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Conclave of Conspiracy
Copyright A Strange Geek, 2006

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Story codes: MF, Mf, mf, Ff, ff, Mdom, Fdom, toys, bd, rom, magic, oral, 1st, spank

Conclave of Conspiracy -- Chapter 21 of 33

"A Full Conclave!" Gronnus laughed. "So that is the latest foolishness from Roquan's camp! Surely they are desperate now!"

Freya looked bored as she lounged in the gazebo. She sat with her long legs stretched out before her, one ankle crossed casually over the other. The bottom edge of her dress had been blown back by a breeze, exposing her red panties. She had made no move to cover it.

She glanced outside, where the sun hung high above them. It was approaching the time of the midday meal. "So how did you hear this?"

"I have my sources," Gronnus said with a smug smile. "Ones that you do not necessarily need to know about, my dear."

Freya gave him a humorless smirk. "You mean like that merchant that has a penchant for following people about?"

Gronnus' smile faded.

Freya rose to her feet, giving the other Overlord a sly smile. "Don't think I don't know everything that goes on around this Manor. I have my own ways of procuring information."

Gronnus looked shocked. "Do not tell me you actually ... offer yourself to those merchants?"

"Let's just say that I use what I have."

Gronnus snorted.

Freya laughed. "So now, what were you saying about a Full Conclave?"

"Yes, a Full Conclave. Force a debate with all the Overlords present. You do that only when you're either sure of your case or you're desperate to stop the deal-making. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that it's the latter!"

Freya looked dubious. "I wouldn't underestimate them, Gronnus," she said, raising a warning finger. "They have Doran on their side. Unlike Roquan, he is no idiot."

Gronnus smirked in a self-satisfied manner. "And even the esteemed Doran will not be a help. I have already proven I am one step ahead of him every time. He will not be making any deals for Roquan."

Freya looked unimpressed.

"I have had this Conclave decided since a half-moon before it started, Freya! There are no words that will sway them. Not with Trennan safely on our side."

"Our side?"

Gronnus sighed. "Fine. My side, then."

Freya gave him a coy smile.

"But surely you have already given me your vote ..."


"Possibly?! You already declared that you would ...!"

Freya ignored him. "When is this Full Conclave supposed to be held?"

Gronnus glared at her silently for a long moment. "They have not decided that yet."

"I do not want to miss this opportunity, Gronnus." Freya paused and glanced around. There were a few other Overlords present, all taking no notice of their conversation. Still, she lowered her voice and stepped closer. "And you know what opportunity I'm talking about."

Gronnus frowned. "I still doubt the wisdom of that."

"You just want to use it for yourself."

Gronnus said nothing.

Freya smiled. "You don't need it. You said it yourself. You had the Conclave decided. And surely you don't want to bring such things into a more public venue, now do you?"

Gronnus silently fumed. Yes, Freya was right. He just hated being maneuvered into it. Plus, he could have used the threat of revealing Roquan's break with tradition as a further hedge against any further campaigning for votes by Roquan's camp.

He cast a level gaze at Freya and lowered his voice to nearly a whisper. "Tell me, Freya. In light of what you did to Amanda ... just how much of that particular ingredient do you use in your Draught?"

She gave him a shark-like grin. "Now, now, Gronnus. You of all people should know it's traditional for Overlords to keep such a thing a secret. But let's just say ... I always know how to keep my slaves in line. It makes denial a far more powerful punishment."

Gronnus made a face. "I truly think you play it too close to the line, Freya."

"Oh, not at all. I cross the line all the time. The trick is to make sure no one else cares when I do. You see, that was Roquan's problem. Not his little ... indiscretion ... but the fact that he allowed others to care about it too much. That's what I intend to exploit."

"Well, you better not dally on that score, then," Gronnus said gruffly. "I am not holding up a conclusion of this Conclave for your little deals, regardless of your vote."

Freya considered for a moment and nodded. "Very well. Then perhaps from this point on we should consider our alliance at an end?"

Gronnus gave a single bark of derisive laughter. "Did we ever truly have one, Freya?"

"Oh, yes. We had one. Purely for convenience. That convenience has come to an end. If you will excuse me."

Freya pushed past the surprised Gronnus without so much as a backward glance.

By the time the midday meal came around, Amanda found her thoughts continuing to dwell on what Roquan had said to her and what Freya had done to her. She was sure they were related in some manner. She still felt like she was on the verge of some revelation.

She sat quietly as Sirinna first ate her fill of the meal. Sirinna cast a curious glance at her lover. "Something the matter, Amanda?"

Amanda paused and shook her head. "Not really."

