. *I*, of course, felt nothing pleasurable as a result of her actions. Honest! "Can I see yours too please Gavin?" He blushed. "It will be alright mate - Sam is gentle." I imagined it might be the only time Gavin had a female hand stroking his cock. Reluctantly he turned and dropped his clothing before facing us and them moving his covering hands down by his sides. I doubt his preferences had anything to do with being coy; he was a teenage boy, uncertain of his changing body, and having to show it to a possibly critical audience. "Ooh. It's even bigger. Oh, sorry Albert." "That's okay. Someone has to be biggest and I don't feel like I'm suffering. We are both still growing and our pricks will grow with us." "'Prick' sounds so bad!" Same reached out and touched Gavin as well. He moaned and Sam looked worried. I chuckled. "I think that means he likes it." "They are soft and hard at the same time. It's amazing." "I think a woman's pussy is even nicer. Soft and sweet and juicy." "Sweet?" "You haven't tasted yourself?" "Ew, no!" "Trust me. When you've been through your bath or shower and are lying in bed, just rub carefully until you are damp inside then collect a little of your juices and try them." "That doesn't sound like a Medical Encyclopaedia!" I winked at her. "Perhaps a dirty old man told me." "I'd agree with the dirty but I think I'm glad he was." Sam stood closer and this time picked an apple with each hand. "Okay, wrap your fingers around our balls and please don't check how much force you need." "No, I mean, I agree with Bert. Please don't." "Oh, so I could get you both to promise anything right now?" "You could but a promise under duress isn't valid." "Like the one you got from Harry you mean?" "Exactly. I expect that to last only as long as it takes him to find a new excuse to go after us." "Then we'd better be ready." "Yeah, well if you'd like to let go..." "Oh. Okay. Did you two...? I mean, I got to look at you. Do you want...?" "Sam, I think if you stripped off now we'd probably spend all our time learning about everything *BUT* defence. How about a rain check - you can offer again when you're really comfortable with the idea. Okay with you Gavin?" Gavin wasn't about to counter my gentle refusal even thought the idea of finding out what a girl had in her pants wasn't going to come along every day. "That sounds good." "Thank you." Sam hugged each of us - a more ridiculous situation than it sounds since our pricks bobbed as she squeezed our torsos. "Get dressed then show me something else - I might want to save his balls until last." --- Sam learned quickly and though she wanted to pull her punches I made both her and Gavin attack me with as much force as possible. I wasn't as quick as I'd once been (would eventually be?) and ended up scratched and bruised but I dodged most of their efforts or managed to lessen the force of their blows. We returned there or at my house or in a park near Samantha's and I taught them how to turn, tuck their hips in and lift with their knees as their opponent fell over them. No fancy groundwork though - a kick or punch in the back over the kidney and run away. Just as a warning though I caught their ankles as they were sinking the boot in and showed I could master the situation once I had *THEM* off balance. Ears were bitten (more often nibbled on which was a little more interesting as well), eyes were gouged, noses crushed with the heels of our hands or else invaded by paired thumbs - all in practise only. Even a nipple cripple could be effective and by this time Sam was just one of the boys though none of us did more than just tweak another's nipple after the idea of using the childish torture in a fight was made clear. Our training was repeated as often as we could manage and I improved as well. I taught them how to fall and roll to avoid injury and Gavin actually investigated where he, or we, could go for proper tuition. It was too far until we had our own transport so I borrowed some library books and tried to be the student-teacher, barely ahead of my students in my efforts to recall distantly learned moves. My parents chatted me about the bruises and scratches and I denied fighting as such. I pointed out we *HAD* been being bullied - nothing serious to involve a parental response - and promised should it get that way I would talk to them. "We don't want to fight but we will stand up against anyone who wants to pick on us and if they do try anything again they'll find they aren't facing us alone." I thought they were going to promise to ground me if they caught me fighting at school but my attitude must have amazed them. Not that I'd scrap against a bully if necessary but that I could explain myself to them in such a way that they felt perhaps I *COULD* take care of things. I said we would stand together against the bullies but it probably worked out better that it didn't happen that way. Harry had fallen from his premier position when he had attacked Samantha so he saw it as only justice that she would be the one to do something that made him mad - when Gavin and I were nowhere to be seen. "You *STUPID* bitch!" "I'm sorry. I didn't see it there." If I was being fair I'd say that the blame lay 20-30% with Harry and the rest with Sam's inattentiveness. Regardless, the