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The Overlords' Gambit
Copyright A Strange Geek, 2007

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Story codes: MF, Mf, Ff, ff, Mdom, Fdom, toys, bd, rom, magic, oral, rough, spank

The Overlords' Gambit -- Chapter 21 of 36

Janna felt a chill despite the warmth of the fire that burned brightly in the fireplace in her room. The only time she had felt warm that morning was when she had availed herself of the services of Lady K'olran's male slave and had him snuggle with her after he had satisfied her.

The sunshine the afternoon before had been no more than a brief respite. The misty drizzle that was more the norm that time of year had returned on the second morning, and the famed view from Selemas Palace had been reduced to a gray, foggy haze that smothered the landscape.

"Please lift your arms, my Lady."

Janna slowly complied at the request from one of the two female slaves that now attended to her, dressing her in the elegant gown she had selected for her arrival at the Imperial Palace. She shifted her feet a bit, though it did nothing to stop her from feeling the annoying vibration in the floor.

Selemas Palace was old, almost as old as the Keep. While it had certainly been maintained better, it was still quite ancient. Never was this more evident than when the palace Portal was being charged. Everywhere throughout the palace, the deep thrumming could be heard or felt. It was a constant reminder for her and the three other Lords that were present of what they were about to do. Though it seemed to Janna that she was the only one at all bothered by it.

The bodice of the gown was fitted to her and held in place by one of the slaves as the other began lacing it in the back. Janna glanced down and watched as the dress pushed up her breasts slightly as it was tightened about her. She admitted that she liked the effect. Being one of the few female representatives at the Caucus was going to have its advantages.

And if it came to that, it would not be the first time she allowed someone to bed her for political advantage.

She had an amusing thought, causing her to smirk. She wondered what the Emperor would do if she hinted that she might share his bed. Would he actually take her up on her offer? Janna had heard that Z'haas was one of the few Emperors in recent times to eschew slaves from the Overlords. As much as she loathed Overlord intervention, she did admit that Overlord influence tended to keep Imperial power in check. And a lack of slave trade with the Imperium reduced that influence.

"I am finished, my Lady," said the slave behind her.

Janna lowered her arms and let herself be led to a mirror. The dress clung to her figure, cinched around her waist and flaring over her hips. Her bosom was made to look even more plump than it did normally.

She turned her head to one side and the other, checking out her hair arrangement. She had opted for one of her usual styles: drawn into two narrow tails, curled, and then pinned back up. It made her look deceptively younger. With a touch of enhancer on her eyelashes, this lent even more to the innocent look. It never failed to put people off their guard. Even members of the court back at Keyas who knew her well would continue to be taken by it, especially if they were male.

"Very good," she declared. There was a bit more confidence in her voice now. Dressing for the part had helped.

One of the slaves brought her to a chair and proceeded to finish the ensemble. As she began fitting Janna's footwear, there was a mellow chime.

"Enter," Janna called out.

Janna turned her head and could not help but smile when she saw Tarras step into the room. He folded his hands behind his back and returned the gesture. "Well, well, my Lady, for one who claims inexperience among the circles of the high Nobility, you do know the game very well."

Janna's smile turned into a mischievous grin. "There's at least one reason why I would even be considered for such a task."

"Oh, I have no doubts of that. Perhaps I shall allow myself to submit to your charms at some point."

When the male slave had been servicing her that morning, Janna had secretly wished it had been Tarras instead. He had made a powerful impression on her the day before when they had met at the Keep, and she had continued to be impressed with him over dinner. Tarras had a presence, a very strong one, that he projected with very little effort.

"Be careful of what you wish for, Tarras," said Janna with a touch of sultriness to her eyes. "You may just get it."

"I could think of far worse ways to spend an evening, my dear."

Janna was a bit surprised at that response. Was he actually considering a tryst with her? She thought it best to leave it at that. Pushing it any further would likely be too much too soon. Her eyes flicked up and down his body. He had dressed a bit more conservatively than she had. But then again, he hardly needed any elegance or showiness in his attire, not with the aura of authority he tended to project.

"Forgive me for turning matters to less pleasant topics," Tarras continued. "But there is something I must ask you, though I am not quite sure how to do so, or how you are expected to respond."

Janna raised an eyebrow slightly. "I'm not sure I understand."

"It involves Duric, and ... what he is doing while you are away."

Janna nodded slowly. "Ah, yes. That."

"I received a Farview from Uras quite early this morning." He paused and shook his head briefly. "The man really must be educated better on the concept of timezones. Anyway, it seems he has been hearing some rumors about Duric that disturb him."

"Rumors to what effect? And why did he not speak to me directly on this?"

Tarras smiled. "My dear, you can probably answer that last question yourself. It is always so much more conducive to your position to speak to everyone else but the person you need to learn about."

"Yes, true. But what of this Farview? What can you mention?"

"He does not know specifics. But he is afraid that, to use his words, Duric will do something rash or foolish."

