School Nurse's Delight 5

by Jackie

Emily Miller vice Principal at Benjamin Franklin Hi would not have been able to tell you how she got home. Wrapped in the luxurious leather of her Lexus with Mozart playing softly on the awesome sound system she was completely lost in thought. When she realized that she had stumbled on a sexual liaison in progress in the school nurse's office she'd felt like she might go into cardiac arrest. She eventually recognized the vaguely familiar sensations of sexual arousal. It had been a very long time since she'd last had them. Now as she maneuvered her car through the light evening traffic she thought `Maybe I did have a heart attack' ever since the moments outside the nurse's door her life had been passing before her eyes. `Isn't that what is fabled to happen when you have a near death experience? Yeah but your whole life is supposed to flash at that moment, not over the next hour.' Emily decided it didn't mater why she was taking an extended walk down memory lane it was something she didn't do very often.

She was recalling childhood and her domineering mother. Mom's view of sex was that it was an obligation put on a woman by filthy men as a requisite part of matrimony. Since a woman had practically no options but to get married she was doomed at birth to suffer with these consequences. This was the philosophy that prevailed over Emily's formative years. She met a boy in the only appropriate place; church. At eighteen Mom had decided that the relationship was the right one. She had gotten engaged to Abraham who was three years older than her in her second year of university. Three months later Abe was drafted. Both sets of parents would have died had they known that the couple agreed to consummate their relationship before he shipped out. Emily's only sexual experience with another person confirmed her mother's advice. The inexperienced but worse uninformed couple made a mess of it. For Abe the result was satisfactory if quite brief; for Emily it was painful and anything but satisfactory. It couldn't have been brief enough for her.

Abe became one of the last casualties of the reviled war. Emily was now damaged goods and did not pursue another relationship. Instead she immersed herself in study while her mother worked at playing matchmaker. Mom was frustrated and not at all pleased when she signed up for graduate work. It was in the same week that she presented her thesis for, and got, her English Lit master's degree that Mom suffered a massive coronary and died within hours. Deprived of her rudder Emily did what was comfortable and got her master's in Education two years later. The teaching certificate she earned at the age of twenty eight entitled her to go out in the world [well sort of] and earn a living. Her years of higher learning produced no friends. She buried herself in study to the exclusion of everything else. There were wild parties and cavorting all around but the intense student participated in none of it. It was of course impossible to completely avoid any exposure to sex. The bookworm attempted masturbation on a couple of occasions but never finished. Somewhere in the back of her mind her mother was always there telling her how dirty and vile the whole thing was.

Now as she entered her driveway the thoughts of touching herself had returned after all these years. Inside her front door she placed her handbag on the hall table and proceeded directly to her bedroom. After stripping out of her grey business suit she hung it up neatly in the closet. Her silk blouse followed cast into the laundry hamper. The panty hose were pushed down to mid thigh and she sat on the bed to complete their removal. She stood up in her underwear, sensible briefs and matching bra covered by a beige camisole. When she reached for the bottom of the silk undershirt she trembled. The dirty words heard through the door an hour ago echoed in her head again. `Suck my clit. Oh no!' the tingling was back. For the first time in ages Emily reached between her legs for a reason other than washing and wiping.

At first she just ran her fingers over the crispness of her pubic hair through the satin material of her panties. There was definitely a reaction. She could feel a pressure building deep inside. `Oh God this is so adolescent' she chided herself but the hand didn't stop. Gently stroking up and down over the well concealed vulva she felt her nipples stiffen. With her free hand she cupped her breast through the double thickness of satin. The material was not sufficient to prevent her feeling the hardness of the erect bud. Caressing her boob she was conscious of the sensation of the hard point against her palm but thrilled by the unusual feeling that seemed to flow from the tip of her tit to the apex of her thighs. She now felt as if her crotch was glowing. `It's like starting all over again' she thought as the pleasure built. Her right hand slipped under the waist band of her panties of its own accord; through the soft hair to the delicate labia below. Carefully feeling the sensitive flesh with her finger she pressed harder until the tip penetrated the outer defenses. Feeling the hint of wetness the invading finger moved lower toward her sacred passage. Finding much damper conditions she probed deeper entering the outer half inch of her vagina. `Ooo I'm actually getting wet' she recognized and was surprised. In spite of the glorious sensations she was giving herself she still doubted that she was anymore able to achieve orgasm.

