My Lesbian Awakening

by JetBoy

This story was adapted from a small part of a lesbian novel called "Laura Alban Hunt," by Gina Marie Wylie. It has been completely rewritten, word for word, with more than a few new parts added to make it a story in its own right. Many thanks to Ms. Wylie for the inspiration... and to you, of course, for reading the finished product.


Late one May, my daughter Kellie asked if she could invite some girls from her class over on a Saturday afternoon. First they would go to a movie, return to the house for a pool party, then dinner, followed by a sleepover. That night would change my life forever.

Kellie had been a big help in getting me over my heartbreak when her father walked out on us to shack up with some teenage girl he hooked up with on the internet. The divorce had hit Kellie hard, too, but she summoned up the inner strength that I lacked to help me through the bad days, the times when I felt utterly worthless as a wife and a woman.

The affection Kellie gave me was a lifesaver. More than once a warm hug or a hand on my shoulder made all the difference, helped me to see the world in future tenses instead of wallowing in defeat. My daughter had become my friend, just when I needed a friend most.

That Saturday of the sleepover dawned brightly. I was up early getting everything ready, happy for the chance to do something special for Kellie. It seemed as if there were thousands of details involved in playing hostess to over a dozen teenage girls, but I rolled up my sleeves and got to work with a will.

Kellie's best friend was Becka Kempner, who lived about a mile away; they were both in the same homeroom at the local high school. The two of them were inseparable. Becka was about five-six, blonde and blue-eyed, and already a gorgeous young woman. She was a cheerleader, and had gotten Kellie into it as well. My daughter was the newest member of the squad, and she loved it. In fact, all the girls at the sleepover were cheerleaders.

This story really begins during the pool party. A pack of girls were laughing, shrieking, racing about and splashing water all over the place while I was in the kitchen, working on dinner. Our house had a built-in barbecue a short distance from the pool, though I'd never barbecued anything in my life -- that had been my ex-husband's job. I figured that I had to learn how sometime, though.

I got the charcoal going, carefully arranged hamburgers, hot dogs, marinated chicken breasts, sliced peppers and asparagus spears on the grill. It was tricky at first; with so many items cooking at once, I was frantically flipping them over and shuffling them around so nothing would burn. Eventually, though, I found my groove, feeling like a master chef as I loaded up several large platters with sizzling cuts of meat and roasted vegetables.

Luckily, the girls seemed to be enjoying themselves while I labored over the grill, so I didn't have to worry about keeping them happy. They sat outside on the deck, their activity now centered around our two picnic tables, pushed side by side. The air was alive with the hubbub of teenage girls, chatting animatedly about everything under the sun.

Finally laying my barbecuing tools to rest, I hastened to the kitchen for the beverages. There was lemonade, soda and fruit juice for the girls to drink. I grabbed a couple of pitchers from the fridge, carefully carrying them back out to the patio.

Just as I emerged, one of the girls stood up from her chair -- a lithe, slender teen with golden-blonde hair -- and stretched. Actually, it was a classic full yawn; back arched, arms above her head, head tilted back, mouth wide open.

Then her gaze fell upon me, and I could see immediate interest in her eyes.

I'd been checked out by men before, so I knew what it felt like to have someone look at me with frank desire. Never before, though, had I been so openly appraised by a teenage girl. Her eyes swept over me, taking in every inch of my body and liking what she saw. Then she gave me a knowing smile, slowly moistening her lips with the tip of the tongue.

I felt as if this lovely young woman had just stripped me naked, then posed me for her erotic scrutiny.

She had on a two-piece suit that was actually more modest than the barely-there bikinis most of the other girls were wearing -- but modest or not, my eyes were drawn to her breasts, and her very erect, very visible nipples.

I didn't quite drop the pitchers I was carrying, but it was a close thing. Turning away, I set them down next to the ice bowl, trying to get a handle on a sudden surge of warmth that was coursing through my body -- a heat that had nothing to do with the sun.

Heart pounding, I hastened back to the sanctuary of the kitchen as quickly as I was able. Safely inside, I paused for what seemed like the first time in hours, propping myself against the counter. What on earth had happened just then?

Too much sun, I told myself, unable to believe that I'd just been sexually aroused by a high school girl. Nor was it easy to accept just how intense my arousal had been in that brief second.

Then I laughed at myself. Damn, if I'd been so long without sex that the sight of a young cutie in a bathing suit could get me excited, it was clearly time for me to get myself back on the dating circuit!

Taking a deep, calming breath, I busied myself in the kitchen, cleaning up the mess. By this time, there was a lot of it.

Later, some of the girls helped bring in the serving plates, cutlery and glasses, and one of them even helped me load the dishwasher. This happened to be the girl who had commanded my attention earlier.

I nervously glanced at her out of the corner of my eye, relieved that I didn't feel that surge of sexual heat again. I also noticed that the girl's nipples were no longer visible through her top.

I measured a cup of liquid soap into the dishwasher, closed it and flicked the ON switch, and the machine began to churn noisily. When I turned around she was still there, smiling at me. The others had wandered back outside.