Sirinna hesitated a moment, studying Amanda's face. Amanda did not seem upset this time, but it was obvious that something was on her mind. "Are you sure?"

Amanda nodded silently.

"I'll be taking you into training again this afternoon. If you did have something you wanted to talk about, this might be your last chance today."

Amanda considered this and sighed softly. She glanced about to see if anyone else was listening to them. "Mistress, a thought came to me. The trouble that I'm having with my training ..."

"You've been doing very well with that lately. I'm rather proud of you."

"Yes, I know that," Amanda said, some impatience creeping into her voice. "But still, I'm not as easy to train as others you've had, right? I'm okay with you saying that, mistress. It won't make me upset."

Sirinna slowly nodded. She managed a small smile. "There have been a few challenges with you, that's true."

"But what do you think is the cause of that? Did you ever stop to think about it?"

"Not really. It's likely just your personality. Some are harder to train than others."

Amanda looked thoughtful for a moment. She replayed the two encounters with Freya in her head. That first one had looked almost as if it had been engineered to make her trip up about the Draught.

"Mistress, you don't remember anything about yourself before you came here, right?"

"That's right, Amanda. They gave me the Draught before I awoke here."

"So ... you don't know what you were like before this."

Sirinna smiled gently. "Does it matter?"

"Well ... it matters to me."


Amanda had no immediate answer for that. To answer it truthfully would be to go against Roquan's orders. So she changed her approach instead. "So all your other Trainees, they've had the Draught too, right?"

"Yes, that's true."

"I'm the only one that ..." She stopped and lowered her voice to a whisper. " ... that hasn't."

"I suppose that's true. I'm curious as to why you're bringing this up."

"Do you think that's why I'm so hard to train?"

Sirinna paused a long moment. "Actually, I really don't know the answer to that," she said carefully. "Would you like me to ask Master Roquan about that for you?"

Amanda shook her head quickly.

"I wouldn't think it was, though. The Draught just removes your previous memories, it doesn't change you."

Amanda paused a moment. Something was clicking in her head.

"Here, I'm done." Sirinna got up and removed Amanda's restraints.

Amanda rubbed her wrists. She had been in and out of the restraints so much the past few days that they were starting to make her wrists ache a bit. "Mistress, can I ask you something? About when you first started training?"

Sirinna smiled softly. "Of course I can. I have some rather fond memories of my training, as you know."

Amanda knew that Sirinna had been trained by Rennis. Sirinna continued to have a soft spot for him, and Amanda suspected the same was true in return from Rennis. The rumor was that Rennis regretted having sold Sirinna to Roquan in the first place and was always trying to buy her back.

"I wanted to know about when you first started. I mean, right after you were collared. Did you go through the same thing I did? Where you had to have sex so much with the other slaves?"

Sirinna nodded. "Yes, that's pretty much standard when training new slaves."

"And ... and they do that so slaves will get used to it all that sexual activity."

"Actually, it's more to show you how enjoyable it can be. So you'll want it yourself."

Amanda looked thoughtful again. She recalled the toy that Freya had used on her.

Sirinna always seemed to be willing to engage in sex. She never let a day go by without it, even if it wasn't with Amanda herself. The other slaves were the same way. Trysts happened in the Circle with little fanfare or planning all day. It was like they craved it.

Yet Amanda didn't. Yes, she enjoyed sex. She was comfortable with it. Except when she thought her performance was being scrutinized as it was with the Overlords, she had no qualms engaging in it with any partner. But she did not crave it. She did not get up in the morning anticipating it.

If somehow a whole day could go by without her having sex, save for what she did with Sirinna out of love, she would not be all that upset over it. As far as she knew, she was the only slave that felt like this.

And she was the only slave not to have had the Draught of Forgetfulness.

"I have one more question, mistress. This may sound strange, but ... have you ever heard of something that makes you ... well, cum constantly?"

Sirinna nodded. "Yes, there are several things that do that."

"Would you enjoy something like that?"

"Oh, yes, it's quite enjoyable! I've had it done to me only twice before. It's generally reserved as a very special reward for a very good slave ..." Sirinna trailed off and looked at Amanda with concern. "Something the matter?"

Amanda blinked, her eyes wide. "Huh?"

"You just looked alarmed for a moment."

"Oh, uh, no, it's fine. Um ... thank you, I think you answered my question."

Sirinna smiled and nodded. "Don't worry too much about how you're doing in your training. I think Roquan believes you did well during your Presenting. Maybe this afternoon we'll just do something light and ease you back into training mode."