Three fingers of her right hand rotated rhythmically at the top of her crease occasionally dipping down to re-lubricate. Her left hand invaded the bra cup and stroked the hard point it encountered directly. When she squeezed her hard little nipple a pulse of pleasure thumped between her legs. Emily had her head back and her eyes closed. There were unidentifiable patterns of light passing before her eyes as she enjoyed her long neglected erogenous zones. The light patterns began to congeal. There was a predominance of blue in the image that was forming. The school administrator came to recognize the vision as that of the blonde teenager she had seen walking hand in hand with Ms. Braun. The perfect young figure so breathtakingly displayed in the clinging blue knit dress. She felt the surge and for an agonizing moment thought she would be denied release, but then it came, she came, in a shivering tingling rush. It was fortunate that she was beside her bed affording a soft landing when she fell.

In the warm afterglow she felt transported. Her mind turned over thoughts that in a state of full consciousness would have been disturbing. Somehow in the blissful post orgasmic haze she was able to ponder the perplexing questions objectively. `Congratulations Emily! You've achieved what most girls accomplish before they're twelve. You're only forty years or so late. So why now? Why after all this time.' The endorphins coursing through her blood stream opened brain pathways that were normally closed off with big heavy doors hanging on rusty hinges. `It was overhearing the sexcapades in the nurse's office that triggered the rebirth that much was pretty obvious; but so what, so what about it?' Benjamin Franklin Hi's vice principal was in the twilight zone between wakefulness and sleep as the interrogative continued. `It was a unique experience. I've never overheard people having sex before. Oh God I'm a voyeur! Is that the correct term if you don't see anything? Never mind it's all the same. It was more than that; it was two women, no, girls playing with each other. That's what made it so exciting.' Deep so very deep in her psyche the thought of being pawed by a man was revolting `hence sex is out of the question, right?' That was the only conclusion her puritanical upbringing could come to.

It wasn't really the first time the thought had occurred. Immediately after she'd over heard the girls she'd realized the significance of the fact that it was a lesbian tryst she was overhearing. In her normal restrictive thought process she couldn't let her mind dwell on the fact. In her current less inhibited state she allowed her mind to explore the concept of sex between two women. The vision of the sweet little blonde in the blue dress shimmered in her mind's eye again. Once more the pangs of arousal announced their presence. Even in her semi euphoric state the realization of what this could mean was too much for the VP, so she blocked it and let the peaceful fog carry her into dream land.


She awoke feeling chilled, still lying across the bed in her bra and panties and no cover. Last night had a dreamlike quality to it. `Had she imagined the whole thing?' she wondered as she stripped off her underwear and entered the shower. The slightly crusty feel of her pubic hair as she started to wash was evidence enough of the veracity of the memory. Her professional mind had returned to full command and she regretted it. `What am I going to do about Mary Crawford?' the question echoed repeatedly as she soaped her lithe body. Disciplining of staff was not within the scope of her job; disciplining of students was. `The book would say you report the whole matter to Principal Spencer first thing this morning.' The thought caused her fifty year old body to shudder under the warm shower spray. `It would be the end of the nurse's career. She might even be charged; after all the girls are minors'. The perky young woman could wind up in jail. The penalty seemed to be much too harsh. `So what is the alternative? Nobody else knows, you could ignore the whole incident.' She might be able to convince herself not to report it but ignoring it was out of the question. It was taking on the shape of a life changing event for her.

`Were the girls coerced?' A new line of reasoning emerged as Emily donned her dressing gown and made her way to the kitchen for the first invigorating cup of Jo. `Who was really responsible for the erotic events in that health room?' it was a salient question. `Shouldn't the person or persons most responsible for the event bear the consequences? What if the nurse was essentially innocent? If the situation was formally investigated it wouldn't matter, her career would be ruined even if she was eventually exonerated.' There seemed to be only one reasonable course. She would confront the students involved and find out the sordid details. If the school nurse was guilty there'd be nothing lost. Emily resolved to keep the situation under her complete control until all the facts were known.

Sitting at her kitchen table sipping her coffee she felt relieved to have reached a decision. Her mind began to preplan the meeting with the junior students. Together or separately was the first question; a `no brainer' really. I need to get the two stories separately with the little nymphs having no opportunity to compare notes. That's my best shot at getting to the truth. `What about Mary's side of the story? The teenagers could hang her out to dry to save their own skins. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.' Ms. Miller thought as she went to choose her wardrobe for the fateful day.


