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Now This Won't Hurt A Bit
Copyright A Strange Geek, 2006

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Story codes: mf, ff, mF, Ff, FF, msolo, fsolo, Fsolo, oral, toys, mc, nc, inc, teen, magic

Now This Won't Hurt A Bit -- Chapter 4 of 38

The four teens were so stunned that they did not hear all of Principal Bendon's opening words. All four could see the terrible black miasma around Laura Bendon's body, though with varying degrees of intensity.

Melinda saw it as it was, her heart pounding so hard it ached, and had to bite her lip to stop herself from screaming.

Heather saw it clearly as well, though the edges wavered a bit, and she had managed to quell her initial fight-or-flight response. Yet she trembled in her seat, her hands gripping it until the knuckles went white.

Jason could see it as well as Heather, and a little more. He could make out movements in the darkness that the others could not. His mind kept insisting that there were subtle patterns in it that he could discern if he just concentrated more. Yet when he tried, he felt lightheaded and his stomach clenched.

For Richie, it did not seem to want to stay in his field of view. It wavered and flickered, occasionally disappearing entirely, only to suddenly surge back, like a radio station just slightly out of tune. Like with his mother, he simply did not want to see it, and it was as if his mind were trying to obey this command but with only limited success.

"I don't understand this," Heather finally whispered to the others. "Why are we seeing this? Why her?"

"Yeah, if it'd be around anyone, it shoulda been saggy-seeger," said Richie.

"Dammit, Richie, be serious about this for once!" Heather whisper-shouted.

"What does it mean?" Melinda demanded in a squeaking, quavering voice. "Jason ...?"

"Melinda, I just don't know," Jason said in exasperation. He glanced back at Principal Bendon, taking a deep breath as he saw that the darkness was not only still there, but appeared to be growing more agitated. The feeling that there was a meaning to the movements he was seeing grew stronger.

"Maybe it just means she's gonna hand out more detention this year," Richie suggested. When Heather and Melinda glared at him, he quickly added, "Well, I don't hear any of you geniuses coming up with any better explanation."

"We know what it means," Heather said in a scared voice. "She's with the darkness. The one coming to Haven."

"But ... that means ... that means the darkness is here, doesn't it?" Melinda asked, her eyes shimmering.

"Look, don't panic everyone, okay?" said Jason. "It doesn't mean that, Melinda. At least I don't think it does. Other people were like this already. Your mother and ... and my father ... and Richie's ..."

"Hey, leave her the fuck out of this, man ..." Richie warned.

"I'm just saying, Richie, that we all saw ..."

"I don't give a shit what anyone saw. I don't want ..."

"Will everyone just shush?! She just said something about a medical program!" Melinda piped.

The other three quieted at once.

" ... at Haven High," came Principal Bendon's voice. The four teens had to occasionally avert their eyes. None of them could comfortably hold his or her gaze on the principal for more than a few seconds at a time. "As a result, our school nurse, Miss Nyssa Neris ..."

"Huh? Who's Nyssa Neris? What happened to Emma Tanner?" Heather asked.

Jason pointed. "Some of the other faculty are looking confused as well."

" ... their classrooms to report to the nurse's station for a full medical examination ..." continued the principal.

"For a what?!" Richie suddenly exclaimed loud enough for others nearby to turn their heads.

"Shhhh!!" Melinda hissed.

"No fucking way am I ...!"

"Richie, shut up!!" Heather said through clenched teeth.

" ... important to insure the good health and well-being of our students," said Principal Bendon, "there will be no exceptions whatsoever to this program. No requests for exemptions will be heard, and no excuses granted."

"They can't do that," Jason said, his eyes wide.

"All students are expected to comply with this new policy. Your full cooperation is expected in this matter. Any student that fails to comply will face immediate expulsion."

"They can't do that!" Jason turned to the others. "It's against state law! A public high school nurse can't conduct that sort of ..."

"Jason, I don't think Bendon gives a shit about that, the way she's spouting off about it," Richie said sourly. "And you know something? Let 'em fucking expel me. No fucking way I'm getting an examination from some stupid school nurse."

"You're not serious about that, Richie," Melinda said.

"Oh, yeah? Try me."

"You're never serious about anything else. Why should I believe this?"

"Look, enough, you two," Jason said. "Stop sniping at each other. The principal may be saying something else about ..."

"Naw, she's moved on to the same old boring crap about the normal rules and regs," said Richie.

"I don't understand any of this," Heather said. "They've never done anything like this before. Why now?"