"Duric thought long and hard about what he is doing, Tarras."

"Oh, I have no doubt of that. Nor do I think Uras does, either. I think he was hinting at something else. Timing."

Janna was silent for a long moment. As she contemplated her reply, the slave finished her task and stepped back. Janna rose to her feet, legs clad in sleek white stockings. Her dress dropped over most of them, showing only part of her calves and her shoes, but the dress was light enough that a simple turn would twirl it just enough to show a flash of thigh. The heels of her shoes were just high enough to accentuate her legs and still allow her to walk comfortably.

She glanced at herself in the mirror and turned to the two slaves. "Well done. That will be all for now."

"Yes, Mistress," the two said as one. They bowed to her and left the room.

Janna turned back to Tarras and stepped up to him. She caught the flicker of his eyes down her body and smiled in silent appreciation of it, even as her tone turned serious. "I have confidence that Duric will do the right thing. At the right time."

"Uras feels Duric is taking a bit of a risk. 'Playing with fire' was his exact turn of phrase."

"Do you think the same?"

"You know my thoughts on that already, Janna. There are things that simply must be done. Just as they needed to be done two centuries ago, they need to be done again."

Janna noted that he allowed himself to speak more openly about it now that the slaves were gone from the room. He had obviously decided to take no chances after Janna had revealed to him earlier what Duric had shared with her, that Roquan believed he had had an Imperial agent in his midst disguised as a slave.

If there was ever a reason to depose the current Emperor, that was it. She could not stand the idea of never being able to speak freely on sensitive matters before her slaves.

"But I do share a concern that things be done at the right time," said Tarras.

Janna nodded and had no immediate reply. She knew that Duric was going to be using her to determine the right time. She could not tell Tarras this. It was not so much a matter of trust as it was simply that the fewer that knew, the less chance there was of the Emperor finding out.

"I apologize. I sense I put you on the spot," said Tarras.

"No, it's fine, Tarras. Really, I understand your concern. All I can say is that Duric is a man who tends to plan things out thoroughly before acting on them. The impetuousness of youth is truly a misapplied label in his case."

"Your word is good enough for me, Janna. Thank you."

"What truly concerns me more is how Uras found out. The last thing we need is Emperor Z'haas finding out."

Tarras nodded. "So I was right in thinking that Duric is counting on the element of surprise."

"He felt there really was no other way."

"True. It can be an advantage. But not always. The Republicans, for instance, believed they had the element of surprise at Selemas Keep."

"And did they?"

"To a point. And they lost anyway."

"But what mattered was that the right side won. That's all that matters here as well."

Tarras smiled thinly. "Ah, but we were the victors then, no? It is easier for us to claim that the 'right' side won. Were the Republicans successful, and we were standing here in whatever roles we would assume in their version of Oceanus, we would be claiming the same thing."

Janna gave him an exasperated look.

"My apologies again. We should learn from history, but not brood over it."

Janna nodded, grateful to be dropping the topic. She found his knowledge of history to be impressive, but she did feel that he dwelled on such matters too much.

"If you are ready, I would be happy to escort you to the Portal chamber," said Tarras with a lighter air to his voice. "It will be the last time we may openly appear with one another until we have a better feel for the Caucus."

For once, Janna hated having to put on appearances. Yet she nodded again in acknowledgment, a tiny smile on her lips as he took her arm and escorted her from the room.

Emperor Z'haas stood resplendent in the most regal robes of his title, a deep violet with crimson trim. It lay open at the chest, where emblazoned upon his shirt was the crest of Oceanus on the left breast and the symbol of his office on in the right, the latter a stylized hawk with wings extended over the ocean.

From the top of the central spire he could see the entirety of the palace laid out before him in all directions, and to the west, the sprawl of the Imperial City on the other side of the gardens. The room was built to appear as a large, round crystal, the walls so clear that it was as if there were nothing there at all. From the outside, the crystal reflected all light, a dazzling display of rainbow brilliance that tracked across the Imperial grounds as the sun traversed the sky. No one could see into the chamber from the outside.

Z'haas stood with his arms folded tightly as he looked down upon the main courtyard. There, several Lords had already gathered, having arrived by Portal earlier that day. Even from there, he perceived arrogance in some of them just from the way they strolled about the gardens, causing his lips to curl into a sneer.

Behind the Emperor, there was a gliding noise. From the middle of a large, circular hole, Q'yros rose serenely into view on the magical lift. The tower's only purpose was this room, allowing the spire that supported it to be very thin and afford the Emperor a view of everything unblocked by even the structure itself in which he stood.

"Yes, Q'yros, what is it?" Z'haas called out without turning around, irritation in his voice.

"Originally I was looking for you to inform you that our 'guests' have begun to arrive, but you appear to know already," said Q'yros placidly as he stepped off the lift. He folded his hands over the top of his staff. "They are quite anxious to meet you."

"The feeling is not mutual."

"Understandable. But, under the circumstances, it is perhaps best not to keep them waiting."