"Hi. I'm Mya Leonhart," she said warmly, extending a hand. "I'm a senior and the assistant choreographer for the Homewood squad."

Oh, yes, I remembered -- Kellie had mentioned her before. "Hi, Mya." Believe it or not, that was all I could think of to say. I felt fairly ridiculous -- like a timid young boy might, when encountering a lovely girl.

"Tell me, Kellie's mom... do you have a name?" she said teasingly.

I gave her a shy smile. "Oh, sorry. It's Gladys."

Mya laughed. "That's beautiful," she sighed. "It sounds like one of those lovely old names that no one gives their kids anymore -- but they should."

"Like, say... Melvin?" I suggested.

She giggled. "I can't really see you as a Melvin. You're much too -- too beautiful and feminine for that."

I was just beginning to relax when Mya suddenly placed a hand on my hip, then leaned in close to place a warm kiss on my cheek. "Thanks for putting up with us, Gladys," she murmured. Then, her lips lightly brushing my ear, she whispered, "I think you noticed something about me earlier." Then she stepped back, giving me a radiant smile. "See ya later."

I nodded, trying my damnedest not to blush, certain I was anyhow. And just like that, she turned and padded away to rejoin the party.

Who was this girl? And why was being in her presence making me feel like an awkward eighth grader?

There is, I learned that afternoon, a huge difference in technique between the way a man seduces, and how a woman does it. Men like the pursuit itself, but only if they're assured of scoring in the end. If they could simply skip the chase and zip right ahead to the conquest, most guys would be completely satisfied. A woman, on the other hand, enjoys seduction on its own terms, and is far, far more patient. She's still interested in catching her prey, but chooses to take her time at it.

As the day's light began to wane, the party moved inside to the living room. Kellie and her friend Becka poked through the CDs and put one on. Soon several of the girls were dancing. The rest stood around chatting, relaxed and enjoying themselves.

I peeked in right after the music started, then again an hour later. By then it was after eight-thirty and dark outside.

Catching my eye, Mya motioned to me. Some of the girls were still in their bathing suits, including her. I cautiously drew nearer.

"Would you like to dance?" she asked.

I studied her, wondering if that was a good idea. Still, I'd chatted with her earlier and kept my cool; so sure, why not? Besides, I couldn't think of a graceful way to say no. I nodded, and she gave me a radiant smile, extending a hand.

We danced a fast one, and then the music segued to a slow, romantic song. She moved closer, slipping a bare arm around my waist, and I nervously placed mine around hers. We talked of this and that -- what they call "light conversation," though God only knows what I was contributing. All I recall now is Mya's warm skin under my hand, coupled with the memory of that earlier flash of arousal. Somehow, I managed not to stumble.

The song ended and Mya smiled at me. "Shall we?" she said, nodding towards the sliding glass door that led out to the pool deck.

I followed her outside. It had cooled off; the air was still and soothing after the day's heat. The scent of honeysuckle perfumed the air. We stood quietly for a moment, watching the lights around the pool deck sparkle on the gently rippling water.

"Can I ask a favor of you, Gladys? It's kind of important," Mya asked me, breaking the silence.

"Um, sure," I replied. "I mean, you can always ask."

She gestured at the house. "I'd like to ask -- God, how can I put this?" She paused, took a deep breath. "Could you not go back into your family room for the rest of the evening? Not until tomorrow morning."

I was flabbergasted. "But... why?"

Mya gave me a shy smile. "Because tonight is -- well, let's just say that it's one of the squad's special nights."

"Special?" I asked. "What's so special about this night?"

She answered simply. "Girls... being with other girls, Gladys. A night of sharing."

I stood there frozen, confused. What was she saying...?

She continued to look at me, her eyes friendly. "Gladys, you're clearly an understanding person... and I'm sure that you don't see anything wrong with girls who like other girls. You see, we're a small circle of friends; we almost never go outside it." She grinned. "So we have these, these parties where we can do the things we want. Like make love until the sun comes up."

"I -- I'm not s-sure I understand," I stammered.

Extending a slender arm, Mya pointed at the house. "If you went back inside now, Gladys, the music would still be going, but the dancing is becoming, well, something more. The girls would be paired off; sharing soft kisses, light touches and caresses. Then the kissing will become hotter, more passionate. They'll undress each other, lie down together. And then..." Mya shrugged, still smiling warmly. "Come morning, there will be a lot of happy girls in there, ready to face another week of school." She paused, nibbling her lower lip, then added, "Your daughter and Becka Kempner are in love, you know."

My head spun. I'd had no idea, not an inkling. I never even knew that Kellie was into girls...

Mya studied me thoughtfully. "Are you upset?"

I numbly shook my head. "I... I didn't know." I took a deep breath. "I'm just -- surprised, I guess. Not upset, no." I managed a smile. "She's my daughter, it's her decision to make, and I'll always support her." I raised my eyes to Mya's. "I only wish she'd trusted me enough to tell me this herself."

