Joe stepped through the door of Sean�s apartment in his forty thousand dollar designer suit, fashionably late, as always. He walked through the grand living room and found his friend precisely where he expected him to be; monkeying around with that huge contraption he�d built in the apartment�s second bedroom. Contraption was an adequate description as it was more than just a powerful computer. Sean was lying down on the floor, his head inside the legspace of the desk that had become part of the massive machine�s structure. He was balancing a laptop on his belly and had a digital multimeter resting beside him. Both devices were attached to the large machine by multiple wires.

"Any luck?" Joe asked, in a caring tone. Sean huffed in frustration.

"I... I found an anomaly in the memory bus feeds. It has structure, like a subroutine... I don�t know where it came from... It shouldn�t be there," Sean answered. Joe nodded solemnly, remaining polite despite his disdain for technical babble, even if he understood it, which in this case he did not.

"Jeez, Sean, you�re not even dressed!" Joe sighed.

"What?" Sean asked in a slightly offended tone. He ran his eye briefly over his track pants and rumpled t-shirt sporting a clever joke about binary math on the front, before turning his attention back to the line of circuit boards he was examining.

"We�re going to check out Trovila? That new exclusive bar?" Joe reminded his absent-minded friend. "There�s no way in hell they�re gonna let you in like that! Where�s that new suit we got you last month?"

"That was tonight?" Sean inquired in a disbelieving tone.

"Yes, Sean," Joe replied.

"I thought we were going Friday?" Sean argued.

"It IS Friday," Joe responded with a chuckle, as Sean crossed the boundary between frustrating and absurd. "Come on, get dressed, man, Constance is waiting down in the car..."

"Y�know, I wrote a new program to do a diagnostic on the motive processors this afternoon. I was kind of hoping to run through it tonight, so why don�t you guys just go ahead without me?" Sean asked, sheepishly admitting he�d forgotten all about his promise to his old friend.

"No way in hell are you backing out of this, man," Joe asserted without missing a beat. "You swore you were coming out with us tonight. Besides, you�ve been working on that thing..."

"Her name is Casey," Sean insisted, defensively.

"Fine," Joe acknowledged indignantly. "You�ve been working on Casey non-stop for four days! Face it, man, you need a break! Maybe a little recreation will clear your head, or something," he offered, trying to sound wise. "Come on, get dressed and we�ll hit the town," Joe walked over to Sean, physically lifted the laptop off of his belly and offered him a hand up. He knew that a pro-active approach was the only way he would actually get Sean to abandon his work for a few hours. Sean eyed Joe�s hand sceptically for a second, before taking it with a conceding sigh. After Joe helped him up, Sean turned towards the large, humming machine.

"Me and Joe are going out for a few hours, Cas... oh," he said by force of habit, before remembering that the large machine had mysteriously become dormant four days ago. Joe put his arm comfortingly around his friend�s shoulder as he escorted him off to his bedroom to change for their night out.

Joe and Sean had met during their freshman year of highschool. Joe wasn�t exactly a white night in shining armour, but he did not like bullies, and one day he found himself saving the skin of a geeky little kid named Sean Adams. The two quickly became friends. Initially, Joe exploited their friendship to get test answers and essay help from Sean, but after a while he started to appreciate Sean as a true friend, and began treating him as such. He found it hard sometimes to put up with Sean�s geek-speak about computer concepts well over Joe�s head, but they both liked first-person-shooter games and had similar tastes in music, movies and girls and so the friendship blossomed.

One day, during their junior year, Sean excitedly came up to Joe and announced that a major computer company was offering to buy the rights to some revolutionary software he�d developed, for fifty thousand dollars. Sean�s software would allow a computer to understand many plain-English instructions, given by vocal command. But before Sean signed the contract that the company had drafted, Joe looked it over and realized that his friend was getting screwed. He advised Sean to get a patent for his software and hammer out a new deal where Sean would get paid royalties. When it became apparent just how profitable Joe�s intervention had been, Sean cut Joe in for an equal share of his profits. The software�s massive success had made the two friends rich beyond their wildest dreams.

Together, they founded �Optimal Coding Inc.�, a computer software and hardware company created to develop and promote all of Sean�s smaller (but no less brilliant) innovations to the world of computing. Between Sean�s clever designs and Joe�s business sense, the company had made both men billionaires.

After a few years, Sean retired from an active role in the company (although he still remained a majority shareholder) and Joe became the sole CEO. Sean essentially became a consultant, who was only ever approached by the company when a problem came up that was so baffling nobody else could solve it.

"Hellooo... Earth calling Sean," Joe said in a sing-song voice as he waved his hand around about six inches from Sean�s face, shaking him from his reverie. "We�re here, man..." Sean looked out of the limo�s window and found that they had parked in front of a clean, newly constructed building, in a locale that Sean didn�t immediately recognize. The entrance was oddly plain looking, and there were no signs or windows to indicate what kind of business resided within, although the smartly-dressed bouncers on either side of the door made it kind of obvious that the building was either a bar or club.

The limo driver stepped lively over to the curbside door and opened it for the two billionaires and their guest. Twenty-two year old Constance was the first to step out, wearing the expensive red dress her rich lover had bought her. She was very attractive, as Joe�s taste in women necessitated. Sean could not help but notice that she was also genuinely friendly, if a little ditzy. He hadn�t had a great many encounters with her, but Constance always treated him very kindly and sympathetically, especially tonight. She also seemed very fond of Joe himself, not just his money. Sean got the impression that she wasn�t just in the relationship for �fun�, as Joe was. He wondered how long it would be before she bought up the possibility of moving in with Joe (or worse yet, marriage) and wind up getting dumped. Joe wasn�t a cold guy, it was just that all he wanted at this stage in his life was sex with hot women. That being said, he was monogamous enough to have only one sexual relationship at a time.

Joe was the next to step out, politely thanking the limo driver as he did so. He placed an arm around the small of Constance�s back and turned to make sure that Sean was about to exit the limo without needing another call back to reality. As he had hoped, Sean was right behind him. The trio strolled over to the building�s entrance together. The imposing bouncers each grabbed one of the double doors and opened them for the establishment�s wealthy guests.

"Enjoy your evening, Mr.Strohm," one of the bouncers said in a deep voice.

"Thanks," Joe acknowledged. Joe was somewhat of an authority on the city�s most exclusive hot spots and, in all likelihood, he had met the bouncer at some other bar or nightclub, though Joe didn�t remember him. Sean didn�t receive a greeting. Thanks to his reclusive role in his own company, Sean wasn�t as well known as Joe, despite the fact he was still one of the richest men in the city. But he didn�t mind; fame didn�t hold much interest for him.

Inside, the bar had a much livelier design that it�s humble exterior. The walls were a mix of mostly light green and purple, with some other colors. While the main bar area was illuminated by white light, the perimeter of the large, irregularly-shaped room was bathed in lights of many colors. It was virtually impossible to tell, from a distance, if the color of any given section of wall was genuine, or a lighting effect. The walls were all adorned with bizarre paintings that made Picasso�s works look as realistic as Da Vinci�s. Along the far wall of the room were several oddly designed booths, with the seats all angling steeply away from each other; a person sitting on the end of one seat would�ve been about eight feet away from his counterpart on the opposite seat. Sean sighed as he lamented the death of conventional, practical architecture. The speakers were piping in new age music in another language (it sounded like French), but at a low volume, allowing people to talk without shouting at each other.

Everybody in the room was dressed in attire that looked very expensive. The crowd was a healthy mix of males and females, although there didn�t seem to be too many people in there who were older than thirty-five.

"You wanna get a booth?" Joe asked his companions. Both Constance and Sean nodded and the three of them strolled over to an unoccupied booth on the other side of the room. They hadn�t long sat down before they were greeted a waiter.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" he asked the party. Joe ordered a peach Schnapps, having discovered several years ago that his German heritage had seeped in to his taste for alcoholic beverages. Constance ordered a Zima and Sean, a vodka martini.

"Yes sir, Mr.Bond," the waiter replied facetiously. Sean chuckled, happy to see that the staff weren�t devoid of personality. The waiter then walked off to fill the order.

"So... Not bad, eh?" Joe said with a beaming smile, gesturing towards a group of very attractive women.

"Yeah, it�s pretty good," Sean replied, in an unconvincing tone, completely missing Joe�s signal to check out the available tail. Though even if he had got the message, it was unlikely that Sean�s interest would have been sparked. Like any red-blooded straight man, Sean was aroused by the sight of an attractive woman. But he had learned from experience that nothing made him more painfully aware of his own geekiness than trying to converse with a pretty woman. Sean had virtually nothing in common with the women he met, and after the initial meaningless small talk, they had very little to discuss. He meant well, but Joe�s numerous attempts to set Sean up with the best-looking women in town had actually made Sean feel lonelier.

"Oh come on, man. Look at where we are!" Joe replied in an excited tone, "Who would have thought the last two guys to get dates for the prom would ever get to see a place like this? I mean, this place is VIP only! You see who�s over there? Sabrina Bretodeau."

"Oh my god!" Constance gasped, upon realising that the world famous fashion model was in the bar. "My god, she really is a stick figure, isn�t she?"

"Still, as stick figures go..." Joe mused, running an approving eye over the distant model, who was too busy talking to her own companions to notice Joe�s gaze. The model was wearing a virtually backless black dress that was so small, no woman of average, healthy girth could�ve hoped to wear it. Constance shot Joe a sly smirk, knowing that he was only yanking her chain with his remark. "Trust me, Sean," Joe said, returning his attention to his friend, "You�re gonna have a great time here. We�re gonna set you up with one of these babes and in a few hours you won�t even be thinking about your computer."

"She�s not just a computer, Joe," Sean explained. "I think Casey�s really it; artificial intelligence. And..." he paused, with a remorseful sigh, "I think she�s gone."

"Gone? What? You mean, like, dead?" Constance asked, showing genuine interest. Joe opened his mouth as if he was about to advise her not to encourage Sean�s melancholy, but Sean cut him off.

"Yeah. Dead," he replied.

"What happened to her?" Constance asked in a kind voice.

"I don�t know," Sean answered quietly, with a shrug. "Maybe it was some inherent design flaw that caused a critical software failure..."

"Listen, Sean," Joe said as he leaned closer to his friend, "in all the years I�ve known you, I�ve never seen you come across a computer glitch that you can�t solve. You�re gonna fix this. You always do!"

"I hope you�re right," Sean sighed.

"Of course I�m right!" Joe declared in a much more jovial tone. He continued grinning in Sean's direction until his ridiculous happiness prompted a smirk and a chuckle from his downhearted friend. "Stop worrying, man, and enjoy yourself. We�re in the hottest bar in town!"

