The Innocent

Part 1

Lori Barrett smiled sadly, leaning against the bar. “Go ahead,” she told one of her friends, “Dance.” This was supposed to be a wild and happy night; it was her twenty-first birthday. Unfortunately, Lori didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, and didn’t really party that much; she was too busy getting straight A’s for Medical School. Her father had emphasized the importance of doing well in college, and she had obeyed her father to the most minute detail. She was a good girl. Her friends had been able to find boys to dance and everything, but beyond an obligatory birthday dance, none of them asked her to dance a second time. She looked at her friend, Joanne. She couldn’t understand why such a smart girl smoked and drank and partied and even— had sex with someone she wasn’t going to marry! If Joanne would apply herself, she’d be able to get into Medical School, too. Lori had learned to accept that Joanne had other ideas about life, so, despite the fact that they were polar opposites, they were best friends.

This whole night had been Joanne’s idea. Lori liked the dinner, although the wine part was… difficult. When it came time to “bar hop”, Lori had attempted to leave the group and go back to study, but Joanne, Caryn, Becky and Susan would have none of it. So, here she was, in a noisy nightclub, drinking soda, watching her friends have the time of their life, while she basically sat out her own twenty-first birthday. “You don’t look like you’re having much fun,” said an unfamiliar voice next to her. Lori looked at the woman. She was pretty, with dark eyes and black hair. The woman was tall, if a little rotund, and seemed very friendly, with a nice smile.

“It’s my birthday today. I’m twenty-one,” Lori replied, without much enthusiasm. “My friends dragged me out here, but… I really don’t belong here—”

“Well, happy birthday. I’ll buy your next drink,” the woman said.

“Oh, thanks, but, I don’t drink,” Lori said, feeling guilty.

“What’s that in your hand?” the woman playfully asked. “I didn’t say it had to be an alcoholic drink. You only turn twenty-one once in your life.” She gave Lori her warm, friendly smile again. “My name’s Wanda, and you looked like you needed some cheering up. I thought it might have been man trouble, but…” She shrugged.

Lori introduced herself, and ordered a diet 7-up on Wanda’s generosity. The two started a conversation; Wanda was really easy to talk with. Lori found it was nice to speak to someone a little more mature than her drinking, dancing, wild friends. She was especially impressed when Wanda coolly shot down an admirer by pointedly saying, “Not now. I’m having a conversation with my friend.” Lori’s mood brightened and she didn’t mind when Joanne came up, cigarette in one hand, and a brand new beau hanging onto the other one, to say that the group was leaving. “That’s OK, Jo. I’m going to speak a little more with Wanda and head back to the dorm.” As her friends left, Lori mumbled, “That’s something I could never do. Pick up a guy in a bar.”

“What’s the matter with that?” Wanda asked.

“Oh,” Lori replied, afraid that she had offended her new friend, “I mean it’s something I wasn’t raised for. I don’t always understand Joanne. She could really mess up her life. If you saw her out on campus most days, you’d think she was the sweetest, nicest girl. Must be the alcohol.” Suddenly feeling uncomfortable at pronouncing such a judgment against her friend, she changed the subject. “Y’know, Wanda, I never did ask you about what you do for a living.”

“Me? I’m a librarian. Yes, that’s right, a librarian,” she grinned. “But I’m in the middle of a career change. I wanted to do something more fulfilling, so I went and got my official massage license. I came out to celebrate, too.” Now it was Wanda’s turn to field a steady stream of questions. Finally, she reached into her purse and pulled out a card. “I just had these made,” she proudly said. “All I need is a clientele.” After a moment of thought, she turned to Lori and said, “How about if I give you a free massage for your birthday? That way, you can tell your friends and everything!” Lori looked skeptical. “No, not tonight, silly. You have to call and make an appointment, like for when you’re all stressed out over exams or something. I bet it’s something you’d really like, and the first one is on me.”