The first order of business for vice Principal Miller was to identify Annie Braun's playmate. The student files on the secure data base included photos. Using the basic search criteria of female and junior still left her with two hundred results. It could be a long morning. She wished there was a way to narrow it down but the criteria: gorgeous, sexy, lesbian or even blonde were not available. Flipping at a rate of one ever three or four seconds it only took twenty minutes to find Melanie Morgan. When the teenager's smiling face appeared on the screen the school administrator felt her pussy twitch. `Wow you've got it bad!' Emily judged. The photo showed the student above the shoulders, a head shot if you will, but Emily saw the slinky blue dress walking down the hall just the same. Opening the schedules of both students she was pleased to find that they were not in the same classes most of the morning. She made the first call herself to Melanie's Math teacher. Mr. Norris agreed that he would send the young lady down to the VP's office as soon as she arrived. Ms. Miller then buzzed the school secretary to inform her of immanent arrival. "And Margaret, as soon as you show her in I'd like you to contact Angela Meyers and have Annie Braun sent down too. Please have Ms. Braun wait in the outer office until I call for her." The secretary acknowledged the instructions.

The butterflies in Emily's stomach were annoying. `There's no reason for me to be nervous for heaven's sake. I'm just going to ask some questions about what happened last night in the health room and see what I get for answers.' The details of what happened last night of course were the cause of the administrator's anxiety. What made it worse was that every time she thought about it she felt a little pinch between her legs; as often as not the over heard `Oh God Annie suck my clit...' would arise from her auditory memory.

Melanie Morgan walked quickly toward the office with her own flock of butterflies swirling around inside. Mr. Norris didn't know why she had been summoned to Ms. Miller's office but in the youngster's mind it was practically never a good thing. Try as she might she could not imagine any reason that she would be in trouble. The secretary guided her to the VP's office door and rapped "Miz Morgan is here." She announced through the closed door.

"Come." Emily replied curtly.

The young blonde stood nervously in the doorway. "Come in and close the door" the woman behind the large mahogany desk commanded. After completing the task Melanie stood beside the door, her fight or flight senses dialed decidedly to flight. "Have a seat" the VP offered in a somewhat friendlier tone. Emily surveyed the student from head to toe as she crossed the office. Her first reaction was one of disappointment. The girl's T shirt like top with its V neck and fancy embroidery across the bodice could not hold a candle to the dress the teenager had worn yesterday. The short plaid pleated skirt stopped at least a hand's width above her knees. Ankle socks and the same Mary Janes completed the ensemble. Melanie took up her position in one of the chairs facing the desk. The guest chair was far enough away that Emily was still able to admire the cute ruffle on the top of the ankle socks. The teenager's expression was one of grave concern bordering on terror. She pressed her folded hands into her lap and waited for the axe to fall. "I observed you and Ann Braun leaving the school quite late last evening. Would you please explain to me why?" Melanie's heart skipped a beat and she felt a puckering sensation in her rectum. `She saw us!' the revelation left the teenager speechless but her mind was in overdrive.

"We...we were studying." Good answer Ms. Miller thought and maybe not even an untruth.

"What were you studying?" an obvious and simple follow up question but for the nervous teenager it started a video replay of the previous evening's festivities. The girl could not stop the vision of the school nurse's dripping pussy from appearing in her mind. She and Annie had planned a repeat performance at lunch time and in preparation young Ms. Morgan had chosen to leave her underwear at home. The clothing her interrogator could see was all the clothing she was wearing. For this reason when she felt her huge areolas begin to crinkle and their adorable center points begin to rise she knew the condition of her nipples would quickly become apparent through the T shirt should Ms. Miller care to look.

"We were studying for a... uh, a health quiz" Melanie decided to stay as close to the truth as discretion could bear. She looked the stone faced vice Principal in the eye. It was a little trick she had become pretty accomplished at. Most people mistook it for sincerity. In actual fact she was trying to read the older woman's expression to modify the lie if she saw incredulity. The youngster was no stranger to deceit. All she needed was time to construct a plausible story. `How can I buy some time' she wondered. The answer might be in her inquisitor's eyes. The girl was emboldened when she noticed that the older woman's eyes were indeed checking out her chest.

