This story is of an erotic nature.

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Don't break the laws, change them.



Naughty Pickup

A Story in The Swarm Cycle Universe

by Duke of Ramus

A Piece of my Imagination


The Swarm Cycle

The Swarm Cycle is a collection of stories manufactured around a concept introduced by the Thinking Horndog positing an alien invasion and Earth's reaction. The intent is for this to be a multi-author universe similar to the wildly popular Naked In School stories. If you're a budding author of erotica or sci-fi and see something here that strikes your fancy, pop over to the Author's Page for more info on what's going on here and how to submit a story for this collection. The rest of you are probably here to read, so...



This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author�s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental

� 2007 Duke of Ramus.

All rights reserved.



The Swarm Cycle Universe

Copyright � 2007 The Thinking Horndog



I'd like to thank Mulligan for his assistance in turning this into a better story than my initial effort, any errors remaining are of course mine.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, please remain seated and we'll get this over with quickly and allow you to get back to your meal."

The man - now that he'd drawn attention to himself - cut a truly imposing figure at over six feet tall with short dark hair and a physique that looked like it belonged on a body builder or a football player. The words he'd just delivered were now almost a clich� and had been heard thousands of times before all over the planet. They signified a chance to escape for the people eating in this remote diner, a chance the few people here ever expected to be offered.

The man doing the talking looked down at the pad in his hand and then asked, "Would those who've volunteered for service with the Confederacy make themselves known and could the rest of you have your ID cards to hand."

The second man, who was as impressive physically as the first, moved over to the door and took a look out at the deserted desert highway. Nothing seemed to be moving out there.

Two men and one woman held up their hands and started making their way towards the speaker. Behind them several women had already started to disrobe, in a couple of cases over the protests of their partners.

The first volunteer to reach the front was John Wellington, a technical sales rep. for a computer company. His ID card gave him a score of six point six and as he knew a chance at two concubines. The second volunteer was Jenny Small, who was anything but small. She came in at six point nine and like John was entitled to two concubines.

The last arrival was Bryan Petersson, a former pilot in the Air Force and a veteran of the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. He came with a score of seven point one and therefore was entitled to take four concubines with him when he departed.

The man ticked a couple of times on his pad and then looked up, "Thank you," he said, "I'm sure you know what happens now and I guess you know how many concubines you're allowed." This last was greeted by nods and in the case of Mr Wellington by an unpleasant grin.

"So just let me say a few words to the rest of the people here and we can get things started."

As the speaker started to turn away Bryan, who'd been looking out through the front window asked, "Why is there no interdiction field?"

"Look around," said the leader, "Do you think we need one out here?" the last accompanied by a shrug.

"True," said Bryan before looking back into the diner and the people waiting there.


"All right!" the man called out, ensuring that he had everyone's attention. "For your information our volunteers are eligible to take eight concubines with them when they leave. Anyone wishing to join them should start moving forward. If you don't wish to be considered could you please make your way to the back of the diner and we'll try not to disturb you too much."

He continued as people started to shuffle around, "I'm sure you've heard all this before but I'll just cover the high points as a reminder. First of all, if you are hanging back for some medical reasons you need to remember that the Confederacy can cure most of your physical ills."

He started to move around a little as though he'd done this many times before, "Secondly the Sa'arm invasion of Earth is still on schedule so the best chance for everyone is to get away from Earth and breed. That ladies and gentlemen is what you will be doing if you are picked. This does have its good and bad points, a new planet is a hard and often dirty place but that in itself can be rewarding. Making babies is also fun, as I'm sure you know and that is the main thing that concubines will be doing."

He looked to his companion at the door, who took another look around outside and continued to appear bored. "Thirdly this is quickie divorce time, if you get picked any previous commitments are terminated. If you have children and they're under fourteen you can ask your sponsor to take them with you. Note that it is the sponsor, not the concubine, who decides if the kids are to be picked up."

