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Thank you for your consideration. ------------------------------------------------------ Return-Path: Received: from rly-xl05.mx.aol.com (rly-xl05.mail.com []) by air-xl05.mail.aol.com (v90.10) with ESMTP id MAILINXL52-0118111040; Sat, 18 Jan 1996 1900 Received: from xxx.mail.yahoo.com []) rly-xl05.mx.aol.com (v90_r1.1) with ESMTP id MAIL RELAYINXL53-0118111035; Sat, 18 Jan 1996 11:10:35 1900 Message-ID: <20030118161034.72132.xxx@web41410.mail> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Dear Chris, I know I should not be writing this letter to you, but it is the only way I can get my message across to you. I have been going through this for the last two months trying to decide to write this letter or not, but I can't stop myself now, so here it goes. You know somewhat what type of person I am, but I really have two personalities, one for home and the other for work. You pretty well have to do this to keep sane working at Overland, but you know this. For the last two months, ever since the first day I worked at Overland, I have had stronger and stronger feelings for you and what type of person you are. You are a very special friend to me, and have been a large influence on me and my life in the time I have known you. You probably know that I'm not too good at relationships with men, you can tell this from my last little stint with a "Jerry". You are really the only guy I have had as a woman/man relationship with, in the last year. I guess my problems really started when I met this guy named Don, you remember him of course. When I was somewhat seeing him, I couldn't help from falling in love with him, and I mean deeply in love, more then he will ever know. I have a tendency to do that with most males I meet and go out with, it is just one of those problems I must deal with. What I am trying to say is that I'm not falling in love with you, you have no worries there. You have a good marriage and two great kids, I'm is I need a man to understand what I am going through, and that is I know deep down inside I will never have a successful relationship with a guy. Don't get me wrong I love men very much, I'm no lesbian if that's what you think, in my opinion they can all go fuck themselves. I don't mind people being different races, different colors, or different religions, but when a person is not straight, count me out on liking that person, just my feelings. I know now that I will never marry and I will never have children, both of which I most desperately want, because I know it would make my life all that more meaningful. What I am not saying is that I don't find you a turnoff either, I find you incredibly attractive and Boy Oh Boy, if you or I were ten years older or younger, I wouldn't wait a second to make my move on you. You know I am not a pervert or anything, because if I were I would have tried something on you a month ago. I hope I'm not scaring you by writing this to you, I would not do anything to harm you or anybody... you know that. But everyday when I see you I can't help but wonder what It would be like to be with you, yes sexually, but more importantly, emotionally. Yes, sex is one of the most important things in a relationship to me and to most persons, but if you can't link with someone emotionally in a relation-ship, its not worth it. God I hate writing this, it's so hard even to write it down, it would be impossible to say it to you. It kills me everyday to see you and wonder what it would be like to be with you. I know everybody has fantasies about most people that they are around, its normal. You probably hate to admit it and probably never would, but admit that you have had a fantasy about me. Maybe not I don't know, but most people do have them. I'm not asking you for anything, because it would ruin the relationship that we have now and would complicate things further more. I just wanted to tell you my feelings about you, before I told you upfront and scared you, which is the last thing I want to do. I just wonder sometime what It would be like to make mad passionate love with you, to make you're every dream come true, and to fulfill you like no other woman ever has. It's something I think about when I'm at work, why do you think I spend a lot of time around you. And why do you think I like bugging you all the time, because I can't get enough of your attention. You probably notice that I hardly ever look at you, that's because when I do, all I think of is you and I together. You know how tough it is when you give me a neck massage, I swear, and I'm not lying. Every time you do that, I walk away drippy wet, No Kidding. That is what you do to me, you drive me nuts sometimes, I just wonder what it would be like to sneak away somewhere at work and make love to you, but I know you're not into quickies. But just to be with you would probably kill me, it has been very long since I made love to a man, if you can believe it, it has been over a years now, god it's been over a year since I even kissed a man. The thought of tasting you just drives me crazy sometimes. I hope you understand my feelings toward you now, I'm very glad I told you this, maybe I can get on with my life in the way of having a meaningful relationship. I'm sorry if I have hurt you in anyway by writing this to you, but it had to be said. From your dearest friend, Lorrie. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out of the hands of children. They should be outside playing in the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Kristen's collection - Directory 1