This story is of an erotic nature.

I wouldn't dream of telling you what you can or can't read but if the law, in your part of the world, says you must not read this sort of fiction then please go read something that they'll let you.

Don't break the laws, change them.


Sneaky Beaky

A Story in The Swarm Cycle Universe

by Duke of Ramus

A Piece of my Imagination

The Swarm Cycle

The Swarm Cycle is a collection of stories manufactured around a concept introduced by the Thinking Horndog positing an alien invasion and Earth's reaction. The intent is for this to be a multi-author universe similar to the wildly popular Naked In School stories. If you're a budding author of erotica or sci-fi and see something here that strikes your fancy, pop over to the Author's Page for more info on what's going on here and how to submit a story for this collection. The rest of you are probably here to read, so...



This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author�s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental

� 2008 Duke of Ramus.

All rights reserved.


The Swarm Cycle Universe

Copyright � 2007 The Thinking Horndog



I'd like to thank Mulligan and Steve T for their assistance in turning this into a better story than my initial effort, any errors remaining are of course mine.


Sneaky Beaky
British Army lingo for special operations, sneaking about, up to something.
See those blokes over there?
Reeks of sneaky beaky work...
Must be from the Regiment...
Urban Dictionary

Lilian Alford, like most of the inhabitants of Demeter stood two metres tall and had a physique that back on Earth would have required hours of hard work in the gym. Here it was the product of Darjee medical technology and the thousands of nanites that now inhabited her body.

As she moved to open the door before her, you'd never have guessed that before she was extracted she'd made her living as the kitchen manager in the Military College that the Governor had been attending. Now she was one of the drones that belonged to the planet's Governor and spent most of her time as his unofficial personal assistant.

She rapped firmly on the door, an action that drew the plain grey shift she wore tight across her chest and without waiting for a response she pushed the door open and announced almost formally,

"Tribune ap Rhys to see you, Sir."

Again without waiting for a response from the man seated behind the desk she stepped clear of the entrance and waved the grey uniformed man through the door.

Like Lilian, he was two metres tall but he moved as though he was used to the body he was in and was confident that it would do what he wanted, when he wanted it to.

"David," called the Governor as he rose from his desk, "To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

Just by looking you couldn't tell that the Governor was barely out of his teens, or that the man who was approaching him was twenty years older. The Darjee medical technology they'd been subjected to since they'd been extracted from Earth had given both men the bodies of athletes and an apparent age to suit their positions.

"Hi, Alex," said David ap Rhys, shaking the proffered hand, "I've come up with an idea and I want to know how you feel about it?"

"Grab a seat," said Alex Flowers, Governor of Demeter before turning to the woman stood in the doorway. "Lilly, could you bring us some drinks and after that try and keep everyone else away while I have a chat with David."

The woman smiled at her owner, "Certainly, Sir," she replied before closing the door softly.

"So, David," asked Alex as he dropped into a chair opposite the head of his planet's Civil Service, "What's this idea you've had?"

"OK, you know how stretched my people are getting?" asked David by way of an introduction.

The Civil Service was the organisation responsible for all the concubines who didn't have an official sponsor; they were the only reason that unattached concubines were not recycled within forty-eight hours of losing their sponsors. They were also the closest that the Confederacy had to a combination of Education Department, Social Services and anything else that wasn't geared to helping the military fight the Sa'arm.

The biggest problem the service had was that they didn't really exist. No one had planned for them and they had no real budget or manpower, anything they achieved was down to the strength of personality of the individual Civil Service representative and the way they worked with the military around them.

When they'd met, Alex had just arrived on Demeter and David was dragging a band of surviving concubines around from the military disaster that had occurred on Neptune. Now they were both working together to look after a planet that was home to nearly seventy thousand people, a mix made up of Marines, Citizens and their families.

Fortunately David had managed to forge a good working relationship with the Governor of this planet and, as the Governor nodded in understanding he was going to make the most of that friendship.

"I've come up with a way to recruit a load of people who would suit the Civil Service and if you agree with me those new people will ease the workload on my people," he said. "The only real problem is that I need to get back to Earth and stage my own pickup."

Alex shook his head in amusement; "Well, you've got me interested," he said, "How about giving me some of the details of this idea."

It was David's turn to chuckle, "Actually," he said, "It's all your own fault."

"Mine!" exclaimed the Governor.

"Yours," replied a nodding David. "Remember when you sent Melanie to me with the idea that she should join the Civil Service?"

Alex nodded slowly, Melanie or to be more precise Sister Melanie had been a nun who'd taught at St. Genevieve School for Young Ladies. She'd been caught up in the extraction that dragged Alex and the rest of the cadets into space alongside the girls from her school and those from the Upper Lea Girls School.

"Go on," said Alex, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"I had a chat with her and we discussed her CAP score," said David. "Did you know it was seven point three?"

Alex nodded again so David continued, "According to her, there were several other nuns working with her at the school that had CAP scores high enough to volunteer but wouldn't because of the military nature of the Confederacy."

"Military nature," spluttered Alex, "Don't they know what's happening..." He ground to a halt, "Forget that, of course they don't know what's happening out here, we don't tell them. Go on, carry on with this idea of yours."

"It's like this, I need manpower, or womanpower," said David, "and it appears that the Priory that supports St. Genevieve's is likely to have the sort of numbers that would make an extraction worthwhile. However the Confederacy wouldn't plan an extraction on that place in a million years as none of them have volunteered for service."

"So what exactly do you want from me?" asked Alex.

"I want you to arrange for me to go on the next extraction mission to Earth," declared David. "I'll need to run my own pickup and have sufficient pod space to bring them back here."

"Don't want a lot, do you?" said Alex with a frown. "The pickup crews are working flat out just to get the manpower here that we need for the military side of things. Getting them to agree to pick up civilians for you is going to be a tough task."

David watched as Alex ran through several scenarios in his mind but could tell that he didn't look hopeful. When it seemed that he finally given up David said diffidently, "Well I did have another idea but I'm not sure how practical that is."

Alex looked at David and screwed up his face, "Am I going to like this?" he asked.

David grinned, "That depends on how much of the little boy who likes adventures is left under that enhanced body they've got you dressed in now."

Alex was shaking his head, "I know I shouldn't ask," he said, "but go on, spill the beans."

"I happen to know where there are two assault ships that aren't doing a great deal at the moment," said David before falling silent.

The Governor's eyes opened wide, "We couldn't..." he began and then fell silent. He pondered the matter for some time and David watched in silence.

"You know," said Alex, "It may just be possible." He tapped his fingers on the arm of his chair, "I'll have to check what the actual operating instructions are for the ships but if it's as open as I think it is," he grinned, "then we may just be on to something."

Lilian Alford chose that moment to enter the room with the drinks that had been ordered. Alex sat back in his seat and pursed his lips, his fingers drumming steadily on the arm of his chair.

As Lilian rose from putting the drinks down Alex addressed her, "Lilly, see if you can track down Major Lebedev. If she's got nothing on at the moment, ask her to join us."

"Yes, Sir," replied Lilian and exited the room silently.

"AI," called Alex, "What were the operational orders for the Sir Tristam and the Sir Bedivere?" he asked, referring to the two assault ships that had been attached to the training team operating on Demeter.

"They are to provide training facilities for all units attached to the colony world of Demeter," replied the AI. "Specifically they are to provide pilot training resources and associated tasking requirements."

"What is their operational training area?" asked Alex.

"No area is specified," replied the AI.

"Who is in operational command of the ships?" asked Alex crossing his fingers metaphorically.

"Whilst attached to Demeter they fall under the command of the Governor providing that his instructions do not contravene any Confederacy standing orders," said the AI.

Alex looked at David and smiled, "It's looking good," he said. "All I have to do now is convince Svetlana to go along with us."

David settled back and smiled, it looked like his idea had hooked the Governor, so he was half way back to Earth already.

Major Svetlana Lebedev listened politely as David outlined his plan, her face betraying no emotion at all. When he fell silent she looked from David to Alex and frowned, "You two are like a couple of little boys," she said.

"It is totally ridiculous to expect a military unit to take part in such a hair-brained, ill conceived and illogical mission as this," she continued before her face lit up with a huge grin. "Gunny Archer's going to love it. He's been going up the wall being stuck here now that the training schedule is working like clockwork."

Her comments took a moment to sink in and then David grinned and Alex let out a whoop of joy.

"Seriously, though," said Svetlana, "how are you planning to achieve your aim?"

Svetlana thought back to the orders she'd been given by Boris Johnson when she was posted to Demeter, 'You are to ensure that the colony on Demeter is stable and capable of supporting the sort of operations that we expect it to carry out. Working with Alex Flowers, who is head of the colony you will make this happen and keep it happening until such time as the Sa'arm are defeated.' This idea clearly fell within that remit, now she had to see what she could do to make it happen.

Across from her David settled down and waited for Alex to do the same before he started to speak.

"To be honest I've only got an outline," said David. "I've had a quick look at the information that is available through the AI and apart from a ground plan of the convent there is not a lot else. However I have spoken to Melanie who told me something of the routine that was followed within the Priory."

David shrugged, "This is all subject to change once we get to Earth but basically the nuns all attend prayers at around eighteen hundred, Vespers or something like that. I plan to do a quick circuit of the grounds in an assault shuttle dropping cut-off teams as I do so. Then the shuttle puts down in the outer courtyard and I go and have a quick chat with the Mother Superior."

Svetlana raised an eyebrow in a Spock like manner, "As simple as that?" she asked.

"Pretty much," said David. "I'm not planning on using an interdiction field because it attracts too much attention. Eighteen hundred at this time of the year is pretty dark and if we approach cautiously there's a good chance that no one will even notice we're there."

Svetlana rubbed her brows, "I'm sure we can refine your outline plan as we prepare," she said. "But one thing's for sure, we're going to have to be a bit sneaky beaky about this. If the top brass hear about it before we get there, they are going to pull the plug on us for sure."

David and Alex nodded in agreement before Alex asked, "So where do you think we should start?"

"Decide which ship you're going to use and get the Captain involved," said Svetlana. "They know what they've got and what else they would need to do something like this. Then I'd decide whom you are taking and start running individual training courses for them just so they're at their peak before you leave. Once you're committed there's no turning back."

"Another thing," said Svetlana before either of the men could say anything, "we can't take all of my Marines. Someone has got to mind the shop whilst we're away."

Alex shook his head negatively, "You won't be going Svetlana and neither will I," he said. "This is David's mission and we, unfortunately have duties to carry out here on Demeter."

David and Svetlana stared at Alex who responded with a shrug, "Sorry, but that's the way it's going to be." He turned to David, "Unless you want to forget the whole idea?"

"No way!" responded the Tribune, "I really need those people."

Svetlana turned her full attention on the Governor but before she could say anything Alex laughed. "Don't look at me like that," he said. "I want to go as much as you do but like a Captain can't leave his ship, you and I can't leave this place. We're going to be pushing it sending the people we are."

He looked at the Russian and smiled, "How are you going to cope without half of your people for a couple of months?"

She continued to scowl but it was no longer directed at the Governor. "You're right of course," she admitted, "But I don't have to like it."

"I'm glad you agree," said Alex. "So what we'll do is have David and Gunny Archer get together with Darren Alvares and see what they can come up with. If it looks good then they can go." He pointed at Svetlana, "but if we're not happy with what they come up with then it's back to the drawing board."

Slowly Svetlana nodded.

David looked from one to the other and nodded as well. "I'll put a call in to Darren up on the Sir Bedivere and see if he's free for dinner. Once he's nice and mellow I'll put the plan to him."

"You do that," said Alex. "Now will you two get out of here and let me get some work done."

Major Darren Alvares, Captain of the Sir Bedivere had been surprised when he found he wasn't the only guest for dinner that night at Tribune ap Rhys' pod. The presence of Master Gunnery Sergeant Jacob Archer had come as a bit of a shock but the host had him seated with a drink in his hand before he'd thought to make a comment.

As the evening wore on he found that the non-commissioned Marine's presence didn't impact on his enjoyment of the meal or adversely affect the quality of the conversation. In many ways having an experienced non-officer brought many interesting perspectives to some of the topics.

It was only when David brought up the proposed mission to Earth that the Marine's presence was accounted for.

"Let me get this right," said Darren putting down his whisky tumbler. "You're intending to go to Earth, pickup a bunch of nuns from a convent and bring them back here."

"That's it in a nutshell," agreed David. "All you need to do is agree to carry us there and bring us back after we've done the dirty deed."

Darren was interested; he'd spent the whole time he'd been attached to Demeter acting as an aircraft carrier for the assault shuttles as the former cadets began their training. For the first three months they'd just sat in orbit as the new volunteers underwent basic military training and his own crew were getting bored and in some cases sloppy.

Having something to do that looked like a real mission would bring them back up to the required standards in no time at all.

Would it impact on his career?

Only if it went wrong, but there had to be a good chance that it would, he admitted to himself.

"And Alex and Svetlana agreed to this?" he asked as he ran through the idea again in his mind.