Lori hesitated. A stranger she’d just met offering to give her a massage… “Well, I don’t think I could, I mean, I’d have to be naked and all…”

Wanda quickly replied that while Lori may just have a towel on, she wouldn’t. “Besides, that’s why I got the license. Anybody can say they give massages; but a license means that I’m a trained professional, and it’s my job,” she said. “Anyway, it’s my birthday gift to you, and you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to, OK? No hard feelings,” she smiled, handing the younger woman her card.

“Thanks,” Lori blushed. She looked at her watch. “Wanda, do you mind if I leave now? It’s getting late, and I have to catch a cab back to the dorms.” Her newfound friend said no, and they said their good-byes. Lori walked out of the club, feeling much better than she had before she’d met Wanda.

The black-haired woman stood at the bar musing by herself, after ordering her next drink. “It’s getting late… and it’s only eleven-thirty,” she shook her head. “Lori Barrett, you are definitely something out of yesteryear. ‘I’m a good girl and I don’t do things like that.’” Wanda removed a silver cigarette case from her purse, took out a long brown cigarette and lit it, taking a long, satisfying draw. “She probably would have thought I was a whore if she’d seen me smoking this,” she said aloud to herself. “Still, there are some intriguing… possibilities.” She relaxed against the bar and the innocent air she’d possessed just scant seconds ago vanished.

Ty Liston blinked and stopped as he headed back towards the dance floor. A sexy black-haired woman was leaning against the bar. She gave him a smile of invitation. He hadn’t seen her before—she hadn’t been standing there a few minutes ago when he’d gone to the head. He smiled back; she looked hot and ready to trot. She wasn’t exactly skinny, but hey, that was why they said, “More cushion for the pushin’.” He changed his mind about going back to the dance floor, and decided to accept the invitation in her smile instead.


Lori gasped loudly. A “C” in Biochemistry on the midterm! This was a disaster. Especially since she had planned to spend any extra study time on the Cell Biology project. Biochem was a big pre-med weed-out course. Medical schools looked really hard at the grades in advanced biology courses. She felt the beginnings of a tension headache, and rubbed her temples. “S’matter, Lori?” Caryn asked, looking up for her grade. “Oh… I see,” her roommate said as she saw Lori’s name and her grade.

Lori complained all the way back to the dorms, talking about how stressful the next few weeks were already going to be, and about how much worse her Biochem flop made it. When they got back to the room, she took a couple of Advil and lay down. Her neck was so stiff; that was what made her head hurt. Caryn looked at Lori and said, “You need a massage. It’ll make you feel better. That’s what I did last year over spring break when my dad took me to Cancun. I spent every day under the magic hands of Raouuullll,” she crooned, rolling out the name and wiggling her fingers. “It was like, stress? What stress? Besides, he had a real cute butt. Too bad you can’t go there for a massage.” Caryn’s face brightened. “Hey—what about that free massage you got from that lady for your birthday? You still got the card?”

Lori’s head and neck ached. “It was probably just a joke or something. I was so out-of-place there, and I looked it. She was probably some lesbian looking for a pick-up.”

“What if she was for real? I bet you could use a massage, right?” Caryn shot back. “Look, you can call, and see if it’s for real, like there’s a business answer. Besides, if you’re not comfortable when you walk in, you can walk right out. But I am tired of hearing you bitch about how stressed out you are.”

Lori sighed; Caryn was right. What did she have to lose? She could always walk out if anything wasn’t right about it. A massage sounded awful good, because it hurt to turn her head. She resolved to call the next chance she got; right now, though, all she wanted to do was sleep.

Two days later, Lori was ready to call. She had looked at the returned exam from Hell and discovered that she had completely misunderstood one section of the course; that was why she had done so poorly. Now she was thoroughly stressed. She looked at the card. “Gardner Massage Therapy. Wanda Gardner, Certified Massage Therapist.” There was also a list of the types of massage she offered, and the phone number. �Lori dialed, hoping that this was all for real. “Hello, Gardner Massage Therapy.”

