525: Luverne, Alabama 1988

by JetBoy

"Think they'll pick us up in a limousine?" asked Jane, drumming her heels against the bus bench outside school.

"Dunno," replied Kate. "They can afford to, anyhow. Bo's dad owns half the town."

"And Buzz's parents own the rest!" Jane retorted. "Think they'll bring us flowers?"

Kate shrugged. "Who knows? They're jocks. Totally clueless." She sighed. "At least Bo can dance... to fast songs, anyhow."

"Jeez, I hope they won't wanna slow dance..." frowned Jane.

"They won't!" Kate snorted derisively. "Not manly enough."

"Well, whatever. I'm just glad we had such popular guys ask us to the prom. Serious status and all that."

"I'm 'specially happy, cause it pisses off that bitch Mia Hollings. She totally wanted Buzz to take her. Ha!"

Jane giggled. "Yeah, we'll be the belles of the ball. There's one thing I wanna know, though..."

"Hmmm...?" responded Kate with a raised eyebrow.

"How soon can we ditch the guys afterward and get back to your place?" Jane whispered. "I'll be ready for some real romance by then."

Kate licked her lips, gazing deep into Jane's eyes. "Me too, lover," she murmured, lightly touching her friend's bare thigh with an index finger.

Jane shivered, then smiled thoughtfully. "Y'know what?... Think I left my algebra book in the bathroom after school. Help me look?"

"What d'ya mean? It's right here--" Kate reached for the volume, giggling when her redheaded friend snatched it away.

"Don't be dense, you cow," Jane snickered, tugging Kate to her feet. Leaving their things, the girls ran toward the school's side door.

"Don't call me a cow, you, you twat!" panted Kate, opening the door. Stifling laughter, they crept inside.

"Slut," hissed Jane, as they tiptoed down the empty hallway.

"Tramp," Kate shot back.


Reaching the bathroom, the girls slipped inside.


Scrambling to the stall at the end, they entered together. Breathing heavily, faces flushed, their eyes met.

"Dyke," Jane whispered.

"Lesbo," murmured Kate, an instant before their mouths met in a hungry kiss.

Slumping against the cubicle wall, they groped one another avidly. Kate's hand slipped beneath Jane's skirt and into her panties.

"God, yes," moaned Jane. "Do me."

Seconds later, she was mewling with pleasure as Kate masturbated her to orgasm.

They kissed, sharing the sticky fluids from Kate's fingers.

"Take your panties off!" Jane gasped, quickly kneeling. Grinning, Kate complied, leaning back and parting her legs.

Burrowing between the blonde girl's thighs, Jane licked her vulva... pleasuring Kate until her ecstatic squeals filled the room.

Afterwards, they held one another... and Kate began to cry.

"It's not fair," she sobbed. "Why do we have to play this b-bullshit game? Why can't we just... be together?"

"Shhhh, babe," soothed Jane. "One day, we will. I'll never leave you."


"And that," Kate concluded, smiling at the beautiful little girl sitting between her and Jane, "is how you came to have two mommies."

"Cool!" Heather chirped. "An' you still kiss Mommy Jane... down there?"

Kate glanced at Jane -- and they both laughed.

"Yes, honey," replied Kate, hugging her daughter.

"Mommies do things like that when they're in love," added Jane, joining in the embrace.