Bedtime Stories with Kelly

Kelly the Model

These are stories I've written for/with Tantra, another email friend. They center around a fantasy world in which I become a model.

My Day as a Model by Kelly

Summer Heat by Tantra

Calendar Girls part 1 by Kelly

The Story of Asher

This is Tantra's new series, about a photographer who gets involved in the world of erotic photography.

The Journalist by Tantra New!

Main Page | Bedtime Stories | Misc. Stories | Walnut Grove | The Book | Sexual Calendar | For Kelly

If you enjoy these stories, please write and let me know: kellyhadams(at)gmail(dot)com

AOL Users: Please make sure that your email account is configured to receive external email; I keep getting 550 screenname IS NOT ACCEPTING MAIL FROM THIS SENDER bounceback messages from some AOL email addresses, which is a real bummer because then I can't write you back... (You may at some point have set up a filter to block out all hotmail addresses...)

The Fine Print: Bedtime Stories with Kelly are copyright 1998-2002 Kelly Adams. Permission is granted to distribute as long as my name and this notice are attached, and no financial gains are made.