collection of baseball cards now littered the ground except where a small puddle of soda was starting to glue half a dozen together. "Didn't see it! Are you fucking blind!?" "I said I was sorry." Harry picked up the wet cards. "Yeah well I'm sorry too." He tried to dry them by rubbing them over the front of Sam's chest. "Don't!" "Why? I'm only drying them off. It's not as though there's anything under your sweater. These look damaged anyway so perhaps I should just see if you have any money to pay for them." "Leave my bag alone!" Harry pulled the bag away from Sam and roughly shoved her aside. She rolled, not expertly but effectively, and turned back to see him fumbling at the zip. His back was towards her and she steeled herself. Her foot would be sore afterwards but Harry would have even more problems. A professional footballer setting up a place kick would have been proud of her. She slammed the bridge of her foot into Harry's coccyx while the toes tried to launch his balls into space. Gavin and I, with the rest of the school, heard his scream. Sam picked up her bag and considered the writhing, sobbing boy on the ground. She moved behind him and leaned over by his ear to make sure he could hear her over his own crying. "If you ever touch me, or my things, again I'm going to grab what is left of your balls and force one of them up your ass while you eat the other. *DO YOU UNDERSTAND?*" She didn't even wait for him to answer either way. Straightening she kicked him viciously in the kidney from behind, then she went and reported herself - and the extenuating circumstances - to the Girls' Deputy Principal. Gavin and I heard the news as it spread rapidly through the school and went to wait outside the offices. If necessary we would vouch for the fact that Harry had attacked Sam previously but since we didn't know what case she was putting herself we kept our mouths shut until needed. It turned out Harry's behaviour wasn't totally unknown but the school had either little evidence to show he'd done anything serious or perhaps little inclination to follow up when the removal of one bully would only leave a vacuum for the next to fill. Comparing his size to Samantha's the Deputy Principal couldn't see her as the aggressor - especially in the absence of any previous reports of bad behaviour on her part. A round up of a sample of witnesses to the incident backed up Sam's version of the events and, other than the matter of the final blow, there was no reason to suggest she'd acted in other than self-defence. "Never-the-less dear, this boy is currently with the school nurse and his parents have been called to collect him. I cannot condone fighting in the school and will have to let your own parents know. In view of the circumstances I don't believe there is a need for disciplinary action against you and I suspect you have disciplined Harold sufficiently. Do you have a problem if I let it go at that?" "None Mrs Forrester." "I will try to explain things to Mr and Mrs Powell when they get here then. They may wish to take matters further but I will do what I can to discourage them. You've missed lunch. If you need a few minutes I'll give you a note for your next class, otherwise you should be able to get there by the bell." "That's okay, I can eat it later. Thank you." "Privately, thank you for showing the boys that they can't just walk over us girls like they want but please try not to injure any more." "That would make me quite happy." Sam saw us and gave us both a hug. Boys and girls could still do that at school without undue censure provided they weren't ridiculous about it. She got the odd cheer as we headed to class but most people just stared. One comment was repeated over and over though. "*SHE* took out *HIM*!?" Apart from what rated as a standing ovation from a large part of our class - until the teacher turned up - the biggest surprise were the girls who turned up over the next few days with an oft repeated question. "Samantha said you taught her to defend herself. Do you think you could teach me too?" --- "Mom, is it okay if I have Gavin and Sam over on Saturday with a few people?" "I guess so. Anything special?" "They want me to show them a few things." Mom didn't ask what exactly. It could have been comics or models or games. I didn't have a lot of people around; Gavin mainly, though Sam more and more in recent weeks. Though I think she might have caught on that Sam wasn't a boy, she hadn't teased me about having a girl friend or a girlfriend. I wondered if that would change on Saturday. I conned Gavin, Sam and Colin to help me go fossicking after school. They were actually to be my pack mules on a rather unusual shopping expedition. Recycled clothing stores hadn't blossomed like they would later but they existed. We had to catch a bus part-way across town and once there I carefully considered the garments for suitability. A couple of sports jackets; a couple more suit coats, lacking pants. In the ladies wear I found some solid outfits although I had to buy the skirts as well. I was going to leave them but then I had a thought of a use and bundled them into the hessian bags we'd brought with us. I used up my pocket money for the last month and dipped into my savings for what I acknowledged were "theatrical