Z'haas drew in a deep breath and let it go as a tired sigh through his nose. "I should never have agreed to let them Port in. Perhaps spending another half moon traveling here would allow me to simply get done what must be done."

Q'yros stepped forward and took position on the Emperor's right. "On the contrary, my Emperor. This is ideal for what I had in mind to allow us to track their movements."

Z'haas turned to the Mage. "Oh? I admit, I am curious about the arrangements you have made."

There was a flash of light from the courtyard. Q'yros gestured towards it. "Observe."

Z'haas raised an eyebrow slightly and turned his gaze back to the courtyard below. There, a new Portal was taking shape.

"Note, my Emperor, where the Portal opens," said Q'yros with a small smile.

"Between the two stone pillars just short of the entryway to the Palace. Rather too close for my tastes. I would have taken exception to it had I known about it before now."

The Mage remained patient. "What are important about those pillars, my Emperor?"

Z'haas' frowned. He did not like guessing games, though before he could think to protest, the answer came to him. "The wards?"

"The wards. Two of them. The very ones we normally use to block incoming Portals."

"And the significance of this is?"

"It is a known quantity. They have been made aware that they exist. Therefore, if I change the magic contained within, how are they to know that the little tingle that the more magic-sensitive of them will feel is nothing more than just the latent energy of the wards?"

"And how have you changed it?" Z'haas asked with concern edging his voice.

"In no way will it compromise the wards, my Emperor," Q'yros said smoothly. "The spell I have added will impart a tiny magical charge upon them that can be tracked."

"But if any of their lot are sensitive to magic, they will surely discover this!"

"If it were tied to their bodies, yes. But if it is tied to their clothing and possessions instead, they will likely not feel it. Unless any of the Lords have a penchant for going about in the nude, we should be able to track them by their clothing quite handily."

Z'haas appeared thoughtful for a long moment, then nodded once in approval. He was actually rather impressed. It was something he had not thought of when he had mulled over how Q'yros might accomplish the task.

As he watched, the Portal was established, and two figures stepped out. A man and a woman. Q'yros leaned forward and furrowed his brow. "I was not aware that any of the Lords were female," he commented.

"None are," replied Z'haas. "Duric is not coming himself. He has sent a representative. Lady Janna J'garon."

Q'yros turned to the Emperor, looking alarmed. "Duric is not coming?"

Z'haas turned as well. "That is what I have just said."

"You realize what this means?"

The Emperor remained silent.

"Gronnus' information this morning!" Q'yros said in exasperation. "He told you Duric was moving against you. And now Duric is not at the Caucus."

Z'haas paused, his lips drawing to a thin line, his arms lacing more tightly across his chest. "And yet, Q'yros, what happened last night?"

Q'yros sighed. "Another Portal opened."


"Outside Overlord Gronnus' Manor."

"And was it one of the enemy's?"

"It had the energy signature of the Portals being used by the unknown hostile power, yes."

"Then why am I to trust this information?"

Q'yros had no reply for this. He had no words that could convince the Emperor. "But surely you will take some action, as a precaution if nothing else!"

"I am not stupid, Q'yros. I have assigned several Imperial patrols to make regular sweeps across most likely approaches from the south and west."

Q'yros nodded at this, but it was not enough, in his view.

As if sensing the Mage's doubt, Z'haas took a step closer to him, glowering. "Q'yros, if I fear anything, it is insurrection from the Lords that are gathering below. They will have ample access to me. They could attempt to contact the remaining traitorous elements in the Imperial Palace. That is what we need to look out for."

"But how many of your soldiers will remain here to defend the Imperium, my Emperor?" the Mage demanded, refusing to be intimidated. His gaze remained steady and cool.

Z'haas paused and backed up a bit when he realized Q'yros was not going to leave this alone. "I can spare one legion," he said tonelessly.

"Spare?!" Q'yros cried. "That is not enough! Not if those Urisi ...!"

"Enough of this!" Emperor Z'haas declared, turning away from his adviser. "I will not argue with you! I am more versed in military strategy than you will ever be, Q'yros!"

Q'yros fumed as he watched Z'haas storm off towards the lift.

Z'haas stepped onto the lift and whirled around to face the Mage again. "I will go greet these Lords, to placate you. But I will not suffer any fools among them."

The Emperor made a curt gesture, eyes flashing anger. The lift began to drop.

Q'yros watched the Emperor disappear into the lift shaft before turning back to the scene in the courtyard. His eyes locked on Lady Janna and narrowed, his gaze becoming as hard as diamonds.

"You I will watch in particular, my Lady," he muttered, banging his staff once on the floor, causing bright sparks to flicker off the walls.

The image of Roquan shimmered in thoughtful contemplation in the audience chamber as he contemplated the question that had been put to him by Duric and Farro.

Amanda wanted desperately to listen and comprehend what she was hearing, but her concentration was elsewhere. Duric had her and Tanyee sit together just out of Roquan's view. Each had a hand draped over the other's pussy, stroking steadily.