"Maybe for the same reason the principal has the aura?"

No one liked the implications of Jason's suggestion. Even Richie looked uncomfortable.

"That ... that can't be it," Heather said nervously. "I mean, come on ... it's not like Principal Bendon is going to be examining us."

"No, just this new nurse is," Jason said. "The one no one has ever met or seen before."

The others fell into another uneasy silence that lasted the rest of the assembly.

"Look, no need to worry about this, guys, okay?" Richie said with a smirk. "I've got it all taken care of."

The four of them had emerged from the auditorium and were wandering down the main corridor of the school. They stopped as they came to Heather's locker.

"Oh, this ought to be good," Melinda muttered.

"Come on, let him talk," Jason said gently. "Richie, what's your idea?"

"Simple. I just tell my Mom about it. Guarantee ya she'll go apeshit over this. You think Bendon or Seeger is bad? Wait til you see my Mom in action. She'll open up a super-sized can o'whupass on that there principal."

"Principal Bendon said she wouldn't listen to any requests for ..."

Richie waved him off. "Don't matter, dude. Not where my Mom's concerned. Trust me on this."

"Well, that's fine for you," Melinda piped. "What about ..."

"No, no, you don't get it. I mean the whole deal is gone. Kaput. Finished. Adios amigo."

"And how do you figure on that, huh?"

Richie smirked. "Heather, my dear, do you ..."

"Don't call me 'dear'," Heather snapped as she slammed her locker shut. "And hurry up, I've got class in five minutes."

"So do I," Melinda said. She smirked at Richie. "I have Miss Linda Davis next. You remember her, don't you, Richie?"

"Yeah, whatever. Anyway ..."

"Was she everything you hoped for? Was she as hot as you remember her?"

Richie glared at her. "Just shut the fuck up about her, okay?"

"Oh, but haven't you asked her out yet?"

"Melinda, I said ...!"

"Richie, what were you going to say?" Jason said in a slightly exasperated tone.

Richie paused to flip Melinda the finger. Melinda just stuck her tongue back at him. "I was going to ask Heather if she remembers last year when they were talkin' about that stupid program about requiring students to carry these pagers."

Melinda blinked. "Pagers? What for?"

"It was to insure attendance at school or something like that," Heather explained. "But they killed it. Just disappeared."

Richie smiled smugly. "Don't all thank me at once now."

Jason gaped. "Your Mom stopped that program?"

"Came down on old Bendon like a ton of bricks, soon as she heard she was gonna hafta foot the bill for the pager. Plus there was a little thing about the school tellin' her how to be a Mom, blah blah blah. You get the picture. Bendon's a pushover when it comes to parents givin' her flak for something."

The others exchanged dubious looks.

Richie frowned. "Look, maybe she has that black shit around her, but she's still my Mom, okay? And she don't want no nurse touchin' her baby boy without her say. And I guarantee you that at least one of the guys she's screwed in the last little bit's a lawyer."

Jason looked uncomfortable when he heard this last part. He was always a bit squeamish when he heard Richie talk about his mother's promiscuity as if he were talking about the weather. Heather and Melinda just exchanged a worried look for reasons of their own.

Richie just shook his head and rolled his eyes. "C'mon, Jason, it's lunchtime for us. I'm starvin'."

"See you later," Jason said to the girls he left with Richie.

Melinda gave a forlorn sigh as they departed. "Shit. I wish they didn't divide up the lunch periods by year."

Heather smirked. "You really like Jason, don't you?"

"Oh, whatever gave you that silly idea? Just the dozen times or so I've told you over the past week?"

"Okay, no need to be a smart-ass about it, runt."

"I'll be whatever the hell I want to be. And don't call me 'runt'."

"How about Fine-Boobs, then?"

Melinda flushed. "Argh! I'm gonna kill Richie for that one!" she screeched before stomping off to her next class.

Heather cracked a small smile as she watched her little sister storm off. She actually didn't want to tease her sister like that, but it helped take her mind off other feelings. Even in school, safely away from the confines of their shared bedroom, she still felt the urges flitting through her mind at odd moments.

Though admittedly, as a small tingle flickered through her sex, she wished she had not chosen that particular joke to make.

Heather took a deep breath. She still didn't understand what was going on. While her thoughts were not irrepressible at the moment, she was still of the opinion that she should not be having them at all. She couldn't accept the fact that they were coming from her own mind.

Yet there was no more House left. It was gone. She could no longer blame it for any lingering power over her.

Heather sighed and turned to head down the hallway to her next class.