David nodded and beside him Gunny Archer added, "She was just pissed that the Governor wouldn't let her go as well."

"We'd have to leave all but one of the shuttles behind," said Darren as he began to organise his part of the operation."

Gunny grinned at David who responded with a wink.

"We'd thought we'd need some of the portable medical bays," said David. "I want to make this as much like a normal pickup as I can without using a pod ship."

"Indoctrination, medical screening, initial body mods?" asked Darren.

"As much of that as I can manage," said David.

"The medical bay is pretty good," said Darren, "but I'll have to check with the Doc to see if it can do everything you want."

"What about accommodation?" asked Gunny Archer.

"It's an assault ship," said Darren, "not a passenger liner." He thought for a moment, "I suppose we could mount some extruded panels to create something like compartments."

Darren frowned, "There'd be more room if you got Abigail to bring the Sir Tristam along as well."

"That's not going to happen," replied David, "They're needed here to continue the training."

"Shame," was Darren's only comment. "I'll see what I can come up with and we'll begin making the changes."

"So you're in?" asked David just to get confirmation.

"Oh, yes!" responded Darren.

"Good," said David, "Now let's have us a celebration." He raised his voice and called out, "Megan, are you ready?"

"Coming," replied a female voice and moments later a six-foot tall blond slipped through the door. She'd been augmented in line with the Governor's preferences for everyone arriving on Demeter but the way she was dressed proved she was not one of the volunteers.

Her single item of clothing was the uniform grey colour worn by all of the concubines but that was about all it had in common with the normal smock they had to endure. The short pleated skirt was similar in length and flounciness to that in many men's fantasies when worn by a schoolgirl. This then had a simple bib attached to the front that just managed to cover her breasts as she swayed into the room.

Before any of the men could become too distracted by Megan's appearance a similarly attired Katherine followed her through the doorway.

Katherine had also been augmented to Demeter norms and matched the height of her sister in servitude but she'd retained the larger bust she'd had back on Earth. Now the large unfettered mass of her right breast had succeeded in sliding free of its concealment and was waving for all to see.

She slapped her breast, drawing everyone's attention to the errant beastie, "Get back in there," she said, "It's not time yet."

Megan rolled her eyes and David just smiled at the actions of his most outrageous concubine.

Behind her came Jodie and Felicia who managed to enter the room almost unnoticed following Katherine's antics.

Megan stood behind David's chair and the three other concubines lined up alongside him.

"Do either of you gentlemen have any objections to getting these wonderful creatures pregnant?" asked David, his casually waved hand indicating Katherine, Jodie and Felicia.

Gunny Archer knew where David was coming from but his words drew a puzzled look from Darren.

"Sorry," said David. "I'm trying to spread the gene pool of my family, a consequence of my work I suppose. Katherine had three children with her when I picked her up on Earth and has now decided it's time for some more. Jodie unfortunately had a miscarriage the last time she fell pregnant, something to do with an imbalance between our genotypes or something. I'm not prepared to throw her out but if either of you gentleman were to get her pregnant I'm sure things would go much better this time."

"And Felicia there gave birth a month ago and according to her she's now as horny as a sex starved rabbit." David smiled towards the end of the line and Felicia blushed at his words, "so it's likely that I'll need all the help I can get to satisfy her needs."

"We can't leave a lady in need, now can we," said Gunny Archer rising to his feet and offering his hand.

When David nodded, Felicia took the extended hand and was swept into the big Marine's embrace. Within seconds the man had his hands on the naked cheeks of the woman's ass and was squeezing happily. Everyone in the room heard Felicia groan as Gunny lifted her off the floor and carried her back towards his chair which had reconfigured itself as a chaise whilst he was away.

Darren looked on and smiled, "Ladies," he called, "If you'd be so kind."

Jodie stepped forward and was pushed to the side as Katherine charged past her.

"Hey," she called before accelerating her own pace towards the waiting sailor."

Megan slowly moved around David and lowered herself into his lap her eyes never leaving the action that was going on before her.

"Thanks for telling me how Felicia felt," said David into her ear.

"It's what I do best," replied Megan, "keeping my master properly informed so he can have a happy household."

"It's not what you do best," said David as he nibbled at Megan's exposed neck, "but it's a useful skill you've developed."

He worked on her neck for a couple of minutes and once she was purring he lifted his lips and said, "Now why don't you show me another of those skills you've developed."

Without a word Megan slipped off her sponsor's lap and down onto her knees.

"That's the only plan of the Priory we've got, Jacob," said David, "I've marked on it where I think the cut-off teams need to be and the probable ingress and egress routes we'll use."

Gunny Archer looked at the display floating before him and ignored the symbols that David had indicated and figured out where he'd put his people. He was happy to find that he pretty much agreed with those of the Civil Service officer.

"Pairs?" he grunted.

"That's what I thought," said David, "but that is going to raise an interesting point."

"In what way?" asked Jacob.

"Regular or Citizen?" responded David with a grin.

Regular was the term that was used to describe a volunteer within the Confederacy, Citizen was the term that Alex Flowers had coined to describe a former concubine who volunteered for service to the planet of Demeter when they arrived there. Like regulars they gained privileges from that service, the final one being full rights as a citizen of the Confederacy.

Jacob looked at David from under hooded brows, "I, Sir, would be happy to serve with any of the troops I've trained here."

David couldn't keep a straight face and spluttered as he tried to control his reactions.

Jacob Archer just shook his head slowly. When training had first begun he'd been handed his head in a training exercise against the so called inferior 'citizens' because he'd forgotten that prior to their pickup many of the boys in the citizens' militia had been cadets in a military academy, training to lead men in battle. They'd used that knowledge to defeat him and even now he would get reminders of it all the time, it was getting a little old but something would come along sooner or later to replace it as the topic of the day.

"It's probably going to have to be citizens," said David once he'd got control of his emotions. "Svetlana has all the regulars earmarked for training."

Jacob nodded silently; he was taking four of his people with him, so the same numbers from the citizen militia should fill the gaps nicely. This was going to remain a small, neat operation if he had any say in it.

"I'll get the word to Johnny Porter and see what he thinks," said Jacob. He pointed at the projection, "A pair here can cover the whole front side, another pair here covers the East side and a similar pair here takes care of the West. There's no need to put anyone along here because the river covers the whole of that side of the Priory."

His finger traced the route David had proposed and stopped just as it entered the cloister area, "A pair here will provide the cut-off point, after that it's just you and the Mother Superior."

"Apparently I've been wrong, there," said David.

"Wrong?" asked Jacob as his eyes snapped towards David.

"It's not Mother Superior but Prioress," he said, "something to do with religious authority or something. I'll be looking for the Prioress in the Priory, not the Mother Superior in the convent."

"Fine," said Jacob, shaking his head in relief, "I thought it was something serious for a minute."

"How would you feel if someone called you 'Master Chief'?" asked David raising an eyebrow.

Jacob frowned in response.

"The rank is the same," pointed out David whilst buffing his nails.

"I get your point," said Jacob and then shuddered theatrically, "Master Chief indeed." Then he grinned at the Tribune, �Not that it matters any more,� he said smugly, �because the Master Chief is now referred to as Gunny.�

David acknowledged Gunny Archer�s point, �I doubt if everyone has made the change yet.�

�True,� replied Jacob, �and I can see a lot of people being unhappy at the new rank structure.�

�It�s not really new, is it,� said David, �It�s been there for a long time but people have been ignoring it.�

�Especially in the Navy,� concluded Jacob before lapsing into silence.

"Who are you taking with you?" asked David breaking into the silence after a couple of minutes.

"Emma Fletcher, Isabella Kellogg, Ava Leach and Abigail Proctor," replied Jacob

"All women?" noted David.

"It was suggested that turning up with a bunch of hairy assed apes might be a bit much for women of such a delicate persuasion," said Jacob.

"But you're still going," said David.

"And so are you," reposted Gunny Archer

"Tell Johnny of your thinking when you run the idea by him," said David. "It makes sense."

"I'll see him in the morning," said Jacob casting a final look over the image of the Priory. "You know, this may just work."

"I hope so," said David. "Things are getting just a bit fraught for my girls as it is."

"Back to Earth?"

"That's right, Johnny," said Gunny Archer. "We've got a small job to do and I could do with a few of your people to help."

Johnny Porter looked at the big Marine in wonder before frowning, "How many?" he asked.

"Five," said Gunny Archer, adding, "preferably female."

Johnny's frown deepened, "And you say Alex knows about this?"

Jacob Archer looked at the young man who ran the planetary militia and smiled. He'd liked Johnny since they'd met, especially after he'd lost to him on the training exercise and the one thing he'd found particularly refreshing was the way he looked after his people.

"Don't worry," he said, "you'll be getting them back. Look, let me run you through what is being planned and then you'll see what I need."

It took some time but Gunny Archer explained the whole mission concept to the Militia commander who listened attentively.

As he finished Johnny nodded slowly, "I'll go," he said, "and we'll take Leroy Whitaker." He pondered for a couple of seconds, "And Lydia and Melissa if they're available, along with Erika Mullen."

"Why those people?" asked Gunny Archer.

"Leroy keeps his cool no matter what and he's also a Catholic so he should know how to behave," said Johnny. "Lydia and Melissa were the original stowaways and have proved to be capable of handling anything we�ve thrown at them."
He grinned at the big Marine, "Erika Mullen is the most Marine-like of the St. Genevieve girls who isn't an actual volunteer and should be able to hold her own regardless of the company."

"OK," said Gunny Archer. "We'll go for Leroy and Abigail Proctor as shuttle guards, Melissa and Ava Leach can cover the East side with Lydia and Isabella Kellogg on the West. That'll put your Erika with Emma Fletcher on the main wall." He flicked a finger towards the Militia commander, "You and I get to cover the inner door whilst David has to do the selling job."

"When do we go?" asked Johnny.

"Too soon," replied the Marine. "Any training we can think of will have to be done on board the Sir Bedivere as we head for Earth."

"What about weapons?"

"My Marines are going to be carrying the heavy stingers," said Gunny Archer. "I'd like it if your people would carry their normal weapons."

The Demeter militia was equipped with the M61 assault rifle, a weapon they'd developed themselves when no comparable weapons were forthcoming from Earth or the Confederacy. It is a bullpup design, gas driven personal defence weapon that fired combustible cased ammunition comprising a three millimetre depleted uranium core with a six and a half millimetre jacketed sabot.

The high burn cartridge propelled the round in such a manner that the sabot stayed attached to the flachette and on striking a 'soft' target the whole mass penetrated the body. If the target was 'hard', like the exoskeleton of the Sa'arm or was wearing body armour, then the sabot detached on impact with a minimal degradation to the flachette velocity. This allowed the DU penetrator to punch holes in most 'hard' targets whilst still giving a round that stopped 'soft' targets, solving one of the problems of earlier flachette ammunition.

The M61 mounted a thermal sight group that included an integral laser range finder and was normally fitted with the M261 grenade launcher.

"Don't you think that's a bit excessive?" asked Johnny.

"Possibly," agreed the Marine, "but pickups have been getting more violent since you guys were extracted and we'll be doing this without an interdiction field." Gunny Archer shrugged, "If the shit hits the fan I'd rather it was dead wannabes rather than dead Marines.

Slowly Johnny nodded, "I'll make sure they have a full load of grenades as well," he said.

"Hopefully we won't need them," said Gunny Archer. "But I'd rather drag them around and not use them than find we haven't got them with us when we're knee deep in crap."

"The shuttle has docked, Captain," reported Scott Thorne, the Executive Officer of the Sir Bedivere.

"Very well, Exec, break orbit and get us on our way," ordered Darren Alvares. "I'll go and greet our guests."

"Aye-aye, Sir," replied the Exec before turning to carry out his orders.

Darren made his way towards the shuttle bay where the combined Marine/Militia team were sorting out their luggage under the eagle eyes of Master Chief McKillion.

"Come on you apes, get your act together," he called after watching them strolling around. "This is a military ship not a pleasure cruise."

"Squids," was the muttered response from somewhere in the middle of the group.

"Attention on deck," called an alert sailor as Captain Alvares entered the boat bay and everyone dropped what he or she was doing and braced up.

"Carry on," called the Captain and activity around the room resumed. "How's it going, Chief?"

"Just waiting for the, uhh, soldiers to sort out their equipment, Sir, then I'll show them to their quarters," said the Master Chief.

David ap Rhys stepped out of the group and approached the Captain sticking out his hand as he did so. "Well, we got here," he said.

Darren grasped the hand, "For some reason I thought there would be more of you," replied Darren as he looked at the slowly organising bunch before him.

"I'd thought the same when we started," admitted David, "but the brains of the operation convinced me that keeping it small gave it a greater chance of success."

"We've got room here in the boat bay for the military people," said Darren waving towards a partitioned area. "And we've put up partitions and made a few other alterations to the normal Marine accommodation through there," another wave towards a large hatch, "for your, uhmm, guests, when they arrive."