costumes". It would have been too much trouble to have explained - my companions thought it funny enough. I had been rather frugal with my money even before my older self had invaded my body and now I was here I could see better uses for the money than what a fourteen year old might consider important. Not always though - a newly released toy could be a valuable investment if kept in pristine condition. At home I thanked my friends and told them I'd see them bright and early at school in the morning. "Mom. Is it okay if I use your sewing machine please?" "I'm just busy for a second so if you wait I will set it up for you." I didn't really need her help. Though sewing wasn't considered a manly art as such, many of the women in my mother's dressmaking circle felt their offspring - male or female - could only benefit by being able to sew on a button or stitch up a tear or shift a hem. By the time I was sixteen I knew my way around her sewing machine and, though at fourteen I was still more used to watching her, I still remembered the lessons of the next years. Roughly cutting each of the skirts on a slight spiral, I had ended up with a number of long strips about three inches wide. I had these ready when Mom came in thinking I had an embroidered patch or similar to be sewn onto a shirt or pair of jeans. "What on earth are you doing?" "I needed some belts and this looks suitable. I just need to stitch along the edge and then turn them right- side around. I've put the heavier needle in and threaded the bobbin. I shouldn't be long." My mother watched me lower the foot and turn the wheel at the side to start the needle moving as I pressed down on the foot-control. I guided the cloth under the foot, keeping the fold at an even distance from the needle and backing up the belt a little at the end to keep the stitching from parting as the material was stressed. "Okay, that's one!" "Albert, have you been using my machine without asking?" "No Mom." Not recently, that was for sure. "Well you did a good job there." Still, she was reluctant to leave me entirely to my own resources. I didn't complain at the oversight as I divided the belt up into thirds and then halves, trying to work out what length would be best. It had been a while since I had tied one around my waist. Eventually I finished, turning the machine off as she liked it and cleaning up all the scraps of thread and cloth. "I wish you kept your room as tidy. Next time you take a knee or the seat out of your pants I think you can fix them yourself. What on earth do you need those belts for though?" "Judogis" "Who-what-sies?" "Judo-gi. It's a costume worn when performing judo. Normally something like canvas to stop it tearing. I couldn't get anything really suitable but I didn't want people getting their clothes ripped so I'm making do. The belts keep their tops closed." "You realise that made no sense to me at all." "If you wait until Saturday it might be clearer. Excuse me but I have a few buttons and buckles to removed as well." --- The door bell kept ringing every few minutes for an hour - although there was a gap of about fifteen minutes after Gavin and Sam turned up. "Dear, there are two more walking up the path." "I see them." Dad opened the door - pointed to the patio and said "the dojo's out the back." "Thank you Mr Lamont." He heard, "Sorry we're late. We had to wait for my brother to drive us" and "Let's get started then." "Looks like that's it then," he told Mom. "I count five boys and thirteen girls - plus Bert." "Something for school perhaps?" "Beats me. I'm going to keep an eye on them though. I still don't know what he meant by dojo - it's not in the Webster's." --- "Okay. Thank you for coming. I hope I prove to be the sort of teacher you want. I have some old clothes that will be safer - they won't rip but if any of you have worn tops that you don't want to risk I can lend you an old knit shirt or pullover of mine." "I'd better change. I brought an older one but didn't put it on." "I'll need to borrow one if I can." "Sam, can you show them where my bedroom is and give Frances a shirt." A couple of the other girls looked at Sam as they realised she had knowledge of my bedroom. They might not be bitchy yet but they had certainly developed some of the social awareness that could eventually be turned against Samantha if her future was going to be anything like the last time we had lived it. While they were gone I matched up the second hand clothes against the people to get the best fits. "I need to apologise on two counts. Firstly for either the musty smell or the dry cleaning smell of the clothes; I'm not sure which is worse but it should fade or else we will get used to it. Secondly, Judo is normally performed with foam matting that softens the landing when you are thrown. We have to make do with the lawn today but we'll be going through mainly preliminary work so although you will finish knowing something useful you shouldn't have too many bruises." "That's good. I have ballet class tomorrow and I don't want to have to explain that I was fighting. "Well you won't be - it's sparring if you don't intend doing any damage. Hopefully you can avoid ever needing to fight. I will be covering how to fight dirty if you need to know that as well though that's not