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The Merchant of Chaos
Copyright A Strange Geek, 2007

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Story codes: MF, Mf, Ff, ff, Mdom, Fdom, toys, bd, rom, magic, oral, spank

The Merchant of Chaos -- Chapter 38 of 49

Amanda looked thoughtful as she chewed a piece of fruit. "I think this evening we'll continue with some more geography. You seem to be picking that up really well, probably because you already know the names of most of the major countries and just need to know where they are. Considering it's only been three days since we started, that's pretty good."

Sirinna nodded absently, though she prompted herself to speak when Amanda offered no follow-up. "Master Roquan mentioned many of them at one time or another, probably when he was talking to others while I was nearby. I'm not really supposed to remember those things, though."

"Well, you're not supposed to recall the conversations, but if you hear names often enough, they can't help but stick. That's just how memory works."

Sirinna smiled, though it was weak. She picked unenthusiastically at a piece of bread.

"It was a real help that it turned out you could read."

"Hmm? Oh, yes. Master Rennis taught me. He taught all his slaves. I believe Master Roquan does the same."

"Good, because I wouldn't know where to begin teaching something like that."

Sirinna picked up a piece of fruit, scrutinized it, and put it back down. Amanda lay her hand over Sirinna's before she could withdraw it from the platter. Their eyes met.

"Sirinna, what's wrong?" Amanda asked.

"Wrong? Um, nothing, Amanda, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Are your dreams still bothering you?"

"I still have them, yes. They're ... they're not pleasant. I'm remembering more bits and pieces of what was done to me."

Amanda squeezed Sirinna's hand. "You didn't tell me that."

Sirinna forced a small smile. "It's all right. I don't get as frightened of them anymore, not after I started using the potion that Master Vanlo gave me. I still don't care to remember these things, but at least I don't feel so terrified of them."

"Then what is it? Something is bothering you, I can tell."

Sirinna hesitated. "You're going to think it sounds stupid."

"No, I won't. I don't think anything you tell me is stupid. Please, tell me."

"Well ... ever since I started having these dreams ... ever since I started getting smarter ... It's hard to describe. It's like before any of this happened, I didn't have to think about being happy. It just happened."

Amanda let out a small, sympathetic sigh and squeezed Sirinna's hand again.

"Do you see what I mean, Amanda? It's like I have to work at being happy. I have to remind myself that I have it good here, that I have everything I want. Only ... only it's like I don't, but I have to think that anyway. This is not making any sense, is it?"

Amanda's eyes glistened. She shoved the tray aside and pulled Sirinna into a tight hug. Her eyes blurred with tears. "Gods, Sirinna, I understand more than you realize. It's what I've gone through myself."

Sirinna embraced Amanda. "I've tried to make you happy, Amanda. I never understood why it was so hard for you until now."

Amanda smiled and sniffled once. She broke off the embrace and wiped her eyes. "I have been happy, Sirinna. I do find things that make me happy about being here. You, for one."

Sirinna smiled, a genuine one this time.

"I just can't be happy all the time, sunrise to sunset," said Amanda. "My head just doesn't work that way."

Sirinna's smile faded. "And now mine doesn't either, I guess. Please don't take this the wrong way, but sometimes I wish I hadn't lost that."

Amanda nodded. "I know. I feel a little guilty, like I took something away from you without ..."

Sirinna shook her head and caressed Amanda's cheek. "It's not your fault, not from what you explained to me the other day. You had no idea that trying to talk intelligently to me would eventually counter the Draught."

Amanda placed her hand over Sirinna's and closed her eyes, leaning into her lover's touch.

"I'm just afraid of what else might change in me. What else I might lose."

Amanda opened her eyes as Sirinna's hand fell away. "Like what?"

Sirinna was quiet for a moment. "You told me that the Draught also made me want sex more than I would have. Am I going to lose that now?"

Amanda slid closer to Sirinna and placed a hand gently on Sirinna's thigh. "The Draught didn't really make you want it. It made it like you had to have it."

Sirinna gave Amanda a puzzled look.

Amanda slid her hand along the inside of Sirinna's thigh. Sirinna's lips parted, and she let out a small, husky sigh. "It's a little hard to explain, I know. But I never had the Draught, Sirinna, and how much sex have I had?"

"Well, that's true but ... mmm ..."

Amanda's fingers had found Sirinna's folds. They became damp and eager as quickly as they had before. "The only difference is that I can go without sex if I really needed to," said Amanda. "But I still enjoy it very much."

Sirinna moaned and panted softly. Amanda giggled and slowly nudged Sirinna onto her back. Her lover's nipples stood taut and erect. She leaned over and kissed one of them, sending a shiver of delight through Sirinna's body.