David nodded.

"In the meantime," said Darren, "Master Chief McKillion here will be looking after you."

"Master Chief," acknowledged David.

"Tribune," responded the experienced man.

The group had finally got itself organised into three parties, the Marines, the Militia and one lone figure in grey.

"I'll see you later," said Darren Alvares.

"Thanks, Captain," said David before he and the Master Chief turned their attention to the people who'd arrived on the shuttle.

Gunny Archer and his Marines were lined up with their kit, next to them was Johnny Porter and his group. The two groups looked very similar in make up and dress.

The last person was Melanie, the former Sister Melanie whose words had started this whole operation. David had spoken with her a couple of days ago and invited her to join him in convincing the Prioress to join him in the colonies. Melanie had thought long and hard about his request and had agreed to accompany the party.

Now she was stood there in the uniform of a Decurion in the Civil Service looking lost and confused.

"Listen up people," yelled the Master Chief, "We've got eight three-man cells set up along the forward bulkhead. How you organise yourselves is up to you but get your kit stowed and then get back here for a safety brief and more importantly some food."

He turned towards the senior Marine, "Gunny."

"Aye-aye," responded Gunny Archer who, after taking the time to grin at David and tapping his stripes lightly turned to his people. "You know your pairs," he called, "set up in those. I'll take the first cell the rest of you work down from there." He turned back to the Civil Service Officers, "Tribune, I'd suggest that you take the furthest cell as some of these people snore."

David chuckled, "The two of us will do just that," he acknowledged indicating Melanie as the second person.

"OK, move," called Gunny as he reached for his own bergen, a term he�d adopted from associating with too many Brits that described his rucksack. Johnny Porter hefted his bergen onto his back and moved towards the first cell, his M61 assault rifle clasped firmly in his hand. Behind him the rest of the group paired off and headed for their respective cells.

"Come on, Melanie, it's only for two weeks," said David as he led the way towards the last cell.

"I'm still not sure why I agreed to come with you," said the woman as she followed David across the boat bay. "I'm sure I'll be more of a hindrance than an asset."

"Melanie, you've been there and done it," said David, "You'll be able to give the Prioress the unvarnished truth concerning what is really happening out here and she'll be getting the information from someone she knows and hopefully trusts. If you help get her out here, you'll have done more good than anything I can accomplish on my own and that has to be seen as a good thing."

"But is it right to bring nuns out here to act as concubines?" she asked touching on the one thing that really worried her.

"I don't know," admitted David, "That's something that each nun is going to have to decide for themselves," he smiled softly. "Just like you had to decide when you joined us."

The safety brief that was given to the assembled party by Master Chief McKillion was short and to the point and basically boiled down to where the escape pods were and otherwise don't touch anything unless a member of the Navy was there to supervise. The impression that fully trained Marines, let alone half-baked Militia troops couldn't be trusted not to kill themselves came across loud and clear without anything actually being said.

After the briefing the two Civil Service officers and, despite his protests, Johnny Porter were escorted to the Wardroom to join the ships' officers for dinner. The rest of the party was guided through the area that was the normal Marine accommodation and into the large mess hall to get something to eat before settling into the ship's routine for the journey to Earth.

As they passed through the Marine accommodation Gunny Archer looked around and asked about the changes.

"We've removed the central bunks to create this open area," explained Peter McKillion to his Marine counterpart. "Everything on the starboard side has been converted into accommodation blocks, we've got eight clusters of four cells that'll each take four people," he gave a shrug. "The skipper said we'd be picking up volunteers with a couple of concubines each but no children." He raised an eyebrow at Jacob in query.

"I'll check with the boss and if he okays it, I'll tell you all about it," said Jacob his demeanour indicating that that was the best he could offer at this time.

Peter nodded and continued with his explanation, "The port side has been divided up into larger cells that can be used as briefing rooms or just big accommodation areas if they're needed. The three forward cells on the port side have the mobile medical facilities that have been brought up from the planet."

He looked Jacob in the eye, "There are two more medical pods up in the sickbay and we've all been told that they are to be kept free once the operation begins."

Jacob looked apologetic but refused to be drawn on what the mission was.

"Right," acknowledged Peter, "other than that, she's the same assault ship you've always known. I'm going to try to keep things running the same way, with this being Marine country and everything forward of here belonging to the Navy."

It was Jacob's turn to nod, "Sounds sensible," he said. "Is the gym still in operation?"

Peter nodded, "I'll get the hours posted so we don't run the risk of anything happening."

It was traditional for the gymnasium, which was a shared facility on the smaller class of assault ships, to be available to the ships' complement for certain hours of the day with the Marines having different 'opening hours.' This prevented any friction between the two halves of the vessels' personnel from getting out of hand.

The food was plentiful but a little bland and the Marine contingent watched on in amusement as the Militia pushed it around their plates a little before eating it.

"You've become spoilt," said First Sergeant Emma Fletcher as her partner for this operation Erika Mullen stared at what could possibly have been mistaken for a piece of beef.

Erika glanced at the Marine and was greeted by a happy smiling face that proceeded to masticate a lump of the same meat she was staring at.

"I suppose it looks like food," said Erika before she took it into her mouth.

Emma swallowed, "The replicators down on the planet have a subroutine built into them that makes them produce food that looks good as well as being nutritionally good for you. Up here the calorie content is all that's really important." She scooped up another spoonful of the 'food' and held it towards Erika. "This stuff has probably got a twenty percent higher protein content than the stuff you are used to because it's assumed that we will need the energy at some stage."

Across the table Master Sergeant Abigail Proctor joined in the conversation, "That's one of the reasons most of us spend so much time in the gym when we're aboard ship," she said. "If you don't burn that extra energy off the nanites won't let it become fat so it has to come out. Believe me, exercise is preferable to the suffering you go through when that happens."

Beside her Leroy looked to the ceiling before pushing his plate away.

"Come on big boy. If the gym isn't your scene, I'm sure we can find another way to burn off the calories," said Abigail, pushing his plate back to him.

"What do you think of this operation?" asked Lydia.

Silence fell around the table and the Marines looked around before Emma responded.

"It's like a lot of things that have happened since the extractions have started," she said softly. "If whoever was in charge had thought the whole colonisation thing through then the Civil Service, schools, entertainment and all the other things like that would have all been included in the first place." She shrugged, "But they didn't and once the process started, it's taken on a life of its own and no one is prepared to admit, publicly at least, that they screwed up. So you get things like this," she waved her arm around, "people working together to try to correct something that shouldn't have occurred in the first place."

Lydia looked around and caught several of the Marines nodding.

"Don't look so surprised," said Isabella Kellogg. "We may be Marines now but remember before extraction we were civilians, well except for the Gunny, and we didn't have that gung-ho attitude that you see in the old movies. In a way that's why organising something like this is so easy to do. We don't have that dyed-in-the-wool military mentality that tends to block creative thinking."

Melissa looked around the table, "How do you think things should have been organised."

Master Sergeant Ava Leach pushed her chair back and stuck her legs out in front of her, "Now that is a question that has been asked many times and I don't think we've ever come up with an answer that all of us agree with."

"True," said Emma as she too relaxed in her seat, "but we do agree on some basics." She held up a hand with a single finger raised, "The military has to take priority," she raised a second finger, "Concubines, whilst fun are not necessarily a good idea, especially in the long run."

That comment was greeted by a chuckle before a third finger was raised, "We need more colonies and they need to be spread out as far as possible." The fourth finger went up, "As much as I despise the ragheads they, along with all the other groups, shouldn't have been excluded from extraction. Variety is more important than minor behaviour problems, education and training could have taken care of those issues."

She glanced around the table and stuck up her thumb, "Politicians are a no-no but we do need some administrators to run the colonies efficiently. Alex Flowers is doing a good job on Demeter but he is learning as he goes and he doesn't always get it right. A proper administration would have the colonies up and running in a worthwhile manner in the shortest possible time."

"After that things get a little contentious," she said, "because you're starting to get into details rather than general policies."

"Such as?" asked Melissa.

"Well, some people want a single religion," said Ava, "and others want religion banned completely."

Isabella chuckled, "There are people who want to go down the racial purity route and they can be pretty vocal about it."

"Yeah," said Ava, "and they usually get straightened out forcibly."

"I thought one of the aims of the extractions was to increase racial diversity?" said Lydia.

"So they say," said Emma, "but they're going about it in a strange way if they mean it."

Lydia frowned so Emma continued, "Diversity would require lots of separate breeding groups specific to one racial type. What you're getting is a lot of groups excluded and those that there are, are being encouraged to interbreed. Going down that route you'll end up with a single, mongrel breed rather than the diversity that everyone is going on about."

Leroy cocked his head to one side, "Would that be such a bad thing, given how much trouble race has caused for us in the past?"

"That depends on your point of view," said Ava, "Are you proud of where you've come from and are you prepared to give it up to become part of the grey mass that is the 'new' human race. I for one am proud of my heritage though I don't think it is something that is worth fighting over."

Leroy looked at the woman with her strong Latino features and pondered her point but remained silent.

Emma grinned down the table. "Enough of this bullshit, let's get back to our rooms and get to sleep. We've got nearly two weeks of this before we get to Earth and I for one could do with some rest."

"Sir, I've got a hyperspace transit footprint."

"And," prompted the officer of the watch.

The technician looked up from his console; "There's nothing due from that direction."

"Tell me about it?" asked the officer his voice conveying a sense of urgency.

"It's a single source and it's not on the expected threat axis of the Sa'arm," said the technician. "That's all I've got at this time."

The officer narrowed his eyes; a single ship wasn't a major threat, even if it was a Sa'arm Hive ship. He needed more information.

"Are there any ships in that area?" he asked.

"No, Sir," replied the technician, "the last colony ship departed this morning and there is nothing else headed in that direction."

"Launch the ready flight," he ordered. "Get them out there and tell them to report what they find."

"Communications," he called.


"Hail that ship and see if they'll tell us who they are," he said before he took a deep breath. "I'm going to see Commodore Haaraldsson."

As the duty officer strode out of the CIC to speak to Commodore Haaraldsson, newly promoted but still the Admiral's chief of staff four F104 Starfighters streaked from the launch tubes of the Earth Task Force flagship and set course for the approaching ship.

The space fighter that emerged from the launch tube was long and thin, very much like the original atmospheric based aircraft that its name came from. The rear of the craft carried four stubby wings, for want of a better word that provided thrust points for the manoeuvring system as well as hard points for weapons and other pods.

The pilot was cocooned in an armoured escape pod that acted as a cockpit whilst attached to the fighter and provided a modicum of survival time if the pilot was forced to 'eject' from his stricken craft.

"OK, Beagle, what have you got?" asked Commander Mike Nannet, leader of the ready flight.

Beagle, otherwise known as Lieutenant Jayne Moss, had the greatest feel for the sensor system fitted to the F104 and her expertise was called upon regularly whenever the flight was engaged in operations.

"According to this readout," she replied, "we're looking at a Confederacy ship." She continued to scan her screens as the limited AI fitted to the fighter refined the data it was sending to her displays.

"So this is just another exercise," pronounced a third voice over their private net.

"Knock it off, Vixen," called the flight leader, "Flag called this one and they didn't call it a drill so we go for real until we know for definite what that thing out there is." There was a short pause, "Vixen, you and Ice go high and keep an eye open for anything in its shadow. Beagle and I will go in close and eyeball the target."

"Roger Ironman, going high," responded Kerry Williams as she and her wingman, Simon Harmeson applied power to the directional jets and the two fighters climbed a kilometre above the lead pair.

As the four fighters rocketed towards the outer reaches of the solar system another sensor operator scanned his displays and frowned.

"Captain, I have four incoming bogey's!"

"Earth Force?" asked the Captain.

"Yes Sir, it looks like they're F104's," reported the technician.

"Comms," called the Captain, "you'd better start announcing our presence."

Across the bridge another technician leant forward and started broadcasting a pre-recorded message that told whoever was listening that they were the Sir Bedivere, a Confederacy ship on a mission from Demeter. It didn't say what the mission was or who was on board to carry out that mission.

Captain Darren Alvares watched the four fighters as they continued to approach his ship; he'd ignored the original hail from the Earth Force flagship considering that his own broadcast answered the questions he'd been asked.

The fighters had reduced their approach speed after they'd heard his own message and had separated even more, one pair coming in high and the other pair dropping down low from his perspective. His hands had started to sweat as he realised that he had little to stop those fighters from destroying his ship if they opened fire.

"Sir, the commander of the fighters is ordering us to stop."

"Reduce acceleration," ordered Captain Alvares, "but keep us moving towards orbit." He stepped back to his own command chair and made himself comfortable. "Patch me through to the flight commander."

The technician did as asked and nodded towards his Captain, "Call sign Ironman, Sir."

"Ironman this is Sir Bedivere, what's your problem?"

"Be advised that your arrival is not expected by Task Force Earth," came the reply. "Hold your present position until further instructions are received."

