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Dinner with Sadaam
(MF, v, bdsm, tort, castr, canib)
By Mr. UN-2003 (address extinct)

In the final days of the second gulf war many events happened that might never come under public scrutiny. One such event was what really happened to Saddam Hussein.

On the day that the US dropped the "bunker" bombs on his known location Saddam was already out of action, unbeknownst to anyone else a very efficient conspirator had taken him in his sleep.

Her name was Khadeejah and her motive was revenge.

At that moment in time the Iraqi regime was breaking down fast. The army was in disarray and the administrators were fleeing like rats from a sinking ship. It was the perfect moment to gain access to a man that many wished dead, especially Khadeejah.

Khadee's family had suffered under Saddam's rule, once a prosperous and powerful family, over the past 17 years it was reduced to a destitute status. And even Khadee became a victim in a most personal sense.

When she had turned 12 her father was taken away by the secret police and after that her family's fortunes had begun to fail. By the time Khadee had turned 16 she knew real fear. By this time her older brother had disappeared and many male friends of the family had either disappeared or had been tortured.

Then just after Khadee's 18th birthday it became her turn.

It was past midnight when the pounding on the front door began. Then before anyone could answer the door, it was smashed in and many men in dark clothes swarmed into the house. Khadee and her mother and younger sister were dragged from the house as men rampaged through the rooms smashing everything they came upon.

Crying in fear and anguish the three females were bound and dragged to a van and roughly shoved in to it. The van smelled on fear and vomit as they trundled through the silent city. Khadeejah was weeping loudly, afraid for her mother mostly. After all she and her little sister had done nothing wrong. Only her mother was in danger, or so she thought.

Once the van came to a halt the back door was jerked open and the three females were dragged from it and hulled along by the collars of their garments, feet dragging and breath chocking as they squealed in fear.

Once inside a dark dank building they were unceremoniously dumped in a pile in a large bared cell with countless other people. Within hours Khadeejah's mother was taken away, and from that moment on she knew nothing but fear and degradation.

First she and her little sister had to sit in the cell with more than 30 other people, without adequate toilet facilities for more than two days. By the time guards pulled her and her sister from the cell she was almost grateful, anything was better than sitting around in that squalor.

But when they reached their destination Khadeejah wished that they were back in that nasty smelling cell again. At least there had been other prisoners, some hope. But as the door swung open and the full horror of the room was made clear all Khadee could do was stand there like a lamb come to slaughter.

She continued to stand quaking as her young sister was pulled from her arms and taken to a contraption in the center of the room. Khadee's urine began to trickle down her inner thighs as her little sister began to scream in fright. But she just stood there unable to move.

A puddle of piss began to form at her feet as she watched the men pull and prod her sister, stripping her naked and violating her any way their perversion took them. Before the hour was out Khadeejah's younger sister was silent, nothing more than a blood-soaked body, abused into oblivion, no soul showing from wide unseeing eyes.

Then it was Khadee's turn. All she could remember were the hands, the tearing of fabric as they roughly tore her clothing from her body. She numbly tried to cover herself with her hands but even that was not allowed.

Within minutes of their assault Khadeejah was flat on her back on the damp concrete with one after another grunting filthy man plowing her bleeding virginity as they took pleasure in her pain.

All Khadeejah could remember for many months afterwards were the men's grunts and moans, and the smell of their sperm. Every time she envisioned that time the smell would come back to her and make her want to vomit.

Finally, when they were done with her, they left her naked and bleeding on the floor. Their sperm oozing from her battered sex, mixed with her blood. She lay like that for a long time. Then finally someone came and threw a course horse blanket over her and gruffly ordered her to get up and follow him.

In pain and shock she followed the man, wrapping the dirty blanked round her naked body as she limped after him. Soon she found herself back in the big cell with nothing but the memory of her little sister's rape and murder and her own hazy memory of the assault she'd just gone through.

The other occupants of the cage looked away from Khadeejah, trying to pretend that what had obviously happened to the young woman wasn't real. They feared for themselves and knew but for the grace of god they could have been her. And might be yet.


Several days later Khadee was released. Apparently her mother and sister had convinced then authorities that the women knew nothing before they had died. Khadeejah was the beneficiary of family's torture and pain.

When they threw an old rag of clothing at her and told her to dress Khadeejah did so numbly. When they took her by the hand and dragged her down the hall she stumbled numbly along not caring what might happen. When they opened the door and pushed her out into the sweltering afternoon sun Khadee just stood there blinking, in shock and disgust at what had happened to herself and her family. Numb and sick to her stomach.

At that moment one crystal clear thought vibrated through the young Iraqi woman's head. Revenge for her family, for her father and mother and especially for her little sister. There might never be a chance to revenge her family's torture and death, and her degrading humiliation, but she would never stop trying to gain revenge at the highest levels of the corrupt regime.


Then the day came when the US invaded Iraq. Khadeejah watched the TV like everyone else, almost holding her breath, hoping upon hope that the American's and British could do what Khadeejah thought might never happen. Over through Sadaam Hussein.