Mya reached for my hand. "She does trust you, Gladys, and as for telling you... well, she just did." She laughed gently. "Kellie's been dealing with these feelings for awhile now, and she finally decided that she prefers girls to boys. This is new to her, too."

"So... about this party," I asked, "it's basically, um, a night where the girls have sex with each other?"

"That's right," Mya said. "It's a chance for us cheerleaders to be intimate together." She smiled wryly. "The ones who like to play with girls, anyway. Not all of us do."

I studied her face. "What about you?" Then I realized that she was still holding my hand.

"Let me answer your question with a question," she replied. "Do you know what the best part is about you leaving the girls alone for the rest of the night? Besides giving them the chance to enjoy a sweet, loving time together?"

"No," I softly answered.

Mya squeezed my hand. "You get to give me a tour of your bedroom."

I stood rooted to the spot, heart racing. All sorts of half-formed impressions ran through my mind. No matter how aroused I was at that moment, did I really want my first sexual experience after the divorce to be a lesbian encounter with a high school girl half my age?

My eyes met hers, and she gave my hand a squeeze before releasing it. Her arms twined silkily around my waist and, without a word, she kissed me. No schoolgirl peck, but a firm, frank, sexual kiss, her tongue already seeking entrance to my mouth.

Without hesitation I opened to her, opened my mouth, my body.

There was nothing timid about Mya, I'll say that. Incredibly sweet, yes, but also a girl who knew what she wanted and took it. Her arms tightened around me, drawing me nearer, and I was powerless to resist. Not that I resisted, mind you -- no, not for an instant.

Mya kissed me the way I liked best: hungry and with passion, eager. Above all, eager.

After a few seconds, I broke away, trembling. "I've n-never been with a woman before..."

Mya laughed gently. "It's just like falling off a bike, Gladys... easy as that."

I giggled, in spite of myself. "Kind of an odd metaphor, don't you think?"

"I'll give you a soft landing, Gladys." She lightly grazed my lips with her fingertips, and I couldn't help but kiss them. "So relax, enjoy. Trust me."

With those last two words her hands on my back moved beneath my blouse to deftly unhook the bra snap. Then Mya had the top undone and it went fluttering down to the deck, soon followed by my bra.

With a coo of delight she cupped my breasts, leaning down to kiss one, using her tongue on my stiffening nipple.

Mya was the most giving lover I had ever had, intent on my pleasure alone. Even as she removed my jeans, her lips nuzzled and suckled my breasts.

Then she slipped a hand in my panties to explore, finding the warm, wet places nestled inside my untrimmed curls -- first with her fingers, then with her tongue as she knelt before me, first pausing to pull down my sodden knickers.

I had my first orgasm while she was kissing my breasts, her hand between my quivering thighs; another with her tongue moving inside me, fingers toying with my clitoris; another when I didn't believe there could be another.

We ended up entwined on one of the thickly padded deck lounge chairs, where I held on to Mya in a happy daze, head spinning at the realization of what I'd just done -- and how much I'd enjoyed it.

I felt fingers graze my cheek, and opened my eyes to see Mya smiling at me. "You still haven't shown me your bedroom, Gladys," she whispered. "Don't you want to play some more?"

Well, that was the million-dollar question, wasn't it? Common sense told me to politely bid this young girl goodnight, thank her as nicely as possible for getting me off, then make my escape. Hide in my room for the rest of the evening and leave the other girls to their sex games. Try to work out what I would say to my daughter tomorrow.

But that wasn't what I wanted. Not even close. Every fiber of my being ached to explore this new, unexpected side of my sexuality with Mya, to abandon my sensible self for the moment.

I haven't even made her feel good yet, I told myself -- and a rush of desire mixed with astonishment surged through me as I realized just how badly I needed to make love to this beautiful girl.

I sat up, took a deep breath, slowly stood, then gazed into the warmth of Mya's eyes. "Let's go," I said.

Without a word, leaving all my clothes scattered on the deck, I led her indoors through a side entrance. By the time we reached my room, Mya was naked, the halves of her bikini dangling from one hand.

For the first time in my life, I looked at another woman with feelings of lust.

Mya was slim without being skinny, with elegant arms and legs; slight but flawless breasts. Her nipples were visibly erect again, and a shiver ran through me as I imagined sucking them. Her mound was adorned by a light pubic triangle, the color of honey.

Letting her bathing suit carelessly drop to the carpet, Mya moved into my open arms, crushing her mouth to mine, tongue darting between my parted lips.

Somehow we made it to the bed without breaking our embrace. Mya and I kissed and groped one another in a frenzy, making out like lust-blinded teens.

Suddenly she was straddling me, her warm, wet sex grazing my belly, staring down at me with hungry eyes. "What do you want to do now, Gladys?" she cooed. "Tell me."

God, she knew what I needed, could read it written on my face plain as day. But she wanted to hear me say the words.

"Oh, Mya," I whispered, "I -- I want to taste you."