Amanda was not allowed to cum, as per the punishment she had been given. Meanwhile, Tanyee had already experienced two orgasms by Amanda's hand and was rising to a third, panting hard and moaning. Tanyee's fingers remained relentless throughout, with only occasional pauses when she was in the throes of a climax. Amanda had to devote much of her concentration to keeping her own orgasm at bay.

"I am not sure if that is feasible or not," Roquan finally answered in a somber voice. "It is not something that an Overlord's Portal has ever been used for."

"Nor one from the Nobility," Farro pointed out. "Not in recent times, anyway."

"Surely there is some history to draw upon for advice. We cannot be the only one to contemplate using a Portal to transport an army."

"No, we're not," answered Duric. "But those times were in the long past, and involved creating a very large, single-use Portal for such a task."

"Though that was to transport an army all at once," Farro pointed out. "Which is not what we're aiming for here."

"It could not do that even if you had requested it," said Roquan. "Its ability to be expanded or shaped is limited. It was designed to bring no more than a handful of people through at one time."

"But that is what we are asking for here, Roquan," Duric said. "We want to transport an entire army, yes, but as a continuous stream of personnel through an Overlord's Portal. Specifically, the one at the D'honna Manor."

Roquan raised an eyebrow. "Weton D'honna? I am not at all sure he would go for this, not without wondering what was in it for him."

"I am prepared to offer him whatever he wishes."

Roquan shook his head. "No, he will not take anything from you. He will wish something from me. That is how it works with the Overlords."

Duric turned to Farro and they exchanged a small grin. It was not very different from the way the Nobility worked.

Amanda's interest in the conversation made her attention wander, and she was straining too hard and too close to orgasm. She considered quietly begging Tanyee to ease off when Tanyee moaned deeply and shuddered, her hand faltering as she orgasmed a third time. It granted Amanda a small respite.

"Roquan, in the interests of time, let us assume he goes for it, whatever has to be done to secure his cooperation," said Duric. "Is this something that an Overlord's Portal can do?"

"It all depends on how long you need the Portal to remain open, Duric. Once it has been fully energized, the device draws power at a prodigious rate. That cannot be sustained indefinitely."

Farro raised an eyebrow at this. "Begging your pardon, your Lordship, but I thought Portals simply concentrated power from the interdimensional realm. It did not have a power source of its own."

Roquan nodded. "Correct as I understand it, gentlemen. But the strain on the Portal device itself is enormous. To be perfectly blunt, Overlords tend to purchase the cheapest Portal possible knowing that it will be called upon only occasionally and only with a light load. Just how long do you need to keep the Portal opened?"

Farro lifted a parchment, his eyes scanning it for a few moments. "Assuming that we can have a path cleared from the Portal egress to an assembly area just outside the Manor so it can be a continuous march, assuming that each man carries his own equipment through, assuming an area cleared in the Manor to receive the heavier equipment that the men could not carry ... half a day."

Roquan furrowed his brow. "A tall order," he said simply.

Duric and Farro exchanged another look that was definitely less mirthful.

"It is a very intriguing idea, however," the Overlord continued. "I would not wish to abandon it."

"Most certainly not, since it is our only option!" Farro piped. "We cannot get them there faster by any other means."

Tanyee had recovered from her climax, and her fingers began stroking Amanda more firmly again. Amanda squirmed under the assault, giving her a pleading look. Tanyee gave a sympathetic look in return but did not relent.

"But we have a logistics problem," Roquan continued. "Keeping a Portal open for half a day is not feasible for most Portals. However, I do know that Weton had a new Portal installed when he became Overlord, and he makes a fetish out of keeping it upgraded despite its low use."

"We know that," Farro pointed out. "This is one of the reasons we chose his Portal instead of that of another Overlord to the north of the Imperial Palace, even though that one is closer. As for keeping the Portal open, surely a Mage could augment the Portal's strength for a short time."

"A Mage could. Whether a Mage will -- or whether we should even try -- is another story."

"I don't follow you, your Lordship."

"Actually, I believe I understand," Duric said with a small sigh. "This has to do with Q'yros, doesn't it?"

"Indeed, yes. It would be impossible to do such a thing without him finding out."

Farro looked between the two of them in confusion.

"Roquan gave me more details of what happened at his Manor with the incident concerning the Imperial Agent," Duric explained to his adviser. "Q'yros was a co-conspirator, or so the evidence points that way."

Farro nodded slowly as comprehension dawned, a glum look coming to his face. "And he is the Emperor's adviser now. Lovely."

"And he is one of the best Mages in Oceanus with respect to Portals," explained Roquan. "You should consider the possibility that he will detect the opening of this Portal and become suspicious when he sees how long it is being held open."

"Hellfire," Duric muttered. "I didn't think they could sense that sort of thing, not from a distance, no matter how much a Portal sensitive you were."