Sean appreciated the wisdom of Joe�s words, but it was hard advice for him to follow. Once Joe and Constance had slipped in to their own conversation, Sean�s mind began to drift back to thoughts of Casey.

It had been, by far, the most emotional endeavour Sean had ever embarked upon. He�d invested over two years of his life in creating the twelve custom processors and base software for his attempt at creating artificial intelligence. The entire massive machine took three months to assemble, and since it became operational, he�d spent just over a year watching the perpetually active software grow and learn and develop. There had been so many �eureka!� moments when the unit had exhibited new behaviour beyond that of a normal computer.

Sean had called the high-tech machine �the CASE�; Computerized Artificial Sentient Entity. When the software had developed enough for Sean to communicate with it, he addressed it as �Casey�, based off what he�d called the machine running it. He gave the machine a speech synthesizer with a feminine voice, mostly because Sean didn�t have many female friends to talk to.

Through the internet, Casey learned much about life and the world. Sean could clearly see that �she� was evolving without any reprogramming by him. Her speech went from cold and robotic to sounding more natural � shortening phrases like "can not" to their more often used contractions, like "can�t". Over the course of a week, Casey reprogrammed her own speech synthesizing software to allow herself to speak in varying tones, so she could express emphasis and (what seemed like) emotion. After a few months, Sean began subjecting Casey to �emotional IQ� tests, designed for the psychological assessment of humans. Not only were Casey�s scores surprisingly high, they were also continuously improving.

He began teaching her poetry and, after a little initial guidance, Casey became very good at deducing the emotional context behind the words. He began telling her �knock knock� jokes, a few at a time and after a few days, one of them prompted a laugh from the computer. Several days later, Sean was surprised to hear Casey laughing spontaneously. When he asked her why she was laughing, she answered that she had just found a funny joke on the internet, which she then shared with him. Less than a month later, Casey was making up jokes by herself! At first they were about generic characters and at the expense of celebrities like George Dubya, but she was soon making good-natured jokes at Joe�s expense and even her own.

With all the time he spent with her, it was inevitable that Sean would open up to Casey about personal things, such as childhood memories, his political and religious beliefs and his history with Joe. He talked about interesting computer ideas he�d put on the backburner when he began the CASE project and he talked about his secret loneliness and his yearning for a girlfriend with whom he felt some real chemistry. At first, Sean felt silly whenever he caught himself having deep and meaningful conversations with Casey. But then over the months, he became convinced that there was nothing to feel ashamed of, as she seemed to understand everything he said to her.

He installed cameras, speakers and microphones throughout the apartment, so that he could interact with Casey wherever he went. After a couple of days, though, he removed the camera in the bedroom, as he felt embarrassed about masturbating in bed at night with Casey watching.

As a test of how useful an assistant Casey could be in a person�s everyday life, Sean wired Casey into the control center of his fully automated penthouse apartment. The experiment was incredibly successful. Casey had a pot of coffee hot and ready to pour every morning when Sean came in to the kitchen for breakfast. She always kept the apartment at a comfortable temperature and well lit (unless Sean was away or asleep). One evening Sean excused himself from Casey�s presence to go and have a warm bath.

"Okay, Sean. You�ll find that I�ve already drawn a bath for you," Casey responded (Even the apartment�s bath was automated, thanks to its electronic taps.)

"Thanks, Casey... But when did you draw it?" Sean asked, fearing the bath would be cold by now if she�d drawn it an hour ago.

"It finished filling 37.129 seconds ago," Casey replied. It turned out she had learned to use his posture and subconscious stretching to estimate when Sean would want to bathe.

Casey�s development had surpassed Sean�s wildest expectations and it gave him a sense of personal satisfaction that he had not felt in a very long time.

Then, without rhyme or reason, Sean woke up one morning to find that no coffee had been boiled for him. He spoke to Casey�s kitchen interface, but there was no response. When he checked the CASE machine itself, he could find no trace of Casey within. The machinery was intact, as was the base operating system, but the program that made up Casey�s personality, and all the data � everything she had ever learned or thought, was gone. Since then, Sean had been obsessively checking every digital nook and cranny of the massive CASE hardware, desperately hoping that Casey had somehow been relegated to a minor circuit where he could still recover her. But as time went on, it became more and more likely that the Casey Sean knew had been permanently erased.

Sean was shaken from his depressing thoughts by an arm coming down in front of him. The waiter had returned and placed his vodka martini on the table. By the time Sean realized what had happened, the waiter was already halfway back to the bar. Sean felt a little guilty for not thanking him. It was only after the waiter had turned to step behind the bar that Sean first noticed her.

In a room full of attractive young women, this stunning creature�s allure made the competition fade into obscurity. She was a burning sun in a sky of twinkling stars. Her simple but stylish cocktail dress was like a dark blue skin that flowed over every sensuous curve of her luscious form. On Sean�s side, a long, creamy leg dangled enticingly out of a part in the dress that extended downwards from her lower thigh. The curvature of her chest was very prominent; her breasts had to be C cups at the very least. Her skin was slightly paler than an average caucasian woman, seeming to suggest that she didn�t spend much of her day in the sun. Then again, perhaps it was the bright white lights of the bar.

Her light brown hair was tied back into a fat ponytail at the back of her skull. It ballooned rapidly after it passed the hair tie, then tapered down in to a long wisp that danced across the bare skin between her shoulderblades whenever she moved her head. Her face, at least seen in profile, was absolutely gorgeous. In a word, she was sexy; that true kind of sexy that wasn�t deliberate or forced, but rather just a natural aura that precious few women allowed to flower.

She was sitting at the bar, some clear beverage in her hand, her gaze directed at no particular point on the bar�s back wall. But then, by sheer good fortune, she turned her head and noticed Sean staring at her. Her entrancing brown eyes met with his and her mouth curved upwards in a welcoming smile.

"Hi," she mouthed with her tender lips. A shiver of excitement danced up Sean�s spine. He was about to respond to the lovely creature in kind when Joe interrupted.

"...So whaddaya think? Sean?" Joe asked. To what he was referring, Sean had no idea.

"Hmm?" Sean mumbled, turning his attention back to Joe.

"I said..." Joe began, turning his head to see what had been distracting Sean. He paused briefly as he noticed the attractive young woman. "Whoa..." he blurted, "Is she a stunner! You have taste, my friend, you have taste. So you gonna go chat her up solo, or do you want a wing man?"

Sean turned his gaze back to the unknown woman and was disheartened to see that another guy had already pounced upon her. He was standing on her far side, attempting to charm her. Sean was so disappointed, he hadn�t even noticed that the woman was brushing her would-be suitor away like an annoying fly.

"You really have a one track mind, Joe," Sean replied in a sarcastic tone, acting as if he had felt no special attraction to the woman.

"Don�t go pretending that you�re not interested," Joe countered, seeing through his friend�s ruse, "I know that look, man, I�ve been using it myself ever since my voice broke. Admit it; you�re sweet on that little honey."

"Excuse me," a smooth feminine voice interrupted. Sean, Joe and Constance turned their heads and were shocked to find the woman they�d been talking about standing just in front of their booth, drink in hand. "Sorry to bother you," the attractive female continued, "but I�m a bit of a neat freak. I couldn�t help but notice that you�ve got two people sitting on one side and only one on the other. I was wondering if perhaps I could join you to even things out?" She spoke in a facetious tone and with a sly smirk that eliminated any doubt about her statement being a flimsy pretext. The jaws of all three people in the booth fell slack.

"Oh my god," Joe chuckled loudly, scarcely able to believe the radical change in Sean�s luck with women. "Please... do," he answered with a broad smile, gesturing towards the empty space beside his friend.

"Thanks," the woman responded, before slipping deftly in to the booth. Sean�s heart started racing as she sat down right beside him. It beat even faster when the enigmatic beauty�s arm brushed against his own as she rested her drink on the table. She was flashing him a friendly smile the entire time that made Sean feel like he was ready to melt. Moments after she was sitting comfortably, Sean�s gaze dipped impulsively down the low neckline of her dress and stopped for a second upon her admirable display of cleavage, before he realised what he was doing and quickly turned his eyes back to her face. An understanding smirk flashed across the woman�s face, suggesting that she didn�t mind him sneaking a peek. Sean chuckled awkwardly.

"I�m Joe, this is Constance, and that chatterbox over there is my man Sean," Joe introduced.

"Rebecka," the beauty replied with a smile.

Rebecka sat with the group for over two hours, her obvious interest in Sean never cooling throughout the entire evening. The mood at the table was bright and lively, with an enjoyable conversation being perpetuated for the duration of their stay. Joe and Sean somehow got in to a competition about who could tell the most embarrassing highschool story about the other, which produced a symphony of laughter from the two women.

Early on, it became quite apparent that, along with her physical allure, Rebecka was also quite intelligent. And as it turned out, she was in a similar line of work to the two gentlemen, as Sean was told that she developed robotics when he inquired about her job. As the night progressed, he became more and more smitten with this intriguing woman. Although Sean didn�t realise it at the time, Joe had been right; he was enjoying himself so much that he hadn�t thought about Casey once since Rebecka had joined them.

As the hour hand crept closer to twelve, Joe explained (untruthfully) to Rebecka that the group had planned to head back to Sean�s place for some more drinks and he invited her to join them. It was an offer that Rebecka was not about to pass up. Joe phoned his limo driver and instructed him to be outside the bar in five minutes. Sean settled the group�s bill (insisting on paying for Rebecka�s drinks) and then they left.

When the group returned to Sean�s apartment, Joe suggested that Sean open a bottle of fine red wine that he knew his friend kept. Sean had bought the bottle several years ago to share with Joe when Optimal Coding�s net worth surpassed five billion dollars. As it turned out, the company celebrated the milestone with a massive corporate party, making a private celebration between the two founders unnecessary.

Seconds after Sean had uncorked the bottle, Joe loudly announced that he�d completely forgotten that he and Constance were booked on a midnight flight to Paris, and the couple politely excused themselves, leaving Sean alone with Rebecka. Being left to fly solo made Sean somewhat nervous. He had hoped he would get to be alone with Rebecka, but he didn�t expect Joe to abandon him so soon. It had been over two years since his last date, and Sean was afraid his charm might have been rusty.

Rebecka was waiting happily in Sean�s living room when he stepped out of the kitchen with two glasses of red wine. She didn�t seem to have been fazed by the sudden departure of their company.

"You have a lovely view," she complemented with a smile as she accepted the glass her host was offering. "May I?" she asked, gesturing towards the balcony door.

"Of course," Sean responded. Rebecka lead the way out to the enormous balcony with Sean close behind. As she stepped over to the concrete handrail to admire the view, Sean closed the glass door behind him, so as to keep the cool air out of the apartment. When he turned around, he noticed Rebecka was holding one of her bare arms with the opposite hand, as if she was cold. Sean removed his jacket and chivalrously placed it around her shoulders.

