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Set in the not-too-distant future, with a crude attempt at satirizing people and events of the present. Safe bet 'open-minded' people will be VERY offended. (MF, sci-fi, rom) *** By the time the elevator doors slid aside Jeffery was already pawing at Felicity's clothes, and vice versa. The door to their hotel room swung open to grant them ingress; earlier in the week the clerk checking Jeffery in had transmitted his likeness to the sensor built in the door's 'peephole'. The two lovebirds never noticed it shut behind them; so fixated were they on each other that when Felicity moved to push Jeffery on the bed he missed it entirely and hit the floor instead- lucky for him the shag carpet was fairly thick. By the time Jeffery had risen to his feet Felicity was lying on the mattress with her skirt pulled up to her navel and her legs spread wide in invitation. Her lover drunk in the site before him until he could hold back no longer; after yanking down his pants and the boxers inside them in one quick motion he put his hands on her hips, stared into her eyes and thrust with all his strength. Her yells practically made the 'Do Not Disturb' sign redundant. Late into the next morning Felicity stirred to see Jeffery watching her, his arms wrapped around her slim body. For seconds that seemed to last centuries they just peered into each other's eyes until Jeffery found his voice, "See what these business trips away from you do to me?" "Good thing I got tired of waiting for you to come home!" she said back, bringing a laugh out of both of them. The couple held each other quietly for a moment; eventually Jeffery reached behind him on the remote on the nightstand and turned on the morning news. "-Remind the public that today is the anniversary of the infamous Jenner Riots," the anchorwoman squawked. "Already?" Jeffery shrugged, "Damn, the days go fast." Felicity took the information in, "You know," she spoke, "When I tell my friends I first met you at the anniversary of the riots, they tell me how 'freakin' morbid' it is." "I lie about I met you," Jeffery quipped, Felicity swat him jokingly and both laughed again. The finally rose to get dressed and as Jeffery swung his legs over the side of the bed he found himself thinking back to that day. A young, pimple-faced Jeffery took a seat among the many chairs set up in the school gym for the annual assembly. Beyond the rows of seats in front of him teachers worked to set up a holographic projector. Other students moved about finding seats around their friends. "Excuse me?" Jeffery turned in the direction of the voice. Next to him stood a girl around his age, fairly attractive in spite of a face marred by almost as many zits as his own, "Sorry, but could you move so I can sit with my friends? The other seats are taken." "What- oh. Sure." Jeffery move over to the seat on his left, the girl who would later introduce herself as Felicity sat down beside him. She then turned to speak to him, "Every year they drag us in here for this?" "I ain't knocking it, means one period I don't have to disappoint Mr. Huffman by how much I suck at trig." The teens chuckled, at which point the principal called for attention before turning on the projector. Above the projector appeared the image of a dark- skinned, grey-haired woman who had undergone so many cosmetic surgeries that her face resembled a shoddily constructed mannequin. She opened her mouth and a voice distorted by years of cigarettes and whiskey croaked from nearby speakers. "Greetings. My name is Kim Katarina Kardashian. The following images may be disturbing to some, but it is important that all of you not look away." Her image faded to be replaced by two faces; one of a hideous old man alongside that of an equally grotesque woman who could have passed for his fraternal twin. "The first image you see," The speaker's voice sounded, "Is that of a man named Bruce Jenner. Beside him is the same person after a now-outlawed surgical procedure who went by the name of Caitlin. "Jenner was one of a group of sexual deviants who referred to themselves as transgenders. Born into a rich family, he used his familial wealth and connections to excessively bombard the media with the insistence that he and his were not deviants but a persecuted minority that should be embraced and celebrated." The two faces vanished before a procession of newspapers and periodicals materialized in their place, all of them depicting Jenner before and after the transformation. "What Jenner failed to realize is that this ceaseless preaching actually stoked the fires of resentment in many people- resentment toward 'her' and by extension, toward transgenders in general. Even some of those who might have been sympathetic to her cause at one point felt they had the right to choose who to accept or not accept and saw what Jenner did as a subtle form of bullying. Of the many celebrities who outwardly claimed to adore or admire Jenner many would later confess to lying about how they truly felt, afraid that their politically-incorrect way of thinking would get them shunned." The magazines and newspapers then too faded, in their place a two-dimensional image of a video about to be played on something called youtube. Jeffery had seen this once a year since first grade and he shuddered at the anticipation of what was about to happen- to his surprise the girl beside him unconsciously reached over to grab his hand! The projector played a scene depicting Jenner making a speech in an open space, amidst sounds of applause, until a middle-aged man- seeming to show up from nowhere- appeared behind Jenner gripping a heavy wrench with both hands and bashed her skull in repeatedly before her bodyguards overpowered him. Jeffery raised his arm in front of his eyes. "At his trial," the old woman's voice continued, "The man who assailed Jenner plead guilty yet insisted before that day he had no bias against most transgenders - but after hearing about Jenner one too many times caused him to simply 'snap'. Unfortunately, his alleged breakdown would light powder kegs across the globe. "Upon seeing Jenner pulverized on the news or online, people who for so long had bottled up anger over Jenner's tirades for forced tolerance shoved down their throats grew enraged and lashed out brutally at the very people Jenner had berated for them to accept." The projector showed images of what she spoke. Mobs descended on 'celebrity' transgenders - or on drag queens in city streets, striking them down with crowbars and tire irons, shooting them from the windows of speeding by cars. Neighbourhoods engulfed by fire. "Entire sections of major cities across the globe burned to ash," the spokeswoman intoned, "Many of the staggeringly high death count were people who had or wanted nothing to do with the targets of this rage but simply had the ill fortune to live two or three doors down from them. More than two thirds of the perpetrators of the attacks perished in the rioting themselves- and still there were more standing than civilian law personnel could contain without military assistance! "The fear that such chaos could happen again gripped people worldwide, to such extremes that when a few came forward suggesting preventative solutions that a week before would have been rejected as violations of human rights their words were not merely welcomed, but seen as divine guidance. "From this moment on nobody was to give any of society's young the notion that wanting to be the opposite gender was okay or acceptable- and certainly not heroic. No one of the medical community was to indulge any inquiries of the so-called 'sex change'- the few surgeons discovered to be performing such procedures were stripped of their licences, their names and misdeeds broadcast across the internet as a warning to others. And to ensure future generations would understand the necessity of these measures, people everywhere would be expected to observe the anniversary of the horrible events now known as the Jenner Riots." At this point the old woman's face reappeared above the projector, "In recent times," Her mouth moved with the words, "People have criticized these measures, claiming that they blame the victims. It is understandable to suspect this, but make no mistake it is not true. These tragic events were ultimately sparked by degenerates imposing their decadence on society. Whoever forgets history is damned to repeat it." "Jeffery?- Jeffery!" Felicity's adult voice, with the assistance of her hand shaking his shoulder brought him back to the present. "What- sorry there," Jeffery met her gaze and clutched her hand, "Just a little lost down memory lane for a spell." Rising to his feet Jeffery looked down as if ashamed of what he was about to say next, "I'm not saying I'm glad those things happened, but part of me worries whether we might have passed each other by if they didn't." Felicity absorbed this, not sure how to respond. Finally she said, "We can't change the past- best we can do is make sure it stays there. Now come over and give me a kiss." END * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * It's okay to *READ* stories about unprotected sex with others outside a monogamous relationship. But it isn't okay to *HAVE* unprotected sex with people other than a trusted partner. 4-million people around the world contract HIV every year. You only have one body per lifetime, so take good care of it! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Kristen's collection - Directory 84