Emily could feel the heat beginning to build between her tightly closed thighs. She had thought the student sitting in front of her was braless but those young tits were so firm it was hard to be sure. The appearance of the tiny bumps near the center of the high cones confirmed her suspicions. `What did those sweet adolescent mounds look like naked?' She had no points of reference she couldn't remember when or even if she'd ever seen another woman's bare breasts but she was dying to see Melanie's. Her own nipples puckered sympathetically. On the other hand she had an investigation to conduct. "And where were you girls studying?" the teenager was delighted that the VP's eyes were still on her boobs.

"Well we started out in the class room, you know, where we take health class. It's room one oh six; but then we had some questions so we went over to see Nurse Crawford. `God she's good' Emily thought. `She's not giving me anything to jump on. Everything she's said so far is could be true.' Melanie was starting to feel the balance of power shift. She'd seen lust often enough to be fairly sure that's what she was seeing on Ms. Miller's face. The under dressed student sat fully back in her chair. The new position stretched the T shirt tight across her plump treasures with their stiff tips. She knew that the T shirt material was thin enough that even her textured areolas would now be visible embossed in the peach colored cloth. Rewarded by the older woman's quick intake of breath she decided to up the ante. "Was there some kind of a problem last night?" she asked and started to spread her knees and bring them back together in a very childish rocking motion.

Ms. Miller was the one who was now speechless. When the girl parted her thighs she was sure she was able to see right up to her crotch. Unfortunately as soon as they reached the provocative position they immediately closed again. The skirt rode up revealing most of the girl's creamy thighs but the ultimate spectacle was `flashing' for too brief a time. If Emily had known the girl was pantiless she would not have been able to stand it. She was just sitting there looking at the forbidden fruit across the desk. "I asked you if something happened in the school last night" Melanie repeated her question gruffly. The timbre of her voice did not fit with her sweet innocent face. Emily who could feel her level of arousal getting completely out of hand was shocked at the student's demanding tone. The school administrator was having extreme difficulty concentrating on the interview and she really didn't know how to answer the question without confessing about her eavesdropping.

"I heard noises... coming from the, uh, nurse's office" Emily finally managed to choke out.

"What kind of noises?" the girl asked softly as she stood up. Emily took in the head to toe beauty before the little blonde leaned forward and put her elbows on the dark wooden desk and rested her chin in her palms. Ms. Miller looked into the crystal blue eyes that were now less than three feet away. Through wide eyes she explored the cute impish face framed by the chin length sandy hair. The teenager's lips were highlighted very subtly with a peach colored lip gloss and she was running her soft pink tongue over them. Emily felt like there was something fluttering in her panties. she wanted to say what she'd over heard; `Annie suck my clit' but even as the phrase replayed in her mind a deep throb emanated from her womanhood.

"They weren't, uh, normal noises. It sounded like, uh, somebody was in pain" Emily opted to relate her first impression of the sounds as her eyes began to wander. Below the cute little chin the V neck of the T shirt was gaping. Somewhat obscured by the shaded darkness Emily could see the perky tits hanging straight down from the girl's chest. (Truth be told they didn't hang under any conditions.) Aside from the poor lighting, the delectable teenaged orbs couldn't have been more fully displayed. The pussy spasm almost made the VP cry out but she covered by clearing her throat. Emily had no clear recollection of what was said [or screamed] last night. She did know that all three of them were fairly vocal when they were approaching climax, so it wasn't surprising that the noises Ms. Miller heard didn't sound "normal". Melanie held her revealing position as she worked on an answer.

"I don't remember anything bad happening. We were probably just foolin' around. You know us teenagers, were always foolin' around." She finally said in a completely inadequate explanation. With that she stood up. "Well I guess that clears that up." She announced, turning on her heel and heading for the door. "I gotta get back to class now." Emily wanted to protest, to tell the little seductress to sit down, that she wasn't finished but her throat was locked, so she just sat there trembling as Melanie walked out the door.

In the main office area Melanie was only mildly surprised to see Annie sitting on one of the chairs. Their eyes met and Melanie winked tossing her head in the direction of the VP's office door. The older girl understood completely. She knew that Ms. Miller scared the begeebers out of most of the kids in the school. She wasn't one of them. When she'd gotten the summons to the office, like Melanie she'd been puzzled as to what it could be about. She did know that she hadn't done anything wrong so there was nothing to worry about. As Melanie passed by her friend on the way out she leaned down and whispered "She heard us last night with Mary." The younger girl glanced over her shoulder and flipped up the back of her skirt, exposing her naked butt to her friend as she left the office and disappeared down the hall.

