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Now This Won't Hurt A Bit
Copyright A Strange Geek, 2006

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Story codes: mf, ff, mF, Ff, FF, msolo, fsolo, Fsolo, oral, toys, mc, nc, inc, teen, magic

Now This Won't Hurt A Bit -- Chapter 14 of 38

Heather felt restless. She could not sit still, shifting in her seat as if unable to get comfortable. She shivered as waves of cold seemed to flow over her body, growing worse as the bus crawled towards the intersection with Canal Street. The bus lurched every now and then as it struggled to get through the bottleneck at that intersection.

She glanced across the aisle, but only briefly. The aura around Frank was too much for her to bear this close to her. Despite Jason's inability to see it, she wondered how Jason could just sit like that and jabber away with him as if nothing were wrong.

She occasionally exchanged a look with Melinda. Melinda was looking a bit pale and put out. It was obvious she was upset with Jason for choosing to sit with his fellow geek rather than his girlfriend. Melinda's look to Heather was cool as well, as she felt that Heather was not being much of a comfort to her either.

Heather sighed and looked out the window. The feeling of dread was horrible, like a suffocating blanket over her senses. She felt more and more like they were missing something.

Up ahead, the light turned green and the traffic inched forward. Heather blinked as she was momentarily dazzled by sunlight reflecting from glass. She recovered just in time to see the tail end of a long, black car complete the right turn at the light.

Heather's mouth dropped open. Wait, was that Cassie's limo?

Heather abruptly gasped. An image had seized her mind so powerfully that she briefly panicked that someone had taken control of her. It was as clear and precise as the imagery had been that day she talked to Diane in the mall. She saw Cassie, heading down a hallway in the school and pausing at the door of a classroom in the lab area of the school. A few moments later, she was joined by a mousy-looking woman she recognized as Marcie Fuller.

"Heather? Heather!"

Heather blinked rapidly. "What?" she said absently.

Melinda stared at her. "You okay?"

Heather swallowed as her face paled. Her heart thumped hard.

"Heather?" Melinda said again, the growing panic in her voice now evident. "What's wrong?!"

Heather leapt out of her seat and stepped over to the driver. "Mr. Bradley, stop the bus!" she cried. "I have to get off!"

"Huh? Whut? Git back in yer seat!" old man Bradley grumped.

"No, I have to get off now! I ... I left something back at school. I think I dropped it in the parking lot. It's important. Please!"

Melinda's mouth dropped open. She exchanged an equally perplexed look with Jason.

"I ain't goin' back to the school!" Bradley growled.

The traffic ahead of them began to clear. "You don't have to!" Heather shouted as the intersection fast approached ahead. "Just let me off and I'll walk back and have my Mom pick me up. Please!"

Bradley muttered darkly under his breath and flipped the red blinkers on. He proceeded through the intersection before bringing the bus to the curb with agonizing slowness.

"Thank you!" Heather cried as the doors snapped open.

Melinda bolted up. "I'll help her!" she piped, bounding after Heather.

"Uh, me too!" Jason said awkwardly, following Melinda.

"Aw, fer the luvva ..." Bradley grunted after them.

Jason had barely stepped onto the sidewalk when the door closed behind him. The bus pulled out into traffic with a roar and a teeth-chattering grind of the gears and a belch of black diesel smoke. Jason coughed and waved his hand before his face to clear the air. "Heather, what was all that about? Heather? Wait!"

Heather had already started walking quickly back in the direction of the school, forcing Jason and Melinda to jog to catch up with her. "Something's happening back at the school," she said. "We have to get back there. I think Richie is in trouble."

"But Cassie left in her limo ..."

"She's doubling back! I think I saw the limo turn at the intersection. It doesn't matter, I ... I saw it. I saw her."

Jason looked nonplussed. "You saw it? What are you talking about?"

"I can't explain it, Jason, and even if I did, you'd just tell me I was crazy!"

"It sounds almost like you're telling me you had a precog or something," he said dubiously.

Heather rounded on him, causing him and Melinda to stop abruptly. "See? I can hear it in your voice! Fine, don't believe it then. You said yourself you didn't want to be the leader of this group, so I don't have to listen to you if you don't want to head back."