Amanda nodded absently. She was not completely listening to Sirinna. Her mind was too busy going over and over in her head the revelation she just had. The more she thought about it, the more the implications of it startled her.

Doran was not in a happy mood by the time the Conclave was in session again early that afternoon.

Blast that Gronnus! Doran had known that the man had started to make some deals before the Overlords had even made it to the island, but he had no idea it had been this extensive. And the man had not stopped! Doran saw Gronnus everywhere he went that morning. Every time Doran visited an Overlord, it seemed that Gronnus had already been there, or his name came up in conversation. It was all Doran could do not to explode.

And to make matters worse, all through the morning, Roquan had remained in seclusion in his quarters.

Doran was quite angry by the time the Conclave commenced that day, both at the other Overlords and Roquan himself. Now he found the man attempting to conduct his own debates with the others without Doran's oversight! He hoped he could undo the damage that he was sure that Roquan had wrought.

Doran waited until the debates wound down before advancing towards Roquan. Rennis caught him before he got very far.

"Before you blow up at him, Doran," Rennis warned. "He handled himself rather well just now with the others."

"That would be small consolation," Doran retorted acidly. "Now perhaps he can use his newly-acquired skills to convince Gronnus to leave the Conclave!"

Rennis sighed. "I can take that to mean that the deal-making did not go well today."

"It did not go anywhere at all! Gronnus has them all primed. I would not be surprised if they all get visited by that infernal Berin again. Gronnus is channeling goods through him, the bastard!"

"And you're not doing the same through me?" said Roquan as he stepped up to them.

Doran huffed as he looked upon Roquan, as if to challenge the Overlord for daring to look as calm and collected as he did. "Never mind that. I have been wanting to speak with you all morning."

"I was otherwise occupied. This Conclave does not relieve me of my duties to the Manor."

Rennis raised an eyebrow at this. He was sure that Roquan had not been attending to just Manor business all this time. The D'ronstaq Manor was such a model of efficiency that he doubted its administration took up even half a day. Rennis wished he were so lucky to have his Manor in such shape.

"You're going to have to learn some priorities! The loss of Trennan is proving difficult to overcome. I have some other Overlords we may deal with, but Gronnus has already treated with them, and ..."

"Yes, I overheard. You believe that Berin will soon follow to better any offer we may make."

"I do not like this one bit, Roquan! I remembered this morning why I do not trust Berin. He's been suspected in the past of dealings with black marketeers. I'd wager half my earnings in a year's time that he's getting his goods that way!"

This made perfect sense to Roquan now. Surely this was the only way that he was able to obtain Colosi goods with the trade agreement and now relations with Colos severed. Black marketeers paid little attention to the political climate, save for how it could help them turn an additional profit.

Rennis looked taken aback by this. "Doran, that's a rather serious accusation to make."

"If I could get Trennan to tell me exactly what Berin gave him, I could prove it to you, but it is unlikely that the man will admit to receiving illegal goods."

"Rennis, Doran is experienced in these matters, and I feel he is most likely correct about Berin," said Roquan.

Doran made a face at Roquan. "Well, I am certainly glad to hear you listening to me about something."

"Really, there is no need for that. Now, you said that you need me to do some more deals with the other Overlords?"

"Yes, but it will likely come to naught!"

"Because we do not know what Berin will offer them." Roquan paused. "Who are the Overlords in question?"

Doran recited a list.

Roquan listened and nodded. "Most of them have not been serviced by Amanda yet, have they?"

Doran furrowed his brow. "No, but what does that have to do with anything?"

"I thought you were finished Presenting Amanda," Rennis said.

"Perhaps bringing her around at an opportune moment might make them more amenable to my offer."

"Well, you tried that with Trennan, and look where it got us," Doran said sourly.

Roquan was silent for a long moment. "Perhaps he is not yet lost."

Now both Overlords looked at him oddly.

"He may still be open to a counteroffer."

"With what?" Doran cried. "Have you taken leave of your senses? We have nothing to offer!"

Roquan cast a hard look at him. "I can assure you I am in my right mind. I should have you know that I have never failed in my negotiations with a client. There is always a deal to be made there."

"You're not dealing with clients, Roquan. Or do you intend to give away half your slaves to Trennan?"

"Of course not. But I may have an idea."

"Care to share it with us?"

"Not yet."

Doran stared at him. Rennis gave him a confused look.

"Please be patient," Roquan said with a small sigh. "I am not sure this will come to fruition. Give me until the morning. That is all I ask."

"And what of the other Overlords?"

"Has Berin been to see them yet?"

"No. I am betting that Gronnus will wait until you make an offer and then send him in to counter it."

"Then they can wait until tomorrow as well."