Frank managed to catch up with his new friend Jason just at the lunch period, but when he saw who Jason was with as they entered the lunchroom, he held back.

He frowned. He wondered why someone like Jason was friends with a bully like Richie. Even though it was his first day at Haven High, Frank had already heard some worrisome stories about Richie. While Richie wasn't as bad as some of the really nasty bullies -- the ones that were more along the lines of what Jason was forced to deal with before befriending Richie -- his first impression of Richie was not a good one.

He had wanted to sit with Jason during the assembly, but saw him with a girl. He admitted to being a little jealous to see Jason with a girlfriend.

Frank decided he really did not want to sit alone during lunch, not with some of the other students already looking over to him and making snide comments. He rushed on ahead and ran up to Jason. "Hey!"

Jason turned his head and started to speak, but it was Richie that rushed in first. "Kid, didn't I tell you to scram earlier? Need Mr. Fist to remind you again?"

"Richie, shut up," Jason snapped.

Richie blinked in surprise.

"This guy's a friend of mine, okay?"

Richie gave him a confused look. "The shrimp here is your friend?"

"That's Frank to you, buddy," Frank piped. "And not 'Frankie' either, I hate that."

Richie snorted in derision, but quickly subsided when Jason glared at him. "Okay, no prob. I'm cool with that. The more geeks the merrier, right?"

"Just ... just try to be nice for once," Jason muttered.

Richie frowned. "Hey, I am nice. I'm Mr. Nice, okay?"

"And you're Mr. Fist, too," Frank said with a wry grin. "Hmm. Multiple personality disorder. I'd have that checked if I were you."

Jason snorted and clamped a hand over his mouth to stifle a laugh.

"Hah, hah, very funny," Richie grumped.

"C'mon guys, that's enough," Jason said, though his voice was quavering in amusement. He had to admit that it was funny when someone got a good one on Richie. "Frank's new in town, Richie."

"Yeah, whatever. Let's just go see what the mystery meat for today's lunch is." He walked towards the line forming at the counter without waiting for the others.

Jason gave an askance look to Richie's retreating back and just shook his head slightly. Frank nudged him in the side. "Hey, are all those stories I hear about Richie true?" he asked.

Jason turned to him and sighed. "Yeah, most likely. Really, though, he's ... he's not that bad."

Frank gave him a very dubious look.

"Richie just likes to do his own thing."

"From what I heard, he likes to 'do his thing' at the expense of the unpopular kids."

Jason shook his head. "He doesn't do that anymore. Not since I've known him."

That, at least, was a true statement, as far as it went.

Jason had met Richie during the previous school year. Jason was being seriously beaten on by one of the school bullies. Richie had managed to stop it. Granted, when it first started, Richie had been participating in the taunts, but when it had descended to violence, he had tried to call off his friend.

Richie had felt guilty enough about what his friend had done that he started showing up more often when Jason was being picked on. At some point Richie revealed that he was failing math, which was Jason's best subject. Jason tutored him, and Richie managed to pull a decent grade as a result. They had been friends since.

Their friendship had been seriously strained by the House. Richie had wanted the power to himself, and he had trampled on that friendship to do it. Yet Jason also was guilty of doing nasty things to obtain the power for himself, so he felt he had no right to call Richie out on that.

He looked at Frank. He wished he could explain some of this to Frank, but the kid would likely think him nuts.

"Well, I guess you know him better than I do," Frank said with a humorless smirk. "But I wouldn't want to be alone with him."

Jason knew entirely too much about Richie. Like how miserable his home life can be sometimes. But he doubted Richie would like him telling anyone about that.

"Look, it will be all right, trust me. He talks a big game, but he doesn't hurt anyone."

"And Mr. Fist?"

"I don't know why he did that. He wouldn't really have hit you."

Frank wasn't buying any of this, but he just nodded anyway. The last thing he wanted to do was jeopardize this new friendship. If that meant putting up with a bully like Richie, then so be it. At least it looked like Jason could keep him tame.

He managed a small, wry grin. And with Jason around, he could get some digs at Richie without worrying about retribution. A far cry from what he could do at home with his stepsister.

"Okay, whatever you say," Frank said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"C'mon, let's go find a table. Looks like you brought your lunch same as me. Richie can come find us."

Every day the past semester, Cassie's parents had the family cook prepare a very nice lunch for her. He began at 4:30 AM every morning to insure that everything would be prepared to perfection, using nothing but the best foods and the tastiest sauces. Each lunch prepared in this manner would cost about fifty to one hundred dollars if prepared in a fine restaurant.