part of Judo. First though we need to stretch our muscles so can we have three lines of six with people marking off right hand on the next person's shoulder. Thanks." I saw Dad beckoning Mom to the kitchen window and waved to them. We would have looked odd to the uninitiated in actual gis but in an assortment of suit coats... well!" I had them all perform about five minutes of stretches, explaining each muscle group that we were working on and how that would be important to our training. My personal gym trainer would have been pleased I'd paid attention over the years. I saw my mother pass an encyclopaedia to Dad and he checked me off with growing amazement. Then he came out to the patio and sat down to listen more closely. "Judo is a martial art. It is a sport derived from fighting but unlike something like boxing you don't actually intend to hurt your opponent - (I paused) in competition." There was a cheerful, "Yea Sam!" "Judo is not a sport of strength, it is a sport of science and balance. Aristotle said if you could give him a lever long enough he could move the Earth. Your body, and your opponent's body, are the levers you will use and with them you can move your opponent. I'd like to give you a little demonstration; perhaps my father wouldn't mind helping out?" Unfair of me I know but I was eager for someone to know what had happened to me and he might just be inclined to believe after this. "Can you put this on please Dad?" I gave him one of the larger suit coats, retrieving it from where Colin had laid it out ready for later. I donned the one I'd chosen for myself. "How's your back?" "My back? Fine, why?" Oh, that came later then. I hope I didn't have anything to do with it. "Just checking. I'd like to just show how I can use your mass against you even though I'm only about half your weight." He understood weight, mass was a less familiar term. I wasn't talking like his son. "Okay." "Don't worry. I won't hurt you." "That's good to know." He looked at our audience. They were smiling but seemed to be considering a different joke. I bowed, and remained bent over, my head just tilted up enough so I could watch my father. "Da-a-d!" "Oh sorry. You should have said." He bowed and we both straightened. I moved in slowly and took hold of his right sleeve and left lapel. After a second he copied me. "Ready?" "Ye...(thud)...s" I'd dropped my hand from his lapel to his waist, slipping my hand around behind him as I turned. At the same time I stepped between his feet and bent my knees. Pulling down on his arm and up on his belt I started him rolling forward as Harold had done and then, as he passed over my back I straightened my legs to add some circular momentum to the mix. That movement lofted his legs in an arc but I held onto his arm and, by pulling back on his belt where I would normally have let go, I stopped him from slamming into the ground with other than his feet. Carefully as I could, I eased him to a sitting position. It wasn't just a matter of not hurting him, he did weigh more than me and I could just as easily hurt *MY* back. "Oh my god, are you okay?" My mother came running our as the group cheered. If I could teach them those sorts of moves then I would make each and every one of them happy. Happy enough to put up with the need to warm up and practise simple repetitive moves until they became second nature? Well, I would see. "I'm okay. That was amazing but where did you learn that?" "I'll tell you later if that's okay - I've got a few people waiting to find out how to do it themselves." "Sure, but not too much later." Dad was always a fair man. It was nice to have him around. "You up for another demonstration?" "I guess. What are you going to do to me this time?" I smiled. "Nothing." Beckoning Sam, I said a couple of words in her ear. She smiled too and took up her position in front of my father. This time he bowed appropriately and I took hold of my mother's hand as she watched nervously. She wanted some answers as well. Sam had to reach up a little further. Though I only had maybe five centimetres over he my arms were a little longer. It made her look impossibly small against him. "You're not going to put *YOUR* back out I hope?" "Nope." Sam tugged his lapel and the bout was on. They really had no mat discipline but I guess that was okay - we had no mats! Sam feinted, beginning to turn into the same throw I had performed but, instead of bending and pushing her hip into his crotch, she stepped around his right leg with her own and pushed up on Dad's lapel instead of pulling down. This time he was resisting the tug that didn't come and actually helped her force him backwards. She pulled his arm around so he was twisted and he fell back over her leg - unable to step backwards because of that flimsy obstruction. She kept hold of his arm on the way down allowing control over her next attack while he was constrained but instead of an arm lock or a choke hold she raised her knee and leapt up so that foot came crashing down over his crotch. Mom grabbed my hand painfully and yelled "No!" but Sam's ad lib was simply for show. She kept her other leg straight and that knee bent and had essentially only hopped on the spot. Dad really wasn't in any danger and I hoped he was aware that Sam never intended any