Doran uttered an indignant sigh. "I don't know what you are planning, Roquan, but this had better not make matters worse. Do not antagonize Trennan. For all we know we may get lucky and have him vote for us out of pity!"

Doran turned and stomped off.

Rennis watched Doran leave before stepping closer to Roquan. "Care to clue me in on what this is all about, friend?"

"I wish I was at liberty to do so. You will have to wait until tomorrow as well."

"Does this have anything to do with that merchant I saw visiting you earlier?" Rennis asked in an even voice.

Roquan hesitated. "I cannot say."

"I don't like this, Roquan. You're acting very oddly."

Roquan fixed a cool gaze on him. "I am doing my utmost to bring this Conclave to my side. Is that not what I am supposed to do?"

Rennis paused a long moment, watching his friend for any sign that the man would give away what he was thinking. It was clear to him that Roquan was very determined about something. Usually when that happened, it could be a breakthrough, or just another example of his stubbornness.

And to be honest, Rennis was resentful of not being let in on what Roquan's plans were. If there had been someone that Roquan always confided in, it was Rennis. He did not care for being left out.

"Just be careful, Roquan. This is too important to take any chances with."

Rennis turned and headed out of the gazebo without a backwards glance.

The Wanderer quite enjoyed evenings like this.

Earlier in the afternoon, some swift-moving thunderstorms had passed over the island, providing for a brief respite to the heat of the day and leaving in its wake the lovely dusk setting that the merchant now enjoyed. Enough of the sky had cleared above the western horizon in time to allow for a spectacular sunset, the remaining clouds glowing deep red like dying embers. There was still the pleasant smell of rain on the trees and the flowers, and the air was cool and light.

It helped ease the seriousness of his purpose.

Just a short while ago, he had contacted his master again. The shipment was ready, and the spot for the drop-off selected. Unless he was truly unfortunate, no one should discover it until he was ready to have it moved from the Manor. He would, of course, have preferred to have received just the one bottle now and the rest later, but he knew it was judicious to keep the number of times this was done to a minimum.

After all, there was no sense in fueling the Emperor's suspicions further than they already had been.

It was quite fortunate that the slave had been a mischievous one. Most do not think to traverse the paths that ran behind the slave quarters, or explore the little niches in the forest that lined the east border of the Manor. The fates have been kind to their purposes.

Jollis paused every so often as he approached his appointed spot. While he had taken great pains to insure that the pesky Herdon had not attempted to follow him again, there was no taking chances with that man. Herdon was actually surprisingly good at stealth when he put his mind to it. Jollis was still better, but only if he paid careful attention to detail.

The merchant found the three slave quarters arranged in a rough triangle as it had been described to him. He was pleased. The arrangement was most fortuitous. All angles of sight were blocked.

He quickened his pace. The last rays of ruddy light to the west were fading and darkness was claiming the skies fast. He had cut it rather close in his efforts to remain undetected.

The space behind the building was nearly pitch dark, but only for a few moments.

A bolt of nearly blinding blue-white light speared down from the heavens before him, quickly curving back on itself and forming a sphere of energy, which cracked and sparked violently before him. Jollis remained calm, tucking his hands behind his back and narrowing his eyes to slits to block the worse of the glare.

The sphere shuddered, then rapidly expanded with a low roar. It paused, then collapsed back upon itself, turning inside-out, a long tunnel expanding into the distance beyond the shimmering surface of the sphere.

The Portal had been opened.

Shadows appeared in the distance and rapidly expanded into view at impossible speed, until they resolved into several muscular men carrying large crates, stepping with alacrity from the Portal entrance.

"Quickly now," Jollis ordered. "There is no time to dally."

There was a clinking of glass as each crate was placed on the sandy ground. Each crate bore the foreign marks of the lands of Uris. As the two men reentered the Portal, two more appeared. This cycle continued, Jollis stepping back to give them more room, nodding in satisfaction as the goods were delivered to him.

Master Vanlo clutched at a painful stitch in his side, his breathing ragged and wheezing, his joints screaming in defiance at him as he tore down the path. He mused to himself that he was quite fortunate to be a Healer, or he might be too embarrassed to go to one to treat his maladies after his task was completed.

As it was, he was forced to stop for a few moments to catch his breath. The last time he had exerted himself this much was when they were taking the unconscious Sirinna back to his treatment room after she had the overdose of sleeping powder from the Imperial agent. At that time, the pure determination of not wanting to lose a patient had managed to sustain him. But as much as he wanted to get this information to the Overlord, he could not maintain the same level of drive this time around.

In other words, he was finally getting too old for this.