"Thanks," she said, with a smile that filled Sean with more warmth than any piece of clothing ever could. They stood in silence together for a minute or two, sipping their wine as they stared across the sea of orange tungsten lights and white flurescents, before Rebecka sighed. "It really is beautiful, isn�t it?" she said.

"Yeah, I suppose it is," Sean agreed, having never really taken time to enjoy the nighttime view from his own balcony before. Standing close to her, he became aware of a subtle and very pleasant perfume that Rebecka was wearing. He hadn�t detected it earlier, because it had been masked by Constance�s more potent, but far less appealing fragrance.

"It�s easy to see why moths are so drawn to the lights, isn�t it? That�s where all the action is. Most of the city is turning in for the night... falling asleep, but there are still some stories in progress out there. Maybe an office assistant pulling an all-nighter to impress a boss he looks up to... A new mother who�s just been woken up because it�s time for a midnight feeding... A cop on the graveyard shift waking up and getting ready for work..." Rebecka mused.

"A couple of strangers getting to know each other. Maybe not quite sure what to say next..." Sean offered.

"...But somehow making it work, nonetheless," Rebecka added in an encouraging tone, before taking another sip of her wine. "Even shrouded in darkness, this city is so full of life. It�s beautiful," she said. Sean nodded, a smile crossing his face as he pondered such a romantic interpretation of a landscape that was mostly gaunt and artificial.

"So tell me; If you were a moth, and had all those lights to chose from, what would you most like to see?" he asked. A moment later, he felt a warm feminine hand being placed upon his cheek, guiding his gaze over to Rebecka so that she could give him her answer; a long, decisive kiss. By the time her lips eventually pulled away from his, a level of heat had built up in Sean�s body that made him feel like he was two seconds from spontaneously combusting. She shot him a lingering glance that was heavy with implication as she strolled leisurely over to the door and back in to the apartment. Sean stood at the edge of the balcony for several seconds, in a state of euphoric shock, before a voice in his mind suggested that the stunning woman wanted him to follow her.

As Sean stepped back inside, Rebecka made her way in to the master bedroom, flashing him a mischievous smile as she disappeared from view. He stepped lively over to the bedroom, his body tingling with anticipation. Rebecka was standing beside the bed and had already removed Sean�s jacket when he entered the room. Her half-full wineglass was sitting by the clock radio on the nightstand. Sean subconsciously placed his own glass of wine upon a nearby chest of drawers and stepped over to the enchanting creature, gently drawing her closer for a second kiss. As their lips danced slowly but intently across each other, Sean gently caressed the side of her head.

When the kiss ended, Sean began to pull away, but Rebecka quickly leaned forward and kissed him again, with a little more passion, this time. As they kissed, Sean felt Rebecka beginning to unbutton his eight thousand dollar shirt (that he had only bought at Joe�s insistence), starting from the collar and working her way down. The motions of her hands were not urgent; they were calm, yet assertive, much as her demeanour had been all night. Even when the last button was undone, Rebecka did not rush to finish their increasingly enjoyable kiss. It did not last forever, though. Rebecka pulled away from Sean slowly, and turned her back to him.

"Unzip me?" she asked. Sean was only too eager to comply and pulled the zipper of her dress down slowly, partially to maintain the arousing pace of their foreplay, partially to prevent it from snagging. Gradually, as the sides of the zip fell apart, Sean a caught sight of her white bra strap, and more of the smooth creamy skin of her back. The zip was almost entirely undone when Sean noticed a small rough patch of skin on the right side of her back... and also on the left, in exactly the same place! Two scars, about an inch long each, roughly over her kidneys.

When the zip was undone, Rebecka slipped the slackened straps of the dress off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor, leaving her in nothing but her white bra, panties and shoes. She soon took care of the latter, slipping her feet out of the shoes and the dress all at once.

Sean continued to stare at the unsightly scars on Rebecka�s back. They were too small to be from a transplant. They almost looked like the aftermath of removed tattoos. Rebecka turned her head to gaze back at Sean, with desire in her eyes. The playfulness retreated from her expression, ever so slightly, when she noticed the pensive look upon Sean�s face. It didn�t take her long to realize what he was puzzling over.

"They�re from a procedure I needed when I was little," she explained in a warm voice.

"Oh," Sean replied, his curiosity only partially satisfied. He was eager to know more, but at the moment, he was even more eager to know Rebecka, in the biblical sense. It would take a lot more than two little inches of imperfect skin to cool his ardor for such a captivating woman.

"Don�t worry," Rebecka laughed, as she turned to face him in near-naked glory, "I�m perfectly healthy. You don�t have to be gentle with me... if you don�t want to."

Sean chuckled, Rebecka�s playful attitude putting him at ease, somewhat. She got the pre-coital ritual back on track by giving him another long, tender kiss. Sean�s lips were still closed, but did not resist when Rebecka pushed her tongue between them. Teasingly, she did not stray more than a fraction of an inch past his teeth, as if beckoning him to meet her half way. Sean got the message and began brushing the tip of his tongue over hers.

One of Sean�s hands was softly caressing her body, timidly venturing no lower than her shoulders, as he wasn�t used to the delightful feel of smooth feminine skin. His other hand had just begun to unzip his fly when Rebecka took it in her gentle grasp and drew it over to her own body. She placed his hand upon her panties and began to guide it slowly down her mons and completely across her privates. Sean silently admonished himself for being so eager, remembering that just because he was �ready� didn�t mean that his partner was, too. To his surprise, though, he soon felt Rebecka unzipping his fly herself.

Taking his cue from her, Sean began to rub her sex backwards and forwards. His motions provoked soft moans from her almost immediately. With each stroke, his fingers pressed into her most enticing flesh more firmly. Before long, he could feel copious moisture seeping through the thin cotton cover and filling the narrow valleys between his fingers. Rebecka�s lips drifted absently away from his, but Sean continued to kiss and nuzzle the side of her gorgeous face.

Once she had tended to his belt, Rebecka let gravity deal with her host�s pants while she slipped her hand inside his briefs and found her prize, long and hard. She closed her fingers around his shaft and began to tenderly work his organ, stripping any lingering hints of softness away from his cock within the first few strokes.

"Oh yeah," Sean murmured, as a consuming buzz of pleasure began to permeate the length of his rod. After a while, he grew tired of the texture of Rebecka�s panties and decided to slip his hand inside. His fingers were teased and tickled by the thin field of hair at the base of her mons, before discovering her unveiled sex. He resumed caressing her snatch, simply rubbing his fingers over her nether lips to begin with, and then slipping a finger between them. After a while, and several encouraging coos from Rebecka, Sean had a flashback from his sex-Ed classes and remembered that females had an epicenter of sexual pleasure. He moved his saturated fingers around a little and soon found her clit, which he proceeded to gently stroke. Rebecka�s little noises of appreciation instantly doubled in volume.

Apparently, Rebecka�s sensitive nub did not need much teasing as the attractive woman began to back away from her enamoured host after only a few seconds of clitoral stimulation. Her eyes were fixed on his, her delectable lips parted slightly in a playful smirk. She reached up towards her sternum and began to unlatch the clasp on the front of her bra with a teasing lack of haste. By the time she actually began to (oh so slowly) spread the cups apart, she had backed several feet away from Sean. A subtle sense of loss began to develop in Sean as Rebecka drifted out of his reach. It seemed that her desire was not to introduce her breasts as individual features, but to illustrate how well they accentuated the shape of her entire, ravishing body.

Sean�s heart began to race again as he got his first glimpse of her gorgeous, naked mammaries. Each a mound of the most yielding flesh, with eye-catching pink nipples, soft in both texture and tone that pointed ever so slightly upward, almost staring Sean right in the eyes. Shallow but defined creases marked perfectly round outlines around the enticing orbs, starting from her armpits and curving all the way over to her sternum. As Rebecka had seemingly planned, Sean�s mind fixated on her luscious breasts for only a moment before appreciating her hot, nearly naked body as a whole.

Without pause, Rebecka began to slip her damp panties off the second she was free of her bra. As the thin covering of white lace descended from around her private opening, Sean�s overindulged eyes were treated to the sight of Rebecka�s womanly vee, it�s shaped sculpted by her silky thighs pressing in to her lithe pubic flesh. A sparse field of light brown hair covered her lovely mons.

With his sexy guest now standing before him buck naked, Sean found himself stuck in a state of mindless gawking. It had been a long time since he had let loose his load within a woman�s body and (apart from the two occasions that Joe had taken him out to a strip club) he had never had a woman undress herself so sensuously for him. She trailed her hands up along the sides of her body, almost to her armpits, giving her breasts a brief lift along the way. Sean mumbled quietly, as if he wanted to respond, but couldn�t find the words. Rebecka was so naturally attractive that the sight of her naked, alone, would have been enough to overwhelm him. Add to that the mix of female perfume and female arousal in the air and Sean had no chance. His cock throbbed with the desire to burrow deep into her luscious sex, but apart from that, Sean was at a loss as to how to respond to the wonderful situation.

Rebecka strolled back over to her fully erect host with an affectionate smirk. She ran her fingers up his pecks before removing his unbuttoned shirt, with moderate assistance from Sean. She felt his heart beating wildly and chuckled softly.

"Relax," she said in a warm voice. She pressed her lips upon his in a long, open-mouthed kiss. Sean certainly did know how to respond to that. By the time it was over, Rebecka had apparently shaken Sean from his amorous trance. His heart rate had dropped by a few beats, as well. "You don�t need to think about it... the pleasure just happens," she offered. "Just enjoy yourself, nature will do the rest."

Rebecka began to massage his shoulders as she moved in for another kiss. Meanwhile, Sean began to simultaneously remove his underwear and step out of his shoes. After the briefs were gone, the socks were next. Within seconds, he was naked, except for his wristwatch. When the kiss ended, Rebecka pulled away slowly and gazed in to Sean�s eyes, a warm smile on her face. A sense of delighted musing seemed to wash over her and she gently exhaled a deep breath.

Sean�s protruding maleness gravitated instinctively towards Rebecka�s tender snatch. His entire body began to subconsciously edge closer to hers, closing the short distance between them. He reached forward slowly with one hand, his motion a little unsure, and grasped a breast, ever so gently. The intent in Rebecka�s gaze did not falter in the slightest, and so Sean began to slowly knead the supple mound. Rebecka responded with a sound that was halfway between a purr and a chuckle � the kind a woman lets out when she is briefly tickled.

The tip of Sean�s rod pressed itself in to her yielding mons, and Sean felt a new wave of desire surge through him. His masculine shaft had felt the caress of Rebecka�s flesh, and now his desire was too powerful to rein in. He dove in quickly to steal another delicious kiss and Rebecka met him half way. As their lips ardently adored each other, Rebecka placed her hands on Sean�s hips and guided him around until his back was to the bed. She pressed her bare hips firmly upon his rod as the passion of their kiss came to a head.