But eventually it did happen, and when the city fell it was Khadeejah turn. She had waited patiently, and gathered other people with grievances, people who hated the government and Saddam and his henchmen.

When the moment was perfect Khadeejah and her friend struck.

It was early in the morning of the day before the city finally fell to the Americans. Khadee and her friends were stationed just outside the building where they knew that Saddam was staying. Khadeejah didn't care if she died getting at him, after all she no longer could look forward to a normal life, what did she care so long as she took revenge. And what better revenge than to strike at the head of the beast.

They rushed the building and found that all the guards had deserted their posts. What began as a frantic attack with no hope of succeeding ended with an older man waking from an exhausted sleep surrounded by angry people ready to slit his throat.

Khadee was able to talk her friends into not killing Sadaam on the spot. She insisted that he shouldn't be let off so easily. "If you give him to me I promise that he will pay in hell for what he's done to us and everyone else. Just let me have him for a few hours so that when he crosses over into the hell he so richly deserves he will be willing to go. Staying alive will seem worse than dieing by the time I'm done with him."

Khadeejah's plea was listened to and knowing smiles formed upon the faces of those most adamant for the man's death only moments before. Yes, it was only fitting that he should suffer but they wanted to watch him die.

Khadeejah didn't care who saw, she knew what she would do to the sadistic bastard, and she didn't care what anyone would think of her afterward. She smiled and agreed.

They bound him and wrapped him in a rug and transported him to the north end of town. They ended up at a rundown old warehouse; just the perfect place for what Khadee had in mind.

Not wasting any time Khadeejah unwrapped the once most powerful man in Iraq and cut his restraints. He was old looking much older than the paintings and billboards portrayed him. He looked frightened, as he stood there dressed on military green.

Khadeejah smiled at him then directed several men to strip him. They jumped at Sadaam and tore at his clothing screaming in glee as they did so. Once the old man was stripped naked and on his knees Khadee grabbed a handful of his hair and brought his face up, "You stupid old man. You are going to pay for what you did to my family and me and to all the other people whose lives you've made miserable."

Khadeejah instructed the others to stretch Sadaam Hussein out and tie his wrists and ankles to makeshift restraints. When he was secure and spread-eagled, Khadeejah stood over him looking down at his nakedness. "Not so threatening now are you?" she said bitterly.

"What I'm I thinking? Is this any way to treat a guest? I haven't offered you any hospitality. We should have a meal together." She walked up and stood over the prostrate man.

Reaching down she touched Sadaam's limp penis. Then as all the other's watched, Khadee began to massage his withered penis in her delicate bronze hand. She gently squeezed his shaft encouraging arousal.

At first the once powerful dictator was so much in fear that he couldn't have grown aroused if his life truly depended upon it. But even a fearful man can't resist a pretty girl's hand forever. And as Khadee continued to jack him up and down Sadaam eventually succumbed and began to grow erect.

The people gathered around had no idea what was on the young woman's mind but they were willing to let the scene play its self out. Just watching this perverted scene was enough for the moment. Watching their chief tormentor being humiliated by a young woman was a delight.

When Khadee believed that her victim was as hard as he was going to get she reached over under a black cloth and in one swift movement pulled Sadaam's erect penis hard and with the other hand; holding a large hunting knife, she placed the blade just at the base of his ball sac and sliced upward taking his testacles and stiff penis in one violent swipe.

Screams echoed throughout the warehouse as Sadaam Hussein struggled against his restraints, blood spurting form is mutilated groin. His eyes were wide in fear and pain as Khadee held his genitals high over her head for all to see. Blood trickled down her arm as she triumphantly held her prize aloft.

Someone had lit a charcoal fire nearby at Khadeejah's instructions and the young woman got up from the writing body of Hussein and walked over to it. She dragged a bucked over and dropped Sadaam's manhood into it and poured in a little water and watched as the concoction began to cook.

Someone else had found some vegetables and as a joke they were added to the pot. All the while Khadeejah just stood there watching the pot heating. There were weak groans and moans coming from their "guest" as Sadaam's blood continued to pump out onto the floor.

Finally Khadee sighed and taking an old cloth and wrapping it around the handle of the bucket she lifted it off the fire.

Carefully she scooped out the contents onto a plate taken from one of the many crates laying around and arranged the grisly contents nested among various vegetables. Then Khadeejah carried the contents back over to the still writhing body of Sadaam Hussein and squatted down before him to show her handiwork.

Sadaam's eyes went wide and then rolled up into his head showing only the whites. It was just too much for anyone to take, to see their genitals on a dinner plate nestled among vegetables.

Khadee squatted there for a long time looking at the dieing man, watching his blood still oozing out of the obscene mess that was once his crotch. Then slowly, almost as if her mind was a million miles away, Khadee picked up the man's severed body part and began to munch on it, just as if she were eating dinner...

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