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Match 3

Frank McCoy

The Announcement
(Posted on November 3 to ASSD by Shon Richards )

"Iron Writer 3 is set to begin. What better way to celebrate the Holidays than another contest to the death between writers? Please send your letters of undying support to the writers involved. Iron Writer can be stressful, but the glory that awaits the winner makes it all worthwhile!

This contest consists of:

Frank McCoy

The mystery topic will be 'Photo Club'.

Back in the 1950's, when pron was very hard to find, groups of men would pay a female model to disrobe and pose while they snap pictures. There was no sex at these events, yet this homemade cheesecake parties were considered the height of sin for their time. The members of the photoclub had a passion that would have meant their careers if they were ever discovered. I thought that considering both writers are experts of writing stories not easily acceptable by the mainstream reader, that they would have a unique insight into such a harmless yet condemned fetish.

The writers are allowed to tweak the photo club concept as much as they like. It can take pleace in the 50's or modern times. It doesn't have to men photgraphing women and since this is an Iron Writer story, there must be sex in the story although it doesn't have to be photographed. :) In other words, just grab the concept and run with it. The judges will tell you if you did a good job. :)

Deadline for the writers is Nov 20. Then four judges will make their decision and if all works as it should, we should have a winner announced on the 23rd.

On a personal note, my photo club is always open to new members. :)

Shon "

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