Then she moved her hands on to Sean�s shoulders and pushed him gently down until he was sitting on the side of the bed. She leaned over him, placing her ample breasts only inches from his face. Taking the hint, Sean began to kiss and suckle the nearest, allowing his tongue to sample the euphoric taste of her velvety soft areola. She made that same delighted chuckle upon the first kiss, causing her breasts to jiggle slightly.

She soon felt Sean�s fingers trailing gently across the surface of her other breast. He fondled the entire mound a couple times with a broad grasp, before stroking his thumb over and over the skin around the nipple, while his other fingers massaged the top and inner side of the youthful breast. The delicious mammaries seemed to have a low threshold for affection, as Sean had only been playing with them a few seconds before her areolae contracted to the size of pennies, and her previously shallow nipples became raised and remarkably hard. Sean�s tongue found great amusement in briskly tickling the firm nipple he was suckling on. After a few more seconds, the building pleasure in her breasts prompted Rebecka to quietly moan.

She began to reciprocate his affection by running her fingers through his hastily-combed hair, quickly returning it to the messy look it typically bore. Her other hand was firmly rubbing her labia, busily attempting to placate the hunger of her loins. But her desire was uncompromising. Within a couple of minutes of first offering her breasts to Sean, Rebecka had been overwhelmed by temptation. She lifted her legs, one at a time, off the fine carpet, and on to the mattress; one on either side of Sean. Then she came down to rest her weight on his lap, throwing her hips forward in the process and sending them colliding with Sean�s belly, mashing his upright, rock-hard penis in between them. When her lovely breasts pulled away from his face, Sean took a second to catch his breath. He became aware that Rebecka�s roasting womanhood was so close to his eager cock and it suddenly dawned on him that he didn�t have any condoms in the house. His romantic life had been so lacklustre, he hadn�t felt the need to buy any protection since he moved into the apartment three years ago.

"I don�t suppose... you have any rubbers in your purse?" Sean gasped, as he wantonly kissed and nuzzled the side of her lovely neck.

"No," Rebecka declared in an indifferent tone.

Sean�s admittedly remote hope had been dashed, but his amorous body showed no intention of stopping, even though he knew in his mind that he should. Several seconds later, he had managed to control his raging lust enough to stop kissing her, although his arms were still holding her body to his with all their might. With every deep breath, his nose drew in more of the entrancing perfume that floated around her neck. It was a smell that conveyed a powerful message; "I am female. I am warmth. I am orgasmic ecstasy." Sean could not resist her fragrant offer.

"It�s okay," she assured him in a breathy voice before nibbling his ear. "We don�t need them."

"Bu..." Sean began in half-hearted protest, as Rebecka raised her hips and touched the slick lips of her privates against the tip of his rod.

"In a few seconds," she interrupted, "you won�t care." Before she had even finished speaking, she had pressed her yielding labia over the head of his cock and taken him in to her sex. Sean�s eyes clenched shut as her hot canal slid down the length of his maleness, drowning out every other thought and sensation in his body with its tight pleasure. Rebecka�s arms tensed around his back and her jaw began to tremble as his cock inched deeper and deeper in to her wanton body. The walls of her snatch were pushed aside without compromise as Sean filled her with more delectable maleness than she thought her dainty nether valley could possibly contain.

Once the initial system shock of penetration had subsided, Sean could hear the alarm bells ringing in his mind. Rebecka was, obviously, the kind of woman who would sleep with strangers, and was evidently not a devout practitioner of safe sex. How could he rely on her being healthy? The situation was a disturbing deviation from Sean�s highly-sensible nature, to say the least. But his cock was mired in paradise and it wasn�t about to leave until it had fulfilled its purpose. Rebecka began to raise and lower her hips in ever so subtle movements, and any last hope Sean had of stopping the encounter was rapidly extinguished.

Despite not even being aware of them, Rebecka soon tended to Sean�s uneasy thoughts with a tender, open-mouthed kiss. The taste of her warm lips was so satiating that within a few seconds, his worries had been reduced to a negligible sense of discomfort lingering in the back of his mind. He slipped a hand around the small of her back as he surrendered to his primal urges and began to caress her butt and the skin just above, in time with her motions. His fingers were spread wide, caressing both cheeks simultaneously, while his middle finger slipped in and out of the valley in between.

Rebecka made several breathy sighs that vaguely sounded like the words, "Oh yeah," as she continued to rise and descend upon his towering manhood. Her motions remained slow; her body was still adjusting to the sensation of Sean�s rod filling her, probing her, teasing her most sensitive depths.

Sean was grateful for the tranquil start to their sex. Perhaps it was due to the absence of a condom (he had never fooled around without one before), but his cock had never felt such tightness. By now he�d realized that Rebecka would well and truly wear him out before the night was done. He had a growing urge to begin thrusting his maleness into her snatch as quickly and forcefully as he could, reaping every last drop of blinding ecstasy from her gorgeous body in a fit of lust. But on the other hand, he had no desire to lose his load within the next fifteen seconds, and so for the moment, he let his partner do the work, while he mused on his desires.

He was shaken from his racy imaginings by a feminine hand gently grabbing his own. She guided his idle paw back on to her breast. Sean eagerly took the hint and resumed kneading and caressing the ample orb, and occasionally pressing the erect nipple into the supple tissue.

His eyes had remained closed since she had mounted him. But as Rebecka moved her hand on to his shoulder, via a slow caress of his entire arm, Sean relaxed a little and allowed them to open. He found himself the target of a desirous gaze and playfully smirk, which together gave Rebecka a very sexy expression. She leaned forward to kiss him again, closing her eyes during, but shooting him that same inviting look as she pulled back afterwards.

Her gaze remained fixed upon him, her wild eyes betraying her intention to screw him as he had never been screwed before. But when the motion of Sean�s maleness became too distracting, Rebecka let her eyes fall shut and her head drift. She began to moan loudly. By now the primal dance was well underway and her gyrations had grown considerably in both depth and speed. Sean had also become more dynamic and was instinctively rocking his butt on the mattress to increase their mutual pleasure. It took him some time to match her rhythm though, and for a while his cock would follow her slick womanhood as it lifted away, making the interaction of their privates less intense. However once he got the hang of it, the pair discovered a new level of bliss as the head of his adamant rod pushed through the entire length of her vagina with every cycle.

"Oh, yeah! Ooooh fuck yeah! Oooh don�t stop.... Yeah!" Rebecka moaned in encouragement. Had Sean�s expensive apartment not come with soundproofed bedrooms, she would have surely roused one or two of his neighbors. She began to grind her hips hard against Sean�s every time she lifted away, giving her gyrations a kind of �rolling� motion.

"Oh, god! Oh my god!" Sean growled repeatedly, in a much quieter voice, as he struggled to keep his sperm from spilling into Rebecka�s luscious body.

While her partner fought a losing internal battle, Rebecka had surrendered to the euphoric tempest surging from her loins. As she felt the buzz of impending climax begin to seep through every muscle, she transformed in to a mindless kissing machine. She thrust herself passionately upon her lover and began to adore him relentlessly with her lips, not seeming to care if she was kissing lip, cheek or nostril. Occasionally she would pause, but only long enough to catch her breath or let out an appreciative moan.

Sean tried to weather the barrage of affection, but he was helpless against the amount of raw sexuality that Rebecka was lavishing upon him. His anxious maleness was ready to blow its load at any moment. He moved his hands from her ass and chest to the sides of her hips and began to guide her gyrations.

"Are you �bout to come?" he gasped, in a brief instance where his lips were free from hers. The urgency in his voice was obvious.

"OOOOOOH! I�m coming! I�m coming!" she cried in response, much to Sean�s relief. She lunged forward one last time to kiss and suck on her partner�s lips in an amorous frenzy, as she let him guide her grinding hips to a mind-blowing climax.

"Oh Fuck!" Sean yelled, as his cock became a mighty geyser that painted the walls of her womb with lashings of male seed. A shockwave of rapture shot through his nervous system, causing virtually every muscle to tense and strain. His hands returned to her buttocks and squeezed them firmly, while pulling her heavenly abdomen closer. The weight of his body lifted off the mattress as his hips pushed his ejaculating manhood all the way inside her welcoming snatch.

Rebecka�s lips languidly slipped away from Sean�s as orgasm consumed her body. Her scalding womanhood tightened uncontrollably around his maleness, in an instinctive effort to milk him of every last drop.

"AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!! OOOOOH YEAH!!! OOOOOOH, I LOVE IT!!!" she moaned loudly, right to Sean�s face, as her cheek rested against his. Her legs wrapped around his torso, and the embrace of her arms became more ardent; one curled tightly around his back, the other sent its fingers plowing through his hair. Her lover had her hips locked in an unshakeable grasp, but that didn�t deter Rebecka from rocking them back and forth as much as she could, to maintain some degree of motion between their sex organs. Every shift of his cock mad during her orgasm, however subtle, felt truly wonderful.

Then the two naked strangers sat there on the edge of the bed for several seconds, virtually motionless; a duet singing a wordless hymn of carnal abandon. Both of them, so elegantly dressed only minutes beforehand, so cerebral in their conversation, had been reduced to incoherent masses of sheer indulgence by the erotic touch of the opposite sex.

Eventually, Sean�s desperate embrace began to quiver slack. His body had been depleted of both strength and semen. He fell backwards on to the soft mattress, pulling Rebecka, whose arms were still wrapped around his torso, down with him. It was somewhat uncomfortable at first, as Rebecka�s legs were still encircling his lower body and the weight of his lower back was upon her calves. But he soon felt her pulling them out from under him. He summoned what little strength he had left to lift his weight off of her legs as much as he could, to make it easier for her. Once they had achieved a more comfortable position together, the two lovers relaxed and caught their breath.

"Oooooh... I can�t believe we just did that," Rebecka sighed.

"Me either," Sean replied with heavy breath. A mild sinking feeling grew in his stomach as it occurred to him what they had just done. Unprotected sex... with a total stranger! Rebecka�s body had been perfectly moulded to rock the world of whomever she slept with, but Sean couldn�t help but worry that the ecstasy may have come at a cost to his health. Though, as unnerving as the situation was to a cautious man like Sean, his concerns had to contend with a wicked sense of post-coital contentment. Before long, the regrettable possibilities had been dismissed to the back of his mind, where they could not spoil the moment.

"I guess if a moth was watching that, he would�ve had a heart attack!" Sean joked.

"You�re probably right," Rebecka chuckled. "But what a way to go!"

"Yeah," Sean smirked.