"You are a bit out of step with the times, Duric. Yes, it is true, until fairly recently detecting a Portal from a distance was difficult. It was Q'yros himself that helped create the technology needed to detect them."

"Unless a Mage could hide the Portal from detection somehow," Farro suggested.

"I do not know if that is even possible. Even if it were, you are still faced with the problem of the Mage's activities not getting back to Q'yros."

"Perhaps ... if a large enough, ah, fee were involved ..."

"I would not chance it. Not if you have been fortunate enough to keep this from the Emperor as long as you have already."

From the side, there was a strained, desperate whimper as Amanda tried to regain control, but it was a bit too late. The next moment she crested over into orgasm. She managed to bite back the loud moan that would have followed, but her hips jerked in the seat, and it was obvious to anyone looking at her that she was experiencing a rather strong climax.

Her movements made enough noise that Duric turned his head. He let his gaze rest on Amanda for a few moments before turning his attention back to Roquan without showing any overt reaction to what he had just witnessed.

Amanda had noticed his gaze and her heart sank. She was sure that he was going to keep to his promise to her, and now she had ten strikes with the paddle to look forward to. When her orgasm faded, Tanyee relented long enough to lay her free hand on Amanda's arm and squeeze gently.

"I'm sorry," Tanyee said very softly to her.

Amanda managed a small smile. "It's okay, it's not your fault. I'll just do better next time," she whispered in return.

"A rogue Mage, then," Duric said.

Farro's eyes widened at the suggestion. Roquan frowned deeply and commented, "I am not sure that is much better, Duric."

"A rogue would owe no allegiance to any guild. Hellfire, they spend most of their time staying away from it."

"I am given to understand that most rogue Mages are little more than charlatans. They have every reason to fear the Guild."

"And where would we even begin to look for one, my Lord?" Farro implored. "If we even just put out the word that we were looking for one and that got back to the Guild ..."

Duric took a deep breath and let it go as he lapsed into deep thought over the problem. He knew that the Mage Guild had a habit of frowning on anyone that consorted with rogues, even to the point of cutting off all Guild contact with the offender.

"Duric, I would like to see if any other options can be explored first," said Roquan.

"You heard Farro. We have none!"

"Be that as it may, hiring a rogue Mage is a path you do not want to take lightly. If you still feel you must do it, I have someone that might be able to procure one for you."

Duric raised an eyebrow. "Do you?"

"Yes. I have a Tradesman that can work wonders finding exotic goods and services. This may not be beyond his means."

Amanda felt another pang of loss when she realized that they were talking about Jollis. She wanted to hear from him again rather badly now that she had already talked to Sirinna. She really hoped that Sirinna had taken the hint and would tell Jollis to try and contact her that night.

"But think about this, gentlemen, please," Roquan said. "This has to be a last resort. The dangers of hiring a rogue Mage are twofold. You do not want the Guild to find out, and you want to get one that is indeed as competent as he says he is. The latter may actually be the harder of the two to achieve."

"Everything we've been doing has been a last resort, Roquan," Duric said somberly. "The building of an army in the first place was a last resort. What's one more on top of that?"

Roquan had no reply to this and remained impassive.

Duric sighed and swiped his hand over his face. "All right, we will consider this for a bit longer, but I doubt it will change our minds. And we need to do this sooner rather than later in case Weton surprises us by not wanting to do it."

"I will handle him," said Roquan confidently. "The other Overlords are my responsibility. I will see to it that he delivers on what we need of him."

That statement seemed to draw an exhalation of relief from Farro. His main concern had been getting the Overlord to do it in the first place. He was gratified that he did not have to deal with that particular detail himself.

"And we all agree not to mention anything about a rogue Mage outside of this room," Duric said.

"That goes without saying," said Roquan. "I do have one question of you before we conclude, Duric. Has the Caucus of Lords started yet?"

"It will today. Janna should have Ported to the Imperial Palace by now."

"Good. The more distractions the Emperor has at this point, the better."

Duric uttered a bark of laughter. "Oh, I am quite sure that Lord Uras intends to be every bit as distracting as he can manage with the Emperor."

"Yes, I have heard about him. He puts several of the other Overlords to shame."

Duric laughed louder. "That, my dear Overlord, could be considered the highest compliment or a wretched insult, depending on how you look at it!"

Roquan slowly smiled. "I suppose you will have to figure that out for yourselves. Good day, Lord Duric, Farro."

"Good day to you, Overlord," Duric said, still smiling as Roquan's image faded. He turned to Farro. "I do believe I have finally managed to instill a sense of humor in that man."

Amanda could not help but smile at this herself. The idea of Roquan with a better sense of humor was an amusing thought. It was also a comforting one. It was another sign to her that Roquan was becoming someone that she could deal with better.

If she were ever returned to the Manor, that is.

"Amanda, Tanyee," Duric called out, turning towards them. "Stop and come to me."

"If you need nothing further of me, my Lord," Farro said.