Jason sighed. "All right, all right. Anyway, I've got no choice. I'm not about to walk home from here."

"And neither am I," Melinda said. "We planned to stay after anyway, so what difference does it make? Let's get going, it's already something like five blocks to the school from here!"

All three turned and headed across the intersection and back towards school, breaking into a run on the other side.

Richie smirked slightly as he entered the lab ahead of Marcie. As he had expected, it was especially messy, more so than could be accounted for by normal classroom activities. Something had been spilled somewhere that caused an acrid odor in the air.

He had expected this. Lab cleanup was a prime detention activity, and by now everyone knew Richie Gardner had detention again. So the senior class made a point of making lots of extra work for him. It was a "tradition" that had started the year before after Richie's fifth stay in detention.

Marcie wrinkled her nose. "Well, get to work, Mr. Gardner," she said in a somewhat more confident voice than she had used the day before. "And ... ugh ... clean up whatever is causing that smell, please."

"Yeah, I'll find it, Miss Fuller."

Richie advanced into the lab, dropping his backpack on a reasonably clean table in the front row. He heard Marcie slide out the chair from behind the desk. When he turned, he saw her extract another trashy romance novel from her purse.

Richie grinned at this, but it was subdued. As he set to work, he glanced anxiously towards the open door.

Part of his mind knew what was going to happen that day. Part of him was still confused over why he expected anything to happen. Yet when he thought of it, he felt a dark thrill pass through him, sending a tingling sensation up his spine.

He thought about Cassie. He was not sure why. It excited him nevertheless, and he felt a gentle stirring in his loins, as if in anticipation.

"Wait here for me, Harry," said Cassie through the driver's side window. "I don't know how long I will be."

"Not a problem, Miss Kendall," replied Harry dutifully. "I will need to inform your parents if it is excessive, however."

Cassie just nodded. She didn't care. Her parents wouldn't care either. So long as she was safe, they let her do as she pleased. As it should be. She was going to finally claim that right to have or do whatever she wanted.

She turned away from the car and headed into the school. She smiled to herself at her cleverness. She wasn't sure how she had sensed that the others would follow her, but she knew that it was not something she wanted. After all, she needed her time alone with her new boyfriend.

And he was going to be so much more than a boyfriend to her. She was going to get what she really wanted. The very thought of this made her pussy damp. By the time she reached the end of the hall where Richie's classroom lay, she was panting lightly in her excitement, her cunt hot and steamy. She knew it was going to be a moment of pure ecstasy for the both of them.

She peered inside the classroom, lips curling into a conspiratorial grin. "Psst!"

Marcie looked up immediately. She turned her head and smiled gently to Cassie. After a brief glance towards Richie, she stood. "I'll be right back," she told him as she walked across the front of the room.

Cassie stepped back eagerly as Marcie slipped out of the room. Marcie smiled at her. "You'll be very glad to know that Principal Bendon did not mind one bit you coming to see your boyfriend yesterday."

"Oh, wonderful!" Cassie gushed. She giggled. "Though it was cute when it was a secret between us girls."

Marcie giggled as well, delighted. "You want to see him again? You need some time alone?"

"Oh, yes, please, Miss Fuller, if you would?"

"Okay." Marcie paused, then raised a finger in mock admonishment. "Now ... no funny business."

"Is kissing okay?"

Marcie blushed even at this and giggled again. "Of course it is."

"Thank you! I promise, I only need about, oh, twenty minutes?"

Marcie nodded. "No problem. Just come get me in Miss Bendon's office when you're done."

Cassie nodded eagerly. She grinned and waited until Marcie had retreated down the hallway before she advanced on the door. With no hesitation, she stepped into the room and closed the door behind her, not bothering to be quiet or clandestine about it.

Richie looked up. His breath caught in his throat, eyes widening. He slowly straightened up, his heart thumping. He swallowed, his body trembling slightly. A tingling warmth spread through his body and concentrated in his loins.

Cassie licked her lips and curled them into a glistening, hungry smile. "Hello, Richie," she said in a deeply lustful voice. "I've come to see if you had any ... interesting ... dreams last night ..."

"Wait ... stop ... have to ... catch my ... breath ..."