And every day, Cassie dumped this fine meal at her earliest opportunity and ordered from the cafeteria. The new semester would be no exception.

Cassie was still desperate to fit in. She knew the moment she brought a lunch like that into the cafeteria that she would be branded a snob. While many people already did that, at least it was by no action of her own.

She ate alone most days last semester. This suited her fine. She just wanted to be accepted, but not necessarily popular. Having time alone allowed her to catch up with her journal. Usually by that time of the day, enough random thoughts and feelings had flitted through her mind that she needed to get them down.

But as she left the register where she paid for her lunch and started looking for a seat, her eyes were immediately drawn to Richie.

She recognized one of the two other boys that sat with him. She remembered Jason hanging out with Richie last semester. She always thought that to be a rather odd friendship. Yet near the end of the semester, Richie hung out with Jason almost constantly. That was after Cassie had tried to get to know Richie better.

Surely the two events were not connected. Richie would not have been that cruel.

Cassie approached the table. She didn't recognize the other one. As she grew closer, Richie did not seem to bother to try to converse with them. Instead, he was sitting a little apart from them, eating with a somewhat morose look on his face, while Jason and his companion chatted away non-stop about Star Trek.

Cassie paused a moment, then put on her best smile and sat down. "Hi, Richie."

Richie flinched. "Huh?? Oh, uh ... hi, Cassie."

She again ignored the unease in his voice and plowed on ahead. "Hey, Richie, I'm sorry about before."

He frowned. "Sorry about what?"

"Well, you know ... that thing with Miss Davis."

His eyes blazed. "Look, just never mind, okay? I really don't want to hear about it."

"It's no big deal. I mean ... everyone makes mistakes."

"Yeah, and she's the one that made it, not me."

Cassie paused a moment, then nodded. "Okay. I mean ... yeah, you're right."

Richie stared at her for a moment, then sighed and shook his head, looking away.

"She's not your type, anyway."

Richie's gaze snapped back. "What?"

"She's not your type," Cassie said casually, chewing a bite of her lunch. "So it wouldn't have worked anyway."

"And how the hell would you know that?"

"I, uh, have a knack for these things."

"Oh, a knack, huh?"

Cassie smiled. "I've always been a good judge of character, you know? And you two just aren't compatible."

"Yeah, and I suppose you saw this in a dream, too, huh?"

"Oh, funny you should mention that! In fact, just last night I had ... uh ..."

Cassie trailed off. She finally caught the smirk on his face and realized that he had been mocking her. She blushed and her smile became forced, her voice wavering. "Uh ... well ... never mind that, then."

"I really don't think you know jack shit about this, Cassie."

"Richie, I'm just trying to help."

"Help? How are you trying to help, huh?"

"I just don't want you feeling bad about this. About Miss Davis."

"Look, enough about her, okay?!"

"Okay, I'm sorry," Cassie said quickly. "You're right, it's probably best to just forget about her entirely. Good point."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Richie's voice had been steadily rising through the whole conversation. By this time it was loud enough that it made Jason and Frank halt their discussion and turn their attention to the two of them. Cassie noticed their attention on her, and her cheeks blushed bright pink. "N-nothing! You said you didn't want to talk about it. Okay, fine. We'll move on to something else."

Richie reached the end of what little patience he possessed that day. "Look, Cassie, what is it you want from me?"

Cassie's eyes widened. "I ... I don't want anything from you," she said in a hollow voice.

This was a lie. She knew it was a lie. She just was not sure anymore what it was that she did want.

"Then why the fuck do you keep bothering me?"

Cassie looked stricken. "Bothering? I thought I was just ... just making conversation."

Richie made a disgusted noise and rose from his seat. "Well, I don't 'make conversation,' okay? You know, I don't understand why everyone don't just stop hassling me."

"But I wasn't ..."

Richie wasn't listening. He was already picking up his tray and walking away.

Frank appeared to shrink in his seat as Richie passed, as if afraid Richie would introduce him to Mr. Fist after all. When nothing of the sort happened, he gave Jason a smirk and jerked a thumb in the direction Richie went. "What's with him?"

Jason just shrugged and shook his head. "I don't know."

Frank looked past Jason. "Hey."

Cassie had been staring at Richie as he dumped the remainder of his lunch into a bin and headed out of the cafeteria. She blinked and looked at Frank. "Huh?"

"You his girlfriend or something?"