She placed a hand on my shoulder, gently pressing me back. "I think that can be arranged," she giggled, moving forward until her sex was just above my face.

My God, I thought, gazing at her lightly-downed vulva, she's practically just a girl! Then I realized that Mya might not be fully adult, but she was certainly sexually mature. Maybe more than I was.

I raised my head and licked her. I'd never tasted a woman before, and was delighted to find that Mya's cunt was tart and luscious. I took my time at first, tentatively exploring her with my tongue.

Then the smell, the taste of Mya overwhelmed me, energized my libido like never before.

I buried my face between her thighs, pleasuring this lovely girl with utter abandon. Licking, sucking, nuzzling, kissing -- any way you can conceive of making oral love to a woman, I did it. Mya moaned, twisted and squirmed atop me. I felt her warm fluids coating my lips and chin as I plunged my tongue into her, over and over again.

Fucking her with my mouth, I told myself, amazed. That's what I'm doing.

Finally I centered my attention on Mya's clitoris, lightly nibbling at the inflamed pearl -- and my young lover cried out, panted hoarsely for a long, incredible moment, then finally slumped forward, purring with contentment.

"Damn, Gladys," she panted, settling down into the crook of my arm. "It's hard to believe you've n-never done that before!"

All I could think of to say was, "Um... are you okay?"

"Okay?" Mya giggled, then gave a blissful sigh. "I'm okay and then some..."

She planted a playful kiss on one of my nipples, a nipple that instantly hardened, demanding further attention. I slid my hand down along Mya's hip, finally cupping on the smooth, muscular curve of her bottom.

I felt lust renewing itself, only to be brought up short by Mya's giggle. "You're get-ting hot and bo-thered a-gain..." she sang.

"I -- I don't think I ever cooled down," I admitted.

Mya gently kissed my nipple once more. "It's late, Gladys. We should save a little for when we wake up." She grinned. "Sex in the morning between two girls, when the day is new... mmm, trust me, there's nothing like it."

I glanced past her at the clock on the nightstand; nine-thirty or ten, I thought, startled to see it was just after midnight. I sank back, suddenly aware of how sleepy I was. "Okay," I murmured. "Good night, Mya."

"Good morning," Mya sighed blissfully, "and thanks for everything. You're a wonderful lover."

I hugged her, and she put her head down, her cheek touching my shoulder. It didn't take but little while before Mya was dozing, her breathing slow and even.

I mused on what an eventful day it had been, in more ways than one -- and somehow, fell sound asleep in the midst of my reverie.


I wasn't sure what time Mya and I woke the next morning -- around six, perhaps. I had more important things to do than look at the clock. We smiled knowingly at each other, and then she squirmed around on the bed, bringing her mouth to my sex and her sex to my mouth.

In the light that shone through the blinds I could see every detail of what made Mya a woman; I could tell where my tongue would go when I licked her, could learn what she liked best. I let my hands glide all over her bottom, marveling how that part of her was so firm, yet so soft. Touching her that way inflamed me even more, and I followed a wicked impulse that had me trailing my tongue to the cleft of Mya's ass and licking her there -- something I'd never tried with a lover.

And then she was using her fingers to pleasure my anus as well, her thumb deftly manipulating my clit all the while. I gasped as she penetrated me, her digits twisting about inside my rectum. Deciding to up the ante further, I began to masturbate Mya while licking at her rosebud.

My own emotions were a fire inside me, swiftly mounting until I came in an incandescent burst of pure heat and light, exploding in my head like a sun gone nova. Without meaning to, I fell asleep seconds later.

When I woke, the sun was higher in the sky, and I was alone. I rolled over to peer at the clock; it was eight-thirty. I lay back, feeling warm and pleasant, sated with the memory of my first lesbian experience.

I sighed wistfully; missing Mya, but not unhappy to be alone right then. I needed time to think. Already, hard questions were making themselves known, demanding answers.

First question: how could I have done what I'd done? I'd made love to a schoolgirl! Not just once, but twice, and when I awoke, my first thought was of having her yet again!

Then I laughed at myself. Who made love to who last night? Mya had seduced me, and I'd responded. What was it she'd said -- that making love to a woman was easy as falling off a bike?

I hadn't fully understood her at the time, but now I did. Relax, let go, let things happen. Live life in the moment. If you want someone, and that someone wants you, it's okay to give in. Don't get in the way of nature and you'll be fine. I nodded to myself, reassured.

Next question: had I fallen in love with Mya?

I pondered, studying the mixed shapes of light and shadow on the wall opposite the window. After a moment's reflection, I had to shake my head. No, I wasn't in love. Mya had desires; I had desires. We'd been together and satisfied them. There had been no vows of love, no demands for fidelity.

With a rush of insight, I knew I'd just had a one-night stand -- the first in my life -- and finally understood why so many people indulged in them.

That left one remaining question: was I now a lesbian? That one I wasn't so certain about...