"And finally," he said turning his full attention to the audience, "the hard part to believe. If you get picked you will have no rights, you will be property and just like you can dump something you don't want here, out there the same thing can happen to a concubine. Remember that, it will be important."

He looked around noting that a couple of the women who'd been stripping had stopped, he grinned before finishing off, "OK now that you've had the basic briefing it's decision time. If you're still interested than I suggest that you get out of your clothes and get lined up. If you're not then move to the back of the room," and with that he turned and moved back to the volunteers.


"Jenny, they say this every time a pickup is made but you have the hardest decision to make. Personally I'd suggest that you pick a man to give you children and then a woman to look after them but there is nothing stopping you picking two men or two women if that's what you want."

He turned to Bryan, "It's normally recommended that those with four or more concubines also pick a male as the volunteer is not going to be there all the time and it helps keep the groups stable." He grinned, "It's also convenient on those odd nights when you just want a rest."

He glanced back over his shoulder and saw a mixed crowd of partially clothed women and the odd man and jerked his thumb in their direction. "They're all yours," he said and stepped out of the way.

First to react, which was a bit of a surprise, was Jenny as she called out, "Any of you guys who are interested in keeping me company get naked and get over here." She then stalked off to the left hand side of the diner and waited for a response.

Bryan looked at John who shrugged and then the pair of them walked forward to where the women were gathering. John had a quick look down the line and called out," If you want me to take you you'd better be naked when I get there."

Several women, especially those closest to him started ripping off clothes in a mad rush.

Bryan shook his head and moved off in the opposite direction to John, he'd already decided to speak to the two women behind the counter. He approached the pair, the younger one of whom already had her uniform open and her amply filled bra on display and said, "If you're both interested in coming just dump the clothes back there and join me in that booth." Then he simply turned and walked across to the booth he'd indicated.

Settling down in the booth he watched the young waitress throwing her clothes off and the older woman doing the same but slower. He heard John call out, "Kneel!" and watched on as the women in that half of the diner dropped to their knees. The two guys who were apparently running the show stood over by the door and looked on.


Bryan snapped his head around and glanced over to the men surrounding Jenny and watched as two of them backed away shaking their heads. Before he could figure out what was happening the young waitress appeared in front of him.

"What's your name love?" he asked her.

"Theresa," she replied, "Theresa Jones."

"Well Theresa, one of the things that you have to be to get off this planet is obedient," said Bryan. "So I want you to lay on this table, flat on your back and open your legs as far as they'll go." He waited and after a moments hesitation the plump girl climbed on the table and did as he'd asked.

Through the prone girl's legs he watched as the older woman approached the pair of them nervously, her belly and boobs sagging and wobbling as she crossed the room. She stopped a good six feet from the table and the lewdly displayed Theresa.

Bryan raised an eyebrow and asked, "Still want to go?"

The older woman nodded, clearly too scared to speak.

"Then stick your tongue up her twat and make her cum," Bryan ordered.

Theresa gasped and started to close her legs but stopped when Bryan barked, "Freeze," in her ear. "If the two of you want to go this is what you will do," he looked up from the girl on the table, "and then the two of you will swap places and it'll be her turn to be on the receiving end."

He looked from one woman to the other and said clearly, "It's your decision," and then sat back to await developments.

Across the room Jenny repeated what she'd said moments before, "It's simple enough guys, I won't be there all the time and I'm not having you fucking around with any other women. So to take care of your urges you'll fuck each other," she declared. "If like that pair," she waved at the two men who'd already stormed off, "you're not going to obey my commands before we leave Earth then you'd better drag your arse away because I don't want you."

The men looked at Jenny many of them in disbelief as they hummed and hawed, when everything sorted itself out there were just three males left, two of them were young guys and the third was a middle aged chap.

"So who's going to get butt fucked first?" she asked almost gloating.