"Do you want me to stop?" Amanda whispered huskily.

Sirinna shook her head. "No, not at all."

Amanda drew forward. She let out a sigh of desire as Sirinna's hand slipped between her legs, and then a low moan as fingers sank into sensitive, wet flesh. "You're not going to stop wanting sex, Sirinna. You'll just be able to think about things other than sex."

Sirinna pulled Amanda towards her. "Right now I don't want to think about those other things. Just keep going ..."

Amanda giggled again. "We never finished breakfast."

"It can wait. I need you. I need this bit of happiness."

Amanda descended on Sirinna. Their lips met in a tender kiss.

Mage Q'kollan offered a bow of his head and a small smile as he stepped into the chamber. "Ah, so I actually find the Guildmaster in his office for once."

Uroddus rose from his seat and offered a smile in return. "I had heard a similar complaint from the other Mages as well," he said as he stepped out from behind the desk.

"But if that is the worst of their complaints thus far, I would say things are going well."

"I simply do not wish to be bound to this office. I feel that, in time, it would leave me very much out of touch with the rest of the Guild."

"Personally, Guildmaster, I believe your approach is the correct one," said Q'kollan. "That was Q'ixanna's problem. He felt he had to maintain an adversarial relationship with the Mage Elders. They grew so used to it that when you introduce something so radically new, it throws them off. They will come around."

Uroddus wanted to be the complete antithesis of the former Guildmaster in every way possible. He spent his days directly overseeing the efforts to both assist the Noble Lords and prepare the Guild to do full time research on the foreign Portal technology. "I am very grateful to you, Q'kollan. You cannot imagine how helpful you have been in assisting me with this enormous task, especially in dealing with the other Mage Elders."

Q'kollan nodded. "There definitely is a lot of grumbling going on. When you ask them to reopen a discipline that was widely ridiculed a century ago, you are bound to get some resistance."

"I expected as such. Which reminds me, has the other task been completed yet?"

"Ah, yes." Q'kollan withdrew a scroll from his robe and presented it to the Guildmaster. "After some careful analysis and impromptu testing, the Mage Elders will agree to recommend Mastership for four of the Empiricists."

Uroddus took the scroll and opened it. Katla was one of the four so identified. "It really ought to be more, Q'kollan. I can think of at least four more that are deserving."

"It is within your power as Guildmaster to decree it," Q'kollan said mildly. "That is your right granted to you in the Charter. Only you can convey Mastership. The Mage Elders can only make recommendations."

Uroddus was already shaking his head as he rolled up the scroll. "No. I wish to work with the Mage Elders and not against or above them. If I am to get these other Masterships awarded, it will be through persuasion with logic and facts."

Q'kollan smiled. "That, my dear Guildmaster, was the right answer."

Uroddus returned a faint smile of his own. "Have the Portals been readied for the next round of transports?"

"Yes, and that should commence very shortly. We hope that by dusk we will have a Mage assigned to every Noble Lord palace. A few Mage Elders have volunteered to go themselves. I see this as a positive sign that your leadership has been accepted." Q'kollan paused and smiled. "Or, they are simply glad they need not worry about playing political games here and can actually do real magic once more."

Uroddus was quite pleased. Q'kollan had spent several candlemarks on Uroddus' first full day as Guildmaster explaining how politics worked at the Guild. It was a constant struggle and competition for influence, and being away from it for too long often meant surrendering all the gains made. It locked the Mage Elders into remaining at the Guild rather than going abroad to do the work many truly wished to do.

Now that they had a Guildmaster who rejected politics and insisted on treating everyone on merit, the need for political games was gone. So Uroddus hoped.

"Realize, however, Guildmaster, that there is tremendous momentum to be overcome," Q'kollan explained. "And some will be suspicious of your motives at first." He pointed to the scroll. "This was seen at first as a means of planting Empiricists into positions of potential power, which is why they were reluctant to judge on merit. And which is why your decision not to declare Mastership by fiat was correct."

"Right now, my main concern is the threat to Oceanus."

"And that is in the back of the mind of every Mage Elder. You have the crisis working for you. Keep showing your support for them, and your willingness to listen to them, and you will make this position yours."

Uroddus thought it faintly ironic. It was high praise for something that he had not wanted in the first place. Now that he had it, however, there was a glimmer of hope that he could help mold the Guild into what he felt it should be. He could not consider stepping aside.