Heather doubled over, her hands on her knees as she panted hard, her lungs and her legs aching badly.

"You're ... out of shape ... you big ... bubblehead ..." Melinda said, though she was panting as hard and clutching at her side. She looked over to Jason with some alarm. "You okay?"

Jason was looking pale and wheezing badly just from the effort to draw in enough air to compensate for the exertion. His legs felt like rubber and his throat was raw from breathing through his mouth so much.

They stood just at the edge of the parking lot. This was as far as they could get before they had to pause. Heather had set the pace. She had gone faster and faster until all three had been tearing down the street.

Melinda looked up and swallowed, dry throat clicking. "Look!" she cried, pointing.

Heather forced herself to stand. She and Jason now were looking at Cassie's limo. Just like the day before, the driver had a newspaper spread open across the steering wheel.

Jason's eyes were wide in astonishment as he turned back to Heather. "Holy shit. You were right."

"Come on, we have to get inside!" Melinda cried shrilly. "We have to find her!"

"I think I know where she is!" Heather exclaimed. She winced and staggered a bit as she forced her stiffened legs to move. "Come on!"

Soon the three of them were breathing hard again as they pushed themselves to continue on at a fast pace into the school. Pure adrenaline soon compensated for any fatigue or pain they felt. Heather's heart hammered in her chest as they grew close to what she feared was coming to pass.

She feared that the Harbinger Four was about to become Three.

Richie stood with his back to one of the tables. He trembled, though not in fear. If anything, he never felt as excited as he did that moment. His breath was a ragged pant, his eyes fixed and staring into Cassie's.

Cassie ran her hands slowly down his sides, drawing another shudder and long sigh of anticipation from him. His cock strained hard against the inside of his clothes. His lips were parted slightly and his eyes were half-lidded.

"Yes, you know what I want now," Cassie said in a voice that was little more than a hot and moist seductive breeze upon his quivering lips. "You know exactly what I want."

"Yes ..." Richie breathed. "I ... I know ..."

Cassie closed her eyes briefly and uttered a slow, sultry moan. Her own pussy strained for release as much as his cock did. "You're going to give it to me ... you're going to give yourself to me ..."

"Please ..." Richie moaned. "Please ... d-do it ..."

Cassie giggled softly. One of her hands played with the waist of his jeans. "You want me to do it?" she purred. "I'm not just taking you as my boyfriend, Richie ..."

She hooked a finger at his waist, right at the button above his zipper. Richie moaned deeply. His cock was thick and hard, pulsing with his heartbeat, inches from Cassie's fingers.

"I want you to always know exactly what I desire ..."

She flicked her finger and popped the button open. Richie whimpered and shook until the objects on the table behind him rattled.

"I want you to hang on my every word ..."

She began to pull his zipper down, a slow and excruciating task that made Richie's lust soar to levels that made any logical thought impossible.

Cassie's own excitement rose to a fever pitch. "I want you to adore me ..." The zipper was halfway down. " ... I want you to obey me ..." The zipper came down completely. " ... I want you to be my slave ..."

She drew the nail of one finger slowly up the bulge in his briefs. Richie gave a desperate, agonized whimper as his cock strained hard.

"Oh, no, not yet ..." Cassie cooed. "Not until I kiss you ... a kiss and you can cum ... and then I will cum ... and then you'll be mine ..."

She gazed deeply into his eyes. Richie gazed helplessly back, unable to think of anything except the pleasure that would come with his total submission to her. He wanted nothing else. He wanted her in control of his wants and desires. He wanted the blissful feeling of being relieved of his responsibilities for his own emotions.

It was just a kiss away. His body wanted it so badly it was almost painful.

Cassie uttered a slow, lustful sigh and her eyes burned with desire. "Yes ... you've submitted ... you're a good boy again ... now ... kiss me ..."

There was a burst of noise behind her.

Her eyes slid closed and her head tilted to one side. She leaned forward, her body pressing against his, feeling his quivering need for release. She drew in her breath as her lips were about to touch his.

Cassie was yanked backwards violently. She gasped in astonishment, eyes flying open as she and one other person crashed to the floor. There was a shout as a table was shoved across the floor with a loud rattling noise. Glass shattered in crystalline report.