The two young bucks looked around nervously and then the older guy sighed and bent over the table, "Come on guys, it's what she wants and if it's our only way off the planet then we need to do it. Just take it easy will you," he looked back over his shoulder and said plaintively, "but let's get it over with." He grasped a cheek of his ass in each hand and splayed them wide in preparation.

It was too much for the young guns, they turned tail and ran, literally. Jenny watched them go and laughed. When the guy bent over the table looked at her she said, "You'd better tell me your name, it looks like you'll be coming with me."

John was working his way down the line of kneeling naked women and was quite brutally ramming his six and half inch dick into their throats. Nothing gentle, no attempt to build up slowly, just a simple face rape for each woman in turn.

He stepped to the side as the woman he'd been seeing to threw herself backwards coughing and spluttering. The next in line, a coloured woman looked up at him and said calmly, "Issues Mister?"

John paused for a moment and then found that he was answering the question, "Every woman I've ever been with has refused to take it all the way," he glanced down, "Now I know I'm not the biggest in the world but I will get it all the way in or you can stay here and rot."

The coloured woman looked at the saliva covered prick in front of her and smiled, "Well come on then big boy, ram it home." and John did just that.

When his pubes hit her nose he stopped and slowly pulled back. It felt like the woman was determined to keep him on there and when she started to hum he had a hard time hanging on to his load she was that good. He drove in a couple of more times before whipping his glistening cock out of her mouth.

She looked at him through soulful eyes and waited.

"Do you fuck as well as you suck?" asked John breathing deeply.

"Even better," replied the kneeling woman.

"You're in," said John before stepping to the next woman in line.

Back in the booth Theresa was thrashing around like a demented dervishes. Her whole body rocked under the onslaught of the older woman. Her first orgasm had been interesting but this second one looked like it was going to be the best she'd ever experienced.

Bryan sat there and grinned, even if they were only a moderate fuck he was taking this pair, they were just so entertaining. The older woman had thrown her inhibitions away as soon as her tongue had hit the young girls slit. Her head bobbed and her tits swung in time with her movements.

Bryan had glanced down just the once and seen that she'd had the fingers of one hand already buried in her own pussy as she worked to bring Theresa to an Earth shattering orgasm.


The instigators of events were the first to notice the change.

"Oh Fuck," announced the most vocal of the pair.

Looking outside they were immediately aware of the grey, flickering barrier that indicated an interdiction field was deployed.

The pair glanced at each other, clearly in a quandary. The time to make any sort of meaningful decision disappeared as two women, each as tall as the young men by the door, stepped up to the diner's entrance and smiled at them. It wasn't a pleasant smile.

"Well, well, well," said the first woman theatrically, "If it isn't Dobson and Hurst."

Pete Dobson looked at his life long buddy Bobby Hurst and shrugged. The simple fact that the two women knew their names indicated that this wasn't simple chance.

The second woman glanced past the pair and into the diner before shaking her head from side to side, "Just like last time." She turned to the pair and asked forcefully, "Do you two know the penalty for impersonating the Confederacy military?"

"But Captain," said Pete Dobson after checking the woman's rank insignia, "We haven't impersonated anyone."

To Captain Reynolds disbelief the young man sounded like he believed what he'd just said. The fact that the AI who was scanning this conversation was also undecided didn't help her in the slightest.

Her sidekick, Sonya Benjamin, joined in the conversation. "So I take it that the customers and staff of this diner just decided to put on a sex show for you, did they?" she asked.

Pete looked the second woman over and was as impressed with her as he had been with the Captain. "Well Lieutenant that's pretty much what happened," he said.

Again the AI reported that the man speaking appeared to be telling the truth.

The two Marines entered the diner and were surprised to notice the lack of reaction to their presence. Normally when Confederacy Marines entered a place a deathly silence fell and everyone turned to watch their progress. Of course most places didn't already believe that they were in the middle of an extraction.

Captain Reynolds dropped down in the nearest booth and pointed at the seats opposite her. "Sit," she commanded.