His youth was not lost on him. Mages could potentially live over one hundred years. Uroddus could hold this position for a very long time. Would it be enough, he wondered, to make a permanent impression on the Guild such that the next Guildmaster would carry the same vision forward? Or would he become like Q'ixanna, and refuse to give up the post because he felt anyone else would lead the Guild to ruin?

Focus on the present, he scolded himself. Do not worry about history that has yet to be written.

"If there is nothing else, I wish to head to the experimental magic chambers," said Uroddus. "We are setting up a lab to begin initial research into the mind magicks."

"Please let me know when that is done, I would be most interested in seeing it," Q'kollan said.

Uroddus looked thoughtful. "I believe you were one of the more vocal opponents of reopening research into that area when it was proposed a few years ago."

Q'kollan smiled. "All the more reason I wish to see it. If I am going to be proven wrong, I might as well get a leg up on what will be considered right."

Lord Duric carefully guided his horse around the periphery of his army as they broke camp. He noticed a recurring pattern. The men seemed to work harder as he came into view. He might have attributed this to a simple "don't let the boss see you slacking" mentality, but his men actually waved as he passed, and when he dared to turn his head and look back at them after he had passed, they continued to work harder.

The other day, Duric had lamented privately to Lord Tarras that he felt renewed anxieties about taking the throne. Tarras had accused him of underestimating his inspirational power. Duric had quietly dismissed this allegation, but now he wondered if there was a ring of truth to it. He did not want dwell upon it. Lesser men had let their ambitions run away with them when they believed they had power invested in them from the people. He did not want to make that same mistake.

As he approached the forward ranks of his army, where the men were lining up for their continued march northward, a soldier galloped towards him from the road ahead. Duric spurred his horse and met him just at the edge of the road.

"My Lord! I have news from the scouts," the soldier called out as he drew his horse alongside Duric. "Imperial patrol spotted, less than one league ahead."

"Where are they camped?"

"In a small hamlet just off the main road. They have a Mage-ward at the edge of the road to alert them of anything that passes."

"Was any attempt made to disable it?"

"No, my Lord, the scouts feared that it would trigger a warning to the patrol. They thought best to leave it and report to you."

Duric nodded. He had what he considered his best men on scouting duty. He trusted their judgment. "Are there any turnoffs from the main road we can take?"

"There is one major intersection, my Lord, but that would take us due west. According to the map, there is not another major road headed north in less than a day's travel."

"Which would put us too far to the southwest of the Imperial Palace."

"There is a lesser-used road, my Lord, that extends north a much shorter distance away, but it is not properly leveled or graded."

"Which means we would send up so much dust on our march, the patrol could see us anyway. Very well. We're only two days from the Imperial border. That we managed this far without discovery is extremely lucky. I will not push it."

"Shall I summon the regimental commanders for you, my Lord?"

"Yes. We will make haste now that we no longer need to approach in stealth." Duric smiled. "This is it, soldier. Wish us good hunting and good fortune."

The soldier smiled in return. "Yes, my Lord, of course!" He spurred his horse with almost vicious eagerness and galloped away.

Lord Duric lingered at the front of the nearly formed column. He shaded his eyes from the rising morning sun. One by one, the regiments rose up in a loud cheer, lifting their weapons or fists into the air as word reached them of the impending engagement. Duric's heart swelled with pride at the enthusiasm of his men.

Emperor Z'haas burst out of the situation room, nearly bowling over the guard that was still opening its heavy door. Mage Q'holan stumbled over the guard's feet in his attempt to keep pace with his enraged Emperor.

"How was Duric allowed to get this close before we saw him?" Z'haas shouted, his voice echoing down the corridor.

"I am sorry, my Emperor!" Q'holan cried helplessly. "We simply have not had good intelligence from that area for some time. The towns are loyal to the Nobility and keep uncovering our agents, and our patrols cannot extend much further than ..."

"No, Q'holan, it is not to the Noble Lords that they pledge themselves, it is to Lord Duric," Z'haas snarled. "Another self-styled messiah. Just like Roquan before him. People follow them like lambs to slaughter. If that is the case, I will provide the slaughter!"

He stopped and whirled about. Q'holan nearly ran into him, and then wished he could run away when he saw the bloodthirsty look on the Emperor's face.

"Contact the Lord Admiral. Tell his fleet to open fire at once. Tell him to rain death upon Duric's army."

The Mage looked stricken. "My Emperor, the fleet you requested of him is still at least three days from arrival."

The Emperor's eyes widened in shock. Q'holan had reminded the Emperor on several occasions. Lord Admiral Vortas had reminded the Emperor as well. Yet he knew it would be useless to attempt to convince the Emperor that he had indeed been informed every step of the way.