"The Sir Bedivere is not part of Task Force Earth," replied Captain Alvares. "We are here under instructions from the Governor of Demeter and as such Task Force Earth has no jurisdiction over our movements."

Darren Alvares glanced at his Exec who shrugged in response. He'd been present when Darren had queried the ship's AI concerning the authority that Alex Flowers claimed over the ship, now it was time to see how the Earth Force AI's felt about the claim.

"I say again, hold your position," ordered the flight commander, as his craft got closer to the assault ship.

"No can do," responded Captain Alvares. "We will continue on our way as we are and I suggest you speak to your boss before you doing anything that could escalate matters further."

The bridge crew of the Sir Bedivere watched as the four fighters swept around gracefully and positioned themselves astern of the assault ship. Neither side made any aggressive gestures, as the flight commander appeared to be taking the time to speak to Task Force Earth seeking guidance.

Back on the flagship a loud vocal protest broke out when the AI agreed with the conclusion of the incoming ship's AI in that Task Force Earth had no jurisdiction over other Confederacy vessels that were not under its direct command.

"You mean to tell me," stormed the Admiral, "that any ship can just turn up and there's nothing I can do about it?"

"That is correct," declared his own AI, "Your authority only covers ships that are attached to Task Force Earth."

"How the bloody hell did that happen?" barked the Admiral looking around his gathered staff.

It was the AI that broke the tense silence that followed the Admiral's question.

"It appears that those involved in setting up the rules for this system did not envisage any ships turning up unexpectedly," it said. "Rules of engagement were established for dealing with in bound hostile vessels but not in coming friendlies. Traffic control only exists to deal with our own surface to space dealings, principally extraction operations."

"Within the Confederacy all systems are nominally independent unless they agree to act as a group. For humans this hasn't happened yet so ships attached to individual systems become the property of that system until they are returned to the Navy's control." There was a moment's silence before the AI added, "This may be a good time to look into establishing the rules for visiting ships."

The Admiral closed his eyes and those who knew him knew he was counting to ten, they just hoped it would be sufficient to calm the volatile man down.

"Tors," said the Admiral when he opened his eyes, "Welcome the ship to Earth and see if they'll tell you why they are here. If it's not going to cause us any problems then offer to assist them in any way we can."

The Admiral's visage darkened, "And see if the Captain will have time to have dinner with us whilst he's here."

"Aye-aye, Sir," replied Tors, already feeling sorry for the Captain of the Sir Bedivere.

The Sir Bedivere established itself in orbit and then tied its own small craft control systems into the net established by Task Force Earth. In the boat bay final preparations began for the deployment of the assault craft and the people responsible for the extraction operation.

The crew and the support personnel that were responsible for it were putting the V32 Leopard Assault Shuttle through its pre-flight check. The Leopard was a versatile troop delivery craft, about the same size, in the body as the C130 Hercules transport aircraft and the Sir Bedivere would normally carry two of them. Each Leopard could deliver two full platoons of Marines in power armour to any spot on a planet and give them fire support and protection on the way in. Although still being used, the newer heavier Panthers were superseding them in the Confederacy armoury.

With enough space for seventy people or more the small team that was making this pickup had plenty of room to lay out their equipment and relax.

Leroy Whitaker was slowly running his hand over his assault rifle, his mind drifting through what was about to happen. This was his first 'real' operation and he'd discovered that the build up to it was nothing like the exercises he'd been through.

Beside him his partner for this operation watched as the young man's hand moved nervously. She smiled to herself before saying gently, "Don't worry about it, it'll go just like we planned."

Leroy blinked, "Yeah," he said, "I suppose so. It's just that I've never, you know, really shot at anyone, not for real."

Abigail reached over and gave Leroy's shoulder a squeeze, "And hopefully you'll still be saying that when we've finished."

Leroy nodded slowly, "But there's always a chance I'll have to."

"True," agreed Abigail, "and if you do have to fire, you'll be doing it to save the rest of us."

Leroy looked at her wide-eyed.

"Think about it," said the Marine. "If everything goes according to the plan we will be in and out and no one will be the wiser. If things go a little wrong these stingers," she held up the weapon the Marines were carrying, "will take care of things. You and your rifle will only be called upon if it's all gone to shit and then we'll need everything you've got."

Leroy blinked and licked his lips, "Let's just hope that things don't go wrong, then," he said.

"Amen," concluded Abigail.

An hour later and as dusk started to fall over the target the assault shuttle rose off its landing skids and headed for the cold of space. All of the landing party was firmly strapped in for the short trip through the atmosphere though no one was expecting any violent manoeuvring.

As the target came into view David leaned forward for a better view. He'd taken the spare seat in the cockpit and now strained his eyes to make out as much detail as possible.

The co-pilot murmured into his ear through the headset, "This is a nice target," she said. "The river is easy to spot and provides an unobstructed approach. The building on the far side is in its own grounds and nothing comes close to the target and the one on this side has been abandoned. As long as we pick up nothing on the thermal scan you'll be dropping directly into your positions."

David nodded, "I better get back there then," he said unbuckling the harness.

"Good luck," called the co-pilot as David stepped off the flight deck.

In the back of the shuttle, a single transporter nexus had been set up and the loadmaster had just given it a final check over before circling his finger in the air.

The assault force lined up in pairs, ready to be dropped into position.

The loadmaster listened to the pilot and waved the first pair into position.

Isabella Kellogg and Lydia Bevan stepped onto the transporter nexus and a moment later they were enveloped in a soft green glow before they disappeared, headed for the west side of the priory.

The loadmaster waved the next pair forward and Emma Fletcher took her place alongside Erika Mullen. The green glow announced their departure for the priory's front door.

As they disappeared form sight David let out a breath he didn't realise he'd been holding, so far so good.

The next pair shuffled into the transporter and moments later Ava Leach and Melissa Rees were heading for the east side of the priory.

"Come on, Leroy," said Abigail, "It's our turn."

The last pair stepped into the transporter and disappeared from sight.

"Now we wait," said David softly.

It didn't take long for the pair scanning the landing site to report that it was clear. As soon as they did so the assault shuttle slid into position sideways before lowering itself almost silently onto the lawn of the outer cloister. As soon as the skids hit the ground the rear loading ramp began to drop. The cool fresh air of Earth swept into the sterile atmosphere of the assault shuttle and everyone took a deep breath.

"Let's go," said David striding forward, quickly followed by Gunny Archer. At the rear of the group were Johnny Porter and Melanie Carstairs.

As the four of them crossed the lawn Leroy looked over from his position overlooking the shuttle, "I never realised just how quiet those things can be," he said.

"That's because you're used to them coming in with all guns blazing," replied Abigail. "When they're not under pressure they're almost as quiet as the old style dirigible."

"A blimp," said Leroy quietly, "Just how good would things have been if the Sa'arm weren't heading this way?"

"Hey, don't forget, the Confederacy wouldn't have spoken to us if they hadn't needed our help. None of this would have happened for centuries if we'd been left alone." The Marine took a look around, "Let's get back to doing our job. I know it's going to be a walk in the park but it's better not to take any chances."

Leroy twisted away from the Marine and cradled his rifle, his mind only half on what he was supposed to be doing.

"The perimeter is secure, Tribune," reported Gunny Archer before he smiled, "Into the valley of death strode the gallant hero."

David shook his head, "Pack it in," he said softly, "and make sure you're available if I come running."

David had expressed surprise when the various people had reported that all of the inner doors of the priory were unlocked leaving only the main door in the outer wall as a security barrier.

Melanie had just smiled in response, "We're a trusting people," she said.

David grasped the handle of the door that linked the inner and outer cloisters and opened it slowly, he passed through into the inner cloister and behind him Melanie followed closely, closing he door softly behind her.

A quick look around revealed that David was between two buildings, their stone walls rising above him and obscuring his view. He stepped forward cautiously until he could see around the nearest of the two walls and found he was looking towards the chapel. Directly ahead of him was a small grassed area around which was the covered cloister.

He took a half pace forward and froze as someone gasped beside him.

He twisted his head to the right and looked into the eyes of a shocked, middle-aged woman who was dressed in a simple black robe.

"Good evening," said David softly, "could you please point me in the direction of the Prioress."

The woman blinked twice and then swallowed, "You're not supposed to be in here," she said.

"I know," said David, "but if you could point me towards the Prioress I'll explain to her why I'm here."

The woman looked David up and down and seemed to see the uniform for the first time, "You're a Marine?" she asked.

"No," responded David, "but I am with the Confederacy." He waited a moment before prompting, "The Prioress, please."

"Oh yes, just there," said the woman, pointing towards a door in the building on the other side of the alleyway. "If you're quick you should catch her before she goes to chapel."

David nodded, "I'll have to ask you to come with me," he said.

The woman cocked her head to one side, "Why?"

"I can't have you running around shouting the place down," explained David.

"And if I try to run?" she asked eyeing David suspiciously.

He held up his hand to display the stinger, "This is a stun gun," he said, "It will knock you out. It's not particularly pleasant and leaves you with a terrible headache but it's not lethal."

The woman nodded once, "Then I'd better come with you," she said and walked straight past him towards the door she'd indicated.

David glanced back towards Melanie and followed the woman, the former Sister followed the pair silently; the brief view of the cloister she got bringing back memories of her former life.

The middle-aged woman reached a plain green door and raised a hand to knock, as she did so she glanced back towards the man who was following her and caught sight of the second person. Her eyes went wide in recognition as she saw the woman.

"Sister Melanie," she gasped.

Melanie held her finger up to her lips and closed up to the pair, "Kathleen," she acknowledged.

"Did you...?" began Kathleen.

"Inside!" demanded David, interrupting the woman.

"Please!" said Melanie glancing around.

Kathleen turned back to the door and gave a sharp knock before pushing her way inside. The two in the grey of the Civil Service followed her into a small, plainly furnished hallway.

Kathleen pointed to a side door, "If you'll wait in there, I'll get the Prioress."

David frowned but Melanie gave him a nudge in the direction of the door, "Thank you, Kathleen."

David went through the indicated door and found he was in a parlour. Several plain chairs were pushed back against the walls and a large Welsh dresser filled one wall. The only decoration was a simple picture of a woman hung on one wall. As Melanie came in she bowed slightly to the picture and crossed herself, the first sign of her religion that David had ever seen.

"Is Kathleen a nun?" asked David.

"No," replied Melanie, "she's one of the lay sisters."

"Lay sisters?" asked David.

Melanie looked at David and smiled, "You thought everyone here was a nun?"

David nodded.

"I'm afraid not," said Melanie with a chuckle. "You're going to find novices, potentiates and lay sisters as well as fully fledged sisters."

"What's the difference?" he asked.

"In simple terms a potentiate is a potential novice and a novice is a potential sister," said Melanie, "think of it as a training cycle you have to go through. Lay sisters are people who want to help the nuns but don't have the spiritual calling to go the whole hog."

"How many of each are we going..." began David before falling silent as the door to the parlour opened.

A woman in the black habit of the Ursuline order stepped into the room; her hands were tucked before her into the wide sleeves of the habit. She looked at David from under her black veil and her face gave nothing away. Behind her Kathleen stepped into the room and closed the door quietly.

"I understand that you wanted to see me?" said the woman.

David suddenly found that what he was going to say didn't come as easily as he thought it would; he dithered a little before licking his lips.

"I'm here seeking volunteers for the Civil Service," he began.

"What, may I ask, is the Civil Service?"

David took a deep breath and tried again.

"The Confederacy has dragged thousands of people off this planet to go and fight the Sa'arm. Along with these volunteers they've taken at least twice as many to be their slaves. Throw in the children, both those born since extraction and the ones taken from Earth and you have a huge population out there." David sighed, "Unfortunately nobody planned on what to do with the slaves when their masters were killed in battle."

The Prioress looked shocked at David's words.

"That's where the Civil Service comes in. We're the people who end up looking after these people when there is no one else." David shrugged, "But we are few and far between and have little in the way of support."

He waved towards Melanie; "Melanie used to be part of this order and got picked up along with the kids from St. Genevieve's, now she's part of the Civil Service." He smiled, "She pointed out that there were quite a few people here who had high enough CAP scores to volunteer but would not want to fight."

He turned his gaze on the Prioress, "Well, I'm not after fighters but I am after help."

"And you believe that our Order is the place to look?"

"It's a good a place as any," said David, "and it comes highly recommended."

The woman before him narrowed her eyes, "What would be involved?" she asked.

"Those with high enough CAP scores would have to volunteer, they could then pick others whose scores were not high enough to volunteer to accompany them." David sighed, "They would be concubines as the Confederacy calls them, property of the volunteer." He looked the woman in the eyes, "They'd have no rights at all."

"David," said Melanie, "Explain what your concubines do."

David looked at Melanie and shrugged, "I've got them wearing a uniform similar to mine and they act as my assistants."