Cassie's mouth fell open. Her blush deepened. "No," she said in a very small voice.

Under the table, she shifted her legs. Moisture squished softly under her panties.

Not yet, she thought forlornly to herself.

"Oh, Miss Bendon! Wait! I ... oops!"

Laura was just about to cross the threshold of her office when she heard both the call and the clattering noise. She stopped, sighed, and turned. She raised an eyebrow as her gaze fell upon the backside of her receptionist. In her eagerness to talk to her boss, the young woman had upended the cup containing the pens and pencils, and was now busily picking them up.

Laura let her gaze linger for a moment before calling out, "What is it, Marcie?"

"Oh, Miss ... ouch!"

Laura winced as Marcie banged her head on the desk trying to straighten up.

Marcie Fuller, a petite, somewhat mousy woman with schoolmarm glasses looked at the principal with eyes that seemed to be in a permanent startle. She rubbed at her head, sending some locks of black hair tumbling out of the loose bun into which they had been tied. "Miss Bendon, is what I heard right?"

"That depends on what you heard, Marcie," Laura said with a patient sigh.

Marcie scrambled back into her seat. "That you're having some sort of medical program here? Where the students have to be examined?"

"Yes, what of it?"

"Well ... isn't that a bit odd?"

"No stranger than some other things the Board of Ed has done."

Marcie nodded, but looked troubled.


"Um ... this program ... it's ... it's not going to include the faculty or staff, is it, Miss Bendon?"

"No, it is only for the students. Why?"

Marcie fidgeted nervously. "I ... I don't like doctors," she said in a low voice. "Or n-nurses for that matter."

Laura had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. This should not have surprised her. Marcie was the type of woman that would jump at her own shadow. Or more likely stumble over it, considering how dreadfully clumsy the woman was. She was not even a very good receptionist.

The only thing that Marcie had in her favor was loyalty. To a fault. Laura used to hold the position of principal in another part of the state until four years ago, and then took this position when it opened up. A few months later, Marcie had turned up, looking for a job. She had actually quit her position at the old high school just to work for Laura again at her new school.

Laura had not had the heart to tell her "no." Not all of her reasons had to do with compassion, but she was barely aware of this. Not until Nyssa arrived. Now she had a better idea why she took Marcie back.

Even dwelling on this thought for a few seconds was enough to make the heat rise in her nether regions.

"Carry on, Marcie," Laura said in a slightly husky voice, and started back inside.

"Wait, Miss Bendon!"

Laura sighed. "Yes?"

"A few of the faculty want to speak with you when you have the chance." Marcie paused. "I don't think this medical program is going over very well with them."

"I've already spent much of the afternoon dealing with them. I've already told them that discussion is closed on the matter. If they don't like the decision, they can find another school to teach at. Is that understood?"

Marcie nodded quickly, eyes wide. "Yes, Miss Bendon."

"In fact, call back any faculty member that's already tried to make an appointment and tell them I won't talk to them about this. I've already listened to them once, I don't need to do it again."

"Yes, Miss Bendon, right away!"

"And hold my calls. And no more appointments today. I need to get some work done before I leave for the day."

"Yes, Miss Bendon."

Laura stared at her receptionist for another long moment. She was not just loyal, she was obedient. She did whatever Laura told her to do, without question. She gladly worked additional hours when asked and never complained. She rarely took any time off.

Marcie noticed the scrutiny and grew flustered. "Is something the matter, Miss Bendon?"

"Uh, no. No, Marcie, everything is fine. Carry on."

"Yes, Miss Bendon," Marcie said, but Laura had already entered her office and closed the door behind her.

Inside, Laura leaned against the door to her office for a moment. She closed her eyes, panting lightly. The very slow burn that had remained in her cunt since the assembly had become a hot flame of renewed lust. Her pussy was wet and throbbing, her thighs trembling with the desire to part.

When she finally stepped away from the door, her movements inflamed her already heightened arousal. As she sat down in her chair, her breathing grew labored as she strained close to orgasm. Yet she would not cum, not without Nyssa's say. This was just a small reward for doing her part that morning and for dealing with the fallout, with a tantalizing hint of future reward if she continued to be good.

As she sat still, her arousal gently abated, leaving a lingering, pleasant ache in her pussy. She moved in her seat, and enjoyed the feeling of steamy wetness between her thighs.

At the same time her body reveled in the sensual pleasure of her obedience, part of her mind made her whimper softly in despair. It was the part of her mind locked away by Nyssa's eyes, imprisoned in a cold wasteland of her own subconscious. It was as if what was really Laura Bendon had been locked inside ice that had frozen crystal clear, so she could still look out of it and see herself and all the things she was doing.

