Our Open Family

Chapter 5 - Rachael Losing It

100% fiction, by Jane and Rachael
codes: MF

A fantasy email conversation I am having in real life with another writer.


Wow, what a wonderful story! Thank you so much. And thanks for the story about your aunt. That was hot. I've never had sex with another woman, but it is something I am very curious about.

About including Rachael in our nudist adventure: I will invite her to come along and let her choose. I am hoping to go this weekend, if the weather cooperates. I strongly suspect she will come with us. She had more sexual partners before she finished high school than I have had in my whole life.

When the girls were growing up I made sure to give them all the information they needed about safe sex. I told them all about the biology of sex and warned them to always use a condom. When each one turned 13 I told them that whenever they were ready to had sex with a boy I would help them. I didn't tell them my dad had helped me, but I wanted to do the same for them. Elena thanked me and said she would tell me, but she planned to save herself for marriage. She was very involved in a church youth group, which I didn't mind. She is still very committed, but is not at all pushy or judgmental. She focuses on the teachings of Jesus, and loving and serving mankind, not one rules and condemnation. She does, however, hold herself to very high moral standards, and I respect that.

When Rachael turned 13 I gave her the same talk about helping her loose her virginity. She said, "Thanks Mom, but you are too late." I asked her what she meant. She said she had already been having sex for a couple of years. I asked her with who. She said with Jimmy, a boy in our neighborhood who she has been friends with a long time. She said that one day she was at his house playing in his room and they decided to give it try. She didn't cum the first time, but did when he licked her. They have been doing a few times a week ever since. I asked her if they always use a condom. She assured me that they do. They didn't the first few times, but once they figured out that this was the thing everyone was talking about, they always made sure they did. I asked her where they got the condoms. She said that there is this store in town that sells them. It is called the drugstore. (The little sarcastic brat!) I told her she was lucky she didn't get pregnant. She said it wasn't really very likely, since it was a few months before she had her first period and before Jimmy started to squirt. They would wash out the condoms and reuse them, until Jimmy started making them messy. I thought I was open minded, but hearing my own daughter talk about preteen sex nearly made me faint. I immediately made an appointment for her to go on the pill.

After that, she told me about all her sexual partners. She and Jimmy continued for a while, but then when they started high school they hung out with different crowds. She pretty much had sex with every boy she went out with, but she made a personal rule to never fuck on the first date. In the summer vacation, though, she made exceptions. Especially when we were in Europe. One time she had a week-long affair with a cousin we were staying with. I'll try to write that story sometime if I can get the details from her.

Say, do you remember me telling you about how much I loved giving my girls a bath? I got to thinking about it and noticed that I don't really remember my parents giving me a bath. Even though I have a good memory for details, I don't remember much that happened before I was 6 or 7. My husband can remember a few things from when was 3.


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