"Come now, Farro, do you not wish to take a little break from your duties?" Duric said with a sly grin. He reached out and took Tanyee's hand, drawing her to him. "You have not given your attentions to Tanyee for some time."

Farro's gaze shifted briefly to Amanda and lingered for a moment before switching back to the lanky Tanyee. Tanyee smiled at him, dark eyes smoldering. He had to admit that he had taken a liking to Amanda, but he simply loved Tanyee's exotic look.

"Well, I suppose I could take a bit of a break." Farro slipped a hand behind Tanyee and squeezed one of her ass cheeks. Tanyee moaned softly and leaned into his touch.

"That's the spirit," Duric said. He took Amanda's hand. "Feel free to use the chamber here, I have no further use of it for now. I need to take care of a discipline matter with Amanda."

Amanda inwardly sighed as Duric led her away, but showed no strong emotion on her face other than a bit of resignation to her eyes.

Duric said not a word to her, nor did he seem to express either pleasure or displeasure as he took her into the bed chamber and had her stand near the foot of the bed. From a dresser he produced a wooden paddle that looked very much like the one Sirinna had used on her.

He stood at her side and gestured. Amanda bent over and cast her eyes downward. She tried not to brace herself, as a good slave would not.

Nevertheless, having gone so long without it being done to her, she let out a tiny yelp when the first blow struck. She managed to hold back any more noises, biting her lower lip as the paddle sounded loudly against her sensitive rear. She felt the regretfully familiar tingling in her sex as he reached the fifth blow, and by the time he was done with the tenth, there was a renewed warmth and wetness there.

Duric set the paddle aside and slapped his hand against each now pink ass cheek. Amanda uttered a small moan, partially from pain and partially from the heat in her pussy.

"You actually held up longer than I thought you would, Amanda," Duric said in a very matter-of-fact voice. "But I do expect you to continue to hold yourself to your punishment."

"Yes, Master," Amanda said softly.

"Do not cum until I tell you otherwise. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Master."

"Now, go and rejoin Tanyee, and see if Farro would like two slaves servicing him."

"Yes, Master, of course."

Amanda turned and left the bed chamber, her walk causing a slight stinging sensation from her paddled rear. It had not been so bad. She reminded herself that she both had her scrolls back, and had gotten away with contacting Sirinna.

Her stay there might be tolerable yet.

The sense of feeling out of place came back to her in full force the moment Janna stepped out of the Portal and into the courtyard of the Imperial Palace.

Though her times traveling by Portal were rare, she needed nothing more to convince her she had actually covered the intervening distance in no more than a handful of steps. There was no mistaking the huge edifice that rose before her, spires stabbing at the sky above them. She craned her neck until she could see the sparkling facets of the crystal chamber on the central spire, though it was too dazzling in the bright sunlight to look at for very long.

Everything about the place bespoke of something a lot bigger than she was. Everything was oversized and overwhelming. Even as she lowered her eyes and glanced at the gardens around her, the very plants and trees themselves seemed larger-than-life.

Her gaze drifted to the other Lords as she and Tarras stepped forward. She found many of their eyes on her as well. She hardened her gaze a bit, holding her head erect and walking with a confidence greater than that she actually felt. She knew they were scrutinizing her. Partially because she was not a Lord, despite Tarras' claim of her peerage. And partially because she was a woman. Despite the fact that there was no explicit pronouncement of gender roles in Oceanus, women were simply not expected to appear in circles such as these, except perhaps as a consort to a "proper" Lord.

It was the same way even in Keyas. She took maximum advantage of it there and intended to do the same here if needed. But there was a time and a place to play the role of the innocent. This was not either one.

Tarras moved away from her as the Portal closed behind them with a boom that shook the ground. He did not pay her any attention whatsoever, playing true to his own part. Janna truly wished she would have the opportunity for some time alone with him later. She wanted his impressions of the first day of the Caucus.

Not to mention she simply found his company to be pleasant.

Janna felt strangely vulnerable without Tarras standing next to her. Nevertheless, she needed to mingle with the other Lords. This Caucus was about making deals as well as its stated objective. She selected a Lord with whom she was familiar in passing and started towards him.

She never quite made it, for a moment later, two Imperial Guards in full formal regalia stepped out of the Palace and marched with mathematical precision to the bottom of the steps. There they paused, walked to opposite ends of the bottom step, and turned towards the assembled Lords. By this time, chatter among them had fallen silent, and all eyes were upon the guards.

There was surprisingly little fanfare. "All shall give attention!" announced one of the guards. "And pay your utmost respect and honor to the high sovereign ruler of the nation of Oceanus, Emperor Fenric Z'haas!"

Both guards turned crisply towards one another and drew their swords with a sound of steel and a flash of sunlight. They crossed them in the air, forming an arch.

The silence that followed was broken only by the footfalls of the Emperor as he strode down the steps. He paused under the swords, his hard and predatory gaze sweeping over the Noble Lords.