The timing was awful. Q'holan was still beside himself at the news of the sudden political shift back at the Guild and the death of Q'yros. His mind was simply not on his duties to the Emperor.

"Duric's army will be at the border in two! What am I to do if I cannot use the navy to reduce his strength?"

"Recall Lord General Rithas, my Emperor. Did you not tell him to keep himself in reserve? He has kept station just past the northern border waiting for your command."

Z'haas paused, his eyes growing distant as if he were struggling to remember. Finally, he nodded slowly. "Yes, that's right. Yes, I will summon him at once. I will order him to the defense of the Palace! He will defend it to the last man if needed!"

"My Emperor, we can also engage the enemy early," Q'holan ventured. "Send the legions south and meet him before he reaches the border."

Z'haas stared at his Mage in horror. "Are you mad? I refuse to leave even one scrap of land undefended! What if he is planning a second attack from another direction? What if he is fomenting rebellion on our own lands? We must be alert for an attack from anywhere. They cannot do that if I foolishly send them beyond my borders!"

"Yes, my Emperor, of course," Q'holan said with chagrin.

"I will contact Lord Admiral Vortas as well. I will have his ships where I want them if he wishes to keep his title and his head!"

Z'haas spun around and stormed away from the hapless Mage. Q'holan let out a noisy sigh in the Emperor's wake.

He had resolved to Farview the Mage Guild that evening. He was going to beg to be let out of his contact. He could not remain in this Palace for another day. If the Guild refused to hear of it, he would find another means to leave and show up on their doorstep. If they still refused, he would become Rogue sooner than he would return to the Imperial Palace and continue working for a madman.

"I do not know if this should be a concern, Roquan," said the somber and haggard Farview form of Uridon. "But I pledged to relay any information to you that may be of importance. Our sister sea-merchant clan reported to us that there has been major fleet movement in the Imperial Navy. Three fleets are in motion. Two of them appear headed towards the eastern seaboard of the mainland continent, possible converging on the Imperial lands."

"That information is better suited for Lord Duric's ears, Clan Leader," said Roquan.

Uridon nodded. "And I have already informed him. But the third fleet, Roquan, is also making full sail for the mainland, but your island appears to be directly in its path."

Roquan considered. "It is more likely we just happen to be along their course. Or perhaps they intend to stop in port for supplies."

"Yes, that would be the case if we were dealing with a rational Emperor. But the Emperor may hold a grudge against you, especially if he sees you as a primary cause of this war."

Roquan frowned. "The Emperor would truly be insane if he believes his officers would carry out any order of violence against an Overlord Manor."

"At this point, Overlord, I cannot put anything past the Emperor."

"How far away is the fleet, Uridon?"

"Just under a half-moon. Our sister clan has promised to monitor it, and for only a very nominal fee. Apparently they, too, are resentful of the trade treaty that Z'haas forged with the Urisi allowing their merchants unfettered access to Imperial markets."

Roquan nodded and let out a small sigh. "To be frank, I hope this comes to nothing. This would be one thing too many for me to deal with. I have no resources to protect this Manor from such an incursion, nor to move the slaves to someplace safe."

Uridon frowned. "If the Emperor begins using the navy in this manner in earnest, Roquan, than no place will be safe. I fully intend to remind the commander of that fleet that the Ne'land clan will take a dim view on any sort of military action against a Manor. But there is one possible out. When I spoke with Duric, he informed me his army is two days from engagement."

"Finally," Roquan said in a low, relieved voice. "Now it will be over soon. The madness will end."

Uridon nodded in earnest. "I truly hope so. I have seen ... and experienced ... far more death than I wish to in this lifetime."

Rithas felt something very much like relief soon after the Farview image of the Emperor had vanished. Finally, the order had come. Finally, he could begin.

For the past few days he had been forced to move his legion further north of the border in continued support of Commander Foron's advance. Each day that passed was a greater chance for someone to discover the discrepancy between the disposition of his legion told to Commander Foron as compared to the one told to the Emperor. Neither was quite the truth, which caused him further friction with his adjuncts.

And now to hear that Duric's army was detected only two days from the border! He had hoped for more lead time. Now his legion would have to make haste to prevent Duric from gaining too much advantage.

His plan was clear: let Duric and Z'haas' forces exhaust each other at the gates of the Imperial Palace before his legion descended upon them. Rithas would report to the Palace and quietly dispatch Z'haas and claim the throne. Then his legion would join the others and throw Duric back.

That was the hard part. The rest he felt was easy. Once the legions from north of the pass had been recalled, he would launch a massive invasion of the south, overrunning the remnants of Duric's army, and reunite a large swathe of Oceanus under his banner. Then taking the north would be almost an afterthought.