I heard faint murmurs in the hall outside my bedroom, giving me just enough time to cover myself. The door opened, Mya poked her head in. "You awake?" I hesitantly nodded, and she grinned happily. "We've got a surprise for you."

She came inside, and I saw she was dressed in a blouse and skirt; I wasn't sure if I was disappointed or relieved. Then my daughter Kellie followed her in with a tray and placed it in my lap. Kellie's friend Becka -- her girlfriend, I reminded myself -- was a step behind, bearing a glass of orange juice.

"We fixed this for you, Mom," Kellie told me, "to say thank you for everything. All the hard work you did."

It had to be obvious that I was naked beneath the sheet that I was holding to my chest -- and anyhow, the room probably reeked of lesbian sex. Kellie and Becka were freshly showered, bright-eyed and all smiles. It wasn't hard to figure out why they were so chipper. I stared down at breakfast, trying to conceal my embarrassment.

"Um... is it okay if Becka hangs out for awhile?" Kellie asked, and I nodded.

Anything you want, daughter mine. Anything at all. I have no earthly idea what I'll say if you ask me what I was doing last night.

Mya smiled sweetly. "Gladys, enjoy. Take your time getting up, okay?"

Then the girls were gone and I was left with two scrambled eggs, crisp bacon and pancakes generously anointed with maple syrup. It was a genuinely nice gesture, downright touching.

Picking up the fork, I took a bite of egg, pleased to see that Kellie remembered how I liked them -- with a sprinkling of pepper on top. Mmmm, pretty good. Suddenly realizing how hungry I was, I tucked into this unexpected feast, cleaning my plate in short order.

After eating, I hit the shower. The previous day's mixture of hard work and wanton pleasure had left me a bit achy, and it felt wonderful to let the steaming hot water caress every inch of my body.

I was just toweling off when Mya stuck her head in the bathroom. I saw her gaze approvingly at my nudity; then she smiled, arching an eyebrow in a very flirtatious way. "One of the girls' moms just showed up, I told her you were in the shower."

She winked, then vanished; leaving me all quivery inside, longing to kiss her, to take off that cute dress and have her right here on the bathroom floor. And I had a sneaking suspicion that she might've actually let me, too.

Shrugging off my daydream, I hurriedly got dressed and emerged from the bathroom to say hello. The woman -- my mind was in such a whirl that her name didn't register -- thanked me, then left with her daughter.

In the next hour there was a steady stream of girls exiting, thanking me on the way; some picked up by parents, some not.

Then Mya came over to me. "I've got to run. Thanks, Gladys."

I met her eyes, suddenly feeling absurdly shy. "When can I see you again?" I asked, lowering my voice.

"I'll call later this week," Mya told me. "Thanks a million -- it was wonderful." There was a warmth in her smile that made me want so badly to kiss her...

"You're welcome any time, Mya," I said, feeling oddly embarrassed at how desperately I wanted to get her back in bed with me -- and as soon as possible.

She winked, squeezed my hand, then left.

A few minutes later Kellie and Becka wandered into the kitchen, hand in hand. Everyone else was gone.

My daughter smiled sweetly at me. "Can we skinny-dip, Mom...?" Kellie asked.

Hesitantly, I nodded. Kellie squealed with excitement, and then the two of them raced from the room. Ah, teen love... so sweet.

I leaned back against the wall, thinking about how I had changed since last night. That question again: was I a lesbian now? Bisexual, at the very least, I thought. Mya had pleasured me in a way that made the prospect of being with a man seem utterly mundane.

Outside, the laughing and splashing had stopped. I got up and went over to the window. Kellie and Becka were standing on the edge of the pool, passionately kissing; Becka was fondling Kellie's bare bottom as well. A tendril of arousal spun through me, and I shook my head to clear it, chiding myself.

Deciding to give them some privacy, I picked up a paperback I'd been reading and stretched out on the sofa. My mind was elsewhere, though, and I ended up dozing off.

Kellie touched my shoulder. "Mom."

I gazed affectionately up at Kellie, letting the fog of sleep drain away. "Hmmm?"

"Can we give Becka a ride home?" Kellie asked.

I nodded, raising myself into a sitting position to stretch my arms. "Let me get my jacket."

Not much later we were back, and I wandered into the living room, contentedly settling down in the easy chair. Then Kellie made a beeline to where I sat, surprising me by climbing into my lap to nestle, wrapping both arms around my neck.

"Thanks, Mom. For everything."

I cuddled her to me. "You're welcome, hon. I really appreciate the breakfast in bed, by the way."

"So, Mom..." Kellie gazed up at me, then hesitated.

I raised an eyebrow. "Yes...?"

"Did you and Mya, um, have a good time last night?" She was blushing.

I laughed affectionately. My sex life -- or for that matter, my sexuality -- is something Kellie and I had never really discussed. Now, though, things had changed for both of us, and I felt a sudden desire to be honest with my child.

"It was wonderful," I murmured, blushing a bit myself. "I've never... been with a woman before, and Mya was, well, incredible. She taught me everything."

"Do you think you'll ever do it again?" she asked softly.