"What? ... What did you ...? No ... Nooooo!" Cassie screamed.

Richie stood as if paralyzed. Jason raced over to him and shook him. "Richie! Richie! Wake up, dammit!"

His eyes blinked and slowly un-glazed. "Huh ...?"

"Let go! Let go!" Cassie shrieked as she fought both Melinda and Heather. "Let ... let ... uhh ... what ...?"

Cassie's voice slowly trailed off. She drew in a deep breath and let it go as a rattling sigh. Her eyes took on a dazed look, her mouth dropping open. Her struggles ceased.

Melinda winced at the pain from the jarring thump she had taken on her backside when she had fallen to the floor along with Cassie. Yet now this was forgotten, her eyes widening as she stared at Cassie, still holding one of the girl's arms. Her gaze swept Cassie then looked up at her sister, who held Cassie's other arm. Heather nodded slowly, looking just as nonplussed, silently confirming what Melinda had seen. Or in this case, not seen.

Cassie's aura of darkness was gone.

"What the hell ..." Richie groaned. He stared at Jason. A look of horror came over his face. He looked past Jason and it was as if he had seen the devil himself. "Keep her the fuck away from me!!"

Cassie gaped at him, then at the others as Melinda rose to her feet and brought Cassie with her. "I ... but ... I just ... oh my God ..." Tears welled up in her eyes. "How did I ... let go!"

She wrenched her arms from Melinda and Heather's grip. They released her, backing up a step in their own confusion. Before anyone could say another word, there was another burst of noise from the door.

"What ... what is going on in here?!" cried Marcie, her eyes wide. "What are you all doing in here? Cassie? Are you all right?"

Cassie's face screwed up in anguish and tears poured from her eyes. "No, I'm not," she choked. She bolted, shoving Melinda to one side hard enough to make her flail and stumble. Melinda fetched up hard against a metal cabinet with a cry of pain as the handle dug into her hip. Jason rushed forward to her just as Cassie ran sobbing from the room, shoes crunching on broken glass.

"We need to go after her!" Jason cried, ignoring Marcie's presence.

"What the fuck for?!" Richie cried, his voice cracking badly.

"Mr. Gardner!" Marcie gasped, flustered. "Your language!"

"No, Jason, it's okay!" Heather said. "She's okay. She doesn't have it anymore."

"But she's upset!" said Melinda. "She was in tears! We should ...!"

"And we need to find out from her who ...!" Jason began.

"Look, man, I told you that girl is totally fucked in the head!" Richie shouted. "Don't bring her anywhere near ...!"

"Quiet! Quiet! QUIET!"

Everyone abruptly fell silent and looked towards Marcie in surprise.

Marcie swallowed, looking just as startled at her own boldness. "Look, what is going on here? This is supposed to be Mr. Gardner's detention."

"Richie is not feeling well," Jason said loudly when it looked like everyone was going to reply at once.

"Huh?" Richie said in confusion. Jason shot him a look. "Oh, yeah, I'm sick."

Marcie looked stricken. "Sick? Oh dear ... o-okay ... um, I'll take you to the nurse ..."

"NO!" Heather, Melinda, and Jason exploded at once.

Marcie flinched as if someone had just goosed her, a hand fluttering to her breast.

"We'll see him home!" Melinda piped. The others chorused agreement, including Richie, though his response was slower and still just as confused.

Marcie knew this was likely against the school rules. But where her boss had praised her for taking actions on her own, and she was rather wary of the nurse herself, she felt it was an acceptable risk to the alternative. She just nodded quickly and made a shooing motion towards the door.

The four scrambled out of the room. Richie made a grab for his jeans as he realized the zipper was still undone. Marcie gasped at this as Richie passed, her cheeks flaring bright red. After they left, she staggered to the desk and fanned herself with her book.

The Harbingers had to meet.

The four rode home with Richie's Mom. Sandra arrived in a sulky mood, having had to go down to the school earlier than she had expected. Her mood grew darker when she discovered only after arriving that she had three other passengers to ferry as well, as Richie had not told her when he had called her. She said barely two or three civil words to them the whole trip, eying them suspiciously in the rear-view mirror.

