Cruel Summer Resources

Supplemental materials for those who have read the novel.


A mostly-complete list of appearances for characters and locations.

The story behind the story

If you want to read what kind of madness leads to a forty-four chapter novel about a superheroine who can't keep her clothes on, you must be really bored.


If Cruel Summer was a book in a bookstore, this might be the blurb on the cover. (Originally written as an ASSTR Spotlight.)

Bonus: Original short, Sapphire Uncovered

The original version of Chapter 1, first written as a standalone short story (!), is available here for completeness.

If you want to keep a copy of Sapphire: Cruel Summer for your personal archives, it is available here in a single zipfile for your convenience -- the same HTML files posted here, table of contents, map, and all. (I know downloading almost fifty files can be tedious. Almost as tedious as reading them.)