Timing was crucial. If he arrived too soon, he would be forced to join Z'haas, and Duric would never get close to the Palace. The madman Z'haas would still be on the throne and would refuse to pursue Duric. If he arrived too late, Duric would overwhelm the Palace and claim the throne. Then Rithas would be facing the armed might of the Imperial legions under Duric's banner.

He would have suspected that Duric somehow knew of all his plans and was purposely frustrating him, but that was the path to Z'haas-inspired madness.

Amanda poked her head around the doorway. "Master Vanlo?"

"Hmm?" Vanlo hummed without looking up from his apparatus. He adjusted a valve with a minute twist of his hand.

"I finished my work for the morning, and there are no more patients waiting. May I leave a bit early? I want to see Master Roquan before he goes for the midday meal."

Vanlo paused to insure that a drip pipe was delivering an ingredient at the proper rate before raising his head. "Of course you may, Amanda. Be sure to put away whatever supplies you used before you go."

Amanda smiled. "Of course. Thank you, Master."

Amanda returned to the treatment room and collected the supplies she had used on the last patient. From the other side of the room, Lanno watched her, an uncertain look on his face. Amanda did not even glance at him. She saw him watching her out of the corner of her eye, but did not acknowledge it in any way. She put away the salve and applicator she had used, and turned to leave.

"Um, Amanda? Wait, please."

Amanda paused before turning around. "Yes, what is it?"

Lanno hesitated. He tried to smile. "Just wanted to see how you were doing, that's all. You hardly say a word to me anymore except to ask me questions when you're treating someone."

"I figured you had other things on your mind, since you had pretty much ignored me for awhile," she said. Her words were spoken more as matter-of-fact rather than with any implied hostility. Nevertheless, there was a hard edge to her eyes.

Lanno sighed. "I'm sorry about that, it was just with Evella here and ..."

"It's fine, Lanno, you don't have to justify it."

"I just didn't want you to think I stopped thinking about you, that's all. It's more that Evella needs me, not that I'm trying to form a relationship with her or anything. I mean, to be honest, I just want her to get on with her life."

Amanda nodded slowly. "Are you still having to help her with her sexual addiction?"

"Yes, I am. I thought it would diminish by now, but ..."

"Well, you have to help her, since you're the one she trusts. That's fine."

"I wish it were some other way. I actually miss doing it with you."

Amanda smiled faintly. "Thank you. Is there anything else, Lanno? I really need to get over to Master Roquan's quarters before he leaves to get his midday meal."

Lanno paused, then shook his head, looking vaguely chagrined. Amanda left without another word.

As she started down the path away from the office, her hands clenched into fists, and she fought down a surge of anger. Part of her wanted to rant about how Lanno dared to justify his actions with Evella, how he was just trying to fool Amanda with carefully chosen words to cover what he really felt.

Moreover, she knew his true feelings now. It had been about nothing except the sex. He missed that and not her. Somewhere in the back of her mind was the rational thought that this was likely not quite what he had meant, but it was drowned in a flood of righteous indignation.

She forced herself back to a state of calm by the time she reached Roquan's quarters. She took a deep breath and knocked softly on the door.


Amanda slipped inside. Roquan turned, and his eyebrows rose in some surprise. "I am sorry to disturb you, Master."

"You are not. Speak freely."

Amanda nodded once at the traditional response. "I have a request of you, Master. I wish to be allowed to see Overlord Freya."

Roquan frowned. "Amanda, you are the last person I would wish to be in Freya's presence. I am wary even of letting her use my other slaves."

"I know, Master. I don't necessarily want to be used by her, other than to deliver her food, perhaps, just as an excuse to see her."

"I do not see what constructive purpose this could possibly serve."

Amanda hesitated as she attempted to collect and sort out her own thoughts. "I'm not sure I can explain it, Master. I feel like this is something I have to do. I have to ... to confront her ... but not to say anything bad to her, or argue with her, nothing like that."

"Then I fail to see what the benefit of such an encounter would be."

Amanda struggled to put her feelings into words. "I wish I could make you understand better, Master. I feel compelled to do this. I've been thinking about this ever since she arrived."

"After what she has done to you, Amanda, I would think that you would be fearful of seeing her," said Roquan.

Amanda's eyes widened.

"That is not a slight towards you. It is simply acknowledging ..."

"Master, that's it," said Amanda suddenly. "Fear. I'm still afraid of her somehow, even with her locked up. Or even when you eventually send her away. It's not rational, Master, because I know you would protect me and won't let her take me again. But I have to confront it. If I don't, it's just going to keep bothering me."