harm. He quickly removed the jacket though after she helped him up and they bowed again. I took up my position in front of my now motivated students. "Thank you Dad and thank you Sam for both an excellently executed throw and a demonstration why picking on young ladies is not advisable." There was more general applause and I was glad Dad joined in. He headed inside for a drink though and stayed in his chair when he returned with a beer. Mom didn't want to see anyone else apparently in danger and stayed inside for the rest of the class. "Action, reaction, inertia, mass, force. We don't learn about those in Science for a year or two but you know about them anyway. What happens when you shoot a rifle or, better, a shotgun?" One of the guys answered. "It kicks back." "Right. The bullet goes one way the gun goes the other - back into your shoulder. How hard is it to pull a wagon?" "Not hard." There was general agreement. "But if you fill it with bricks - or a couple of little brothers?" "Very hard." "And if you do get it up to speed how easy is it to stop when it is full? "Almost impossible." "Those are all examples of inertia. When something is still it is going to stay there unless you push on it but if you get it moving you have to push just as hard to slow it down. The quicker you want it to speed up or slow down the harder it is again. "I'm not saying my Dad is heavy but once Sam or I got him moving he had to work hard to stop and it wasn't just us making him move. Can anyone think what else was involved?" There was silence as people thought. Classes have an inertia as well. I took off my belt and held it up. They all watched as I dropped it. "Gravity!" "Good Colin. Can you come out here; Gavin, you too please. Stand behind Colin and be ready to catch him. Colin, I want you to keep your feet together. Gavin will catch you." I turned to the others. "What happens when I push Colin back?" "He'll eventually fall over." I did and he did. Gavin did his job and Colin stood up again. "This time Colin you can move one foot." I pushed and Colin immediately stepped back so that although he was at an angle he didn't fall. "Good. Just stand up for a minute please." I took my belt and used it to measure Colin, estimating the half way mark. "Assuming Colin isn't particularly thick-skulled and that he doesn't have a lard butt we can guess that he has about half his weight above this line and half below. Would you say that was right?" As I spoke I tied the belt around him at that level. "A bit lower. His head isn't as wide as his shoulders and there is more air up top." "So now I'm an air head?" "Okay, a little lower. Somewhere around there is a spot called his Centre of Gravity. Because his left side is much the same as his right it is going to be in the middle here and with his front and back much the same it is going to be about halfway through him. "Looking lower we see that Colin is standing on two feet. If we were to lay a rope around both feet we would end up with a rough square shape. This is his base of support and if he can keep his centre of gravity over that he won't fall over but once it moves past the edge of that base, over he goes. The first demonstration again please." I pushed Colin back but got Gavin to hold him at the position where he lost it. I dangled another belt from his side so they could see were it lined up with his feet. "The first time I only had to push him a little way and over he went but the second time..." We repeated the demonstration and now Colin had a foot in front of the dangling belt and one clearly behind. "...suddenly the centre of gravity is over the base and he is safe again - for now. Can you all see where this is heading?" There were some yeses and a couple of honest nos. "Sam, would you demonstrate the throw you did in slow motion. Gavin be ready." "Firstly she makes Colin lean back like I did but she stops him moving his foot back. In fact - and I'll get you to do it again at the proper speed please - see how she swept her leg into his? It carried his leg further forward and off the ground while his body went back making it even more likely that gravity would win. "So what we are trying to achieve is to apply the forces we can generate with our bodies in such a way as to make our opponents over-balance and then take advantage of gravity to bring them to the ground. Dad, can I use you for just one more demonstration? No throwing this time." He joined Colin and I wrapped my plumb-bob belt around him at the equivalent height to Colin's. "Is that about half way?" "Yes." "And what do you notice?" "It's higher." "It is at the same point on my father's body as it is on Colin's yet because he is taller his centre of gravity is further off the ground and as such he doesn't have to tip back so far to have it outside his base of support even though his feet are bigger. I like to think of this as a simple example of the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Thank you, and you Colin - you can take off the belt." --- Mom prepared refreshments while we were busy and the class finished in time for them to get home for lunch. They had paired off and Gavin and Sam had been willing assistants in getting them to practise pushing and pulling and moving their legs in response to better