He took a few more lungfuls of air and continued on his way, albeit forced to take a more sedate pace compared to before. When he arrived at the door to the Overlord's quarters, he did not bother with amenities and let himself in.

Two surprised Overlords, Roquan and Rennis looked up from a shared supper meal with surprise, and then alarm. Roquan was already on his feet by the time Vanlo managed to speak.

"A Portal ... your Lordship," Vanlo gasped. "Opened ... near the Manor ..."


Vanlo had to pause to catch his breath. Roquan, his eyes ablaze, was about to say something when Rennis clutched at his arm and stopped him to give the Healer a chance to recover. "Around the east side," Vanlo finally croaked. "Or possibly ... near the merchants ... oh dear ... might I trouble you for some water, your Lordship?"

"Rennis, get him some water," Roquan snapped and started past the Healer.

"Roquan? Roquan! Wait! What are you going to do?" Rennis shouted after him.

Roquan whirled around, his face a mask of rage. "Someone managed to smuggle a Portal Focus into the merchant camp. I intend to find out who and what game he is playing at! Maybe this will convince the others of the Emperor's treachery!"

"But we don't know that it's ... Roquan!" Rennis yelled into the empty air. "Blazing hellfire!"

"Very good, very good," Jollis said with satisfaction. He pointed suddenly at one of the burly men. "You. Is that the last? Good. Put it down there and open it."

The man set the crate down. He called out to a compatriot through the Portal. Moments later, someone stepped through and handed him a crowbar. The first one grabbed it and used it to wrench back the top of the crate until the contents were revealed.

Jollis stepped forward, a smile on his face. He reached in and carefully extracted one of the bottles of dusky amber liquor. He traced the foreign markings on the bottle with a finger. Yes, it was authentic. And a rare vintage as well. The captive merchant's knowledge of the vineyards had been impressive indeed.

"That is all I require," Jollis said crisply. "You have done well, but away with you all now so they may close the Portal."

The men gave him a courteous bow and reentered the Portal one by one, each hurtling away into the distance in an instant. Moments after the last one was clear of the tunnel, the Portal collapsed with a muted boom.

The darkness in the wake of the Portal's closing left Jollis momentarily disoriented. He stood perfectly still until his eyes adjusted again.

Jollis relaxed. Yes, all was well. He heard no one approaching. As far as he knew, his efforts had gone undetected. He was assured that no one had followed him this time to raise the alarm.

He placed the bottle down on the ground very carefully. He would need to wait until morning before retrieving it and giving it to the Overlord. Such duplicity he was asked to practice now! Oh, most distasteful, as he had stated from the beginning. As much as he had been trained for stealth, he disliked it in the end.

But it was for the greater cause, and the greater cause must be served. It was not for him to question this.

He emerged carefully from his hiding space. While he did not see anyone in the immediate vicinity, something made him suddenly grow tense.

It was very faint, but he could hear it through the still night air. An alarm of sorts had been raised. He could hear excitement and a flurry of activity. He watched the paths in the distance carefully and saw no telltale, shadowy movement of the merchants heading towards the warm beds of Roquan's slaves.

This was not good.

Jollis glanced about once more to insure he was not observed and quickly bolted to the middle of the path. He then set himself to a calm pace as he headed towards the merchant camp, as it appeared this was the source of the now growing furor. When there was doubt as to what was happening, it was best to play along as much as possible. To do otherwise was to invite suspicion.

As he grew close to the merchant camp, he could see several of Uridon's trusted guards and men-at-arms going from man to man, forcing each to turn out their pockets and to allow their belongings to be searched. Jollis carefully crafted a confused look on his face at the spectacle.

In the midst of it all were Overlord Roquan and Clan Leader Uridon in a most heated discussion.

" ... can assure you, Overlord, that none of my men would traffic in ...!"

"Nevertheless, Clan Leader, the fact of the matter remains that a Portal was opened near here, and your men are the only one that would have the ability to procure such a thing!"

"This is preposterous!" Uridon shouted. "Why do you not look towards your own brethren as a possibility before suspecting us?"

"The Portal was detected on this side of the Manor! The Overlords are quartered on the west side. And the wards on the Manor would detect any attempt to bring a Focus into its borders, let alone attempt to use one."

"You will forgive me if I question the authority on which you base this evidence of a Portal being opened, your Lordship," Uridon said acidly. "However, you will at least note that I am fulfilling your request, but purely as a courtesy."

Jollis slowly passed through the gate and into the camp and approached the two men. Roquan saw him and cut off his retort.