Roquan considered. "I do not profess to understand this impulse completely, Amanda, and I still believe it is foolish on your part."

Amanda said nothing. She knew it would be an uphill battle, but she had no other words to convince him.

"But I also know that you will persist if it is what you truly want," said Roquan. "Therefore, I will grant it with one condition."

Amanda felt a surge of both relief and anxiety. "Yes, Master?"

"I will wait outside while you are with her. If she gives you any kind of trouble whatsoever, you are to shout a warning, and I will extract you."

Amanda nodded. "That's fine, Master, so long as you are not actually in sight of the window. Otherwise she might think I'm trying to trick her into doing something just so she can get caught."

"When do you wish to do this?"

"If she is going to be served her midday meal soon, Master, then just send me to deliver it."

Roquan nodded and narrowed his eyes. "You realize that it will be within her rights to order you to perform whatever slave duty she wishes."

"Yes, Master, I'm prepared for that. I will do what she asks so long as it is not something that would hurt me."

"Very well. Come with me."

The tray of food sat untouched on the table near the door. Lustful moans rose from the bed, its frame creaking from the frenetic activity. Evella panted hard through parted lips, her eyes nearly obscured by stray strands of disheveled hair. Perspiration glistened on her naked body as her hips slammed down on Lanno in a frenzy. Lanno's hands gripped her rear, fingers curling into the soft flesh as his own pleasure mounted.

Evella let out several shrill whimpers as she rose. She leaned forward and pounded her body against his. Lanno withdrew his hands from her rear and grabbed her wildly swinging breasts instead, squeezing them and rubbing the nipples frantically. Evella let out a moan and shivered as pleasure radiated from her sensitized nipples. It sent her soaring over the top, until her pussy throbbed so intensely that her rhythm faltered.

Lanno grabbed her hips and steadied her until her slick tunnel finished the job it had started. He arched his back and pulled her down, impaling himself inside her as he began to throb.

Evella closed her eyes and collapsed, her orgasm fading, their bodies still joined in sexual union. Lanno draped an arm lazily across her back, catching his breath. He left himself inside her, enjoying the lingering feel of her tightness around his manhood.

Finally, Evella groaned and slid onto her side. Her eyes were still closed.

"Will that work?" Lanno said in a breathless voice.

Evella swallowed and nodded against his shoulder. "For now."

"Evella, I thought by now ... I mean ... not that I don't like this, but ..."

Evella let out a sigh. "I know, Lanno. I appreciate your help."

"But something's wrong, isn't it? This isn't right. It ..."

Evella lifted her head and sighed in exasperation. "Lanno, we've been over this. I need this from you, so it's perfectly all right."

"That's not what I mean. It's what I was saying before. It should have diminished by now. If anything, it's worse."

Evella smiled faintly. "Worse? I thought the sex was getting better."

Lanno sighed. "That's not what I mean."

"Why are you so worried? What difference does it make?"

Lanno sat up. "It makes a lot of difference, Evella! This is supposed to go away, so you don't have to do this anymore."

"Maybe it's permanent," Evella said in annoyance. "Did you ever think of that?"

Lanno frowned. "It can't be. That effect is not permanent unless it's given with the other ingredients of the Draught."

"But I was given the Draught. You seem to forget that."

"But Vanlo gave you the counter-agent. He said it would let the other effects fade on their own."

Evella sat up, her eyes flashing anger. "And maybe he's wrong. Vanlo can't be right about everything."

"All right. Then we'll talk to Vanlo and get him to try and find a way to counter it. That's what he had intended from the start before he discovered that ..."

Evella clutched his arm. "No! Don't bother Vanlo about this, please!"

Lanno looked at her in confusion. "Come on, don't you want to get rid of this? You can't be dependent on sex every day like this."

"Why not?" she asked in a softer voice. "I told you the solution for that already."

Lanno wiped his face with his hand. "I can't treat you like a slave, Evella."

"Just for the sex, Lanno, that's all."

"You deserve more than to be my sex toy!"

"I promise that I'll keep studying healing. I'll keep my skills up."

"That's not the same as being a Healer, and you can't do that if you're tied to me."

"And what's my alternative?" Evella cried shrilly. "To be sent back to the Guild Hall? I can't do that! You might as well just kick me out of the Manor, it would be about the same."

"You don't know that."

Evella lay a hand gently on his shoulder. "Please, Lanno. Just keep this arrangement going for a little longer. Please. Maybe ... maybe the effects of the herbs will eventually wear off."