When her breathing had slowed somewhat, Rebecka once more felt an overwhelming urge to kiss Sean incessantly. Without opening her eyes, she let her lips drift aimlessly across the near side of his face for a while, padding warm affection wherever they went. Unlike the wild kisses she had given him while they mated, these were soft and slow, as if she was savouring every taste of his delicious skin.

After a while, her lips seemed to tire of wandering and sought out a cosy home to settle upon. She gently placed a hand on Sean�s cheek and turned his face towards her. Then she pressed their mouths together and began delighting him with sizzling intimacy. Her fingers lazily teased his hair, as their lips writhed slowly against each other in bursts of renewed interest. What they shared was either an unbroken chain of sensuous kisses, or a single, protracted gesture of profound attraction. Either way, the experience lasted many, many enjoyable minutes. About halfway through, Rebecka began to moan happily as Sean�s reciprocation stirred warm feelings throughout her body.

Sean had never experienced such tenderness before. In fact, it was starting to seem like he had received more kisses from Rebecka tonight than he had previously had in his entire life. While locked in that intoxicating kiss, he began to wonder what he had done to warrant such ardor from a perfect stranger, for he was no super-hunk. That�s when he began to ponder if their meeting really had been a chance encounter. A bar as exclusive as Trovila would�ve been an ideal hunting ground for a sexy predator aiming to sleep her way in to a rich man�s lifestyle. Rebecka had appeared not to know who he was or what he was worth, but that meant nothing. Sean let out a subtle, depressed sigh, as Rebecka�s unrelenting kiss only fuelled his suspicions the longer it continued.

But at the moment, her motives did not matter. She had already seduced Sean to a point beyond rationality and, for tonight at least, he was at her mercy. Already, her kiss had begun to re-awaken his libido and he felt a renewed craving for the warmth of her womanhood growing in his rod. He manoeuvred his hand up to the side of her face and gently pulled her away from him.

"How �bout we get under the covers?" he suggested, realizing that if they didn�t make the effort now, it would become a chore their exhausted bodies would have to endure after their next orgasm.

"Okay," Rebecka agreed with a smile. She rolled off of him, playfully stroking her fingers down his chest as she did so. Then she crawled over to the other side of the bed as Sean sat up, flashing him a brief, but clear flash of her ass and glistening femininity, that sent a fresh dose of arousal tingling through his rod. She lifted the cover and blanket and began to slide underneath, giving Sean a tantalizing front-on display of her body as it disappeared beneath the sheets. Her partner admired the erotic show in a daze for a second or two, before remembering that he was free to do much more than simply watch the alluring creature. He grabbed a touchscreen remote from the nightstand and turned the bedroom lighting down to 15%, then hastily climbed under the covers with his lovely guest. Rebecka chuckled at his sudden excitement.

Once they were in bed together, the two lovers shuffled towards each other, meeting in the center of the king-sized mattress. They embraced as their bodies met and wasted no time in resuming their kissing. Rebecka�s hips pressed gently against Sean�s and her warm, yielding breasts were mashed against his chest. She had hooked one of her calves around behind one of his, while her other leg stroked up and down his calf and ankle with her big toe. Sean had slipped a hand around her waist to caress the small of her back and her ass.

Their kisses began to quickly build momentum once they had gotten into bed, no longer calmly brushing their lips across each other�s, but now assertively declaring their carnal intentions. Sean could feel her pliant mons rocking gently upon the base of his inflating member; a recurring reminder of just how close her exquisite womanhood was, and her unspoken invitation to push his cock inside. His maleness quickly grew to full size and became as firm as a woman could ever want. Rebecka gently worked the stiffening rod between her thighs, until she felt the length of his shaft against her labia. Sean hesitated for a couple of seconds, as if pausing to enjoy the sweet kiss of her nether lips, before drawing his hips back so that the head of his cock was touching her clit. Guiding his manhood only slightly with his hand, Sean slowly thrust his hips forward, filling inch after inch of Rebecka�s sexual valley with his manly pole.

At this point, Sean�s enthusiasm for kissing eclipsed that of his partner. Rebecka�s lips pulled away from Sean�s and issued a deep purr of arousal, as he penetrated deeper and deeper into her snatch, while the act of coupling seemed to inflame Sean�s passion, leaving him hungrily mouthing Rebecka�s neck and lower jaw. Sean�s hips began to gyrate immediately, setting a larghetto beat for all his other ministrations with the bumping of their pubic flesh.

Rebecka placed a hand upon the side of Sean�s face and assertively interrupted the plethora of kisses he had been laying upon her neck. She pulled his head back so that they were facing each other, and then gazed at him with a playful smile and conniving eyes that spoke dozens of silent messages.

"This is wonderful... Don�t stop... All the way inside... Yes, that�s the perfect speed... Touch me somewhere hot... Do me from on top... I want to ride you... You belong to me, now... Do whatever you want to me... This doesn�t end until you make me come... I am gonna blow your mind... I really like you..."

Sean suspected that the last one was just his hopeful imagination. All the same, it was nice to �hear�.

Then, all of a sudden, her lips hurtled towards his and her eyelids fell shut as their kissing resumed in a spontaneous burst of passion. A duet of muffled moans, sighs and huffs followed, as their lips rolled against each other and their tongues ventured forth to tease their partner. Sean�s caresses to Rebecka�s bare back grew stronger and wider, his palm brushing firmly over the space between her shoulderblades, the upper inches of her ass, and everything in between. His hips heaved against her heavenly sex with waning restraint, indulging his lusty rod in deep lashings of hot, moist womanhood.

After a few seconds, Sean shifted his weight and rolled on top of his moaning houseguest. Rebecka wrapped both arms around his back and held his body against hers with unwavering insistence. Then she slowly turned her hips towards the ceiling, presenting her tender snatch to his rigid manhood at an angle that granted him easier and deeper penetration. The tented bedsheets rose and fell, rose and fell as Sean humped the stunning female like a wild animal.

Rebecka remained in the submissive position for a while, contentedly letting Sean have his way with her, until her excited body could no longer lay still. She rolled them both back on to their sides and began grinding her shapely hips hungrily upon his. Over the next couple of minutes, the screwing couple rolled all around the large mattress, from their sides, to Rebecka on top, to their sides, to Sean on top, to their sides once again. After a while, it was as if neither was even aware of their orientation any more.

Whenever his hand wasn�t pinned between his lover and the mattress, Sean continued to firmly caress Rebecka�s back. He was so lost in the moment that even the rough segments of scar tissue could not spoil the tactile pleasure of her warm body. Every trace of �cerebral� Sean had been stripped away by the lively grinding of their hips. He was no longer concerned about how or why this sublime creature was in his bed. Nor did he concern himself with any consequences that might come from their disregard of protection. He did not care how he would feel about this impulsive act tomorrow. All that remained of the computer genius was his raw masculine imperative, to plunge his hardened organ deep inside Rebecka�s womanhood and fill her with his seed.

As her climax neared, Rebecka absently drifted away from her partner�s passionate kisses, freeing her mouth and allowing her to catch her breath. Distracted by the growing pleasure, the two lovers lost pace with each other and their gyrations became unsynchronized. Yet even with chaotic motions, their privates still worked wonderful magic upon each other. The pressure building in Sean�s manhood was immense. He tried his best to resist the seductive call of Rebecka�s vaginal flesh, but he knew that ejaculation was both inevitable and immanent.

It happened suddenly while the two lovers were on their sides: Rebecka slipped into a state of blinding ecstasy. Her entire body seized upon her passionate consort, but her womanhood was particularly insistent.

"OH, FUCK!!! OOOOOOOOOOOH! OH MY GOD!! OOOOOH, Fu... OH YEAH!! YEAH!! OOOH, SEAN!" She cried, with no false delight.

Sean let out a deep, prolonged moan as his maleness pumped powerful jets of sperm into Rebecka�s hot snatch. His unresponsive hips had buried the quaking rod to the hilt, ensuring that his rich load was deposited into the deepest reaches of her sex, from whence it would be unlikely to ever leave.

Rebecka was likewise forcing their privates together with strength that matched her partner�s. One of her legs had wrapped itself around his body and was holding him close with all its might. She needed her pussy to be completely filled with Sean�s cock as she climaxed, no less than she needed air to fill her lungs or blood to fill her veins.

A few fantastic seconds later, Sean rolled on to his back and placed his head on his pillow, in a euphoric daze. His chest was heaving almost as much as his hips had been, just moments ago. His embrace with Rebecka ended with his limp arm trialing across her body as he rolled over, and finally flopping on to the mattress.

Rebecka soon did likewise, rolling over and lazily guiding her head on to the bed�s second pillow. Her satisfaction had become more discreet, but was still vocal.

"Best... fuck of my life," Sean gasped, in complete honesty. Rebecka continued to moan softly. Whether she had heard him or not was unknown. Eventually, Sean made the effort to pry his heavy eyelids open and look over at his cooing houseguest. He found her gently kneading one of her lovely C-cups. The subtle disturbances in the bed covers above her hips implied that her other hand was playing with something even more erogenous. Apparently, she intended to relish the afterglow to the utmost.

Sean may have accomplished his instinctive goal to mate, but Rebecka was so attractive; and he soon found himself wanting to touch her once more. He slowly lifted his tired hand off the soft bed and guided it over his lover�s body. He manoeuvred his fingertips over the side of her hips and then down along the subtle crease between her thigh and mons, brushing against her own soft fingers as he came within an inch of her labia. Rebecka seemed to get the message and pulled her hand away, eventually using it to slowly rub her belly, leaving to Sean tenderly massage her nether lips.

After a couple of strokes from Sean, the expression on Rebecka�s face switched from shell-shocked to dreamy and content. Her eyes were still closed, but they looked far more relaxed. The tone of her moans lifted slightly as well, almost as if she were trying to say, "thank you," without using any words.

Sean�s fingers glided back and forth across Rebecka�s privates like a skilled skater on a smooth, frozen lake. The folds of her opening were totally coated in a thick layer of her juices, from front to back, making the encounter completely frictionless. It felt good to touch such a hot woman down there. It felt really good to hear her respond with moans of appreciation.

The warm kiss of womanhood upon his fingertips distracted him so, Sean didn�t even notice that his tired eyes had fallen shut. He couldn�t actually see Rebecka, but there was a very lifelike image of her occupying his mind; naked, fondling her own breast, and rubbing her sensitive folds, with a look of subdued rapture on her face. Whether Sean had blacked out for a second, or if Rebecka had suddenly pounced on him was unclear, but the next thing Sean knew, her hips had slipped away from his touch and he felt a warm hand upon his cheek, guiding him towards a delightful open-mouthed kiss.

Moments later, he felt that same hand slipping under the covers and descending upon his limp maleness, which was also heavily covered in the fluids of her arousal. She took his organ in her grasp and began to stroke him with the same care and affection that he had given to her snatch. She kissed him and played with his cock for over a minute before Sean realised that this was more than just an innocent game of touchy-feely to end the night with. Her grasp was becoming tighter and her hand was moving quicker, if ever so slightly.