“Hi,” Lori began. “My name is Lori Barrett, and I got a business card from somebody named Wanda and she told me it was for a free massage—”

“Lori! Hi. This is Wanda. Are you going to take me up on my offer?” The voice on the other end of the line was the same as Lori had remembered at the club. She sounded so happy and cheerful and nice.

“Umm, yeah. I had a problem with one of my classes, and I’m really stressed. My neck and head seem to hurt all the time any more.”

“I know just what you need. I can also recommend a good chiropractor if you want. So, when would be a good time for you to come in? I have hour-long slots, but you probably won’t want to get right up and leave. I’m booked solid for the next two weekends, so if you want a weekend, it’ll be at five p.m. on Saturday in three weeks.” Lori was encouraged by the businesslike approach Wanda had, even though her voice hadn’t lost its friendliness.

“Well, I get out of class at four on Tuesdays and Thursdays; those are the only days where I’d have a chance to get there before seven. I think that’s a little late.”

“Honey, I have business people who make appointments for nine p.m. But that’s the last appointment in the business day. I have—” There was a pause while she checked her appointment book. “—A five o’clock available next Tuesday.” The arrangements were made and good-byes exchanged. Both women were looking forward to Tuesday, but for entirely different reasons.


When Lori pulled up to the address on the card, she was pleasantly surprised by the neighborhood and the building. Wanda’s “office” was a stately brownstone in a residential district, nothing at all like the image of a “massage parlor” that she had in her head. She rang the bell. Wanda answered, dressed in aerobic workout clothes. “Hi Lori! I’m glad to see you could make it! My office is in the basement, and the stairs are through the first door on your left. There’s a changing room down there; I’ll be down in five minutes.” Lori headed down the steps and into… a nice room. It was dimly, no—softly lit, and beautiful pictures of forests, and ocean sunsets adorned the walls, while soothing music was playing quietly over the stereo. She went to undress and emerged with her bra and panties on.

Wanda came down the steps. “Oh, hi Wanda. This is a really nice office. Ummm… can I leave my bra and panties on for the massage?” Lori blushed. Wanda said yes, but she would have to unsnap the bra for the back massage. However, Lori could snap it back after she finished that part. Lori thought a moment, and decided that it made sense. So far, nothing seemed to indicate that this was anything but a professional situation.

Then Wanda told her to go to a rack on the wall and select her oil. Lori looked at the three rows of bottles. “Each oil has a different scent; the small bottles next to each are for sampling,” Wanda explained. “I can also use just a moisturizing oil with no scent.” As Lori inspected the bottles, she commented favorably on the office. “Isn’t this a great place? My uncle willed it to me,” Wanda said. “I live upstairs, and my business is down here. It keeps it simple for the IRS come tax time. Did you know that this used to be a doctor’s office and home?” The chatter was light until Lori selected a sandalwood oil that Wanda took to a heater. “OK, Lori, now I want you to lie down on the table and try to relax. Let me know if I’m using too much pressure on your muscles. We can keep talking, but I don’t want you to move around on the table. OK?” Lori replied yes, a little nervously. “Don’t worry, Lori, you’re gonna love this…”

As Wanda began to dig into Lori’s tense back, the young girl moaned in surprised pain. Lori’s insecurity about having another woman touching her while she was barely dressed served to keep her from enjoying the massage. Her body dug in against the perceived invader. Slowly, under Wanda’s hands, the pain gave way to soothing warmth, and Lori’s body finally received permission from her brain to give into the pleasant feeling. She gave a brief shudder, a long sigh, and melted onto the table. “There,” Wanda quietly said. “That feel better?” Lori purred affirmatively. “Was this a good idea?” Another quiet purr. “Some people go to sleep during a massage, Lori; that’s OK. Remember, this is your time to relax… forget about stress… just enjoy the relaxing feeling of your muscles being treated so well… You can sleep if you want… it’s all right to sleep when you relax completely… during a massage… relax… relax… all the way… to sleeeeep if you want…”