The Prioress frowned and Melanie added, "They are not forced to do so in any way and David does everything he can to help people." She turned her attention to the Prioress, "The trouble is that Demeter, that's our colony, is due to have thirty thousand troops based there, that means that there will be about one hundred thousand concubines and children. To look after them the Civil Service has two people," she pointed at David and then herself.

The four of them stood there in silence looking from one to the other, in the distance a bell began to toll.

Kathleen looked at Melanie, "What happens to these slaves who've lost their volunteers."

David winced as Melanie answered, "If we cannot find them something then they are recycled," she said. "That means they're fed into the recycling machines and get churned out as fertiliser or some such."

The Prioresses eyes went wide, "But that's murder."

"No it's not," said David, "Concubines are property, not people and so it can't be murder. But I make damned sure that it doesn't happen if I can do anything about it."

"And you want us to help you stop this happening?" asked the Prioress.

David nodded, "Yes."

"Then I think you'd better come and meet the rest of our Order," she said before turning away.

The walk to the chapel was accomplished in silence, the Prioress leading the way and Melanie bringing up the rear. Melanie was struggling silently with the emotions of returning to what had been her home for so long and the realisation of what her extraction had done to her vows.

The four entered the chapel and slowly walked down the aisle, the different dress showing where each group was sat. The plain black habits of the lay sister nearest the door, their status shown by the lack of a veil. Then came a single woman in white, the potentiate guessed David as he passed her.

Finally came the people that David would have described as nuns, four of them with white veils and eight wearing black.

As the four moved down the aisle silence settled across the congregation, the look on the front row of nuns showed shock at the sight of a man in their midst.

They may have been used to receiving the sacrament from a priest but he was an old man and the man before them was notable by his virility.

The Prioress walked to the front of the chapel and slowly ascended the pulpit.

"Ladies," she began, "we are about to be faced with a momentous decision, a decision that will have far reaching consequences for us as individuals, our Order and the church as a whole." She pointed at David, "This man is here from the Confederacy and despite what you may have heard he is not a representative of all that is evil. I am going to ask him to speak to you, to explain why he is here and the choices that will face each of you as individuals." She shifted her gaze to Melanie, "And then I will ask an old member of our Order, Sister Melanie, to tell us her story. You will then be free to make up your own minds."

She stepped down and waved David towards the pulpit.

Slowly David climbed to the pulpit, not sure how he was going to begin, he looked across the women in the chapel and every one of them stared back.

"My names David ap Rhys and I'm a Tribune in the Civil Service," he began. "Two years ago I was on a planet called Neptune, a nice world with three townships. We were at the forefront of the war against the Sa'arm and our troops were always going in harm's way."

He looked around slowly, "One thing that people on Earth don't believe, not deep down here," he said tapping his heart, "is that concubines are property, not people. The Marines from Neptune were dying and if the troopers hadn't made any provisions for his property they were helpless. That's right," he said firmly, "helpless. They couldn't get food, they couldn't leave their homes they couldn't do anything. More than one of them starved to death in their homes before anyone realised what was happening."

Several people gasped but David pressed on, "If they were lucky they ended up in my care." He leant forward, "I did my best to get them a new volunteer but if I couldn't they were faced with two choices, neither of which I would describe as pleasant. The first option was to go to work in the planetary brothel. Yes, that's right, they would use their bodies to earn a living."

"No!" gasped one of the younger women.

"Oh, yes," said David, "But the other alternative was to become fertiliser for the farms and that was a one-way decision with no reprieves."

He looked at his audience and saw several shaking heads.

"But generally things weren't that bad," he continued, "A couple of Marines would get killed on each operation and you were dealing with four, maybe six concubines at a time. If you were lucky the dead Marine had left a will that gave all his property to his buddy, all I had to do then was escort the women to their new homes."

David took a deep breath, "Then things really did go sour," he said softly. "Charlie Company was killed to the last Marine and four hundred and fifty-four concubines, along with their children were without a master. The AI's response was simple and to the point, any of them that didn't have an owner within forty-eight hours should be recycled for the good of the community."

On the pulpit David closed his eyes, "I had to bend the rules and bully various people but I kept most of them alive and finally managed to settle them in another colony."

David took a deep breath and looked back over the congregation, "That was on a planet that had a single regiment, three battalions of Marines. The colony I'm at now is going to have a full division, that's thirty thousand Marines. The estimates are that there will be one hundred thousand concubines involved and all that there will be to deal with their problems are Melanie and yours truly."

He grinned, "That's the reason I'm here," he said, "I want all of you to volunteer to become members of what is known as the Civil Service and help me look after the concubines."

He held up his hand as several of the sisters began to speak, "Wait," he called. "I'm not asking you to fight. I volunteered and I don't fight."

David took a deep breath, "The Confederacy has to accept all volunteers when it runs an extraction, what it doesn't do is advertise jobs that don't involve combat. The Civil Service is one of those jobs. This," he waved his arm around to encompass everyone in the chapel, "is a private extraction and it's open to just people who want to volunteer to help me."

"Before you say anything you'd better listen to Melanie," said David. "Come on, Melanie, get up here and tell the sisters what it's like."

David almost jumped down from the pulpit to make way for Melanie.

"I'm not sure what I should be saying," began Melanie. "I ended up accompanying our girls to offer them whatever spiritual guidance I could in the strange world they were going too. In the end it was I that felt like a fish out of water, people around me were adapting but I wasn't."

Melanie looked towards Sister Elizabeth, "In the end it was your words 'that I should follow my heart' that won out. I could see people who needed help and whilst I felt anger at the system that threatened them, I couldn't abandon them to their fate. Tribune ap Rhys offered me a chance to help those people, the same chance he is offering you now. There are no guarantees and there will be heartache but you will be doing God's work wherever you end up."

"What about the sex," called one of the lay sisters.

"It's there," admitted Melanie, "and you'll feel the urge to join in. I know, I did but as a volunteer nobody is going to force you to copulate." Melanie blushed, "Mind you, that is one of the major reasons for setting up the colonies and I'm fairly sure that all the medical improvements that are done to you increase your feeling of, oh I don't know, call it horniness." Melanie's blush deepened; "It will be a real test of your vow of chastity."

"Thank you, Sister Melanie," said Sister Elizabeth; "I have one further thing to add to what you have already heard. The last time I had a meeting with the Bishop I raised the issue of extractions and how we should behave if we found ourselves caught up in such an event and his response was that 'anything that helps spread God's word to the stars is good thing.' Bear that in mind when you make your decision."

She turned to the man beside her and asked formally, "Tribune, would you please begin the extraction."

David stepped forward and spoke clearly, "Would those of you with a CAP score of six point five or higher who are willing to volunteer for the Civil Service please come forward." Behind his back he crossed his fingers, this is what this operation was all about and if no one took up the offer it was a failure.

At the back of the chapel Kathleen got to her feet and walked down the aisle, as she approached David let out his breath and uncrossed his fingers. He smiled at the approaching woman before turning his gaze back to the congregation.

An older woman in the very front row crossed herself and then stood up. Beside David the Prioress murmured, "Sister Theodora."

Half way down the chapel a young woman with the white veil of a novice rose to her feet, beside her another novice hissed, "No!" and stuck out her hand to refrain the volunteer.

"I must," said the standing novice before she gently removed her friends' hand and moved down the aisle. As she approached Sister Elizabeth informed David that this was Sister Agnes Marie.

David was disappointed that there were only three volunteers and his feeling must have shown because the Prioress squeezed his arm, "They're the only ones with high enough scores to volunteer," she said.

David bowed his head in acknowledgement. He addressed the remained of the sisters, "Will those of you who do not wish to accompany us to the colonies please move to the back of the chapel."

There was a flurry of movement as the congregation split in two. When things settled down David did a head count and found that he had eleven potential concubines sitting at this end of the chapel.

"Do you have your CAP ID cards with you?" asked David.

The Prioress answered, "No, they are with all our other belongings in the storage room."

David called the AI, "Is the lack of ID cards going to be a problem?"

"Not in this case," was the response, "We are aware of who is present in the priory and we know their CAP scores. New ID cards will be issued after extraction."

David turned his attention to the new volunteers, "Ladies, what are your scores?" he asked.

"Six point nine," replied Sister Theodora.

"Six point eight," said Sister Agnes Amrie.

Kathleen lowered her head and said softly, "Seven exactly."

The Prioress smiled at Kathleen's answer and beside her David did a quick bit of mental arithmetic.

"As I'm sure you are aware you are entitled to take two concubines if you have a score under seven and four if you have a score of seven." He glanced towards the waiting concubines, "In this case we are going to allow you to take one extra concubine each so will you please go and collect the people you're allowed."

Beside David the Prioress let out a sigh, "Oh, dear," she said.

"There's a problem?" asked David.

"I so wanted to go," admitted Sister Elizabeth, "but even with the extras you're allowing there will not be a space for me."

"You're serious?" said David turning towards the older woman.

"Oh, yes," said the Prioress. "When I was discussing it with the Bishop I was convinced that if the opportunity arose I would grab it with both hands."

"Melanie," called David.


"How many concubines are you entitled to?" he asked.

"You know I'm entitled to four," she responded. "Why?"

He indicated the Prioress beside him. "It appears that we have a potential concubine who hasn't got a volunteer."

"I couldn't..." began Melanie when she realised what David was suggesting.

"If you don't then she gets left behind," said David. The Prioress noticed that he crossed his fingers behind his back and had to fight to contain a smile.

"David," moaned Melanie, "that's the sort of trick you pulled on me to get Gail."

"Who's Gail?" asked Sister Elizabeth.

"Gail is the only concubine that Melanie has," explained David.

"And she was going to be recycled if I didn't take her," said Melanie, "and she was pregnant with triplets at the time."

"Triplets," gasped Sister Elizabeth, her eyes going wide.

"Yes, triplets," said Melanie, "but they're such lovely bundles of fun now it's amazing."

"The children!" snapped Sister Elizabeth grabbing David by the arm. "What'll happen to the children?"

"Children, what children?" asked David in surprise.

"We operate the orphanage next door," explained the Prioress, wringing her hands. "We've got thirty-two children there that we are responsible for."

"Who is the official guardian of the children, is it you as an individual or the orphanage as an organisation?" asked David after a moments thought.

"They're mine," said Sister Elizabeth. "It was one of the stupid things that the law required. It's the same with the state's orphanages; the head of the organisation is the official guardian of record because the courts won't deal with a charity only an individual. It's a real pain when the head of the orphanage changes because you have to get the guardianship record changed for every one of the children you care for."

David smiled, "Then providing the volunteer agrees you can take them with you," said David.

"All of them?"

"Provided they're under fourteen," qualified David.

"They are," said Sister Elizabeth.

David nodded once, "Do you accept Sister Elizabeth as your concubine Melanie?"

Melanie closed her eyes and nodded, "I do."

The Tribune looked for the rest of his volunteers and saw that they each had their new families lined up, "Then it's time to leave," he said. "We'll collect the children as we go."

He called Gunny Archer via the AI, "Gunny, a change of plan," he said. "We've got a load of kids to collect."

"Where from," came the reply.

"Next door," said David. "Get everyone back into the shuttle and take off. Lock onto me and when I give you the word send down a transporter pad and we'll leave that way."

"Kathleen, do you know the way to the orphanage?" asked David.

Kathleen nodded.

"Then lead the way," said David. "Everyone else follow along."

The Prioress crossed the chapel quickly and went to one of the older sisters. "Sister Marina, we are going to take the children with us, it will be better for them in the long run. Will you please run the priory in my stead and inform the bishop of what has occurred here." She smiled at her long time friend, "I'm sure he will be more than happy to confirm you as the new Prioress in due time," she concluded before squeezing the hands of the nun and turning to follow Melanie as she left the chapel.

"May God go with you," said Sister Marina softly.

Gunny Archer jumped up onto the table and shouted, "Quiet!"

Around him the newly transported people stopped and stared at him

"Thank you," he said a little quieter, "Now I want the volunteers to step forward so we can begin the induction process, the rest of you stay where you are and keep quiet."

The three volunteers from the priory moved forward cautiously, David nudged Melanie, "You'd better go as you've got a new concubine."

Melanie looked from David to the Prioress and blushed before moving to join the three volunteers.

"What's going to happen now?" asked Elizabeth.

"Normally he'd collect your ID cards and then read the riot act to the volunteers, emphasising that they are responsible for anything that their property does," said David. "He's going to have to improvise a little because you don't have CAP cards but he'll probably stick to the script."

David gave the older woman a small smile, "I think you're going to find life is pretty much like your priory with the exception that you're no longer going to be in charge."

"What about the children?" she asked.

"I'm not sure," admitted David, "I'm hoping that Gunny Archer there will come up with something or we're going to have chaos."

Melanie made her way back to where Elizabeth was standing with David. She frowned at David, "Did you know what he was doing with the children?" she asked accusingly.

"No," said David, "I've just finished telling your concubine here exactly that."

"Humm," murmured Melanie. "He's decided that each woman will be responsible for two children."

David blinked and then grinned, "So does that mean you're going to be a mommy."