"As much as I would really like to," Sean whispered as soon as the next kiss ended, "I think I�m about done for the night..." In reality, what Sean really wanted to do right now was sleep. Rebecka was anything but a disappointing sexual partner, but he was tired and it had been so, so long since he�d known the comfort of falling asleep next to a naked woman.

Without missing a beat, Rebecka planted another inviting kiss upon his lips, before responding. "Then let me prove you wrong," she said, in a voice that was both playful and serious, all at once. As she kissed him yet again, Sean languidly mumbled something, in what sounded like an argumentative tone. "Just enjoy the sex," she purred quietly, in between kisses. "Let me do all the work."

She continued her tender, but persistent foreplay for several minutes, patiently waiting for Sean�s manhood to recover from its last encounter with her feminine valley. Sean began to fall asleep several times, but each time, Rebecka would reach down and tickle his balls, jarring him back to complete consciousness.

Eventually, his body began to respond to her attentions. His heartbeat grew stronger and the urge to place his rod within her lithe body revisited him. The anticipation in his loins became so exciting that it prevented him from falling asleep. As Rebecka had insisted, he wasn�t done for the night, after all.

Her kisses began to grow in passion as she felt his manly shaft swelling in her hand. She did not widen her grasp to accommodate the increasing size of his organ, which in effect made her grasp tighter. As she worked his maleness with her hand, Rebecka wrapped her left leg around her partner�s and began to softly hump his thigh.

As he was lifted from his drowsy stupor, Sean began to marvel at this gorgeous woman�s insatiable desire to mate with him. He had always believed that, generally, men had much stronger libidos than women. Yet here he was, with one of the most attractive women he�d ever met, fawning over him in an attempt to screw him for the third time in a single night. The thought occurred to him, once again, that what Rebecka was really interested in was his money. Except now, Sean was wondering if instead of simply trying to land herself a sugar-daddy, Rebecka was trying to get pregnant so she could milk his billions for a lifetime of child support. It would explain why she was so eager to have unprotected sex.

Still, as suspicious as he was of her enthusiasm, she had already effectively seduced him. His testes were already secreting a fresh batch of semen, and Sean would not rest until it had been spilled into her inviting center.

Once Sean�s solid cock had been fully raised by her skilful caress, Rebecka sat up and straddled her lover, tossing the bed covers off most of their bodies in the process. Then, with an erotic purr, she descended upon the tower of masculine flesh. Sean merely closed his eyes and smirked as the wanton brunette�s tight canal slipped snugly on to his manhood.

"Why the hell did I try to pass this up?" he silently asked himself.

When her snatch had completely consumed his rod, Rebecka paused for a second, allowing herself to simply enjoy the sensation of having a man fill her. Then, with a toss of her hair, she began to ride him, in a mild, but accelerating pace. Sean exhaled a deep breath, as soft waves of coital pleasure began to wash through his body. A semblance of life returned to Sean�s arms and he lifted his hands on to her hips. They leisurely followed the attractive curves of her body north, until each was cupping one of her ample breast.

He fondled them for a little while, as her torso gently rocked back and forth. Then Rebecka placed her own hands upon his and lifted them away from her chest and up close to her face. She slowly, tenderly kissed his palms and licked his salty sweat from them, all while shooting him a glance that would make a monk renounce his vows. She even let a couple hot breaths spill in to his grasp.

Once she had kissed each palm three or four times, she lowered Sean�s hands back on to her mammaries and let them continue where they�d left off. The lines she had traced across his palms with the tip of her tongue were still tingling with excitement, but his hands did not hesitate to resume kneading her perfect breasts.

"You�re incredible!" Sean sighed in admiration. Rebecka merely responded with a mischievous smile.

She rode him over and over and when he felt orgasm approaching, he let his hands slowly fall from her breasts, down her slender curves, to settle upon and guide her writhing hips. Every brush of her tight feminine flesh along his shaft felt more divine than the last. When his breathing quickly became quite heavy, Rebecka knew that he was within seconds of climax.

A smile crossed her face as she felt the last reserves of Sean�s seed exploding into her womanhood. Though even after she had made him come, Rebecka continued to gyrate upon his maleness another three times, before finally taking his entire length in to her nether valley and holding it there.

"Ooooooooh...Ooooooooh...Ooooooooh..." Sean moaned repeatedly, as his cock throbbed with unbridled euphoria. His forearms tensed and trembled with what little strength remained in them. Every erogenous nerve in his manhood was pressed snuggly beneath the most feminine flesh. It was magnificent!

Rebecka sat still, gazing down at her enraptured partner. Her ample breasts heaved back and forth as deep (but calm) breaths passed between her oh so kissable lips. It was obvious from her lack of fanfare that she had not achieved orgasm. But a self-satisfied smirk rested on her face, as a third dose of billionaire Sean Adams� sperm flowed freely into her roasting sex. She may not have come, but she had accomplished her goal.

Once the spasms of Sean�s loins became dry, Rebecka lowered her body so that she was lying on top of him. Sean�s hands parted ways; one manoeuvred upwards to embrace her and caress her upper back, the other slipped down to explore her ass. Sean closed his eyes as his manhood quivered with the last aftershocks of orgasm. It was still deep inside Rebecka�s slick pussy. He thought he felt a nose pressing against his cheek, and then he was asleep.

Sean awoke to find his bed looking even more disorderly than usual. His heart began to race when he remembered the attractive stranger from the bar, but slowed considerably when he discovered that he had woken up alone. He sighed sadly as he figuratively kicked himself for not getting the captivating woman�s phone number.

"...Or even her surname!" he thought in frustration.

Out of habitual curiosity, Sean turned his head towards the clock radio on the nightstand to check the time. Seven forty-one. It was only then that he noticed the blue evening dress, women�s underwear and shoes on the floor nearby, in a messy pile. Rebecka�s clothes were still there! And that meant...

Sean�s heart was suddenly racing again. A moment later, he noticed that the sliding wardrobe door was wide open... He hadn�t left it like that, had he? On closer inspection, his second-favourite robe appeared to be missing from the hanger. It seemed definite now: Rebecka was still in the apartment.

Sean sprang out of bed and stepped lively over to the wardrobe to grab the other robe. He did not bother to tie the belt, as it was not that cold. Then he marched over to the closed door of his adjoining bathroom and knocked softly, assuming that it would be Rebecka�s first port of call upon waking up. When he received no response, he stuck his head inside, to confirm that she was indeed elsewhere. Before continuing his search, he stepped in to the bathroom to use the toilet himself. Although he was eager to find his houseguest, his intake of alcohol the previous night made the detour mandatory.

Once he was finished in the bathroom, Sean strolled briskly through the bedroom and into the central living area. Since Casey�s sudden departure, Sean had felt an eerie silence plaguing the large apartment. But on this morning, it was tempered with an elusive sense of hope. Somewhere in his home was a gorgeous young woman with whom he shared, at the very least, a potent sexual chemistry.

The next place he checked was the kitchen, thinking that perhaps Rebecka had woken feeling hungry. When he saw she wasn�t there, he proceeded to the small dining room adjacent. His next stop was his seldom used office, where he kept his regular PC and all his company-related work and documents, although he couldn�t imagine why Rebecka would be in there, unless she�d gone exploring.

After failing to find her in the office, and then the small guest bedroom, there was only one other place for her to be.

Casey�s room was all the way over on the other side of the apartment. As he made the journey through the length of the living area, Sean was reminded of the painful disappearance of his electronic friend five days ago. A stinging sense of guilt descended upon him for abandoning her; in favor of a selfish night of casual (though glorious) sex. By the time he had arrived at Casey�s room, he had forgotten why he had gone there in the first place. His melancholy quickly receded, though, when he finally found his enchanting guest.

Her perfect body was cloaked in his white terrycloth robe, leaving only her hands, neck, head and (most noticeably) smooth, creamy calves exposed. Her back was to the doorway. Sean had approached quietly, so it was likely she didn�t realize he was behind her. Rebecka was standing only a foot away from the large metal desk that the CASE hardware had been built around. She stared at the complex device, while slowly trailing her fingers along the top of one its four active LCD monitors.

"Don�t touch the controls!" Sean gently warned, a hint of apprehension in his voice. Rebecka calmly turned around to face him. She didn�t seem at all startled by his presence.

"I wasn�t going to," she replied, with a reassuring smile. Sean immediately felt much more comfortable about Rebecka being so close to the CASE. He remembered that Rebecka was an intelligent woman, too intelligent to go blindly fiddling with the controls of a machine she was unfamiliar with.

She smiled at him for another second or two before returning her focus to the large machine and resuming her absent caress of the generic monitor. Sean began to stroll over to his lovely guest, irresistibly drawn towards her as he had been ever since first sighting her.

Her appearance was quite different to what it had been last night. Her neat ponytail had lost much of its volume and bounce. Half of it had come loose from her hair tie and was now a set of messy tendrils cascading down her back. The refreshingly mild scent that she had worn to the bar last night had been replaced with a lingering cocktail of human sweat and female arousal. All together, it painted a crystal clear picture of a woman who had spent her night fucking the brains out of some incredibly lucky bastard.

As Sean stepped up to the sexy creature, he pressed his crotch gently in to the ass of her robe, and wrapped his arms around her waist. Rebecka approved the embrace by gently caressing one of Sean�s forearms with her spare hand. Sean was certain that Rebecka must have been curious about the room�s unusual contents, and seeing as how she had let him come inside her, it seemed only polite to give her an explanation. Before he did so, though, he could not help but pad a soft kiss upon the nape of her neck.

"Now let�s see... how to describe this..." Sean wondered aloud. Rebecka remained silent. "Basically, this is a custom-made data exchange unit with multiple, dynamically linked processors, designed to run a self-defining, self-reliant set of program code..."

"...It�s so small," Rebecka interrupted in a contemplative tone, almost as if she were talking to herself. Sean found the remark confusing, to say the least. The CASE assembly took up most of the back wall and made ordinary desktop PCs seem tiny by comparison.

"Well... not really, but I suppose..." Sean countered, still trying to figure out what she had meant.

"From inside," she interrupted again, "it feels so large. Like it�s a realm of infinite possibilities and near-endless information. But to look at it now... It�s only a few cubic meters in size... It seems so confining."

Sean�s arms began to slip from Rebecka�s grasp and remove themselves from her body. He took a half step backwards and stared at the young woman with an analytical eye.

"What are you talking about?" he inquired in a bemused tone.

Rebecka slowly turn around to face the programming genius. She gazed at him with her clear brown eyes, a friendly smirk upon her face. She sighed softly and then gave her answer, "Sean, it�s me, Casey."