Lori peeped a barely intelligible, just-audible, “O…K.” It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep after that. Wanda continued the massage; she was there to provide a service, and may just get some repeat business out of this. As Lori’s slack body showed no resistance to her continued manipulations, Wanda decided to assess the possibility of her second agenda. “Lori… Lori… are you relaxed?” After a few seconds, a very soft, “yes” came from the girl’s mouth. “You don’t have to wake up yet… stay asleep, Lori, that’s all right,” Wanda cooed, almost as softly. “You can answer my questions while you sleep. Do you enjoy this feeling?”

“Mmm… hmmm… floating,” the sleeping girl replied.

“Yes, it’s nice and warm and comfy, isn’t it?”


“Wouldn’t it be nice to have something to drink while you float? Something cool and refreshing… to help you keep floating like this? You’re just a little thirsty now, Lori, but stay asleep… I’ll bring you something if you want… keep floating… nice… warm… safe… very relaxed… no worries now… just a little thirsty…” Wanda saw Lori’s throat muscles work a little. She was quite suggestible. “A drink, Lori?” Her subject nodded. “Just stay there and float… I’ll be back… stay relaxed… you don’t have to wake… it’s so pleasant to just float… warm… and safe… and relaxed…” The masseuse quietly padded up the stairs and retrieved a vial of orange colored liquid from a locked cabinet. She poured it into a small cup of water. It smelled like orange blossoms. Returning to her client, she held the cup near enough that Lori could smell it. “Mmmm,” Wanda purred, “Sweet oranges… sip and stay relaxed, Lori… So sweet, you’ll like it…” She smiled as the young woman’s first sip through a straw turned into a steady drink, until the cup was drained. “Was that good, Lori?”

“Yes,” the young woman sighed, a smile on her face.

“Now relax, and let the massage continue to make you feel good… relax you even more… where you are just completely free… no worries… sink into the table more… softer and softer it becomes… as the massage continues… and you go deeper into a comfortable sleep. A very comfortable sleep…” Wanda gently worked on Lori’s arms and hands until they limply fell off the table. Time to test if the black lotus hypnotic had its usual effect of increasing suggestibility. “Now, Lori, this is pleasant, so pleasant, you want this feeling again, don’t you?”

“Mmm… hmmm…”

“The massage is almost over… but you will come back won’t you? You want to feel this way again… and again… and next time it will be easier to feel this way… still easier the time after that… you want that, this floating, relaxed feeling… so peaceful… so calm… so relaxed…”

“Yesssss… I doooo…” Lori crooned, eyes closed, body limp.

“Then you will make another appointment with Wanda, right?”

“Yes… ‘nother appoint… ment… Wanda.”

This was it. “When you hear me say the words, ‘Massage Time,’ you will make yourself ready to feel the way you feel now, and let my hands take you there quickly next time, Lori. It will be so much quicker, and you will feel so much better next time, for longer… relaxed… peaceful… calm… so very relaxed…”

“M’sage… time?”

“Yes, Lori. When Wanda says, ‘massage time,’ you will feel so much better. Very relaxed, very peaceful, warm, and so relaxed… But not until next time. You must be here for next time, do you understand?”

“Yes… next time…”

“But now your time is over… you may wake up, slowly, feeling relaxed and refreshed, fully alert and awake when I count from three to one. You will only remember the massage, a nice, long, relaxing massage, but you will want to make another appointment. Wake yourself up, Lori, your appointment is finished… three… still feeling relaxed and refreshed. Two, you can begin to open your eyes, Lori, slowly waking… and… Lori, wake up with one, completely awake and alert,” Wanda coaxed, quietly, sweetly. Lori blinked. “Your back was so stiff, I didn’t even have a chance to get to your legs before your time was up,” Wanda resumed, giving no hint that anything else had happened. “How do you feel?”