Annie smirked. Rising from her seat and straightening her dress she strode over to Emily Miller's office door. `This could be fun!' Last year, when Annie had been struggling with her sexuality, the vice Principal had actually been at the top of her list of candidates for a seduction attempt. That was before she heard the rumors about the school's nurse. The administrator, whether she knew it or not, looked very butch. She always wore very masculine clothes; mainly suits. If she wore any make up at all it was not evident. She made no attempt to cover the grey in her salt and pepper hair which was quite short and obviously styled for convenience not fashion. Annie stood at the office doorway smiling "You wanted to see me" she chirped pleasantly.

Emily was still holding on to the top of her desk trying to catch her breath when the second nymph appeared in her doorway. Annie had prepared for her boxed lunch in much the same way as her classmate i. e. sans under garments. Her polyester blend dress was a pale shade of green with darker green flowers for a pattern. The bodice was sort of puffy around her firm breasts and the waist was high so the lower portion of the dress flowed from just under her bust and ended at her mid thigh. Her legs were bare as were her feet except for the white sandals with a one inch wedge heel. `Melanie must have done quite a number on her' the girl recognized looking at the VP's pallor and rattled expression. The woman behind the desk was still incapable of speech but she did manage a definitive shake of her head to the girl's question.

"Melanie told me you were concerned about what happened in the nurse's office last night" the girl related as she came to stand beside the older woman's desk. Again the best the aroused administrator could manage was an affirmative nod. Annie perched hip on the side of the desk apparently taking charge of this exchange. "We were studying for a health quiz on female anatomy and we wanted to check and see if we had everything right, so we went over to see Ms. Crawford." The congruity of the two girl's stories was uncanny considering they'd had no opportunity to compare notes. Similar to her friend, Annie watched Emily's face to be sure she was buying the tale. As a matter of fact Annie might have claimed that she'd taught her protégé the technique. `It's hard to know what she's thinking, or even if she's hearing what I'm saying' Annie thought.

Emily was struggling to get herself under control. Without much effort or acumen on her part she'd basically managed to verify the story; or so she thought. Everything would have been fine if it weren't for that damn phrase she'd overheard.

"We were having a little trouble figuring out exactly where your urethra is." The girl on the desk continued to explain studying the woman's reaction intently. Annie was pleased with the little jerk of the VP's body at the mention of the clinical term for a part of the female anatomy. "Melanie thought it was way up near the top, but I was pretty sure it was lower down. We were thinking about, you know looking at each other's, um, well, uh... you know, between each other's legs" Annie carefully maneuvered around assigning a name to the female genitalia. "But to be honest we didn't really know what it looked like. The pictures in the books are so... you know... unrealistic" so that's why we had to go and see Nurse Crawford."

"Did she help you?" Emily croaked regaining her voice.

"Oh yeah" Annie replied emphatically.

"How did she help you?" The school administrator could scarcely believe the question had come out of her mouth. Annie twisted around on the desk until she was facing Emily's chair, swinging her bare legs back and forth into the knee well of the desk. Annie lowered her voice and leaned closer. In a conspiratorial tone she replied

"She made us take our panties off and sit on the examination table so she could show us." The visual was almost too much for the poor sex starved woman. Encouraged by the moan that escaped the VP's throat she pressed on. "First I sat up on the table and she made me open my legs really wide, like this..." and she demonstrated. Unfortunately for the captivated woman in the desk chair the dress naturally fell between the parted thighs spoiling the view. "Then she made Melanie sit on this little stool to look. She used her fingers, you know to, uh... open me up. Like this." Annie pulled the hem of her dress up nearly under her chin exposing her naked vulva between her widely spread thighs. The sound that came out of the woman in front of her was indescribable. When the scandalously exposed teenager brought her right hand down to separate her labia a spontaneous orgasm rocked the school administrator so unexpectedly that she very nearly toppled out of her chair. Emily had no idea it was even possible to climax with no physical stimulation but the intense sexual release she experienced immediately corrected that little gap in her lexicon. The older woman's vision was quite blurred and her head was spinning wildly when the bell sounded.

"I gotta go for lunch now." The teenager in the green print dress announced as she popped down off the desk. Over her shoulder on the way out the door she added "maybe I can tell you the rest some other time."