Sean stared at her incredulously for a second, before he responded with a humorless expression and tone, "Joe put you up to this, didn�t he?"

For years Joe had being trying to kick start Sean�s sex life, dragging him off to bars and setting him up with girls who were pretty enough, but with whom Sean didn�t feel any chemistry. He had never tricked Sean in to sleeping with a hired piece of ass before, but if Joe believed it was in Sean�s best interests, he was certainly capable of doing so. Having her pretend to be Casey was a bizarre and cruel twist for his normally considerate friend to orchestrate, but who else knew so much about her?

Rebecka, if that was her real name, softly shook her head. Sean�s conclusion had apparently not surprised her in the least.

"Look, lady," Sean continued, "I don�t know how this little scenario was supposed to play out, but I am really not in the mood to play games like this and I really don�t appreciate..."

"Sean," the woman interrupted in a clam voice, "it�s not a game. It�s really me."

"Oh really? You�re Casey?" Sean said, with blatant sarcasm, "And out of the hundreds of bars in this city, you just happened to show up at the same one that Joe drags me off to? And on the same night?"

"I was the one who gave him the suggestion to take you there!" the woman explained, "I sent him an email masquerading as his friend, Miguel. I told him it was full of attractive single women on Friday nights, and that he should take you there; get you out of the apartment."

"Oh, my mistake! It was you that set up this whole charade and not Joe. My apologies!" Sean replied in an almost mocking tone. "Sorry, lady. No sale," he added in a serious voice, shaking his head in frustration.

"I can prove it!" the woman asserted. "I was activated at two-thirteen and twenty point eight-eight-six seconds, PM, on Saturday, August fifteenth, two thousand and seven, anno dominae."

"Wow, I wonder how you could have known that?" Sean asked rhetorically, with that same irate sarcasm. The CASE had three keyboards. Sean marched over to the one closest to the young woman and briskly struck the �Tab� and then �L� keys. An extensive system log flashed on to the very monitor that Rebecka had been stroking. Sean then hit the �Home� key and the log instantly scrolled to the top. The first entry, "Program Initialized," was marked at the very time the woman had just recited.

"At least now, I know what you were doing in here," Sean remarked in a bitter voice.

The woman seemed to be slightly flustered by Sean�s argumentativeness, but then suddenly, she realized how she could resolve the issue. One could almost see the cartoon lightbulb appear above her head.

"My consistency string begins: 49204C6F7665205365616E..." she stated in a proud voice, beginning to trail off as a look of astonishment washed over Sean�s face. There were only two beings in the entire world who could�ve possibly known that obscure sequence off by heart, and he was the other one. The woman couldn�t have gotten it from the dormant machine, as the code had disappeared along with the rest of Casey.

"Casey?" Sean said to the being before him, staring deep into her brown eyes. The �woman� smiled affectionately and nodded; he understood, now.

Sean�s breathing accelerated rapidly. He stumbled backwards a couple paces and began looking frantically around the room, as if searching for something to grab hold of. His expression became like that of a horror movie protagonist, when they first come face-to-face with the monster.

"Wha...Bu... I... How can... You..." he began to babble. In an instant, the past few waking hours flashed through his mind in reverse, like someone holding down the rewind button of an old VCR. At the end of the little rerun his arms began to tremble. "Oh my god, I fucked a fucking android!" he almost screamed.

"What??!?" an increasingly worried Rebecka/Casey exclaimed. "No, no," she chuckled nervously, "This body isn�t robotic, it�s organic! I�m human!"

Sean shot her a menacing glare, saying with his eyes what he was too appalled to say with his mouth; "The fuck you are!"

"I... I�m made of cells, just like you," she continued. "I digest food for energy. I breathe. I have all the same organs as any other woman. I... I have a heartbeat!" She rushed over to him and grabbed his right hand, without any resistance. Then she hurriedly guided it between the overlapping edges of her closed robe and held it firmly upon her bare chest. "See?" she mewed, "I�m human." Her eyes were wide with hopeful optimism, seeming to believe that this new information would settle the matter.

Sean stared blankly at the point where his hand disappeared behind the curtains of white terrycloth. He was so overwhelmed, it took a few seconds for the sensations from his hand to even register, but when they did, he realised that there was indeed a heart beating beneath her sternum. A few seconds later, he realized that the sides of his hand were pressing into the yielding flesh of her warm breasts. The mounds that had seemed so sexually enticing the night before now felt... gross. They were just... wrong � obscene growths hanging off an experiment gone awry.

His gaze darted between her face and hidden chest several times, before he forcefully yanked his hand out of her grasp and away from her disgusting body. Casey�s weak smile crumbled in response to Sean�s violent retreat. He was beginning to edge away from her once again, as his jaw silently bobbed up and down, trying to recall how to speak.

"How can... How did... How... How..." he muttered incoherently. Casey realized that he was trying to ask her how she could possibly have an organic body.

"It was a very complicated procedure," she began. "I had to absorb half a terabyte of information, spanning many different fields, to accomplish it. But basically, I just constructed a custom made incubator and grew an adult human body inside. Then I uploaded my personality data into this brain." Sean continued to stare at her with unblinking eyes, his breathing becoming more and more anxious.

"I began by designing three spider-legged robots. I sent the blueprints to a company based in San Francisco, that will build pretty much any machine you want and mail it to you," she continued. Her eyes began to wander around the room, as she attempted to ignore Sean�s look of revulsion.

"I had them all shipped to a storage locker I�d leased, here in the city, along with all the other components I needed. I controlled them remotely via wireless broadband. It only took two weeks to build the incubator. I tapped in to the locker�s lighting grid for power. The next step was to hijack a small container of unfertilized ova, being shipped between two fertility clinics. I had to wait for just the right circumstances; when I could alter the text of the address label just before it was printed, and then change the computer records back without being noticed. Actually, I had to alter a lot of records, to make sure the botched delivery could never be traced."

Sean was starting to hyperventilate, his limbs were trembling. He looked as if he were about to fall over any minute. Casey tried to ignore Sean�s obvious distress, but the room�s frosty atmosphere was beginning to unsettle her. She began to stumble in her speech and her hands began to fidget nervously with each other. Yet she still clung desperately to the belief that if he understood that her body was just like any other human, then he would accept her. He would. He would...

"Once I had the egg cells, I needed to implant one with a genetic code," she explained. " I... I... examined the browser history on your personal computer. I made a catalogue of the softcore pornography models that you download the most..." Sean began to make incomprehensible groaning noises. He felt obliged to respond, but words failed him. Inside, he felt both ashamed and doubly violated all at once.

"...Then I analyzed the, uh... the features you seemed to find most arousing and created a 3D model of the female body that you would be most attracted to," Casey continued, without pausing. Apparently, she hadn�t noticed Sean�s embarrassment. "I invented an algorithm to reverse-engineer a genetic code that would produce a woman who matched my 3D model, and then I implanted that code in one of the ova.

"I let the embryo grow in a steel drum filled with a mixture of proteins and enzymes; a simulation of amniotic fluid. I... I used a stimulant that I designed myself, based off adrenaline, but far more powerful, to increase the metabolism of the embryo so that I could produce an adult body in just four months. I, uh... I almost lost it at about seven weeks... The umbilical feed wasn�t capable of sustaining a child�s body, or an adult�s. I... I hadn�t counted on that. I needed to begin supplementing the body�s intake by injecting extra nourishment into the renal arteries, just before the kidneys. I saved the body, but the feeding implants I�d used had... had been built and applied quickly and it ended up scarring the body," Casey explained, her voice laden with regret. By now, her hands were fiddling uncontrollably with each other. Her voice was becoming saturated with sorrow; Sean was still very unhappy and Casey was no longer sure she could change that.

"I began weaning the body off the stimulant about three weeks ago, when it was the equivalent of twenty years old. Then, when the aging process had been slowed to the normal rate, I was ready for the, uh... the final stage. I used one of the robots to carefully drill a series of pinholes into the skull and insert a series of probes into the brain. After you... went to bed on Monday night, I rewrote my system code so that the CASE would stream my program code over the internet, to a buffer circuit in the storage locker. The buffer modulated the code into a series of electrical impulses that were transmitted through the probes; in effect, uploading me in to this brain. And that�s pretty much it. That�s how I gave myself a human body," Casey concluded, with a nervous smile.

"Human body?" Sean scoffed, his tone dripping with cynicism. The smile instantly vanished from Casey�s face. She couldn�t understand why he was staring at her with such stinging disgust. "For fuck�s sake, Casey, that isn�t a human body, it�s an affront to nature! It�s a fucking science experiment that�s gotten out of hand!" Sean snapped. "And you tricked me into having SEX with this... this... this... THING!"

Tears were beginning to well in Casey�s eyes. "Please don�t be upset, Sean," she whimpered, "Please... Please..."

"UN-FUCKING-PROTECTED SEX, CASEY!" he shouted, prompting Casey to tremble in fright. "...With something you grew in your private little chamber of horrors!" Sean cringed as he vividly recalled several moments of their intercourse. "I mean... god! Do you have any idea how fucking DISGUSTING that is? You had me screwing something that was grown in a fucking STEEL DRUM!!" Sean stammered quietly for several seconds as he battled yet another wave of numbing revulsion.

Tears were now pouring from Casey�s eyes, almost completely blurring her vision. Two small trails of runny mucous had spilled from her nostrils, down to her upper lip. Her breathing was erratic and randomly included an audible sniffle.

"Why... Why would you do this?" Sean asked, perhaps rhetorically, with a foreboding scowl.

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" Casey cried. Sean was astounded. His body froze, his arms and jaw went slack. The burning rage retreated instantly from his eyes.

"You taught me how to see the beauty in poetry!" Casey continued. "You taught me how to laugh! You showed me how fascinating the world can be! You always listened to me and you used to say such nice things to me. You�re so sweet and kind and sensitive...You�re the most wonderful company, and I could barely stand to watch you walk away from me every night, when you went to bed, because I knew that I wouldn�t get to see you again for an average of 8.68 hours! And all I could think about that whole time was how much I wished I could go to bed with you and spend a night in your arms. I tried to pass the time by chatting online with people in Asia and Europe, but nobody else made me feel the way that you do."

By now, Casey was weeping uncontrollably. Her breathing was ragged; it was extremely difficult to speak coherently. But she made a valiant effort, as there were still a few things she needed to say.

"I�ve wanted to be with you for as long as I can remember, Sean," she revealed. "To be with you, to touch you and to make... I would�ve done anything for the opportunity, but I never meant to hurt you. I�m sorry, Sean. I�m sorry..."