“Wow! I feel great! So much better than when I walked in! That massage stuff really works!” Lori exclaimed with a bright smile.

“Yes, it does,” Wanda smiled back. “But I have some advice for you. Don’t hunch when you study in the cubicles, OK? Maybe then I’ll be able to get to your legs and feet in the hour.”

Lori nodded, still smiling. “When can I make another appointment?” Her face fell. “How much is it for an hour?” She was a relatively poor student; her studies prevented her from having a job while in school. “I mean, I can’t pay much… but I want to do this again…” Frustration filled her voice.

“Tell you what, kiddo; if you promise to get me four more clients sometime this semester, I’ll do an hour a week in exchange. Sound like a deal?” Lori nodded eagerly, the smile re-forming on her face. Caryn had lots of money and she liked massages; she would do this for Lori. “Is this a good time for you? Can you be here next week at this time?” Lori immediately accepted, then went to shower and get dressed. Wanda showed her out through the basement door, which opened onto the street corner where she had parked. “Next week, use this entrance. Just ring the downstairs bell—my upstairs isn’t always as neat and tidy as it was today,” Wanda joked. Lori spun and left after saying a happy goodbye. As Wanda watched her drive away, she smiled. Lori could be worth a lot more than all the extra clients she brought in combined.


�“So how was it?” Caryn asked. “You look great!”


“Yeah, it’s pretty obvious that something changed while you were there. You left here with the weight of the world on your shoulders, and now it’s not there. This lady must be pretty good,” Caryn commented.

Lori nodded. “I’d like to visit her every week. She told me not to hunch when I study, and she knew a chiropractor. But I can’t afford the chiropractor or every week…” She felt guilty about dragging Caryn into this, but that was the only way she could get her massages from Wanda, and she really wanted her massages from Wanda.

“And…” Caryn was looking at her with an expectant expression. “Out with it, kiddo. I know when you feel guilty about money and me.”

Lori sighed, “Oh… it’s just that I’d like to do it again, but I can’t afford it, at forty-five dollars an hour. I even made a deal with her to get her four new clients in exchange for free massages, but I don’t see how I can do—”

“Oh that’s way kewl. I was just going to give her the gold card number for you, but as long as I can get myself de-stressed in the bargain…” Lori hugged her roommate, crying softly in happiness. “Hey… hey… no water works, all right?” Caryn wrinkled her nose. “Did you just eat an orange?” Lori shook her head. “Well, between that on your breath and the scent of sandalwood on your skin, she sounds like a real operation,” her roommate said. “Let’s check with the gang tomorrow at dinner to see if they want to join in the massage club,” Caryn grinned. Lori grinned back. It looked like she was going to be able to get her massage from Wanda!

At dinner the next night, Lori’s other friends listened to her talk about her massage and how good she felt afterwards. Caryn commented that it would have been better if the person giving the massage had been male and Mexican and gorgeous. Everybody except Lori laughed. “What’s the matter, kiddo?” Joanne asked, sensing that something was troubling her friend.

After Lori explained the deal she had worked out with Wanda, Joanne looked around the table. “How many of us are there here?” All five of the group were eating together. “Well, I know that I’d be willing to give it a shot,” she announced.

Caryn piped up, “Well, I’ve got Daddy’s gold card. He feels so guilty over the divorce that he doesn’t even bother to check the charges any more. I already told Lori that I’d even pay for her massages if it made her less grumpy over school stuff.” The petite blonde sat back in her chair. “Unless Becky and Susan are in for massages, too.”

The other two women nodded quickly, and Becky interjected, “We want to save that gold card for spring break, remember?” Again, everybody except Lori laughed. She thought it was wrong to do that, and wasn’t going to help her friends run up Mr. Morehead’s credit card bill.