"Begging your pardon, Overlord and Clan Leader," Jollis said with a respectful half-bow. "I have only just returned from a short walk in the gardens. Is there some way I may be of assistance?"

"No, Jollis, I don't think you need to do anything here," said Uridon. He looked back at Roquan with an icy gaze. "We seem to have a disagreement here over ..."

"There he is!"

The sudden shout made all three men turn around.

Their collective gaze fell upon Herdon, who stood in the opening to one of the tents. Jollis immediately recognized it as his own, and he was not surprised. He suspected he would find it quite thoroughly ransacked.

Herdon hurried over to them and immediately lifted his crossbow to the Wanderer with a sneer. "You want the one that opened the Portal? Here he is right here!"

Uridon looked at his son with shock. "What? Did you find something in his ..."

"No, there was nothing there. But where was he just now? He certainly wasn't in camp! And I agree with my father! No Portal was opened here. So that leaves him."

He jabbed his crossbow in Jollis' direction.

Uridon shoved Herdon's crossbow down. "Herdon, are you quite mad?! He just came back from inside the Manor! How could he have carried a Focus into it?"

"A Focus?" Jollis asked, looking momentarily perplexed. He then appeared as if realization had dawned. "Ah, you are looking for a Portal Focus, are you not?"

Roquan frowned as he looked from Uridon to Jollis and back again. "Clan Leader, I believe you should be fair and search the young man here as you did the others."

Before Uridon could reply, Herdon took this as sanction and yanked his crossbow from his father's hand. He leveled it back at Jollis, who looked impassively back. "Turn out your pockets."

"I would be most happy to, Merchant Herdon," said Jollis. "As I stated when I arrived, I wish to help."

The three watched, and the moment Jollis had extracted a single blue pearl from his tunic, Herdon reached forward and seized it.

He presented it to Uridon. "Here it is! I told you the foreigner could not be trusted."

"That is quite enough!" Uridon snatched the pearl from Herdon and examined it.

"It is a Farviewing pearl, Clan Leader," Jollis said calmly, a small smile on his lips. "For contacting my runners in the next town."

Roquan folded his arms, looking towards Uridon impatiently. "Well, Uridon?"

Uridon scrutinized the pearl, turning it around in his fingers, weighing it, holding it up to the light of his lantern. Finally, he made a face at his son. "Farviewing. If there is any other magic on it, it is certainly not Portal magic."

Herdon's mouth dropped open. "Then ... he had something else on him!" He grabbed for Jollis' arm and shook him violently.

"That's enough!" Uridon shouted. He grabbed his son and pulled him back. Jollis spun from Herdon's grip and fell backwards onto the ground.

Jollis did not actually have to fall. He was perfectly capable of balancing himself again after Herdon let go of him. But the fall would engender sympathy from the others and help cover his tracks.

This was, perhaps, overkill, for there indeed was no Portal Focus to be found on his person. Or anywhere in the Manor for that matter.

"Herdon!" Uridon snapped.

"Father, he is hiding something! He had to be! None of us would ...!"

"Herdon, I don't want to hear any more of this! You will go back to assisting the others in searching the camp. Unless you find something in his tent, Jollis has been cleared."

Jollis slowly rose to his feet and dusted himself off. Herdon gave Jollis one last glare before shouldering his crossbow and stomping off.

"Your son appears to be a bit headstrong," Roquan commented mildly.

"That is an understatement." Uridon grumbled. He looked out over the camp before returning his attention to Roquan. "We do not appear to be finding anything, your Lordship. What do you suggest now?"

The Clan Leader had tried to say it as neutrally as possible, but Roquan detected the slight acid sting to it. "I will have to consider other possibilities. But they will not involve the merchants. You will forgive me, Clan Leader, for my anger. Having had past experiences with unauthorized Portal use in or near the Manor, I am very sensitive to such things."

"I can understand that, Overlord," Uridon said, his voice calmer now. "I certainly would not want someone opening Portals into the middle of my camp. And I can assure you that this is not what is happening here."

"Begging your pardon for interrupting," Jollis said gently. "But may I ask you a question, your Lordship?"

Roquan nodded once.

"How did you know that a Portal was opened near the Manor?"

"My Healer is a magic-sensitive. He can sense the flow of Portal energies."

"Ah, but I have heard of such people. Even accomplished Mages cannot always sense such things as easily. A most fortunate talent for him to possess."

"Although I daresay it has done little good in this case," Uridon said with a frown. "Roquan, are you quite sure of this man's ability?"

"Very much so, Clan Leader."

Uridon swept a hand out over the camp, where the searches were coming to an end. "Because it is becoming quite apparent that the source of the Portal was not in the camp. I do not like the idea any more than you do of someone unknown opening Portals like that!"