"Not if I can help it," said Melanie. "By the way, what happened to the two lay sisters you picked up at the orphanage?"

The trip through the orphanage had been a perfect example of how tightly Sister Elizabeth had run her priory. The younger children had been roused from their rooms and lined up, many of them clutching their favourite toys, by the two lay sisters that had duty that night. There was very little fuss and no crying at all as the children were told they were leaving for a new home amongst the stars. Only the older children, who had been watching television when the Marines had arrived, had shown any interest and they hadn't managed more than a couple of polite questions before they were shushed.

The two lay sisters, Caron and Dora had looked on as the children had walked in pairs into the transporter and disappeared. David had looked them over and asked if they wanted to come along.

Sister Elizabeth had been the one who'd reminded them that they would probably end up as someone's slave if they did but it hadn't been enough to put either of them off.

"I told them to sit down as soon as they came through the transporter," said David, "they're over there," he said with a casual wave.

"Well you need to see to them," said Melanie.

David chuckled, "OK, I'll do it now," he said and headed off in that direction.

"Sister, do you have any medical conditions, diabetes, angina, anything like that that you are taking medication for?" asked Melanie.

"No," replied older woman, "The Lord has blessed me with remarkably good health."

"I'm glad of that," said Melanie who frowned over her new concubine's shoulder.

David returned leading the two lay sisters, "We're OK here," he said to Melanie.

"As I was saying before," said Sister Elizabeth, "what happens now?"

"We wait and see," said Melanie, "If there are any people who need medical treatment they will get the first pass through the medical bays. The rest of you should get your initial scans in the next couple of days."

"I'll go and report that we're OK," said Melanie.

David was looking around and smiling.

"Why are you so happy?" asked Sister Elizabeth.

"I've just got a load of new assistants," said David, "It'll make my job so much easier."

Elizabeth frowned; something didn't ring true with David's answer. "And?" she prompted but she didn't get an answer as Gunny Archer's voice boomed out again.

"Pay attention," he called, "Each of the concubines is to collect two of the children and take them to where they are gathered with their sponsor. These children will be your responsibility from now on."

"You can't do that," called one of the sisters.

"I just did," replied Gunny Archer, "It's the only way of looking after the children unless you believe they should just be dumped into a room and left to rot."

That statement was met by gasps.

David tapped Sister Elizabeth on the arm, "Off you go and take these two with you," he said.

Wide-eyed, Sister Elizabeth opened and closed her mouth a couple of times before squaring her shoulders and marching across the room towards the children.

It took a good ten minutes before the three women along with Melanie returned to where David was standing, they came with only four children in tow.

Melanie managed a grin as David frowned at her. "I'm not getting any," she said.

"I know," said David, "but what about the children."

Melanie blushed as she realised what David was alluding too before she explained, "With all the sisters taking two children each it means that Sister Elizabeth and I don't have to take any."

"Gunny's going to have to improvise on the accommodation layout as well, isn't he?" said David.

"That's not too bad," said Melanie. "He's already decided that each family is going to get one of the clusters of cells to spread out in. He wants one of the big rooms to be set up as a nursery once everyone is through their initial medical screening."

David shook his head; he'd really blown the detailed planning for this operation. He should have been able to foresee how things were going to pan out and not be relying on the Marines to sort things out after the event.

"OK everyone, let's have your attention one more time," called Gunny Archer.

As things quietened down he smiled grimly at the women surrounding him. "I've already told your sponsor the facts of life but I'm going to repeat them now just so that everyone understands how things are." He swept his arm over his audience; "Unless you're a sponsor you are now property, you have no rights to anything and any volunteer can do pretty much as they like with you. You need to take this on board and remember it at all times, forgetting it can lead to you being dead before you have a chance to recant."

He looked around and was pleased to see that everyone was looking back; no one appeared to be denying what he'd just said which was a relief.

"Concubines Marie Michelle, Rose Marie and Paula," he called, "You're the first ones in for medical screening, follow First Sergeant Fletcher, that's her over there and she will take you to the med bays."

"The rest of you," he said softly, "Strip!"

The last word was barked out and was greeted with stunned silence.

"That's right," he called loudly, "I want all of you concubines naked, now."

Sister Elizabeth looked at David, "You knew?" she asked.

"I suspected," admitted David. "It's the simplest way of showing a concubine her position."

"Then what happens?" asked Sister Elizabeth.

"If your volunteers are switched on and have been paying attention you will be allowed a simple smock, they're almost certainly in your accommodation already," said David.

Elizabeth looked at David as she fingered her wimple. "Do you realise that this will be the first time in thirty years that I've been seen without my habit?"

David bowed his head, "I'm sorry if it's embarrassing but I believe it is necessary."

"Oh I agree," said Elizabeth. "My CAP score is only six point four," she said, "and if I want the sisters to become good concubines I have to lead by example, even if I'm no longer their leader." With that the fifty-three year old woman began to remove her clothes in front of a man for the first time in her life.

Breakfast the following morning was a quiet affair; the sponsors had brought all of their charges to the dining room at the same time. Each 'family' clustered together around hastily arranged groups of tables. The sponsors had changed into the grey uniforms that had been provided for them and all of the concubines were in the simple grey shifts that had become synonymous with their status, only the children provided a splash of colour in an otherwise drab ensemble.

David joined Melanie at her table, the two lay sisters and four children he'd acquired tagging along behind him.

"Morning ladies," he said by way of greeting.

Melanie frowned, something about David's attitude made her suspicious but Elizabeth didn't appear to pick up on anything and returned his greeting happily.

"OK, kids, grab a seat and wait for your breakfast," ordered David before turning to Caron and Dora. "Go and get us all a full cooked breakfast, I think it is going to be a long day and we'll all need plenty of energy."

The two lay sisters nodded and headed for the service queue.

Still smiling David turned to Elizabeth, "Before they come back I need some information from you," he said. "In simple terms I want to know which of the concubines over there is most likely, to put it crudely, to drop her knickers if she's told to and in a similar vein which of them wouldn't do it if she was roasting over the fires of Hell?"

Elizabeth's eyes were wide and Melanie choked on her coffee.

"What..." she spluttered but fell silent when David held up his hand.

"It's for a totally graphic demonstration of the position of a concubine," said David. "Normally on an extraction at least one concubine will end up dead in the first couple of days, I'm hoping to avoid that but it may take a little bit of brutality to do so."

"What do you mean?" asked Elizabeth.

"The two sisters you nominate are going to be singled out and taken away for sex," said David, "I'm hoping that one of them will refuse and have to be dragged away screaming. When the rest see the total indifference the Marines and the AI exhibits towards such an action it should let everyone know that they are just property with no rights at all."

"And what happens to the sister who refuses to go willingly?" asked Elizabeth but the look in her eyes said she knew what the answer was going to be.

"She gets fucked," replied David bluntly.

"Raped! You mean."

"Can you rape property?" responded David coldly. "At least she won't be dumped in the recycling chamber with the rest of the garbage."

Elizabeth looked at David through narrowed eyes, her every instinct to fight the man who was being so cold towards her sisters. Slowly her words of the night before came back to her, 'if I want the sisters to become good concubines I have to lead by example.'

Nodding slowly she glanced around the room, taking in the women who were scattered around it. Her mind ran through everything she knew about them and she finally settled on Ulla. The former wife of a soldier she'd joined the order when her husband had gone off with a younger woman leaving her stranded in a foreign country. She'd been aided by one of the sisters in her time of need and had responded by becoming a lay sister but had never wished to take the matter any further. Elizabeth believed in her heart that Ulla was a little submissive and would have left them if a man had shown the slightest interest in her.

Well now we'd get to find out, she thought. "Ulla's the most likely to be willing," she said staring straight at David. "And I'm the other one."

David bowed his head; he'd half suspected that this would be the answer to his question.

He contacted Gunny Archer silently via the AI and told him who the 'victims' would be and stated that he would be the man to deal with Elizabeth.

"David," began Melanie.

"It's Tribune, Decurion," he snapped, silencing her. Melanie dropped her eyes; shocked at the change that had come over the man she'd begun to look up to. She felt her hand squeezed and looked at the hand gripping her own, she followed the arm and found she was staring into the eyes of Elizabeth. Very slowly Elizabeth shook her head from side to side.

Melanie opened her mouth to speak but could only gasp when Elizabeth squeezed her hand sharply.

"It's going to happen and there's nothing you can do about it," said Elizabeth before she bowed her head as though praying.

The relative quiet of the morning was broken as three Marines made a loud, somewhat vulgar entrance and everyone turned to watch their progress.

"It's like this," said Gunny Archer, "as much as I'd like to take one of you ladies to bed it's not going to happen. You're in my line of command and to be honest your bodies are just too damned hard."

First Sergeant Emma Fletcher took a grab for the front of Gunny Archer's trousers and laughed, "So what are you going to do about this," she called.

"Yeah," said Abigail Proctor, "It's a month till we get back to Demeter, you're going to have blue balls long before that."

"I think I've got them already," replied Gunny Archer.

"Take one of these soft bitches," suggested Emma Fletcher waving in the direction of the seated women. "Maybe you'll give the rest of us some peace then."

Gunny Archer stopped in his tracks and looked around. Next to them was the group of tables that held Kathleen and the women she'd picked, including a lay sister by the name of Ulla.

Gunny Archer pursed his lips and slowly moved around the table looking each of the women over in what would have been described as an invasion of their space back on Earth. Each in turn dropped their eyes as the big Marine passed them by until he came to Ulla.

Her dark hair framed a plain face, the complete lack of make up allowing the minor blemishes on her skin to stand out. The grey smock she was wearing did nothing to emphasis her small chest but it did show off her toned legs.

Slipping his hand into her hair he gently raised her gaze and smiled, "You know," he said to Emma, "I think you're right." He lifted his hand slowly giving Ulla time to rise to her feet, which she did with widening eyes.

"Come with me," said Gunny before he carefully guided Ulla around her chair.

Across the table Abigail dropped her hand onto Kathleen's shoulder and squeezed. Kathleen looked up and Abigail placed a finger of her free hand in front of her mouth commanding silence.

Gunny Archer ran his hand from Ulla's hair down onto her barely covered posterior and squeezed. Ulla stepped forward and the Marine kept pace with her, using his hand to guide her towards the exit.

As they disappeared from view there was a burst of noise as various women began to complain and ask questions. None of them paid any attention to the Marines and Militia as they filed into the room and casually took up positions where they could intercede if the need arose.

Kathleen looked up at Abigail and scowled, "What's going to happen to her?" she asked.

"What do you think?" replied Abigail.

Kathleen blushed.

"That's right," said Abigail, "If you objected to your property being used you should have said so at the time. It's a little late now."

Sister Carmen was sitting next to Kathleen, "But he didn't even ask her," she complained.

"He doesn't have to," said Abigail, "That was all explained yesterday." She raised her eyebrow; "You were paying attention weren't you?"

Sister Carmen dropped her eyes and beside her Kathleen gave Abigail a hard look.

"These women are mine," Kathleen said glancing around the table, "and I can do what I like with them."

Abigail nodded.

"Because they're concubines," Kathleen continued, "any sponsor can do what they want to them as well."

Abigail nodded again and added, "It's usual to ask a sponsor for permission but it takes awhile before you learn what is and isn't allowed. People will tend to take liberties until you get up to speed with the new rules."

"So I could have stopped that?" asked Kathleen.

"Just by saying no," agreed Abigail.

Kathleen nodded, "It won't be happening again," she declared.

Across the room and masked by the noise around them David quietly asked Elizabeth, "Are you ready?"

The older woman nodded and lowered her head, as she did so David rose to his feet.

"Come on, bitch," he said loudly walking around the table. "Let's go and find that old habit of yours. I've always wanted to fuck a nun and this is my chance."

Elizabeth cowered in her seat, not needing to act out her fear. Around them the noise levels in the room plummeted like a stone, as David's words were understood.

The Tribune reached out and stuck his hand into the old woman's hair and pulled her upwards. He wasn't as gentle as Gunny Archer had been moments earlier but he didn't try to drag Elizabeth's hair out by the roots either.

"No!" screamed Elizabeth as she was pulled to her feet her hands rising to grasp David's wrist.

Stony-faced Melanie looked on as the scene played out in front of her, around the table the children sat open-mouthed and the two lay sisters cowered away from the man who was their sponsor.

David released the woman's hair with his right hand, raising it upwards, which served to pull Elizabeth's arms above her head. His left hand shot forward and grabbed the front of her smock firmly, which caused the short smock to rise up exposing the former nun below the waist.

"Move your sorry ass or I'll strip you here and fuck you over the table," growled David.

Elizabeth sagged and David held her in position without any apparent exertion, the strength of his enhanced body clear to all that were watching.

When she failed to move David bent his knees and pulled Elizabeth towards him, casually dragging her over his shoulders in a basic fireman's carry and started striding towards the exit. Across his back Elizabeth continued to moan loudly as she was carried towards her fate, her naked ass on view to everyone in the room.