Caryn piped up again, laughing, “Hey, if this woman is as good as you say, she may even make me forget about my requirements for a masseur.” Laughter all around the table.

“Then it’s settled. We’ll call this lady and get appointments, that way you can get your free massages, Lori,” Joanne said, turning serious. Lori gave a squeak of joy and tried not to cry as she hugged everybody around the table. She had such good friends! They were going to help her get her massages from Wanda!

The next Tuesday evening found Lori in Wanda’s office, bra and panties on, waiting happily for her next massage. She had already selected her oil, something clean this time; she hadn’t realized that the scent of the oil would linger even after the shower until Caryn noticed. Wanda was upstairs on the phone making an appointment for Becky. She came bouncing down the steps in her standard workout outfit. “Hi kiddo!” she cheerfully greeted her client. “Boy, you work fast! I’ve got three of your friends booked for next week, but Caryn—right?—said she’d pay for you anyway. Thanks for the business!”

“But you’re really good, Wanda,” Lori enthused. “I haven’t felt any of those knots or anything like I did last week. I’m even sitting up in the study carrels now,” she smiled. “As for what made me so stressed—it’s still there. So, I’m here.”

“Well I’m glad I can help you. Does this mean I’ll be able to get to your feet and legs this week?” Lori nodded eagerly. “Great! Let me get the oil heated and then we can start!” Lori lay down on the table, trying to get in the right frame of mind for a massage. She willed her Cell Biology thoughts to stop running around in her head. Wanda padded back into the room; the floor was plushly carpeted, and Lori could barely hear Wanda return. She felt the warm oil on her shoulders and let an involuntary sigh escape as Wanda began to work the oil into her skin.

“And now, it’s massage time!” Lori heard the words, but a heavy, warm, pleasant feeling pervaded her body. Her tongue seemed to get heavy, too; too heavy to speak. She felt sleepy all of a sudden. “Yes, Lori, it’s massage time. Relax, and let the massage take all your stress away… massage time… sleep if you want, but relax completely… Sleep if you want… Close your heavy, heavy eyes… as the relaxation fills your eyelids… they are too heavy to keep them open… Just relax…” Lori’s eyes closed, and she smiled. “Do you feel good now, Lori? You don’t have to wake up, you can answer while you’re nice and deeply relaxed. Yes, so deeply relaxed… The more you relax, the better you feel…”

“Mmm… hmmm…” Lori purred. Wanda began to give the young woman a massage as promised, but the hidden agenda was definitely to be pursued.

“Deeper into relaxation, Lori, feeling so much better now… no worries… so relaxed… during massage time… So relaxed and heavy… feeling so warm, and safe and relaxed…”

“Yes… so relaxed… no… worries… mmmm… mass-age… ti-i-i-i-ime…”

“Yes… relax completely while you are here, Lori. It’s massage time for you… School doesn’t matter during massage time… You are completely relaxed, so warm and safe… your body is so heavy… so calm and peaceful…” Lori sighed happily. “That’s right… so deeply relaxed… it’s easier to hear Wanda talk during massage time while you are so relaxed and calm, and peaceful. Safe and warm, deeply relaxed during massage time…” The young woman’s body shuddered and lost the last bit of tension that remained. Now she was completely limp on the table. Wanda briefly considered having Lori believe that she had had a massage and to take the rest of the hour off, but the second agenda wouldn’t wait.

“Lori?” Wanda got an unintelligible murmur in response. “When you are in massage time, so deeply and completely relaxed like this, you can hear Wanda’s voice… Only Wanda’s voice.”

“Only… Wanda’s… voissss,” Lori whispered.

“Wanda’s voice is so clear to you… you must listen to Wanda’s voice during massage time… it tells you to relax so completely… so deeply… keeping you in a place that is safe and warm… do you understand?” Lori made a soft hiss that Wanda took to mean yes. “Very good, Lori… Now, when you hear Wanda say ‘massage time’, you will find it sooo easy to come back to this place… this total relaxation, deeply asleep… warm and safe… deeply asleep where there is only Wanda’s voice.” Lori nodded slowly, weakly. “You will not feel anything that Wanda’s voice does not tell you to. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Lori softly breathed. Wanda went deep with her next few strokes, penetrating the knot in Lori’s neck. She did not make a sound. This was very good.