"Oh, definitely," I smiled. "It was the best sex I've ever had."

"So, you don't mind about Becka and me?" she asked. "You don't think we're -- well, too young to be girlfriends?"

I kissed the top of her head. "No, sweetie. When I was your age, I missed a whole lot of experiences. I don't want you to be like that. If you and Becka are in love, then there's nothing wrong with -- with expressing that love in a physical way."

Kellie tilted her face up to mine, her arms still twined around my neck. "Thanks, Mom," she sighed. "Gosh, I sure do love you..." She raised herself slightly, brushing my cheek with her lips.

What made me do what I did then? Everything, really. Curiosity, hunger, the lust still burning inside me for Mya, the knowledge that my daughter was also experimenting with girls.

I turned my head slightly; returning Kellie's kiss, allowing it to linger. Her lips parted for me, and I found myself lightly teasing my baby's mouth with the tip of my tongue.

I drew back and looked at Kellie, who smiled adoringly, her face warm with desire -- and then she closed her eyes, pressing herself into me.

Our mouths met again. This time Kellie kissed me like a lover, her tongue darting between my lips. I was stunned, but only for a moment -- and before I knew it I was returning her kiss measure for measure, Frenching my daughter with a passion I had never felt for any man, even her father. Our mouths slid together moistly, tongues mingling in a dance of love that left me breathless.

After a bit, Kellie pulled back, looking up at me. Her voice was soft, sweet, and dripping with lust. "Touch me, Mom... please, touch me. I need you."

"I... I need you too," I whispered, once again claiming her lips with mine, kissing her deeply, exploring Kellie's mouth with my tongue. I was no longer capable of reason. All thoughts of right and wrong, of breaking the taboo of incest, and lesbian incest at that -- they melted away in the heat of my desire for Kellie. This felt so good, so right. How could I not make love to my daughter?

I popped the button of Kellie's jeans, then slowly undid her zipper. My hand slipped inside, then under the waistband of her powder-blue panties to touch her vulva. God, she was so wet down there! She squirmed in my lap, moaning deliriously as I fondled her.

I explored Kellie's slit with curious fingertips, then allowed my thumb to brush her clit. She gasped with delight, pressing my hand tightly between her thighs. She threw her head back, panting helplessly, then a wild cry broke from her throat as she came. Her body went rigid for a long, breathless moment -- then with a long sigh, she went limp against me, but her hand stayed on mine.

Finally she raised her flushed face to gaze at me, grinning sheepishly. "Wow... I guess we're pretty perverted, huh?"

I shook my head, murmured, "No, not that," then kissed her lightly. "I don't know exactly what I'd call this, or what it makes us... but I don't think many mothers have a closer relationship with their daughters."

Kellie had an expression on her face that I couldn't read, and I sensed she was about to say something important. "Mom," she began, then paused to caress my hand, still lingering inside her panties. "I've dreamed about you, about me... being together this way."

That did surprise me. "You have? For how long?"

She shrugged. "Ever since I knew I liked girls." She leaned into me, nuzzling my neck. "God, you can't imagine how many times I've wanted to kiss you." Her mouth trailed down to touch my chest, just above the top button of the blouse I wore. "Kiss you, and touch you... all over." She placed a hand on my left breast. I hadn't bothered with a bra, so my top wasn't much of a barrier.

"Go ahead," I whispered. "Do whatever you want, honey." My legs were trembling. I burned for my child, body and soul. It seemed fantastic, impossible to believe -- but I'd never wanted anyone so badly, even after my time with Mya last night.

Her eyes shining with love, Kellie started undoing the buttons of my blouse.

Within minutes we were lying entwined in my bed, I was nude and so was she, our legs were forked wide apart, our sexes pressed tightly together. Kellie was clutching my thigh; as for me, I was cupping her luscious bottom.

My daughter frantically ground her cunt against mine and I responded in kind, giving as eagerly as I was getting. It felt unimaginably lovely, the friction of two women fucking -- especially when our clits touched, that divine contact practically an orgasm in itself.

Then Kellie's body convulsed once more, and mine rose to meet her as we both came.

It was beautiful, dreamlike and rapturous, all at once. And even though we were indulging in the taboo of incest, I felt not an iota of guilt or shame. In its place, there was a calm acceptance that told me how much I loved this wondrous sharing with Kellie. That's what it was, more than anything -- sharing.

We lay together in a sweet, sweaty tangle of warm flesh, my baby resting on top of me. "Oh, my angel..." I kissed her tenderly.

"God, Mom..." she sighed, "that was the best."

I saw Kellie's eyes on me; felt myself caressed by her trusting gaze. Suddenly I felt a twinge of guilt. How could I do this with my own daughter? Much less enjoy it more than I could remember enjoying anything, even the sex that had created her?

Kellie must have seen the concern in my eyes. "Mom," she smiled, kissed me lightly on my nipple. "The first rule of life: no regrets. You're the best mother in the world," she said confidently, "even without this." Then she gently moved her pelvis against mine. "With it..." she sighed, her face alight with pleasure, "you're a -- a fucking goddess."

