Mistress PC by Kaia Golightly
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10. Luana 2.0

When I emerged from the bedroom, I was a new girl. Sort of.

Martin has made a lot of changes, it turned out. Though not creative, Martin had read a lot of Master PC stories. As Luana, I wasn't just a well endowed blonde babe. He had put me in a body that was more or less a 17 year old's, with a surprising lack of natural body hair, a supernaturally fast metabolism, and a biologically enhanced capacity for sexual pleasure and orgasms. I was tempted to wipe these changes out, but they weren't so bad. It was fun to be one of the horniest women on the planet, wasn't it?

So I kept my body, but I got a little bit taller, thinner, and I made my breasts a bit smaller, and made a few other changes here and there. A bit less slutty pornstar, a bit more number one world-class supermodel, thank you very much. Martin was always rather vulgar.

Ms PC flew along beside me on fairy wings while I went into Martin's room and looked at his computer. I could approach it freely now, but I couldn't get past the passwords on his Master PC program, but there was a post-it on the monitor with a bunch of names on it. I recognized the names of just about everyone who worked at the office with him.

I struck me, suddenly, that he was having a very busy day at work. What, exactly, was he doing there?

I didn't bother shutting his computer down, I just pulled all the plugs. I didn't think that would slow him down much, by now, he'd have Master PC running on his machine at work. Or his laptop.

I was going to have to start thinking ahead.

"Who are you talking to?" Annie asked, startling me for a moment.

I had forgotten her. She had been busy primping in the bathroom after her shower. Martin had programmed us to be very careful with our appearance, I think.

Annie probably noticed the changes in my appearance, or perhaps it was Ms PC that had her look so confused. "Ms PC," I said, "I want you to free Annie from any and all programming that she's received in the last few days. Her mind and emotions should be returned to normal."

"Yes Ma'am."

Suddenly, Annie made a little sound. She looked up at me, as if she'd been hit by lightning. "What just happened?" she asked, sounding scared. I didn't know what to say.

She looked a bit shaky, and then she started to hyperventilate, and tears appeared in her eyes, I got up and grabbed her, hugged her. She was having trouble handling the cascade of feelings.

"That bastard!" she sobbed, crying on my breast. "The things he made us do!"

"I know Hon, I know. He's an evil person. He was never supposed to be anyone's god."

We sat on the bed and I dried her tears. I got her some water, and a bathrobe. she suddenly felt a but underdressed, I think. She folded her arms to cradle her breasts, as if they now seemed bloated and misshapen.

"Still," she said, after she'd stopped crying, "I cant say I hated it. I loved every minute of it. It was kind of wonderful. being so, so pure. And I really loved him. And you." She looked at me, a bit confused. "Lu, I think I still love you both."

"Well, he probably did a lot of programming that I haven't found yet. And there's all kinds of pheromones and other chemicals in your system. Give it time." I held her and stroked her hair, gently. She'd been through a lot.

"I don't want to be a his puppet, Lu, but I don't know if I want to give this up, either. It's like heroin. The highs. the orgasms. The joy. I mean, I've never really felt like I belonged, it really was like finding God, even if he is a louse. I've never been as happy as I have for the last few days. Have you?"

Her question was like turning on a bright light in a dark room. Things got clearer, suddenly.

I put my hand gently on her throat, and then kissed her on the lips. She trembled, though she was so tired and confused that it could have meant anything. But I didn't move my hand from her throat, and she didn't ask me to. "A girl like you should belong to someone" I said. My voice sounded thick and hoarse to my ears.

She bit her lip, as if thinking, and then nodded slowly.

"But what about Martin?" she asked, after a moment. "What will he do to us?"

"A good question. Ms PC, can we program Martin?"

She seemed to think about it for a moment. "No, Martin is immune to direct programming."

Of course, my first impulse had been to make myself immune to mind control, and perhaps Martin and I weren't so different. And he was way ahead of me. Did he have any way of knowing that I was free of his power?

"Ms PC, can you follow me wherever I go? What's your range?"

"The Master PC program range is 100 miles." the little fairy answered. She had just sort of been hovering about the room like a hummingbird, but never getting to far from me. "Within that range, I can follow you and function fully."

"Good. Annie, do you trust me?"

She looked at me with her big brown eyes, her mascara smudged with tears, and then she nodded again.

"Then let's get dressed. We've got things to do."

Mistress PC by Kaia Golightly
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