* Anna,

a perfect match *

published May 2004 - (111 Kb - storycodes: M(M)F/interr/anal/size/reluc/humor)

"What is there left to dream about for spoiled, world famous starlets like Anna Kournikova? A visit to an LA Lakers play-off game opens her eyes for her secret forbidden desires: there are boys out there who are bigger, stronger and darker than her current Latino Cassanova- wannabe Enrique Iglesias. As usual, Anna eventually gets what she wants.. and perhaps even more? "

Well, it took a while (more than a year), but here's at last my second Anna-story. This girl keeps inspiring me! It's slightly longer than the first one (110kb) and, if you have to believe the first couple of readers, also quite a bit better written. Which is no surprise as I had twice as much experience... The basic fantasy had been wandering around in my head for quite some time already, but it was a positive fan-mail that gave me the courage to turn it into a full-blown story. A funny anecdote is that, AFTER writing it down, I found out via Google that the male protagonist had actually shown some interest in Anna in reality also! Who knows how close I came to the truth in this piece of fiction, hehe...

Oddly, most of what you read popped up in my head in the mornings when I was waking up, or in the car when driving home from work. Somehow those seem to be inspiring moments and situations. All in all it took me maybe a month or two to collect enough ideas and scenes that way, such that putting them all together would end up in a 'story' with the right flow.

The story starts rather slow, to paint the necessary psychological background (hey, we need REASONS, don't we?). But once the action starts, all the guns are pulled out! I did my absolute best to make the action as descriptive, creative and arousing as possible, without completely sacrificing a storyline. And I think that, considering the handicap of not being native English, the effort was fruitful.

I claim no scientific accuracy concerning the biological side of things. It's all about Anna And a Big Dick, and sometimes realism will be secondary to imagination in that respect. Maybe I should also warn that, towards the end, the 'caution' code is applicable and some people might be slightly disturbed. But hey, it's fantasy, ok?

Anyway, I hope the reader will enjoy the result of my hard efforts! Please don't hesitate to let me know via mail, guestbook or ICQ #161117412.

Finally, thanks go to dmg for proofreading and editing the story, and to Anna for being so dick-hardeningly hot!!

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If you don't like reading on-screen (although I think I made it easy on your eyes), DOWNLOAD story in TXT or DOWNLOAD story in RTF and print it out!