Shelter from the Storm

by RiskyBizAR

It had been sweltering and overcast all day, dreary and warm. I had been keeping a eye on the radar as this was the sort of weather in late spring that generated severe afternoon storms. Jack had taken my daughter Sarah out shopping and they were making a day of it in the mall. I was lounging around in my scrubs, tinkering on my computer and pretty much doing a lot of nothing. The TV was on, but only for background noise. My office faces the street and I am afforded a view of the cul de sac we live on. There were children playing in the neighborhood, and dogs barking. A noticeably darker band of clouds were forming in the distance, and as I would glance out from time to time I noted that they were growing towering citadels of thunderheads. Red weather warnings had been scrolling along the bottom of the tv all day and I noted that they had changed now from thunder storm watch to tornado watch.

Suddenly the wind began to pick up, flowing through my open windows, noticeably cooler. A rumble of nearby thunder, and I noted the neighborhood kids scurrying towards the cover of their homes and mommas. Moments later a louder, sharper crackle of lightening and clap of thunder announced the start of a serious impending storm. Glancing at the weather radar I could see a long train of flashing red and yellow storm cells marching towards us from the southwest. I love a good storm, and this looked like it would be vigorous one. The wind steadied from gusty to strong, bending the trees before it. Another crackle and slap of thunder nearby and my telephone began to ring.

"Ms. Kerrie?" a small voice rushed. I recognized it immediately as one of the young girls that lived across the street from us. I knew from past storms that they did not have suitable shelter other than a dark crawlspace.

"Yes Maddie, are you OK?" In the distance I could hear the warning sirens from the next town over begin to wail.

"Ms. Kerrie there is a tornado warning and the sirens are going off and my mommies not home and I'm scared" All rushed out in one breath...

"It's OK Maddie, do you need to come over?" Inside I was angry with her mother. She leaves her little girl alone at home all the time, and seems to rely on us to take care of her. I don't mind being a go-to, but it's her assuming we will be there, and her failure to take into account that there are times we aren't that pisses me off. This time, though, I could not force this innocent to face the storm alone.

"Yes Ms. Kerrie, Please..?"

"Of course Maddie, hurry over before the rain starts."

I watched as Maddie came shooting out of her front door and across the street, dashing through the suddenly pouring rain. She was dressed in only her thin pajama's, obviously spending her Saturday lounging as I was. As she cleared the curb on our side there was a tremendous crash, and it had the effect of her accelerating into an almost cartoon like sprint, clearly terrified. I met her at the door, swinging it open as she sped up the stairs. To my surprise, instead of running past me into the house she threw herself into my arms. The poor thing was dripping wet and completely panicked, shivering uncontrollably. The closer sirens began to wail and she gripped me tightly. Any other day and I would likely stand in the doorway or under the cover of our porch and watch the storm, but my little charge needed cover and calming. I glanced out past her and saw that the trees were bending heavily against the wind. I was beginning to get a little concerned, and closed the door, carrying Maddie across the house and down into our basement family room. I could hear the storm growing outside and opted for the shelter of a spare guest room in a windowless corner of the basement. I dragged the blanket off the foot of the bed on my way past and sat down in the corner with my bundle, covering her to warm her as the storm raged outside. As she warmed I became aware of how thinly she was dressed, and the soaking she had gotten made her pj's almost transparent. The thin white tank top did nothing to hide her gently budding breasts, and as she cuddled in my lap it was as if her short, thin pj bottom had ceased to exist. She was pressed against me, straddling my leg and hugging me closely. With each breath her small lovenest moved against my leg. I became aware of her scent, and felt a flood of moisture growing in my panties. I marveled at how my body could react in this manner given the dramatic nature of what was taking place outside, but I had to admit that part of my passion for storms was innately sexual. I could feel her little ass move with each breath she took, and each move was met with a corresponding twinge in my warming slit. She began moving against me...

"Ms. Kerrie...?"

"Yes Maddie?"

"This feels kind of... neat...." her voice quivering again.

My hand moved to her leg, inching up her thigh towards the bottom edge of her loosely fitting shorts. Maddie shifted on my lap, pressing more closely against my moistening quim, opening her legs to my creeping hand....