They assembled in the Sovert living room again. The mood was far more somber than it ever had been. Richie was very reluctant to talk about what happened. It took a good hour before he came out with the story.

It was worth it, for insight came to Heather.

"The eyes!" she cried triumphantly. "That's it! Looking into the eyes is what does it!"

"Does what?" asked Jason.

"Makes it to where you don't see the aura anymore," Heather explained. "I feel so stupid. I should have figured that out before."

Richie shivered and looked like he wanted to crawl away and die. "I'm never looking in a girl's eyes again," he said shaking his head. "Never again."

"Richie, don't say that," Melinda piped. "If you meet a nice girl ..."

"Maybe I don't want to mess with that anymore, okay?!" Richie exploded.

Melinda cringed.

"All right, all right, please," Jason said, sighing. First he felt like a leader and now a referee. "Please, let's just focus on this, okay?"

"Jason, it makes sense," Heather said. "Listen! Richie said he didn't see the aura much anymore after he looked into Cassie's eyes. I just realized that I think it's been the times I was able to look Mom square in the eye when the aura disappeared."

Melinda gasped. "Jason, she's right! Cassie tried to get me to look into her eyes the whole time she confronted me. And I remember one time it started to go away with Mom. I was staring right at her. Something just distracted me before I could get it go away completely."

"Well, okay," said Jason. "But what about me? Why can't I see the auras anymore?"

"Jason, you went to see the nurse," said Heather. "Did you look into her eyes?"

Jason remained silent for a long moment. Memories flitted at the edge of perception. "I ... I ... I don't know ..."

(ice blue)

Jason shivered. He swallowed.

"What's wrong?" Melinda demanded.

"Huh? Nothing."

"Yes, there is. You just shook or trembled or something. You did!"

Jason had begun shaking his head but stopped. He blinked. He suddenly felt very cold.

"Fuck, the squirt's right," Richie said, leaning forward. "You just did this kinda shivering thing."

Flickers of ice-hard blue crossed Jason's vision. An icy chill gripped him, and suddenly he was falling into a deep crevasse of unyielding cold and dark. The room dissolved into nonexistence as the shouts of his friends quickly faded into oblivion.

The next thing Jason was aware of, he was on his back, and someone was lightly slapping his face. He whimpered and flailed his hands weakly.

"Melinda, stop, he's coming around!" Heather's voice came to him thickly.

"Jason! Jason ... oh God, please be okay ... please ..."

There was a sudden weight on his chest that made his eyes blink into focus again and his consciousness rush back into his mind with a slam that made his body jerk.

Melinda gasped and lifted her head from his chest, tears dripping from her eyes.

"I-I'm all right," Jason said in a low voice.

Melinda sobbed once and smiled.

"Shit, Melinda, let him up," Richie said with a shake of his head.

Once Melinda reluctantly rose, Jason saw that he was on the floor in front of the sofa. Both she and Heather helped him back into a seat. One shoulder and hip hurt where he had hit the floor after collapsing.

"What the hell happened?" Jason asked as he rubbed at his shoulder. "Wait, no, don't answer that. I think ..."

His eyes widened and he gasped loudly as the memory of everything that had happened with the nurse coalesced and then exploded in his mind, causing every detail to shine vividly.

"Oh God," Jason groaned, pressing his hands to his temples. "I was so stupid."

"What is it? What happened?" Melinda demanded.

"Ease off, runt!" Heather warned.

"I will not! He fell and almost died or something!"

"Look, will all of you shut up?!" Jason snapped. "I didn't just almost die. It ... it was just a suppressed memory coming to the surface. Oh, man. I'm sorry, Heather, I should have listened to you when you said you thought something had happened to me."

Melinda had to bite her lip hard to prevent herself from again demanding what happened.

"Did the nurse get to you?" Richie asked. "Did she screw with your head or something?"

"I d-don't think she did that." His voice quavered at the thought of his mind being changed like that. "She just looked into my eyes, and ... oh, shit ... it was cold ... I was falling ... no, wait, I didn't fall. It was like I was at the very edge, looking down into a really deep chasm. She ..."

He had to pause and take a deep breath. He wiped in annoyance at one eye and blinked away tears in the other.