This was not the only thing that it saw.

It could also see her own desires, her own deeply buried fantasies, ones that she never dared to entertain even in her own mind. They were things that came out only in her dreams, or in rare moments of self-pleasuring. Until now, they had been the ones locked behind the cold, dark walls of her inner mind. Now they were free and she was trapped.

There was a soft knock at the door. As Laura looked up, it opened, and Marcie's face appeared. "Miss Bendon?"

For a moment, Laura did not respond. The unleashed desires threatened to rise up and overwhelm her. It took her a moment to quell them. That one moment frightened her. What was she becoming? What had she let Nyssa do to her?

And how far would Laura go if she were allowed to act on her desires?

"Marcie, I thought I said I didn't want to be disturbed," Laura said, her voice just slightly strained.

"I know, Miss Bendon, but ..."

"No 'buts', Marcie. Whoever it is, tell him ..."

"It's Miss Neris, the school nurse." A tiny shudder went through her.

"I know who she is. What about her?"

"She wants to see you in her office."

Laura did not hesitate. She stood up, feeling her pussy throb dully in anticipation of what Nyssa wished of her. Yet there was a remaining reluctance as well. She was no longer so sure of this anymore, even as helpless as she felt she was to resist it.

"Of course, I'll head there straight away," she said.

"So whaddaya think of this medical program thing, huh?"

Jason paused to organize a few things in his locker before looking over to Frank. "I've been trying not to," he said dryly.

Frank nodded. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I don't care much for doctors either."

Jason just nodded absently.

"Hey, know anything about this nurse?" He smirked. "Maybe she's at least good-looking or something. Might not be such a bad thing, you know?"

"I've never seen her."

"Thought this was your second year here."

Jason slammed his locker shut and reached down to pick up his backpack, stuffing some books inside of it. "It is. This is a new nurse. I've never seen her."

Frank made a silent "oh" gesture. He paused a moment as Jason closed his backpack and straightened up. He grinned. "Wanna go see?"

Jason blinked. "Huh?"

"I said, you wanna go see the new nurse? At least get a beat on what she looks like?"

Jason shrugged into the straps of his backpack. He glanced nervously down the main corridor, towards the west wing of the school. "Uh ... I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"Aw, why not, man?"

"What excuse would we use to be there? I mean, we can't very well say, 'Hi, don't mind us, we're just scoping you out.' "

Frank snickered. "Yeah, guess you're right about that." He turned and looked down the corridor. "Still, I'm real curious ..."

Jason had to admit to some curiosity, but in equal measure with fear. This medical program made no sense. Even the other faculty at the assembly had looked confused over it. Principal Bendon had obviously sprung it on them unexpectedly. That could not bode well for what he might see if he were in the presence of Nyssa Neris.

"Anyway, we'll risk missing the bus if we try and go see her."

"Go see who?"

Jason and Frank turned. Frank made a face but held his tongue as Richie came up to them.

"Frank suggested going to see the new nurse," explained Jason.

"Why? He sprain his brain thinking up more Star Trek trivia?"

"Least I got one to sprain," Frank muttered.

Richie frowned. "What was that, shrimp?"

"Guys, knock it off," Jason said sharply. "Frank was just curious about her, that's all."

Richie shrugged. "Makes one of us."

Jason paused a moment, taking another glance down the hall. "Actually, it might be a good idea to see her anyway. Just to get a look at her before ... before she starts examining any students."

"Then go see her. Why should I care?"

Jason looked at him sharply. "You should care."

Richie rolled his eyes. "Dude, chill. After tomorrow, it ain't gonna matter. She'll just be handling boo-boos and bloody noses. There ain't gonna be no medical program."

"You gonna snap your fingers and make it go away magically?" Frank asked with a wry grin.

"No, I was plannin' on taking you down there and telling her that this is what a typical student looks like. Should put her right off to it."

"We think that some of the parents will complain," Jason said loudly. "And that will make Principal Bendon put a stop to it."

Richie smirked. "No, just my Mom. That'll be enough. You'll see. C'mon, let's get the fuck out of this hell-hole for one day."

Jason sighed as he and Frank fell into step next to Richie. "It's not a 'hell-hole'."

Richie gave him a look. "You can say that after that assembly?"

Jason opened his mouth but closed it again without saying a word. Frank gave the two of them a puzzled look.

