My father sought my bed last night
As he so often does
To suck upon my sprouting nubs
And stroke my baby fuzz.

My mother sleeping down the hall
He'd poured her wine quite free
So it was plain by dinner time
The night was meant for me.

While waiting for his tip-toed skulk
Slipped into fretful doze
To only spring back wide awake
When tongued between my toes.

This started only just last spring
When I'd the first time bled
My monthlies, then explained to me,
Too drew him to my bed.

It's not as though I like it much,
At least by light of day
But when he fingers me just right
Resistance fleets away

His visits often do result
In spasms oh so yummy
And also, wet, warm cummy spurts
Of his across my tummy

He says the day is coming soon
When we'll go all the way
I must protest, but we both know
I haven't got a say

For when, last night, he made me cum
And I let out a croon
I fear I may have gasped out loud:
Oh please, Dad, fuck me soon!


Nickname Feedback
Ficologo Descrivi bene, quasi poeticamente, le sensazioni di una fanciulla nel subire le avance del babbo. M Lasci trasparire che la bambina provi anche piacere. Bravo

Translation: Describe well, almost poetically, the feelings of a young girl in suffer the advances of his father. M Let the child try it transpire that pleasure. Good

moretz What a lovely little thing (the poem!) that accurately describes a typical furtive night time situation between partners�I would think!

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