"Man ..." Richie muttered under his breath, staring. He had never seen Jason react this way. Melinda and Heather held stricken looks on their faces.

Jason swallowed. His voice quavered badly. "She ... c-could push me over any time ... she could have ... t-taken me, and she didn't. She just .. oh my God ... oh, FUCK!"

Melinda nearly jumped. It was the first time she ever heard Jason swear that vehemently. Her eyes shimmered in fear.

"An aura! Holy shit. She had the mother of all of them! It kept trying to ... to form these shapes, like her true form, maybe. Like she was some sort of ... o-of creature ..."

"A succubus?" Heather suggested in a flat voice.

"No. I mean, I don't know. I really don't. But she didn't want me to see it. She looked into my eyes ... God, I never want to look into those eyes again ... but she made the aura vanish. I didn't see it any more after that."

There was a silence for a few moments. Richie broke it first. "I don't get it."

The others looked over to him with exasperation.

"Well, look, if this nurse used some sort of mind-control peepers on him, how come he don't look like the poster child for evil? Where's his aura, huh?"

"Because she didn't take him," Melinda declared. "Thank God!"

"Yes, that makes sense," said Jason. "Remember, I said I felt like I was on the edge. She could have done it, but she didn't. I think she just wanted to nullify my ability. Like Cassie did with you."

Richie shivered again and just nodded.

"It's not her fault. Cassie, I mean."

Richie gaped. "She wanted to make me her fucking slave!"

"She was under control, Richie. The nurse must have done it to her. Cassie was not in her right mind."

"The aura disappeared as soon as we stopped her," Heather said. "Just poof! Gone!"

"She was really upset about it, Richie," said Melinda. "God, I hope she's okay. Poor thing."

"I was the one she was gonna take!" Richie cried.

"I know! God! I didn't want it to happen to you either. I'm glad we stopped her for both your sakes!"

Richie paused a long moment and then sighed. "Yeah, whatever ... sorry."

"All right, so ... so what do we know?" Heather said. She wanted to keep the momentum going. This was the first time she felt like she knew what she was doing. "We know the nurse is evil, she's with the darkness, and she first took the principal ..."

"Unless it's the other way around," Richie muttered.

"No," Jason said. "If the aura is bigger or thicker the closer you are to the darkness, then Nyssa is on top. Hers is far worse than Bendon's."

Melinda shivered at this.

"Nyssa took Bendon. She took Cassie but we broke her out of that. Who else have we seen with the aura?"

"Kathy Galton," Heather said. "James Nells."

"And Frank!" Melinda piped. "Don't forget him!"

"What, the shrimp?" said Richie. "Jesus."

"Are they going to do the same thing?" Melinda asked, eyes wide. "Go and try to ... to t-take someone like Cassie did? And why?"

"Well ..." Heather said hesitantly. "Didn't Cassie have a thing for Richie?"

Richie groaned and rolled his eyes. "Man, not that again."

"But it makes sense," Jason said. "From what you told us. It was like she was punishing you for ... well, what you did."

"Oh, fuck, come on ..."

"Richie, you may not want to admit it, but Cassie liked you!" Jason exclaimed in exasperation. "Call her what you want, but she liked you! A lot! She liked you last semester and that didn't go away over the summer."

"So whaddaya sayin', huh? That this nurse made some stupid sick fantasy of hers come true?"

Dead silence descended upon the four of them.

Richie glanced between the others. "Aw, shit," he said softly, collapsing back into his seat. "That's ... that's like, perverted ..."

"Oh, sure, and you don't have your own little fantasies that you don't want anyone to know about, right?" Heather snapped with a sudden vehemence that surprised everyone. "Yeah, tell me another, Richie. And just what was it you made me and Melinda do in the House?"

"Shut up about that, okay?! I said I was sorry like a zillion times already!"

"All I'm saying is that the House proved we all have them, that's all. And this nurse makes them come alive."

"Well, it's a possibility," Jason said. "We do only have Cassie to go by."

"So what happened?" Melinda demanded. "Did the power, like, leak out of the House or something? Someone else got the power from it?"

"Mara said a darkness was coming to Haven. This is probably part of it."