understand how the placement of their feet improved or weakened their stance and how to take advantage of the same thing in their opponents. I finished up with some practical thoughts. "Just remember, if you get down on the ground with your opponent without knowing any holds then you're wrestling with them and a heavier wrestler is going to out-perform an equally skilled lightweight or an unskilled person of almost any weight. So if you do have to use a throw or trip it is so you can *ESCAPE* from them. You aren't trying to hurt someone - you are trying to avoid getting hurt yourself. Fighting back is a whole different ballgame and not something you are going to pick up in one lesson." "But you'll teach us that too?" "I'll do what I can to see you can defend yourselves. Yes." --- Dad insisted on discussing that point but there were other explanations both of them wanted first. Though I wanted to share my story I wasn't sure if the truth would be best. I wasn't sure I could come up with anything else though that would be even less unbelievable. "I learned Judo while I was in college in 1975 to '77. Something happened to me and I'm back here living my life over for whatever purpose there might be." "That is a bit far-fetched. You haven't been getting any of those science fiction stories from one of your friends?" "No sorry, I did get a couple of Judo books from the library but that's it - pretty good performance for book learnin' wasn't it?" "Unless you've been studying far harder than I suspected - especially about medical matters - I'm inclined to believe you might just be telling the truth. If so, what? You're actually 21?" "Plus a few years." "How many?" "Let's just say enough for now." Mom leaned forwards. "If you have been reliving your life why haven't you said anything before this?" "I haven't been here most of the time. I come and go. This is the third time I've called in and I don't seem to stay long." "When were the other times? Did you do anything we'd have noticed?" They wanted something that would prove my story - or prove I was lying. "The first time was just after I was born. Nan and Pop turned up in the hospital and you changed and fed me. I gave Pop two fingers 'cause I couldn't make him understand me." "I don't remember." "He didn't say anything; just laughed. The second time was when I woke up in the hospital when I was seven. You found me reading the paper while I tried to find out when I was. And now there is now and I've already been here longer than I stayed the other times. If I do go I don't know how long I'll be away or even if I will return so pay attention. Start buying shares in microcomputer companies in the mid seventies. A company called Apple - get in early and have faith. Write this down even if you don't believe me! IBM; a bit later is still okay, 1980 at the latest. A company called Microsoft - remember Bill Gates. You should have made plenty by 1990 though Microsoft keeps going. There is a thing called the internet and what is called the dot com boom. Don't get burnt! Stocks in those companies go crazy but except for some the bottom drops out very quickly. "Get into the communications market soon - people are going to be sticking two way radios in their trucks and cars - something called CB. Later, maybe 1990, look for companies that make personal phones - they will work like the CBs and start off being the size of a house brick but within a few years nearly everyone, adult and kid, will have one. A Scandinavian company does well Eriksson or something as do some Japanese - look to Japanese to conquer the small electronics market to a large degree." "None of this makes sense." "I don't remember Super Bowl or Kentucky Derby winners but trust me about these - oh, and don't fly or go to New York or Washington in September 2001. I can't really say more because I don't know what effect it might have. I'm hoping I can slip a little good fortune for you without breaking the universe." "2001!? That's thirty years away!" "I don't know if I'll have a chance to remind you closer to the date." I felt a little sad that Mom wouldn't reach that date and risked warping space-time once more. I put my hand over hers. "And you! Learn to check for changes in your breast - your right one! - and don't put things off. No-one is going to consider you less of a woman with only one breast and if you get treated early that needn't happen - understand!?" She looked stunned. I think that was the moment she really believed. "When?" "When do you die? If you take my advice I won't know. Cancer *IS* just a word - not a sentence. Listen, I guess I didn't say it as often as I should have but I love you both and was and am grateful for all the things you did for me." It got schmalzier. --- My relationship with my parents stabilised somewhere between treating me as a teenager and as an adult relation with a continuing dash of disbelief and an occasional bout of horror thrown in. I remembered more tips, closer to the present as well as things like VHS vs Beta and the demise of 8-track and quadraphonic systems. I tried to convey the idea of future things like Play Station/Nintendo rivalry; in-line skates and skateboards; HIV-AIDS, crack cocaine, Ecstasy and crystal meths. The future wouldn't be rosy in every sense