"He is playing games with us," Roquan said in a low voice.

Uridon furrowed his brow. "Who?"

"The Emperor."

Uridon blanched. "You believe the Imperium behind it? Why?"

"I have my reasons."

"Hrm. I had heard rumors that the Conclave was dealing with some serious matters but ..."

Jollis quietly took his leave of them and headed back into the Manor.

So the Healer could sense Portal energies? This was most unexpected. He wondered how such information had not reached his master's ears.

This was definitely not good. It would not serve the task at all. Jollis knew he had to ponder a solution, but most of the ones he could think of were once again of the ilk that he did not like. Most distasteful.

Amanda was now eager for the merchant to come to her again that night, so she was a little distressed when full night had fallen and he had not yet arrived.

So many thoughts spun through her head, thoughts with disturbing implications. She had made little progress in trying to sort them all out in her head. She would welcome the man's friendly presence.

He was always so interested in her. It made her feel more like a normal person again. She had not realized how much she had missed that. And now she wished he might be interested in her in other ways. She felt like he could be trusted.

Not that the other Overlords, save for Freya, were treating her badly. Far from it. But she could not place the same trust in them that she could for Jollis.

It was with some relief that she heard the merchant's voice from within Sirinna's chamber. A few moments later, the curtain parted and the smiling merchant slipped into the room.

"Good evening, little one," he said. "My humble apologies for my lateness."

Amanda smiled. "That's all right, master."

She watched him as he alighted on the edge of the bed. Amanda drew her feet towards her to give him more room, bending her legs at the knees. She paused when she found herself parting her knees, as if ready to give him access to her. She let herself do it anyway, still smiling at him.

Jollis returned the smile. His dark eyes seemed to glitter slightly in the dim flame of the oil lamp next to the bed. Did she catch his eyes flicking downward briefly? She wasn't sure. She didn't mind the attention for once.

"And was your day better this time, little one?"

"Actually, yes, it was."

Amanda wondered if she should tell him. She realized now why she was so enamored of his presence that night. It was his advice that had helped her tell Roquan what had really happened with her, and helped ease her mind of any feelings that she had done something wrong. Even if it had ultimately left her with these other disturbing thoughts.

"I am most happy to hear this. You are such a pleasant one, I wish only the best for you."

"You really mean that, don't you?"

Jollis slid closer to her. Amanda pulled her feet back more, and spread her knees further without a second thought. "Ah, but I do not give compliments lightly. I feel they must be earned, and you have done that quite admirably."

Amanda grinned. "Even when I continue to do nothing for you each night, master? Well, all right, I give you conversation."

Jollis chuckled. "Very good. I was hoping I would not need to remind you of that."

Amanda paused a moment. "Master, what you told me last night ..."


"Some of the advice you gave me ..."

"But you are to tell me you managed despite it."

"Oh, no! I mean, it helped. It really did. I ... can't really say exactly how, master, but ..."

Jollis placed a hand lightly on her leg, just below her knee. Amanda's eyes darted over to it, and she felt a small tingle in her sex.

"It is good enough to know that I had helped in some small way, little one," Jollis said gently.

There was a pause. Jollis' eyes looked intense for a moment, as if he were studying her, even though that pleasant, charming smile never left his face. He edged a little closer to her, and let his hand play along the inside of her thigh. Amanda felt the tingling grow stronger.

"And perhaps ... I move too fast ..."

Jollis started to remove his hand.

"No, wait!"

The merchant paused, and returned his hand to her. "Do you wish this tonight?" Jollis said softly, his fingertips very lightly caressing her soft skin.

Amanda nodded, feeling heat grow on her skin and in her pussy.

His hand slipped closer to her mound. Amanda looked on in anticipation.

"I will give you pleasure then, to make up for my tiredness the night before."

His fingers moved slowly but with assurance. He slid across the bed closer to her, while at the same time his fingers spread over her mound. Amanda uttered a very soft moan when one of his fingers slipped between her folds.

She was already quite moist, and she clutched at her knees as his fingertips found her womanhood. She tilted her head back and panted lightly as she was stroked slowly and methodically. She drew in her breath when his fingers eased into her tunnel. He probed her only lightly at first, and then more boldly as she grew more wet. By the time he could slip his slender fingers into her completely, she was quivering with mounting excitement.

Amanda returned her gaze to him and saw that his eyes were a touch subdued, as if he were distracted. "Something wrong, master?" she asked in a voice breathy with her arousal.

"Do you still wish to do something for me in return, little one?" he asked in a husky voice.