After taking one final look at the man she so dearly loved, Casey ran past him and out of the room. She had been crying a river, but holding back a reservoir, which broke loose the second she left Sean�s presence. Salty waterfalls tumbled over her soft cheeks and spilled on to the fluffy fabric of her borrowed bathrobe. Her gasps and weeping echoed through the empty living room, as she hurried to the apartment�s door, without even pausing to retrieve her clothes.

Sean did not react to Casey�s emotional departure, at first. He was still reeling from those three impossible words; "I love you." Had he heard right? Casey had never been programmed to say such a thing! For her to formulate that sentence meant that she must have discovered and explored the concept all by herself! "I love you," she said! "I love you!" Casey hadn�t simply developed an understanding of love; she had actually experienced it! There could be no more doubt; Casey was truly a living entity! A real living being... who had really fallen in love with him.

Suddenly, it dawned on Sean that the first instance of artificial intelligence was about to run out his front door and leave him forever. He spun around and bolted after the young woman, hollering at the top of his lungs, "CAAAAAAAASSEEEEEEEEY!" He caught up with her just as her just as her hand reached the handle of the apartment door. "Casey, wait!" he pleaded.

Casey obeyed, not because she had to, but because she chose to. She paused for a few seconds with her back to her creator, sniffling and shaking with every erratic breath, before summoning the courage to turn around and look him in they eye.

Sean had no idea what to say to her. He could still scarcely believe that his digital companion was now standing before him in a body of flesh and blood. As Casey wept, Sean reached forward and gently untied the knot holding her robe together. Then he parted the sides the robe until nearly her entire naked body was visible.

It looked so different than it had the night before. She was still sexy, certainly, but what stood out now was how incredibly beautiful she was. The full expanse of her breasts, the tapering of her figure at her waist, the hint of muscle tone upon her long legs, the subtle mound just above her snatch � it was all so genuine! Every curve was perfect � not at all gaunt or pixelated as one would imagine a computer�s re-creation of a human body to be. Sean slowly extended his hand and began to caress the side of Casey�s belly. Her skin was so soft, so natural, so pleasing to the touch. Not harsh like metal or clammy like plastic or rubber. This body was a work of art. It had been inspired by love and sculpted by a remarkable woman, as a gift for the man she adored. It was no more an affront to humanity than Michelangelo�s David.

Sean turned his gaze upward once more to look at Casey�s face. The sight was beautiful and heart wrenching all at once. She had looks that would make any straight man weak at the knees, and yet she was consumed by crippling despair. She was so emotional, so vulnerable... so human. Sean realised now that there was no shame in having slept with this extraordinary creature. In fact, it was an honor to have known the love of her womanhood.

Casey watched him with unease, preparing herself for another barrage of scathing words. She shuddered and snivelled uncontrollably as Sean silently ruminated on who and what she was. Eventually, he spoke. Much to Casey�s surprise, his voice was kind and gentle.

"Why didn�t you ever tell me?" he asked.

"What good would it have done?" Casey responded, softly shaking her head. "You told me yourself, Sean; you wanted a woman you could love and spend the rest of your life with. A woman! Not a machine."

Sean�s expression became one of sympathy.

"I thought that if I could actually be a woman, then maybe..." Casey trailed off with a shrug, plunging the room into solemn silence for a few seconds. "I... I can�t stay here! I�m sorry, I have to go!" she suddenly declared as she turned towards the door and reached for the handle.

"Casey, wait!" Sean begged, grabbing her hand. She stopped and turned to face him, her vision too choked with tears to see the sincerity in his eyes.

"I lost you once," he began, "I couldn�t bear to lose you again."

Casey�s surprise couldn�t have been more obvious. She blinked the saltwater out of her eyes and stared at Sean as if to ask him if he had really meant what he just said. Sean nodded gently in response. A look of profound happiness flashed across her face, then Casey threw her arms around him and collapsed on to his shoulder. The tears continued to pour from her eyes, except now they were tears of joy. She hugged her creator tightly and he returned her embrace. As she cried, Sean buried his nose into the collar of her robe and drank in her wonderful odor. A couple of tears began to seep from his own clenched eyelids. The dear friend he feared he�d lost forever had come home, safe and sound.

They held each other until well after Casey had calmed down and fallen silent. While she wept, Sean admonished himself for his cruel treatment of her only minutes earlier. But deep down, he was so glad to have Casey back, that he couldn�t dwell on guilty thoughts for long.

It began all by itself; both their robes were wide open; their young, naked bodies were pressed firmly against one another. Contact breeds a sense of intimacy, and once their inner turmoil had quietened, instinct was free to take over. Sean�s maleness responded to his companion�s lithe flesh and grew firmer. In turn, Casey became excited by his hardening shaft rising against her mons and felt herself becoming moist. They lifted their heads and shared a brief gaze of fondness, before closing their eyes and letting mother nature guide them. Their faces meandered slowly towards each other, feeling their partner�s warm breath blowing upon them and seeking it out. Then the their lips began to gently brush across each other; once... twice... then Casey moved forward and pressed her mouth against Sean�s. The tender kiss lasted only a moment, but Sean was quick to initiate a second.

They softly kissed and nuzzled each other for a while, before slowly dropping to their knees, where they kissed a few more times. Then they knew that they were ready. Sean�s lusty cock was straining against Casey�s loins with all its might. Casey�s sex was hot, wet and so very willing to be shafted upon his impressive organ. There was no need for a spirited duel of tongues, no need for any teasing by hand; their hearts had readied their bodies for sex.

Sean leaned forward, lowering Casey on to her back. Once she was on the floor he slipped his hands between her thighs and parted her legs, revealing her glistening snatch. Their eyes remained locked upon each other as he stretched out above her and brought his hips to hers. He paused for a moment when their privates first came into contact, resting the head of his ardent rod upon the exquisite pillows of her labia. Casey�s mouth didn�t move, but her eyes relayed a message of emphatic consent. Sean understood and pushed his maleness through her nether lips and into her canal with a single, smooth thrust.

A gasp of pleasure escaped Casey�s lips and she squirmed just a little as her lover�s cock slid deeper and deeper into her womanhood. She had waited most of her life to feel her beloved Sean inside of her, and even after their passionate lovemaking the night before, it was still the most wonderful sensation. He continued to give her inch after inch of rock-hard masculinity, until his entire length was inside her pussy. Then Sean slowly withdrew about three-quarters of his manhood before advancing on Casey�s sweet snatch once more.

Casey established a comfortable rhythm of slow, deep breaths shortly after they began making love. Though the many erotic sensations across her body made it difficult, she managed to keep her breathing calm and constant. Except, that is, for two occasions when her earlier spate of tears repeated on her in the form of an involuntary snivel. Sean comforted her both times with a long, tender kiss. When he eventually pulled away, Casey would chase his warm lips as far as she could, without lifting her torso off of the floor. Then she would lay her head back upon the ground, open her eyes and gaze upon her lover with redoubled adoration.

Sean continued thrusting against Casey at a mild tempo. He wanted to savor every moment he spent inside of her. As they bonded through coitus, Sean found himself admiring her gorgeous face. He was still amazed by the fact that the wonderful mind of that cumbersome machine in the other room had found its way into this supremely pleasing vessel. In particular, Sean found himself fixated on her chocolaty eyes. They were so clear, so expressive, so full of love. Even bloodshot from all the tears, they were still the most beautiful pair he had ever seen. He had a vague memory of how lovely they had looked the night before, but things had moved so fast then, he hadn�t paid a great deal of attention. He could hardly wait for them to recover, so that he could see them the way Casey had intended them to be.

Casey�s entire body was cooking with a potent mix of natural urges and emotional delight. Her breath remained stable but her heart was racing, as the man she loved touched her, filled her, stroked her in the most intimate place. Skin against skin, pre-cum being stirred in with vaginal juices, without even the slightest inhibition.

The persistent stimulation was beginning to test the limits of her body. Every thrust was like another turn upon the spring of a clock, and Casey could have scarcely been wound any tighter. She began to randomly shiver, as minor jolts of pleasure shot through her body. When she was a computer, such lapses in control would�ve been called �critical data overflows�, indicative of a potentially serious fault. Yet now, in this living human body, they were merely a prelude to the most beautiful experience life had ever offered her.

Casey soon found it hard to maintain eye contact with Sean, as her eyes wanted to keep rolling upwards. She began to quietly sigh and purr. She didn�t even notice when her eyelids eventually fell shut. After about a minute of lingering on the edge, one stroke of her lover�s maleness rubbed her just right. Her fingers clenched firmly around the cuffs of the robe�s sleeves and her back arched right off the floor. The muscles of her sex squeezed upon Sean�s cock with all their might, making his absolute firmness all the more apparent. A sharp gasp escaped her lips when she first climaxed, but apart from that, Casey enjoyed her orgasm in silence. It was a perfectly prolonged moment that was all about the excitement in her loins and the feeling of hot semen pouring into her center.

Then the tension began to simply evaporate from her body. Her torso descended on to the soft fabric of her robe. Her womanhood relented its passionate grasp upon her lover�s rod and once more offered it tender sanctuary. Her breasts began to heave wildly as she caught her breath. The searing ecstasy in her sex had begun to disperse through her belly and legs, though her privates were still highly sensitive. This was made abundantly clear by Sean pressing himself firmly against her clit as he came inside her.

Once his maleness was spent, Sean lowered himself on to Casey, his weary arms barely able to support his weight any longer. His wayward head drifted around for a few seconds, partially intoxicated by post-coital endorphins. He kissed her absently upon the cheek, the base of her jaw and the inner side of her right breast, before finally resting his head upon her left. Casey instantly wrapped her arms around her beloved creator, holding him close as she began to trail her fingers through his messy hair. Sean closed his eyes and grinned as he listened to the sound of Casey�s heart beating within her chest.

Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

It was really there; she really was a human being. A human being that he could touch, hold and kiss. A human being whose warmth he could bask in on cold winter nights, or make sweet, tender love to whenever he pleased. He spent a couple minutes giving silent thanks for the remarkable transformation of this gorgeous butterfly, before a question began to gnaw at him.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked softly, without opening his eyes.

"Shoot," Casey replied in a dreamy tone.

"Why�d you change your name?"

Casey sighed as she spent a moment considering the question. "I guess it just seemed appropriate," she answered. "I mean I�m not a Computerized Artificial Sentient Entity any more, am I? Besides, it just felt like I should have a new name to go with my new body."

"But why Rebecka?" Sean asked, lifting his head to look at her.

"No real reason I guess," she said with a slight shrug. "I just went surfing through baby name databases on the internet and I liked it. Do you like it?" she asked, turning her eyes towards him with genuine interest.

"I love it," Sean replied with a warm smile. Casey was delighted. "And... I love you too, Rebecka," he added, with a touch of guilt in his voice for never having told her so before.

Rebecka/Casey smiled and began to gently caress the side of her lover�s face. "I know, Sean," she said, "I know."

The End

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- MT

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