but that wasn't the sole reason they couldn't always look on me without a shiver. I was a recurrent challenge to all their beliefs. I think I had it easier since I had been fairly agnostic anyway. --- I couldn't avoid going to school and didn't enjoy some subjects any more the second time round. I was chatted about those grades and countered that I was putting more effort into getting better grades in the subjects that counted. That wasn't all that different than the discussions I had had with them the first time around. What was different was the shift in my circle of friends. I guess associating with Sam had made me less cool in the eyes of some of the guys I had hung with on round one. None of those original friendships had lasted past high school so I didn't feel particularly put out that they distanced themselves from me. I got just as much enjoyment from Sam's company. And in a time where girls our age looked more at high school for male partners, I had a group of twelve other girls who saw me as mature enough to associate with - if only they knew. Colin and the other three guys who had joined Gavin and myself in my "Dojo" also shared in the status granted us and when we graduated junior high and headed off to high school there was some competition for our attention that would normally have gone to the Sophomores or Juniors. Part of that might have been that we were respectful (more so than our peers and some of the older boys) while still managing to have fun together. The girls roughhoused with us, getting tits bumped, nudging our privates and rolling on the ground under or over us. There were hugs occasionally and one or two kisses but on the mat all was business-like and they never had cause to fear being groped. *THAT* wasn't something they could take for granted around our new school - at least at first. The boys were soon behaving a little more appropriately when a grabbed tit resulted in a far more painfully grabbed crotch and an attempt at retaliation (a slap across the face) was blocked with a swept arm while the girl drove her palm into his nose, breaking it and leaving him covered in blood. Like Same before her, Gail reported herself rather than have someone come looking. The results were similar except for one thing - Sam had hugged Gavin and myself for waiting around for her; Gail sought me out and risked censure by planting a sloppy kiss on me as a reward for teaching her. I had avoided kissing my "students" since, although I related to them more naturally as my teenage persona gained back influence, I still felt *I* was too old. Gail stirred me never-the-less. The girls got together and Gail explained what a rush it have been to put her knowledge into practice. "I was, like, on automatic. I saw him raise his arm and I did what Albert said and guided it over my head rather than opposing it and then *WHAM*! I heard the crunch. He fell back into the lockers and just slid to the floor. I watched as his front just covered in blood. I thought I'd killed him because he didn't lift his hands to his face or anything but then he looked at me and he was *SCARED*!" "That must have felt so good." "Something else did too. Albert doesn't only know how to fight. When I kissed him he kissed back. Wow!" I didn't overhear this myself but Sam did and it affected her. We'd been friends for months. I'd been invited to her house for her 14th birthday - when everyone else had been family. I was probably the closest person to her and yet *I* had never tried to kiss *HER*. The fact that she hadn't done more than brush her lips against my cheek didn't factor in her logic but this all came out when I queried her changed mood. She didn't want to tell me at first but if I didn't necessarily understand women any better I knew how to get them to open up and *WAS* better able to guess the sorts of things that would cause problems. "Samantha. You are both my friend and an attractive girl. It's not easy at times to concentrate on one and ignore the other so I don't do something to stuff things up between us. I guess that in itself stuffed us up a it, hey?" "A bit." "I guess I also worry that our parents might decide to come between us if they thought we were getting too close." "You could still kiss me. As often as you wanted really." "I'd like that but I don't think we should consider we are going steady yet - we're both too young." "So you want to be able to kiss other girls too?" "I want a chance to meet other girls and not feel *TOO* guilty if they expect a kiss too. I want you to feel you've had a chance to compare rather than just settling for me, if that was what ended up happening. I definitely don't want you having a baby for your fifteenth birthday!" "I only wanted a kiss damn it!" I took her in my arms and started out slowly then brought the heat up as Sam responded. Eventually I think she would have stripped off then and there if I'd suggested it - even though we were still at school. "We'd better get back to the others before a teacher catches us." "Or before I decide a baby isn't a bad birthday present. Hell Bert, where did you learn to do that!? Not your uncle again I hope." I laughed and we headed back where we wouldn't get into trouble - of any sort. *********************************************************