Traits Of A Man

[ Mg, pedo, 1st, oral ]


Published: 23-Nov-2012

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Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I'm probably wrong for telling you this but maybe I need to clear the air, maybe I need to free myself. The truth of the matter is I fucked a child and I enjoyed it, She was 12. I was 20. She enjoyed it more than me.

Her name was Nikki. Her real name eludes me but let me put this into some context.. I met her mother some years ago, she was a good woman and an awesome fuck, took it everwhich way from Friday, mouth, arse.. Fuckin' DANGEROUS.. Ellie, or Ellis, maybe Ellane, I don't know or care, now we come to the problem.

Ellie or Ellis or what the fuck ever would get me drunk for the soul purpose of gettin me to fuck her. Im not bad lookin an my cock aint bad. Not too big, nor too small. Not bad inna mirror, if your're lookin at cocks.

I must tell you about Nikki at this point, she was a marvelous and wonderful and gentle young girl, the paragon of absolute beauty and in all my days I would never hurt her.

Me and her mother got drunk. I swear I am not a bad man but that night I lost myself. We went to a bar, I got wasted, I took my woman home, and I pulled her hair as I fucked her like it was new. She was mine.

AS I enjoyed everthing I had about this woman, I looked up and staring at me throught the open door, was Nikki. I was distaught, I didn't know if I should apologize, I wondered what men did in this situation, I followed her into her room, ready to say sorry. So here is me, a broken man, ready to apologige and Nikki walks in front of me, kneals in front of me, her little hand wraps around my dick, through my boxers, and she sinks her teeth in and bites it. The only word I can think of is 'Don't'. Nikki reaches into my stuff. All I can say is Don't' but it's the gentle squeeze, it's the look in her eyes as she stares up at me while sucking my cock. I can't cum, it would be wrong.

It's Nikkies turn to be wrong, she lies back on her single bed.

'Put it in me'..

I'm fuckin terrified.

'Your mums in the next room, I can't'.

'She's asleep, go on'.

I am sorry people but her words moved me. I held my hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming and I slid myself inside her. She cried, then she laughed, now we're best friends.

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