Janna's heart thumped. This was the first time she had been in the physical presence of the Emperor. She had known what he had looked like from seeing him in Farview, but it was quite different from being there in person. The Emperor was not tall by any means, even still standing on the last step, yet he projected a feeling of power and confidence that startled her.

It was little wonder that the other Lords had made so little progress in dealing with him. He was nothing like Emperors before him, who held only the power they were allowed. This one, she could see now, took power for himself and for his own ends. He exuded this like an aura around him.

"Members of the Nobility, I bid you welcome to the Imperial Palace," said Z'haas. His voice was very stiff and overly formal. It was obvious to Janna that he did not want to be doing this. "It is unfortunate that your visit comes under such pretenses."

Janna blinked. That was far more forceful a pronouncement than she had expected. She could see that it raised the eyebrows of some of the other Lords as well.

"But I have fulfilled my obligation in full," declared Z'haas, his tone almost daring someone to deny it. "You have commenced with your Caucus, and I can only hope that things will be set right by it."

Janna had a feeling that this did not mean quite as it sounded.

"I will not bore you with a long speech. You did not come here to hear me speak. You came to ..."

"I beg to differ with you!" a voice from somewhere in the middle of the assembled Lords rang out. "I came with every intent on hearing every word you have to say!"

Janna's mouth dropped open at the idea of a Lord having the audacity to interrupt the Emperor. It was only when the others parted and a glowering, elderly Lord stepped forward that it made sense to her.

The Emperor's eyes narrowed. "Lord Uras K'vaarik, I believe," he said, his voice like ice.

"Very good, my Emperor!" declared Uras. "Very good indeed. You remember my name."

"It is a difficult one to forget."

It was clear to Janna from Z'haas' tone of voice that it had not been meant as a compliment.

"Do you care to elaborate on why you insisted on interrupting me?"

"I simply wish to emphasize that I am very interested in what you have to say," said Uras. "I would not be here if I were not. Nor would the rest of us. We intend to hang on your every word."

Z'haas gave Uras a cold stare for a few long moments before stepping down into the courtyard. Behind him, the guards sheathed their weapons and turned to face the crowd. Each kept a hand lightly draped around the hilt, as if expecting to need to draw it back out on a moment's notice.

"Do you indeed? Do you truly intend to listen to me?"

"Truly! You have much to tell us, I am quite sure."

The Emperor continued walking until he was within arm's length of Uras. Janna noted that Z'haas' countenance seemed even more hawk-like up close. "There is much I have already told. But it appears to have fallen on deaf ears. I do hope that will not be the case now."

"We have heard, my Emperor. But there is a distinct difference between quantity and quality. We hope to hear more of the latter."

Janna was astonished at this exchange of heated words, or at least compared to what an exchange between Nobility and the Imperium should be like. This was almost outright disrespect, but couched in language that made it only barely acceptable.

Janna looked at the Emperor's eyes. She was not sure what she would do if faced with that stare herself. She had to admire Uras for standing up to it. She understood now what was going on. This was a battle of wills, a way for each side to feel out the other.

"And you would invite debate now?" Z'haas said in a calmer tone of voice. "Right here? Without the formality of a proper conference?"

Uras paused. It was significant, in that he cast a sweeping gaze around him at the other Lords, as if looking for any sign of disagreement or discontent with his words. Nobility were not loathe about expressing a contrary opinion or feeling, even in a situation such as this.

Yet there was nothing. No one cast so much as a single dissenting look towards Uras. When his eyes alighted on Janna, she returned it with a carefully neutral look of her own. This seemed to satisfy him, and he moved on.

Z'haas' eyes flicked back and forth as well, as if taking in the lot of them himself. Finally Lord Uras returned his gaze to the Emperor and said with supreme confidence in his voice, "Any time you are ready, Z'haas."

The lack of the use of his title was not lost on the Emperor. He visibly bristled and his lips drew to a thin line. His eyes became blazing pinpoints of fury. "I will be ready at the proper time! I, for one, will insist on following the proper protocol! Just as you demanded the right to Caucus, I demand that it be conducted in proper accordance to rules of order. There will be no room for grandstanding!"

The Emperor whirled around and marched back into the Imperial Palace, his cloak billowing about his feet.

Janna was not sure how to interpret what she had just seen. Depending on how she looked at it, Uras was either quite stupid or quite brilliant. He was stupid if his intent had not been to rile the Emperor. He was brilliant if it had been his intent.

It had to be the latter. It showed the Lords as presenting a united front, something that had not happened in a very long time. And it showed Z'haas capable of losing his cool, which only further cemented the need for a regime change in the heads of the assembled Lords.

Yet that was not the official purpose of the gathering. It was simply to demand a redress of grievances against the Emperor. While the idea of a new Emperor may be in their minds, it was not something that had a serious chance of making it to reality. Only Duric was pursuing that idea.

And now he probably has even less time to make this happen, Janna thought. This Caucus is not going to last as long as we had thought it would.