"But she never said it would be based on mind control!"

"Well, it is. We should have figured that out when we saw that's what the power of the House was based on. Either way, we have to deal with it."

"We can't defend against that," said Heather in a flat voice. "You remember the House. You can't resist it, no matter how hard you try."

"Mara said we should try to prevent others from falling to it," said Jason. "We did that. We just saved Cassie and Richie."

"So what do we do about the others?" Heather asked. "I barely know Kathy or James. You only just met Frank. And she's probably taken more today. We have no idea who any of them are going to go after."

"If Kathy and James were taken on the same day as Cassie, it's probably too late to stop them," Jason said darkly.

"And Frank?"

Jason paused. "I'll try calling him when I get home. Maybe I can talk to him."

"Or he'll think you're a fucking loon," Richie commented sourly.

"Yeah, well, fine. He's been bugging me to let him in on what's going on. Maybe that will work."

"But what about the others?" Melinda asked. "We can't just ...!"

"It's too late," Jason sighed. "If what Cassie did is typical, it's a two step process. Kathy and James did step one yesterday and will do -- or have done -- step two today. No way we can find them in time."

"But what happens when someone is taken like Richie almost was?" Heather asked.

A long pause. "I guess we'll find out, won't we?"

Richie had been rescued. No rescue was forthcoming for Debby.

Debby shuddered violently as she came, her pussy throbbing in her mind as well as her body. All remaining doubts were washed away by the overwhelming pleasure. She staggered forward and clutched at James, closing her eyes and breathing heavily into his ear. She uttered a long moan and shoved her hips against him, mashing his fingers even harder against her pussy.

"So what about me now, Debby?" James said. His free hand unhooked her bra. He withdrew his hand from under her panties and pulled the cups from her bosom, her breasts bouncing free under her already open blouse. He caressed a swollen, erect nipple gently, smearing her slick juices on it.

Debby mewled in delight, her body quivering badly. "I never should have left you," she cooed. "Never ... you're so good to me ... so good ... ohhh ..."

James nudged her back. She looked at him with adoration and burning lust, eyes wide and unthinking. He lay a hand gently on her shoulder. She trembled with renewed excitement and increasing desire, sinking to her knees before him. She spread her knees apart, her pussy still swollen and aching to be satisfied.

"What ...wh-what ... d-did you do to her?!"

As Debby panted, James smiled and turned his head towards Debby's older sister Karen. The wavy-haired blonde's eyes widened when they looked into James' gaze. She shivered and took a halting step backwards, only to fetch up against the edge of the bed.

Karen swallowed, her own breathing labored. In a softer voice she added, "And ... a-and what ... what are you doing t-to me ...?"

Karen had gone along with Debby's request to see James only because it was so peculiar. After Debby broke up with James, she had wanted nothing more to do with him. Now she was abruptly infatuated with him again, and not even in a normal way. There had been something disturbing about it. It was more an obsession than an infatuation.

The moment she had walked in the door with her sister, she knew it was a mistake. She could not stop herself from looking into James' eyes every chance she could get, and each time it grew harder to look away.

Without diverting his gaze from Karen, James said, "Debby, get naked for me."

"Yes, Master," Debby said softly as she stood.

Karen drew in her breath in a long gasp. As difficult as it was, she tore her eyes away from James to watch in horror as her little sister stripped. Debby shrugged off her blouse and bra with no forethought, then stepped out of the skirt and slid her panties down her legs.

Even as Karen stared at this, James' eyes remained at the edge of her vision, and her own eyes longed to return to them.

"Masturbate," James ordered.

Debby dropped to her knees. There was a soft squishing noise, and then sighs of mounting delight.

"Oh my God ..." Karen breathed. He started towards her. Anger welled up inside her and made her forget and turn her gaze fully back to his. Her eyes blazed, but not for long. "James, stop it! ... Whatever you did to her, you ... you stop it right ... right now ... and ... and ... oh God ... "

The anger drained from Karen's voice as James stepped up to her. "Y'know, Karen ... Debby's good-lookin' and all, but you ... you're really hot."

Karen whimpered as her whole body felt warm. At the edge of her vision, she could still see her sister touching herself, writhing in mindless pleasure. She tried to shift her eyes towards it, towards anything other than James' gaze. She failed. His eyes were too intensely compelling.