Kathleen looked at Abigail and asked, "Can I complain about that?"

"You're not her sponsor," said Abigail shaking her head, "It's nothing to do with you."

Kathleen turned her gaze towards Melanie and frowned as the woman who'd once been a sister sat there in silence, her gaze locked straight ahead.

As David got near to the exit one of the Sisters jumped up from her table and took a pace towards him, her arms outstretched to block his way. That was as far as she got before a buzzing stinger dropped her in her tracks.

Leroy Whitaker dropped his arm and stepped to one side with a tight-lipped smile, clearing the exit for David to pass through with his struggling baggage.

The tension in the room was dark and volatile but the Marines just ignored it and ten minutes latter began moving people towards the briefing rooms and medical bays for their initial diagnostic checks. The anger continued but the danger point had been passed. Only time would tell if the new concubines had taken the lesson to heart.

Jacob Archer guided Ulla through the maze of accommodation cells to the room he'd set aside for himself. Without any fuss he opened the door and gently eased her through the door. The room was spotless, as he'd spent a little time the evening before preparing for this encounter.

He left the subdued woman standing in the middle of the room and crossed to the bed, lowering himself slowly. As he did Ulla watched every move he made like a mouse facing a hungry cat.

"Sir?" she whispered, almost inaudibly.

Jacob glanced up to her face before commencing a thorough examination of the concubine before him

Ulla's hands unconsciously grasped the hem of the short shift she was wearing and tried to pull it lower.

"Stop!" said Jacob firmly. "You do not move until I tell you to do so," he continued, "and then you will only do as I say."

Ulla's hands fell to her side and she dropped her head, almost in shame.

Jacob remained silent for nearly three minutes before Ulla began to fidget.

Smiling, he snapped, "On your knees."

Ulla was down on her knees before her conscious mind gave the order to move, she gasped as she realised what she'd done.

"I know you're not a virgin," said Jacob and Ulla gasped again before staring at the big Marine, her mouth hanging open.

"So we'll begin with the basics." He waited until Ulla made eye contact. "Now suck my cock."

As he sat there waiting for Ulla to make a move he opened his trousers with great deliberation and fished out his semi-hard prick.

Ulla's eyes tracked his movements and her mouth opened even wider, forming a perfect 'O' as she saw his enhanced nine inches of man-meat.

Jacob crooked his finger and Ulla slowly knee walked across the small room until she was between his knees.

"Feel free to start when you're ready," said Jacob quietly.

"Oh, Sir," whispered Ulla, but Jacob couldn't tell whether she was begging him to stop or praising his cock so he ignored the comment.

Slowly, gingerly, she placed her hand around the base of the Marine's cock, her eyes never straying from the swollen purple head of the trouser snake with its single eye oozing precum. Once, twice, three times her head bobbed forward, never quite reaching the prick before she rocked back to her starting position.

Then, with eyes closed she moved forward, her mouth still partially open until her lips made the faintest of contact with the hot, throbbing head of Jacob's cock. Her movements froze as the cock throbbed, bobbing slightly as her warm breath bathed it.

Jacob held his breath as Ulla slowly pushed forward, her lips running tantalisingly slowly over the sensitive head of his cock until the helmet was fully in her mouth.

And then she swallowed!

Her eyes shot open and Jacob had to fight with all of his tremendous willpower not to empty the contents of his ball bag down her throat immediately.

Ulla started to suck ever so gently, her tongue rubbing the underside of the prick, teasing in its gentleness.

Her eyes started to smile as Jacob reacted to her ministrations.

Her movements became more exaggerated until his prick tickled the back of her throat and she stopped, her eyes wide once again.

She looked at Jacob who slowly nodded in response to the unasked question.

Cautiously positioning his prick at the back of her mouth she locked her eyes on Jacob's and bobbed forward, swallowing as she did so.

Jacob was sure his eyes crossed as the lay sister kept swallowing and driving forward with slow deliberation until her nose was buried in his pubic hair.

With the same slow movement she pulled back, keeping her lips firmly in contact with the soft skin covering the prick until her lips snapped together and the prick bobbed in front of her mouth.

"I've never managed that before," she said softly, her breath washing over Jacob's prick as she spoke.

"Uhmmm," was all Jacob managed as a response before Ulla rocked forward and took him into her mouth again.

This time she was faster, more certain of her actions, as she took his cock back towards her throat. With barely a pause Jacob found he was buried deep in her throat, her hand under his balls gently adding to the stimulation he was feeling.

When she started to twist her head from side to side it was too much for Jacob. With a grunt he grabbed Ulla by the back of her head and held her tight against his body. His cock pulsing out the nanite-enhanced load he'd been carrying for too long straight down the woman's throat.

He fell back onto the bed and Ulla rocked back onto her ankles, a finger unconsciously scooping up the last remnants of Jacob's spend from her chin and popping it into her mouth.

The room was silent as the two of them recovered from their session.

Jacob took in a deep breath and raised his head. "Come here," he said indicating the bed next to him.

He started to shuffle to the side to make room for Ulla who rose unsteadily to her feet.

A sudden noise from outside the room froze them in position; it was the sound of a woman crying. The source of the disturbance moved past the room and as it did so it faded from the memory of the two occupants of the room as they returned to their own activities.

David gently lowered Elizabeth from his shoulder onto the bed. He eased her down and then stepped back as far as the small room would allow.

Leaning back against the door he said, "That's it, it's all over now."

Still sniffing Elizabeth looked at him. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"Precisely that," said David. "The message has been delivered, there is no need for us to actually do anything now."

Elizabeth gave a final, loud sniff and then twisted around until she was knelt on the bed facing the man.

"You really believe that don't you?" she asked and then continued without waiting for his answer. "Do you seriously think that I'm going to be able to fake something as serious, as traumatic as this is supposed to be." She waved her arm in the vague direction of the other sisters. "What you don't know is that a couple of those women have been raped and several of them have acted as support councillors for the victims of that vile crime. They'll know within seconds if I go back in there and I haven't been assaulted," she stared at David, "sexually assaulted," she emphasised.

"But," began David.

"If it had been any other sister would you have stopped now?" asked Elizabeth, cocking her head to one side as she waited for him to answer.

"Probably not," conceded David.

"Then just because I know the reason you are doing this, doesn't mean that you can stop." She lowered her head, "I suppose that under these circumstances it doesn't even count as rape."

"Pardon," said David.

Elizabeth raised her eyes and gave David a weak smile, "It's only rape if you're not willing," she said. "I'm willing to go through with this act because it has to be done." Her smiled brightened just a little, "So does that mean it's still rape?"

David shook his head, "I don't know," he said. "I'm not even sure if I can any more."

"Oh you will," said Elizabeth raising the hem of her smock ever so slightly, "and you'll do it with a fair bit of violence because we both know that it has to be done."

David closed his eyes for a moment. "I hope the rest of them can be as pragmatic as you seem to be," he said.


David chuckled, "Because soon they're all going to be feeling horny."

It was Elizabeth's turn to be confused; "I beg your pardon."

David opened his eyes, "It is a part of the treatment you'll receive," he said. "When you're given your initial medical screening nanites are added to your body. The little blighters run around fixing things that are broken and dumping out the garbage that has accumulated in your system. They also raise your libido to that of a horny teenager." He shrugged, "Every one of those women is going to start feeling the way they did when they were eighteen and the boys were giving them the eye."

"Even me?" gasped Elizabeth.

David nodded, "Even you," he confirmed. "Whatever trials and tribulations you went through to maintain your virginity you're going to have to go through again. Only this time there�s not going to be anyone there telling you that it is a bad thing if you succumb to your desires."

"Oh, dear," exclaimed Elizabeth. She knelt there on the bed, chewing her lip for a minute or so and then frowned. "Why is that necessary?" she asked.

David chuckled, "A concubine always has to be ready for her master," he said, "because we are out here to breed. It works the other way as well. A male concubine is walking around in a semi-erect state all the time and believe me, that is an uncomfortable feeling."

"So I'm going to end up having sex whether I like it or not?" asked Elizabeth from under hooded eyes.

"Not necessarily," said David. "That will be up to Melanie as your sponsor. What will happen though is that you, as an individual will be feeling every type of urge there is to get pregnant." He shrugged, "If you can resist and Melanie doesn't order you to then you will be able to avoid sex."

Elizabeth bowed her head again, "But that's in the future," she said. "What's certain is that I'm not going to do so now, isn't it?" she asked quietly.

"I suppose it is," said David, not sounding particularly convincing.

Elizabeth nodded slowly, "Then we better begin," she said and looked up.

When David still looked reluctant she began goading him, "Come on 'big boy' do it for little old me."

David shook his head negatively.

"Be like that then," said Elizabeth spinning round and dropping her feet to the floor. "I'll head back to the canteen and get something to eat."

She tried to push David out of the way but failed as he blocked her way with just his arm.

"Elizabeth," he said.

"Get out of my way, you imbecile," snapped Elizabeth.

David's arm swept the old nun back towards the bed, his eyes darkening as he looked down on her.

"You're determined aren't you?" he asked and then without waiting for an answer he grabbed the front of her shift in both hands dragging her up of the bed before he ripped it apart.

He held his arms wide apart, keeping hold of the shift and gazed at the pale body before him. There were a lot of wrinkles especially around the potbelly that hung down beneath the sagging bust. The brief glimpse he had of Elizabeth's pubic hair before she twisted within his grasp revealed a totally grey thatch.

He pulled the shift down and then wrapped his arms around her waist, twisting the remnants around her arms, locking them in place.

Something in her eyes gave him just enough warning to twist his leg in front of her viciously rising knee.

He slapped her across the face with an open palm and she dropped back onto the bed, pinning her arms securely. His red handprint stood out like a warning sign against her pale skin.

David dropped his trousers and stroked his own cock a few times to firm it up. Then he reached down and took hold of Elizabeth's legs and raised them upright, prising them open slowly to reveal the grey-covered pussy he'd earlier caught a brief glimpse of.

"This is going to hurt," he said, "especially when I go through your hymen."

"Haven't got one," grunted Elizabeth.

David cocked his head to one side in query and waited for an explanation.

"I lost it when I was young, at school," she said, "I didn't even know what it was at the time."

David lined his hardening prick up with her pussy and swiped it up and down a couple of times. There was no moisture to speak of and he was forced to release one of her legs to spit into his hand.

He blocked the leg she swung at him before gently wiping his saliva over his prick.

He grabbed hold of the free leg again and shuffled forward on his knees. As his prick located the opening to Elizabeth's pussy he snapped his hips forward a couple of inches and stopped as the old woman shrieked.

Swallowing hard David applied enough pressure to ease his prick forward, going as slowly as he could. Once he bottomed out he stopped and waited not sure what to do.

Elizabeth opened her eyes and stared back at David.

"Well, go on then," she said, "get it over with."

Shaking his head David began to rock backwards and forwards, thinking of every dirty thing he could to orgasm as soon as he could. Half a dozen strokes later he managed to cum, grunting slightly as his balls dumped a load of baby makers into the old nun.

As soon as he'd finished he dropped her legs and pushed her to one side and rolled towards the other side. Elizabeth rolled away from him and curled up into a ball, gentle sobs echoing around the room.

David lay on his back and stared at the ceiling, a feeling of disgust flooding through his body as he listened to Elizabeth expressing her pain.

David was startled out of his introspection by a hand on his chest.

"Don't feel bad," said Elizabeth softly.

David rolled his head to look at the woman beside him.

"I'm sure that in the next couple of years you're going to think of lots of other things you could have done that would have achieved the same results." She shuffled closer and laid her head on his shoulder, "But that will be using hindsight and we all know that that is twenty-twenty."

She hugged him and David had to fight down the tears, the victim of the crime was comforting the perpetrator.

"I know in my heart that what happened here wasn't you," she said, "not you as a person. It was just your official persona doing what needed to be done under the circumstances."

She raised her head and smiled down at him, as though he was still a small boy. "Now we have to carry it through otherwise what we've been through so far will be for nothing."

"Carry on?" asked David woodenly.

"That's right," said Elizabeth. "We need to return to the canteen and you need to dump me as though I was just a toy." She lowered her head back onto his shoulder. "It would have been better if you could have picked another concubine to do the same thing to, one who was used to the lifestyle. That would have shown that you were just playing with your toys. As it is you're going to have to treat me with disdain, maybe even insulting me."

David brought his free hand up and rubbed his face, "There's no way that I can ever put this right," he said. "But I intend to spend the rest of my life attempting too."

"Just keep the rest of my women safe and you'll have done more than enough." She gave him a hug. "And it shouldn't be that hard for you to manage because that's the reason that this happened."

"That still doesn't make it right," said David.

"No, it doesn't," Elizabeth agreed, "but sometimes you just have to be practical and then get on with life. That's what we need to do now, get on with our lives."

Elizabeth rested her forehead against David's shoulder for just a moment and then struggled to her feet. David looked at the remains of her smock and shook his head; it wasn't fit for anything now. As Elizabeth stretched with her back to him he collected the remains in his hand.