Janna heard the rising drone of renewed conversation between the Lords, breaking her out of her thoughts. She was about to return to what she had intended to do before the Emperor had shown up, when she saw one of them approaching her. She gave a bit of a start when she saw that it was Lord Uras.

"Lady Janna!" Uras' voice boomed. It was as loud as it had been in his talk with the Emperor, but the tone was far more friendly. He took Janna's hand and squeezed it, giving her a small smile.

"Lord Uras," Janna responded in a calm and even tone, allowing her lips to curl into a tiny smile in return.

"It is very well and good that Duric has sent you to represent him. I can think of no one better -- or lovelier -- to do the job."

Janna's smiled widened just a touch. "You are too kind, Lord Uras, indeed." She carefully extricated her hand from his, making a small, almost aloof gesture with it before dropping it to her side. "I simply do what is asked of me."

"Ah, yes, indeed! As we all do. Yet this is a rather daunting task, you will admit."

Janna raised one eyebrow almost imperceptibly. "Mmm, do I? I suppose it is. I do hope you think me up to the task as it were."

Janna was delighted in how easily she fell into the role. Once she started thinking of it like a day at court in Keyas, it became easier and more familiar to her. Her stomach still fluttered in nervousness that she was doing this with Lord Uras, but she kept her lingering inner doubts under control, never letting anyone see any evidence of it on her face or even in her body language.

"Please, do not mistake my show of concern for a lack of confidence in your abilities my dear!"

"Oh, of course not."

"But there is something to be said about experience! Yes, experience, my dear."

"Something which you, no doubt, have in great abundance."

Uras smiled at this. "Ah, well, simply through the benefit of having lived a long life and remaining at the top of my Clan. Something that Duric would be fortunate enough to have happen to him, if he pays attention."

Janna noted the shift in the subject of the conversation. "Duric? I thought we were talking about me."

"Oh, indeed we are! What you do and say here, my dear, will reflect directly on Duric. This is something I must impress upon you."

Janna smiled as well. Hers was less pleasant and more shark-like. "Lord Uras, do you give this sort of talk to all the new faces?"

"Only the ones I feel may need it," he answered earnestly yet pleasantly.

"Because of my age?"

"That is part of it, of course ..."

"And nothing else?"

"There are many, many factors to consider when ..."

"My gender, perhaps?"

Uras paused a moment, looking surprised. He recovered quickly and managed to chuckle. "Oh, now now, you put words into my mouth, dear Janna. I had not intended to say anything of the sort to you."

"Yet, you were thinking it, Uras," came Tarras' voice as he stepped up from behind Janna, giving her a bit of a start. He cast an even look at Uras, similar to one that Z'haas had before, as if he were daring Uras to deny his words.

Uras looked at Tarras and narrowed his gaze. "And what would you know, Lord Tarras, of what was on my mind?"

"I know it only too well after all this time," said Tarras mildly. "I would suggest that you allow Lady Janna the chance to prove her own worth, rather than you feeling the need to take her under your wing."

Uras wagged a finger at the other Lord. "Now, see here, Tarras! You make too many assumptions about my motives."

"On the contrary, they were quite clear. As was your attitude. Or did you not even notice yourself how you consistently left her title out, or used familiar terms with her when this is the first time she has met you in person? Protocol would demand more formality than that, Uras."

Uras was a bit taken aback. He gave Tarras an indignant look and turned back to Janna. "I will speak with you again, Lady Janna," he said, casting a glare towards Tarras. "In hopefully better circumstances. Good day to you."

"Good day, Lord Uras," Janna said. When Uras walked off, she let her breath go as a windy sigh. "Thank you."

"On the contrary, I suspect you would have handled yourself quite well," Tarras said with a small smile. "You would have come to the same realization as I."

"You mean that he's a bit old-fashioned when it comes to women and their role in society? I've dealt with worse."

"Yes, but at least with this outcome, he is angry with me instead of you."

Janna considered this and decided not to give him any special treatment, either. "So you think I needed the protection?" she asked. Her voice was not reproachful in tone, but there was a hint to it that she would consider his answer carefully.

"Truly, no, you do not. But he is right on one thing. You are inexperienced at dealing with other Lords. It would be best that you not have Uras upset with you before you have barely begun." He paused a moment. "It could get ugly considering ... other matters back at home."

Janna understood and nodded, glancing back towards Uras, who was now engaged in a lively debate with two other Lords. She wished Duric had seen fit to share his plans with Uras so she would not have to cover them up so.

"But to be honest, I think he suspects more than I had opined earlier," Tarras commented.

Janna shifted her gaze back to him. "How much more?"

"I am not sure. But it will not take much for him to put two and two together and get far more than four. I predict that if he does not know now, he will by the end of the Caucus, somehow."

Janna sighed. "But that could mean the Emperor could know as well by that time."


Janna looked back to the Imperial Palace. She was not sure how the Emperor would react to such news. She only knew that, after having seen his reaction to Uras' browbeating, she would not want to be anywhere near him when it happened.

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