"Yes, master."

Jollis' fingers stopped moving, but remained pressed against her nub. "Of your own volition?"

"Of my own ..." Amanda repeated, confused. "You mean ... are you asking me if I wish to do it, master?"

"Yes, that is what I am asking."

Amanda was surprised at the question, but she answered it readily. "Yes, I do."

Jollis again paused. "Would you accept me completely, then?"

Amanda had to guess what he meant. She did not want to appear foolish by having him explain it to her. It did not matter. She did indeed trust him, as she had suspected, and she did not fear he would hurt her or make demands on her she could not fulfill.

"Yes, master," she said.

Jollis slowly smiled again. "I believe you, little one, and find this most delightful." He slowly withdrew his fingers from her and rose to his feet. He gestured towards the bed. "If you would ..."

Amanda nodded at him. She slid her hips forward towards the center of the bed, lying in the softness of the plush furs. She peered into the dimness when she heard the soft sound of fabric sliding across skin. She watched him with interest as he undressed, seeing his lean and lithe frame for the first time.

His musculature was subdued, his sinews small and tight. At the same time, his movements were very deliberate and smooth, as if everything he did was somehow mastered or rehearsed ahead of time. Amanda felt her heart thump as his naked body approached the bed again. She caught a brief glimpse of his manhood. It stood out proudly erect already, not overly long. As he climbed upon the bed, and she could see it better, her eyes widened a touch at its girth. Like the rest of him, its substance was where it mattered.

Amanda spread her legs willingly for him as his body crawled over hers. She anticipated his entry in a rising pant.

Jollis looked into her eyes for a moment, his hips hovering over her. Amanda looked back with a desirous gaze, her body writhing under him, the urge to lift her hips to him very strong. The merchant found what he had wanted to see, for he smiled lovingly at her and lowered himself to her.

Amanda felt him press against her labia, then push them apart. He entered her with a single, smooth, swift movement, his cock making a gentle, damp noise as it slipped inside her.

Amanda closed her eyes, moaning as his thickness filled her.

Jollis wasted little time. He drew back and began softly thrusting, his hips rocking steadily and surely against her. Amanda tried to raise her hips to him, but Jollis shook his head at her. "No, little one. No need. Please, allow me to lead. It will be more pleasant for you that way."

Amanda gave him a momentarily perplexed look, but she ultimately nodded and tried to relax her body under him.

She had to stop herself several times after that from to taking the initiative again. After all, this is what she was told that most clients preferred. They wanted the slave to do the work of providing for pleasure, even if it were mutual.

Soon it grew easier for her to curb her tendencies. His strokes into her grew deeper. She uttered soft moans as she rose, the pace slow and pleasant. His wide girth felt wonderful against her womanhood. She could feel every movement of his hardness against it.

Amanda heard his breath grow more labored, and sensed the rising tension in his body. Carefully, the pace rose, his hips pumping faster against her. He was very careful not to move too far forward. He stopped just short of making his body slap against hers. The act remained as quiet as it was pleasurable, save for her moans and his heavy breathing.

Amanda was panting hard, his cock spearing her over and over, her womanhood being stroked as firmly as if he had used his fingers on her again. Her moans rose with the building pressure in her cunt. Suddenly, she was soaring. She uttered a cry as she strained for a moment before bursting over the top.

"Uhhhnn! ... Uhhh ..."

Amanda was cumming, her pussy throbbing deeply. Jollis continued thrusting, his own breath growing short and the muscles on his arms tightening. Her orgasm began to fade and then seemed to stop. Yet as Jollis groaned in his increasing strain close to climax, she gasped as she felt a few strong pulses in her tunnel, another swift rise, and then a crest. Amanda was again cumming, uttered strident moans as her body quivered with pleasure.

She heard a deep groan from Jollis and felt his body give a single shudder, and suddenly he pulsed hard inside her. It enhanced her own second orgasm, making her throb strongly in the very tight confines of her cunt. Jollis' climax seemed to go on much longer than any other male she had been with thus far, and even when he was spent and panting, he remained hard enough inside her to keep her throbbing weakly as he embraced her.

"Uhhh ... I'm still ... uhhn ..." Amanda moaned as Jollis gave her a tender kiss on her neck. She continued panting had until her orgasm had finally faded.

"Thank you, little one," Jollis whispered in her ear.

Amanda could not help but smile at this. Again she felt like she had received more than she had given!

Jollis withdrew from her slowly. He smiled at her. "You are a wonderful partner. I truly hope I can avail myself of your company for much longer."

Amanda's smile widened. She was thinking the same thing as well.

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