"You think something else will happen even after the medical program is gone?" asked Jason.

Richie shrugged. "Well, it can't be a good year with the Principal all messed up like that, huh? She'll probably start expelling people for breathin' too loud in the halls or something."

"None of this is making any sense."

"Oh, yeah? What gave you your first clue, Einstein?"

"I mean, what would anyone want with a bunch of students at a high school?"

Richie snorted. "Coulda asked that about the House, too, ya know."

"What the hell are you two talking about?" Frank asked, bewildered.

Jason felt embarrassed that he had forgotten Frank was even there. For a moment, Jason considered telling him. Mara had told them they should find more allies. But at this point, Frank would likely think him insane.

"Nothing," Jason said. "Just nothing."

Frank looked askance at him for a moment. He was not entirely convinced, but he dropped the subject for the time being.

As they headed out towards the parking lot, Jason began mulling over Frank's suggestion more seriously. Maybe he had the right idea after all. If they managed to get a look at the nurse ahead of time, and she showed the same signs of being touched by the darkness as the principal had, it would give them fair warning.

Though what to do about it, he had no idea.

Frank nudged Jason as they headed down the steps. "Doin' anything this afternoon?"

"Huh? Uh, no, why?" Jason responded without thinking.

"Thought maybe I could get that wireless bridge from you. You live on Mist Lane, right?"

"Yeah, about halfway to Green."

"I'm on Vaughn, just before it crosses Fairview. I could bike that in ten."

Frank admitted to feeling a little forward inviting himself to Jason's house, but finding a friend his first day at the school was something he had not expected, and he wanted to take advantage of it as long as it lasted. He was sure he was going to do something to screw it up. He was already talking smack to Jason's friend Richie.

And now as they came off the steps, Frank saw the girl up ahead that he had seen with Jason earlier. Thus he was surprised at Jason's answer.

"Uh, sure, that would be great. I can show you some of those Trek websites, too, that I mentioned over lunch."

"Cool, man."

Richie rolled his eyes and smirked at them. "So what's this, the Great Haven Nerd-out?"

Frank made a face, but Jason just smirked humorously, knowing Richie's nerd jokes were always meant in fun where Jason was concerned. "Yeah, better stay away, Richie, or you might become a nerd as well."

"I risk that every day hangin' with you, dude."

"About time you two showed up," came Melinda's cross and slightly anxious voice. She looked over to Jason and smiled weakly.

"Where's Heather?" Richie asked.

Melinda snorted. "She's in the bus already, yammering to her bubblehead friends." She looked at Jason. "She's going to go down to the mall with them when we get home."

Jason just nodded at this.

"I'll have the house to myself."


"All by myself. Alone. No one else there."

"Um ... fine."

Melinda sighed. Richie smacked his forehead.

Jason blinked. "What?"

Melinda kept her patience through sheer application of will. Jason had never been very swift when it came to socializing with the opposite sex. He had become only marginally better since having Melinda as a girlfriend after the House.

She leaned over and whispered into his ear, "Come over and I'll show you something."

Jason looked confusingly at her.

Honestly! Melinda thought. She leaned over again. "It's something you wanted. Something you asked me for. Something you really wanted to see."

Melinda was blushing by this time. Jason looked at this and finally it clicked. "Oh!" he said, and gave her a weak grin. He started to blush as well.

Frank had caught on himself by this time. "Hey, uh, Jason, I'll catch you another day on that, 'kay?" He gave Jason a wry grin and climbed into the bus.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Right."

Melinda giggled at this and took Jason's hand. "Come on. I want to forget about some stuff for a bit."

Jason nodded in agreement.

Richie just shook his head and sighed as he followed them into the bus.

Nyssa had tried to calm herself. She failed. She was far too excited.

The assembly had caused it. The anxiety among the students generated by Laura's speech opened a small conduit to the deep recesses of the students' minds. It all came to her at once.

Now she was hot, like a roaring furnace. She squeezed her breasts and flicked at her nipples, uttering a long sigh of intense longing and excitement. She spread her legs further apart over the end of the examination table, her bare pussy swollen and sodden. Her uniform lay in a heap in a nearby chair.

"It's too much," Nyssa moaned. "So many minds ... so many dark desires ... so many forbidden fantasies ... all at once ... "

Laura slipped silently into the room and closed the door behind her. Her eyes glazed as she stared at Nyssa's naked body. She was unable to tear her gaze away. Nyssa did not look over to her. She knew Laura was there. She did not need to tell Laura what to do.