"But if could just talk to Vanlo ..."

"No! I don't want to involve him. I've already caused him enough trouble. Just let me try to resolve this a little longer, okay? Please?"

Lanno stared at her. Her eyes were wide and pleading. Finally he let out a deep sigh and nodded. "All right. But not much longer. You have to get back to normal sometime."

Evella smiled faintly and nodded. "Of course." She glanced at the tray. "We should probably have something to eat now."

Lanno nodded and got out of bed to fetch the tray.

Evella had to do something to convince him to keep her this way. Perhaps if she learned something other than just straight sex. Something to keep him more interested. Then he simply would not want to let her go back to normal. He would want to keep her.

Amanda walked up to the door to Freya's quarters, silver tray gleaming in the sunlight. She paused and glanced behind her, where Roquan stood just off to the side of the adjoining path, out of view of the window above Freya's bed. Roquan nodded once. Amanda nodded in return. She took a deep breath to steel herself and slipped quietly inside.

She tried not to let herself react to Freya's presence, and to her credit, she did not hesitate as her eyes fell upon the former Overlord. It helped that Freya was turned away from her, lying on her side. She did not appear to even acknowledge Amanda's presence.

Amanda paused, then opened her mouth to speak. Exactly then, there was a faint blue flash of light that briefly illuminated the far side of the room. Amanda's initial words faltered. "Mistress, I-I have your midday meal."

Freya jerked. She abruptly rolled to her other side and shot a glare at Amanda. "Why did you not knock first? Do I not at least warrant ...?"

Freya stopped. She narrowed her eyes and sat up.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion, Mistress," said Amanda, her voice not quavering as badly as she thought it might. She displayed poise and calm as she stepped forward and set the tray down on a small table.

Freya's eyes flicked from Amanda to the tray and back again. "So what game is this now?"

Amanda kept her gaze level with Freya. "I'm sorry, Mistress, I don't understand."

Freya frowned. She glanced out the window. "So where is he?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Roquan, you little imbecile. Where is he? Standing outside the door? Waiting for me to say or do something to his precious flower of undraughted goodness so he can rush in an give me blazing hellfire for it?"

Amanda wished that Roquan had not insisted on tagging along. It forced her to tell a partial lie. She had hoped to remain honest. It would have given her the high moral ground if nothing else. "No, Mistress, it's nothing like that. I am still very much a slave, and it is my duty to do what I am told. I was told to bring you your midday meal."

"Why don't I believe you?"

Amanda said nothing in response, as no words would come to her.

Freya sneered. "You are no slave, you idiot. You do not even know the first thing, or you would have answered my direct question."

"I am sorry, Mistress. I simply did not know how to respond to it."

Freya laughed. "And you're supposed to be so intelligent."

"Is there anything you wish of me, Mistress?"

Freya tilted her head. "Really, now? I could ask anything of you, as if you were a real slave?"

Amanda's heart pounded. "I am a slave, Mistress, I do what I am told."

"Then bring that tray over to me here on the bed."

Amanda nodded and picked up the tray. She told herself not to hesitate or show any sort of reluctance. She forced herself to walk with as close a normal stride as she could muster. Yet as she approached, her courage faltered as a sly smile curled Freya's lips. Amanda set the tray down on the bed, her eyes flicking to the side nervously.

Freya swung her legs over the side of the bed. The sudden movement nearly made Amanda jump. "Stand before me."

Amanda straightened and did as she was told without hesitation. She briefly clenched her hands into fists in an attempt to stop them from trembling.

Freya's smiled widened. "You're still afraid of me. Very good."

"No, Mistress, I'm not," Amanda heard herself say.

"Lying to me already, are you?"

Amanda shook her head. "No, Mistress, I'm not."

She knew she wasn't lying. She was not sure how she knew, just like she did not quite understand why she was not afraid of Freya. She was indeed very fearful, but it was not Freya. It didn't make logical sense, but it felt right nonetheless.

"Then what are you afraid of?" Freya demanded. "And why are you not afraid of me?"

"I-I don't know, Mistress."

Freya grabbed Amanda's breasts, her fingers curling into the soft flesh.

Amanda gasped and nearly pulled back. She stumbled backwards a half-step but recovered quickly. Freya's fingers found her nipples and flicked at them hard with her fingernails. Amanda shivered and let out a husky sigh. Her nipples hardened and moisture oozed over her folds.

"It still works, doesn't it?" Freya said. "You still feel a permanent side-effect of the naiduna I used on you. Just like I had hoped. That's right, get wet for me. Get wet, you Draughtless wonder. Ironic, isn't it? You never had the Draught, yet you're a slave to your own sexuality anyway."