I usually scolded Kellie when she used language like that. But right then, with the two of us stark naked, basking in the aftermath of forbidden love... it seemed wiser to let it slide. Besides, I liked the idea of being a goddess, fucking or otherwise.

She stroked my breasts as she gazed dreamily at me. "There is nothing I'd rather do now, do tonight, do tomorrow... do for all of next year than make love to you, Mom. I can't find the words to tell you how much I wanted this."

"You do have a life ahead of you, Kellie," I told her soberly, "a life of your own. I'm not sure that this is... the right thing for us."

She smiled. "But Mom, you have a life too. It didn't end when Dad left. Mine didn't either. And it's not going to end if we make love to each other."

"It would if anyone found out," I said, giving voice to an inkling of fear.

Kellie smiled. "Mom, I will never, ever tell anyone about this. Never. No hints, no nothing." She put a finger to her lips. I nodded and she continued. "And, oh yeah, I know kids aren't s'posed to say it... but hey, we goof up sometimes. If I do, you can tell me. I don't have to agree, but if I turn out to be wrong -- well, you get to give me the big 'I told you so.' Fair enough?"

I held her gaze, feeling my tension ease in the face of her confidence. When did my daughter of fifteen become so knowing, so wise?

"Kellie, if I mess up... would you tell me?"

"If you want, I will," Kellie said with a nod.

I gave her a shaky grin. "Okay, then. How about a mom who... who has sex with her own daughter? Does that count as 'goofing up?'"

She laughed. "Oh, mothers and daughters loving one another like we just did... I'm sure that doesn't happen very often. But I bet it happens more than most people think."

It was kind of an exclamation mark to things. Kellie pushed me back on the bed, crawled between my legs and started licking my clit. After a few minutes I came -- but she didn't stop, bringing me to orgasm once more.

Once I regained my breath I reached down to take her hand, bringing her up to kneel above my face, the way I'd done it with Mya, so I could give my daughter the same pleasure she'd given me.

I gazed, utterly enthralled, at Kellie's sex. Her lightly downed slit, glistening with the dew of her excitement, was the loveliest sight imaginable. I breathed deeply of my girl's intoxicating scent as I gently opened her with trembling fingers. Then slowly, wanting to savor the moment, I extended my tongue to take that first loving lick.

"Oh, Mom," she whimpered, "you make me so happy..."

The taste of my daughter thrilled me. I began to lick her up and down, pressing my face into her wetness, thirsting for the warm wine of her sex. Kellie's pubes were downy soft against my lips, but they quickly became damp and sticky as I ate her. Wanting more, I used my tongue to press inside her vagina, probing as deeply as I could go. It didn't take long until Kellie was rocking atop my face, moaning with delight as I ate her.

And then she was coming, shivers of orgasmic pleasure surging through her body, gasping over and over again, "I love you, Mom. I love you. Oh, Jesus, I love you...!"

I took my daughter through her climax and, remembering what she had just done to me, moved to her clitoris, taking it between my lips to suckle until she came again.

Finally she simply went limp, slumping to one side to lie next to me. Kellie was panting like she'd run a marathon, flushed from head to toe, her hair askew -- yet somehow, she was even lovelier. My heart seemed to expand in my chest, and I wondered with a start if I was falling in love with her. God, my own daughter.

I reached for her, drawing her close to me, and she curled up in my arms. "Mmmm," Kellie sighed.

"Mmmm... yeah, that's how I feel, sweetheart," I chuckled.

"Love you," Kellie said, her eyes vague, almost asleep. "So much..."

"Love you too, sweetie," I told her. My body relaxed against hers, and we both dozed peacefully.

When we awoke, there was no regret, no moments of awkwardness. Our eyes met, Kellie smiled lovingly, and we both laughed with joy in our hearts.

I took her hand, pressing it to my lips. "I can't believe this has actually happened between us," I whisper, "but I've never been so... so contented."

"Me too, Mom," she cooed.

"W-what happens now?" I murmur, suddenly a little awed by the enormous feelings that were bubbling inside me right then. Was I really going to be my daughter's lover?

She smiled, touching my nose with a playful finger. "First..." she giggled, "I think we need to take a shower." She freed herself from our embrace, rose to her feet, then added, "Together, I mean," reaching for my hand.

I rose to stand alongside her and, hand in hand, we padded naked through the house to my bathroom.

I hadn't planned to make love to Kellie again so soon. But once we were standing beneath the flowing hot water in a delicious haze of steam, soaping each other's bodies -- well, I suppose we were bound to be carried away.

First I made Kellie come with slippery fingers, teasing her cunt while I sucked her nipples in turn. Then she made me turn toward the wall of the shower stall and bend over, saying she had something she wanted to try.

Oh, my, did she ever -- my wonderful daughter parted my buttocks and began to lick my asshole. The lovely tickly sensation of her tongue against my anus had me shaking like a leaf in a gale.