David checked with the AI, the women were back from their initial briefings and were clustered in the canteen having a tea break.

"How do you want to do this?" he asked.

"Just lead me back and then walk away," she replied.

"Clothes?" he asked.

"Are there any here?"

He shook his head.

"Then I go naked," she said standing up tall.

David smiled for the first time in a long time, "Then lead on," he said and followed her out of the door pausing just long enough to toss the remains of the smock into the recycling bin.

David followed Elizabeth as she walked back to the canteen and took note of the delicate way in which she moved; silently he made a promise to get her in the medical pod as quickly as possible.

The canteen fell silent as the naked Prioress led the man who'd ravaged her back into the room. The concubines concentrated on the man who'd dragged their 'mother' off.

As David passed Leroy he received a slap on the back; "Hope it was worth it?" said the young man.

"So do I," responded David forcing a grin before guiding Elizabeth towards Melanie.

If looks could kill David would have dropped off his chair as soon as he looked at Melanie. She'd taken one look at Elizabeth and turned the full hatred of her stare on her boss.

"I suppose you're pleased with yourself?" she hissed.

David flinched and then straightened his shoulders under the onslaught.

"If you have a problem with my actions Decurion I suggest you make a formal complaint," which he knew was a pointless statement as any complaints would have to be dealt with by the head of the Civil Service in Demeter and that was him. "But before you do anything like that I'd suggest that you speak with Elizabeth first."

He stood up, his chair scraping loudly as it slid backwards. "In the meantime I'm going to check on how the concubines are doing in the medical bay."

It wasn't dignified and it was a retreat but David didn't really care at that stage.

Melanie turned to Elizabeth who was staring at her.

"Didn't you pay attention earlier," asked Elizabeth. "I thought we'd both made it perfectly clear what was going to happen. You don't actually think either of us enjoyed what just happened, do you? Especially the Tribune."

Elizabeth looked around the room, "I just hope it was enough to save everyone else."

Elizabeth stood before the medical pod under the watchful eyes of David and Melanie.

She frowned at the Tribune but followed the prompts from the AI to enter the pod. She didn't have to remove her clothes because she hadn't been given any since she'd been returned to the canteen, David had stormed off and Melanie hadn't thought about it until they were summoned for medical screening by which time it was too late to do anything about it.

The children had looked on wide-eyed when they'd returned to the table but Caron and Dora had shushed them when they'd started to comment. Elizabeth had forgotten all about her nakedness until it had been time to move, she'd had other, more pressing things on her mind.

As the top cover closed on the sarcophagus-like machine David waved the technician over.

"Give this one a thorough going over," he instructed. "And grow her a new hymen, a delicate one that she can lose again if she wants to."

"A new one," gasped Melanie.

"It's not much," shrugged David, "but it's a step in the right direction."

He looked around the medical bay as the last of the pods closed, there were only the people from Demeter present. "We need to stay alert," he said. "So far we've had to stun one person, let's try and keep it to just that one."

"Knocking them out before they can transgress too far is preferable to having to dispose of them," he looked around, ensuring he had everyone's attention. "So keep your eyes peeled and your stingers to hand."

When he'd received nods from those present he relaxed, "Has anyone heard from Gunny?"

Negative headshakes and grunts were the only responses to his question.

"AI?" he prompted.

"Master Gunnery Sergeant Archer is currently engaged in reproductive actions with the concubine known as Ulla," responded the AI. "He has stated that he does not wish to be disturbed."

David snorted, "It looks like Elizabeth's assessment of Ulla was correct."

"Right, let's get this show back on the road," said David. "We need to begin the formal indoctrination of all the concubines and you'd better speak to the sponsors about augmentation. I know Governor Flowers would still like everyone to receive the basic Marine package but these people shouldn't be involved in the Militia so we're going to play a little loose with that idea."

He turned to Melanie, "You're the best person to do that, Melanie, as you've been through it and you can associate with the sisters. That's another thing, everyone is to drop the term sister. They're just people from here on in. They can play games in their pods if they want but outside they're just sponsors and concubines."

Melanie nodded in understanding but she wasn't sure how it would work, she still got referred to as sister by many of the former pupils at her girls' school.

David nodded and everyone started to move away. As they did Melanie looked back and saw David looking down on the pod that held Elizabeth, a sad look on his face.

Melanie was waiting when the sarcophagus holding Elizabeth finished its initial work and slowly opened.

Elizabeth blinked as the bright light dazzled her momentarily and then smiled at her sponsor.

"Come on," said Melanie offering her hand to help Elizabeth out of the pod. "We've got things to talk about and now is as good a time as any."

Elizabeth took the proffered hand and slid out of the pod and then took a moment to stretch.

"Oh, Lord," she murmured, "I haven't felt this good in years. What did that machine do to me?"

"Not a lot, really," replied Melanie as she started to walk. "It's added the nanites that are going to deal with your bodily problems and because you've been in there a little longer than most people, they've probably got a good start. Give it another couple of days and you'll feel like a spring chicken."

"Does that mean my, uhmm, libido is going to start increasing?"

"You know about that?" asked Melanie coming to a halt.

"David mentioned it before, you know..."

Melanie nodded and continued walking.

"How are you feeling, you know, in yourself?" she asked as they entered her room.

Elizabeth sat and pondered for a minute or so and then returned her attention to Melanie.

"Melanie, I need you to understand that what happened was necessary. It was the best solution to a problem that wouldn't happen on a normal ship. Or to be more precise, a solution that didn't have to involve the death of a concubine which I am led to believe is a common occurrence during a normal extraction." Elizabeth paused and waited for Melanie to respond.

Melanie didn't want to but eventually she nodded.

"Good," said Elizabeth. "Now one thing that you don't know is that when David reached his room he was finished, he told me so." Elizabeth lowered her eyes. "I had to force him to carry on, to actually assault me."

Melanie looked at Elizabeth with wide eyes, "But why?"

"Because I knew I couldn't fake things," said Elizabeth, "and if you must know, I wanted to know what it was like."

Melanie's eyes got even bigger.

Elizabeth looked her in the eye, bracing her shoulders as she did so, "Haven't you ever been curious, not even a little bit, about what it feels like?"

It was Melanie's turn to drop her eyes. Not only had she thought about it, she'd dreamed about it. One of her problems was that there were two men she'd dreamed about, Alex Flowers and David ap Rhys. To find that David was capable of such a brutal act had struck her much more firmly than she'd have thought possible.

Elizabeth gave a knowing smile, "I bet having that body doesn't help?"

Melanie chuckled, which surprised her. "No, it doesn't," she said, "but I feel exhilarated, especially when I look in a mirror. All those tasks that I wasn't quite tall enough for, or strong enough for are now easy." She frowned slightly, "but those nanites play havoc with your hormones."

"They do?"

"Oh, yes," said Melanie. "And being in an environment were sex is considered normal and often happens spontaneously doesn't help."

She looked at Elizabeth, "I never had any inkling that the female body could be so, oh I don't know, I suppose sexy is the proper description."

"What do you mean?" asked Elizabeth.

Melanie blushed, "You get to see a lot of women naked or partially clothed all over the place. I've noticed that I find them exciting. That never happened back at the priory, even in the showers."

"And you think that's because of the nanites?"

Melanie nodded, "I've spoken to a lot of the women and they tell me that they're almost permanently horny. I'm not like that but that may be because I've never actually had sex yet. The women tell me that back on Earth they'd feel like that a couple of days a month and that the urge dropped off as they got older but now they're like it all the time."

"So what would you recommend?" asked Elizabeth. "Or should that be what have you decided?"

"Either or I suppose but I don't know the answer," said Melanie. "Having a body like this is wonderful but I don't know if I'm going to be able to resist the lure of sex for much longer and would it be fair to inflict that on the rest of the sisters?"

"I wonder if resisting is really necessary," mused Elizabeth.

"What!" exclaimed Melanie.

"Well we are no longer in a religious order, so the constraints we have been living under shouldn't apply. I just wish the Holy Father had made clear his intentions. It would have made this so much easier."

"I thought you'd spoken to the bishop?" said Melanie looking puzzled.

"I did," admitted Elizabeth, "but let's be honest, he's not the brightest of men and he is getting on a bit. Both of us found the whole conversation very embarrassing and if I'm honest, we didn't really communicate very well. I'm sure the pontiff would have sent out a clearer message for his flock."

Melanie shook her head but whether it was in denial or at the stupidity of the male of the species was open to interpretation.

David looked across his audience and smiled, "Welcome to your new home," he said. "We've just established orbit around Poseidon three, the planet known as Demeter."

The audience, despite David's initial comments looked like Marines. The augmentation had been almost universal adopted because, as Melanie had pointed out, if you are going to tell a Marine what to do you need to look imposing enough to carry it through. She'd also added that she felt very good in her new body and, although she didn't mention it, hard bodies were fast becoming the new sexy.

The sponsors were all dressed in the grey uniform of the Civil Service. All that was missing was the rank insignia. A detail that David was going to have to address with his superiors once he'd got things properly organised on the ground. He didn't want to risk losing the people he'd gone out of his way to acquire.

"What I need you to do now is to separate into sponsors and concubines," he said. "Will the sponsors move to the back of the room and join the Marines and Militia."

As the crowd milled around David couldn't help but smile as he thought over the last couple of weeks. The journey had settled down after his encounter with Elisabeth and that had appeared to achieve its aim, as there had been no problems with the concubines since.

Elisabeth had come looking for him two days ago and had told him how he'd been right, the nanites really did have her buzzing and the new body she was living in had her questioning her decision to remain celibate.

He'd laughed at her and told her she'd get used to it. "It's only a problem for the first couple of years," he'd concluded. Despite what had happened between them, or possibly because of it they had become friends of a sort.

"OK, settle down everyone!" called David. "I've an announcement to make and you need to be paying attention."

He waited until there was silence before beginning.

"The governor of this planet, as on all planets within the Confederacy, is the one who sets the rules and he's instituted one that we believe is unique. He requires that all concubines are offered a choice, a choice that will be repeated each year on the anniversary of your arrival on Demeter."

"Put simply he has initiated another social class, a class that is open to concubines." David looked across the silent crowd, "At the top of the tree are sponsors, the original volunteers and at the bottom will be those concubines who don't wish to take up this offer."

David licked his lips, "The offer is simple enough, you can volunteer to serve a term of service for the good of the planet. Whilst you are doing this you will be treated as though you were one of the volunteers with the single exception that you will not be permitted to freely leave the planet. You will, as it is feasible, be given access to two concubines and a house of your own."

"The downside," said David, "is that the term of service will not be easy. It'll be hard, possibly dangerous, work that is for the benefit of the planet and not a way that you can get out of being a concubine. In addition, if you fail to complete the term of service you will revert to being a concubine." He glanced around the room, "As your sponsor will have replaced you by then you will join the general pool of concubines and yes that does mean you could end up as the sex slave for a passing Marine or working in one of the brothels."

You could have heard a pin drop as the concubines stared at David as though he'd grown two heads.

"The vast majority of these citizens, that's the term we use to describe concubines who've volunteered, end up in the Militia but that isn't the only opportunity." David smiled again. "In this particular case, I can offer you a term of service within the Civil Service. You won't become officers but we do have planetary based staff who wear the uniform of a warrant officer and do the same job as I do."

"This is a chance to stop being slaves as so many of you describe yourselves and to become a citizen by working with me to alleviate the pain and suffering that is often the lot of a concubine."

David walked to the side of the room and stopped in front of a seat, "Melanie knows all about this as well so if you have any questions, ask either of us. You have thirty minutes to think about it and then I'll need your decision."

With that he sat down.

Elizabeth was one of the first to move and she made a beeline for David.

"What happens if we don't volunteer?"

"You stay as a concubine," said David, "In your case, you'd still belong to Melanie."

"We wouldn't get tossed into the pool?"

"Not unless your sponsor throws you out," confirmed David.

"You've known about this all along haven't you?"

David nodded.

"Then why?"

"You, all of you, had to know the consequences of your actions. That's as true now as it was then," said David. "This in many ways makes things worse because concubines think they have an easy way out and it isn't going to be easy whatever you end up becoming. Failure now really does kill a person's self-esteem and we've had several concubines who've committed suicide rather than return to being a slave."

Elizabeth cocked her head to one-side and pondered.

"I suppose you're right," she said eventually. She glanced back towards the rest of the concubines, "Where would we get our concubines?"

David smiled, realising that Elizabeth had already decided to volunteer. "The general pool," he replied. "There are plenty of people, mostly women, to go around. Every time there's a battle we tend to end up with more."

Elizabeth frowned, "I take it that there is a requirement to ensure that they get pregnant?"

"Not a requirement," said David, "more of an expectation. After all, that is the reason that we are allowed so many concubines."

Elizabeth nodded.

"So you're going to volunteer?" prompted David.

"Yes," said Elizabeth simply.

"Then welcome to the Civil Service," said David with a wide grin.


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