Jane Urquhart

   Other Stories

  Dies Irae  (FM cons --  7K -- 4/26/98)
           In his hometown on business, he reads about her funeral in
                    the paper, goes to it, and thinks about the way he treated her.

    Assignation (FM cons -- 59K -- 8/20/98)
                She appeared to be prim and conventional, even though she
                    wrote salacious stories. But when she dared him to find out
                    her real name and address, she got more than she bargained for.

    Erotica 101  (humor; FM cons -- 18K -- 9/19/98)
                 Mike wanted to know how to introduce his wife to erotica, so he
                    asked Janey what Michelle ought to read. But Michelle had some
                    ideas of her own.

    Island  (FMM cons, bondage -- 47K --  9/26/98)
                 My friend Angela told me about her fantasies, so I wrote this
                      story for her as a present. When her plane went down and she
                      was rescued by two gorgeous guys, all her fantasies turned
                      into reality.  Such a shy and winsome lass!  Turns out she's
                      a lot wilder than I am!

        Celeste Departs  (No sex, humor - 17K - 2/14/99)
                When Celeste closed down her famous review column,
                     some people had a contest: why did she leave?  I gave
                     a lot of money to the judges, so this crazy story won
                     the contest.  Then Celeste came back a couple of days later,
                     and she didn't like it much.  Oh, well.

       Y2K  (FM rom, strange - 9K - 3/27/99)
                 Somehow she was always a little frightened at New Year's.
                      But this year it was worse.

       Murder on the Orient Express (Humor, no sex, in-joke - 45K -
                 The writers of ASSD took a trip on a magic Fantasy Train.
                  Somehow a few of them wound up on the Orient Express,
                  stuck in a snow drift in Jugo-Slavia in 1939.

       Quickie  (FM cons - 4K - 11/10/00)
                  They told me to write a story with less than five hundred words.
                  I did, but it took some persuading.

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