The two youngsters responded immediately.

"So why don't you tell me what happened here?" she asked noting peripherally that Sonya kept a lookout, just in case things turned sour.

Pete recited almost word for word exactly what had occurred from the moment he and his friend had entered the diner until the real Marines had turned up. The AI confirmed that the speaker was telling the truth and Becky Reynolds had to admit that she was impressed.

She looked from one man to the other then said slowly, "You are claiming that they did it to themselves?"

"Pretty much," said Pete, "I stood up and they jumped to the conclusion that this was a Confederacy pickup. I just had to make sure that I didn't say anything that said it was or gave the sufficient reason to question its authenticity."

"Give me your ID cards," said Captain Reynolds.

The two boys pulled them out and handed them over. Becky was surprised to find that they were only six point fours, both of them.

She looked up and asked, "Have you decided what to do?" She waved at the scores on the cards to make her question more pointed.

"Not really," said Pete, "It's why we are out this way." He shrugged, "After getting scores like that it seemed pointless going to college or anything so we decided to head down to the coast and party for a bit and then see what took our fancy."

Bobby Hurst spoke up for the first time, "We'll probably end up in the military," he said, "once we figure out what we're best applying for."

Becky raised an eyebrow at Pete and received a confirming nod in return. Sitting back she started to think real hard and then ask a few questions of the AI.

Around the room the debauchery continued almost unnoticed. Jenny had dragged her man across to the women that John had already rejected and had him fucking a couple of them. Bryan had got the two waitresses to change places and was still watching, though he did keep glancing up at the door.

John had reached the end of the line and had managed to find another woman who could take his vicious attack without choking or throwing up. Feeling satisfied he'd settled down in a booth with a naked woman sat either side of him and was enjoying the rest of the show.

Becky Reynolds lost the far away look she'd been wearing for five minutes and looked over at her partner. "You happy with that?"

Sonya Benjamin looked at the two young men and grinned, "Oh yes, very happy," she said.

Pete heard Bobby beside him swallow and felt his own palms become very sweaty, 'Oh well,' he thought, 'it was fun while it lasted.'


"Right you two," said Captain Reynolds, "Listen very carefully because I am going to say this only once. At the end of this I want either a simple 'I do' or a 'no way' from each of you, nothing else."

She rested her elbows on the table and continued, "We are looking for people to work in the intelligence wing of the Confederacy where they will look at ways of slowing down or misdirecting the Sa'arm incursion."

She saw that she had their interest and went on, "You two do seem to be the sort of material that we could use in that role but your CAP scores are below standard. What has been decided is that you will be given the chance to join us, to become Space Marines but only on probation. What this means is that you go out with us as normal volunteers but you don't get any concubines. Six months from now provided that you survive training and prove to be up to the task assigned you will be allowed to pick two concubines each and from that point on you'll be just like the rest of us."

She gave it a moment to sink in before asking," So a simple 'I do' or 'no way'. Do you wish to volunteer?"

Pete glanced at Bobby and his look was met by one just the same, both of them were grinning like the village idiot.

"I do," said Pete.

Bobby nodded before adding, "I do."

"Good," said Becky getting to her feet. "Now I suppose I'd better sort out this cluster-fuck you two started. I suggest that you wait outside the door."

The two new volunteers were up and out of the door in the blink of an eye.

Sonya stepped up to Becky and asked quietly, "Don't you think that that is letting them off lightly, I mean this is the third time they've done this."

"It might be letting them off lightly, but think how good they're going to be at sending the Sa'arm wherever we want them to go."

"That'll be good," admitted Sonya, picturing one of the Sa'arm hive ships arriving in the same system as one of the Confederacy battle fleets.

"Good," said Captain Reynolds switching back to Marine mode, "now help me get these people sorted, we may as well do the extraction, after all they've already done all the hard work."

"Too true," replied Sonya as she reached for the voice amplification rig they carried for just this sort of event.


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