- Chapter 2 -

She arrived at the nondescript building situated in a not so good part of the city. There was no large sign indicating what went on inside the building. After parking her bicycle in the rear fenced in parking lot, she made her way up the seamy alley to the front of the building where she had to be buzzed in by the front desk. Brianna had had an image of the research center being located in some dazzling glass and chrome structure surrounded by rolling hills and possible a pond with geese and staffed by hundreds of bespectacled men and women in bright, white lab coats. Instead, it was a somewhat dismal place made to look professional. The prissy little man she had spoken to on the telephone the previous day greeted her and he handed her a stack of paperwork to fill out, roughly the size and length of a small town's white pages. She answered questions, filled in the blanks, checked boxed and signed so many things that her hand started to cramp. After turning in the forms, she was finally led in to see the doctor.

The doctor stood in the middle of a rather large room that gave the first indication that this was, in fact, a medical research facility. There were two examination tables bolted to the white tiled floor almost facing each other. There was the usual medical accoutrements lining the walls and hanging from the tables. Blood pressure cuffs, scales, heart monitors, a defibrillator, I.V. bags hanging from poles and so on. Then there were other machines and apparatus that Brianna could not even guess at their purpose. The doctor was a somewhat imposing figure, very tall and gaunt, giving him the appearance of being much older than he actually was. He greeted her somewhat gruffly and directed her to disrobe. She felt incredibly embarrassed as she noted there was no screen and no hospital robe in sight. The doctor noted her hesitation and said that she would be examined on a daily basis for two full weeks and that if she felt this self-conscious, maybe she should reconsider signing up. Brianna blurted out that she was just taken by surprise and that she was quite willing to go through the program. The doctor apologized with a sigh and told her that he didn't mean to be so blunt but he had examined so many people that day already, he was a bit tired. He offered her a reassuring smile and gallantly turned around so she could disrobe in semi-privacy. Brianna took off all of her clothes, laying them carefully on a small end table.

The doctor turned around, completely taking in Brianna's tiny frame. She nervously kept trying to hide her small breasts, forcing her hands to her side in fear of being disqualified for being too self-conscious. The doctor directed her to step onto the scale and proceeded to weigh her and measure her height. He marked down on her chart that she was five foot three inches tall and weighed one hundred and three pounds. He then guided her over to the examination table gently by her elbow and assisted her onto it. He then pulled out the stirrups and adjusted them to her size. Brianna felt panic well up inside her. What kind of research was this? She placed her feet in the stirrups with trepidation and tried to calm her voice so that the doctor would not think she was being doubtful. She asked him what the study was trying to conclude. He looked up from his table of instruments as if she had just asked him if the world was round. He could not believe that his assistant had not gone over the full array of information with her. He informed her it was a study funded by a research grant through Lilly Pharmaceuticals and would be testing an already FDA approved medication for female sex drive enhancement. She was somewhat stunned as well as confused as to why she would be selected for this study. The doctor proceeded to run through the litany of research procedures with Brianna as he began to give her a gynecological exam. He told her that, although the drug was created and marketed to post-menopausal women, they needed a full demographic array of test subjects to verify whether or not there were any side affects in women of different metabolisms, races, ages and even psychological make-ups. The doctor began to insert a speculum into Brianna's vagina and she tensed for a moment. She had only had several sexual encounters in her whole life and only one of those encounters went all the way to intercourse. That was her last boyfriend and of the several times they did "it", she never really felt anything but mild discomfort. Maybe these drugs would work after all she thought with an inward smile.

The doctor examined her cervix and uterine wall and found them normal with no polyps, tears or anomalies. Her breast exam turned up nothing either. She felt slightly embarrassed as her nipples hardened while the doctor manipulated her breasts, but it quickly passed as she assured herself that the doctor was getting no cheap thrill out of this either. He said that the last thing they needed to do before giving her the medication was to take a blood sample. Brianna was never a big fan of needles, but she did not whack out about them like most people did. She just turned away and waited until it would be over. Had she looked, however, she would have seen that the syringe was full of liquid and was injected into her, instead of blood being drawn. Brianna immediately grew drowsy and as her world darkened, she saw the doctor rubbing her pussy with the heel of his hand telling her she was going to be a fine subject indeed.


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