"I really wanted you. Even when I was dating Debby."

For a brief moment, hot indignation rose up inside Karen. "You ... you l-little creep ... y-you ..."

The rest of her epithet died in her throat, replaced by deep panting as she grew increasingly hot and aroused.

"I wanted to see you naked."

Karen moaned and shivered. Her legs trembled and her nipples hardened.

"I wanted to fuck you."

Karen whimpered. Her pussy ached and her nipples tingled madly.

"And that's what you want now."

"No ... n ... I ... y ... yes ... oh God, yes ..."

With a wry grin, James plunged his hand under Karen's shorts and panties.

"Yes ... oh yes ... do it ... make me cum ... make me yours ... like Debby ... like ... oh ... ohhh ... uhhhhnn!"

Karen threw her head back as the most powerful orgasm she ever had overcame her, pleasure radiating through her body and rising up into her mind.

James withdrew his hand. Karen uttered a long moan and cast two glazed eyes at James, her mind emptied of any thought other than how she could experience that wonderful pleasure again.

He smiled. Behind him, Debby cried out as she came. "Get naked, Karen."

"Yes, Master," Karen murmured huskily, and lifted her shirt.

Nothing would save Irene, either. No one knew she was Kathy's target, and her parents would not be home until hours into the evening.

Irene's naked body quaked on the bed, barely held up on all fours by trembling limbs. Her breathing was as ragged as her pussy was hot. It lay open and vulnerable under the inverted "V" of her thighs.

Kathy leaned forward from the side of the bed. Irene turned her head, hair falling over her eyes, her mouth open as she panted. Kathy lovingly swept the hair from Irene's face. She slid her other hand over Irene's back, playing her fingertips in light swirls down Irene's spine.

Irene shivered again and moaned deeply in unsatisfied lust. A single drop fell from her wet folds and onto the sheet under her, making a small, moist stain a little larger.

"You want to be my friend now, don't you?" Kathy purred.

"Y-yes ... " Irene gasped. "... yes ... I want it ... so badly ... oh God ...!"

Kathy squeezed one of Irene's ass cheeks, bringing her to the brink of orgasm but granting no release.

Irene whimpered piteously. "Please, Kathy ... p-please ... do it ... make me cum ... oh God, Kathy, please ..."

Kathy let her hand sweep down around Irene's hip and drew it sensuously along her side. Irene trembled with excruciating delight. Kathy dropped her face to Irene's and kissed her on the cheek. "Did you do what I wanted?" Kathy nibbled at one of Irene's ears. "Did you get what I needed?"

"Yes ... yes ... I did what you wanted ... "

"And ...?" Kathy reached under Irene and flicked one of her nipples.

"And ... uhhn ... oh my God ... I w-want you ... to use it ... use it on me ... please ..."

Kathy smiled in satisfaction and let her hand slide from Irene's breast and down her abdomen.

"Oh yes ... yes, please ... t-touch me ... "

Kathy's fingers slid into sopping wet flesh.

"Yes!" Irene cried, her eyes closing. "Oh yes ... mmmrr ... urrhh ... uhhhnn! ... ahhhh!!"

Irene's pussy exploded. She cried out over and over, pleasure shaking her to her core and removing any last doubts from her already lust-addled mind. When Kathy withdrew her hand and Irene's cries settled to breathy moans, Irene's thoughts were now far more to Kathy's satisfaction.

"Friends?" Kathy asked in a sultry voice.

"Friends," Irene replied, barely audible.

"Now ... where is it?"

"The dresser ... bottom drawer ... in the back ..."

Kathy got up from the bed, unashamed in her nudity. She bent over provocatively, letting her shaved pussy poke out from between her thighs. She opened the bottom drawer, and after a bit of rooting around, extracted something from it and stood.

She turned, cradling the jet-black strap-on in her hands and gazing lovingly at Irene.

"Use it ... inside me ... hard ... deep ... until I cum ... until I scream ..." Irene moaned.

"Of course I will, Irene," Kathy said with a smile as she fastened the dildo to herself. "After all ... what are friends for?"

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