Amanda swallowed and shook her head.

Freya raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really? You profess to know better than I do? Must be all those smarts you have from not being Draughted. So then I guess you don't get wet at this, either."

Amanda gasped as Freya suddenly yanked her arm and spun her around. She stumbled, recovered, and yelped as Freya spanked her hard. Each slap of the hand against her rear was so loud, Amanda was sure Roquan would burst in any moment.

But he never came. Nor did Amanda feel the need to be rescued, or a desire to escape. She stood placidly, her eyes squinting at the growing sting of her backside, her pussy growing moist and hot. By the tenth slap, her eyes had closed, and she panted through parted lips.

Twenty strikes later, her backside glowed with pain. Freya spun her around again and thrust a hand between her legs. Amanda let out a moan as Freya's fingers plunged into her now slick depths.

Freya grinned wickedly. "See? You may not know how to obey, or how to be loyal, or how to do anything a slave knows how to do, but your body craves sex just like any slave."

Amanda knew Freya was wrong. It was not the same thing. She had a choice. She could choose to ignore her sexual desires. They would eventually wane and be gone until she wished them to come back.

Freya's fingers rubbed Amanda's womanhood, sending her soaring quickly. At the last moment, before Amanda could peak, the fingers were withdrawn. Amanda was left feeling achy and swollen, her pleasure hanging on the edge.

Freya smiled. "And now you wish you could beg to let you cum. Just like you did when I had you. Or perhaps you will, knowing your complete lack of discipline."

And then Amanda finally knew the source of her fear.

She was not afraid of Freya, but of the fears that the former Overlord could spark inside herself. She remembered how inadequate she had felt under Freya's domination, that nothing she could do would satisfy her keeper. She had thought that it was impossible for her to be a good slave.

Yet she knew it to be false. She was not inadequate. She was not a failure. She was simply different. She could do anything she wanted if she put the proper effort into it. What Freya thought made no difference. In that moment, Freya ceased to have power over her, and with it, the fear vanished as well.

Amanda let out a sigh that was part relief and part lust. When she spoke again, all trace of nervousness was gone from her voice and her manner. "I will do what you want of me, Mistress."

Freya's smiled faltered. "I want you to beg me to be allowed to cum."

"Yes, Mistress." Amanda clasped her hands together and methodically dropped to her knees. "Please, Mistress, oh please let me cum. Please, I beg of you."

Freya stared. "What is this?"

"I'm sorry, Mistress?"

"What are you doing?"

"I'm doing what you wished of me, Mistress."

Freya bolted to her feet. "Get up. Get up, you little moron."

Amanda sedately stood. She uttered a very small gasp when Freya grabbed her arms and stared into her eyes. Amanda's eyes widened, but betrayed only shock and some trepidation. The fear that they held earlier was nowhere to be found, no matter how hard Freya stared.

Freya clenched her teeth and pushed Amanda away. "Get out."

"I'm sorry, Mistress, did I do something wrong?'

"Stop it. Stop it!" Freya shouted. "Stop with this game! This is just more of Roquan's tricks to try to humiliate me. You pretend not to be afraid of me, thinking it will make me feel inadequate or some foolishness like that. Oh, your acting skills have been improved, but I will not be fooled by this, and I will not give Roquan more amusement! So get out!"

Amanda nodded once and headed towards the door. At the threshold, she paused and looked back at the former Overlord. She experienced something that she never thought she could feel towards Freya: pity.

Freya glowered. "I told you to get out! What is it now?"

"You asked me why I was not afraid of you, Mistress. I think I have an answer."

"Oh, do tell. Why, you stupid girl?"

"Because there's nothing to be afraid of."

Freya's face twisted in rage. She picked up the tray and hurtled it at Amanda. Amanda was already across the threshold and outside, the tray clanging loudly against the door.

Amanda ran from the building. Roquan stepped forward and frowned in concern. "It's all right, Master," she said as she came to a stop. "Nothing's wrong, I'm just done."

"Are you sure? I heard a loud noise." He paused. His eyes burned. "Turn around, Amanda."

Amanda did so. "It's all right, Master, all she did was spank me. It was not any harder than you might have done."

"But I would reserve it for when you required it, or lighter blows if I simply wished to arouse you. It is nothing less than abuse in any other circumstance."

"Please, Master, it's all right. She didn't hurt me, and I finished what I came here to do. I don't have a need to see her anymore."

"I am grateful for that. Perhaps at some point you will explain to me what this was all about."

And to Roquan's surprise, Amanda smiled.

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