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Match 1

celia batau vs DrSpin

The Announcement
(Posted on August 11 to ASSD by Shon Richards )

"The Iron Writer contest begins with it's first match!

Celia Batau
Dr. Spin

I was hesitant at first. Dr. Spin is a sensitive writer who has been around for quite awhile and Celia is new enough that I still recall her introduction post on ASSD. Celia listed bondage and M/F as her strengths while Dr. Spin listed himself as a great big sweetie. I had visions of newbie/oldie wars.

The two contestants have one thing in common though. They both were the first to enter by sending me an e-mail. Yeah, I know that might not seem significant, but I was impressed by their courage. The rules hadn't even been decided yet, and these two wanted a shot. Who was I to deny them their youthful aggression?

In honor of their courage, I decided on a theme that would carry on the bravery they have exhibited so far. I reached into my memory box and pulled out a theme from 50's music that embraces both age differences and rebellion. Today's topic shall be....

Two lovers on the run from their families.

Why are they on the run? How are they on the run? Who exactly is running? That's up the writers. The only stipulation they have to adhere to for this story is that two lovers, are running away from their families, and not just to the patio :) It also has to be a story with sex in it. No implied sex, as this is a SEX story discussion group.

They have until Aug. 25, 7 am Eastern time to send me their stories. I'll strip writer's names from the stories and forward them to the judges. Obviously, it's kind of important that the writers do NOT post their stories for general use until the judges have given their votes.

Iron Mud Wrestler,
Shon "

The Stories

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