Nyssa tilted her head back, moaning and writhing as she cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples. Moisture oozed from her cunt and dripped down her labia onto the padded table. Laura slowly approached her, staring at Nyssa's pussy. Each step made Laura's own arousal increase in equal measure to Nyssa's mounting lust. She started panting, her pussy throbbing dully, her panties soaked.

At the same time, part of her was resisting. It slowed her gait, made her movements halting. She knew this was the point of no return. Once she did this, she had committed herself. There was no turning back.

"I've ... I've never done this ..." Laura said in a weak voice. "P-please, I ... "

"You'll get what you want, Laura," Nyssa cooed. "I know who you want. She'll be your slave, Laura. She'll do what you want. Without complaint. She'll live for your attention and your commands. She'll live for obedience."

Laura whimpered and fell to her knees between Nyssa's spread legs. She was panting hard, her eyes wide, shimmering in both fear and ecstasy. "I c-can't ..."

"That's why you hired her back. That's why you keep her even though she's a klutz. You keep her because she's loyal. Because she does what you tell her."

Laura felt as if she couldn't breathe. The smell of Nyssa's pussy was overpowering. It enveloped and smothered her senses. Her own pussy rose and strained at the edge, quivering at the very edge of orgasm. She knew if she did this for Nyssa, she would get what she wanted. Everything.

But at a terrible cost.

"The students," Laura croaked. "They're ..."

"But she doesn't do for you what you really want, does she? Not yet. Not until you give yourself to me completely ..."

"They're only kids ..." Laura drew in her breath deeply, letting it go as an excited sigh as she savored the musky aroma of Nyssa's arousal.

"And, Laura ... it won't go away after I'm gone. Not if you do it right."

Laura's trembling hands slid up the insides of Nyssa's thighs as she leaned forward. Her next protest died before it could reach her lips.

"She'll be yours ..."

Laura closed her eyes and tried to summon up the will to resist. She tried to think of how wrong this was, of how it was her job to protect these children, not sacrifice them. Not for Nyssa and not for herself.

"Mind and body ..."

She failed.

"Forever ..."

With a final, desperate moan, Laura dipped her face towards Nyssa's pussy, her tongue lashing out, licking and stroking. Her cunt burst into orgasm, cumming hard enough to make her hips jerk violently with each throb. She moaned unbearable pleasure into Nyssa's sex.

Nyssa cried out in ecstasy when she came, waves of exquisite, forbidden delight crashing over her body. She let her senses reach out, touching the straining, dark desires of the students. She felt them, saw them, heard them, tasted them. They drove her insane with lust.

She came again, her cunt pounding and squirting into Laura's face. Laura gurgled and moaned, Nyssa's cum dripping down her cheeks and running down her neck. Laura's pussy continued to pulse, cumming over and over, until she was quaking uncontrollably.

And through it all, out of all the students in the school, Nyssa sensed one very strongly. Already her desires were threatening to break free on their own. Nyssa's mere presence had somehow triggered it. She was most special to Nyssa. She would be among the first to be taken. She would make a wonderful seed that she would germinate in others.

She was special in another way, a way that the girl herself did not yet realize. Nyssa wanted to make sure she got to her before she realized just how special she really was.

The thought of it made her erupt in a third orgasm, sending her senses reeling until she forced herself to break contact with the students' minds. She reached down and nudged Laura back, panting wildly as she came down from her intense orgasmic high.

Laura remained kneeling before her Mistress, face wet, her breathing labored as her own orgasm slowly faded. She slowly tilted her head up.

Nyssa sat up and smiled. She placed a hand on Laura's head, stroking her hair. "No more doubts, my pet?"

"No more doubts, Mistress."

"No more hesitation?"

"No more hesitation, Mistress."

"And what will you do from now on, slave?"

"Anything you say, Mistress."

"Without question?"

"Without question, Mistress."

"And why will you do it?" Nyssa asked huskily. "Tell me why. Tell me what you expect as a reward."

"The pleasure," Laura moaned. "Nothing ... n-nothing but the p-pleasure ..."

Nyssa bid Laura to rise. Nyssa drew herself forward and stood. She slid her arms around Laura and drew her into a slow, gentle, lingering kiss.

Laura felt something tingle inside her. A wave of delight washed over her. She moaned softly as Nyssa broke off the kiss.

"You have it now," Nyssa whispered. "The power. You can deal with any problem parents or faculty now. And ... you can start working on Marcie."

"Thank you, Mistress," Laura gushed. "Thank you."

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