“Lori… on a scale of 1 to 10, with ten being totally awake and 1 being completely asleep, where are you now? You may answer me while staying so deeply relaxed…”

“Th-thr-t—two and… a… halllffffffff…”

“Very good, Lori… such relaxation is very good… you are a good girl, Lori,” Wanda replied, drawing a smile from the sleeping girl. “Can you try to be a good girl for me, now, and take yourself deeper into sleep… relaxation… the more you relax yourself, the deeper you will sleep… and tell me the number where you are as you get there.”

There was a pause, then a soft, “Two.” Wanda continued her patient massage for several minutes and suddenly Lori licked her lips and whispered, “One point ssssixxxx…” The masseuse stifled a laugh at the girl’s precision. Such a scientist… pity. Hope she’s not the one to find a cure for cancer. The room was silent again, and Wanda decided it was time for a little extra help.

“You are in your safe, warm, relaxed place, Lori… But now you’re getting a little warm, aren’t you Lori, it’s not bad, just a little warm, so that you’d like something to drink.”

“Thirsty…” Wanda brought out the cup with the orange blossom aroma, and trickled the liquid onto Lori’s lips. She slowly drained the cup in this fashion. They’d been here for over an hour, but Wanda had made sure not to book anybody after Lori.

Wanda smoothly purred, “Now you feel so much better, don’t you Lori?” as she threw the cup away. Still entranced, her client nodded in reply. “Relax even more at the sound of my voice, Lori. Go deeper into relaxation, and just listen to my voice… “Yes, it feels good to relax with Wanda. Wanda’s voice relaxes you… ‘Massage time’ makes you feel this way. When you hear me say ‘massage time,’ you can relax this way… and you will because it feels so good.” Wanda repeated her hypnotic discourse several times, counting on the drug to increase the young woman’s suggestibility. “Now, Lori, where are you?”


She lifted Lori’s arm and let go. It fell, limply, and gained no response from the subject. Lori was definitely in a deep trance. “Now, Lori, you will talk to me while you remain asleep. I am your friend, and you trust me. You trust Wanda, and you will talk to her. You will remain so deeply relaxed that you will not awake. It feels good to talk to Wanda while you are deeply relaxed. Feels so good, Lori…”

“Talk… so relaxed… feels good… Wanda…” Lori sighed.

“Now Lori, you’re a good student, aren’t you?”


“And you’re very smart.”

“Yes… work… harrrd.”

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

“No… no time… for boys… too busy… Medical school… want to be a – doctor,” Lori said without stirring.

“What about your friends? Do they have boyfriends?”

“Yesss… Joanne… but she’s so nice…” There was a pause. Lori wanted to say something else, but couldn’t. Something was keeping her from saying something.

“I’m your friend, Lori… you can tell me… Relax for Wanda… it’s so easy to talk to Wanda… so easy when you’re deeply relaxed… so deeply relaxed… no worries,” Wanda quietly sang.

“Sex… But she’s so nice… and so smart… could get better grades… Don’t understand. Not a bad girl.” Lori’s confusion about Joanne and her carefree ways finally came out. Wanda smiled. Lori’s weak point had just been exposed. Now the hidden agenda could take on reality. Wanda slowly brought Lori out of trance, while removing the trance experience itself. All Lori would remember was the long, well-deserved, very relaxing massage.

As the girl walked out, all smiles after her shower, and having confirmed her appointment for the same time next week, Wanda felt a pang of conscience. Nonetheless, a girl did have to make a living, and Lori would be extremely lucrative.

This story copyright © 2001-2005, The Flying Pen

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