Then her fingers stole between my thighs to tenderly stroke my clitoris, and I exploded in an orgasm that had me seeing stars. The next thing I remember was sitting dazed against the wet tile, Kellie's arms around me. I tilted her face up to mine, and we kissed, our tongues dancing together. My heart seemed to glow with the love I felt for my daughter at that moment.


Things changed between me and Kellie after that morning, and unquestionably for the better. You must understand, though, that what she and I had together never blossomed into a full-fledged romance. We were still mother and daughter at the breakfast table, when I got home from work, when we went shopping. Then Kellie would give me that special look, and suddenly my child and I were making love again.

We fucked in both our beds, on the couch, in the shower, in the hallway, by the side of the pool -- even on the kitchen table a time or two. And once, in a crazy mutual dare, we drove up to the local make-out spot, got naked and had wild sex in the car.

We are still intimate, and blissfully happy with that. Kellie is still girlfriends with Becka, and I still enjoy an occasional night of sexual abandon with Mya, along with a few other women I've gotten to know since learning the truth about myself. I haven't been with a man since, though I'm not ready to write them off completely.

But the secret passion that my daughter and I share brings me a special kind of happiness that I'll cherish for the rest of my life, even if the sexual side of it doesn't last.

I wanted to write about my relationship with Kellie to show that incest is not always wrong or harmful. Indeed, my daughter and I love each other more than ever. Here's what happened between us last night.

It had been a long, frustrating day at work. I was fairly exhausted, so Kellie and I just made sandwiches and had a quiet dinner. I went upstairs afterward, planning on turning in early.

I took a hot shower, which served to revive me. In fact, as I washed my body, I began to feel stirrings of desire. I'd felt tired before, but now I was quickly finding myself in the mood for some of my daughter's sweet loving.

I exited the shower, quickly dried myself and slipped into a robe, then peered down the hall, delighted to see that the light was on in Kellie's room. I padded down to her door, tapped once, then pushed it open.

Kellie was lying nude on top of the covers with thighs parted, a hand tucked between her legs, two fingers buried in her pussy.

"Like some company?" I asked, casting my robe aside and standing naked before her.

"Mmmm, Mom!" Kellie squealed with delight. "Yeah, totally... I thought you were too tired to play tonight."

I moved to the side of the bed and reached down to lightly caress my daughter's mons. "Oh, I'm never too tired to make you feel good, angel." I traced along the line of her slit with my index finger, giving Kellie a saucy wink. "What's your pleasure, treasure?"

"Hand, fingers, mouth, tongue... whatever, Mom," she giggled, "just make love to me..."

My eyes locked with hers, I knelt between Kellie's spread legs and licked around the vaginal cleft, teasing her until she was on the verge of screaming... then I opened her with my fingers and pressed kisses into the fiery pink flesh, her honey already flowing freely.

I sucked and licked at my daughter until she climaxed, the room ringing with her cries of ecstasy. Then I relaxed as she regained her breath, resting on Kellie's thigh until she reached down to give my shoulder a squeeze.

"C'mere, Mom," she murmured seductively, "I want a kiss."

I crept into Kellie's arms and she embraced me, her mouth seeking mine. She kissed me hungrily, her tongue circling my parted lips, humming with satisfaction as she tasted herself.

Without a word, Kellie urged me up and into a kneeling position just above her face. I was trembling in anticipation, longing to feel the touch of my baby's mouth.

Then she was licking me, exploring my cunt with an eager tongue. I moaned, my very being enveloped by a joy so real and perfect that I could almost reach out and touch it. How many mothers in the world were blessed like this, with a child who loved them as unselfishly as my Kellie loved me?

She caressed my ass, her thumbs trailing up the crack; then her tongue flickered inside to lick there. Meanwhile her fingers stole between my legs to toy with my clit as she firmly pressed the tip of her tongue into my anus, seeking entrance.

I howled as a massive orgasm crashed into me almost before I'd expected it, shaking my body like a rag doll.

I was dazed, concussed, yet somehow still perched atop my daughter's face. Somewhere in the thick haze I sensed Kellie nuzzling my thighs, heard her coo, "Gee, Mom... you almost came that time!" She gave a brief snort of laughter.

It was a good joke, but I was too dazed to chuckle. Carefully raising myself from Kellie, I flopped down next to her, exhaling noisily.

Turning to me, Kellie cupped my face in both hands and pressed her mouth to mine, feeding me her tongue. I responded in kind, and we spent a while sharing languid kisses.

Breaking away with a tiny peck on the tip of my nose, Kellie sat up and stretched her body, yawning contentedly. "Mmmmm... I'm gonna sleep like a big ol' baby tonight!" She lay back down, snuggling into me. "Thanks, Mom. Love you lots."

I touched my lips to her sweat-glazed brow. "I love you too, angel," I whispered. "You're everything to me."

She soon dozed off. I cuddled Kellie for awhile longer, blissfully happy just to be next to her -- my daughter, my best friend, my lover.